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作者 唐旭东 《石家庄学院学报》 CAS 2023年第2期118-122,137,共6页
《尚书·多士》一向被古今学者视为一篇文献,但文中地点之矛盾说明《尚书·多士》实际上是创作于不同时间、不同地点的两篇文献,亦即两篇文章之误合。自开头“王若曰:‘尔殷遗多士’”至“时惟天命”为周天子周公旦于他在位二... 《尚书·多士》一向被古今学者视为一篇文献,但文中地点之矛盾说明《尚书·多士》实际上是创作于不同时间、不同地点的两篇文献,亦即两篇文章之误合。自开头“王若曰:‘尔殷遗多士’”至“时惟天命”为周天子周公旦于他在位二年东征打败殷商叛军后,在大邑商对追随武庚叛乱失败被俘殷商贵族也是殷商官员之诰辞。自“王曰:‘多士!昔朕来自奄’”至文末为周天子周公旦于他在位五年三月开工营建洛邑时,在洛邑对迁到洛邑并臣服于周的“殷多士”所作诰辞。认识到这一问题,所有关于作诰对象、作诰地点甚至作诰时间的疑惑皆可涣然冰释。 展开更多
关键词 《尚书》 多士 误合 创作时间 创作地点
关于《多士》、《多方》编次问题的探讨 被引量:1
作者 杜勇 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第4期44-50,共7页
今古文《尚书》均把《多士》编次在前,《多方》编次在后,这种做法恐与史实不合。就两篇诰文的具体制作年代来说,《多士》应作于周公致政明年,《多方》应作于周公摄政三年。这表明二诰在《尚书》中的正确编次应当《多方》在前而上接... 今古文《尚书》均把《多士》编次在前,《多方》编次在后,这种做法恐与史实不合。就两篇诰文的具体制作年代来说,《多士》应作于周公致政明年,《多方》应作于周公摄政三年。这表明二诰在《尚书》中的正确编次应当《多方》在前而上接《梓材》,《多士》在后可上接《洛诰》。 展开更多
关键词 多士 《多方》 编次 年代
《企业技术开发》 2002年第1期16-16,共1页
关键词 多士麦圈 多士麦圈粉 方便食品 生产工艺
作者 张维合 《模具制造》 2011年第7期48-50,共3页
关键词 多士面包炉面盖 外侧油缸液压抽芯 斜顶内侧抽芯 热流道系统
《多方》《多士》的制作年代及诰令对象 被引量:2
作者 段渝 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1986年第1期91-102,共12页
一、问题的提出 今本《尚书·周书》中的《多方》和《多士》,是西周初年周公“摄行政当国”期间,代替周成王所发布的两篇诰令。这两篇诰令,文句古朴,诘屈聱牙,行文酷类于周初金文,所记内容也多与金文及其它古籍相合,一般认为很少有... 一、问题的提出 今本《尚书·周书》中的《多方》和《多士》,是西周初年周公“摄行政当国”期间,代替周成王所发布的两篇诰令。这两篇诰令,文句古朴,诘屈聱牙,行文酷类于周初金文,所记内容也多与金文及其它古籍相合,一般认为很少有后人篡改增删之处,具有很高的史料价值,堪称实录,是研究周初历史不可多得的重要文献资料。 展开更多
关键词 多士 《多方》 制作年代 史料价值 西周初年 周成王 周公 文献资料 古籍 行政
作者 张斌 《石家庄学院学报》 CAS 2022年第1期124-128,共5页
《尚书·多士》篇“亦惟天丕建保乂有殷”的“丕建”为谓语动词,其后所加之宾语蒙上下文而省略,所省略的宾语当是“殷王”,具言之,即“自成汤至于帝乙”的列位先王。将所省略的宾语理解为“有殷”“贤臣”均不符合商末周初的时代特... 《尚书·多士》篇“亦惟天丕建保乂有殷”的“丕建”为谓语动词,其后所加之宾语蒙上下文而省略,所省略的宾语当是“殷王”,具言之,即“自成汤至于帝乙”的列位先王。将所省略的宾语理解为“有殷”“贤臣”均不符合商末周初的时代特点和《多士》篇的语境。 展开更多
关键词 《尚书·多士 亦惟天丕建保乂有殷 宾语
《广东茶业》 2002年第3期43-43,共1页
用料: A、面包片6片 B、虾仁250克 肥肉50克 罗氏虾250克 精盐3克 白糖5克 味精3克 胡椒粉2克 麻油5克 猪油10克 龙珠花茶粉适量 C。
关键词 茶文化 茶点心 龙珠虾多士 原料 制作方法
东汉三辅多士的文学考察 被引量:2
作者 胡旭 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第9期116-122,共7页
东汉的三辅地区曾涌现出大量文人学士,这一现象历史上誉称为"三辅多士"。作为东汉文坛的一个重要文化现象,"三辅多士"的主要成因在于特殊地域所形成的文化积淀。三辅地区虽然在东汉的时代条件下,已经不是当时的政... 东汉的三辅地区曾涌现出大量文人学士,这一现象历史上誉称为"三辅多士"。作为东汉文坛的一个重要文化现象,"三辅多士"的主要成因在于特殊地域所形成的文化积淀。三辅地区虽然在东汉的时代条件下,已经不是当时的政治与文化中心,但它仍然保持了浓郁的文化氛围,在它的作用之下,优越的家世,良好的教育,广泛的交游,成为三辅文士成长的重要条件。三辅文士的创作体现了积极入世精神、强烈的文学性以及以大为美的审美取向等主要特征,但在本质上,他们的创作还没有达到文学自觉的程度。三辅文士的创作对汉魏六朝文学影响很大,主要表现在京都大赋写作规范的确立、辞赋抒情传统的复兴、辞赋题材的开拓及诗歌形式上的贡献等四个方面。 展开更多
关键词 东汉 三辅多士 文学
一战期间及战后调查法船亚多士号遇难华工史料一组 被引量:1
作者 刘霞 《民国档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期5-12,共8页
1917年2月17日,自上海出发的法国邮船亚多士(Athos)号在地中海附近被德国潜艇击沉。该船载有华工九百余人,遇难者多达五百余人,是一战爆发以来出国华工遭遇最大的一次牺牲,一时轰动中外。随即,中国政府就该事件展开调查,要求中国驻法大... 1917年2月17日,自上海出发的法国邮船亚多士(Athos)号在地中海附近被德国潜艇击沉。该船载有华工九百余人,遇难者多达五百余人,是一战爆发以来出国华工遭遇最大的一次牺牲,一时轰动中外。随即,中国政府就该事件展开调查,要求中国驻法大使馆、广东省政府、惠民招工公司等相关部门、公司,详查亚多士号沉船始末、华工损害情况,以备战后要求赔偿。该调查一直持续到战后,为中国政府向德国索赔提供了大量的实据。本组史料即为外交部、驻法侨工委员、广东惠农公司等就亚多士号遇害案调查情况致侨工事务局的相关文书。 展开更多
关键词 欧战 华工 多士
“嘉祐之治”探因 被引量:1
作者 何婵娟 《钦州学院学报》 2009年第4期31-36,共6页
"嘉祐"是宋仁宗朝最后一个年号,在这段时间里经济发展、社会稳定、政治清明,被誉为"嘉祐之治"。从官员、台省合作、君臣关系等方面论述了嘉祐朝良好的政局;从茶法、盐法等法规的变更考察了嘉祐朝稳健务实的改革;从... "嘉祐"是宋仁宗朝最后一个年号,在这段时间里经济发展、社会稳定、政治清明,被誉为"嘉祐之治"。从官员、台省合作、君臣关系等方面论述了嘉祐朝良好的政局;从茶法、盐法等法规的变更考察了嘉祐朝稳健务实的改革;从而说明了"嘉祐之治"的成因。 展开更多
关键词 多士 改革 嘉祐之治
西周对待殷民的政策缕析 被引量:4
作者 杨善群 《人文杂志》 1984年第5期76-80,共5页
在关于西周社会性质的讨论中,有一种流行的意见,认为周人克殷之后,就“把殷民降为种族奴隶”,或者叫作“宗族奴隶”,西周建立的是“种族奴隶制国家”。最近有人再次提出“种族奴隶制”说,认为它是西周时代“奴隶社会的特点”。事实究竟... 在关于西周社会性质的讨论中,有一种流行的意见,认为周人克殷之后,就“把殷民降为种族奴隶”,或者叫作“宗族奴隶”,西周建立的是“种族奴隶制国家”。最近有人再次提出“种族奴隶制”说,认为它是西周时代“奴隶社会的特点”。事实究竟是怎样的呢?从《尚书·周书》中《康诰》、《酒诰》、《梓材》、《召诰》、《洛诰》、《多士》、《多方》等西周初年的文献以及相关的许多资料来看,西周政权并没有把段民视为“种族奴隶”,而是采取了区别对待的政策。 展开更多
关键词 殷民 贵族 武王 尚书 微史 周公 种族奴隶制 西周初年 文王 多士
周初八《诰》中所见周人控制殷人的各种措施 被引量:5
作者 刘起钰 《殷都学刊》 1988年第4期2-8,共7页
苏轼《东坡书传·多方》云:“自《大诰》、《康诰》、《酒诰》、《梓材》、《召诰》、《洛诰》、《多士》、《多方》八篇,虽所诰不一,然大略以殷人不心服周而作也。余读《泰誓》、《牧誓》、《武成》,常怪周取殷之易;及读此八篇,又... 苏轼《东坡书传·多方》云:“自《大诰》、《康诰》、《酒诰》、《梓材》、《召诰》、《洛诰》、《多士》、《多方》八篇,虽所诰不一,然大略以殷人不心服周而作也。余读《泰誓》、《牧誓》、《武成》,常怪周取殷之易;及读此八篇,又怪周安殷之难也。”可知周以“ 展开更多
关键词 多士 《召诰》 殷人 《多方》 《牧誓》 《武成》 《泰誓》 周初 周人 大诰
作者 朱芳圃 《中州学刊》 1981年第1期119-121,共3页
范文澜著《中国通史简编》修订本第一编第三章第二节说: “……商贵族(士大夫)当了俘虏,被周人称为献(字形亦作鬲)民,民献,人献或献,他们反抗周的统治,所以也被称为顽民或殷顽。 顽民原来是大小奴隶主,现在当了俘虏,丧失过去的威福,... 范文澜著《中国通史简编》修订本第一编第三章第二节说: “……商贵族(士大夫)当了俘虏,被周人称为献(字形亦作鬲)民,民献,人献或献,他们反抗周的统治,所以也被称为顽民或殷顽。 顽民原来是大小奴隶主,现在当了俘虏,丧失过去的威福,顽固地反抗周统治是很自然的。……” 按《古文尚书》及《逸周书》,凡称殷朝的遗民,概谓之献民或献臣;献与鬲,形义既殊,音亦远隔,不可混为一谈。至于顽民一词,始于汉代,非周初所固有。此种名词,关系古代史实及史料真伪问题颇大,兹逐一解释如下,以供研究中国古代史者的参考。 展开更多
关键词 顽民 《古文尚书》 遗民 《说文》 古代史实 《逸周书》 周初 多士 殷代 今文尚书
作者 李凯 《四川烹饪》 2005年第5期F011-F011,共1页
关键词 饮食文化 图片 菜名 “马来虾多士 “泰式辣凤爪”
Plato as "Idealist,' and Aristotle as "Realist" (?) -Reflecting the idea and the ousia in View of Comparative Philosophy 被引量:1
作者 Hisaki Hashi 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第8期405-413,共9页
One can see often in explanations of encyclopedia or lexicons of philosophy that Plato manifested primarily the absolute Idealism, whereas Aristotle verified antagonistically the relevance of realism. It is easy to pi... One can see often in explanations of encyclopedia or lexicons of philosophy that Plato manifested primarily the absolute Idealism, whereas Aristotle verified antagonistically the relevance of realism. It is easy to pick up several parts of their representative works and prove that this thesis is corresponded to the original of Plato and Aristotle. But, in reflections of philosophy, we should not ignore a cautious view, focused just on this starting point: If the above mentioned thesis is used like a slogan, "Plato for idealism, Aristotle for realism," as it often is, in the meantime there arises a dogmatic position which fixes our mental and intellectual activity only within the frame, so that everyone begins to reflect on Plato or Aristotle from that starting point in a certain framework. A critical and self-critical view of philosophy may bring this position for a query. 展开更多
关键词 IDEALISM REALISM PLATO ARISTOTLE reflection in comparative philosophy
The Hegelian Tragedy, Negative Dialectic and Ethical Substance in Sophocles' Antigone
作者 Ying-shan CHEN 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第4期557-567,共11页
Breaking with Aristotle's theory of tragedy in which the grand magnitude of the spirit of the tragic hero somehow trapped and misguided by a certain tragic flaw arouses the audiences' emotional intensity of pity and... Breaking with Aristotle's theory of tragedy in which the grand magnitude of the spirit of the tragic hero somehow trapped and misguided by a certain tragic flaw arouses the audiences' emotional intensity of pity and fear for the functioning of catharsis, Hegel analyzes the structure of tragedy in terms of the social conflict, in the case of Sophocles' Antigone, between the ruler Creon and the rebel Antigone, the patriarchal state and the individual woman, the civil codes and the divine law. Rejecting Creon's dictatorship and performing civil disobedience, Antigone intentionally buries the dead body of her brother Polyneices at the cost of being sentenced to death. Through this sacrifice, Antigone exposes the structural fissure of the civil society embedded in decaying morality for realizing the higher ideal of divine law and ethics. Through Antigone's sacrifice, the paradox of self-denial and self-elevation manifests the inner principle of dialectic through which the very opposite forces of contradiction engender the dynamic facets of the formation of modern civil society. As Hegelian dialectic is driven by its inner principle of negativity or negation of negation, through self-denial, Antigone transcends the moral codes of the mundane world for reaching the higher divine will. Yet, this dialectical ascending does not indicate a transcendent hero beyond the human world; instead, through the means of self-denying sacrifice, Antigone accomplishes the purpose of the divine will and conveys the divine spirit incarnated in the human flesh. For Hegelian tragic hero, the external and internal conflicts lead to the realization of self-consciousness and the ultimate consummation of heroic identity. Instead of being conditioned by Aristotelian tragic flaw and unconquerable fate, for Hegel, Antigone explicates the modern rebellious spirit of free will, and this martyrdom, not in the sense of scapegoat as the passive substitute for the sin of collective human community, presents a modern sense of tragic hero, an incarnated flesh invested with politically radical spirit. The flesh figure of heroine Antigone exemplifies the immanent power of ethical substance and dialectically transforms the divine will into the earthly spirit. Thus, this paper aims to investigate into the shift from Aristotle's concept of tragic hero to Hegelian dialectic tragedy and further examines how Hegelian tragic hero engenders the historical move into Western modernity through negative dialectic and accomplishes the self-other positioning of ethical substance presented in Sophocles' Antigone. 展开更多
关键词 Sophocles' Antigone TRAGEDY Aristotle Hegel negative dialectic ethical substance
The Colonization and Decolonization of Time
作者 Michael Hauser 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第6期287-291,共5页
The article addresses the issue of leisure in the sense of ancient "schole." It strives to uncover the relationship between Aristotelian concept of theoretical activity and "schole" as vacuity. It shows a paradoxi... The article addresses the issue of leisure in the sense of ancient "schole." It strives to uncover the relationship between Aristotelian concept of theoretical activity and "schole" as vacuity. It shows a paradoxical character of "schole" as purposeless time that forms condition for a meaningful activity. How, then, to restore "schole" as vacuity today, when colonization of time expands? 展开更多
关键词 TIME LEISURE "schole Platon ARISTOTLE MARCUSE neoliberalism
The Concept of Being; Where There Is No Pertinence between Avicenna and Aristotle's Live Dog Better than Dead King
作者 Alireza Saati 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第2期86-92,共7页
In 2012, my winter in Athens began with Aristotle's Metaphysics Zeta. Among strong classical philologists, 1 was the only student whose understanding of metaphysics had been based on Avicenna. After a while 1 found m... In 2012, my winter in Athens began with Aristotle's Metaphysics Zeta. Among strong classical philologists, 1 was the only student whose understanding of metaphysics had been based on Avicenna. After a while 1 found myself amid audiences beforehand precluded to compromise milestones of mine. But on the contrary, I embarked to reread both of the Avicenna and Aristotle from entirely different angle again. Inquiring in the concept of Being in both of the Aristotle and Avicenna was the first candidate of my decision. This paper is the result of mentioned concern. Aristotle's equivalence between the question of "what substance is" rendered to the question of "what being is" in addition to spelling out the implications of this observation done by Avicenna--basing on his own metaphysics---constitutes the body of my paper. 展开更多
关键词 substance Being (Existence) being (entangled existent) subject categories UNIVERSALS
At the Origin of the Art of Money-Making (Conversation With Aristotle About Wealth and the Good Life)
作者 Arianna Fermani 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第12期1242-1249,共8页
This paper aims, first of all, to examine the two fundamental treatments of the complex and very broad notion of chrematistikd (money-making) and its links with the notion of oikonomia (economics), outlining a fun... This paper aims, first of all, to examine the two fundamental treatments of the complex and very broad notion of chrematistikd (money-making) and its links with the notion of oikonomia (economics), outlining a fundamental division between natural and unnatural art of money-making. The two different arts of money-making are based on two very different psychological attitudes: in the first case, desire is channeled, managed, and organized by practical wisdom with a view to a further end; in the second case, desire is an end unto itself, insatiable, boundless and contrary to the commands of practical wisdom. Only in the first case there is a "true wealth", that is a wealth oriented toward a good life that constitutes the end (telos) and the limit (peras) of the wealth itself. The conclusion is that, for the Stagirite, wealth is not an evil, nor, in itself, is the pursuit of wealth, that is, the art of money-making, because if it is rightly organized and oriented in function of the end, it constitutes the conditio sine qua non of a life that is good, ordered and happy for the individual and for the city 展开更多
关键词 money-making ECONOMICS WEALTH practical wisdom limit good life
Aristotle's Definition of Physis in Physics B 1
作者 Camilo Vega Gonzalez 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第12期1088-1093,共6页
In Physics B 1, Aristotle establishes a detailed definition ofphysis. For that purpose, Aristotle distinguishes physis from rechne and his domain. He did this to offer a satisfactory account of the physical being. In ... In Physics B 1, Aristotle establishes a detailed definition ofphysis. For that purpose, Aristotle distinguishes physis from rechne and his domain. He did this to offer a satisfactory account of the physical being. In this process, phf;sis is defined as an immanent principle of movement and as matter and as form. As matter physis could be understood as "the primary underlying matter in each case, of things which have in themselves a source of their movements and changes". To consider physis as form Aristotle appeals to four arguments where priority of form over matter appears to be evident and where the identifying of eidos/morphe with to telos/to hou heneka will be crucial, especially for later developments. The reconstruction of Aristotle's reasoning on his definition ofphysis in Physics B 1 emphasizing the problems that such effort of definition implies is the purpose of this paper. 展开更多
关键词 PHYSIS techne hyle eidos/morphe to telos/to hou heneka
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