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基于多重遗传算法的中央空调能效优化 被引量:2
作者 何险峰 《流体测量与控制》 2024年第1期14-18,22,共6页
为提高中央空调制冷系统能效比,实现不同工况下最优能效比,提出一种基于多重遗传算法的中央空调制冷系统能效优化方法。该方法通过灰色关联度分析(GRA)筛选出对中央空调能效比影响较大的关键运行参数,利用神经网络建立关键运行参数与能... 为提高中央空调制冷系统能效比,实现不同工况下最优能效比,提出一种基于多重遗传算法的中央空调制冷系统能效优化方法。该方法通过灰色关联度分析(GRA)筛选出对中央空调能效比影响较大的关键运行参数,利用神经网络建立关键运行参数与能效比间的能效预测模型,通过Apriori关联规则算法获取关键运行参数间的关联规则,将预测模型作为多重遗传算法的适应度函数,关联规则作为遗传算法种群进化的约束条件。分别采用多重遗传算法和传统遗传算法进行能效比优化,结果表明,多重遗传算法比传统遗传算法能效比平均提高了5.75%,优化效果明显。 展开更多
关键词 中央空调 能效优化 关联规则 多重遗传算法
作者 于超 《中国新技术新产品》 2024年第24期39-42,共4页
为研究中央空调制冷系统的能效优化问题,本文提出了一种基于多重遗传算法(MGA)和BP神经网络的节能优化方法。首先,分析中央空调系统的关键运行参数,并利用灰色关联分析(GRA)筛选出与能效比(EER)高度相关的参数。其次,通过BP神经网络建... 为研究中央空调制冷系统的能效优化问题,本文提出了一种基于多重遗传算法(MGA)和BP神经网络的节能优化方法。首先,分析中央空调系统的关键运行参数,并利用灰色关联分析(GRA)筛选出与能效比(EER)高度相关的参数。其次,通过BP神经网络建立能效预测模型,以精确预测能效比。多重遗传算法将BP神经网络作为适应度函数,动态调整系统运行参数,以使能效比最大化。试验数据显示,优化后系统的能效比在不同负荷率工况下均有显著提升,平均提升5.75%,证明了本文方法在中央空调系统能效优化中的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 多重遗传算法 中央空调 能效优化 BP神经网络
中药复方对人体作用本质:“网通虹势”的多重遗传谱效动力学 被引量:32
作者 贺福元 邓凯文 +5 位作者 刘文龙 石继连 邹欢 唐宇 刘平安 周宏灏 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期240-247,共8页
目的:从学科的属性与特点探讨中药复方对人体作用本质:"网通虹势"多重遗传谱效动力学。分析中药学科与遗传药理学科研究的特点,根据中药复方药效物质作用的本源,结合中药现代化的要求,提出中药现代化的思路与方法。结果:与西... 目的:从学科的属性与特点探讨中药复方对人体作用本质:"网通虹势"多重遗传谱效动力学。分析中药学科与遗传药理学科研究的特点,根据中药复方药效物质作用的本源,结合中药现代化的要求,提出中药现代化的思路与方法。结果:与西药相比,中药复方为具有自然界原生物体遗传信息的多成分有机整体,在以初生、次生代谢酶系,特别是细胞色素P-450(CYP450)家族酶的作用下合成,进入人体内能被人体以CYP450家族酶为主的酶系按"网通虹势"规律代谢,并与人体内的初生代谢酶系(受体)按质量作用定律产生"反治互补"的药理效应,体现多重遗传谱效动力学特点。结论:中药复方与人体的药效本质是生物体间多重遗传药理学作用,体现"网通虹势"谱效动力学特征,是自然界生物体之间普遍遵循的作用规律,可用遗传多态性的规律来进行研究。 展开更多
关键词 中药 复方 多重遗传 药理学 遗传中药药理学 网通虹势 药效动力学 药物代谢
基于多重群体遗传算法的换热网络同步综合 被引量:5
作者 张勤 崔国民 关欣 《化学工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期21-24,共4页
通过对YEE换热网络分级超结构的分析和改进,建立了包含更多可行结构的换热网络超结构及其数学模型,扩大了网络结构的搜索范围。针对普通遗传算法和其他优化算法无法保证换热网络综合质量和效率的缺点,结合多重群体遗传算法进行网络优化... 通过对YEE换热网络分级超结构的分析和改进,建立了包含更多可行结构的换热网络超结构及其数学模型,扩大了网络结构的搜索范围。针对普通遗传算法和其他优化算法无法保证换热网络综合质量和效率的缺点,结合多重群体遗传算法进行网络优化综合,提高优化过程的稳定性,该方法将换热网络结构信息转化为种群和繁殖群体中个体的染色体信息,选择繁殖种群中优秀个体进入种群淘汰较差个体,实现种群的逐步新陈代谢。利用多重群体遗传算法对实际换热网络问题进行了优化。结果表明:多重群体遗传算法能有效提高换热网络优化的稳定性和鲁棒性,在优化变量和非凸性增加时,能获得综合性能良好的换热网络结构。 展开更多
关键词 多重群体遗传算法 换热网络 超结构 繁殖群体
多重群体遗传算法在多选择背包问题中的应用 被引量:3
作者 叶宇风 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期3442-3443,3464,共3页
在解决多选择背包问题中,引入了多重群体遗传算法作为求解方法,根据此问题的特点,制定了具体的杂交、变异方法,设计了遗传算法。在算法中以目标函数加惩罚函数为适应值评价函数,采用新陈代谢的跨世代选择策略,以更好地保持进化过程中的... 在解决多选择背包问题中,引入了多重群体遗传算法作为求解方法,根据此问题的特点,制定了具体的杂交、变异方法,设计了遗传算法。在算法中以目标函数加惩罚函数为适应值评价函数,采用新陈代谢的跨世代选择策略,以更好地保持进化过程中的遗传多样性。实践表明,引入了多重群体遗传算法之后,求解此问题效率有明显的改善与提高。 展开更多
关键词 多重群体遗传算法 多选择背包问题 种群 遗传算法
多重群体遗传算法在装箱问题中的应用研究 被引量:2
作者 李荣 《计算机技术与发展》 2007年第9期247-249,F0003,共4页
装箱问题是一个有很强应用背景的组合优化问题,求解极为困难。为有效解决该问题,提出了多重群体遗传算法,给出了具体的遗传算法步骤。在算法中采用新陈代谢的选择策略,以更好地保持进化过程中的遗传多样性。实践表明,引入多重群体遗传... 装箱问题是一个有很强应用背景的组合优化问题,求解极为困难。为有效解决该问题,提出了多重群体遗传算法,给出了具体的遗传算法步骤。在算法中采用新陈代谢的选择策略,以更好地保持进化过程中的遗传多样性。实践表明,引入多重群体遗传算法后,装箱效率有明显的改善和提高。 展开更多
关键词 多重群体遗传算法 装箱问题 NP-完备 种群
作者 简志坚 戴光明 《电脑开发与应用》 2005年第11期8-10,共3页
为了解决多选择背包问题,引入了多重群体遗传算法作为求解方法,根据此问题的特点而制定了具体的杂交、变异方法,设计了遗传算法。在算法中以目标函数加惩罚函数为适应值评价函数,采用新陈代谢的选择策略,以更好地保持进化过程中的遗传... 为了解决多选择背包问题,引入了多重群体遗传算法作为求解方法,根据此问题的特点而制定了具体的杂交、变异方法,设计了遗传算法。在算法中以目标函数加惩罚函数为适应值评价函数,采用新陈代谢的选择策略,以更好地保持进化过程中的遗传多样性。实践表明,引入了多重群体遗传算法之后,求解此问题效率有明显的改善与提高。 展开更多
关键词 遗传算法 多重群体遗传算法 多选择背包问题 种群
一种新型多重PCR技术在肿瘤研究中的应用 被引量:3
作者 张寒 郑胡镛 《转化医学研究(电子版)》 2014年第3期48-57,共10页
多重基因表达遗传分析系统(GenomeLab gene expression profiler genetic analysis system,GeXP)是一种全新的基因表达谱定量分析平台。它能够在同一反应中对多至35个基因进行定量检测和分析,并将通用引物与特异引物相结合。它采用荧光... 多重基因表达遗传分析系统(GenomeLab gene expression profiler genetic analysis system,GeXP)是一种全新的基因表达谱定量分析平台。它能够在同一反应中对多至35个基因进行定量检测和分析,并将通用引物与特异引物相结合。它采用荧光毛细电泳分离技术对多重PCR产物进行定量检测和分析。本文重点综述了多重基因表达遗传分析系统的技术原理及其在肿瘤研究中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 多重基因表达遗传分析系统 多重基因表达 肿瘤标志物
作者 林代斌 《国外林业》 1996年第3期49-53,共5页
大气污染引起林木种群遗传性改变的综述主要集中在:1)选择过程的研究方法;2)选择结果的适当试验与贡献的描述;3)自然选择的结果:遗传多样性的损失;4)种源试验结果的比较;5)保存遗传多重性(genetic multiplicity)的结果;6)关于森林面积... 大气污染引起林木种群遗传性改变的综述主要集中在:1)选择过程的研究方法;2)选择结果的适当试验与贡献的描述;3)自然选择的结果:遗传多样性的损失;4)种源试验结果的比较;5)保存遗传多重性(genetic multiplicity)的结果;6)关于森林面积减少机制的假说讨论。本文总结了有关云杉属、松属、杨属和桦属的试验结果及结论,并提出了有待进一步研究的内容。 展开更多
关键词 大气污染 遗传多重 林木
中药有效成分群组方技术研究若干基础瓶颈问题及数理特征化思路的提出 被引量:14
作者 贺福元 邓凯文 +5 位作者 石继连 黄胜 邱云 邹欢 陈锋 周宏灏 《中药材》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期1-7,共7页
目的:探讨中药有效成分群组方技术研究面临的若干问题,并提出以数理特征化方法解决。方法:根据中药复方药效物质与人体作用的本质,结合中医药学科的属性、特点及中药现代化的要求,分析中药复方配伍规律现状及中药有效成分群组方技术研... 目的:探讨中药有效成分群组方技术研究面临的若干问题,并提出以数理特征化方法解决。方法:根据中药复方药效物质与人体作用的本质,结合中医药学科的属性、特点及中药现代化的要求,分析中药复方配伍规律现状及中药有效成分群组方技术研究面临的若干基础瓶颈问题,提出数理特征化解决方法及思路。结果:中药配伍规律经过几千年的研究和充实,形成了以单味中药材为基础,"七情"配伍规律为指导,按君、臣、佐、使组方层次临床遣方用药的完备组方理论。与西药相比,中药为具有自然界原生物体遗传信息的多成分有机整体,在初生、次生代谢酶系,特别是CYP450家庭酶的作用下合成,进入人体内能被人体以CYP450家庭酶为主的酶系按"网通虹势"规律代谢,并与人体内的初生代谢酶系(受体)按作用定律产生"反治互补"的药理效应,体现多重遗传谱学性特点。以"网通虹势"多重遗传谱学为主线;以"数理特征化"为表达语言;以系统动物指标与数学建模,有效成分辨别技术为核心研究内容;以信息优化处理软件及数据库建设为辅助手段,以获取最优有效成分群组合形式为归缩,建立基于单味中药有效成分群基础上的中药复方组方技术研究平台。结论:中药有效成分群组方技术按中药与人体的作用本质——"网通虹势"多重遗传谱学数理特征化方向展开研究,应建成人体与自然界生物体之间信息交流、动态代谢量变、网络效应、遗传多态作用的普遍规律研究技术平台。 展开更多
关键词 中药学 中药复方 多重遗传 遗传药理学 遗传中药药理学 网通虹势 中药配伍 有效成分群 组方技术 谱学
Solving Hitchcock’s transportation problem by a genetic algorithm
作者 陈海峰 CHO Joong. Rae LEE Jeong. Tae 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2004年第2期54-57,共4页
Genetic algorithms (GAs) employ the evolutionary process of Darwin’s nature selection theory to find the solutions of optimization problems. In this paper, an implementation of genetic algorithm is put forward to sol... Genetic algorithms (GAs) employ the evolutionary process of Darwin’s nature selection theory to find the solutions of optimization problems. In this paper, an implementation of genetic algorithm is put forward to solve a classical transportation problem, namely the Hitchcock’s Transportation Problem (HTP), and the GA is improved to search for all optimal solutions and identify them automatically. The algorithm is coded with C++ and validated by numerical examples. The computational results show that the algorithm is efficient for solving the Hitchcock’s transportation problem. 展开更多
关键词 Hitchcock’s transportation problem genetic algorithm multiple optimal solutions
Discriminating ability of molecular markers and morphological characterization in the establishment of genetic relationships in cultivated genotypes of almond and related wild species
作者 Karim Sorkheh Behrouz Shiran +7 位作者 Soghra Kiani Nazanin Amirbakhtiar Sadegh Mousavi Vahid Rouhi Shahram Mohammady-D Thomas M.Gradziel Lyudmyla V.Malysheva-Otto Pedro Martínez-Gómez 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第A3期183-194,285,共13页
A total 23 morphological traits, 19 AFLP-primer combinations, 80 RAPD primers and 32 SSR primer pair were used to compare the informativeness and efficiency of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), amplified fragme... A total 23 morphological traits, 19 AFLP-primer combinations, 80 RAPD primers and 32 SSR primer pair were used to compare the informativeness and efficiency of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in establishing genetic relationships among 29 almond cultivars and three related wild species. SSRs presented a high level of polymorphism and greater information content, as assessed by the expected hetrozygosity, compared to AFLPs and RAPDs. The lowest values of expected hetrozygosity were obtained for AFLPs; however AFLPs showed the highest efficiency, owing to their capacity to reveal large numbers of bands per reaction, which led to high values for various types of indices of diversity. All the three techniques discriminated almond genotypes very effectively, except that SSRs failed to discriminate between ‘Monagha’ and ‘Sefied’ almond genotypes. The correlation coefficients of similarity were statistically significant for all the three marker systems, but were lower for the SSR data than for RAPDs and AFLPs. For all the markers, high similarity in dendrogram topologies was obtained, although some differences were observed. All the dendrograms, including that obtained by the combined use of all the marker data, reflect relationships for most of cultivars according to their geographic diffusion. AMOVA detected more variation among cultivated and related wild species of almond within each geographic group. Bootstrap analysis revealed that the number of markers used was sufficient for reliable estimation of genetic similarity and for meaningful comparisons of marker types. 展开更多
关键词 Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs) Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) Simple-Sequence Repeats (SSRs) GERMPLASM genetic relationships breeding prunus dulcis
Analysis of Population Structure and Genetic Diversity of Authentic Medicinal Herb Dendrobium huoshanense Using ESTSSR Markers
作者 WANG Hui SHI Lingling +1 位作者 ZHOU Jue ZHOU Yuxuan 《生命科学研究》 2024年第6期572-582,600,共12页
Understanding the intra-population genetic diversity and population genetic structure is beneficial for plant protection and breeding.Dendrobium huoshanense is an endangered authentic medicinal herb.To analyze the pop... Understanding the intra-population genetic diversity and population genetic structure is beneficial for plant protection and breeding.Dendrobium huoshanense is an endangered authentic medicinal herb.To analyze the population differentiation and genetic diversity in D.huoshanense,simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers were obtained by high-throughput transcriptome sequencing,and 10 expressed sequence tag(EST)-SSRs were studied in 182 Dendrobium individual samples from 15 populations distributed in Huoshan County,southwest Anhui Province.After deep sequencing of D.huoshanense transcriptome,a total of 58202 unigenes were obtained,and 7781 SSRs with 1~6 base repeats were detected.Among them,dinucleotide SSRs were the dominant repeating motifs(3119,40.085%),and the most common was AG/CT(2666,54.01%).Ten SSR primers were screened out from the designed 120 primer pairs for further polymorphism verification.The results showed that 75 alleles were detected,and the number of alleles at each locus ranged from 4 to 11,with an average of 7.5.The mean expected heterozygosity(H_(e)),observed heterozygosity(H_(o))and polymorphism information content(C_(pi))of the 10 SSR loci were 0.646,0.574,and 0.607,respectively.D.huoshanense populations exhibited a high level of genetic diversity(H_(o)=0.591,H_(e)=0.557)and a moderate level of differentiation(F_(ST)=0.10069),and the genetic variation mainly existed within populations.The results of Structure and neighbour-joining(NJ)analysis based on 10 polymorphic primers showed that D.huoshanense populations were clustered into 2 groups,and the populations KS,HSD,and JXZ had rich genetic diversity and multiple private alleles,suggesting that these populations could be used for genetic improvement of the species.The study revealed frequency distribution of D.huoshanense SSR loci,and successfully developed microsatellite genetic markers,which are expected to expand the repertoire of DNA markers for genetic study of D.huoshanense. 展开更多
关键词 Dendrobium huoshanense microsatellite expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat(ESTSSR) genetic diversity genetic structure
Development of 107 SSR markers from whole genome shotgun sequences of Chinese bayberry(Myrica rubra) and their application in seedling identification 被引量:7
作者 Hui-min JIA Yu-tong SHEN +8 位作者 Yun JIAO Guo-yun WANG Xiao DONG Hui-juan JIA Fang DU Sen-miao LIANG Chao-chao ZHOU Wei-hua MAO Zhong-shan GAO 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第11期997-1005,1-5,共9页
Chinese bayberry (Myrica rubra Sieb. et Zucc.) is one of the important subtropical fruit crops native to the South of China and Asian countries. In this study, 107 novel simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular mark... Chinese bayberry (Myrica rubra Sieb. et Zucc.) is one of the important subtropical fruit crops native to the South of China and Asian countries. In this study, 107 novel simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers, a powerful tool for genetic diversity studies, cultivar identification, and linkage map construction, were developed and characterized from whole genome shotgun sequences. M13 tailing for forward primers was applied as a simple method in different situations. In total, 828 alleles across 45 accessions were detected, with an average of 8 alleles per locus. The number of effective alleles ranged from 1.22 to 10.41 with an average of 4.08. The polymorphic information content (PIC) varied from 0.13 to 0.89, with an average of 0.63. Moreover, these markers could also be amplified in their related species Myrica cerifera (syn. More/la cerifera) and Myrica adenophora. Seventy-eight SSR markers can be used to produce a genetic map of a cross between 'Biqi' and 'Dongkui'. A neighbor-joining (N J) tree was con- structed to assess the genetic relationships among accessions, and the elite accessions 'Y2010-70', 'Y2012-140', and 'Y2012-145', were characterized as potential new genotypes for cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese bayberry Simple sequence repeat (SSR) Genetic diversity
Progress in understanding epigenetic remodeling during induced pluripotency 被引量:1
作者 Rui Gao Xiaoyu Liu Shaorong Gao 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第20期1713-1721,共9页
Over 50 years of efforts, cellular reprogram- ruing opens a new door for disease modeling and regen- erative medicine. Although induction of pluripotency by transcription factors has become common, only a small portio... Over 50 years of efforts, cellular reprogram- ruing opens a new door for disease modeling and regen- erative medicine. Although induction of pluripotency by transcription factors has become common, only a small portion of basic mechanisms of epigenetic modifications during this process have been revealed. To clearly under- stand reprogramming and devise ways to promote full transition towards pluripotency, we must gain insight from comprehensive characterizations of cells at distinct repro- gramming stages, which involves gene expression profil- ing, chromatin state maps of key activating and repressive marks, and DNA modifications. Here, we review recent advances in epigenetic reprogramming to pluripotency with a focus on the principal molecular regulators and attach importance to the combination of high-throughput sequencing and systematic biology approaches in uncov- ering underlying molecular mechanisms of this unique platform in future researches. 展开更多
关键词 Induced pluripotency Epigeneticreprogramming Histone modifications DNA modifications
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