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作者 黄庆华 白锦霞 《微生物学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第1期51-51,共1页
絮状表皮癣菌极易发生变异。往往菌种转种几代大分生孢子即消失,我们应用泥土浸汁琼脂(Soil extract agar)促使絮状表皮癣菌的大分生孢子恢复,现报告如下:
关键词 絮状表皮癣菌 大分生孢子
植物病原镰刀菌大分生孢子的诱导研究 被引量:3
作者 姜彩鸽 贺运春 +1 位作者 胡亚娟 林加财 《山西农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第4期432-435,共4页
在山西植物病原镰刀菌的分离培养及种类鉴定的过程中,对原来没有或后期失去大分生孢子而只有小分生孢子的80个菌株,用7种方法进行了大分生孢子的诱导研究。其中更换不同类型培养基如绿豆培养基、麦粒培养基、Bilai培养基等,及原寄主重... 在山西植物病原镰刀菌的分离培养及种类鉴定的过程中,对原来没有或后期失去大分生孢子而只有小分生孢子的80个菌株,用7种方法进行了大分生孢子的诱导研究。其中更换不同类型培养基如绿豆培养基、麦粒培养基、Bilai培养基等,及原寄主重接种等方法诱导大分生孢子效果较好,有40株被诱导出大分生孢子,运用传统的分类方法鉴定,其分属于13个种和3个变种,从而为镰刀菌研究提供了重要方法和技术。 展开更多
关键词 镰刀菌 大分生孢子 诱导 种类 鉴定
竹黄无性型的多态性及孢子个体发育研究 被引量:2
作者 韩燕峰 杜文 +2 位作者 梁宗琦 梁建东 董旋 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第10期109-111,共3页
为了解竹黄菌的生长发育情况,采用光学显微镜对其无性孢子的类型和产孢方式进行了观察和研究。结果表明:竹黄无性型存在着梭形砖隔状的大分生孢子和椭圆形至近球形的共无性型小分生孢子,并首次报道了大分生孢子形态的多样性和能产生瓶... 为了解竹黄菌的生长发育情况,采用光学显微镜对其无性孢子的类型和产孢方式进行了观察和研究。结果表明:竹黄无性型存在着梭形砖隔状的大分生孢子和椭圆形至近球形的共无性型小分生孢子,并首次报道了大分生孢子形态的多样性和能产生瓶梗孢子及芽生孢子产孢方式的多型现象。 展开更多
关键词 共无性型 大分生孢子 小分孢子 多型现象
作者 缪卫国 张升 +1 位作者 史大刚 田逢秀 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2000年第z1期10-,共1页
1996~ 1998年 ,我们陆续从新疆各主要棉区采集和收集 40 0余株病株样 ,共分离获得 10 8株棉花枯萎病菌 ,对其中具有代表性菌株致病性和生理性状研究结果表明 ,新疆棉花枯萎病菌优势小种仍为 7号生理小种 ,但其致病性较强 ,新疆棉花枯... 1996~ 1998年 ,我们陆续从新疆各主要棉区采集和收集 40 0余株病株样 ,共分离获得 10 8株棉花枯萎病菌 ,对其中具有代表性菌株致病性和生理性状研究结果表明 ,新疆棉花枯萎病菌优势小种仍为 7号生理小种 ,但其致病性较强 ,新疆棉花枯萎病菌致病型主要分为强、弱两种致病型 ,强致病型主要分布于南北疆棉区 ,弱致病型主要分布于东疆棉区。供试棉花枯萎病菌菌系在 2 5℃培养 7天后 ,菌丝为白色 ,菌落皿底产生色素多为紫色或浅紫色 ,大分生孢子大小为 10 .4~ 44 .2× 6.1~ 2 .0μm,多为马特型 ,适应生长温度为 2 5℃~ 30℃以上 ,除供试 6菌株能在 35℃缓慢生长外 ,多数棉花枯萎病菌菌株不易生长 ,吐鲁番菌株 HAI 17在 40℃能缓慢生长 ,新疆棉花枯萎病菌较耐高温 ,在 40、45℃高温下并未致死。目前 ,尚未采到 3号生理小种菌株。 展开更多
关键词 棉花枯萎病菌 致病型 理小种 优势小种 大分生孢子 浅紫色 东疆 致病性 理性状 北疆棉区
作者 周哲本 李小春 《中国食品卫生杂志》 1990年第3期66-68,共3页
本文报导了甘薯培养基上霉菌与酵母菌的生长情况,並与PDA、麦芽汁、虎红(即孟加拉红)及蔡氏培养基进行了对比试验,结果该培养基上霉菌与酵母茵的生长与PDA相似,略差于麦芽汁,比孟加拉红与蔡氏佳,此外,对镰刀菌用该培养基培养三天,即可... 本文报导了甘薯培养基上霉菌与酵母菌的生长情况,並与PDA、麦芽汁、虎红(即孟加拉红)及蔡氏培养基进行了对比试验,结果该培养基上霉菌与酵母茵的生长与PDA相似,略差于麦芽汁,比孟加拉红与蔡氏佳,此外,对镰刀菌用该培养基培养三天,即可见较多的大分生孢子,优于以上四种培养基。用于霉菌及酵母菌分离培养的甘薯培养基,至今在国内外末见报导,並因甘薯价廉物美南方几省均有大量种植,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 大分生孢子 孟加拉红 麦芽汁 霉菌污染 实验报告 对比试验 外末 虎红 分离培养 菌丝形态
镰刀菌和镰刀菌感染 被引量:6
作者 杨青 朱建国 《浙江检验医学》 2010年第2期16-18,共3页
关键词 镰刀菌感染 镰刀菌病 茄病镰刀菌 大分生孢子 泊沙康唑 镰刀菌属 两性霉素 真菌培养 丝孢菌纲 伏立
作者 任俊玲 李和平 《北方牧业》 2019年第11期29-29,共1页
2019年3月,承德市某肉牛养殖场的肉牛头面部、四肢、荐尾部等皮肤出现圆形脱毛,并有鳞屑增多、瘙痒等症状,刮取患部皮屑镜检,发现真菌菌丝和大分生孢子,确诊为肉牛皮肤真菌病,采取水杨酸复合制剂治疗,该场病情得到控制。皮肤真菌病是由... 2019年3月,承德市某肉牛养殖场的肉牛头面部、四肢、荐尾部等皮肤出现圆形脱毛,并有鳞屑增多、瘙痒等症状,刮取患部皮屑镜检,发现真菌菌丝和大分生孢子,确诊为肉牛皮肤真菌病,采取水杨酸复合制剂治疗,该场病情得到控制。皮肤真菌病是由疣状毛癣菌引起的以肉牛脱毛、皮屑增多为特征的慢性皮肤病,俗称为'钱癣'。由于肉牛养殖场环境卫生差,营养不均衡等因素,常常造成该病的流行。 展开更多
关键词 皮肤真菌病 复合制剂 大分生孢子 水杨酸
作者 完善春 《当代畜禽养殖业》 2016年第4期15-16,共2页
关键词 皮肤真菌病 角质蛋白 病原性 须毛癣菌 真菌培养 克霉唑软膏 大分生孢子 硫软膏 动物接种 被毛脱落
作者 Mochizuki T Takeda K +1 位作者 Nakagawa M 冯义国 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2006年第1期5-7,共3页
A 26-year-old woman with no family history of dermatophytosis presented with pruritic erythema on the right palm (Fig. 1) in November 2002, 1 month after first noticing it. She had no lesions on the soles, toe webs, l... A 26-year-old woman with no family history of dermatophytosis presented with pruritic erythema on the right palm (Fig. 1) in November 2002, 1 month after first noticing it. She had no lesions on the soles, toe webs, left palm, or nails. The erythema had been treated with topical steroids for 4 weeks, but had continued to expand. The erythema measured 42 mm ×36 mm, and was hyperemic and infiltrated unevenly. Its center showed no signs of healing, its periphery exhibited small vesicles, and its margin showed scales. On the scales, fungal hyphae and chains of arthroconidia were revealed by direct KOH test. The erythema was diagnosed as tinea manuum and was treated with topical terbinafine once daily. After several days of treatment, the erythema flared up and red papuloerythemas appeared on the back of both hands and on both forearms. Ten days after the first visit, the patient returned to our clinic for the treatment of newly developed eruptions. A trichophytin skin test produced an infiltrated erythema measuring 21 mm ×18 mm, confirming that the newly developed eruptions and exacerbated erythema on the right palm were due to a trichophytid reaction. Topical terbinafine was continued for the palm and fluocinolone acetonide ointment was applied on the newly developed eruptions on the arms from day 10 after the first visit. All the inflammatory eruptions subsided after 4 weeks of treatment and direct KOH test results were negative. The suspected cause of t inea manuum was the patient’s pet female four-toed hedgehog (Atelerix albiventr is) which she had kept for 4 years (Fig. 2). When she bought it from a local pet shop, it had desquamation on its body, but no lesions with loss of hair or quil l and no dermatitis. The scaling decreased gradually with treatment given by a v eterinarian. Three isolates of dermatophytes were obtained from the scale on the woman’s palm (KMU 4455), scale removed from the hedgehog (KMU 4459-1), and a fallen-out quill (KMU 4459-2). KMU 4455 grew rapidly with an ivory-white and lightly powdery surface, and with concentric ripples at the periphery. The cente r of the colonies was fluffy and elevated slightly, with a yellow pigment beneat h (Fig. 3). The strains from the hedgehog were morphologically similar to each o ther, and their colonies grew more slowly and had a more powdery texture than th ose of KMU 4455. KMU 4459-1 and KMU 4459-2 gave a positive urease test result, whereas KMU 4455 gave negative results even at day 7 of incubation. The microsc opic findings of the three isolates were almost the same (Fig. 4). Numerous tear drop-shaped microconidia were produced along the sides of the rectangle of myce lium. Spherical microconidia clustered in some parts and some club-shaped, 2-6 -roomed macroconidia were observed. There were some poorly developed macroconid ia and some elongated microconidia which were so large that they were intermedia te in size between normal microconidia and macroconidia. There was no spiral bod y. The isolates were mated with (+) and (-) tester strains of African and Amer icano-European races of Arthroderma benhamiae on sunflower seed agar plates. KM U 4455 produced gymnothecia with mature ascospores only when mated with the (+) strain of the African race, RV 30000 (Fig. 5), whilst KMU 4459-1 and KMU 4459 -2 produced gymnothecia, only when mated with the (-) strain of the African ra ce, RV 30001. Based on the above findings, all three isolates were identified as Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. erinacei. To confirm that the isolates were no t the African race of A. benhamiae, nucleotide sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA was performed. Total DNA was extracted from KMU 4455 and KMU 4459-1, the ITS regions were amplified using pr imers ITS1 and ITS4 (White TJ, Bruns T, Taylor J. Amplification and direct seque ncing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. In: Innis MA, ed. PCR Pro tocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications. London: Academic Press, 1990: 315- 322), and sequenced by a standard dye terminator method. A 591-base pair fragme nt of DNA was compared with that of T. mentagrophytes var. erinacei registered i n a gene database, DDBJ. The DNA fragments of KMU 4455 (DDBJ accession number AB 100263) and KMU 4459-1 (DDBJ accession number AB 100264)were 100%homologous t o those of T.mentagrophytes var. erinacei IFM48154 (=RV28924, DDBJ accession num ber AB78899) (Takahashi Y,Haritani K, Sano A, et al. An isolate of A. benhamiae with T. mentagrophytes var. erinacei anamorph isolated from a four-toed hedgeho g (Atelerix albiventris) in Japan. 展开更多
关键词 须癣毛癣菌 毛癣菌疹 小分孢子 毛癣菌素 特比奈芬 皮肤癣菌 大分生孢子 皮肤真菌病 趾间 小水疱
Fungal Population Dynamics in Ready-to-eat Salads During a Shelf-life in Italy
作者 Ugo De Corato 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第4期569-576,共8页
The aim of this work was to investigate the fungal population dynamics in ready-to-eat bagged samples of rocket (Diplotaxis spp.), lettuce baby leaf (Lactuca sativa L.) and "songino" (Valerianella olitoria L.)... The aim of this work was to investigate the fungal population dynamics in ready-to-eat bagged samples of rocket (Diplotaxis spp.), lettuce baby leaf (Lactuca sativa L.) and "songino" (Valerianella olitoria L.) during a shelf-life, in order to evaluate the effects of the storage length and season of production on the spoilage processes. The incidence of toxigenic moulds was particularity studied in order to evaluate a potential production of mycotoxins and allergenic conidia. A total of 900 samples collected from 10 Italian trademarks were analyzed at the 2nd, 5th and 8th day after the packaging in the spring and summer. A very high number of fungi was found and a great variability of moulds and yeasts at the 1 st day of sampling was observed. Regarding to season of production, any seasonal effect on the moulds and yeasts has been observed, but the moulds detected belonged to different species in relation to season. Regarding to storage length, the yeasts and moulds did not showed significant variations during a shelf-life. In relation to vegetable species, the lettuce resulted always less contaminated with respect to other salads, and the rocket presented 1-2 Log cfu/g of increasing in the level of moulds. Regarding to fungi species, the yeasts were significantly predominant respect to moulds. Finally, the toxigenic moulds Aspergillusflavus and Penicillium italicum were found in all the types of salad in the summer, and their growth during the storage at low temperature represented a potential hazard for the mycotoxins and allergenic conidia production in these commodities. 展开更多
关键词 Fungal population dynamic ready-to-eat vegetable shelf-life toxigenic mould yeast.
作者 许淑珍 王毓新 +2 位作者 姜桂艳 商继科 马颖 《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2010年第7期1152-1153,共2页
患者男,54岁,北京市平谷区农民,面部、颈部起红斑、脓疱20余天,发痒.发病前曾接触患有皮肤病牛(脱毛),发病后在当地医院查真菌阳性,服氟康唑(150 mg)1片、外用环吡酮胺1周,效果不明显,于2009年3月13日来京城皮肤病医院就诊.患者无糖尿... 患者男,54岁,北京市平谷区农民,面部、颈部起红斑、脓疱20余天,发痒.发病前曾接触患有皮肤病牛(脱毛),发病后在当地医院查真菌阳性,服氟康唑(150 mg)1片、外用环吡酮胺1周,效果不明显,于2009年3月13日来京城皮肤病医院就诊.患者无糖尿病等其他慢性病史.皮肤检查:患者双侧面颊、颌部、颈部及胡须处均见大片浸润性红斑、肿胀,表面有大量脓疱、结痂,部分胡须脱落(图1). 展开更多
关键词 疣状 毛癣菌 皮肤感染 体癣 圆癣 脓疱 真菌镜检 特比奈芬 沙氏琼脂培养基 皮肤病 疾病 大分生孢子 菌落 浸润性 血平板
作者 董卫平 穆洪云 董君艳 《养犬》 2009年第2期21-22,共2页
光学显微镜(optical microscope)在临床实践中广泛用于皮肤病的检测。而螨虫病及真菌病在犬、猫皮肤病中占有较大比例。
关键词 病原检查 螨虫病 蠕形螨 光学显微镜 真菌病 临床实践 患病动物 叶状孢子 小分孢子 大分生孢子
作者 董卫平 穆洪云 董君艳 《养犬》 2008年第2期13-14,共2页
光学显微镜(optical microscope)在临床实践中广泛用于皮肤病的检测。而螨虫病及真菌病在犬、猫皮肤病中占有较大比例,本文章阐述了部分皮肤病病原的检测方法及光学显微镜下病原形态的鉴别技巧,以提高皮肤病病原的临床检出率及准确率,... 光学显微镜(optical microscope)在临床实践中广泛用于皮肤病的检测。而螨虫病及真菌病在犬、猫皮肤病中占有较大比例,本文章阐述了部分皮肤病病原的检测方法及光学显微镜下病原形态的鉴别技巧,以提高皮肤病病原的临床检出率及准确率,为确诊疾病提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 病原检查 螨虫病 光学显微镜 蠕形螨 真菌病 临床实践 患病动物 叶状孢子 小分孢子 大分生孢子
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