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作者 段丽娜 《新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期66-67,共2页
文化是一个民族生存发展的精神命脉,随着经济社会的发展,文化已成为国民经济的重要组成部分和新的经济增长点,文化竞争已上升到国家战略层面,推动着经济发展方式的转变。本文从大众传媒对文化建设的导向以及引导功能出发,对大众传... 文化是一个民族生存发展的精神命脉,随着经济社会的发展,文化已成为国民经济的重要组成部分和新的经济增长点,文化竞争已上升到国家战略层面,推动着经济发展方式的转变。本文从大众传媒对文化建设的导向以及引导功能出发,对大众传媒的文化建设进行相关研究和思考。 展开更多
关键词 大众传媒体 文化 建设 价值导向
把握先进文化的前进方向 捍卫社会主义文化领导权——兼谈大众传媒的社会责任
作者 张福平 《河南社会科学》 2001年第1期87-91,共5页
世纪之交,社会主义中国在前进中面临诸多严峻的问题。面对多元化、全球化的挑战和西方国家的文化渗透,如何促进我国社会主义事业健康有序地发展,是思想文化界所共同关注的问题。鉴于文化对人以及社会的深刻而持久的影响,文章认为,... 世纪之交,社会主义中国在前进中面临诸多严峻的问题。面对多元化、全球化的挑战和西方国家的文化渗透,如何促进我国社会主义事业健康有序地发展,是思想文化界所共同关注的问题。鉴于文化对人以及社会的深刻而持久的影响,文章认为,当前摆在我们面前的一个重要任务,就是要在多种文化并存的环境中,把握先进文化的前进方向,捍卫社会主义文化领导权。而作为社会大众思想文化生活中一种重要的存在力量,大众传媒尤其要增强政治意识,坚持正确的舆论导向,在新的社会价值体系构建过程中,起到引导和促进作用;此外,还要重视因特网上的跨文化传播,积极主动地向世界传播我们社会主义国家的声音,争取国际社会广泛的理解和认同。 展开更多
关键词 文化渗透 社会主义事业 先进文化 文化领导权 大众传 跨文化
论大众传媒无形资产的竞争——兼谈名记者、名编辑、名主持人的培育 被引量:1
作者 陈旭钦 《新闻大学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第2期46-49,共4页
改革开放以来,我国大众传媒逐步走上了产业化道路。随着大众传媒产业经济的发展壮大,人们越来越认识到,大众传媒作为一种特殊的产业,不仅拥有有形资产,而且拥有无形资产。在面向新世纪的新闻工作中,传媒间的竞争更趋激烈,但是新闻的竞... 改革开放以来,我国大众传媒逐步走上了产业化道路。随着大众传媒产业经济的发展壮大,人们越来越认识到,大众传媒作为一种特殊的产业,不仅拥有有形资产,而且拥有无形资产。在面向新世纪的新闻工作中,传媒间的竞争更趋激烈,但是新闻的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争。换言之,今后传媒间的竞争不仅仅是有形资产的竞争,更多、更为重要的是由人才引发的无形资产的竞争。因此,大众传媒要想在竞争中立于不败之地,必须注重无形资产的积累,加快培育名记者、名编辑、名主持人等高素质新闻人才,对人力资源加以有效组合和管理。 展开更多
关键词 大众传 无形资产 记者 编辑 主持人 人才培养
作者 范海梅 《三峡文化研究》 2009年第1期539-542,共4页
被誉为"郁香的山花"的长阳南曲是湖北地方小曲中一个较为古老的曲种,自古称为"南曲"(亦称"丝弦")。1962年定为现名,主要流传在长阳、五峰两个土家族自治县境内,以资丘最盛。它以浓郁的民族民间特色和鲜... 被誉为"郁香的山花"的长阳南曲是湖北地方小曲中一个较为古老的曲种,自古称为"南曲"(亦称"丝弦")。1962年定为现名,主要流传在长阳、五峰两个土家族自治县境内,以资丘最盛。它以浓郁的民族民间特色和鲜明的地方风格,在曲坛享有盛誉。 展开更多
关键词 长阳南曲 地方小曲 郁香 民间特色 地方风格 说唱艺术 曲艺艺术 物质文化遗产 人类文化遗产 大众传
作者 吴晓明 《湛江师范学院学报》 2003年第2期80-86,共7页
20世纪90年代后,中国报业出现了以中心城市为地域特征的都市报纸群体。都市报纸面向城市居民,凭借其得天独厚的优势快速发展,以致于形成一种"都市报现象"。综合诸家论述,从传播学角度出发,观照都市报纸现象存在的合理性;研究... 20世纪90年代后,中国报业出现了以中心城市为地域特征的都市报纸群体。都市报纸面向城市居民,凭借其得天独厚的优势快速发展,以致于形成一种"都市报现象"。综合诸家论述,从传播学角度出发,观照都市报纸现象存在的合理性;研究都市报纸与都市文化在传播学意义上的互相影响;并且就大众传媒的文化迁移的效果作一理论上的探讨。 展开更多
关键词 播学 都市报纸 都市文化 大众传 大众文化
作者 刘相 王一秀 《青年记者》 2000年第3期11-11,共1页
人们对大众传媒刊播的事件和信息,往往要从真假、是非、善恶、美丑等方面去进行价值判断,这就是人们常说的审美价值取向。人们往往会因不同的立场、利益、观点、倾向,而有着不同的价值取向系统和参照框架。每个人的审美价值参照系统,一... 人们对大众传媒刊播的事件和信息,往往要从真假、是非、善恶、美丑等方面去进行价值判断,这就是人们常说的审美价值取向。人们往往会因不同的立场、利益、观点、倾向,而有着不同的价值取向系统和参照框架。每个人的审美价值参照系统,一方面决定于他的利益、欲求、兴趣和理想,另一方面也决定于他所接受的社会历史文化观念。有些社会历史文化的价值标准是不合理的,但有些人却信仰它到了入迷程度,往往会让它压制和扼杀符合自己利益的合理的人性要求。例如,在封建社会,有人迷信“饿死事小、失节事大”,为了青史留名、树立虚假荒谬的“ 展开更多
关键词 理性审美 大众传
对新形势下加强应急广播建设的探讨 被引量:4
作者 刘济铭 《新闻传播》 2014年第9X期91-91,共1页
一、建设农村应急广播的意义和目的实现农村广播"村村响"工程建设既是贯彻党的精神,建设社会主义新农村的一件大事,也是大力推进具有中国特色新农村思想文化建设的一个系统工程。广播虽然是最传统的大众传播媒体,实践证明广... 一、建设农村应急广播的意义和目的实现农村广播"村村响"工程建设既是贯彻党的精神,建设社会主义新农村的一件大事,也是大力推进具有中国特色新农村思想文化建设的一个系统工程。广播虽然是最传统的大众传播媒体,实践证明广播是最快捷、最广泛的大众传媒和最主要的信息工具,在发生自然灾害、公共突然应急事件时,在广播发布的政令信息,对稳定社会、稳定人心、组织社会力量应对突发事件方面将发挥不可替代的作用。我们应该充分认识到。 展开更多
关键词 应急广播 农村广播 大众传播媒体 通信网络 思想文化建设 工程建设 社会主义新农村 中国特色 大众传
新中国电影的第一个运动:清除好莱坞电影 被引量:32
作者 饶曙光 邵奇 《当代电影》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期119-126,共8页
讨论中国电影、尤其是中国电影市场,一个绝对无法回避的话题就是好莱坞电影。不管我们愿意与否,好莱坞电影无论是对中国电影创作,还是中国电影市场都产生了难以估量的影响。事实上,上海早在20年代早期已经是好莱坞电影的天下,除开短暂... 讨论中国电影、尤其是中国电影市场,一个绝对无法回避的话题就是好莱坞电影。不管我们愿意与否,好莱坞电影无论是对中国电影创作,还是中国电影市场都产生了难以估量的影响。事实上,上海早在20年代早期已经是好莱坞电影的天下,除开短暂的二次世界大战之外,到了战后又重新占据了中国电影市场的绝大部分份额。这种情况在当时就遭到了中国电影工作者的强烈批评和反对。新中国成立之后,电影界在新中国既定方针的指导下,有意识和有步骤地开展了一场声势浩大的清除好莱坞电影的运动。令人吃惊的是,这场对其后中国电影发展产生了决定性影响的运动竟然被包括电影史学家在内的人有意无意地遗忘了。本文将借助于电影史料对这场新中国电影的第一场运动即清除好莱坞电影的运动做出重新梳理和评价。 展开更多
关键词 好莱坞电影 新中国电影《大众电影》《影迷》苏联电影 袁牧之与“电影村” 以好莱坞对抗好莱坞
作者 焦瑞青 《青年记者》 2006年第24期78-78,共1页
作为一种媒介新形态,公交移动电视融合了传统电视媒体和户外媒体的特征。它不仅具有传统大众传煤的优势,还因其时空的移动性和独特的受众价值而区别于电视和户外媒体。但也因如此,不可避免地存在着技术本身不成熟、收视环境不理想等... 作为一种媒介新形态,公交移动电视融合了传统电视媒体和户外媒体的特征。它不仅具有传统大众传煤的优势,还因其时空的移动性和独特的受众价值而区别于电视和户外媒体。但也因如此,不可避免地存在着技术本身不成熟、收视环境不理想等多方面制约因素。 展开更多
关键词 移动电视 运营策略 北京 频道 户外媒体 电视媒体 大众传 受众价值
作者 曹玲玲 《学子(理论版)》 2015年第17期30-,共1页
部分幼儿在与同伴交往中会发生打、骂、踢、推的行为或意欲抢其他幼儿的东西等都称之为攻击性行为。父母是孩子的第一任老师,如果教育不得当会助长幼儿的攻击性行为,所以应立足家庭看待幼儿攻击性行为。实践显示,家庭教育的环境是否良好... 部分幼儿在与同伴交往中会发生打、骂、踢、推的行为或意欲抢其他幼儿的东西等都称之为攻击性行为。父母是孩子的第一任老师,如果教育不得当会助长幼儿的攻击性行为,所以应立足家庭看待幼儿攻击性行为。实践显示,家庭教育的环境是否良好,家长的教育方式是否得当,和预防或减少幼儿的攻击性行为密切相关。一、创建非攻击的环境俗话说"孩子就是父母的影子",如果父母的神经系统较兴奋,情绪比较爱激动,就会遗传给孩子。 展开更多
关键词 攻击性行为 同伴交往 绘画教学 教育方式 教学效果 亲子关系 教养态度 社交技能 新教学模式 大众传
作者 宁殿方 《天津市人民代表大会常务委员会公报》 2011年第1期45-46,共2页
天津市人民代表大会常务委员会:2010年9月25日,市十五届人大常委会第十九次会议对《天津市专利促进与保护条例(草案)》(以下简称草案)进行了第一次审议。会后,市人大常委会法工委召开座谈会,进一步听取了法院系统和部分高等院校、科研... 天津市人民代表大会常务委员会:2010年9月25日,市十五届人大常委会第十九次会议对《天津市专利促进与保护条例(草案)》(以下简称草案)进行了第一次审议。会后,市人大常委会法工委召开座谈会,进一步听取了法院系统和部分高等院校、科研院所、企业、专利代理机构对草案的意见。市人大常委会法工委会同教科文卫办公室、市委办公厅、市政府法制办、市知识产权局等有关部门,根据常委会会议的审议意见和座谈会上的意见,对草案进行了研究,提出了修改建议。 展开更多
关键词 修改情况 审议稿 法制委员会 法制宣 核心专利 十六条 项目承担单位 十二条 财政资金支持 大众传
The Crisis of the "First Republic" in the Lyrics of Italian Singers-Songwriters
作者 Paolo Carusi 《History Research》 2015年第2期116-127,共12页
In the mid- 1980s, in Italy the first symptoms of a crisis in the traditional party system, later known as the prima repubblica or "first republic", began to emerge. The "Tangentopoli" scandal was still to come, b... In the mid- 1980s, in Italy the first symptoms of a crisis in the traditional party system, later known as the prima repubblica or "first republic", began to emerge. The "Tangentopoli" scandal was still to come, but the seed of anti-politics started to grow in collective mentality. Italian singers-songwriters, the so-called "cantautori" (a portmanteau of cantare, to sing, and autori, authors), were interested in these developments; their songs commented on elements that played a crucial role, few years later, in the irreversible crisis of the "prima repubblica": the overwhelming power of political parties, the "consociativismo" (secret power agreements between the government and the opposition), the corruption, the growing and pervasive role of mass media Through the songs of singers-songwriters, the present essay traces the season of the scandal of "Tangentopoli", stopping at 1994, the year of the victory of"Forza Italia", the new political party founded by Silvio Berlusconi 展开更多
关键词 folk song Italian singers-songwriters Italian "first republic" scandal of "Tangentopoli" Silvio Berlusconi
Mechanisms of "Moral Panic" Generation in Modem Media: Ukrainian Experience
作者 Inna Bytiuk 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第2期78-86,共9页
In this research, it considers the manipulative influence of mass communication on the society especially in the formation of moral panic in times of social-politics crisis--Revolution of Dignity (November 2013-Febru... In this research, it considers the manipulative influence of mass communication on the society especially in the formation of moral panic in times of social-politics crisis--Revolution of Dignity (November 2013-February 2014) and during social-political stability. An attempt was made to determine the mechanism of implementation of this phenomenon in these periods the example of the news program "Facts" on ICTV channel and news on the TV channel "1+1". The author makes two models of moral panic mechanism's formation: during the period of sociopolitical stability and in the period of sociopolitical crisis. Furthermore, it identifies the comparative characteristics of moral panic formation during the period of the sociopolitical stability and sociopolitical crisis. 展开更多
关键词 mass communication influence moral panic VALUES mass-media information
The Science Communication in Context of New Media-- The Case of Science Journalism
作者 He Miao 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第8期446-451,共6页
This article emphasizes the importance of science communication in context of new media. A brief summary is offered of some particular posture of scientific journalism from within new media. With the above background,... This article emphasizes the importance of science communication in context of new media. A brief summary is offered of some particular posture of scientific journalism from within new media. With the above background, four priorities for future science communication in context of new media are introduced: (1) a brief description about the actual status of science communication within the new media and mass communication process in general; (2) a solid theoretical and conceptual frame for scientific journalism within new media context; (3) a description of some possible forms of public for scientific journalism; (4) a brief analysis upon the possible set of negative effects of scientific journalism in new media and globalization context, and a need for a larger perspective in any attempt to understand the phenomenon of science communication within new media and mass communication processes. 展开更多
关键词 new media science communication scientific journalism limits of science dissemination
Display of Violence Through Cultural Codes in Turkish TV Serials: A Study on Three Turkish Serials
作者 Safiye Klrlar Barokas Murat Mengu Seda Mengu 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第5期263-273,共11页
The concept of violence mainly comprises the use of brutal force and fierceness. The acts of violence; on the other hand, can be defined as the practices pertaining to intimidating, terrorizing and even tyrannizing hu... The concept of violence mainly comprises the use of brutal force and fierceness. The acts of violence; on the other hand, can be defined as the practices pertaining to intimidating, terrorizing and even tyrannizing human beings. There is a widespread agreement on the idea that a healthy and balanced society necessitates the conscious contribution of each member to the solution of social, economic and cultural problems. Undoubtedly, the mass media, particularly TV, plays a significant role in this process. In the same way, the media content considerably accelerates the respective learning process through news, advertisements and particularly TV serials. The primary purpose of this study is to determine the types and ratios of violence displayed in popular Turkish TV serials with respect to the total airing time. Thus, three popular TV serials with the highest rating were determined as the corpus of this study. Then, every sixth episode of each serial in a 36-week-season was chosen as the sampling. With this idea in mind, the sequences displaying violence in the respective serials were measured with content analysis method and classified according to the types of violence. Thus, ratios for each type of violence were found out and shown on graphs. It is expected that the findings will provide a basis for a further study in which a comparison between the escalation of violence in Turkish society and the ratio of violence demonstrated in popular TV serials can be made. 展开更多
关键词 VIOLENCE TV serials content analysis violence in Turkish TV serials cultural codes
The Ethnic Dilemma: Mass Communication and Native People in Colombia
作者 Maurizio All Miguel David Amortegui 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第3期151-160,共10页
The logic of hegemonic domination that was established in Colombia and in Latin America after the Conquest is based on a scheme of elitist power. Using the perspective of the Italian sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, we ca... The logic of hegemonic domination that was established in Colombia and in Latin America after the Conquest is based on a scheme of elitist power. Using the perspective of the Italian sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, we can classify these elites in lions or foxes. In the first case, they use the force and the violence (the Macht of Weber) to impose their sovereignty; in the second case, they use persuasion and the masquerade (the Herrschaft)---the propaganda. This power is based on a more stable legitimacy and is able to transform itself in a matrix-effect reality. This form of social control has allowed the Colombian (and Latin American) 61ites the uncontrolled starvation of the natural resources found in these territories, under the influence of a wild capitalism which is strictly linked to the mass media community of the continent. This paper will expose the panorama of community media with an ethnic perspective in Colombia that hopefully works as process to facilitate the building of social links based on dialogue, reconciliation, respect, and participation, acting as watchdog of economic and political power, reporting the injustice and looking for peace solution in the region. 展开更多
关键词 ethnic media news ethics cultural violence discrimination Colombia
The 14th Dalai Lama's Image on Western and Chinese Social Media
作者 Mao Wei 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第7期397-408,共12页
With China's rising status and the increasing of media exposures on Tibet issues, the 14th Dalai Lama's image studies have become a heated research topic in communication studies. China is the most-frequently studie... With China's rising status and the increasing of media exposures on Tibet issues, the 14th Dalai Lama's image studies have become a heated research topic in communication studies. China is the most-frequently studied nation in Asian mass communication research. The past the 14th Dalai Lama's image studies mainly focus on Western mainstream newspapers, due to the fact that these newspapers are well established and frequently read by policy-makers and other influential individuals. In recent years, "Social media" has become a new buzzword. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Weibo etc. have made a considerable impact on contemporary life. What is the 14th Dalai Lama's image as it is represented via Western social media? Do Western social media publish the 14th Dalai Lama's different contents, from a different perspective, or in a different way from that of the standard Western mainstream news outlets? Are there any differences between the image of the 14th Dalai Lama on Western social media and on mainstream media? What are differences between the image of the 14th Dalai Lama on Western and Chinese social media when discussing the same event or topic? The research aims to answer these questions the 14th Dalai Lama; Western social media; Chinese social media. 展开更多
关键词 Dalai Lama TIBET Chinese social media Western social media
Web Page Translation of Garment Enterprises in Zhejiang: Mass Communication Perspective
作者 WANG Qi BAO Jia-jiao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第10期791-796,共6页
As part of business translation, web page translation is an effective way of global communication. Accurate and adequate translation of web pages can enhance the enterprises' competitiveness. This paper focuses on th... As part of business translation, web page translation is an effective way of global communication. Accurate and adequate translation of web pages can enhance the enterprises' competitiveness. This paper focuses on the features of Chinese and Western web pages of garment enterprises and the translation strategy with the guidance of mass communication theory. Results illustrate that Chinese texts favor symmetrical phrases rich in cultural connotation, whereas English texts prefer plain language with fewer culture-loaded expressions and the latter focuses more on the feeling of audiences. As a result, audience-oriented translation strategy is strongly recommended so as to maximize the communication effect of the enterprise web pages 展开更多
关键词 mass communication TRANSLATION web page
Public Diplomacy and Beijing City Image Research From Major International Sporting Events Perspective
作者 ZHANG Wei-wei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2017年第2期128-133,共6页
This paper focuses on Beijing as the host city for the major international sporting events and its influence on the city image building of Beijing. Major international sporting events are the key channels for the exch... This paper focuses on Beijing as the host city for the major international sporting events and its influence on the city image building of Beijing. Major international sporting events are the key channels for the exchange and dissemination of information among athletes from various countries, media coverages, national and international audiences which involves interpersonal communication, organizational communication, and mass communication at all levels. At the same time, the volunteers, especially young volunteers (mostly college student volunteers) considered as the Beijing city spokesperson and also as a group of "public diplomacy ambassadors", transfer positive energy in international communication during major international sporting events. Therefore, major international sporting events held in Beijing play an irreplaceable role in the image building of the capital city of China, Beijing. 展开更多
关键词 city image public diplomacy college students
Research on the Effects of the Mass Media on the Promotion of the National Fitness Campaign
作者 Bai Changke 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第6期445-448,共4页
This article is based on the functions and characteristics of mass media. It explores the related role of the mass media on the implementation of the national fitness program Combined with a specific case by the liter... This article is based on the functions and characteristics of mass media. It explores the related role of the mass media on the implementation of the national fitness program Combined with a specific case by the literature material law, expert interview law.On this basis, it puts forward the constructive path, so as to better promote the development of national fitness campaign. 展开更多
关键词 the mass media the national fitness EXPLORATION
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