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基于多能力培养的高层建筑施工课程开放合作教学模式探索 被引量:3
作者 张爱莉 华建民 +1 位作者 姚刚 奉飞 《高等建筑教育》 2016年第2期69-72,共4页
针对高层建筑施工课程的教学现状,结合课堂教学改革实践,提出基于多能力培养的开放合作教学模式和具体的教学方法,并通过教学实践总结在实施过程中需要把握的要点,分析从中获得的启示和经验,对土木工程专业其他课程教学实践同样有借鉴... 针对高层建筑施工课程的教学现状,结合课堂教学改革实践,提出基于多能力培养的开放合作教学模式和具体的教学方法,并通过教学实践总结在实施过程中需要把握的要点,分析从中获得的启示和经验,对土木工程专业其他课程教学实践同样有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 高层建筑施工 多能力培养 开放合作 教学模式 课程教学
多能力培养的计算机教学效果评价研究与实践 被引量:2
作者 屈立成 屈艺华 +1 位作者 吕娇 武雅丽 《计算机教育》 2020年第7期79-82,共4页
针对大学计算机基础课程教学存在的教学评价方式单一、不能真实反映学生学习水平和教学效果的问题,以学生的学习能力为研究对象,提出一种综合学生自主学习、知识消化、知识内化、动手实践以及综合应用能力的教学效果评价考核方法,并介... 针对大学计算机基础课程教学存在的教学评价方式单一、不能真实反映学生学习水平和教学效果的问题,以学生的学习能力为研究对象,提出一种综合学生自主学习、知识消化、知识内化、动手实践以及综合应用能力的教学效果评价考核方法,并介绍实际教学改革实践过程,最后说明教学改革实践效果。 展开更多
关键词 通识基础课程 多能力培养 教学效果评价 综合考核
地方民族高校食品科学与工程专业双平台多能力实践教学体系的构建 被引量:1
作者 罗凯 陈根洪 +3 位作者 莫开菊 周志 黄秀芳 张弛 《安徽农学通报》 2016年第15期144-146,共3页
地方民族高校食品科学与工程专业学生作为一个特殊的学生群体,其就业形势不容乐观,就业阻力较大,究其原因主要是学生的综合能力与企业人才需求之间存在衔接错位的矛盾。基于此,该文提出了建立双平台多能力实践教学体系模式的改革措施,... 地方民族高校食品科学与工程专业学生作为一个特殊的学生群体,其就业形势不容乐观,就业阻力较大,究其原因主要是学生的综合能力与企业人才需求之间存在衔接错位的矛盾。基于此,该文提出了建立双平台多能力实践教学体系模式的改革措施,以期望通过实践教学改革,缩小学生的综合能力与企业人才需求之间的差距,提高学生的就业率和就业质量。 展开更多
关键词 双平台 多能力 就业 地方民族高校 食品科学与工程
多能力结构的应用电子技术人才的培养 被引量:3
作者 李银娌 《产业与科技论坛》 2012年第7期156-157,共2页
应用电子技术人才在我国社会的发展中已经显得越发重要,各高校也加紧了培养应用电子技术人才的步伐。面对现代社会对这一人才的大量缺乏,教育系统在数量上给予满足的同时,也应该保证质量的过关。现代社会要求具有多种能力结构的应用电... 应用电子技术人才在我国社会的发展中已经显得越发重要,各高校也加紧了培养应用电子技术人才的步伐。面对现代社会对这一人才的大量缺乏,教育系统在数量上给予满足的同时,也应该保证质量的过关。现代社会要求具有多种能力结构的应用电子技术人才,本文针对这一现象进行重点论述,寻求培养多能力结构的应用电子技术人才的有效措施。 展开更多
关键词 多能力结构 应用电子技术 人才培养
论多能力结构的应用电子技术人才培养新规划 被引量:3
作者 王芳 《电子制作》 2013年第18期84-84,共1页
当前地方上许多高校,对于应用型电子技术人才的培养存在,以课堂知识的传授为主等教学特点,而对于实践性的教学环节则比较薄弱,因此,无法适应当前经济社会形势下的发展需要,应用电子技术的人才实践能力以及创新能力有待加强。本文从应用... 当前地方上许多高校,对于应用型电子技术人才的培养存在,以课堂知识的传授为主等教学特点,而对于实践性的教学环节则比较薄弱,因此,无法适应当前经济社会形势下的发展需要,应用电子技术的人才实践能力以及创新能力有待加强。本文从应用型电子技术培养的相关背景出发,分析了完善多能力结构应用电子技术人才的培养措施。 展开更多
关键词 多能力结构 应用电子 电子技术
试析多能力结构的应用电子技术人才培养新规划 被引量:2
作者 姚彩红 《电子制作》 2013年第10X期248-248,共1页
随着应用电子技术行业的发展,应用电子技术人员的作用显得越来越重要。我国需要更多多能力结构应用电子技术的人才来满足社会发展的需要,然而,目前我国在这方面的人才严重缺失。本文主要通过阐述目前应用电子技术人才方面的需求以及人... 随着应用电子技术行业的发展,应用电子技术人员的作用显得越来越重要。我国需要更多多能力结构应用电子技术的人才来满足社会发展的需要,然而,目前我国在这方面的人才严重缺失。本文主要通过阐述目前应用电子技术人才方面的需求以及人才培养目标,从而提出多能力结构应用电子技术人才培养具体的新规划。 展开更多
关键词 多能力结构 应用电子技术人才 培养规划
作者 王东 刘丽 黄云会 《兵工自动化》 2023年第7期78-82,共5页
针对工程兵部(分)队工程保障任务分配中工程作业装备能力特征和任务需求有效匹配的问题,建立工程装备/任务能力属性集合,提出基于多能力属性匹配的任务分配方法。根据工程保障任务特点分解能力属性需求,分析工程装备作业能力,给出工程... 针对工程兵部(分)队工程保障任务分配中工程作业装备能力特征和任务需求有效匹配的问题,建立工程装备/任务能力属性集合,提出基于多能力属性匹配的任务分配方法。根据工程保障任务特点分解能力属性需求,分析工程装备作业能力,给出工程装备能力优先分配算法,优选出作业时间最短的工程装备集合,以构筑急造军路为例,验证结果表明:该方法能够提高工程装备和任务能力属性的匹配度,为指挥人员精准、高效地制定工程保障计划提供支撑。 展开更多
关键词 工程兵 工程保障任务 任务分配 多能力属性
作者 景王丹 《海外英语》 2024年第8期50-52,共3页
语言能力是语言习得和教学过程中不可避免的一个重要话题。文章追溯了语言能力的起源和发展,揭示了在多语转向阶段,单语意识形态向双语、多语意识形态转换的背景下,语言能力发生的变化和丰富性,揭示了其对于外语习得和教学的启发。文章... 语言能力是语言习得和教学过程中不可避免的一个重要话题。文章追溯了语言能力的起源和发展,揭示了在多语转向阶段,单语意识形态向双语、多语意识形态转换的背景下,语言能力发生的变化和丰富性,揭示了其对于外语习得和教学的启发。文章旨在为国内学者拓宽双语、多语教育的视野,增进对多语意识形态的理解,增加外语教育理念的多样性和多语教育的发展,帮助提高外语使用者的自信心,充分利用自身的语言资源库提高学习效率。 展开更多
关键词 语言能力 多能力 多语意识形态 单语意识形态 多语教学 超语教学
炉容受限的加热炉调度问题及启发式修复算法 被引量:1
作者 赵艳艳 李铁克 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第3期397-400,共4页
针对钢铁生产中炉容受限的加热炉调度问题,建立并行加热炉调度的多目标优化模型,并针对问题的NP-难特性提出一种启发式修复算法.在松弛炉容约束得到初始调度的基础上,通过不断检测冲突并消解冲突实现问题的有效求解.根据最小冲突板坯优... 针对钢铁生产中炉容受限的加热炉调度问题,建立并行加热炉调度的多目标优化模型,并针对问题的NP-难特性提出一种启发式修复算法.在松弛炉容约束得到初始调度的基础上,通过不断检测冲突并消解冲突实现问题的有效求解.根据最小冲突板坯优先的变量选择策略选择冲突板坯,并根据最小在炉板坯数的值选择策略为冲突板坯重新指派新的加工机器;为避免搜索陷入死端,算法增加回溯机制以保证得到可行的调度方案.数据实验表明:该算法能够有效求解炉容受限的加热炉调度问题,且具有较高的计算效率. 展开更多
关键词 调度 加热炉 炉容约束 修复法 启发式 变量选择 值选择 多能力
以学生为中心的全方位立体化教学实践 被引量:2
作者 刘琳岚 舒坚 张恒锋 《南昌航空工业学院学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第4期68-71,共4页
本文针对软件工程专业的特点 ,根据“建构主义”理论所提倡的“以学生为中心的学习” ,通过全方位立体化教学模式 ,在推进素质教育、突出个性化培养、增强学生就业竞争力等方面 ,取得了显著成效。
关键词 软件工程专业 建构主义 自主学习设计 多能力综合培养
Mechanical properties and pore structure deformation behaviour of biomedical porous titanium 被引量:6
作者 王晓花 李金山 +1 位作者 胡锐 寇宏超 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1543-1550,共8页
Porous titanium has been shown to exhibit desirable properties as biomedical materials. In view of the load-bearing situation, the mechanical properties and pore structure deformation behaviour of porous titanium were... Porous titanium has been shown to exhibit desirable properties as biomedical materials. In view of the load-bearing situation, the mechanical properties and pore structure deformation behaviour of porous titanium were studied. Porous titanium with porosities varying from 36%-66% and average pore size of 230 μm was fabricated by powder sintering. Microstructural features were characterized using scanning electron microscopy. Uniaxial compression tests were used to probe the mechanical response in terms of elastic modulus and compressive strength. The mechanical properties of porous titanium were found to be close to the those of human bone, with stiffness values ranging from 1.86 to 14.7 GPa and compressive strength values of 85.16-461.94 MPa. The relationships between mechanical properties and relative densities were established, and the increase in relative density showed significant effects on mechanical properties and deformations of porous titanium. In a lower relative density, the microscopic deformation mechanism of porous titanium was yielding, bending and buckling of cell walls, while the deformation of yielding and bending of cell walls was observed in the porous titanium with higher relative density. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMATERIALS porous titanium mechanical properties pore structure deformation behaviour
Asymmetric cast-rolling of 1050 aluminum alloy strip under multi-energy field 被引量:2
作者 石琛 毛大恒 扶宗礼 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第9期2815-2823,共9页
Technological parameters of asymmetric cast-rolling under multi-energy field were investigated on horizontal twin roll caster(d400 mm×500 mm), and their effects on structures and properties of 1050 strips were ... Technological parameters of asymmetric cast-rolling under multi-energy field were investigated on horizontal twin roll caster(d400 mm×500 mm), and their effects on structures and properties of 1050 strips were analyzed by comparing with traditional cast-rolling. Results show that when length of cast-rolling area is 70 mm, melt temperature of head box is 670 °C, cast rolling speed is 1.3 m/min, exciting current is 10 A, center frequency is(13±1) Hz, ultrasonic power is 200 W and ultrasonic frequency is(20±0.2) kHz, the 1050 strip with the best microstructure can be prepared successfully; its center segregated layer disappears; the average grain size is reduced by about 40%; the crystal grains are distributed evenly; micro segregation decreases obviously; the precipitated phases are distributed along the grain boundaries evenly; and the tensile strength, yield strength, elongation and micro-hardness of cast-rolled strip are improved by 22.6%, 23.66%, 38.75% and 9.90%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy 1050 asymmetric cast-rolling multi-energy field microstructure mechanical properties
Microstructure and mechanical properties of isothermal multi-axial forging formed AZ61 Mg alloy 被引量:6
作者 夏祥生 陈明 +5 位作者 卢永进 樊富友 朱春华 黄静 邓天泉 朱世凤 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第11期3186-3192,共7页
Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ61 Mg alloy during isothermal multi-axial forging (MAF) were studied. The mechanisms of grain refinement and relationship between the microstructures and mechanical prop... Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ61 Mg alloy during isothermal multi-axial forging (MAF) were studied. The mechanisms of grain refinement and relationship between the microstructures and mechanical properties were discussed. The results show that the average grain size decreases with increasing the number of MAF passes. The grains are significantly refined at the 1st and 2nd MAF passes, and gradually refined at higher MAF passes. The initial grain size of 148 lam decreases to about 14 gm after 6 MAF passes. The grain refinement occurs mainly by continuous dynamic recrystallization. With increasing the MAF passes, both the tensile strength and the elongation to failure of the alloy are significantly enhanced. 展开更多
关键词 Mg alloy multi-axial forging microstructure mechanical properties
Structure and mechanical properties of thick Cr/Cr_2N/CrN multilayer coating deposited by multi-arc ion plating 被引量:8
作者 单磊 王永欣 +3 位作者 李金龙 李赫 鲁侠 陈建敏 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1135-1143,共9页
A Cr/Cr2N/CrN multilayer coating with a thickness of 24.4 μm was deposited by multi-arc ion plating. The coating was systematically characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM), X-ray photoelec... A Cr/Cr2N/CrN multilayer coating with a thickness of 24.4 μm was deposited by multi-arc ion plating. The coating was systematically characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM), X-ray photoelectron spectrometry(XPS), energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS), X-ray diffraction(XRD) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). Hardness and adhesion were tested by nanoindentation and scratch tester, respectively. The friction properties were investigated by a reciprocating UMT-3MT ball-on-disk tribometer in air and seawater. The results showed that the multilayer coating consisted of three different layers, with Cr,Cr2N and CrN phases, respectively. Compared with CrN single layer coating, the adhesion of the multilayer coating was improved significantly, the hardness of the multilayer coating was(21±2) GPa. The corrosion resistance of the multilayer coating was also improved in artificial seawater. The friction coefficient of multilayer coating was lower than that of CrN single layer coating both in air and seawater. 展开更多
关键词 Cr/Cr2N/CrN multilayer coating microstructure mechanical properties corrosion resistance FRICTION
Status of urban vegetation in Guangzhou City 被引量:12
作者 管东生 陈玉娟 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第3期249-252,共4页
According to a survey for the urban vegetation of Guangzhou, urban vegetation has a significantly difference from natural vegetation because of intense human impacts. The research was conducted in a synthetic survey f... According to a survey for the urban vegetation of Guangzhou, urban vegetation has a significantly difference from natural vegetation because of intense human impacts. The research was conducted in a synthetic survey for soil, species di-versity, roadside trees and ecological function of urban vegetation in Guangzhou City. The results showed that: (1) soil densi-ties of urban roadside and park forests were higher than mean density of natural forest soil. The pH values of soil in urban roadside were higher too, and the content of organic matter and the concentration of nitrogen were lower. (2) Species diversity of urban vegetation was lower. The most number of species was only 16 species in tree layers of urban forest. (3) Tree growth was limited by narrow space in high-density urban area, where the trees with defects and disorders were common. (4) Com-paring with mature natural forests, the productivity of urban vegetation was lower. The effect of urban vegetation on balance of carbon and oxygen were influenced by the low primary production of urban vegetation. Therefore, the growth condition for urban vegetation should be improved. Biodiversity, primary production and ecological function should be increased for urban vegetation in order to improve urban eco-environment. 展开更多
关键词 Urban vegetation STATUS Human impact
Microstructure control and mechanical properties of directionally solidified TiAl-Nb alloys 被引量:1
作者 丁贤飞 张来启 +3 位作者 林均品 何建平 尹佳 陈国良 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期747-753,共7页
The double directional solidification(DS) technique was developed to control the lamellar microstructures in primary β TiAl-Nb alloys.Polysynthetically twinned(PST) crystals with lamellar boundaries parallel to o... The double directional solidification(DS) technique was developed to control the lamellar microstructures in primary β TiAl-Nb alloys.Polysynthetically twinned(PST) crystals with lamellar boundaries parallel to or inclined 45o to the growth direction were achieved due to the complete peritectic transformation during directional solidification of the alloys with the dendritic solid/liquid interface.The PST crystals with aligned lamellar boundaries only parallel to the growth direction were produced when lamellar grains with lamellar boundaries in the same orientation were seeded by themselves under appropriate growth conditions.Low boron addition is harmful to align the lamellar orientation because of the growth of non-peritectic α phase.Due to the larger yttria particles and boride ribbons in the directionally solidified TiAl-Nb alloys,the tensile plastic elongations of the alloys are only close to 2%. 展开更多
关键词 titanium aluminides directional solidification peritectic transformation lamellar orientation polysynthetically twinned crystals mechanical properties
Multimedia approach to culture: Current situation and development in EFL
作者 曾敏 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期33-36,58,共5页
This thesis aims at providing an overview of the recent developments and reforms in the college English education. With the employment of multi-media teaching facilities, intercultural competence, i.e., the flexible a... This thesis aims at providing an overview of the recent developments and reforms in the college English education. With the employment of multi-media teaching facilities, intercultural competence, i.e., the flexible adoption of the systems of value outlook and behavior mode of the target language, has indisputably been integrated into the second language learning and teaching curriculum. This thesis compares and analyzes the nature and composition of cultural cognition. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE intercultural competence multimedia teaching facilities
Effects of alkali and heat treatment on strength of porous Ti35Nb
作者 万小军 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1335-1339,共5页
Porous Ti35Nb alloy with a porosity of 66% was made by a powder metallurgical method, and then it was treated by a standard treatment for activating the surface of Ti implant materials involving alkali and heat treatm... Porous Ti35Nb alloy with a porosity of 66% was made by a powder metallurgical method, and then it was treated by a standard treatment for activating the surface of Ti implant materials involving alkali and heat treatment. The alkali and heat treatment causes damages of the struts of the porous Ti35Nb in the form of reaction products layer, grain-pullout and cracks. Consequently, it leads to a significant degradation of the strength of the porous alloy. The effect of the alkali and heat treatment on the strength of the porous alloy was discussed. 展开更多
关键词 porous Ti-Nb alloy mechanical property alkali treatment
Generalization Capabilities of Feedforward Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
作者 黄德双 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1996年第2期192+184-192,共10页
This paper studies the generalization capability of feedforward neural networks (FNN).The mechanism of FNNs for classification is investigated from the geometric and probabilistic viewpoints. It is pointed out that th... This paper studies the generalization capability of feedforward neural networks (FNN).The mechanism of FNNs for classification is investigated from the geometric and probabilistic viewpoints. It is pointed out that the outputs of the output layer in the FNNs for classification correspond to the estimates of posteriori probability of the input pattern samples with desired outputs 1 or 0. The theorem for the generalized kernel function in the radial basis function networks (RBFN) is given. For an 2-layer perceptron network (2-LPN). an idea of using extended samples to improve generalization capability is proposed. Finally. the experimental results of radar target classification are given to verify the generaliztion capability of the RBFNs. 展开更多
关键词 feedforward neural networks radial basis function networks multilayer perceptronnetworks generalization capability radar target classification
English Teachers’ Beliefs About Multilingual Awareness in L3 Learning and Their Teaching Practice in Chinese EFL Context 被引量:1
作者 Baiyinna WU 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2022年第3期416-432,485,共18页
Teachers’ beliefs toward multilingual awareness in target language learning play a significant role in shaping learners’ attitudes to language awareness, affect learners’ linguistic behavior and teachers’ teaching... Teachers’ beliefs toward multilingual awareness in target language learning play a significant role in shaping learners’ attitudes to language awareness, affect learners’ linguistic behavior and teachers’ teaching practice. Therefore, the present study was aimed to explore English teachers’ beliefs about Inner Mongolian university students’ multilingual awareness in L3 learning and their teaching practice in Chinese EFL context. One hundred English teachers from six universities in Inner Mongolia, China, participated in this investigation. The data was collected through a questionnaire and teacher interviews. The results indicate that English teachers hold positive attitudes to multilingual awareness in general;however, there are belief differences between Mongolian and Han teachers;there exist discrepancies between English teachers’ beliefs about multilingual awareness and their teaching practice, and social-cultural environment, family language policy,teacher identity, learning experience, teaching materials, and, more importantly, teachers’ lack of awareness of fostering learners’ multilingual awareness lead to the discrepancies. The present research highlights the necessity of raising teacher awareness of cultivating multilingual awareness in future teacher development and emphasizes the significance of exploring the potential cognitive advantages of multilingualism in promoting L3 learning and developing English learners’ multilingual competence in the EFL context in China. 展开更多
关键词 teacher belief multilingual awareness multilingual competence metalinguistic awareness cross-linguistic awareness L3 teaching practice
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