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Richards多形地位指数模型研建新方法--参数置换法 被引量:11
作者 惠刚盈 张连金 +1 位作者 胡艳波 赵中华 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期481-486,共6页
以杉木为例,探讨了基于导向曲线的Richards多形地位指数模型的研建新方法——参数置换法。研究发现:利用差分方程途径可以直接推导出全新的Richards多形地位指数模型。该模型在标准年龄较低(T=4 a)时能对优势高生长进行正确预估,并且其... 以杉木为例,探讨了基于导向曲线的Richards多形地位指数模型的研建新方法——参数置换法。研究发现:利用差分方程途径可以直接推导出全新的Richards多形地位指数模型。该模型在标准年龄较低(T=4 a)时能对优势高生长进行正确预估,并且其参数值与导向曲线的模型参数拟合结果非常接近。研究还进一步从绝对平均误差(MAE)、相对平均误差(MRE)、均方根误差(RMSE)、决定系数(R2)和修正决定系数(R2adj)等5个方面对导向曲线参数值替代非同形曲线的模型参数值的有效性进行了分析。结果表明:替代与否各指标间几乎无差异,亦即用导向曲线参数值直接替代非同形曲线的模型参数值是可行的。这一研究结果为在事先无地位指数表的情况下利用临时样地的年龄-树高调查数据或间隔数据进行立地质量评价提供了可能,还为直接通过导向曲线实现多形地位指数建模提供了方法。 展开更多
关键词 优势高生长模拟 导向曲线 Richards-多形模型 参数化方法
木麻黄工业原料林多形地位指数模型的研究 被引量:5
作者 张连金 惠刚盈 何楚林 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期218-222,共5页
以木麻黄工业原料林为研究对象,采用Richards非线性生长方程,通过参数置换法,建立了木麻黄多形地位指数模型。结果表明:(1)Richards方程的拟合精度较高,经检验,该模型优势高的理论值和实际值差异不显著,适应性较好,能对木麻黄的优势高... 以木麻黄工业原料林为研究对象,采用Richards非线性生长方程,通过参数置换法,建立了木麻黄多形地位指数模型。结果表明:(1)Richards方程的拟合精度较高,经检验,该模型优势高的理论值和实际值差异不显著,适应性较好,能对木麻黄的优势高生长进行正确预估;(2)研究地区木麻黄工业原料林的基准年龄可确定为3 a;(3)对多形地位指数模型的拐点进行分析,表明该模型能够客观地反映不同立地优势高的生长规律;(4)为推进国内木麻黄数表、模型的研究与应用提供了参考,为木麻黄林分立地质量评价,经营管理提供科技支撑。 展开更多
关键词 木麻黄 工业原料林 差分方程 地位指数曲线 多形模型
基于树高-年龄分级的杉木人工林多形立地指数曲线模型研究 被引量:20
作者 朱光玉 康立 +3 位作者 何海梅 吕勇 银勇平 吴毅 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期18-29,共12页
考虑相同或者相近年龄的杉木纯林,其优势木高生长受立地条件的影响较大,对年龄、优势高进行分级,基于树高-年龄分级构造哑变量,采用基于哑变量的非线性回归分析,建立区域性杉木多形立地指数曲线模型,为区域性立地质量评价和生产力预估... 考虑相同或者相近年龄的杉木纯林,其优势木高生长受立地条件的影响较大,对年龄、优势高进行分级,基于树高-年龄分级构造哑变量,采用基于哑变量的非线性回归分析,建立区域性杉木多形立地指数曲线模型,为区域性立地质量评价和生产力预估提供研究思路和方法;同时提出一种合理的构建树高-年龄分级哑变量的思路和方法,并进一步研究分级哑变量如何加在模型参数上较为合理。以湖南不同地区606组杉木纯林优势木平均高-年龄数据为研究对象,采用理查德等4种常用非线性方程进行模拟与分析,找出最优基础模型。采用循环迭代法结合最优基础模型,对树高和年龄进行分级,找出最佳的分级结果并构建哑变量:(1)先给定初始龄阶间距值3年,对各龄阶树高进行20种分级方法,得到不同树高分级方法所对应的哑变量,采用含哑变量的非线性回归分析方法进行树高-年龄相关关系模拟,并分析、对比建模精度与效果,找出最优的树高分级方法及结果;(2)基于最优树高分级结果,考虑17种不同的龄阶划分方法,得到17种不同龄阶所对应的哑变量,采用含哑变量的非线性回归方程模拟树高-年龄相关关系,并分析、对比建模精度与效果,找出最优的龄阶划分方法及结果;(3)基于(2)中最优龄阶,重复1)的研究工作,得到最优的树高分级结果及所对应的哑变量,即最优哑变量。基于最优哑变量,考虑到哑变量加在不同的参数上模型模拟预测效果可能不一致,采用7种不同加哑变量的方法,进行树高-年龄生长曲线模拟,并对比、分析其模拟效果,模型检验采用确定系数(R2)、绝对平均误差(MAE)、均方根误差(RMSE)和残差4个指标,找出最优模型,并绘制多形立地指数曲线图。通过对4种非线性模型的建模精度分析与比较得到理查德方程最优,模型表达式为:H=a×[1-exp(-b×Age)]c,其确定系数(R2)为0.799 644;基于最优模型,采用含哑变量的非线性回归分析,利用循环迭代法分析不同树高、年龄分级的模型模拟精度与结果,指出龄阶间距为5、树高分9级所得哑变量最优;基于最优哑变量,考虑7种哑变量模型模拟方法,得到哑变量加在参数a、b上最优,其确定系数(R2)、绝对平均误差(MAE)、均方根误差(RMSE)分别为:0.953 029、0.836 93、1.119 938,残差值均匀分布在横轴(预测值)两侧,表明模型模拟效果较好。本研究采用含哑变量的回归分析与循环迭代法,系统的构建了湖南杉木多形立地指数曲线模型,不仅明显提高了模型的精度:确定系数从0.799 644增加到0.953 029,而且为区域性立地质量评价和生产力预估模型的构建提供了可行思路和方法。 展开更多
关键词 杉木人工林 树高-年龄分级 多形立地指数模型 非线性回归 哑变量
马尾松人工林Sloboda多形地位指数模型的研究 被引量:15
作者 吴承祯 洪伟 林成来 《生物数学学报》 CSCD 2002年第4期489-493,共5页
将德国生物统计学家Sloboda B的树高生长模型应用于马尾松人工林优势高生长模型模拟中.结果表明,用Sloboda树高生长方程拟合马尾松人工林多形地位指数曲线能获得良好效果,且优于Richards多形地位指数曲线.
关键词 马尾松人工林 多形地位指数模型 树高生长模型 Sloboda方程
多形林分生长模型研究 被引量:4
作者 陈绍安 《林业调查规划》 2007年第2期7-10,共4页
关键词 多形生长模型 Richards生长方程 生长曲线
湿地松多形与单形地位指数曲线模型的对比研究 被引量:1
作者 龙红 周锡祥 +2 位作者 沈家智 董世绫 饶文娟 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1993年第S3期60-66,共7页
选择Richards生长函数作为吉安地区湿地松林林分优势高和林龄导向曲线建模的基本模型,采用标准差法、变动系数法、相对树高法、比例法、差分方程法和多形曲线等展开成地位指数曲线.通过拟合精度检验,结果表明:①将单形导向曲线方程展开... 选择Richards生长函数作为吉安地区湿地松林林分优势高和林龄导向曲线建模的基本模型,采用标准差法、变动系数法、相对树高法、比例法、差分方程法和多形曲线等展开成地位指数曲线.通过拟合精度检验,结果表明:①将单形导向曲线方程展开成地位指数表的几种现行方法,其结果差异较大:②由于不同地位指数优势高的生长过程曲线簇存在多形特征,多形模型的预估精度明显高于单形模型,因此,在一般情况下,应以建立多形模型为宜. 展开更多
关键词 地位指数 多形地位指数模型 导向曲线 RICHARDS函数
作者 沈家智 龙红 +2 位作者 周锡祥 董世绫 饶文娟 《华东森林经理》 1993年第4期4-8,共5页
选用吉安地区湿地松栽培区10个县(市)的385株具有代表性的平均优势木.以理查德(Richards)函数为基本模型.采用标准差法、变动系数法、相对树高法、比例法,差分方程法和多形曲线等展开成地位指数曲线。通过拟合精度检验.结果表明:由于不... 选用吉安地区湿地松栽培区10个县(市)的385株具有代表性的平均优势木.以理查德(Richards)函数为基本模型.采用标准差法、变动系数法、相对树高法、比例法,差分方程法和多形曲线等展开成地位指数曲线。通过拟合精度检验.结果表明:由于不同地位指数优势木树高的生长过程曲线簇存在着多形特性.多形模型的预估精度明显高于单形模型。因此.以建立多形模型为宜。 展开更多
关键词 湿地松 多形地位指数模型 RICHARDS函数
臭松天然次生林地位指数模型研究 被引量:9
作者 刘发林 刘四海 +3 位作者 肖化顺 邵柏 杨佳 龙时胜 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期24-29,共6页
以吉林省汪清林业局臭松天然次生林为研究对象,利用172块小班调查数据、178块复位样地数据及96株解析木数据,根据臭松优势木树高生长现状,分别拟合得到最优导向曲线和多形地位指数模型。分别采用标准差法、指数级差法及落点检验法对2种... 以吉林省汪清林业局臭松天然次生林为研究对象,利用172块小班调查数据、178块复位样地数据及96株解析木数据,根据臭松优势木树高生长现状,分别拟合得到最优导向曲线和多形地位指数模型。分别采用标准差法、指数级差法及落点检验法对2种地位指数模型进行精度检验,结果如下:标准差法显示两种地位指数模型精度都较高;指数级差法表明单形模型跳级的情况都高于多形,无跳级次数低于多形;落点检验法发现单形地位指数曲线簇中,散点溢出曲线簇范围的散点占总散点数的10.7%,而多形地位指数曲线簇中,散点溢出曲线簇范围的散点占总数的2.7%。因而,立地类型多形地位指数模型更适宜于编制吉林汪青臭松天然次生林地位指数表。 展开更多
关键词 臭松天然次生林 最优导向曲线 多形地位指数模型 汪清林业局
辽东山区现有林经营管理技术的研究 被引量:2
作者 殷鸣放 王丽英 +1 位作者 郭芳 张远 《沈阳农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期191-195,共5页
本研究提出了辽东山区现有林分类技术标准 ;对商品林经营管理提出了采用里查德生长函数,拟合9参数多形地位指数模型 ,编制落叶松人工林林分密度控制图,进行商品林密度控制 ;在多形地位指数模型基础上 ,引进林分密度指数 ,把编制的落叶... 本研究提出了辽东山区现有林分类技术标准 ;对商品林经营管理提出了采用里查德生长函数,拟合9参数多形地位指数模型 ,编制落叶松人工林林分密度控制图,进行商品林密度控制 ;在多形地位指数模型基础上 ,引进林分密度指数 ,把编制的落叶松人工林林分密度控制图推导成可变密度收获表 ,对商品林的收获进行预测和控制 ,建立了商品林立地、密度与收获一体化的经营管理技术体系。同时 ,探讨了辽东山区公益林的经营理论与技术措施。 展开更多
关键词 辽东山区 现有林 经营管理技术 公益林 多形地位指数模型 密度控制图 可变密度收获表
Polycrystalline model for FE-simulation of micro forming processes 被引量:3
作者 王春举 郭斌 单德彬 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1362-1366,共5页
A new polycrystal model was presented from the viewpoint of polycrystal structure of the billets considering free surface effects.In the model,the billet was divided into three portions,such as free surface portion,tr... A new polycrystal model was presented from the viewpoint of polycrystal structure of the billets considering free surface effects.In the model,the billet was divided into three portions,such as free surface portion,transition portion and internal portion.The grains in free surface portion were considered the single grains,and the anisotropy of the grains was taken into account by introducing grain orientation to explain the inhomogeneous deformation.In the transition portion,the effects of the neighbouring grains were adopted in the model.The grains in the internal portion were considered the polycrystalline material.With the developed model,the upsetting deformation process was simulated by the MSC Superform software.The scatter of the flow stress and inhomogeneous deformation was observed by analysis of the model.The comparisons show that the computational results are good agreed with the experimental results.This means that the presented model is effective. 展开更多
关键词 micro forming size effect polycrystal model inhomogeneous deformation
Deformation mechanisms of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy by polycrystal plasticity modeling 被引量:1
作者 尹德良 刘金强 吴冰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2188-2194,共7页
A polycrystal plasticity model was developed to analyze the room-temperature deformation behaviors of Mg-3A1-1Zn alloy(AZ31).The uniaxial tension and compression tests at room temperature were conducted using cast a... A polycrystal plasticity model was developed to analyze the room-temperature deformation behaviors of Mg-3A1-1Zn alloy(AZ31).The uniaxial tension and compression tests at room temperature were conducted using cast and extruded AZ31 rods with different textures and combined with the proposed model to reveal the deformation mechanisms.It is shown that,different flow curves of two specimens under tension and compression tests can be simulated by this model.The flow curves of AZ31 extrusions exhibit different shapes for tension and compression due to different activities of tensile twinning and pyramidalc+a slip.The metallographic and TEM observations showed the equal twinning activities at the initial stage in tension and compression tests and the occurrence of pyramidalc+a slip in compression of as-cast Mg-3A1-1Zn alloy with increasing the strain,which is consistent with the simulated results by the proposed model. 展开更多
关键词 Mg alloy deformation mechanism polycrystal plasticity model TEXTURE
作者 Xi Yinglai Hao Chongyang Lai Changcai 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2006年第6期873-876,共4页
This paper proposed a novel fast fractional pixel search algorithm based on polynomial model. With the analysis of distribution characteristics of motion compensation error surface inside tractional pixel searching wi... This paper proposed a novel fast fractional pixel search algorithm based on polynomial model. With the analysis of distribution characteristics of motion compensation error surface inside tractional pixel searching window, the matching error is fitted with parabola along horizontal and vertical direction respectively. The proposcd searching strategy needs to check only 6 points rather than 16 or 24 points, which are used in the l lierarchical Fractional Pel Search algorithm (HFPS) for 1/4-pel and 1/8-pel Motion Estimation (ME). The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm shows very good capability in keeping the rate distortion performance while reduces computation load to a large extent compared with HFPS algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Motion Estimation (ME) Fractional pixel Polynomial model
A Novel Exponential Kinetic Model for Casein Tryptic Hydrolysis to Prepare Active Peptides 被引量:14
作者 何志敏 齐崴 何明霞 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第5期562-566,共5页
The kinetics of casein tryptic hydrolysis to prepare activepeptides was investigated. Taking into account the reaction mechanismincluding single substrate hydrolysis, irreversible enzymeinactivation, and substrate inh... The kinetics of casein tryptic hydrolysis to prepare activepeptides was investigated. Taking into account the reaction mechanismincluding single substrate hydrolysis, irreversible enzymeinactivation, and substrate inhibition, a set of exponentialequations was established to characterize the enzymatic hydrolysiscurves. The verification was carried out by a series of experimentalresults and indicated that the average regressive error was less than5/100. According to the proposed kinetic model, the kinetic constantsand thermodynamic constants of the reaction system were alsocalculated. 展开更多
3D Engineering Model Retrieval Based on Enhanced Shape Distributions 被引量:1
作者 侯鑫 张旭堂 +1 位作者 刘文剑 冉洋 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期413-422,共10页
To reuse and share the valuable knowledge embedded in repositories of engineering models for accelerating the design process, improving product quality, and reducing costs, it is crucial to devise search engines capab... To reuse and share the valuable knowledge embedded in repositories of engineering models for accelerating the design process, improving product quality, and reducing costs, it is crucial to devise search engines capable of matching 3D models efficiently and effectively. In this paper, an enhanced shape distributions-based technique of using geometrical and topological information to search 3D engineering models represented by polygonal meshes was presented. A simplification method of polygonal meshes was used to simplify engineering model as the pretreatment for generation of sample points. The method of sampling points was improved and a pair of functions that was more sensitive to shape was employed to construct a 2D shape distribution. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the proposed algorithm utilizing the Engineering Shape Benchmark (ESB) database. The experiential results suggest that the search effectiveness is significantly improved by enforcing the simplification and enhanced shape distributions to engineering model retrieval. 展开更多
关键词 shape retrieval polygonal mesh simplification shape distribution 3D engineering model
Thickness distribution of multi-stage incremental forming with different forming stages and angle intervals 被引量:1
作者 李军超 杨芬芬 周志强 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期842-848,共7页
Although multi-stage incremental sheet forming has always been adopted instead of single-stage forming to form parts with a steep wall angle or to achieve a high forming performance, it is largely dependent on empiric... Although multi-stage incremental sheet forming has always been adopted instead of single-stage forming to form parts with a steep wall angle or to achieve a high forming performance, it is largely dependent on empirical designs. In order to research multi-stage forming further, the effect of forming stages(n) and angle interval between the two adjacent stages(Δα) on thickness distribution was investigated. Firstly, a finite element method(FEM) model of multi-stage incremental forming was established and experimentally verified. Then, based on the proposed simulation model, different strategies were adopted to form a frustum of cone with wall angle of 30° to research the thickness distribution of multi-pass forming. It is proved that the minimum thickness increases largely and the variance of sheet thickness decreases significantly as the value of n grows. Further, with the increase of Δα, the minimum thickness increases initially and then decreases, and the optimal thickness distribution is achieved with Δα of 10°.Additionally, a formula is deduced to estimate the sheet thickness after multi-stage forming and proved to be effective. And the simulation results fit well with the experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 incremental forming multi-stage forming angle interval thickness distribution
Prediction of Soil Depth from Digital Terrain Data by Integrating Statistical and Visual Approaches 被引量:7
作者 F. M. ZIADAT 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期361-367,共7页
Information about the spatial distribution of soil attributes is indispensable for many land resource management applications; however, the ability of soil maps to supply such information for modern modeling tools is ... Information about the spatial distribution of soil attributes is indispensable for many land resource management applications; however, the ability of soil maps to supply such information for modern modeling tools is questionable. The objectives of this study were to investigate the possibility of predicting soil depth using some terrain attributes derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) with geographic information systems (GIS) and to suggest an approach to predict other soil attributes. Soil depth was determined at 652 field observations over the A1-Muwaqqar Watershed (70 km2) in Jordan. Terrain attributes derived from 30-m resolution DEMs were utilized to predict soil depth. The results indicated that the use of multiple linear regression models within small watershed subdivisions enabled the prediction of soil depth with a difference of 50 cm for 77% of the field observations. The spatial distribution of the predicted soil depth was visually coincided and had good correlations with the spatial distribution of the classes amalgamating three terrain attributes, slope steepness, slope shape, and compound topographic index. These suggested that the modeling of soil-landscape relationships within small watershed subdivisions using the three terrain attributes was a promising approach to predict other soil attributes. 展开更多
关键词 compound topographic index digital elevation model GIS WATERSHED
Equality Testing for Soil Grid Unit Resolutions to Polygon Unit Scales with DNDC Modeling of Regional SOC Pools 被引量:2
作者 YU Dongsheng PAN Yue +4 位作者 ZHANG Haidong WANG Xiyang NI Yunlong ZHANG Liming SHI Xue-zheng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期552-568,共17页
Matching soil grid unit resolutions with polygon unit map scales is important to minimize the uncertainty of regional soil organic carbon(SOC) pool simulation due to their strong influences on the modeling.A series of... Matching soil grid unit resolutions with polygon unit map scales is important to minimize the uncertainty of regional soil organic carbon(SOC) pool simulation due to their strong influences on the modeling.A series of soil grid units at varying cell sizes was derived from soil polygon units at six map scales,namely,1:50 000(C5),1:200 000(D2),1:500 000(P5),1:1 000 000(N1),1:4 000 000(N4) and 1:14 000 000(N14),in the Taihu Region of China.Both soil unit formats were used for regional SOC pool simulation with a De Nitrification-DeC omposition(DNDC) process-based model,which spans the time period from 1982 to 2000 at the six map scales.Four indices,namely,soil type number(STN),area(AREA),average SOC density(ASOCD) and total SOC stocks(SOCS) of surface paddy soils that were simulated by the DNDC,were distinguished from all these soil polygon and grid units.Subjecting to the four index values(IV) from the parent polygon units,the variations in an index value(VIV,%) from the grid units were used to assess its dataset accuracy and redundancy,which reflects the uncertainty in the simulation of SOC pools.Optimal soil grid unit resolutions were generated and suggested for the DNDC simulation of regional SOC pools,matching their respective soil polygon unit map scales.With these optimal raster resolutions,the soil grid units datasets can have the same accuracy as their parent polygon units datasets without any redundancy,when VIV < 1% was assumed to be a criterion for all four indices.A quadratic curve regression model,namely,y = – 0.80 × 10^(–6)x^2 + 0.0228 x + 0.0211(R^2 = 0.9994,P < 0.05),and a power function model R? = 10.394?^(0.2153)(R^2 = 0.9759,P < 0.05) were revealed,which describe the relationship between the optimal soil grid unit resolution(y,km) and soil polygon unit map scale(1:10 000x),the ratio(R?,%) of the optimal soil grid size to average polygon patch size(?,km^2) and the ?,with the highest R^2 among different mathematical regressions,respectively.This knowledge may facilitate the grid partitioning of regions during the investigation and simulation of SOC pool dynamics at a certain map scale,and be referenced to other landscape polygon patches' mesh partition. 展开更多
关键词 soil organic carbon(SOC) soil grid unit resolutions soil polygon unit map scales DeNitrification-DeComposition(DNDC) model SOC pools
A topographical model for precipitation pattern in the Tibetan Plateau 被引量:2
作者 QI Wen-wen ZHANG Bai-ping +3 位作者 YAO Yong-hui ZHAO Fang ZHANG Shuo HE Wen-hui 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期763-773,共11页
As the highest and most extensive plateau on earth, the Tibetan Plateau has strong thermo- dynamic effect, which not only affects regional climate around the plateau but precipitation patterns of scattered meteorologi... As the highest and most extensive plateau on earth, the Tibetan Plateau has strong thermo- dynamic effect, which not only affects regional climate around the plateau but precipitation patterns of scattered meteorological also temperature and itself. However, due to stations, its spatial precipitation pattern and, especially, the mechanism behind are poorly understood. The availability of spatially consistent satellite-derived precipitation data makes it possible to get accurate precipitation pattern in the plateau, which could help quantitatively explore the effect and mechanism of mass elevation effect on precipitation pattern. This paper made full use of TMPA 3B43 V7 monthly precipitation data to track the trajectory of precipitation and identified four routes (east, southeast, south, west directions) along which moisture-laden air masses move into the plateau. We made the assumption that precipitation pattern is the result interplay of these four moisture- laden air masses transportation routes against the distances from moisture sources and the topographic barriers along the routes. To do so, we developed a multivariate linear regression model with the spatial distribution of annual mean precipitation as the dependent variable and the topographical barriers to these four moisture sources as independent variables. The result shows that our model could explain about 7o% of spatial variation of mean annual precipitation pattern in the plateau; the regression analysis also shows that the southeast moisture source (the Bay of Bengal) contributes the most (32.56%) to the rainfall pattern of the plateau; the east and the south sources have nearly the same contribution, 23.59% and 23.48%, respectively; while the west source contributes the least, only 2o.37%. The findings of this study can greatly improve our understanding of mass elevation effect on spatial precipitation pattern. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau Precipitation pattern TOPOGRAPHY Moisture sources
作者 Wang Jiayang Chen Songqiao Luo An 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2006年第5期758-762,共5页
Model integration is an important section of the model management research area. The paper puts forward a formalization representation of model, and presents some concepts, such as the compound model re- lation, the c... Model integration is an important section of the model management research area. The paper puts forward a formalization representation of model, and presents some concepts, such as the compound model re- lation, the composite model and so on. Additionally, the existence of model integration is also analyzed in de- tail and several sufficient conditions are proved. 展开更多
关键词 Formal model Multi-repositories Model integration
Analyses of Multiplicity and Stability Patterns of Agglomeration Controlled Precipitation with Both Primary and Secondary Nucleations 被引量:2
作者 尹秋响 张美景 王静康 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第2期202-207,共6页
The possibility of multiplicity in an isothermal continuous mixed suspension-mixed product removalcrystallizer is explored using the bifurcation theory. A process involving agglomeration controlled precipitationis con... The possibility of multiplicity in an isothermal continuous mixed suspension-mixed product removalcrystallizer is explored using the bifurcation theory. A process involving agglomeration controlled precipitationis considered in which secondary nucleation occurs simultaneously with primary nucleation. The determinantequations for the existence of multiple steady states are developed and the multiplicity boundaries dependent on thephysical and kinetic properties and operational parameters of the process are obtained by resolving these determinantequations. The number of steady states in the precipitator for various multiplicity regions is determined and thelinear stability of these steady states is analyzed by using the Routh criterion. 展开更多
关键词 PRECIPITATION mixed suspension-mixed product removal crystallizer AGGLOMERATION MULTIPLICITY sta- bility
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