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多元分化与关系重构:社会组织参与城市基层社区治理的模式研究 被引量:16
作者 尹广文 李树武 《理论导刊》 北大核心 2015年第10期35-39,共5页
针对当前后单位制背景下普遍存在的社区多元分化的现实,城市基层社区治理纷纷引入新的元素,进行着一系列的关系重构。正是在这种社区治理的关系重构中,社会组织参与社区治理才得以成为可能,并形成了三种典型社区中社会组织参与社区治理... 针对当前后单位制背景下普遍存在的社区多元分化的现实,城市基层社区治理纷纷引入新的元素,进行着一系列的关系重构。正是在这种社区治理的关系重构中,社会组织参与社区治理才得以成为可能,并形成了三种典型社区中社会组织参与社区治理的实践模式,即单位制社区中"协作式参与治理实践"、街居制社区中"参与式合作治理实践"、物业小区制社区中"介入式参与行动治理实践"。因此,针对不同社区的地缘特征、区位环境、发展状况和居民需求,积极培育和发展社会组织,引导专业性社会服务机构参与社区治理,将成为实现地方政府职能转变和社区建设与发展的主要内容,也是当前城市基层社区治理创新的必由之路。 展开更多
关键词 多元分化 社区治理 关系重构 社会组织 社区治理模式
多元分化:应用型大学教师教学行为及改善策略研究 被引量:7
作者 周华丽 《北京联合大学学报》 CAS 2019年第1期1-6,共6页
聚焦应用型大学教师的教学行为特征及其群体差异,通过SPSS探索性因子和Amos验证性因素分析,构建应用型大学教师教学行为的结构模型,将教师教学行为分成常规提升取向、应用创新取向、实践指导取向和退缩回避取向4个维度。基于该模型,采... 聚焦应用型大学教师的教学行为特征及其群体差异,通过SPSS探索性因子和Amos验证性因素分析,构建应用型大学教师教学行为的结构模型,将教师教学行为分成常规提升取向、应用创新取向、实践指导取向和退缩回避取向4个维度。基于该模型,采用单因素方差分析方法,研究了不同教师群体教学行为的多元分化现象,提出应用型大学应充分考虑不同教师群体的差异和需求,提供有针对性的教学行为改善支持。 展开更多
关键词 应用型大学 教师 教学行为 多元分化 转型发展
从“多元分化”到“一体整合”:基层治理秩序演进的组织化逻辑 被引量:10
作者 韩志明 刘子扬 《探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期129-140,共12页
基层治理的关键问题是如何把各种社会要素组织起来,理顺其相互之间的关系,形成可治理、能稳定的治理秩序。通过重新设计和安排多元社会主体的权能及其关系,组织化的过程最终形成了新的治理秩序。从改革开放至今,当代中国基层治理的组织... 基层治理的关键问题是如何把各种社会要素组织起来,理顺其相互之间的关系,形成可治理、能稳定的治理秩序。通过重新设计和安排多元社会主体的权能及其关系,组织化的过程最终形成了新的治理秩序。从改革开放至今,当代中国基层治理的组织化方案经历了从“多元分化”到“一体整合”的重要转型,分别建构了专业化的秩序和协同性的秩序。两种治理秩序面对不同的问题和挑战,分别遵循了不同的价值观,使用了不同的组织工具,也具有各自的正当性基础,形成了特殊的权力结构及其互动体系,内涵着特殊的运行逻辑。探索基层治理现代化及其发展路径,应以社会主体及其关系为中心,从主体结构、互动机制、问题解决以及秩序设计等组织化维度,理解和阐释基层治理的行动者、关系状况和治理效能,从而深入把握基层治理演进的趋向及其挑战。 展开更多
关键词 多元分化 一体整合 基层治理 专业化 协同性
作者 周白冰 《华章》 2023年第7期117-119,共3页
“后霍尔时代”大众媒介批判理论是在战后福利制度、经济全球化、撒切尔主义、霍尔的被动离开等历史因素影响下生成的,因英国文化研究传统忽视“经济基础”,文化研究的文化决定论局囿,以及“文化兴趣复兴”的主要因素影响,而走向“经验... “后霍尔时代”大众媒介批判理论是在战后福利制度、经济全球化、撒切尔主义、霍尔的被动离开等历史因素影响下生成的,因英国文化研究传统忽视“经济基础”,文化研究的文化决定论局囿,以及“文化兴趣复兴”的主要因素影响,而走向“经验主义”“理想主义”“乌托邦主义”的多元分化研究路径,并呈现出从伯明翰学派的理论背景出发到远离伯明翰学派,从根本上失去政治旨趣的主要特征,走向学院化、书斋化的日渐式微的理论路径。 展开更多
关键词 后霍尔时代 大众媒介批判理论 多元分化 斯图亚特·霍尔
海外藏胞的发展状况与多元分化 被引量:5
作者 李明欢 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期83-92,共10页
本文通过对1998年、2009年两次海外藏胞人口普查资料与西藏本地第六次人口普查数据的分析比较,结合笔者在印度、尼泊尔等地的实地调研,揭示海外藏胞的多项基本生存指标均不及西藏本地,指出海外藏胞内部已经出现多元分化,尤其是越来越多... 本文通过对1998年、2009年两次海外藏胞人口普查资料与西藏本地第六次人口普查数据的分析比较,结合笔者在印度、尼泊尔等地的实地调研,揭示海外藏胞的多项基本生存指标均不及西藏本地,指出海外藏胞内部已经出现多元分化,尤其是越来越多的海外藏胞已经脱离了"藏人流亡政府"的直接掌控,海外藏胞的群体特征与包括汉族在内的跨国移民具有越来越多的相似性。因此,应当将"藏人流亡政府"的少数追随者与广大海外藏胞相区分,既了解海外藏胞与其他移民群体相似的需求,也设身处地理解该群体自身的特殊需求,团结数以十万计的海外藏胞,同圆共享中国梦。 展开更多
关键词 海外藏胞 西藏人口普查 人口结构 多元分化
骨髓间充质干细胞多能分化及骨疾病相关LncRNA研究进展 被引量:4
作者 王庆宇 陈高扬 +2 位作者 杜珍武 张桂珍 宋旸 《中国体视学与图像分析》 2017年第1期103-109,共7页
长链非编码RNA(LncRNA)是转录本长度超过200nt的RNA分子,不编码蛋白并在多种层面参与蛋白编码基因调控。骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)是一种多能细胞,是正常组织以及病变组织修复的细胞来源。近期研究表明,LncRNA在干细胞的多能分化以及骨... 长链非编码RNA(LncRNA)是转录本长度超过200nt的RNA分子,不编码蛋白并在多种层面参与蛋白编码基因调控。骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)是一种多能细胞,是正常组织以及病变组织修复的细胞来源。近期研究表明,LncRNA在干细胞的多能分化以及骨科相关疾病的发生发展起重要的调控作用。本文对与骨髓间充质干细胞成骨分化、成脂分化、成软骨分化及与骨科疾病相关的LncRNA进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 长链非编码RNA 骨髓间充质干细胞 骨疾病 多元分化
英国马克思主义媒介理论的兴衰与启示 被引量:1
作者 周白冰 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第3期46-53,共8页
英国马克思主义媒介理论研究作为英国马克思主义研究的重要论域,经历了由20世纪60年代理论探索阶段、70年代理论兴起与繁荣阶段、80至90年代理论衰落与多元分化再发展阶段的完整兴衰过程。以逻辑与历史相统一的视域,文章从历史语境、研... 英国马克思主义媒介理论研究作为英国马克思主义研究的重要论域,经历了由20世纪60年代理论探索阶段、70年代理论兴起与繁荣阶段、80至90年代理论衰落与多元分化再发展阶段的完整兴衰过程。以逻辑与历史相统一的视域,文章从历史语境、研究者身份、文化研究根源性问题等方面分析该理论日渐式微的主要原因,及其由革命性理论转变为主流化理论的结果,同时客观评价该理论在推动英国媒介理论全球性散播、增强媒介批判性研究属性及实现理论化进程等方面的理论意义与学术价值。鉴于英国马克思主义媒介理论的兴衰,加强中国特色社会主义全媒体传播体系建设应当立足中国实际,坚定马克思主义的指导地位,坚持问题导向,坚守中华文化立场,增强理论研究,塑造主流舆论新格局,更好服务于中国式现代化建设全局。 展开更多
关键词 英国马克思主义 媒介批判理论 多元分化发展 斯图亚特·霍尔
海外华商研究:人口、经济与跨国主义 被引量:3
作者 陈肖英 《八桂侨刊》 2014年第2期3-9,共7页
以往学术界对于海外华商的研究多集中于东南亚华商,而较少关注20世纪70年代末从大陆出国,在海外从事义乌小商品等中国商品贸易的华商。从事义乌小商品等中国商品贸易的海外华商大多是20世纪80年代后出国的第一代新移民,受教育程度以初... 以往学术界对于海外华商的研究多集中于东南亚华商,而较少关注20世纪70年代末从大陆出国,在海外从事义乌小商品等中国商品贸易的华商。从事义乌小商品等中国商品贸易的海外华商大多是20世纪80年代后出国的第一代新移民,受教育程度以初、高中居多,来源地较为广泛。他们因在跨国贸易链中所处的位置不同,经济实力差距非常大,内部出现了明显的分化趋向:他们既不乏实力雄厚的大批发商,也有很多从事零售生意。这些华商深深扎根于移居国及其他国家,但又维持着与中国的多重联系,持续的、经常性的跨界交往成为他们生存和发展的重要策略。 展开更多
关键词 海外华商 跨国主义 多元分化
资本主义社会法治文化的一般生成逻辑审视与批判 被引量:3
作者 张志昌 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期42-49,共8页
资本主义社会法治文化中人民主权、基本人权、分权与制衡以及法治等四项原则在历史发展过程中表现为孕育、奠基、成熟三个时期,实际上也就是法治文化的形成过程和一般生成逻辑。个人权利是资本主义社会法治文化的逻辑起点;政治权力的多... 资本主义社会法治文化中人民主权、基本人权、分权与制衡以及法治等四项原则在历史发展过程中表现为孕育、奠基、成熟三个时期,实际上也就是法治文化的形成过程和一般生成逻辑。个人权利是资本主义社会法治文化的逻辑起点;政治权力的多元化,使分权与制衡原则的产生成为必然;对法律至上原则的信仰,使法治原则得以生成;公民社会或者市民社会是资本主义法治文化生成的社会基础。审视资本主义社会法治文化的一般生成逻辑,实现对当代中国法治文化的超越,关键在于如何在党的领导下,去伪存真,辩证扬弃,同时积极稳妥地推进政治文明建设。 展开更多
关键词 资本主义 法治文化 个人权利诉求 政治权力多元分化 法律至上原则 公民社会
Genetic diversity and differentiation of the Dybowski's frog(Rana dybowskii) in Northeast China 被引量:5
作者 张明 贾学渊 马建章 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期239-245,I0008,共8页
The genetic diversity and population structure of the Dybowski's frog(Rana dybowskii) were investigated by using 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci.Total 75 individuals were sampled from six populations in Lesser K... The genetic diversity and population structure of the Dybowski's frog(Rana dybowskii) were investigated by using 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci.Total 75 individuals were sampled from six populations in Lesser Khingan Mountains and Changbai Mountains,China.Results showed that allele number of the 11 microsatellite loci was in the range of 2-10 in all populations,with the mean of 5.6.The average expected heterozygosity(HE) was 0.572,indicating a moderate polymorphism.The results of genetic differentiation coefficient(FST) showed that population genetic differentiation was significant between Changbai and Lesser Khingan Mountains(p〈0.001).This result was verified further by Nei's genetic distance(DA) based on UPGMA phy-logenetic trees and by AMOVA analysis.In conclusion,the populations distributed in Lesser Khingan Mountains and Changbai Mountain are proposed to be two distinct management units(MUs) for their protection and management. 展开更多
关键词 Dybowski's frog(Rana dybowskii) genetic diversity genetic differentiation management units(MUs) MICROSATELLITE
作者 杜胜臣 《大学(社会科学)》 2021年第9期89-91,共3页
有意图的社会行动之未预后果是社会学研究者长期关注的重要议题,目前该领域的研究主要进路有两种:一是针对“行动”的过程分析进路,二是针对“约束机制”的结构分析进路。两者的核心关切在于从不同角度回答未预结果产生的原因、过程及... 有意图的社会行动之未预后果是社会学研究者长期关注的重要议题,目前该领域的研究主要进路有两种:一是针对“行动”的过程分析进路,二是针对“约束机制”的结构分析进路。两者的核心关切在于从不同角度回答未预结果产生的原因、过程及影响。分析可知,该领域内的整体研究趋势呈现一种由一元到多元、由单线到多线、由静态到动态的演变过程,同时也是一个不断变动与分化、尚未形成认识论与方法论共识的研究领域。梳理与审视该领域内的学术积累有助于人们更好地理解当下中国社会的经验现实,具有学术与现实的双重意义。 展开更多
关键词 未预后果 行动过程 约束机制 多元分化
Prediction of pre-oxidation efficiency of refractory gold concentrate by ozone in ferric sulfate solution using artificial neural networks 被引量:2
作者 李青翠 李登新 陈泉源 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第2期413-422,共10页
An artificial neural network model was developed to predict the oxidation of refractory gold concentrate (RGC) by ozone and ferric ions. The concentration of ozone and ferric ions, pulp density, oxygen amount, leach... An artificial neural network model was developed to predict the oxidation of refractory gold concentrate (RGC) by ozone and ferric ions. The concentration of ozone and ferric ions, pulp density, oxygen amount, leaching time and temperature were employed as inputs to the network; the output of the network was the percentage of the ferric extraction iron from RGC. The multilayered feed-forward networks were trained by 33 sets of input-output patterns using a back propagation algorithm; a three-layer network with 8 neurons in the hidden layer gave optimal results. The model gave good predictions of high correlation coefficient (R2=0.966). The predictions by ANN are more accurate when compared with conventional multivariate regression analysis (MVRA). In addition, calculation with ANN model indicates that temperature is the predominant parameter and ozone concentration is the lesser influential parameter in the pre-oxidation process of refractory gold ore. The ANN neural network model accurately estimates the ferric extraction during pretreatment process of RGC in gold smelter plants and can be used to optimize the process parameters. 展开更多
关键词 PRE-OXIDATION multivariate regression analysis artificial neural network refractory gold concentrate
Multielement Analysis of Deep-Sea Sediments by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry 被引量:4
作者 XIA Ning WU Zhaohui +1 位作者 GUO Dongfa YAO De 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第2期137-144,共8页
Marine sediments were dissolved by HNO3-HF-HC104 in a sealed container at low pressure; HF was evaporated in an open container and salts were dissolved in HCl by heating, then transferred to 2% HNO3 solution. A total ... Marine sediments were dissolved by HNO3-HF-HC104 in a sealed container at low pressure; HF was evaporated in an open container and salts were dissolved in HCl by heating, then transferred to 2% HNO3 solution. A total of 45 elements, including Li, Be, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Cd, In, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sin, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th and U, were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Conditions and sample experiments showed that this procedure defines a good experimental method which has the advantages of clear interference, easy operation and reliable results. The concentrations of the 45 elements could be used for resource exploration, environmental assessment and academic research. 展开更多
关键词 marine sediment DEEP-SEA geochemical analysis multielement determination ICP-MS
Risk factors for rebleeding after angiographically negative acute gastrointestinal bleeding 被引量:2
作者 Ijin Joo Hyo-Cheol Kim +2 位作者 Jin Wook Chung Hwan Jun Jae Jae Hyung Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第32期4023-4027,共5页
AIM:To identify possible predictive factors for rebleeding after angiographically negative findings in patients with acute non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding.METHODS: From January 2000 to July 2007, 128 patients w... AIM:To identify possible predictive factors for rebleeding after angiographically negative findings in patients with acute non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding.METHODS: From January 2000 to July 2007, 128 patients with acute non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding had negative f indings after initial angiography. Clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed retrospectively.RESULTS: Among 128 patients, 62 had no recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding and 66 had recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding within 30 d. As determined by the use of multivariate analysis, an underlying malignancy, liver cirrhosis and hematemesis were significant factors related to recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding.CONCLUSION: Clinical factors including underlying malignancy, liver cirrhosis, and hematemesis are important predictors for rebleeding after angiographically negative findings in patients with acute non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding. 展开更多
关键词 ANGIOGRAPHY Gastrointestinal hemorrhage Predictive factor
Stratigraphic Division Based on Minor Elements in the Sediment Core Q43 from the Outer Shelf of the East China Sea:Approached Through Correspondence Analysis and Fuzzy Cluster Analysis 被引量:2
作者 LINXiaotong LIWeiran DUShujie 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2005年第2期131-136,共6页
The multivariate statistical techniques, principal component analysis, Q-modefactor analysis, correspondence analysis and fuzzy C-means clustering were applied to analyzing thedatasets of minor element concentrations ... The multivariate statistical techniques, principal component analysis, Q-modefactor analysis, correspondence analysis and fuzzy C-means clustering were applied to analyzing thedatasets of minor element concentrations in sediment samples of a core collected from the outershelf of the East China Sea. According to the analysis results, the sediment core Q43 can be dividedinto three strata with different features in minor elements. The first stratum (unit Ⅰ) ischaracterized by higher concentrations of Ⅴ, Cr, Cd and Sc, which are active and inactive elements.The second stratum (unit Ⅱ) is controlled by ultrastable elements Ⅴ, Ti, Cr, Th, Sc, Pb, etc. Thethird stratum (unit Ⅲ) is dominated by Ni, Co, Ba, Rb and Mn, which are authigenic andvolcanogenic elements. The geochemical features of the core Q43 show environmental changes in thedepositional process from the Late Pleistocene to Holocene. 展开更多
关键词 East China Sea stratigraphic division GEOCHEMISTRY multivariatestatistical techniques
Economic Analysis of Diversified Rotational Cropping Systems in the Lateritic Belt of Lower Gangetic Plain of Eastern India 被引量:2
作者 D. Mandal K. Baral +2 位作者 D. C. Ghosh J. Timsina M. K. Dasgupta 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第3期331-341,共11页
Economic analysis of different diversified rotational cropping systems under Farmers' package/practices and improved package/practices was conducted in Birbhum district, West Bengal, located in the red and lateritic ... Economic analysis of different diversified rotational cropping systems under Farmers' package/practices and improved package/practices was conducted in Birbhum district, West Bengal, located in the red and lateritic belt of lower Gangetic plain of eastern lndia. Diversified triple cropping systems (peanut-brinjal+brinjal, rice-potato-pumpkin, and cucumber-cabbage-basella) required higher cost for cultivation, but also produced higher rice equivalent yield, higher net return and higher return rupee1 invested in both management practices. Considering the resource-ability and risk-bearing capacity, and net return and return rupee^-1 (RPR) invested, these cropping systems can be recommended for resource-rich farmers. Rice-rapeseed-cowpea, rice-wheat-green gram and radish-tomato-amaranthus systems profitable. These cropping systems can be required less inputs for cultivation, were less risky, and economically viable and recommended for resource-poor farmers. Peanut-brinjal + brinjal-okra-chilli + chilli-cucumber-cabbage-basella system was the best among all the 3-year rotational systems in respect to RPR in both management practices. This rotational system will be suitable for resource-rich farmers. Vegetable-based rotational systems (ridge gourd-marigold-okra-black gram-pointed gourd + pointed gourd-radish-tomato-amaranthus) or rice-based rotational system (rice-wheat-green gram-rice-rapeseed-cowpea-rice-potato-pumpkin) also found to be suitable to increase the profitability and system sustainability. These cropping systems can be recommended for all groups of farmers. 展开更多
关键词 Cropping systems rotational cropping systems PRODUCTIVITY ECONOMICS west Bengal India.
Evaluation of rope shovel operators in surface coal mining using a Multi-Attribute Decision-Making model 被引量:2
作者 Vukotic Ivana Kecojevic Vladislav 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第2期259-268,共10页
Rope shovels are used to dig and load materials in surface mines. One of the main factors that influence the production rate and energy consumption of rope shovels is the performance of the operator. This paper presen... Rope shovels are used to dig and load materials in surface mines. One of the main factors that influence the production rate and energy consumption of rope shovels is the performance of the operator. This paper presents a method for evaluating rope shovel operators using the Multi-Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) model. Data used in this research were collected from an operating surface coal mine in the southern United States. The MADM model consists of attributes, their weights of importance, and alter- natives. Shovel operators are considered the alternatives, The energy consumption model was developed with multiple regression analysis, and its variables were included in the MADM model as attributes. Preferences with respect to min/max of the defined attributes were obtained with multi-objective opti- mization. Multi-objective optimization was conducted with the overall goal of minimizing energy con- sumption and maximizing production rate. Weights of importance of the attributes were determined by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), The overall evaluation of operators was performed by one of the MADM models, i.e., PROMETHEE If. The research results presented here may be used by mining professionals to held evaluate the performance of rode shovel operators in surface mining. 展开更多
关键词 Rope shovel Operator evaluation Production rate Energy consumption AHP
Cultural Disjunction in B. Mukherjee's Wife
作者 Stefanovici Smaranda 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第1期9-15,共7页
After experiencing racism in Canada, where multiculturalism emphasized ethnic differences and fixed identities rather than allowing for cultural interaction and hybridity, the author, B. Mukherjee, moves to the USA wh... After experiencing racism in Canada, where multiculturalism emphasized ethnic differences and fixed identities rather than allowing for cultural interaction and hybridity, the author, B. Mukherjee, moves to the USA whose biculturalism favors cultural interactions and fluid identities. Here she experiences the transformative powers of cultural interactions and frees herself and her work from the static power of cultural disjunction. Her personal experience highlights the need of immigrant characters to connect to the mainstream and not to be isolated from it The paper explores the problem of cultural adaptability and integration as experienced by Dimple, the main character in Mukherjee's novel Wife (1975). Based upon contemporary research on cultural and social identity formation, the paper analyses Dimple's inner struggle of identity in the context of her immigrant status, and it relates her ultimately tragic response to loneliness and alienation resulting in cultural disjunction, non-adaptability, and non-assimilation. 展开更多
关键词 enculturation/acculturation multiculturalism/biculturalism cultural disjunction/cultural interaction static/transformative dialogic confrontation/hybridity
The Applicability of the Density Rule of Pathwardhan and Kumer and the Rule Based on Linear Isopiestic Relation 被引量:1
作者 胡玉峰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第3期319-321,共3页
The applicability of the density rule of Pathwardhan and Kumer and the rule based on the linear isopiestic relation is studied by comparison with experimental density data in the literature. Predicted and measured val... The applicability of the density rule of Pathwardhan and Kumer and the rule based on the linear isopiestic relation is studied by comparison with experimental density data in the literature. Predicted and measured values for 18 electrolyte mixtures are compared. The two rules are good for mixtures with and without common ions, including those containing associating ions. The deviations of the rule based on the linear isopiestic relation are slightly higher for the mixtures involving very strong ion complexes, but the predictions are still quite satisfactory.The density rule of Pathwardhan and Kumer is more accurate for these mixtures. However, it is not applicable for mixtures containing non-electrolytes. The rule based on the linear isopiestic relation is extended to mixtures involving non-electrolytes. The predictions for the mixtures containing both electrolytes and non-electrolytes and the non-electrolyte mixtures are accurate. All these results indicate that this rule is a widely applicable approach. 展开更多
关键词 binary density rules DENSITY apparent molar volume multicomponent system binary sub-system
The Effect of Separatism on the Society: Quantitative Analysis on the World Values Survey
作者 Dwiyatna Widinugraha James Kiwanuka Tondo 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第10期537-543,共7页
In the 21st century, world politics appeared to far from resolved condition in terms of power sharing among the elites, thus created separatism movements in many parts of the world. These movements caused some changes... In the 21st century, world politics appeared to far from resolved condition in terms of power sharing among the elites, thus created separatism movements in many parts of the world. These movements caused some changes in the society that is nowadays seen as a multicultural. Using World Values Survey's data, this study revealed that separatism would cause people to less likely agree on ethnic diversity benefit. Further, when the result is tested by elaboration model, economic condition was found as important factor on how people saw ethnic diversity benefit among the society. 展开更多
关键词 world politics effect of separatism ethnic diversity national identity
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