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作者 贺敬 《试飞研究》 2001年第4期53-59,共7页
七十年代初,空军飞行试验中心(AFFTC)研究出一种校准空速的新方法。这种方法是由在空中飞行的形状产生的,最初称作草花斤斗法。方法如下:假定风保持不变,飞机以三个不同通道连续转弯穿过同一气团,理想情况下通道应该在同一指示... 七十年代初,空军飞行试验中心(AFFTC)研究出一种校准空速的新方法。这种方法是由在空中飞行的形状产生的,最初称作草花斤斗法。方法如下:假定风保持不变,飞机以三个不同通道连续转弯穿过同一气团,理想情况下通道应该在同一指示空速下按飞行方向平等分开(或间隔120°),除风的两个分量(北向和东向)之外,还需计算未知的真空速误差。给出这种方法的数学计算和具体数据,它涉及包含3个未知量的3个非线性方程的解。但并不要求每个航路在完全相同的空速和间隙120°下进行。例如国家试飞员学校(NTPS),用每通道间隔90°方法,数学计算非常简单。随着试飞技术的发展,出现了一种更加经济的飞行试验方法,即GPS(全球定位系统)方法。人们不再用雷达去跟踪飞机,减少了试验时间、试验设备和数据处理的费用。与NTPS作法不同,介绍一种非线性数学解,由于航向角不再按90°准确分隔,因此飞行也不按精确试验点进行。 展开更多
关键词 全球定位系统 多路径法 空速校准 飞行试验方
GPS伪卫星变形监测中多路径改正的新方法 被引量:3
作者 杨荣华 花向红 +2 位作者 吴文英 李昭 许乘权 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期34-36,39,共4页
针对DC算法直接计算GPS伪卫星组合观测值的整周模糊度时,多路径影响不能作为一个常数消除的特征,提出一种新的多路径改正法——三次多路径单差值改正法,并利用该算法对实测GPS伪卫星数据进行处理。实际计算表明,该方法是采用DC算法后消... 针对DC算法直接计算GPS伪卫星组合观测值的整周模糊度时,多路径影响不能作为一个常数消除的特征,提出一种新的多路径改正法——三次多路径单差值改正法,并利用该算法对实测GPS伪卫星数据进行处理。实际计算表明,该方法是采用DC算法后消除变形监测中多路径影响的极好方法。 展开更多
关键词 GPS 伪卫星 变形监测 多路径改正
静态多路径分配法在公路网规划中的应用 被引量:8
作者 潘鲁萍 陈锦昌 《工程图学学报》 CSCD 2003年第3期37-42,共6页
介绍了静态多路径交通分配方法的模型建立和程序设计。并从有效出行路线的确定,最短路权的计算,有效路段的边权及节点点权计算,各路段交通量(简称OD)分配率及分配交通量的计算等方面给出了该模型的算法与程序框图。同时,对该方法在广珠... 介绍了静态多路径交通分配方法的模型建立和程序设计。并从有效出行路线的确定,最短路权的计算,有效路段的边权及节点点权计算,各路段交通量(简称OD)分配率及分配交通量的计算等方面给出了该模型的算法与程序框图。同时,对该方法在广珠高速公路规划中交通量分配预测的实际应用、软件实现,进行了分析探讨。根据所得结果,表明该方法优于最短路径法,为广珠高速公路的规划建设提供了科学的数据依据。 展开更多
关键词 静态多路径分配 公路网规划 应用 交通量 模型 最短路径
公路网规划中多路径交通分配模型的计算机实现 被引量:2
作者 张维全 张宝玉 《山东交通科技》 2005年第4期9-10,13,共3页
关键词 公路网规划 交通分配 多路径法 优化.
作者 张维全 张宝玉 《建筑技术开发》 2005年第8期131-132,共2页
关键词 公路网规划 交通分配 多路径法 优化
作者 张维全 张宝玉 《交通标准化》 2005年第9期43-45,共3页
关键词 公路网规划 交通分配 多路径法 优化
作者 邵星杰 王小曹 朱国 《通信与广播电视》 2011年第1期25-30,共6页
轨道交通路网形成后,一对进站和出站之间可有多个路径。因此最短路径和一些次短路径都可能被采用,只是它们被采用的概率不同。轨道交通行业的清分规则是生成地铁车票票款在不同运营实体间进行合理分配的规则。本文设计了一种多路径清分... 轨道交通路网形成后,一对进站和出站之间可有多个路径。因此最短路径和一些次短路径都可能被采用,只是它们被采用的概率不同。轨道交通行业的清分规则是生成地铁车票票款在不同运营实体间进行合理分配的规则。本文设计了一种多路径清分规则模型,该模型在南京地铁票务清算管理系统中得到了应用。 展开更多
关键词 清分规则 深度优先 多路径法 路径权值
基于对策理论的交通流分配新方法 被引量:13
作者 崔洪军 陆建 王炜 《公路交通科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期108-110,共3页
关键词 交通流分配 对策论 全有全无分配 多路径分配
公共交通客流分配方法研究 被引量:5
作者 冯树民 陈洪仁 邹成伟 《哈尔滨建筑大学学报》 北大核心 2002年第5期127-130,共4页
关键词 公共交通 客流分配 路径 换乘 多路径分配 容量限制分配
作者 李硕 《交通信息与安全》 1986年第1期30-37,共8页
本文是作者参加某大城市公交系统改造优化工程中对公交运量需求预测研究的资科汇编和作者本人工作的总结。文中提出用4步法来预测公交运输需求量,它们是出行发生、出行分布、出行方式选择和出行分配。作者认为该方法对运量需求预测是有... 本文是作者参加某大城市公交系统改造优化工程中对公交运量需求预测研究的资科汇编和作者本人工作的总结。文中提出用4步法来预测公交运输需求量,它们是出行发生、出行分布、出行方式选择和出行分配。作者认为该方法对运量需求预测是有指导意义的,并且可在计算机上实现运算,形成实用的软件包。 展开更多
关键词 吸收量 出行量 公交系统 出行方式 重力模型 最短路径 自行车出行 多路径分配 需求预测 居民人数 出行分布 城市公共交通 连线 工作出行 上班出行
大规模道路交通量分配的节点分配算法 被引量:3
作者 高明瑶 石红国 《交通运输工程与信息学报》 2020年第2期119-124,共6页
针对传统的多路径-容量限制分配算法速度慢,效率低下,且在大规模交通路网中难以应用的缺陷,本文提出其简化算法——节点分配算法,通过将讫点相同的OD对进行列的合并,每次批量分配讫点相同的所有OD对,来加速分配过程,同时考虑道路阻抗在... 针对传统的多路径-容量限制分配算法速度慢,效率低下,且在大规模交通路网中难以应用的缺陷,本文提出其简化算法——节点分配算法,通过将讫点相同的OD对进行列的合并,每次批量分配讫点相同的所有OD对,来加速分配过程,同时考虑道路阻抗在道路流量变化时的修正,将OD矩阵分成k个子矩阵分k次进行分配,每次分配一个OD矩阵,分配一次,路阻修正一次。最后给出算例并分析了此方法的效果与优势。 展开更多
关键词 交通分配 多路径-容量限制 节点分配 大规模路网 路阻
大规模变电站多阶段规划优化实用方法 被引量:4
作者 霍凯龙 王主丁 +1 位作者 张代红 朱伟 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期122-128,共7页
研究了针对大规模系统的变电站准动态规划优化方法。通过选取远景年、中间年或近期末年作为目标年,并以目标年变电站站址、站容作为规划期各阶段变电站待选站址、站容,对规划期逐年进行规划。采用基于变电站负载和出线数的启发式计算方... 研究了针对大规模系统的变电站准动态规划优化方法。通过选取远景年、中间年或近期末年作为目标年,并以目标年变电站站址、站容作为规划期各阶段变电站待选站址、站容,对规划期逐年进行规划。采用基于变电站负载和出线数的启发式计算方法,合理计算各阶段中压线路运行费用和新增线路投资费用;研究并阐述了一种基于变电站及其供区单位负荷成本的多路径前推准动态规划法,确定了规划期逐年方案。为兼顾算法的寻优速度和搜索精度,可依据电网规模灵活设置各阶段保留的最优路径数,适合于大规模系统变电站动态规划。算例表明了方法的实用和有效。 展开更多
关键词 多阶段变电站规划 大规模系统 多路径前推 启发式方 单位负荷成本
作者 肖定华 赵书玲 《科技广场》 2007年第9期153-155,共3页
本文从武汉城市交通的特征出发,利用地理系统GIS开发软件商MapInfo公司提供的GIS软件开发平台MapX组件,结合微软公司提供的面向对象VC编程工具进行二次开发。通过介绍城市交通流诱导系统的功能模块,分析了此系统功能模块实现的各个方面... 本文从武汉城市交通的特征出发,利用地理系统GIS开发软件商MapInfo公司提供的GIS软件开发平台MapX组件,结合微软公司提供的面向对象VC编程工具进行二次开发。通过介绍城市交通流诱导系统的功能模块,分析了此系统功能模块实现的各个方面因素,结合武汉实际交通情况,并以容量限制-多路径方法来实现城市交通流诱导系统仿真。 展开更多
关键词 行程时间 交通流诱导 容量限制-多路径法
Optimal path planning method of electric vehicles considering power supply 被引量:5
作者 GUO Dong LI Chao-chao +8 位作者 YAN Wei HAO Yu-jiao XU Yi WANG Yu-qiong ZHOU Ying-chao E Wen-juan ZHANG Tong-qing GAO Xing-bang TAN Xiao-chuan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期331-345,共15页
Because of the limitations of electric vehicle(EV)battery technology and relevant supporting facilities,there is a great risk of breakdown of EVs during driving.The resulting driver“range anxiety”greatly affects the... Because of the limitations of electric vehicle(EV)battery technology and relevant supporting facilities,there is a great risk of breakdown of EVs during driving.The resulting driver“range anxiety”greatly affects the travel quality of EVs.These limitations should be overcome to promote the use of EVs.In this study,a method for travel path planning considering EV power supply was developed.First,based on real-time road conditions,a dynamic energy model of EVs was established considering the driving energy and accessory energy.Second,a multi-objective travel path planning model of EVs was constructed considering the power supply,taking the distance,time,energy,and charging cost as the optimization objectives.Finally,taking the actual traffic network of 15 km×15 km area in a city as the research object,the model was simulated and verified in MATLAB based on Dijkstra shortest path algorithm.The simulation results show that compared with the traditional route planning method,the total distance in the proposed optimal route planning method increased by 1.18%,but the energy consumption,charging cost,and driving time decreased by 11.62%,41.26%and 11.00%,respectively,thus effectively reducing the travel cost of EVs and improving the driving quality of EVs. 展开更多
关键词 electric vehicle vehicle special power charging path multi-objective optimization Dijkstra algorithm
A multi-path routing algorithm of LEO satellite networks based on an improved ant colony system 被引量:1
作者 王厚天 Zhang Qi +3 位作者 Xin Xiangjun Tao Ying Chen Dong Liu Naijin 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第3期253-260,共8页
Geography rectangle is used to reduce signaling overhead of the LEO satellite networks.Moreover,a multi-path routing algorithm based on an improved ant colony system(MPRA-AC) is proposed.Matrix indicating the importan... Geography rectangle is used to reduce signaling overhead of the LEO satellite networks.Moreover,a multi-path routing algorithm based on an improved ant colony system(MPRA-AC) is proposed.Matrix indicating the importance of the link between satellites is introduced into MPRA-AC in order to find the optimal path more quickly.Simulation results show that MPRA-AC reduces the number of iterations to achieve a satisfactory solution.At the same time,the packet delivery ratio of LEO satellite networks when running MPRA-AC and DSR-LSN(dynamic source routing algorithm for LEO satellite networks) is compared.The packet delivery ratio is about 7.9%lower when running DSR-LSN.Moreover,because of the mechanism of active load balancing of MPRA-AC,simulation results show that MPRA-AC outperforms DSR-LSN in link utilization when data packets are transmitted in the networks. 展开更多
关键词 ant colony algorithm low earth orbit (LEO) packet delivery ratio ROUTING satellite networks
Multi-path planning algorithm based on fitness sharing and species evolution
作者 ZHANG Jing-juan, LI Xue-lian, HAO Yan-ling College of Automation, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2003年第1期60-65,共6页
A new algorithm is proposed for underwater vehicles multi-path planning. This algorithm is based on fitness sharing genetic algorithm, clustering and evolution of multiple populations, which can keep the diversity of ... A new algorithm is proposed for underwater vehicles multi-path planning. This algorithm is based on fitness sharing genetic algorithm, clustering and evolution of multiple populations, which can keep the diversity of the solution path, and decrease the operating time because of the independent evolution of each subpopulation. The multi-path planning algorithm is demonstrated by a number of two-dimensional path planning problems. The results show that the multi-path planning algorithm has the following characteristics: high searching capability, rapid convergence and high reliability. 展开更多
关键词 genetic algorithm subpopulation evolution fitness sharing multi-path planning
Multi-path routing algorithm in WSN using an improvedparticle swarm optimization 被引量:2
作者 LI Hui-ling DU Yong-wen XU Ning 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2019年第4期361-368,共8页
To slove the problems of constrained energy and unbalanced load of wireless sensor network(WSN)nodes,a multipath load balancing routing algorithm based on neighborhood subspace cooperation is proposed.The algorithm ad... To slove the problems of constrained energy and unbalanced load of wireless sensor network(WSN)nodes,a multipath load balancing routing algorithm based on neighborhood subspace cooperation is proposed.The algorithm adopts the improved particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithm,takes the shortest distance and minimum energy consumption as optimization target and divides the nodes in one-hop neighborhood near the base station area into different regions.Furthermore,the algorithm designs a fitness function to find the best node in each region as a relay node and forward the data in parallel through the different paths of the relay nodes.The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce energy consumption and average end-to-end delay,balance network load and prolong network lifetime effectively. 展开更多
关键词 wireless sensor network(WSN) improved particle swarm optimization(PSO) regional division MULTIPATH LOAD-BALANCING
Minimum Cost Multi-Path Parallel Transmission with Delay Constraint by Extending Openflow 被引量:1
作者 Kuangyu Qin Chuanhe Huang +2 位作者 N.Ganesan Kewei Liu Xi Chen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期15-26,共12页
Sometimes user has the requirement to run a high bandwidth application over a low bandwidth network. But its implementation is not easy as the traditional network transmits data with only one path where its bandwidth ... Sometimes user has the requirement to run a high bandwidth application over a low bandwidth network. But its implementation is not easy as the traditional network transmits data with only one path where its bandwidth is lower than the demand. Although the current network technology like SDN has the ability to precisely control the data transmission in the network, but till now the standard openflow protocol does not support splitting one flow to multiple flows. In this paper, a flow splitting algorithm is proposed. The algorithm splits a data flow to multiple sub-flows by extending the openflow protocol. A multiple paths routing algorithm is also proposed to implement the multi-path parallel transmission in the paper. The algorithm selects multiple paths and minimizes the cost of transmission under the constraint of maximum delay and delay variance. The simulations show the algorithms can significantly improve the transmission performance. 展开更多
关键词 SDN OpenFlow multi-pathtransmission
Notes on Multi-linear Variable Separation Approach
作者 SHENShou-Feng ZHANGJun PANZu-Liang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期582-584,共3页
The multi-linear variable separation approach method is very useful to solve (2+1)-dimensional integrable systems. In this letter, we extend this method to solve (1+1)-dimensional Boiti system, (2+1)-dimensional Burge... The multi-linear variable separation approach method is very useful to solve (2+1)-dimensional integrable systems. In this letter, we extend this method to solve (1+1)-dimensional Boiti system, (2+1)-dimensional Burgers system, (2+1)-dimensional breaking soliton system, and (2+1)-dimensional Maccari system. Some new exact solutions are obtained and the universal formula obtained from many (2+1)-dimensional systems is extended or modified. 展开更多
关键词 variable separation approach (1+1)-dimensional Boiti system (2+1)-dimensional Burgers system (2+1)-dimensional breaking soliton system (2+1) -dimensional Maccari system
Signal Path Reckoning Localization Method in Multipath Environment 被引量:5
作者 Junhui Zhao Lei Li +1 位作者 Hao Zhang Yi Gong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期182-189,共8页
In the wireless localization application, multipath propagation seriously affects the localization accuracy. This paper presents two algorithms to solve the multipath problem. Firstly, we improve the Line of Possible ... In the wireless localization application, multipath propagation seriously affects the localization accuracy. This paper presents two algorithms to solve the multipath problem. Firstly, we improve the Line of Possible Mobile Device(LPMD) algorithm by optimizing the utilization of the direct paths for single-bound scattering scenario. Secondly, the signal path reckoning method with the assistance of geographic information system is proposed to solve the problem of localization with multi-bound scattering paths. With the building model's idealization, the proposed method refers to the idea of ray tracing and dead reckoning. According to the rule of wireless signal reflection, the signal propagation path is reckoned using the measurements of emission angle and propagation distance, and then the estimated location can be obtained. Simulation shows that the proposed method obtains better results than the existing geometric localization methods in multipath environment when the angle error is controlled. 展开更多
关键词 wireless localization multipath propagation signal reflection path reckoning
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