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作者 林英语 《福建教育》 2019年第17期18-19,共2页
儿童在建构数学规则或数学概念时,一般以多元表征的方式进行学习。但教学中,部分教师对多元表征的理论与实践运用经常出现按部就班地呈现交流,或单一片面地呈现交流,或无序跳跃地呈现交流。问题何在?策略何在?显然,他们对多元表征的成... 儿童在建构数学规则或数学概念时,一般以多元表征的方式进行学习。但教学中,部分教师对多元表征的理论与实践运用经常出现按部就班地呈现交流,或单一片面地呈现交流,或无序跳跃地呈现交流。问题何在?策略何在?显然,他们对多元表征的成因、特点及其处理方法重视不足,处理不当。有鉴于此,我在教学中进行了以下几方面的探索。 展开更多
关键词 平均分 多元表
中文版多元认知能力自评量表的信效度检验 被引量:5
作者 李苗苗 高蕾 +1 位作者 张晓翠 史宝欣 《中国康复医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1236-1240,1260,共6页
目的:引进并翻译多元认知能力自评量表(MASQ)并在癫痫患者中进行信效度检验。方法:对MASQ进行翻译、回译和文化调试,形成中文版MASQ,使用中文版MASQ调查天津市某三甲医院的200例癫痫患者,并以癫痫患者生存质量量表(QOLIE-31)和医院焦虑... 目的:引进并翻译多元认知能力自评量表(MASQ)并在癫痫患者中进行信效度检验。方法:对MASQ进行翻译、回译和文化调试,形成中文版MASQ,使用中文版MASQ调查天津市某三甲医院的200例癫痫患者,并以癫痫患者生存质量量表(QOLIE-31)和医院焦虑抑郁量表(HADS)作为效标,评价量表的信效度。结果:量表的Cronbach系数为0.948,5个维度的Cronbach系数分别为0.902、0.797、0.733、0.893、0.848,重测相关系数为0.960。5名专家对量表进行评定,各条目内容效度指数(I-CVI)均在0.80以上,总条目内容效度指数(S-CVI)为0.98。MASQ得分与QOLIE-31得分呈负相关(r=-0.732,P<0.001),与HADA、HADD呈正相关(r=0.590、0.524,P<0.001)。验证性因子分析显示量表的模型拟合较好,修正后标准化五因素模型的χ2自由度比值、拟合优度指数、调整拟合优度指数、残差均方和平方根、近似误差均方根、规范拟合指数、增值拟合指数、非归准适配指数、比较拟合指数、简约拟合优度指数分别为2.155、0.879、0.902、0.045、0.076、0.881、0.869、0.856、0.868、0.636,标准化回归系数0.33—0.93。结论:中文版多元认知能力自评量表具有较好的信效度,可以应用于认知功能的评定。 展开更多
关键词 认知 信度 效度 多元认知能力自评量 癫痫
作者 陈煌 刘炜楠 +1 位作者 郑舒娅 姜永 《福建电脑》 2018年第7期17-18,共2页
关键词 散列映射 多元 多维稀疏矩阵
紧扣文本语用特质 落实语言表达训练——人教版一年级下册《棉花姑娘》文本解读及教学设计 被引量:1
作者 黄丽生 《福建教育》 2016年第1期48-50,共3页
编者按:自《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》(本专辑中简称2011年版课标)颁布以来,本刊寒暑假备课的语文专辑一直致力于引导读者多角度解读文本,确定教学核心价值。由此,我们知道,在文本解读与教学核心价值提炼上,教师要关注文... 编者按:自《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》(本专辑中简称2011年版课标)颁布以来,本刊寒暑假备课的语文专辑一直致力于引导读者多角度解读文本,确定教学核心价值。由此,我们知道,在文本解读与教学核心价值提炼上,教师要关注文本特质和学情,立足语文课程性质。但这个过程,更是在为课堂教学打基础。落实教学核心价值,实现"学生主体, 展开更多
关键词 文本解读 解读文本 教师主导 思维转换 语言能力 课程标准 语言文字 多元表
不断创新的传统——中国画线条美学中的创新精神 被引量:1
作者 李瑞 《美与时代(创意)(上)》 2008年第2期110-113,共4页
传统中国画的线条美学的延续是被人经常提及的,从中国画的线条美学切入,我们能够更为清晰地发现传统中国画的多样性和创新精神,而这种注重笔墨线条的中国画在美术史上有着繁复的形态,也充斥着变化与革新。现代中国画很好地继承了传统绘... 传统中国画的线条美学的延续是被人经常提及的,从中国画的线条美学切入,我们能够更为清晰地发现传统中国画的多样性和创新精神,而这种注重笔墨线条的中国画在美术史上有着繁复的形态,也充斥着变化与革新。现代中国画很好地继承了传统绘画美学中的精髓。无论是对笔墨线条的抛弃,还是运用现代手法实现线条的多元表达,都是对传统中国画的变革,同时也继承了传统中国画中一贯的创新精神。 展开更多
关键词 线条美 绘画美学 创新精神 线描 多元表 李可染 周韶华 苦瓜和尚画语录 现代手法 曹仲达
不断创新的传统——中国画线条美学中的创新精神 被引量:2
作者 李瑞 《美与时代(美学)(下)》 2008年第7期54-55,共2页
传统中国画的线条美学的延续是被人经常提及的,从中国画的线条美学切入,我们能够更为清晰地发现传统中国画的多样性和创新精神,而这种注重笔墨线条的中国画在美术史上有着繁复的形态,也充斥着变化与革新。现代中国画很好地继承了传统绘... 传统中国画的线条美学的延续是被人经常提及的,从中国画的线条美学切入,我们能够更为清晰地发现传统中国画的多样性和创新精神,而这种注重笔墨线条的中国画在美术史上有着繁复的形态,也充斥着变化与革新。现代中国画很好地继承了传统绘画美学中的精髓。无论是对笔墨线条的抛弃,还是运用现代手法实现线条的多元表达,都是对传统中国画的变革,同时也继承了传统中国画中一贯的创新精神。 展开更多
关键词 线条美 绘画美学 创新精神 线描 多元表 苦瓜和尚画语录 现代手法 曹仲达 吴道子 女史箴图
经管专业学生职业道德认知的实证研究 被引量:8
作者 李祝平 胡秀英 《现代大学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期70-75,共6页
本文采用科尔伯格关于道德认知发展阶段的两难法,以及多元道德量表,从性别、专业和年级角度深入地测量了经管专业学生的道德判断与行为意图,并在此基础上提出了提升经管专业学生职业道德认知水平的建议。研究经管专业学生的道德认知状况... 本文采用科尔伯格关于道德认知发展阶段的两难法,以及多元道德量表,从性别、专业和年级角度深入地测量了经管专业学生的道德判断与行为意图,并在此基础上提出了提升经管专业学生职业道德认知水平的建议。研究经管专业学生的道德认知状况,除了可以丰富职业道德理论之外,还可以为高校德育课程规划和企业招聘人才提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 经管专业学生 职业道德认知 两难法 多元道德量
丝网印刷在室内设计中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 尹婧 《印刷质量与标准化》 2016年第6期38-40,共3页
关键词 丝网印刷 室内设计 室内装修 墙面装饰 多元表 应用研究 承印物 装饰材料 印刷方法 装饰设计
摄身 处地:浅谈摄影的实验性
作者 王东 《当代美术家》 2014年第3期93-95,共3页
语言和文字可以说是一直伴随着人类历史的发展而存在的,而且它们对人类文化与文明的传承起到了不可估量的作用。而图像的诞生则仍人类的历史变得更加鲜活与丰富。从某种意义上说,图像成就了我们今天的艺术。如果在远古时期,图像更多的... 语言和文字可以说是一直伴随着人类历史的发展而存在的,而且它们对人类文化与文明的传承起到了不可估量的作用。而图像的诞生则仍人类的历史变得更加鲜活与丰富。从某种意义上说,图像成就了我们今天的艺术。如果在远古时期,图像更多的承载着它本身之外的带有占卜色彩的力量,那么,在当下网络化、数字化的今天,它带给我们的是倾向于当下社会文化的脉搏与时代的声音。 展开更多
关键词 人类文化 生存状态 多元表 利尔 赫克 造梦 努克 比克 梅拉 火棉胶
作者 刘磊霞 《怀化学院学报》 1994年第1期81-83,共3页
素描是一种以单色块面或线条,在某种平面上再现画家对客观世界的感受和认识,表达画家主观情绪、灵感的一种造型艺术。在以往的学术概念里,素描大多作为其他绘画形式的基础训练形式。而这里,我所要论述的是:素描是一种完整的审美样式,无... 素描是一种以单色块面或线条,在某种平面上再现画家对客观世界的感受和认识,表达画家主观情绪、灵感的一种造型艺术。在以往的学术概念里,素描大多作为其他绘画形式的基础训练形式。而这里,我所要论述的是:素描是一种完整的审美样式,无论是它的语言、技巧,还是形式,都有其独特的审美意义。 展开更多
关键词 素描 审美样式 审美特性 二十世纪 审美意义 多元表 画家 训练形式 绘画形式 安格尔
作者 何玲 《基础教育研究》 2009年第11X期51-53,共3页
关键词 探索型 教育内容 主题信息 中墙 隐形课程 合作性学习 多元互动 多元表 家长参与 教学工作
作者 宋仕军 《湖北教育(综合资讯)》 2016年第4期70-70,共1页
学科教学重在思维。首先,逻辑思维能力的培养要渗透于核心概念和主干知识的生成过程中。否则,题目做的越多,惯性思维越强,机械模仿越固化,面对新问题新情景,只能做出"神回答"。其次,用种子课堂启发学生思维。科学家们研究发现... 学科教学重在思维。首先,逻辑思维能力的培养要渗透于核心概念和主干知识的生成过程中。否则,题目做的越多,惯性思维越强,机械模仿越固化,面对新问题新情景,只能做出"神回答"。其次,用种子课堂启发学生思维。科学家们研究发现,种子虽小,但它是全息的,包含了以后长成生物体的所有信息,种子是具有强大生命力的,具有生长性的。各学校要成立学科种子课项目研究组,集众人之智,联合攻关,研究种子课设计的基本原则和操作策略。 展开更多
关键词 主干知识 机械模仿 纸笔测试 多元表 情景创设 特有文化 讲授式 发散性 惯性思维 混合式学习
中文版多元心理健康素养量表在男性军人中信效度评价 被引量:27
作者 明志君 陈祉妍 +2 位作者 王雅芯 江兰 郭菲 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期86-91,共6页
目的评价中文版多元心理健康素养量表在中国男性军人中的信度和效度,为该量表在中国的推广使用提供参考依据。方法于2018年11—12月采用整群随机抽样方法抽取驻地在北京、天津、河北和山东的1106名男性军人进行中文版多元心理健康素养... 目的评价中文版多元心理健康素养量表在中国男性军人中的信度和效度,为该量表在中国的推广使用提供参考依据。方法于2018年11—12月采用整群随机抽样方法抽取驻地在北京、天津、河北和山东的1106名男性军人进行中文版多元心理健康素养量表测试,间隔6周后选取其中237人对量表进行重测;采用项目分析、内部一致性信度、重测信度、结构效度、聚敛效度和区分效度进行量表的信度和效度评价。结果中文版多元心理健康素养量表在原量表基础上修订了2个条目,并删除了同质性较差的2个条目和载荷绝对值较小的2个条目后共包括22个条目;项目分析结果显示,中文版多元心理健康素养量表的22个条目得分与量表总分的相关系数为0.20~0.48(均P<0.01),量表具有较好的项目同质性;量表总体Cronbach's α系数和重测信度分别为0.80和0.64,知识、信念和资源3个维度的Cronbach's α系数分别为0.76、0.71和0.77,量表具有较好的信度;探索性因子分析结果显示,中文版多元心理健康素养量表3个公因子的累计方差贡献率为38.59%,各条目所属因子结构与原量表基本一致;验证性因素分析结果显示,中文版多元心理健康素养量表的拟合优度指数(GFI)为0.91、残差均方根(RMR)为0.01、平均概似平方误根系数(RMSEA)为0.06、调整拟合优度指数(AGFI)为0.90,模型拟合较好;重测样本的心理健康素养总分、知识维度得分、信念维度得分、资源维度得分和心理健康知识问卷总分分别为(13.00±4.05)、(5.45±2.49)、(4.76±2.07)、(2.78±1.29)和(14.82±2.50)分,心理健康素养总分及各维度得分与心理健康知识问卷总分均呈正相关(均P<0.01);初测样本的心理健康素养总分、知识维度得分、信念维度得分、资源维度得分、抑郁量表得分和焦虑量表得分分别为(11.47±4.35)、(5.09±2.52)、(3.95±2.08)、(2.43±1.43)、(3.21±3.82)和(2.65±2.99)分,心理健康素养总分及信念和资源维度得分与抑郁和焦虑得分均呈负相关(均P<0.01),知识维度得分与抑郁和焦虑得分均不相关(均P>0.05);量表的聚敛效度和区分效度均较好。结论中文版多元心理健康素养量表具有较好的信度和效度,可作为中国军人的心理健康素养评估工具。 展开更多
关键词 中文版多元心理健康素养量 军人 男性 信度 效度
How to Analyze the Function of Control Genes in Batches
作者 李学斌 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 2002年第2期145-150,共6页
Functional analysis of control genes is playing an important role in animal development.The research is mainly focused on developing a method of estimating the gene's effect or function in the development of anima... Functional analysis of control genes is playing an important role in animal development.The research is mainly focused on developing a method of estimating the gene's effect or function in the development of animals.In this article,the gene's expression and control are described by models of quantitative genetics,which include the genetic models about the genes with no interaction and interaction effect.On this basis,a method analyzing the functions of control genes in batches is advanced,the method includes three steps as follows: Firstly,describe the gene's expression and control with multiple regression models in statistic method in different conditions.Secondly,collect the material of gene's polymorphism related to the gene's expression and control.Because,gene's polymorphism or the codominant molecular marker electropherogram in a gene locus present 3 states,and can be expressed with -1,0 and 1 respectively.The author thinks it can be regarded as levels in orthogonal layout.Discard the materials of gene's polymorphism not fitting the orthogonal layout,and use the materials of gene's polymorphism fitting the orthogonal layout as the data to estimate the gene's effects.Thirdly,analyze the gene's effect or function with equations as follows:suppose that a quantitative trait is controlled by N gene loci,in each locus there are two alleles,the alleles' effects are A GM1 ?a GM1 ;A GM2 ? a GM2 ;...;A GMi ?a GMi ;...;A GMN ;a GMN units respectively.When the genotype in a locus is heterozygous A GMi a GMi ,the interaction coefficient of alleles in a locus is K units.If there is no interaction among different gene loci,the author thinks,the gene's effects and gene's type can be estimated by using such equation: P GM =2∑Ni=1(A i-a i+K i)+∑Ni=1(A i-a i)M GMi -∑Ni=1K GMi M GMi 2 If there are interactions among different gene loci,and the effect of the x th gene's state combined with the y th gene's state in the k th gene group is defined as Y xyr ,and let gene group electropherogram states be r (where r∈ ),the author thinks,the gene group's effects can be estimated by the equation: Y xyr = K PCxy0 +K PCxy r+K PCxy' r 2+K PCxy'' 3+K PCxy(3') r 4+K PCxy(4') r 5+K PCxy(5') r 6+K PCxy(6') r 7+K PCxy(7') r 8 If there are interactions among more genes,the analogous method can also be used. In this way,be using the gene's codominent marker materials fitting the orthogonal layout,the gene's expression and control can be researched by the method of multiple regression,the gene's relative effect can be estimated,the overdominant gene's overdominant coefficient can be assessed,the gene's type can be identified,the interaction gene group's relative effect and the interaction gene's relation can be estimated as well,and furthermore,the gene's relation can be expressed in equations.For the sake of understanding the method used in this paper,the rout to prove it is given as well.Finally,the author thinks,this method is very useful to research the gene's function in molecular developmental biology. 展开更多
关键词 molecular developmental biology gene's expression and control molecular marker multiple regression gene's effect
作者 YangXiang LeiLi FangTian Xiu-yuYang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2005年第1期48-50, ,共3页
Objective To evaluate the expression and function activity of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in human mononuclear cells (MNCs) in vitro transfected by multidrug resistance-1(MDR1) mRNA. Methods Two MDR1 cDNA vectors, pT7TS_MDR... Objective To evaluate the expression and function activity of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in human mononuclear cells (MNCs) in vitro transfected by multidrug resistance-1(MDR1) mRNA. Methods Two MDR1 cDNA vectors, pT7TS_MDR1 and pGEM5Zf(+)_MDR1, were constructed and transcripted in vitro. Vector pGEM5Zf(+)_MDR1 only contained the coding region of mdr1 cDNA, and pT7TS_MDR1 also included Xeponus β-globin 5’ and 3’ untranslated region. MNCs were prepared from peripheral blood of parvicellular lung cancer patient. The two human mdr1 mRNAs were then transferred into human MNCs in vitro by DOTAP. And the expression efficiency and pump function of P-gp were measured with flow cytometry. Results Expression of P-gp significantly elevated in both transferred cells compared with untransferred cells (P < 0.01). And pT7TS_MDR1 showed higher capability in elevating the expression of P-gp than pGEM5Zf(+)_MDR1 (P < 0.01). The P-gp function was elevated in both pT7TS_MDR1 and pGEM5Zf(+)_MDR1 groups. The survival ratio of MNCs in erythrocyte-lysis-solution (ELS, 86.07%) and lymphocyte-isolation-solution (LIS, 83.67%) had no significant difference. The CD34+ cells content of the MNCs used for transfection was 2.65% and 1.01% in ELS and LIS group, respectively (P < 0.01).Conclusions It is a feasible approach to improve P-gp expression in human MNCs by transfection of MDR-1 mRNA. And the ELS may be more suitable for purifing MNCs for mRNA transfection than LIS. 展开更多
关键词 multidrug resistance gene TRANSFECTION mononuclear cells MRNA
Estimation of surface tension of organic compounds using quantitative structure-property relationship 被引量:2
作者 戴益民 刘又年 +3 位作者 李浔 曹忠 朱志平 杨道武 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期93-100,共8页
A novel quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) model for estimating the solution surface tension of 92 organic compounds at 20℃ was developed based on newly introduced atom-type topological indices. Th... A novel quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) model for estimating the solution surface tension of 92 organic compounds at 20℃ was developed based on newly introduced atom-type topological indices. The data set contained non-polar and polar liquids, and saturated and unsaturated compounds. The regression analysis shows that excellent result is obtained with multiple linear regression. The predictive power of the proposed model was discussed using the leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validated (CV) method. The correlation coefficient (R) and the leave-one-out cross-validation correlation coefficient (Rcv) of multiple linear regression model are 0.991 4 and 0.991 3, respectively. The new model gives the average absolute relative deviation of 1.81% for 92 substances. The result demonstrates that novel topological indices based on the equilibrium electro-negativity of atom and the relative bond length are useful model parameters for QSPR analysis of compounds. 展开更多
关键词 surface tension quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) topological indice organic compound
Influence of Weather and Climate on Malaria Occurrence Based on Human-Biometeorological Methods in Ondo State, Nigeria 被引量:1
作者 A.G. Omonijo A. Matzarakis +1 位作者 O. Oguntoke C.O. Adeofun 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第9期1215-1228,共14页
This study focuses on the influence of weather and climate on malaria occurrence based on human-biometeorological methods was carried out in Ondo State, Nigeria using meteorological and malaria dataset in the state fo... This study focuses on the influence of weather and climate on malaria occurrence based on human-biometeorological methods was carried out in Ondo State, Nigeria using meteorological and malaria dataset in the state for the period from 1998 to 2008. In addition, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over equatorial Pacific Ocean were integrated in the analysis. The association between each of the meteorological-biometeorological parameters and clinical-reported malaria cases was examined by using Poisson distribution and log as link function between the two categories of dataset. The next step was the building of a model by using Poisson multiple regression models (GLMs) in order to know the weather variables that lead to statistically changes in clinical-reported malaria cases. The study revealed that an increase of I m.s1 of wind speed can lead to an increase of about 164% and 171% in the monthly occurrence of malaria at 95% confidence interval in derived savanna and humid forest zone respectively. Also, an increase of I ℃ in air temperature and sea surface temperature is associated with 53.4% and 29% increase in monthly malaria occurrence (CI: 95%) in derived savanna while an increase of 1 ℃ in air temperature and sea surface temperature is associated with 56.4% and 15.4% increase in monthly malaria occurrence at 95% confidence interval in humid forest zone of Ondo State 展开更多
关键词 Weather parameters GLMs MALARIA early warning system Ondo State Nigeria.
Effectiveness of the Financial Ratios in the Determination of the Fraudulent Financial Statements" Turkey Practice
作者 Suat Kara Ayse N. Yereli 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第10期1342-1353,共12页
Large-scale accounting scandals which were reflected to the world public opinion particularly in the 2000s (such as Enron, Lucent, Xerox, and Parmalat Bank for Reconstruction) carried the matter of fraudulent financ... Large-scale accounting scandals which were reflected to the world public opinion particularly in the 2000s (such as Enron, Lucent, Xerox, and Parmalat Bank for Reconstruction) carried the matter of fraudulent financial reporting which was made to deceive the financial statement users (Fraudulent Financial Report (FFR)) to the forefront in the agenda of the academicians, operators, and regulatory authorities. As in every crime action, the most effective measure to be taken in preventing FFR events is to try to prevent the FFR before arising. In order to achieve this, in the most effective manner, FFR events should be determined in the formation process. In this study, fraudulent financial statements are tried to be determined by using financial ratios. For this, financial statements of 22 companies which transact in the textile industry in Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) were examined. Twenty-three financial ratios were selected for the purpose of determining the risk of fraudulence in the financial statements of the selected companies. These ratios increased in value by multiple regression analysis. The findings which were obtained in the study indicated that some financial statements had the risk of fraudulence. It was concluded that the ratios of inventory/current asset, total debt ratio, and equity turnover rate were a good indicator in the determination of fraudulent financial statements. 展开更多
关键词 financial fraud financial statement financial ratio
A new group contribution-based method for estimation of flash point temperature of alkanes
作者 戴益民 刘辉 +5 位作者 陈晓青 刘又年 李浔 朱志平 张跃飞 曹忠 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期30-36,共7页
Flash point is a primary property used to determine the fire and explosion hazards of a liquid. New group contribution-based models were presented for estimation of the flash point of alkanes by the use of multiple li... Flash point is a primary property used to determine the fire and explosion hazards of a liquid. New group contribution-based models were presented for estimation of the flash point of alkanes by the use of multiple linear regression(MLR)and artificial neural network(ANN). This simple linear model shows a low average relative deviation(AARD) of 2.8% for a data set including 50(40 for training set and 10 for validation set) flash points. Furthermore, the predictive ability of the model was evaluated using LOO cross validation. The results demonstrate ANN model is clearly superior both in fitness and in prediction performance.ANN model has only the average absolute deviation of 2.9 K and the average relative deviation of 0.72%. 展开更多
关键词 flash point alkane group contribution artificial neural network(ANN) quantitative structure-property relationship(QSPR)
美国纪录片国际竞争力分析 被引量:5
作者 刘新传 冷冶夫 《中国广播电视学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期84-86,共3页
在全球化语境下,当前中国日益提升的综合国力与相对薄弱的文化软实力正成为研究焦点。面对复杂的国际市场传播环境,欧美等发达国家的经验证明,兼具相对客观表达与"真实感"体验特征的纪录片将发挥得天独厚的传播效果和优势。然而,面对... 在全球化语境下,当前中国日益提升的综合国力与相对薄弱的文化软实力正成为研究焦点。面对复杂的国际市场传播环境,欧美等发达国家的经验证明,兼具相对客观表达与"真实感"体验特征的纪录片将发挥得天独厚的传播效果和优势。然而,面对激烈的国际市场竞争如何实施有效的国际市场战略与具体战术成为突出问题。 展开更多
关键词 市场战略 宏观战略 国际市场 国际竞争力 出口产品 探索发现 全球化语境 市场竞争 多元表 电视节目交流
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