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多体力学系统多余约束条件的数值处理方法 被引量:1
作者 邵先喜 《青岛大学学报(工程技术版)》 CAS 1997年第4期87-89,共3页
关键词 多体力学系统 多余约束条件 数值处理
考虑预载的橡胶悬置多体力学模型参数识别 被引量:1
作者 罗义建 高永锋 刘航 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期20-24,45,共6页
应用有限元方法研究了橡胶悬置的动态刚度随激励频率、幅值和预载的变化规律,结果表明,橡胶悬置的动态刚度受激励频率和预载的影响较大,而受激励幅值的影响较小。应用多变量最小值约束优化方法识别了考虑激励频率和预载的橡胶悬置Maxwel... 应用有限元方法研究了橡胶悬置的动态刚度随激励频率、幅值和预载的变化规律,结果表明,橡胶悬置的动态刚度受激励频率和预载的影响较大,而受激励幅值的影响较小。应用多变量最小值约束优化方法识别了考虑激励频率和预载的橡胶悬置Maxwell模型参数,建立了悬置系统多体力学模型,并将计算结果与未考虑预载的多体动力学模型和悬置系统有限元模型计算结果进行了对比,结果表明:考虑橡胶预载后,多体动力学模型的计算结果更准确,该研究方法对于橡胶悬置系统建模仿真具有一定参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 有限元方法 橡胶悬置 多体力学模型 动态刚度
作者 陈晓非 毕思文 +1 位作者 吴斐 董前林 《中国科学(E辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第B07期10-21,共12页
概述了地球系统中的约束力和自由力,阐述了地球系统中力对点和线的力矩和地球系统中的力系,从地球系统力学的特殊力系与等效力系、地球系统的广义力和无功力方面介绍了地球系统多体力系的力学原理,最后论述了地球系统中接点的力和力矩,... 概述了地球系统中的约束力和自由力,阐述了地球系统中力对点和线的力矩和地球系统中的力系,从地球系统力学的特殊力系与等效力系、地球系统的广义力和无功力方面介绍了地球系统多体力系的力学原理,最后论述了地球系统中接点的力和力矩,为地球系统多体动力学研究提供基础模型. 展开更多
关键词 地球系统 多体力 动力学 基础模型
基于正交试验的虚拟样车平顺性分析及参数选择 被引量:7
作者 张云清 项俊 +1 位作者 孙营 陈立平 《汽车技术》 北大核心 2005年第10期12-16,共5页
利用多体力学理论,在机械系统动力学分析软件ADAMS中建立了某车的整车多体力学模型。将虚拟样车在三维空间道路上进行平顺性仿真试验,通过正交试验方法研究了前、后悬架弹簧刚度及相关主要衬套等性能参数对汽车行驶平顺性的影响,并根据... 利用多体力学理论,在机械系统动力学分析软件ADAMS中建立了某车的整车多体力学模型。将虚拟样车在三维空间道路上进行平顺性仿真试验,通过正交试验方法研究了前、后悬架弹簧刚度及相关主要衬套等性能参数对汽车行驶平顺性的影响,并根据正交试验的结果优选了相应的设计参数。 展开更多
关键词 多体力 平顺性 正交设计 仿真
基于刚柔耦合的液压挖掘机机械臂非线性动力学研究 被引量:16
作者 王相兵 童水光 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期63-70,共8页
为准确描述液压挖掘机机械臂动力学模型,根据柔性多体动力学理论,采用模态函数描述臂架的弹性变形,利用LAGRANGE定理和虚功原理建立挖掘机臂架系统刚柔耦合的非线性动力学方程。对已建立的动力学方程利用MATLAB进行数值求解,运用仿真软... 为准确描述液压挖掘机机械臂动力学模型,根据柔性多体动力学理论,采用模态函数描述臂架的弹性变形,利用LAGRANGE定理和虚功原理建立挖掘机臂架系统刚柔耦合的非线性动力学方程。对已建立的动力学方程利用MATLAB进行数值求解,运用仿真软件ADAMS及NASTRAN建立液压挖掘机机械臂刚柔耦合模型并进行仿真分析,通过对比二者结果表明动力学方程建模方法的正确性,运用数值求解方法进行模态计算和动力学响应分析,求解相关几何参数的一阶固有频率灵敏度,分析了影响机械臂动力学特性的主要模态参数,为进一步研究其结构优化及运动精度控制提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 柔性多体力 刚柔耦合 数值求解 灵敏度 仿真分析
强夯机多体系统刚柔耦合动力学仿真与结构优化 被引量:3
作者 袁铭鸿 万安平 童水光 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2020年第22期9176-9182,共7页
针对强夯机满载率高,起重卸载频繁,工作环境恶劣等特点,以某新型强夯机为研究对象,基于多体系统动力学理论,考虑臂架各部件的柔性,建立了强夯机多体系统刚柔耦合动力学模型,通过动态响应仿真与试验对比,研究了整机在典型工况下的动力学... 针对强夯机满载率高,起重卸载频繁,工作环境恶劣等特点,以某新型强夯机为研究对象,基于多体系统动力学理论,考虑臂架各部件的柔性,建立了强夯机多体系统刚柔耦合动力学模型,通过动态响应仿真与试验对比,研究了整机在典型工况下的动力学特性,得出了臂架关键部件的运动规律及应力结果。借助于刚柔耦合动力学计算结果,根据优化设计理论和方法建立臂架结构优化的数学模型,通过优化计算后的臂架结构应力减少12.48%,最大位移减少15.47%,臂架总质量减少6.52%,强度得以充分发挥,整机各项性能得以改善。 展开更多
关键词 柔性多体力 刚柔耦合模型 动力学仿真 结构优化 强夯机
计算液态混合物内能和内压的统计热力学理论 被引量:1
作者 储浚 徐先锋 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期33-36,共4页
假定二元液态混合物分子间的相互作用势能可以表示成多体相互作用势能的和 ,分子间的力为短程力 ,相互作用势能只与分子间的相对距离有关 .利用分布函数理论导出了二元液态混合物的过剩内能和内压的公式 .二元液态混合物的过剩内能和内... 假定二元液态混合物分子间的相互作用势能可以表示成多体相互作用势能的和 ,分子间的力为短程力 ,相互作用势能只与分子间的相对距离有关 .利用分布函数理论导出了二元液态混合物的过剩内能和内压的公式 .二元液态混合物的过剩内能和内压可以表示成体积的幂级数形式 ,其中的系数可以用多体相互作用势和多体径向分布函数表出 .讨论了单元液体的内压和过剩内能的表达式 ,在两种特殊情形下 ,过剩内能和内压的表达式分别与Egelstaff的微扰论结果及Frank的实验结果具有相同的形式 .讨论了二元混合物内压和内能的两个特例 ,其一 ,在特殊情形下 ,给出了混合液体过剩内能的混合规则的一个证明 .其二 。 展开更多
关键词 内能 内压 多体力 统计热力学 液态混合物 分子间相互作用势
Euler—Lagrange方程组增广系统的缩并算法 被引量:1
作者 邵先喜 洪嘉振 《青岛大学学报(工程技术版)》 CAS 1996年第2期92-97,共6页
提出了求解Euler-Lagrange动力学方程组的一种缩并方法,并将其应用于方程组的增广系统。由于采用了将时间t并入广义卒标q的处理技术,因此所得算法简单、紧凑,易于实现。本文分析了算法的特点,给出了应用算例及其结... 提出了求解Euler-Lagrange动力学方程组的一种缩并方法,并将其应用于方程组的增广系统。由于采用了将时间t并入广义卒标q的处理技术,因此所得算法简单、紧凑,易于实现。本文分析了算法的特点,给出了应用算例及其结果分析。 展开更多
关键词 多体力学系统 微分代数方程组 增广系统 缩并法
作者 董凌华 杨卫东 夏品奇 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2006年第3期161-167,共7页
The muhi-body analysis of the aeroelastic stability of the tiltrotor aircraft is presented. Muhi-body dynamic differential equations are combined with the equations of the unsteady dynamic inflow model to establish th... The muhi-body analysis of the aeroelastic stability of the tiltrotor aircraft is presented. Muhi-body dynamic differential equations are combined with the equations of the unsteady dynamic inflow model to establish the complete unsteadily aeroelastic coupling analytical model of the tiltrotor. The stability of the tiltrotor in the helicopter mode is analyzed aiming at a semi span soft-inplane tihrotor model with an elastic wing. Parametric effects of the lag stiffness of blades and the flight speed are analyzed. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the multibody analytical model can analyze the aeroelastic stability of the tiltrotor aircraft in the helicopter mode. 展开更多
关键词 TILTROTOR HELICOPTER aeroelastic stability multi body dynamics dynamic inflow
Multibody System Dynamics Analysis for Valve Trains 被引量:3
作者 覃文洁 左正兴 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2000年第4期375-379,共5页
The theory of multibody system dynamics is used to simulate valve trains' kinematics and dynamics characteristics, and the methods of establishing and analyzing the multibody system dynamics model for valve trains... The theory of multibody system dynamics is used to simulate valve trains' kinematics and dynamics characteristics, and the methods of establishing and analyzing the multibody system dynamics model for valve trains are discussed. Since most of the flexible bodies of a valve train are slender parts, the finite segment method is used to build their models. Other parts such as cams, valve heads etc., are built as rigid bodies. After applying the constraints, forces and motions, the establishing of the whole system is accomplished, and the Lagrange's multiplier method can be used to obtain its dynamics constitutive equations. As an example, a valve trains multibody system model of 4100QB engine made by the Yunnan Internal Combustion Engine Limited Liability Company is established, and the analysis results obtained show that its working performance is generally good except that the air pass ability and the lubrication effect of the cam and the tappet have to be improved. 展开更多
关键词 valve train multibody system DYNAMICS
作者 陈二云 李志刚 +3 位作者 马大为 乐贵高 赵改平 任杰 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2008年第2期89-93,共5页
A discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (DG-FEM) is developed for solving the axisymmetric Euler equations based on two-dimensional conservation laws. The method is used to simulate the unsteady-state underex... A discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (DG-FEM) is developed for solving the axisymmetric Euler equations based on two-dimensional conservation laws. The method is used to simulate the unsteady-state underexpanded axisymmetric jet. Several flow property distributions along the jet axis, including density, pres- sure and Mach number are obtained and the qualitative flowfield structures of interest are well captured using the proposed method, including shock waves, slipstreams, traveling vortex ring and multiple Mach disks. Two Mach disk locations agree well with computational and experimental measurement results. It indicates that the method is robust and efficient for solving the unsteady-state underexpanded axisymmetric jet. 展开更多
关键词 jets computational fluid dynamics multiple Mach disks vortex ring discontinuous Galerkin finite element method
作者 张大钧 张海根 刘又午 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1995年第1期25+20-25,共7页
A general procedure to capture the 'dynanmic Stiffness' is presented in this paper. The governing equations of motion are formulated for an arbitrary flexible body in large overall motion based on Kane's ... A general procedure to capture the 'dynanmic Stiffness' is presented in this paper. The governing equations of motion are formulated for an arbitrary flexible body in large overall motion based on Kane's equations . The linearization is performed peroperly by means of geometrically nonlinear straindisplacement relations and the nonlinear expression of angular velocity so that the 'dynamical stiffness' terms can be captured naturally in a general tcase. The concept and formulations of partial velocity and angular velocity arrays of Huston's method are extended to the flexible body and form the basis of the analysis. The validity and generality of the procedure presented in the paper are verified by numerical results of its application in both the beam and plate models. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic stiffness flexible multibody dynamics Kane's equations Huston's method
Microstructure control and mechanical properties of directionally solidified TiAl-Nb alloys 被引量:1
作者 丁贤飞 张来启 +3 位作者 林均品 何建平 尹佳 陈国良 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期747-753,共7页
The double directional solidification(DS) technique was developed to control the lamellar microstructures in primary β TiAl-Nb alloys.Polysynthetically twinned(PST) crystals with lamellar boundaries parallel to o... The double directional solidification(DS) technique was developed to control the lamellar microstructures in primary β TiAl-Nb alloys.Polysynthetically twinned(PST) crystals with lamellar boundaries parallel to or inclined 45o to the growth direction were achieved due to the complete peritectic transformation during directional solidification of the alloys with the dendritic solid/liquid interface.The PST crystals with aligned lamellar boundaries only parallel to the growth direction were produced when lamellar grains with lamellar boundaries in the same orientation were seeded by themselves under appropriate growth conditions.Low boron addition is harmful to align the lamellar orientation because of the growth of non-peritectic α phase.Due to the larger yttria particles and boride ribbons in the directionally solidified TiAl-Nb alloys,the tensile plastic elongations of the alloys are only close to 2%. 展开更多
关键词 titanium aluminides directional solidification peritectic transformation lamellar orientation polysynthetically twinned crystals mechanical properties
作者 刘王云 《山西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第3期23-26,共4页
关键词 可积多体力学系统 Toda模型 对称Lax矩阵 对称矩阵力学模型 相互作用
Simulation of Restraint System Performance upon the Occupant's Response During Impact
作者 孙立清 林逸 孙逢春 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第2期96-102,共7页
Aim To study the influence of restraint system performance upon the occupant's response during impact, and provide a scientific base for occupant restraint system design. Methods \ In the light of basic th... Aim To study the influence of restraint system performance upon the occupant's response during impact, and provide a scientific base for occupant restraint system design. Methods \ In the light of basic theory of multibody system dynamics and impact dynamics on the basis of classical theory of impact, R W method is adopted to construct the vehicle occupant system model consisting of fourteen rigid bodies, thirty seven DOFs and slip joints for the simulation. A software named SVC3D(3 dimensional simulation of vehicle crash) is developed in the FORTRAN language. Results\ The results of simulation have a good coincidence with those of tests and the restraint system with low elongation webbing and equipped with pretensioner provides better restraint effect for the occupant. Conclusion\ The model of vehicle occupant multibody system and SVC3D are suitable for use. Occupant should be belted with low elongation webbing to a certain degree and occupant restraint system should be equipped with pretensioner. 展开更多
关键词 vehicle occupant multibody system model multibody system dynamics impact dynamics computer simulation vehicle passive safety
作者 农世刚 《农家之友》 1995年第10期43-43,共1页
一、不要在父母与客人谈话时指责父母。这样会使父母下不了台。二、儿女们如给老人零用钱或生活费,不要把钞票往桌上一扔:“拿去花吧!”这样,老人拿钱时手会感到发烫。三、老年人大多体力减弱,儿女要抽空帮做些繁重的家务事。四、老人... 一、不要在父母与客人谈话时指责父母。这样会使父母下不了台。二、儿女们如给老人零用钱或生活费,不要把钞票往桌上一扔:“拿去花吧!”这样,老人拿钱时手会感到发烫。三、老年人大多体力减弱,儿女要抽空帮做些繁重的家务事。四、老人爱唠叨、易猜疑,不要对父母的话置之不理。五。 展开更多
关键词 老年人 孝敬父母 老人 多体力 零用钱 家务事 生活费 抽空 钞票 客人
作者 江颖祥 《吉林工学院学报(自然科学版)》 1989年第3期34-42,共9页
本文强调了在高精要求下,航天飞行器以至地面或海底步行机械、高速车辆、精密机床、各类机械手以及激光机器人等.无不受到多体力学之制约.若忽略之则其精度误差往往将是不能容忍的.本文强调了约束研究对多体力学重要性,挠臂空间曲线几... 本文强调了在高精要求下,航天飞行器以至地面或海底步行机械、高速车辆、精密机床、各类机械手以及激光机器人等.无不受到多体力学之制约.若忽略之则其精度误差往往将是不能容忍的.本文强调了约束研究对多体力学重要性,挠臂空间曲线几何性状研究之必要性、重要性,及其对滑道连接系统之动力学控制影响.文中还论证了非自然坐标参数方程向自然坐标参数方程转换之可能性以及实际方法.文中还结合一个实例分析了有关计算之复杂程度.文章指出几何参数将通过拉氏乘子等影响到系统约束力及系统响应. 展开更多
关键词 多体力 约束 双挠臂空间滑道连接 几何性状 动力响应 航天飞行器
作者 邵硕伟 《商务周刊》 2004年第22期170-170,共1页
曾经以为自己很失败的邵硕伟,在进入平安寿险以后,终于找到自己的位置。反思过去失败的经历,他发现自己总是失败的根源是没有坚持到底。这一次在寿险领域,他没有再半途而废,这使他最终成为了平安的金牌销售员,并在2003年获得了华人寿险... 曾经以为自己很失败的邵硕伟,在进入平安寿险以后,终于找到自己的位置。反思过去失败的经历,他发现自己总是失败的根源是没有坚持到底。这一次在寿险领域,他没有再半途而废,这使他最终成为了平安的金牌销售员,并在2003年获得了华人寿险大会(IDA)的国际龙奖。不过,已经掘到了“第一桶金”的邵硕伟,却只认为自己仅仅是度过了生存阶段,真正的创业才真正开始。 展开更多
关键词 国内保险业 外资保险公司 外资保险业 风险控制 社会价值 服装设计师 向西方学习 竞争格局 合作伙伴 多体力
Multimedia approach to culture: Current situation and development in EFL
作者 曾敏 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期33-36,58,共5页
This thesis aims at providing an overview of the recent developments and reforms in the college English education. With the employment of multi-media teaching facilities, intercultural competence, i.e., the flexible a... This thesis aims at providing an overview of the recent developments and reforms in the college English education. With the employment of multi-media teaching facilities, intercultural competence, i.e., the flexible adoption of the systems of value outlook and behavior mode of the target language, has indisputably been integrated into the second language learning and teaching curriculum. This thesis compares and analyzes the nature and composition of cultural cognition. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE intercultural competence multimedia teaching facilities
A recursive formulation based on corotational frame for flexible planar beams with large displacement 被引量:2
作者 WU Tan-hui LIU Zhu-yong HONG Jia-zhen 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期208-217,共10页
A forward recursive formulation based on corotational frame is proposed for flexible planar beams with large displacement.The traditional recursive formulation has been successfully used for flexible mutibody dynamics... A forward recursive formulation based on corotational frame is proposed for flexible planar beams with large displacement.The traditional recursive formulation has been successfully used for flexible mutibody dynamics to improve the computational efficiency based on floating frame,in which the assumption of small strain and deflection is adopted.The proposed recursive formulation could be used for large displacement problems based on the corotational frame.It means that the recursive scheme is used not only for adjacent bodies but also for adjacent beam elements.The nodal relative rotation coordinates of the planar beam are used to obtain equations with minimal generalized coordinates in present formulation.The proposed formulation is different from absolute nodal coordinate formulation and the geometrically exact beam formulation in which the absolute coordinates are used.The recursive scheme and minimal set of dynamic equations lead to a high computational efficiency in numerical integration.Numerical examples are carried out to demonstrate the accuracy and validity of this formulation.For all of the examples,the results of the present formulation are in good agreement with results obtained using commercial software and the published results.Moreover,it is shown that the present formulation is more efficient than the formulation in ANSYS based on GEBF. 展开更多
关键词 recursive formulation multibody dynamics large displacement beam corotational frame
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