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多胚性亚麻种子的单倍体育种技术 被引量:6
作者 刘燕 《中国麻作》 北大核心 1999年第3期19-20,共2页
关键词 亚麻 多胚性种子 单倍体 育种技术
作者 邓占鳌 章文才 万蜀渊 《浙江柑桔》 北大核心 1991年第2期3-5,共3页
当前,世界上一些柑桔主产国如美国、日本、以色列和我国的科学家都在致力于培养、融合不同柑桔种属的原生质体。这说明原生质体操作已成为柑桔研究的重要课题。有关专家估计,这方面研究的成果不久将会给柑桔产业带来重大的经济和社会效... 当前,世界上一些柑桔主产国如美国、日本、以色列和我国的科学家都在致力于培养、融合不同柑桔种属的原生质体。这说明原生质体操作已成为柑桔研究的重要课题。有关专家估计,这方面研究的成果不久将会给柑桔产业带来重大的经济和社会效益。 原生质体培养与原生质体融合统称为原生质体操作。它是近二十年发展起来的一项现代生物技术。 展开更多
关键词 柑桔品种 多胚性 体细胞杂交 胞质杂种 体细胞杂种 华盛顿脐橙 生物技术 拉弗 哈姆林 遗传转化
作者 周俊辉 《浙江柑桔》 北大核心 1990年第4期9-11,共3页
葡萄柚(Citrus pafadisi macfadyen),最初只在西印度一带栽培。1830年被引入美国佛罗里达,1880年左右开始大量商品生产。目前主产地为美国、以色列、南非等,几乎所有柑桔栽培国都有栽培。 尽管葡萄柚产生的时间不算长,但有关它的起源,... 葡萄柚(Citrus pafadisi macfadyen),最初只在西印度一带栽培。1830年被引入美国佛罗里达,1880年左右开始大量商品生产。目前主产地为美国、以色列、南非等,几乎所有柑桔栽培国都有栽培。 尽管葡萄柚产生的时间不算长,但有关它的起源,一直是混乱不清,有必要澄清一些模糊说法。 一、‘Si,addock’船长的真实性 Sloane(1707)报道有位叫‘Shaddock’的东印度船长在一次航行中把柚种子带到巴巴多斯岛。柚在巴巴多斯叫做‘Shaddock’。但任何航行记录中都没有记载,Swingle(1943)认为‘Shaddock’ 展开更多
关键词 葡萄柚 柑桔栽培 CITRUS 东印度 多胚性 来檬 生苗 种子带 西印度 实生繁殖
以雄性不育胞质杂种‘华柚2号’为母本创制柚有性群体 被引量:3
作者 夏强明 彭珺 +3 位作者 解凯东 伍小萌 徐强 郭文武 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期961-967,共7页
【目的】以具有胞质雄性不育特性的‘华柚2号’为母本与有核柚品种有性杂交,以期转移其不育胞质进而实现二倍体水平的无核柚改良。【方法】以‘华柚2号’为母本,‘沙田柚’和‘鸡尾’葡萄柚为父本分别配置杂交组合,并对其子代遗传来源和... 【目的】以具有胞质雄性不育特性的‘华柚2号’为母本与有核柚品种有性杂交,以期转移其不育胞质进而实现二倍体水平的无核柚改良。【方法】以‘华柚2号’为母本,‘沙田柚’和‘鸡尾’葡萄柚为父本分别配置杂交组合,并对其子代遗传来源和单/多胚性早期鉴定。【结果】分别从‘沙田柚’和‘鸡尾’葡萄柚为父本的杂交组合获得实生苗1 018和687株;用3对多态性SSR标记对实生苗的遗传鉴定表明均为父母本有性后代。以单/多胚性分子标记进行的早期胚性鉴定表明,‘沙田柚’为父本的有性后代均为单胚性;而‘鸡尾’葡萄柚为父本的后代,单胚与多胚性比例为2.86∶1。【结论】以‘华柚2号’为母本创制的有性后代为无核柚改良以及柑橘雄性不育恢复基因定位和克隆奠定了种质基础。 展开更多
关键词 柑橘 细胞质雄性不育 无核育种 多胚性 遗传鉴定
我国古代柑桔栽培技术探讨 被引量:1
作者 孙华阳 《农业考古》 1983年第2期234-236,共3页
柑桔原产中国,栽培历史逾四千年。在这漫长的年代中,我们祖先创造了许多科学的栽培方法,并记载在各种著作和专著中。今天看来,这些古代的柑桔栽培知识,仍有现实的指导意义。一、繁殖大部分柑桔种类具有多胚性,种子长出的苗,一般是无性胚... 柑桔原产中国,栽培历史逾四千年。在这漫长的年代中,我们祖先创造了许多科学的栽培方法,并记载在各种著作和专著中。今天看来,这些古代的柑桔栽培知识,仍有现实的指导意义。一、繁殖大部分柑桔种类具有多胚性,种子长出的苗,一般是无性胚苗,变异甚微,且可复壮。所以古代乃至现在,实生繁殖是柑桔繁殖的重要途径。明代徐光启在《农政全书》中指出:“柑桔种植之法,种子及栽皆可。”《三农纪》(清代著作)中记载:“桔熟时,择美者作种,连皮埋肥润土中,春深生芽。”“柑,收实美顶生者。 展开更多
关键词 柑桔栽培 农政全书 栽培方法 我国古代 栽培历史 实生繁殖 技术探讨 指导意义 徐光启 多胚性
鉴别柑桔珠心苗与合子苗的方法 被引量:1
作者 方德秋 《浙江柑桔》 北大核心 1990年第4期6-8,共3页
柑桔的大多数种类具有多胚性,广为栽培的甜橙和宽皮桔尤甚。 柑桔杂交育种的首要工作之一就是早期鉴别合子苗,淘汰珠心苗,提高育种效率。长期以来,众多研究者探索了不少早期鉴别合子苗与珠心苗的方法。本文拟对这些方法作一归纳,并进行... 柑桔的大多数种类具有多胚性,广为栽培的甜橙和宽皮桔尤甚。 柑桔杂交育种的首要工作之一就是早期鉴别合子苗,淘汰珠心苗,提高育种效率。长期以来,众多研究者探索了不少早期鉴别合子苗与珠心苗的方法。本文拟对这些方法作一归纳,并进行粗浅的评价,以供参考。 一、形态鉴别法 利用两类实生苗在形态上的差异而进行鉴别是柑桔育种者长期沿用的方法。如利用枳作为杂交父本时。 展开更多
关键词 子苗 珠心 多胚性 生苗 育种效率 杂交后代 同工酶 早期鉴别 来檬 有性胚
澳大利亚柑桔砧木改良计划 被引量:1
作者 管彦良 《浙江柑桔》 北大核心 1993年第3期41-42,共2页
一、澳大利亚柑桔砧木利用简史 澳大利亚柑桔的文字记载最早见于1788年。与中国的贸易往来,使中国的宽皮桔和橙类在悉尼的国立植物园安家落户。当时,西班牙柠檬是澳大利亚最好的柑桔砧木。1860~1870年之间,悉尼附近成百公顷的橙树遭受... 一、澳大利亚柑桔砧木利用简史 澳大利亚柑桔的文字记载最早见于1788年。与中国的贸易往来,使中国的宽皮桔和橙类在悉尼的国立植物园安家落户。当时,西班牙柠檬是澳大利亚最好的柑桔砧木。1860~1870年之间,悉尼附近成百公顷的橙树遭受根腐病而毁灭。1866年新南威尔士州成立了一个特别委员会调查灾害。指出,对酸橙砧应进行一项砧木试验,以解决出现与西班牙本土相似的根腐病问题,但由于受速衰病病毒的影响未能很好地贯彻。速衰病毒感染苗是1851年以后从中国、南非或通过媒介传入澳洲的。柚、甜橙和里斯本柠檬因此被推荐用作砧木。但这些砧木易感染上速衰病毒,因而仍不能消除此病寿和媒介的存在。 展开更多
关键词 砧木试验 根腐 酸橙 新南威尔士州 天然杂种 伏令夏橙 多胚性 华盛顿脐橙 脚腐病 尤力克
作者 李哲学 《老区建设》 1993年第7期46-46,共1页
枳壳的秋播嫩种是利用枳壳种子的多胚性在种子未成熟之前,采用适当的方法处理,促进无性胚萌发,进行秋播嫩种【8月中旬进行】。此法播种后12—16天种子便可完全萌发,当月出苗率达98%—100%。大大高于成熟种子冬春播种。新方法关键是使... 枳壳的秋播嫩种是利用枳壳种子的多胚性在种子未成熟之前,采用适当的方法处理,促进无性胚萌发,进行秋播嫩种【8月中旬进行】。此法播种后12—16天种子便可完全萌发,当月出苗率达98%—100%。大大高于成熟种子冬春播种。新方法关键是使嫩种在适温、适湿、通气的条件下快速发芽,主要措施如下: 展开更多
关键词 无性胚 多胚性 适期早播 盖种 积壳 进杆 吸湿膨胀 变竹 二氧化碳气体 定根水
作者 孙洁 《中国农村科技》 2017年第12期50-52,共3页
团队,永远是科研至关重要的发展动力,一个优秀的科研成果背后,一定有一个由一群优秀且团结的'奋斗人'组成的团队。国产鲜食柑橘全年可见,这在以前是不可能实现的。为了避免柑橘集中上市造成的卖难问题,也让人们随时都能吃到国... 团队,永远是科研至关重要的发展动力,一个优秀的科研成果背后,一定有一个由一群优秀且团结的'奋斗人'组成的团队。国产鲜食柑橘全年可见,这在以前是不可能实现的。为了避免柑橘集中上市造成的卖难问题,也让人们随时都能吃到国产鲜柑橘,华中农业大学邓秀新院士带领团队,正在让不可能变为可能。团队,永远是科研至关重要的发展动力,一个优秀的科研成果背后,一定有一个由一群优秀且团结的'奋斗人'组成的团队。 展开更多
关键词 多胚性 柑橘产业
Shp2-mediated molecular signaling in control of embryonic stem cell self-renewal and differentiation 被引量:7
作者 Gen-Sheng Feng 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期37-41,共5页
A key issue to be addressed in stem cell biology is the molecular signaling mechanism controlling embryonic stem (ES) cell pluripotency. Stem cell properties are dictated by specific transcription factors and epigen... A key issue to be addressed in stem cell biology is the molecular signaling mechanism controlling embryonic stem (ES) cell pluripotency. Stem cell properties are dictated by specific transcription factors and epigenetic processes such as DNA methylation and chromatin remodeling. Several cytokines/growth factors have been identified as critical ES cell regulators. However, there is a gap in our knowledge of the intracellular signaling pathways linking extracellular signals to transcriptional regulation in ES cells. This short review discusses the physiological role of Shp2, a cytoplasmic tyro- sine phosphatase, in the molecular switch governing ES cell self-renewal versus differentiation. Shp2 promotes ES cell differentiation, mainly through bi-directional modulation of Erk and Stat3 pathways. Deletion of Shp2 in mouse ES cells results in more efficient self-renewal. This observation provides the impetus to develop Shp2 inhibitors for maintenance and amplification of ES cells in culture. 展开更多
关键词 Shp2 embryonic stem cell pluripotency embryonic stem cell self-renewal embryonic stem cell differentiation
More synergetic cooperation of Yamanaka factors in induced pluripotent stem cells than in embryonic stem cells 被引量:5
作者 Jinyan Huang Taotao Chen +7 位作者 Xiaosong Liu Jing Jian Jinsong Li Dangsheng Li X Shirley Liu Wei Li Jiuhong Kang Gang Pei 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期1127-1138,共12页
The role of Yamanaka factors as the core regulators in the induction of pluripotency during somatic cell reprogramming has been discovered recently. Our previous study found that Yamanaka factors regulate a developmen... The role of Yamanaka factors as the core regulators in the induction of pluripotency during somatic cell reprogramming has been discovered recently. Our previous study found that Yamanaka factors regulate a developmental signaling network in maintaining embryonic stem (ES) cell pluripotency. Here, we established completely reprogrammed induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and analyzed the global promoter occupancy of Yamanaka factors in these cells by ChiP-chip assays. We found that promoters of 565 genes were co-bound by four Yamanaka factors in iPS cells, a 10-fold increase when compared with their binding in ES cells. The promoters occupied by a single Yamanaka factor distributed equally in activated and repressed genes in iPS cells, while in ES cells Oct4, Sox2, or KIf4 distributed mostly in repressed genes and c-Myc in activated ones. Pathway analysis of the ChiP-chip data revealed that Yamanaka factors regulated 16 developmental signaling pathways in iPS cells, among which 12 were common and 4 were unique compared to pathways regulated in ES ChiP-chip dataset in iPS cells and observed similar results, cells. We further analyzed another recently published showing the power of ChiP-chip plus pathway analysis for revealing the nature of pluripotency maintenance and regeneration. Next, we experimentally tested one of the repressive signaling pathways and found that its inhibition indeed improved efficiency of cell reprogramming. Taken together, we proposed that there is a core developmental signaling network necessary for pluripotency, with TGF-β, Hedgehog, Wnt, p53 as repressive (Yin) regulators and Jak-STAT, cell cycle, focal adhesion, adherens junction as active (Yang) ones; and Yamanaka factors synergistically regulate them in a Yin-Yang balanced way to induce pluripotency. 展开更多
关键词 PLURIPOTENCY REPROGRAMMING Yamanaka factor signal pathway CHIP-CHIP
The Emergence of Hybrid Seeds and Polyembryony in Some Citrus Cultigens
作者 Nino Davit Kipiani 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第7期603-604,共2页
An experiment was conducted and through distant hybridization a new promising forms of citruses were obtained. Namely, after hybridization of lemon Georgian and broad-leaved mandarin unshiu (mother components) with ... An experiment was conducted and through distant hybridization a new promising forms of citruses were obtained. Namely, after hybridization of lemon Georgian and broad-leaved mandarin unshiu (mother components) with early-ripening trifoliata and a hybrid of citrus ichangensis--"Caucasus" (father components) a wide range of nucellar seedlings were obtained. It should be noted that nucellar seedlings of hybrid nature are practically closer to distant hybrids of sexual origin that are sharply inclined to the side of the mother component and produce good quality fruit. Unfortunately, such hybrids are either very rare or cannot be obtained at all. While, in the case of the study, through using new combinations in hybridization, the possibility of getting nucellar seedlings of the hybrid nature is much bigger. Distant hybridization turned out to be particularly interesting because of the polyembryony of citrus plants. Due to this, it gives opportunity to get new promising forms not only from the egg cell but from nucellar cells as well. 展开更多
关键词 Distant hybridization POLYEMBRYONY nucellar and hybrid seedlings.
Four recombinant pluripotency transcriptional factors containing a protein transduction domain maintained the in vitro pluripotency of chicken embryonic stem cells 被引量:2
作者 YU MiaoYing LIAN Song +4 位作者 HAN HongBing YU Kun LI GuiGuan LIAN ZhengXing LI Ning 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2013年第1期40-50,共11页
Long-term in vitro maintenance of embryonic stem cell (ESC) pluripotency enables the pluripotency and differentiation of ESCs in animals to be investigated. The ability to successfully maintain and differentiate chick... Long-term in vitro maintenance of embryonic stem cell (ESC) pluripotency enables the pluripotency and differentiation of ESCs in animals to be investigated. The ability to successfully maintain and differentiate chicken embryonic stem cells (cESCs) would provide a useful tool for avian biology research and would be a resource directly applicable to agricultural production. In this study, endogenous chicken pluripotency transcription factors, POUV, Sox-2, Nanog and Lin28 were cloned and expressed as recombinant proteins containing a nine consecutive arginine protein transduction domain (PTD). cESCs were cultured with these recombinant proteins to maintain cESC pluripotency in vitro. Cultured cESCs exhibited typical characteristics of pluripotency, even after six generations of rapid doubling, including positive staining for stage-specific embryonic antigen I, and strong staining for alkaline phosphatase. Expression levels of the pluripotency markers, POUV, Nanog, C-Myc, Sox-2 and Lin28 were the same as in uncultured stage X blastoderm cells, and most significantly, the formation of embryoid bodies (EBs) by 6th generation cESCs confirmed the ability of these cultured cESCs to differentiate into cells of all three embryonic germ layers. Thus, transcription factors could be translocated through the cell membrane into the intracellular space of cESCs by using a PTD of nine consecutive arginines and the pluripotency of cESCs could be maintained in vitro for at least six generations. 展开更多
关键词 recombinant pluripotency factors protein transduction domain chicken ESC PLURIPOTENCY
Germ layer formation during Xenopus embryogenesis: the balance between pluripotency and differentiation 被引量:2
作者 CAO Ying 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期336-342,共7页
The African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, has long been a model animal for the studies in the fields of animal cloning, developmental biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and physiology. With the aid of Xenopus, major ... The African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, has long been a model animal for the studies in the fields of animal cloning, developmental biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and physiology. With the aid of Xenopus, major molecular mechanisms that are involved in embryonic development have been understood. Germ layer formation is the first event of embryonic cellular differentiation, which is induced by a few key maternal factors and subsequently by zygotic signals. Meanwhile, another type of signals, the pluripotency factors in ES cells, which maintain the undifferentiated state, are also present during early embryonic cells. In this review, the functions of the pluripotency factors during Xenopus germ layer formation and the regulatory relationship between the signals that promote differentiation and pluripotency factors are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 XENOPUS germ layer formation pluripotency factors ES cells
Finiteness results for equifocal hypersurfaces in compact symmetric spaces 被引量:3
作者 GE JianQuan QIAN Chao 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2014年第9期1975-1982,共8页
We prove that there are only finitely many diffeomorphism types of curvature-adapted equifocal hypersurfaces in a simply connected compact symmetric space.Moreover,if the symmetric space is of rank one,the result can ... We prove that there are only finitely many diffeomorphism types of curvature-adapted equifocal hypersurfaces in a simply connected compact symmetric space.Moreover,if the symmetric space is of rank one,the result can be strengthened by dropping the condition curvature-adapted. 展开更多
关键词 equifocal hypersurface isoparametric hypersurface focal point FINITENESS
From stem cells to red blood cells:how far away from the clinical application? 被引量:5
作者 XIE XiaoYan LI YanHua PEI XueTao 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2014年第6期581-585,共5页
The generation of red blood cells(RBCs)from stem cells provides a solution for deficiencies in blood transfusion.Currently,primary hematopoietic stem cells,embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells have ... The generation of red blood cells(RBCs)from stem cells provides a solution for deficiencies in blood transfusion.Currently,primary hematopoietic stem cells,embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells have shown the potential to produce fully mature RBCs.Here,we discuss the advantages,induction protocols,progress and possible clinical applications of stem cells in RBC production. 展开更多
关键词 stem cells red blood cells DIFFERENTIATION clinical application
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