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多管程换热器网络的最小温差分析与夹点设计 被引量:7
作者 孙琳 赵野 罗雄麟 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期2991-2999,共9页
在实际生产过程中,多管程换热器广泛应用,其中既存在逆流换热也存在并流换热。针对多管程换热器网络中并流换热与逆流换热时换热温差对夹点特性尤其是换热网络综合的影响,定量分析最小温差的选择与夹点特性及其总费用的关系。兼顾管程... 在实际生产过程中,多管程换热器广泛应用,其中既存在逆流换热也存在并流换热。针对多管程换热器网络中并流换热与逆流换热时换热温差对夹点特性尤其是换热网络综合的影响,定量分析最小温差的选择与夹点特性及其总费用的关系。兼顾管程数目的选择以及换热网络总费用两方面因素,以年度化总费用最低为目标,优化求解多管程换热器网络的最小温差。然后,将求得的最小温差作为夹点温差,遵循夹点设计原则综合换热网络。同时,计算得出多管程换热器网络的FT修正因子,并对结果进行分析。最后,结合示例对比分析求解结果,证明方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 换热网络 多管程换热器 综合 夹点技术 最小温差
多管程炼油加热炉防止偏流的措施——学习《一般炼油装置用火焰加热炉》(SH/T3036—2012)心得体会(三) 被引量:2
作者 李文辉 《石油化工设备技术》 CAS 2015年第3期37-39,7,共3页
随着炼油装置和加热炉的大型化,加热炉的管程数也越来越多。多管程加热炉最大的安全威胁是偏流。偏流后流量少的管内介质会超温、裂解、结焦,甚至烧穿炉管,酿成严重事故。本文回顾了多管程加热炉由于偏流而造成事故的案例,分析了产生偏... 随着炼油装置和加热炉的大型化,加热炉的管程数也越来越多。多管程加热炉最大的安全威胁是偏流。偏流后流量少的管内介质会超温、裂解、结焦,甚至烧穿炉管,酿成严重事故。本文回顾了多管程加热炉由于偏流而造成事故的案例,分析了产生偏流的原因,描述了偏流产生的后果,介绍了诸多情况下防止偏流的措施。 展开更多
关键词 炼油 加热炉 多管程 偏流 预防措施
多管程螺旋折流板换热器分段传热算法 被引量:2
作者 伍美 胡大鹏 《化工机械》 CAS 2019年第6期684-690,共7页
提出了一种基于微分法的多管程螺旋折流板换热器分段传热算法,并编制程序软件。该分段算法无需对对数平均温差进行F因子校正,并解决了温度交叉引起的无法计算的问题。程序可以在温度交叉后自动判断传热方向进行修正计算,运算完成后可得... 提出了一种基于微分法的多管程螺旋折流板换热器分段传热算法,并编制程序软件。该分段算法无需对对数平均温差进行F因子校正,并解决了温度交叉引起的无法计算的问题。程序可以在温度交叉后自动判断传热方向进行修正计算,运算完成后可得到管壳程沿程方向各微段的温度和传热数据。经校核,程序计算结果具有较高的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 螺旋折流板换热器 多管程 传热 分段计算 程序软件
多管程管壳式换热器管箱法兰的强度计算 被引量:5
作者 郭青松 《硫磷设计与粉体工程》 2002年第5期41-43,共3页
多管程、高压、高温换热器管箱法兰的垫片密封问题对法兰强度的影响 ,在有关的标准规范中没有相关说明 ,设计中往往被忽略了。通过计算实例进行分析 ,可见其影响有时还比较大 ,建议通过折算进行强度计算 ,确保其安全可靠。
关键词 多管程管壳式换热器 管箱法兰 强度 计算 管箱垫片
多管程管壳式换热器隔板槽面积计算 被引量:1
作者 丁满福 《山西化工》 2010年第6期60-61,68,共3页
针对换热器设计中转角正三角形排列及转角正方形排列的多管程管壳式换热器管板的隔板槽面积难以精确计算的问题,给出了一种隔板槽面积的计算方法。该方法可以方便地获得多管程管壳式换热器管板的隔板槽面积,从而提高了管板厚度计算的精... 针对换热器设计中转角正三角形排列及转角正方形排列的多管程管壳式换热器管板的隔板槽面积难以精确计算的问题,给出了一种隔板槽面积的计算方法。该方法可以方便地获得多管程管壳式换热器管板的隔板槽面积,从而提高了管板厚度计算的精确性。 展开更多
关键词 多管程管壳式换热器 隔板槽 面积计算
作者 郑意 贺鹤 +1 位作者 武建文 钟建华 《石油化工设备》 CAS 2020年第2期63-66,共4页
采用金属包垫的多管程管壳式热交换器在进行耐压试验时经常发生管箱法兰密封泄漏现象。对多管程管箱法兰的密封结构进行分析,认为造成泄漏的主要原因是分程隔板加强了管箱法兰的刚度,使得垫片在分程隔板作用范围内的接触面积增大,导致... 采用金属包垫的多管程管壳式热交换器在进行耐压试验时经常发生管箱法兰密封泄漏现象。对多管程管箱法兰的密封结构进行分析,认为造成泄漏的主要原因是分程隔板加强了管箱法兰的刚度,使得垫片在分程隔板作用范围内的接触面积增大,导致计算的预紧力无法满足实际所需的预紧力。对多管程管箱法兰的密封修正计算方法进行探讨,认为采用Water算法设计多管程管箱法兰存在局限性。为提高密封性能,在进行多管程管壳式热交换器密封设计时应优先考虑采用垫片参数较小的柔性石墨波齿复合垫片。 展开更多
关键词 管壳式热交换器 密封性能 多管程 管箱法兰
作者 吴贤春 《化肥设计》 CAS 2019年第2期14-16,共3页
四川科新机电股份有限公司2017年承制的某化工公司20万t/a聚碳酸酯项目中,有一台单壳程多管程的固定管板换热器,该换热器直径小、管程多,分程隔板布局紧凑,分程隔板焊接困难不易制造。对该换热器管箱分程隔板的结构及其特点进行分析,优... 四川科新机电股份有限公司2017年承制的某化工公司20万t/a聚碳酸酯项目中,有一台单壳程多管程的固定管板换热器,该换热器直径小、管程多,分程隔板布局紧凑,分程隔板焊接困难不易制造。对该换热器管箱分程隔板的结构及其特点进行分析,优化了分程隔板的结构形式以满足焊接需求。通过对小直径、多管程换热器的研制表明,在保证质量和安全性能的前提下,通过对设计结构的优化,制造方案的合理化,是完全能够实现小直径、多管程换热器的研制,同时也为其他类似因分程隔板结构原因难于焊接的管箱提供了改进经验。 展开更多
关键词 换热器 小直径 多管程 管箱 分程隔板
作者 高宏坤 《石油化工设备技术》 CAS 1997年第3期13-16,共4页
关键词 多管程管壳式 换热器 计算 炼油厂
作者 丁吉超 《硫磷设计与粉体工程》 CAS 2023年第3期43-46,I0002,共5页
多管程换热器管箱平盖的挠度超出允许值会存在内漏的风险。以某多管程换热器管箱平盖设计为例,计算发现平盖中心处的最大挠度远大于标准许用值,综合考虑经济性及项目进度,提出在平盖外侧设置井字形加强筋支撑的优化方案,并采取有限元分... 多管程换热器管箱平盖的挠度超出允许值会存在内漏的风险。以某多管程换热器管箱平盖设计为例,计算发现平盖中心处的最大挠度远大于标准许用值,综合考虑经济性及项目进度,提出在平盖外侧设置井字形加强筋支撑的优化方案,并采取有限元分析方法对管箱平盖的挠度进行模拟计算。计算结果显示,平盖结构优化后其挠度降低了80%,满足了设计要求,且节省了材料费用。 展开更多
关键词 多管程换热器 优化设计 平盖挠度 有限元计算
作者 赵辉 田璐 韩峰 《黑龙江粮油科技》 2001年第2期59-59,62,共2页
本文根据换热的机理,简略地阐述了卧式多管程铝合金冷凝器对比油厂普遍使用的 冷凝器的优势所在。卧式多管程铝合金冷凝器的设计符合换热机理,具有低成本、高效率的 特点,其冷凝效果高于三式单管程冷凝器。
关键词 冷凝器 铝合金冷凝器 多管程 油厂 卧式 换热
多管程微通道冷凝器热力性能计算方法 被引量:4
作者 陈颖 郑文贤 +2 位作者 钟天明 杨庆成 华楠 《热科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期476-483,共8页
多管程平行流微通道冷凝器的管程设计方案对换热器管内热力性能影响较大。针对各管程工质流量可变、平均干度可变的多管程平行流冷凝器管内热力参数提出一种分程计算方法:在假设管壁温度不变及同管程内流量均匀分配的前提下,采用Koyam... 多管程平行流微通道冷凝器的管程设计方案对换热器管内热力性能影响较大。针对各管程工质流量可变、平均干度可变的多管程平行流冷凝器管内热力参数提出一种分程计算方法:在假设管壁温度不变及同管程内流量均匀分配的前提下,采用Koyama和Wang提出的冷凝传热模型,以及Zhang和Koyama提出的摩擦压降模型,建立了壁温与热流量之间的关系式,通过迭代求得管内平均传热系数和压降的理论值。以一个商用R134a、流程分配为12-8-8-6微通道冷凝器作为示例,用理论和实验方法分别得到了其管内冷凝平均传热系数和压降。结果表明,二者的偏差均落在30%以内。其中Koyama和Zhang提出的模型预测偏差较小,分别为-4.96%~11.31%,0.42%~25.14%。 展开更多
关键词 多管程 微通道冷凝器 平均传热系数 压降
作者 靳延辉 王丽曼 张克铮 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期85-87,共3页
多管程离散型膜反应器可以在同一设备内完成多次的反应和分离,使反应和分离更好地耦合,从而弥补了单管程膜反应器的不足。以仲丁醇脱氢生成甲乙酮为反应体系,在相同条件下就四管程离散型无机膜反应器和固定床反应器进行了对比实验。考... 多管程离散型膜反应器可以在同一设备内完成多次的反应和分离,使反应和分离更好地耦合,从而弥补了单管程膜反应器的不足。以仲丁醇脱氢生成甲乙酮为反应体系,在相同条件下就四管程离散型无机膜反应器和固定床反应器进行了对比实验。考察了管程数、反应温度、进料空率3个主要因素,结果表明多管程离散型膜反应器的结构合理可行,更适于较低的进料速率和较低的反应温度。 展开更多
关键词 无机膜反应器 多管程 离散型 膜分离
Multimedia Engineering Database Management Systems
作者 梁允荣 郭贵锁 +3 位作者 宋瀚涛 冯希 高春雷 郭胜 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1996年第1期68-73,共6页
In the Engine CAD application system engineering database management system (ECAD-EDBMS) is the kernel. ECAD-EDBMS can manage and process the multimedia such as graphics, data, text, sound, image and video. It provide... In the Engine CAD application system engineering database management system (ECAD-EDBMS) is the kernel. ECAD-EDBMS can manage and process the multimedia such as graphics, data, text, sound, image and video. It provides the integrated environment and more functions for many subsystems of ECAD and engine designers. So it improves the design efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 database management systems multimedia technology engineering CAD
Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Network Considering Multipass Exchangers 被引量:3
作者 李绍军 姚平经 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第3期242-246,共5页
Many methods have been proposed for synthesis of heat exchanger networks in recent years, most of which consider single pass exchangers. In this study some evolutionary rules have been proposed for synthesis of multip... Many methods have been proposed for synthesis of heat exchanger networks in recent years, most of which consider single pass exchangers. In this study some evolutionary rules have been proposed for synthesis of multipass exchanger networks. The method is based on the heuristic that optimal networks should feature maximum energy recovery and have the minimum number of shells. The effectiveness of the developed evolutionary rules is demonstrated through some literature examples. 展开更多
关键词 heat exchanger network SYNTHESIS multipass exchanger heuristic rule
Virtual Huanghe River System:Framework and Technology 被引量:2
作者 LU Heli LIU Guifang SUN Jiulin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期255-259,共5页
Virtual Reality provides a new approach for geographical research. In this paper, a framework of the Virtual Huanghe (Yellow) River System was first presented from the view of technology, which included five main mo... Virtual Reality provides a new approach for geographical research. In this paper, a framework of the Virtual Huanghe (Yellow) River System was first presented from the view of technology, which included five main modules——data sources, 3D simulation terrain database, 3D simulation model database, 3D simulation implementation and application system. Then the key technoiogies of constructing Virtual Huanghe River System were discussed in detail: 1) OpenGL technology, the 3D graphics developing instrument, was employed in Virtual Huanghe River System to realize the function of dynamic real-time navigation. 2) MO and OpenGL technologies were used to make the mutual response between 3D scene and 2D electronic map available, which made use of the advantages of both 3D scene and 2D electronic map, with the macroscopic view, integrality and conciseness of 2D electronic map combined with the locality, reality and visualization of 3D scene. At the same time the disadvantages of abstract and ambiguity of 2D electronic map and the direction losing of virtual navigation in 3D scene were overcome. 展开更多
关键词 Virtual Reality Virtual Huanghe River System dynamic real-time navigation mutual response between 3D scene and 2D electronic map
Multi-factors decision-making entropy method and its application in engineering management 被引量:2
作者 Qiu Wanhua 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第4期74-79,共6页
In order to meet the strict requirements for information in engineering management, the positive interval (0, 1 ] in Shannon information entropy is extended to the real number interval [ - 1, 1 ]. The information the... In order to meet the strict requirements for information in engineering management, the positive interval (0, 1 ] in Shannon information entropy is extended to the real number interval [ - 1, 1 ]. The information theory and the decision theory are combined effectively, and the deficiencies that the traditional Bayes decision-making methods only consider a single factor are made up for. The multi-factors engineering decision-making methods are proposed, and some critical problems are solved in the practical engineering management decision-making process. 展开更多
关键词 engineering management decision analysis complex entropy
Removal of diclofenac from aqueous solution with multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified by nitric acid 被引量:3
作者 胡翔 程昭 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期1551-1556,共6页
Modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWCNTs) were used as adsorbents for removal of diclofenac. The reaction conditions were examined. Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin–Radushkevich isotherm models were app... Modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWCNTs) were used as adsorbents for removal of diclofenac. The reaction conditions were examined. Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin–Radushkevich isotherm models were applied to determine appropriate equilibrium expression. The results show that the experimental data fit the Freundlich equation well. Thermodynamic parameters show that the adsorption process is spontaneous and exothermic. The kinetic study indicates that the adsorption of diclofenac can be well described with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the process is controlled by multiple steps. 展开更多
关键词 Diclofenac Multi-walled carbon nanotubes Adsorption Isotherm equilibrium Thermodynamic Kinetic modeling
Participatory Action Research for Catalyzing Adaptive Management: Analysis of a "Fits and Starts" Process
作者 C.J.P. Colfer E. Andriamampandry +4 位作者 S. Asaha E. Lyimo E. Martini J.L. Pfund J. Watts 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第1期28-43,共16页
This paper argues that contextual constraints can significantly interfere with the conduct of research and development, and accordingly should be analyzed more honestly. It describes a five country research project, L... This paper argues that contextual constraints can significantly interfere with the conduct of research and development, and accordingly should be analyzed more honestly. It describes a five country research project, Landscape Mosaics, in which participatory action research (PAR) was intended as one of two central approaches in the original research design (the other approach being more conventional research). The five sites, in Cameroon, Indonesia, Laos, Madagascar, and Tanzania, are described, with an emphasis on their implementation of PAR. The fact that personnel and partners on three of the five sites failed to implement PAR is analyzed, to determine the constraints to such action. These findings are then compared with our experience with two other similar projects in which PAR was more widely implemented. We conclude by identifying the most important constraints to be overcome in implementing a PAR process, something we consider important in efforts to deal with change processes in developing countries. 展开更多
关键词 Participatory action research research approach LANDSCAPE BIODIVERSITY community
Multi-criteria decision-making selection model with application to chemical engineering management decisions
作者 Mohsen Pirdashti Mehrdad Mohammad 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2009年第8期53-62,共10页
Chemical industry project management involves complex decision making situations that require discerning abilities and methods to make sound decisions. Chemical engineers as project managers are faced with decision en... Chemical industry project management involves complex decision making situations that require discerning abilities and methods to make sound decisions. Chemical engineers as project managers are faced with decision environments and problems in chemical industry projects that are complex. Multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM) approaches are major parts of decision theory and analysis. This paper presents all of MCDM approaches for use in chemical engineering management decisions. In this work, case study is Research and Development (R&D) project selection in chemical industry. The ability to make sound decisions is very important to success of R&D projects. It is hoped that this work will provide a ready reference on MCDM and this will encourage the application of the MCDM in chemical engineering management. 展开更多
关键词 chemical engineering R&D project MCDM SELECTION
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