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“大医学观”视角下构建立体化《中药学》教学模式的研究 被引量:3
作者 隋方宇 常惟智 +5 位作者 王玉杰 张淼 曲苗 关子赫 吴鑫宇 周雪明 《时珍国医国药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1468-1470,共3页
在"大医学观"的指导下,来构建立体化的《中药学》教学模式。在传授专业知识时以"衷中参西"为核心,秉持将培养学生中医思维模式的方法贯穿在教学始终,树立正确的中医辨证思想,从而在临床中能够准确地运用中药。在专... 在"大医学观"的指导下,来构建立体化的《中药学》教学模式。在传授专业知识时以"衷中参西"为核心,秉持将培养学生中医思维模式的方法贯穿在教学始终,树立正确的中医辨证思想,从而在临床中能够准确地运用中药。在专业知识的基础上,依托中医药传统文化及"生物-心理-社会"观,以润物无声的方式找到课程思政融入点,培养学生"医宗仁术"等大医思想,形成良好的医德医风。 展开更多
关键词 大医学 衷中参西 医宗仁术 中药学 教学改革
基于大医学观指导高等中医药院校《中药学》课程建设的研究 被引量:3
作者 隋方宇 曲苗 常惟智 《黑龙江高教研究》 北大核心 2022年第8期156-160,共5页
以大医学观的科学属性和社会属性来指导高等中医药院校《中药学》的课程建设,在课程建设中要明确课程目标,丰富教学内容、教学形式、教学方法,改善教学理念,提升学生学习效率,提高学生自主思考及学习的能力,引导学生正确理解中医的科学... 以大医学观的科学属性和社会属性来指导高等中医药院校《中药学》的课程建设,在课程建设中要明确课程目标,丰富教学内容、教学形式、教学方法,改善教学理念,提升学生学习效率,提高学生自主思考及学习的能力,引导学生正确理解中医的科学定位,并养成高尚的医德医风,最终培养学生的中医临证思维能力以及分析和解决复杂问题的高阶能力。旨在建设一门将知识、能力、素质有机融合,具有高阶性、创新性、挑战度的《中药学》课程。 展开更多
关键词 大医学 高等中医药院校 中药学 课程建设
大医学观视角下对构建和谐医患关系的新思考 被引量:6
作者 胡荣山 《中国卫生事业管理》 北大核心 2011年第3期237-239,共3页
和谐医患关系的建立已经迫在眉睫。单纯而孤立地一味强调医方的问题与责任不会有明显效果。只有以大医学观视角深入探讨,充分认识和谐医患关系的建立是一个系统复杂工程;发挥媒体舆论的正面引导作用以营造良好社会氛围;回归医疗服务公... 和谐医患关系的建立已经迫在眉睫。单纯而孤立地一味强调医方的问题与责任不会有明显效果。只有以大医学观视角深入探讨,充分认识和谐医患关系的建立是一个系统复杂工程;发挥媒体舆论的正面引导作用以营造良好社会氛围;回归医疗服务公益性并切实发挥政府主导功能;以形式多样的广泛宣传教育增强公众的理性、文明就医意识和观念,和谐医患关系才能成为现实。 展开更多
关键词 大医学 医患和谐 新思维
作者 刘炜 林文娟 《大学英语教学与研究》 2016年第3期103-106,共4页
大医学是现代医学发展的必然趋势。本文以此为视角提出医学院校应根据自身办学特色和人才培养目标建构"大医学英语课程"体系,将大学英语教学合理、有效地融入大医学时代的医学教育规划之中,以满足学生需求、院校需求和社会需... 大医学是现代医学发展的必然趋势。本文以此为视角提出医学院校应根据自身办学特色和人才培养目标建构"大医学英语课程"体系,将大学英语教学合理、有效地融入大医学时代的医学教育规划之中,以满足学生需求、院校需求和社会需求为目标,实现大学英语个性化教学。 展开更多
关键词 大医学 课程体系 大学英语 医学院校
作者 曹世民 《卫生职业教育》 2006年第1期11-12,共2页
关键词 大医学 教学 设想
中医复兴要有大医学观 被引量:17
作者 李致重 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期2447-2454,共8页
在大科学观与大科学框架结构的基础上,把中医与西医两种成熟的医学科学体系并列纳入我国医学科学范围的理智与立场,称之为大医学观。大医学的存在价值与服务对象相同,两种医学的研究方向与研究对象却互不相同。中医不拆开人类生命的原形... 在大科学观与大科学框架结构的基础上,把中医与西医两种成熟的医学科学体系并列纳入我国医学科学范围的理智与立场,称之为大医学观。大医学的存在价值与服务对象相同,两种医学的研究方向与研究对象却互不相同。中医不拆开人类生命的原形,它关注的是人的生命现象,着重研究天地之道、人生之道、个体之道相互作用下的,表现在人身整体层次上的运动变化着的证候;西医首先要拆开人类生命的原形,它关注的是人的形态实体,着重研究构成实体的局部组织、器官、细胞、分子的结构与功能。中医运用的阴阳五行研究方法源于中国哲学,与系统性研究方法和综合-演绎的逻辑思维方法相通;西医运用的还原性研究方法源于近代物理学、化学,即分析-归纳的实体性研究方法。大医学里的中医是形上性医学,西医是形下性医学。大医学里的中医与西医是并存并重,不可通约的关系。实现中医的复兴,一定要有大医学观,要在人类科学的整体框架上,找准中医的科学位置。 展开更多
关键词 大医学 中医 大科学观 哲学 系统性 综合 演绎 复兴
临床医生与整合医学——浅谈对整合医学的认识 被引量:10
作者 赵保民 《医学争鸣》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第2期35-38,共4页
传统中医学一付汤药,一根银针,可以治病,不能不说是最古老的整合医学。现代医学治疗艾滋病的三明治鸡尾疗法,治疗晚期肿瘤的个体化方案,也是典型的整合医学,深刻体现了以人本位医疗为主的科学医疗。现代临床医生本应该有一颗这样的具有... 传统中医学一付汤药,一根银针,可以治病,不能不说是最古老的整合医学。现代医学治疗艾滋病的三明治鸡尾疗法,治疗晚期肿瘤的个体化方案,也是典型的整合医学,深刻体现了以人本位医疗为主的科学医疗。现代临床医生本应该有一颗这样的具有整合能力的大脑,但是由于各种原因导致脑与力的分离,使得医生不能左右自己。本文旨在阐述临床医生与整合医学的关系,临床医生如何发挥与生俱来的整合医学思想。 展开更多
关键词 临床医生 整合医学 大医学 系统论
大医学观与中药的科学定位 被引量:3
作者 李致重 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期3391-3398,共8页
中医与西医是并列的两种主流医学。从两种医学基础科学体系的角度上看:青蒿是中药,青蒿素是西药;从天然植物中提取西医认为的有效成分,是国内外西药研制的一条老路;中药学四气、五味、归经、功效,从属于中医科学体系;中药是作为方剂配... 中医与西医是并列的两种主流医学。从两种医学基础科学体系的角度上看:青蒿是中药,青蒿素是西药;从天然植物中提取西医认为的有效成分,是国内外西药研制的一条老路;中药学四气、五味、归经、功效,从属于中医科学体系;中药是作为方剂配伍的一员用于中医临床的;中药材既是制作中药饮片、中成药的材料也是提取西药的原料。由于近代科学主义的泛滥,当今的中成药已经变为非中非西、亦中亦西、形中实西的婢女。应当从大科学、大医学的高度充分认识中医药学的科学与文化价值,尽快告别近代科学主义思潮,彻底走出中医药西化。 展开更多
关键词 中药 西药 中成药 大科学 大医学 科学主义 中医复兴
大医学观与西医院校《中医学》教学实践 被引量:1
作者 叶太生 姚琼 张莹雯 《湖北中医杂志》 2015年第3期79-80,共2页
培养创新意识是高等医学教育的重要任务,在新的疾病谱挑战下,围绕西医院校《中医学》教学有别于中医高校的特殊性,其教学效果不理想、学时少、实践少等特点,采取藏象与生理、中药与药理、经络与解剖、辨证与循证等理论的类比教学是有别... 培养创新意识是高等医学教育的重要任务,在新的疾病谱挑战下,围绕西医院校《中医学》教学有别于中医高校的特殊性,其教学效果不理想、学时少、实践少等特点,采取藏象与生理、中药与药理、经络与解剖、辨证与循证等理论的类比教学是有别于传统教学的方法,可以清晰传达中医学的核心知识点,同时树立扩大治疗手段和认识范围的大医学观[1],发挥学生主观能动性, 展开更多
关键词 大医学 医学 类比教学
作者 李先进 《安徽卫生职业技术学院学报》 2013年第3期16-17,19,共3页
现代医学已不能单纯依靠自身解决当今人的健康问题,政治、经济、文化、社会制度等对人的健康都有影响,将来的医学要拓宽医学视野,要从人与社会、自然等关系全方位、多层次地研究影响人类健康的因素,要构建社会主义社会的"和谐大医... 现代医学已不能单纯依靠自身解决当今人的健康问题,政治、经济、文化、社会制度等对人的健康都有影响,将来的医学要拓宽医学视野,要从人与社会、自然等关系全方位、多层次地研究影响人类健康的因素,要构建社会主义社会的"和谐大医学"。 展开更多
关键词 和谐大医学 人自身和谐 人与社会和谐 人与自然和谐
论当代医学生人文关怀素养培养的重要性 被引量:2
作者 付梦楠 《科教文汇》 2017年第26期61-62,73,共3页
医学作为一门科学,有着同其他学科不同的显赫特征,那便是它的研究接触对象是人类自身。这种特殊性使它比其他任何科学都更注重人文关怀。本文对医学人文关怀素养的涵义作出了解释,对医学生人文关怀素养培养的意义做出了分析,对医学生人... 医学作为一门科学,有着同其他学科不同的显赫特征,那便是它的研究接触对象是人类自身。这种特殊性使它比其他任何科学都更注重人文关怀。本文对医学人文关怀素养的涵义作出了解释,对医学生人文关怀素养培养的意义做出了分析,对医学生人文关怀素养培养途径做出了探讨,进而体现了当代医学生人文关怀素养培养的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 医学 医学人文关怀 素养 培养
龙江医派中西医结合学术思想特色浅议 被引量:1
作者 姜德友 吴佳姝 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期1667-1669,共3页
龙江医派由于特殊的历史背景,形成了独特的学术思想,即坚持中西医结合,倡导大医学观。高仲山先生在面临中医废止之际,提出中华大医学观的思想,为中医谋求发展。由于建国后中医药政策几经变换,龙江地区早期中医医家学习西医的代表人物有... 龙江医派由于特殊的历史背景,形成了独特的学术思想,即坚持中西医结合,倡导大医学观。高仲山先生在面临中医废止之际,提出中华大医学观的思想,为中医谋求发展。由于建国后中医药政策几经变换,龙江地区早期中医医家学习西医的代表人物有马骥、张琪先生,他们坚持执中参西、固本创新。随后西医医家学习中医,代表人物有黄殿栋、张亭栋先生,坚持执西参中、开创革新。龙江医家的优秀成果证明,正确的中西医结合道路是中医与西医相交汇的道路,需要掌握两种学科体系,采集长处以融会贯通,为龙江医派后辈子弟指明道路。 展开更多
关键词 龙江医派 中西医结合 大医学 高仲山
努力减少制度性健康损害,促进国民整体健康水平的提高 被引量:1
作者 胡荣山 《中国医学伦理学》 2008年第1期61-62,共2页
大医学观、大卫生观告诉我们:国民的健康水平不仅取决于医疗卫生事业的发展状况,而且与一定的政治、经济等社会历史条件密切相关。我国的社会主义制度从根本上为国民健康水平的提高提供了保障,但因为社会各种具体制度层面的问题而造成... 大医学观、大卫生观告诉我们:国民的健康水平不仅取决于医疗卫生事业的发展状况,而且与一定的政治、经济等社会历史条件密切相关。我国的社会主义制度从根本上为国民健康水平的提高提供了保障,但因为社会各种具体制度层面的问题而造成健康损害仍然大量存在。因此,在研究和解决医疗卫生领域存在的各种问题的同时,我们必须同样关注社会具体制度层面对健康产生的各种影响,努力减少"制度性健康损害",有力地促进国民整体健康水平的全面提高。 展开更多
关键词 大医学 制度性损害 国民健康
ADOPT护理模式对结肠造口病人护理知识和适应水平的影响 被引量:43
作者 张双 张志茹 潘翠柳 《护理研究(中旬版)》 2016年第9期3244-3246,共3页
[目的]探讨ADOPT护理模式对直肠癌术后永久性结肠造口病人造口护理知识和造口适应水平的影响。[方法]将2014年8月—2015年3月行永久性直肠造口术病人66例随机分为对照组和观察组。对照组术后实施常规护理,观察组术后在常规护理基础上实... [目的]探讨ADOPT护理模式对直肠癌术后永久性结肠造口病人造口护理知识和造口适应水平的影响。[方法]将2014年8月—2015年3月行永久性直肠造口术病人66例随机分为对照组和观察组。对照组术后实施常规护理,观察组术后在常规护理基础上实施ADOPT护理模式。出院后均进行电话访问和家庭访问。于术后第1天、出院时和出院后3个月评估两组病人造口护理知识和造口适应水平。[结果]出院时和出院3个月后观察组造口护理知识得分和适应水平得分明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。[结论]ADOPT模式能显著提高永久性结肠造口病人造口护理知识水平,缓解造口病人负性情绪,提高病人生理、心理和社会适应水平,促进病人身心康复。 展开更多
关键词 直肠癌 永久性结肠造口 ADOP丁护理模式 造口知识 造口适应水平
Long-term result of endoscopic Histoacryl (N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate)injection for treatment of gastric varices 被引量:42
作者 Eun Jung Kang Soung Won Jeong +9 位作者 Jae Young Jang Joo Young Cho Sae Hwan Lee Hyun Gun Kim Sang Gyune Kim Young Seok Kim Young Koog Cheon Young Deok Cho Hong Soo Kim Boo Sung Kim 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期1494-1500,共7页
AIM:To evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of endoscopic obliteration with Histoacryl for treatment of gastric variceal bleeding and prophylaxis.METHODS:Between January 1994 and March 2010 at SoonChunHyang Uni... AIM:To evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of endoscopic obliteration with Histoacryl for treatment of gastric variceal bleeding and prophylaxis.METHODS:Between January 1994 and March 2010 at SoonChunHyang University Hospital,a total of 127 patients with gastric varices received Histoacryl injections endoscopically.One hundred patients underwent endoscopic Histoacryl injections because of variceal bleeding,the other 27 patients received such injections as a prophylactic procedure.RESULTS:According to Sarin classification,56 patients were GOV1,61 patients were GOV2 and 10 patients were IGV.Most of the varices were large(F2 or F3,111 patients).The average volume of Histoacryl per each session was 1.7±1.3 cc and mean number of sessions was 1.3±0.6.(1 session-98 patients,2 sessions-25 patients,≥3 sessions-4 patients).Twenty-seven patients with high risk of bleeding(large or fundal or RCS+or Child C) received Histoacryl injection as a primary prophylactic procedure.In these patients,hepatitis B virus was the major etiology of cirrhosis,25 patients showed GOV1 or 2(92.6%)and F2 or F3 accounted for 88.9%(n=24).The rate of initial hemostasis was 98.4%and recurrent bleeding within one year occurred in 18.1%of patients.Successful hemostasis during episodes of rebleeding was achieved in 73.9%of cases.Median survival was 50 mo (95%CI 30.5-69.5).Major complications occurred in 4 patients(3.1%).The rebleeding rate in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma or GOV2 was higher than in those with other conditions.None of the 27 subjects who were treated prophylactically experienced treatment-related complications.Cumulative survival rates of the 127 patients at 6 mo,1,3,and 5 years were 92.1%,84.2%,64.2%,and 45.3%,respectively.The 6 mo cumulative survival rate of the 27 patients treated prophylactically was 75%.CONCLUSION:Histoacryl injection therapy is an effective treatment for gastric varices and also an effective prophylactic treatment of gastric varices which carry high risk of bleeding. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric varix Prophylaxis Histoacryl (Nbutyl-2-cyanoacrylate) Histoacryl injection Treatment of gastric varix
Acoustic radiation force imaging sonoelastography for noninvasive staging of liver fibrosis 被引量:115
作者 Carmen Fierbinteanu-Braticevici Dan Andronescu +3 位作者 Radu Usvat Dragos Cretoiu Cristian Baicus Gabriela Marinoschi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第44期5525-5532,共8页
AIM:To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging as a noninvasive method for the assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients.METHODS:We performed a p... AIM:To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging as a noninvasive method for the assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients.METHODS:We performed a prospective blind com-parison of ARFI elastography,APRI index and FibroMax in a consecutive series of patients who underwent liver biopsy for CHC in University Hospital Bucharest. His-topathological staging of liver fibrosis according to the METAVIR scoring system served as the reference. A to-tal of 74 patients underwent ARFI elastography,APRI index,FibroMax and successful liver biopsy. RESULTS:The noninvasive tests had a good correlation with the liver biopsy results. The most powerful test in predicting fibrosis was ARFI elastography. The diagnostic accuracy of ARFI elastography,expressedas area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) had a validity of 90.2% (95% CI AUROC = 0.831-0.972,P < 0.001) for the diagnosis of significant f ibrosis (F ≥ 2). ARFI sonoelastography predicted even better F3 or F4 fibrosis (AUROC = 0.993,95% CI = 0.979-1).CONCLUSION:ARFI elastography had very good accuracy for the assessment of liver fibrosis and was superior to other noninvasive methods (APRI Index,FibroMax) for staging liver fibrosis. 展开更多
关键词 Elasticity imaging techniques Hepatitis C Liver biopsy Liver fibrosis
Trend in gastric cancer:35 years of surgical experience in Japan 被引量:12
作者 Keishi Yamashita Shinichi Sakuramoto +5 位作者 Masayuki Nemoto Tomotaka Shibata Hiroaki Mieno Natsuya Katada Shiroh Kikuchi Masahiko Watanabe 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第29期3390-3397,共8页
AIM:To investigate the trend in gastric cancer surgery in the context of rapid therapeutic advancement in Japan and East Asia.METHODS:A retrospective analysis was performed on 4163 patients who underwent gastric resec... AIM:To investigate the trend in gastric cancer surgery in the context of rapid therapeutic advancement in Japan and East Asia.METHODS:A retrospective analysis was performed on 4163 patients who underwent gastric resection for gastric cancer with histological confirmation between 1971 and 2007 at the surgical unit in Kitasato University Hospital,to determine the trend in gastric cancer requiring surgery.RESULTS:Gastric cancer requiring surgical resection increased in our hospital,but the incidence adjusted for population was constant during the observed pe-riod.Interestingly,the ratio of diffuse type/intestinal type gastric cancer was unexpectedly unchanged,and that of advanced/early gastric cancer(EGC)was,however,markedly reduced,while the actual incidence of potentially curative advanced gastric cancer tended to decrease.The incidence of EGC requiring surgery tended to increase as a whole,which is consistent with increased prevalence of endoscopic surveillance.As a result,overall survival and mortality of gastric cancer requiring gastric resection has recently markedly improved.CONCLUSION:In Japan,planned interventions may improve surgical gastric cancer mortality,but an unexpected trend of persistent existence of intestinal type cancer suggests the need for more robust medical intervention. 展开更多
关键词 HISTOLOGY Age factors Clinical classification PROGNOSIS Disease progression Gastric cancer
Effects of endoscopic sphincterotomy on biliary epithelium:A case-control study 被引量:4
作者 John Kalaitzis Antonios Vezakis +4 位作者 George Fragulidis Irene Anagnostopoulou Spyros Rizos Efstathios Papalambros Andreas Polydorou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第8期794-799,共6页
AIM: To study the long-term effects of endoscopic sphincterotomy on biliary epithelium. METHODS: This is a prospective case-control study. A total of 25 patients with a median age of 71 years (range 49-89 years) and p... AIM: To study the long-term effects of endoscopic sphincterotomy on biliary epithelium. METHODS: This is a prospective case-control study. A total of 25 patients with a median age of 71 years (range 49-89 years) and prior endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) for benign disease formed the fi rst group. The median time from ES was 42 mo (range 8-144 mo). Another 25 patients with a median age of 76 years (range 44-94 mo) and similar characteristics who underwent current endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) and ES for benign disease formed the second group (control group). Brush cytology of the biliary tree with p53 immunocytology was performed in all patients of both groups. ERCPs and recruitment were conducted at the Endoscopic Unit of Aretaieion University Hospital and Tzaneio Hospital, Athens, from October 2006 to June 2010. RESULTS: No cases were positive or suspicious for malignancy. Epithelial atypia was higher in the first group (32% vs 8% in the second group, P = 0.034). Acute cholangitis and previous biliary operation rates were also higher in the fi rst group (acute cholangitis, 60% vs 24% in the second group, P = 0.01; previous biliary operation, 76% vs 24% in the second group, P = 0.001). Subgroup analysis showed that previous ES was the main causal factor for atypia, which was not related to the time interval from the ES (P = 0.407). Two patients (8%) with atypia in the fi rst group were p53-positive. CONCLUSION: ES causes biliary epithelial atypia that represents mostly reactive/proliferative rather than premalignant changes. The role of p53 immunoreactivity in biliary atypia needs to be further studied. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic sphincterotomy Brush cytolo-gy ATYPIA CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA p53 immunocytology
How we can improve patients’comfort after Milligan- Morgan open haemorrhoidectomy 被引量:13
作者 Ma-Mu-Ti-Jiang A ba-bai-ke-re Hong-Guo Huang +6 位作者 Wen-Ni Re Kai Fan Hui Chu Er-Ha-Ti Ai Mai-Mai-Ti-Tu-Er-Xun KE Li-Mu Yi-Rui Wang Hao Wen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期1448-1456,共9页
AIM:To demonstrate the value of Diosmin(flavonidic fraction)in the management of post-haemorhoidectomic symptoms.METHODS:Eighty-six consecutive patients with grades ⅢandⅣacute mixed hemorrhoids admitted to the Anore... AIM:To demonstrate the value of Diosmin(flavonidic fraction)in the management of post-haemorhoidectomic symptoms.METHODS:Eighty-six consecutive patients with grades ⅢandⅣacute mixed hemorrhoids admitted to the Anorectal Surgical Department of First Affiliated Hospital,Xinjiang Medical University from April 2009 to April 2010,were enrolled in this study.An observerblinded,randomized trial was conducted to compare post-haemorhoidectomic symptoms with use of Diosmin flavonidic fraction vs placebo.Eighty-six patients were randomly allocated to receive Diosmin flavonidic fraction 500 mg for 1 wk(n=43)or placebo(n=43).The Milligan-Morgan open haemorrhoidectomy was performed by a standardized diathermy excision method.Pain,bleeding,heaviness,pruritus,wound edema and mucosal discharge were observed after surgery.The postoperative symptoms and hospitalization time were recorded.RESULTS:The mean age of the Diosmin group and controls was 53.2 and 51.3 years,respectively.In Diosmin group,haemorrhoid piles were of the third degree in 33 patients and the fourth degree in 10;and in the control group,29 were of the third degree and 14 were of the fourth degree.There was no statistically significance in age,gender distribution,degree and number of excised haemorrhoid piles,and the mean duration of haemorrhoidal disease between the two groups.There was a statistically significant improvement in pain,heaviness,bleeding,pruritus from baseline to the 8th week after operation(P<0.05).Patients taking Diosmin had a shorter hospitalization stay after surgery(P< 0.05).There was also a significant improvement on the proctoscopic appearance(P<0.001).However,there was no statistical difference between the two groups in terms of wound mucosal discharge.Two patients experienced minor bleeding at the 8th week in Diosmin group,and underwent surgery.CONCLUSION:Diosmin is effective in alleviating postoperational symptoms of haemorrhoids.Therefore,it should be considered for the initial treatment after haemorrhoid surgery.However,further prospective randomized trials are needed to confirm the findings of this study. 展开更多
关键词 Flavonidic fraction Postoperative complication HAEMORRHOIDS
Prevalence and impact of musculoskeletal pain in Japanese gastrointestinal endoscopists:A controlled study 被引量:1
作者 Takayasu Kuwabara Yuji Urabe +5 位作者 Toru Hiyama Shinji Tanaka Takako Shimomura Shiro Oko Masaharu Yoshi-hara Kazuaki Chayama 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期1488-1493,共6页
AIM:To examine the frequency and prevention of musculoskeletal pain in Japanese gastrointestinal endoscopists and non-endoscopist physicians.METHODS:Questionnaires were sent to 275 endoscopists and 173 non-endoscopist... AIM:To examine the frequency and prevention of musculoskeletal pain in Japanese gastrointestinal endoscopists and non-endoscopist physicians.METHODS:Questionnaires were sent to 275 endoscopists and 173 non-endoscopists working in Hiroshima University Hospital and its affiliated hospitals.RESULTS:The completed questionnaires were returned by 190(69%)endoscopists and 120(69%)non-endoscopists.The frequency of pain in the hand and wrist,and especially the left thumb,was significantly higher in endoscopists than in non-endoscopists(17%vs 6%,P=0.004).Using multivariate analysis,the only significant factor associated with this pain was the age of the endoscopist(odds ratio 2.77,95%confidence interval,1.23-6.71,P=0.018).Interestingly,endoscopists had made significantly fewer modifications to their endoscopic practices than non-endoscopists(12%vs 33%,P <0.0001)to prevent pain.CONCLUSION:Pain in the hand and wrist may be endoscopy-related.However,endoscopists made little modifications in practice to prevent such pain.More attention to prevention appears necessary. 展开更多
关键词 ENDOSCOPY Musculoskeletal pain Pain prevention
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