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作者 张丹红 《中学语文教学参考(教师版)》 2000年第11期56-56,共1页
关键词 中心论点 战争之道 “人和” 多助 政治主张 治国之道 统治者 “得道” 逻辑思维 表现手法
Research on Multi-modal In-Vehicle Intelligent Personal Assistant Design
作者 WANG Jia-rou TANG Cheng-xin SHUAI Liang-ying 《印刷与数字媒体技术研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期136-146,共11页
Intelligent personal assistants play a pivotal role in in-vehicle systems,significantly enhancing life efficiency,driving safety,and decision-making support.In this study,the multi-modal design elements of intelligent... Intelligent personal assistants play a pivotal role in in-vehicle systems,significantly enhancing life efficiency,driving safety,and decision-making support.In this study,the multi-modal design elements of intelligent personal assistants within the context of visual,auditory,and somatosensory interactions with drivers were discussed.Their impact on the driver’s psychological state through various modes such as visual imagery,voice interaction,and gesture interaction were explored.The study also introduced innovative designs for in-vehicle intelligent personal assistants,incorporating design principles such as driver-centricity,prioritizing passenger safety,and utilizing timely feedback as a criterion.Additionally,the study employed design methods like driver behavior research and driving situation analysis to enhance the emotional connection between drivers and their vehicles,ultimately improving driver satisfaction and trust. 展开更多
关键词 Intelligent personal assistants Multi-modal design User psychology In-vehicle interaction Voice interaction Emotional design
作者 张黎阳 《小学生时空(汉)》 2005年第3期16-17,共2页
关键词 春秋战国时期 多助 武力征服 美伊战争 孟子 伊拉克人 世界和平 人类家园 接二连三地 美英联军
守信多助 失信寡助
作者 谢爱平 《中国监察》 2002年第15期56-56,共1页
关键词 上市公司 多助 社会主义市场经济 诚信档案 个人信用征信 信用体系 《政府工作报告》 监管机制 技术改造 陈馅月饼
“金课”引领下的电气运行与控制专业中高职衔接课程体系的研究 被引量:1
作者 杨海燕 何婕 徐丹凤 《时代汽车》 2022年第10期28-29,共2页
随着我国发展进入新常态,一些传统人口红利优势逐渐丧失,以“机器人革命”撬动创新发展的工业4.0智能产业应运而生。传统的中高职衔接课程体系已无法满足新时代下技能人才发展需要。电气运行与控制专业中高职衔接课程体系中的课程应适... 随着我国发展进入新常态,一些传统人口红利优势逐渐丧失,以“机器人革命”撬动创新发展的工业4.0智能产业应运而生。传统的中高职衔接课程体系已无法满足新时代下技能人才发展需要。电气运行与控制专业中高职衔接课程体系中的课程应适应发展融合现代工业工业机器人技术。因此建构以金课为代表的课程体系,培养和开发学生的实践动手和技术创新的能力,为将来进入高职阶段进行智能化产品的学习开发奠定坚实的技术准备。本文根据新时代学生特征和认知规律,运用多层次多方位教学策略构建以“金课”—工业机器人专业为代表的新课堂,通过建立丰富的多功能多助式信息化教学、平台实践教学等教学实践提升学生的自主学习能力和综合解决问题能力。 展开更多
关键词 金课 多助式信息化教学 三位一体
《论持久战》中分析与综合相结合的方法 被引量:2
作者 刘幼樵 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 1985年第6期39-43,共5页
分析与综合的结合是辩证逻辑的重要方法。辩证逻辑把分析与综合相结合作为人类所特有的理性思维(即辩证思维)方法来研究,认为分析就是把一个事物的整体分解为各个有机组成部分来认识,综合则是把各个有机组成部分的认识联系起来,从它们... 分析与综合的结合是辩证逻辑的重要方法。辩证逻辑把分析与综合相结合作为人类所特有的理性思维(即辩证思维)方法来研究,认为分析就是把一个事物的整体分解为各个有机组成部分来认识,综合则是把各个有机组成部分的认识联系起来,从它们的相互关系上来把握事物的整体;在辩证思维中,分析是综合的基础和条件,综合是分析的前提和归宿,分析与综合既是相互对立的,又是相互结合在一起的。毛泽东同志在《论持久战》这部著作中,成功地运用分析和综合相结合这一方法,正确地说明和解决了抗日战争的问题,为我们运用分析与综合相结合的方法提供了一个重要的范例。 展开更多
关键词 分析与综合 抗日战争 《论持久战》 中日战争 分析和综合 毛泽东同志 运用分析 多助 日本帝国主义 辩证思维方法
作者 杜雄柏 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1993年第2期17-20,共4页
关键词 科学假说 中日战争 《论持久战》 毛泽东同志 错误假说 亡国论 事实材料 速胜论 多助 运动战
《广东社会科学》 CSSCI 1989年第3期2-2,共1页
地处汕头经济特区的中国银行汕头分行,本着“第一主人是客户,第一宗旨是服务,第一信条是开拓”的精神,积极发挥外汇外贸专业银行的职能,不断拓展国际、国内金融业务,竭诚为广大客户提供多功能、多层次、多渠道、多形式的服务,在国内外... 地处汕头经济特区的中国银行汕头分行,本着“第一主人是客户,第一宗旨是服务,第一信条是开拓”的精神,积极发挥外汇外贸专业银行的职能,不断拓展国际、国内金融业务,竭诚为广大客户提供多功能、多层次、多渠道、多形式的服务,在国内外金融界享有盛誉,先后被评为全国和省中行系统先进单位. 展开更多
关键词 中国银行 开拓进取 大客户 凹口 外贸专业 汕头经济特区 多助 瓦厂 中行 宗旨
作者 于乔 《中州学刊》 1982年第4期19-20,23,共3页
列宁说:马克思主义的最本质的东西,马克思主义的活的灵魂,就在于具体地分析具体的情况。毛泽东同志在《矛盾论》中对这一思想作了深刻的论述和发挥,而他在《论持久战》中对中日战争所作的周密系统的研究,又提供了一个个具体事物具体分... 列宁说:马克思主义的最本质的东西,马克思主义的活的灵魂,就在于具体地分析具体的情况。毛泽东同志在《矛盾论》中对这一思想作了深刻的论述和发挥,而他在《论持久战》中对中日战争所作的周密系统的研究,又提供了一个个具体事物具体分析的光辉范例。 所谓对于具体的事物作具体的分析,就是要在思维中正确地反映具体事物。作为认识对象的客观事物都是具体的。什么是具体?马克思说,“具体之所以具体,因为它是许多规定的综合,因而是多样性的统一。”(《马克思恩格斯选集》第2卷第103页)事物的多样性的统一,既包含事物自身的各种因素及其相互联系,又包含这一事物同它存在、发展的客观条件各种因素之间的相互联系。这也就是《矛盾论》中说的“事物发展过程中的矛盾在其总体上、在其相互联结上的特殊性”。只有认识具体矛盾的特殊性。 展开更多
关键词 中日战争 具体事物具体分析 光辉范例 《论持久战》 抗日战争 基本要素 毛泽东同志 多样性的统一 多助 《矛盾论》
作者 杨绍辉 《河北民族师范学院学报》 1983年第S1期8-10,共3页
孟子(约公元前372年—289),名轲,字子舆,战国时邹(现山东邹县)人.孟子是继孔子之后儒家学派的杰出代表.他站在“士”的立场上,为维护封建统治阶级的利益,提出一系列“仁义”主张.他希望封建统治阶级能“得其民,得天下”.他始终用他那套... 孟子(约公元前372年—289),名轲,字子舆,战国时邹(现山东邹县)人.孟子是继孔子之后儒家学派的杰出代表.他站在“士”的立场上,为维护封建统治阶级的利益,提出一系列“仁义”主张.他希望封建统治阶级能“得其民,得天下”.他始终用他那套“仁者无敌”的主张,及其争取民心为主的政治斗争口号和策略,为完成封建国家的统一而奔走游说,出谋献策,他的学说在一定的程度上表现出对人民的同情。 展开更多
关键词 盂子 写作特点 思想内容 “人和” 《孟子》 多助 失道 封建统治 中心论点 后儒家
《东疆学刊》 1990年第4期83-83,共1页
在我国,绝大多数的乡镇行政管理体制实行的是助理员制,即乡级决策领导层由乡党委书记和乡长、副乡长组成.行政执行职能由乡领导与各专业助理员的工作衔接来实现.这种简称为助理员制的体制,在较为发达的乡镇,在受商品经济影响下显得行政... 在我国,绝大多数的乡镇行政管理体制实行的是助理员制,即乡级决策领导层由乡党委书记和乡长、副乡长组成.行政执行职能由乡领导与各专业助理员的工作衔接来实现.这种简称为助理员制的体制,在较为发达的乡镇,在受商品经济影响下显得行政事务繁忙的情况下,日益显得很不适应.它的弊病主要有:(1)乡领导很难对农村各业实行有效的领导.乡级领导直接抓助理员,往往应接不暇,疲于奔命.(2)各职能助理人员工作量苦乐不均,彼此不便协作.(3)不便于农村行政管理人材的培养和使用.许多助理人员工作单一,工作能力提高慢.(4)不便于外来人员到乡机关办事。 展开更多
关键词 理员 行政执行 解题能力 工作衔接 理人员 乡镇行政 有效的领导 “度” 思想工作 多助
作者 冯喜梅 《大同高等专科学校学报》 1996年第3期33-34,共2页
明代郝敬在《读孟子》一书中说:“读其书,论其世,可想见其人”。而我读《孟子》七章,确实不但为其文笔所吸引,也被孟子伟大的人格所折服。林语堂认为,只有人格伟大的艺术家才产生了伟大的艺术。《孟子》便是一个很好的范例。其创作的初... 明代郝敬在《读孟子》一书中说:“读其书,论其世,可想见其人”。而我读《孟子》七章,确实不但为其文笔所吸引,也被孟子伟大的人格所折服。林语堂认为,只有人格伟大的艺术家才产生了伟大的艺术。《孟子》便是一个很好的范例。其创作的初衷,虽不是为了艺术的缘故,而是有感于生逢乱世、生民多艰,而慷慨发愤,爰著斯论,但其上承《论语》严谨精密的语录遗风,下启荀、韩等雄辩酣畅的气势,并于字里行间,活跃着一位胸襟博大、心术光明、才智过人。 展开更多
关键词 《孟子》 文格 人格 章句 宣王 君王 善辩 兵革 心术 多助
作者 王志遠 《佛教文化》 2002年第Z1期94-94,共1页
聖陶葉公紹鈞之字也其意本自聖人鈞陶萬物今以葉公之字名校 既念葉公一世著文立教之功更取其意垂訓來者校之所立創業維艱 大道多助
关键词 中国古典文学 文化素质 教育研究 中国传统 副董事长 研究会 副会长 多助 所长
Optimization of Microwave-assisted Extraction Technology of Polyphenols from Loropetalum chinense(R. Br.) Oliv 被引量:1
作者 刘秀 黄维 +6 位作者 肖珑 陈靖宇 荣蓉 李瑾 唐彩红 谢鹏 金晨钟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2629-2635,共7页
In order to optimize the microwave-assisted extraction technology of polyphenols from Loropetalum chinense (R. Br.) Oliv., the effects of microwave power, ethanol concentration, solid to liquid ratio and extraction ... In order to optimize the microwave-assisted extraction technology of polyphenols from Loropetalum chinense (R. Br.) Oliv., the effects of microwave power, ethanol concentration, solid to liquid ratio and extraction time on polyphenols extraction rate were investigated. On the basis of single-factor test, a four-factor and three-level orthogonal test was designed by response surface method to establish a mathematical model between the response value and various factors. The results showed that the intensity of effect of different influencing factor on polyphenols ex- traction rate ranked as microwave power's〉solid to liquid ratio's〉extraction time's〉 ethanol concentration's. The optimum microwave-assisted extraction conditions for polyphenols from L. chinense were as follows: extraction power 254 W, ethanol concentration 60%, extraction time 12.5 rain and solid to liquid ratio 1:17. Under the optimum extraction conditions, the extraction rate of polyphenols from L. chinense was 19.17%. 展开更多
关键词 Loropetalum chinense (R. Br.) Oily. Potyphenols Microwave-assisted extraction technology Response surface analysis
作者 赵立业 李宏生 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2010年第2期176-182,共7页
A new method in digital hearing aids to adaptively localize the speech source in noise and reverberant environment is proposed. Based on the room reverberant model and the multichannel adaptive eigenvalue decompositi... A new method in digital hearing aids to adaptively localize the speech source in noise and reverberant environment is proposed. Based on the room reverberant model and the multichannel adaptive eigenvalue decomposition (MCAED) algorithm, the proposed method can iteratively estimate impulse response coefficients between the speech source and microphones by the adaptive subgradient projection method. Then, it acquires the time delays of microphone pairs, and calculates the source position by the geometric method. Compared with the traditional normal least mean square (NLMS) algorithm, the adaptive subgradient projection method achieves faster and more accurate convergence in a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environment. Simulations for glasses digital hearing aids with four-component square array demonstrate the robust performance of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 hearing aids acoustic source localization multichannel adaptive eigenvalue decomposition (MCAED) algorithms adaptive subgradient projection method
Uplink Grant-Free Pattern Division Multiple Access (GF-PDMA) for 5G Radio Access 被引量:12
作者 Wanwei Tang Shaoli Kang +1 位作者 Bin Ren Xinwei Yue 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期153-163,共11页
Massive machine type communication(m MTC) is one of the key application scenarios for the fifth generation mobile communication(5 G). Grant-free(GF) transmission can reduce the high signaling overhead in m MTC. Non-or... Massive machine type communication(m MTC) is one of the key application scenarios for the fifth generation mobile communication(5 G). Grant-free(GF) transmission can reduce the high signaling overhead in m MTC. Non-orthogonal multiple access(NMA) can support more users for m MTC than orthogonal frequency division multiple access(OFDMA). Applying GF transmission in NMA system becomes an active topic recently. The in-depth study on applying GF transmission in pattern division multiple access(PDMA), a competitive candidate scheme of NMA, is investigated in this paper. The definition, latency and allocation of resource and transmission mechanism for GF-PDMA are discussed in detail. The link-level and system-level evaluations are provided to verify the analysis. The analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed GF-PDMA has lower latency than grant based PDMA(GB-PDMA), possesses strong scalability to confront collision and provides almost 2.15 times gain over GF-OFDMA in terms of supporting the number of active users in the system. 展开更多
关键词 pattern division multiple access(PDMA) grant-free UPLINK massive machinetype communication (mMTC) 5G
A facile sulfur-assisted method to synthesize porous alveolate Fe/g-C3N4 catalysts with ultra-small cluster and atomically dispersed Fe sites 被引量:5
作者 Sufeng An Guanghui Zhang +9 位作者 Jiaqiang Liu Keyan Li Gang Wan Yan Liang Donghui Ji Jeffrey T.Miller Chunshan Song Wei Liu Zhongmin Liu Xinwen Guo 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期1198-1207,共10页
Heterogeneous catalysts with ultra-small clusters and atomically dispersed(USCAD)active sites have gained increasing attention in recent years.However,developing USCAD catalysts with high-density metal sites anchored ... Heterogeneous catalysts with ultra-small clusters and atomically dispersed(USCAD)active sites have gained increasing attention in recent years.However,developing USCAD catalysts with high-density metal sites anchored in porous nanomaterials is still challenging.Here,through the template-free S-assisted pyrolysis of low-cost Fe-salts with melamine(MA),porous alveolate Fe/g-C3N4 catalysts with high-density(Fe loading up to 17.7 wt%)and increased USCAD Fe sites were synthesized.The presence of a certain amount of S species in the Fe-salts/MA system plays an important role in the formation of USCAD S-Fe-salt/CN catalysts;the S species act as a"sacrificial carrier"to increase the dispersion of Fe species through Fe-S coordination and generate porous alveolate structure by escaping in the form of SO2 during pyrolysis.The S-Fe-salt/CN catalysts exhibit greatly promoted activity and reusability for degrading various organic pollutants in advanced oxidation processes compared to the corresponding Fe-salt/CN catalysts,due to the promoted accessibility of USCAD Fe sites by the porous alveolate structure.This S-assisted method exhibits good feasibility in a large variety of S species(thiourea,S powder,and NH4SCN)and Fe salts,providing a new avenue for the low-cost and large-scale synthesis of high-density USCAD metal/g-C3N4 catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 Sulfur-assisted synthesis Porous alveolate structure Ultra-small cluster and atomically dispersed active sites Fe/g-C3N4 Advanced oxidation processes
Retroperitoneal desmoplastic small round cell tumor:Pediatric patient treated with multimodal therapy 被引量:4
作者 Yong Seok Kim Seong Jae Cha +3 位作者 Yoo Shin Choi Beom Gyu Kim Sung Jun Park In Taik Chang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第33期4212-4214,共3页
A desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is a rare, aggressive mesenchymal neoplasm. Although a DSRCT can develop at various sites, the intraabdominal site is the most common location. These tumors are found most... A desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is a rare, aggressive mesenchymal neoplasm. Although a DSRCT can develop at various sites, the intraabdominal site is the most common location. These tumors are found most commonly among young adolescents and the prognosis is extremely poor. Multimodal treatment with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy is very important for these rare cases, and this treatment can improve patient survival. In this report, we describe the case of an 8-year-old boy diagnosed with DSRCT located in the retroperitoneal space. The patient has undergone surgical resection and adjuvant chemoradiation therapy, and is currently alive without disease recurrence. 展开更多
关键词 RETROPERITONEUM Desmoplastic small round cell tumor Multimodal therapy
Ni-based photocatalytic H_2-production cocatalysts 被引量:9
作者 Rongchen Shen Jun Xie +3 位作者 Quanjun Xiang Xiaobo Chen Jizhou Jiang Xin Li 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期240-288,共49页
Photocatalysis is believed to be one of the best methods to realize sustainable H2 production. However, achieving this through heterogeneous photocatalysis still remains a great challenge owing to the absence of activ... Photocatalysis is believed to be one of the best methods to realize sustainable H2 production. However, achieving this through heterogeneous photocatalysis still remains a great challenge owing to the absence of active sites, sluggish surface reaction kinetics, insufficient charge separation, and a high thermodynamic barrier. Therefore, cocatalysts are necessary and of great significance in boosting photocatalytic H2 generation. This review will focus on the promising and appealing low-cost Ni-based H2-generation cocatalysts as the alternatives for the high-cost and low-abundance noble metal cocatalysts. Special emphasis has been placed on the design principle, modification strategies for further enhancing the activity and stability of Ni-based cocatalysts, and identification of the exact active sites and surface reaction mechanisms. Particularly, four types of modification strategies based on increased light harvesting, enhanced charge separation, strengthened interface interaction, and improved electrocatalytic activity have been thoroughly discussed and compared in detail. This review may open a new avenue for designing highly active and durable Ni-based cocatalysts for photocatalytic H2 generation. 展开更多
关键词 Heterogeneous photocatalysts Ni-based cocatalysts Photocatalytic H2 generation Solar fuel Heterojunctions
Supplementary role of multimedia teaching to college English reading 被引量:2
作者 Jiang Dong 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期53-55,共3页
With the application of modem information technology in education, particularly after multimedia network technology enters teaching field of education, the content of education, the content and the means of education ... With the application of modem information technology in education, particularly after multimedia network technology enters teaching field of education, the content of education, the content and the means of education has undergone great changes.In order to develop complex English talent, we designed a teaching model of English reading as a means of multimedia assisted teaching through collaborative, exploratory, autonomous interactive teaching, which can fully exercise and develop students' language skills, improving English quality of teaching.It has changed the traditional teaching model which is constrined bye teacher-centered, textbook-centered, classroom-centered. Multimedia Assisted English reading can give students the greatest degree of autonomy, and pay more attention to students' learning ability to play the main role in the cognitive, reflectting the idea of quality education, meetting the requirements of the times. 展开更多
关键词 MULTIMEDIA university classroom English teaching READING
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