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工作面回采对邻近大巷变形影响实测 被引量:2
作者 张少华 《工矿自动化》 北大核心 2019年第10期33-37,共5页
目前大巷围岩控制及其变形理论分析与模拟分析往往对某些现场特殊条件如断层构造进行简化考虑,导致模拟结果与实际结果出现较大差异。针对该问题,以某矿回采工作面为工程背景,采用现场实测方法分析工作面开采后其邻近大巷的变形规律,研... 目前大巷围岩控制及其变形理论分析与模拟分析往往对某些现场特殊条件如断层构造进行简化考虑,导致模拟结果与实际结果出现较大差异。针对该问题,以某矿回采工作面为工程背景,采用现场实测方法分析工作面开采后其邻近大巷的变形规律,研究工作面回采对邻近大巷的影响。通过历时3个月共14次巷道变形数据实测及分析,得出结论:受采动影响剧烈区域巷道变形是工作面回采、采动断层活化和交叉应力集中综合影响的结果;随着测点与工作面水平距离逐渐增大,巷道变形速度减小,说明巷道受采动影响逐渐减小;不同测点处巷道左右帮变形速度特征与顶底板类似,顶底板变形明显大于左右帮,说明巷道主要受水平应力影响;在工作面后续推进过程中,在推进至断层交面线附近时应加强巷道围岩变形监测。 展开更多
关键词 巷道围岩控制 工作面回采 邻近大巷 大巷变形规律 断层活化
极薄煤层跨采下伏大巷变形破坏规律研究 被引量:8
作者 宋康磊 王宏图 +1 位作者 万亮亮 舒才 《煤矿安全》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第3期49-52,53,54,共6页
针对极薄煤层跨采下伏大巷变形破坏问题,采用地质雷达测定巷道松动圈和三维激光扫描仪监测巷道变形的研究方法,研究了大巷跨采条件下的松动圈大小及巷道变形规律。监测结果表明:大巷的剧烈变形并未发生在相应的工作面周围,而是落后工作... 针对极薄煤层跨采下伏大巷变形破坏问题,采用地质雷达测定巷道松动圈和三维激光扫描仪监测巷道变形的研究方法,研究了大巷跨采条件下的松动圈大小及巷道变形规律。监测结果表明:大巷的剧烈变形并未发生在相应的工作面周围,而是落后工作面数十米的位置,其变形形式为巷道底板整体上鼓,最高达到287.4 mm;巷道两肩及巷顶未发生明显下沉破坏。大巷破坏原因为:受采动影响,大巷上覆岩层破坏导致大巷上部工作面采空区积水沿裂隙流入大巷周围,大巷围岩受水浸泡变软膨胀,同时,上部工作面的开挖使得巷道垂直方向应力获得释放,导致大巷底板向上抬升。鉴于跨采影响下导致巷道变形较大,对于类似情况建议将U型钢可伸缩支架的排距从1 m减小为0.8 m。 展开更多
关键词 极薄煤层 跨采 大巷变形 稳定性 地质雷达 三维激光扫描
孤岛煤柱内采动作用下大巷围岩变形机理与控制技术 被引量:6
作者 董宗斌 《中国煤炭》 北大核心 2011年第12期31-35,共5页
针对王庄煤矿孤岛煤柱内630运输大巷围岩变形量大、维护难度大的问题,着重分析了工作面动压、孤岛煤柱宽度、巷道支护技术等因素对围岩稳定性的影响,揭示了孤岛煤柱内支承应力呈"前期高强高速扩张、中期稳势缓慢增压、后期持续高... 针对王庄煤矿孤岛煤柱内630运输大巷围岩变形量大、维护难度大的问题,着重分析了工作面动压、孤岛煤柱宽度、巷道支护技术等因素对围岩稳定性的影响,揭示了孤岛煤柱内支承应力呈"前期高强高速扩张、中期稳势缓慢增压、后期持续高强作用"的演化规律,阐明了该类巷道具有来压不均匀、采动帮塑性区向深部扩展诱发顶板失稳的特征。提出了壁后充填碹体增大围岩径向约束力、浅部注浆限制深部围岩位移、锚杆支护调动围岩自承能力的控制技术。现场观测结果表明,630运输大巷经历两侧采空影响后,最大表面位移约64mm,控制效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 孤岛煤柱 采动作用 运输大巷围岩变形 壁后充填 浅部注浆
作者 安修库 《中国高新技术企业》 2012年第23期87-88,共2页
关键词 750大巷围岩变形 巷道围岩原因分析 巷道维修技术方案
大巷注浆加固技术应用 被引量:1
作者 温千峰 《山西焦煤科技》 CAS 2022年第8期19-21,共3页
关键词 大巷变形 注浆加固 补打锚索
作者 何洪彬 《能源技术与管理》 2015年第6期31-33,共3页
针对开元煤矿9#煤层大巷煤柱留设宽度往往根据经验确定的问题,采用数值模拟的方法,得到了开元煤矿9#煤层大巷的围岩变形破坏规律和侧向支承压力分布规律,分析了开元煤矿9#煤层大巷围岩的变形破坏特征与支承压力分布的关系,确定开元... 针对开元煤矿9#煤层大巷煤柱留设宽度往往根据经验确定的问题,采用数值模拟的方法,得到了开元煤矿9#煤层大巷的围岩变形破坏规律和侧向支承压力分布规律,分析了开元煤矿9#煤层大巷围岩的变形破坏特征与支承压力分布的关系,确定开元煤矿9#煤层大巷煤柱的合理留设宽度为40~45m。 展开更多
关键词 合理煤柱宽度 数值模拟 侧向支承压力 大巷围岩变形破坏
Mechanism and technology study of collaborative support with long and short bolts in large-deformation roadways 被引量:5
作者 Yu Hui Niu Zhiyong +2 位作者 Kong Linggen Hao Caicheng Cao Peng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期587-593,共7页
Common short bolts of equal length are widely used to support the roofs of roadways in coal mines.However, they are insufficient to keep the roof stable against large deformations, so docking long bolts with high leve... Common short bolts of equal length are widely used to support the roofs of roadways in coal mines.However, they are insufficient to keep the roof stable against large deformations, so docking long bolts with high levels of elongation that can adapt to large deformations of the surrounding rock have been adopted. This paper proposes a collaborative support method that uses long and short bolts. In this study,the mechanism of docking long bolts and collaborative support was studied. Numerical simulation, similarity simulation, and field testing were used to analyze the distribution law of the displacement, stress,and plastic failure in the surrounding rock under different support schemes. Compared with the equal-length short bolt support, the collaborative support changed the maximum principal stress of the shallow roof from tensile stress to compressive stress, and the minimum principal stress of the roof significantly increased. The stress concentration degree of the anchorage zone clearly increased. The deformation of the roof and the two sides was greatly reduced, and the subsidence shape of the shallow roof changed from serrated to a smooth curve. The roof integrity was enhanced, and the roof moved down as a whole. Plastic failure significantly decreased, and the plastic zone of the roof was within the anchorage range. The similarity simulation results showed that, under the maximum mining stress,the roof collapsed with the equal-length short bolt support but remained stable with the collaborative support. The collaborative support method was successfully applied in the field and clearly improved the stability of the surrounding rock for a large deformation roadway. 展开更多
关键词 Collaborative support with long and shortbolt Docking long bolt Numerical analysis Similarity simulation
Gas drainage from different mine of drainage systems for deep coal areas: optimal placement seams with high gas emissions 被引量:10
作者 Ping Lu Ping Li +3 位作者 Jian Chen Chuijin Zhang Junhua Xue Tao Yu 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2015年第1期84-90,共7页
The techniques of stress relief mining in low-permeability coal seams and pillarless gob side retained roadway entry using Y-type ventilation and gas drainage systems were developed to control gas outbursts and applie... The techniques of stress relief mining in low-permeability coal seams and pillarless gob side retained roadway entry using Y-type ventilation and gas drainage systems were developed to control gas outbursts and applied successfully. However, as the mining depth increasing, parts of the gas drainage system are not suitable for mines with high gas emissions. Because larger mining depths cause higher ground stresses, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain long gob side roadways. The greater deformation suffered by the roadway is not favorable lor borehole drilling for continuous gas drainage. To solve these problems, Y-type ventilation and gas drainage systems installed from a roof roadway were designed for drainage optimization. This system was designed based on a gas-enrichment zone analysis developed from mining the 11-2 coal seam in the Zhuji Mine at Huainan, Anhui Province, China. The method of Y-type gas extraction from different mine areas was applied to the panel 1112(1) in the Zhuji Mine. The absolute gas emission rate was up to 116.3 m^3/min with an average flow of 69.1 m^3/min at an average drainage concentration of nearly 85 %. After the Y-type method was adopted, the concentration of gas in the return air was 0.15 %-0.64 %, averaging 0.39 % with a ventilation rate of 2100-2750 m^3/min. The gas management system proved to be efficient, and the effective gas control allowed safe production to continue . 展开更多
关键词 Gas drainage Different gas sources Y-type ventilation Gob side retained roadway Gas emission Gas-enrichment zone
Deformation mechanism and excavation process of large span intersection within deep soft rock roadway 被引量:24
作者 LI Guofeng, HE Manchao, ZHANG Guofeng, TAO Zhigang Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing 100083, China 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第1期28-34,共7页
The FLAC3D software was used to simulate and analyze numerically the displacement, stress and plastic zone distribu-tion characteristics of a large span intersection in a deep soft rock roadway after the surrounding r... The FLAC3D software was used to simulate and analyze numerically the displacement, stress and plastic zone distribu-tion characteristics of a large span intersection in a deep soft rock roadway after the surrounding rock was excavated. Our simula-tion results show that there are two kinds of dominating factors affecting roadway stability at points of intersection, one is the angle between horizontal stress and axial direction of the roadway and the other are the angles at the points of intersection. These results are based on a study we carried out as follows: first, we analyzed the failure mechanism of a large span intersection and then we built a mechanical model of a rock pillar at one of the points of intersection. At the end of this analysis, we obtained the failure characteristics of the critical parts on the large span intersection. Given these failure characteristics, we proposed a new supporting method, i.e., a Double-Bolt Control Technology (DBCT). By way of numerical simulation, DBCT can effectively control the deformation of the surrounding rock at the points of intersection in roadways. 展开更多
关键词 DEEP soft rock JUNCTION numerical simulation
Investigation into the deformation of a large span roadway in soft seams and its support technology 被引量:5
作者 Fu Jianqiu Feng Chao Shi Jianjun 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第4期531-535,共5页
We investigated the deformation failure mechanism of surrounding rock from the aspect of engineering support for a roadway in seams with soft roofs and soft floors and observed the large displacement of the roadway in... We investigated the deformation failure mechanism of surrounding rock from the aspect of engineering support for a roadway in seams with soft roofs and soft floors and observed the large displacement of the roadway in these soft seams.The result shows that the deformation area is quite large,and settlement of the roof is evident and displacement of the side walls is also obvious.We considered rock bolt-cable coupling for roadway support in seams with soft roofs and floors,in which the cable should be fixed at key positions.As well,we designed an optimal scheme to support a roadway in soft seams of the Shizuishan Second Mine in Ningxia,China.Field monitoring results show that bolt-cable coupling support has achieved the aims of roadway stability control and minimizes deformation. 展开更多
关键词 Seams with soft roofs and floors Roadway deformation Bolt-cable coupling supportField monitoring
Failure mechanism and supporting measures for large deformation of Tertiary deep soft rock 被引量:5
作者 Guo Zhibiao Wang Jiong Zhang Yuelin 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第1期121-126,共6页
The Shenbei mining area in China contains typical soft rock from the Tertiary Period. As mining depths increase, deep soft rock roadways are damaged by large deformations and constantly need to be repaired to meet saf... The Shenbei mining area in China contains typical soft rock from the Tertiary Period. As mining depths increase, deep soft rock roadways are damaged by large deformations and constantly need to be repaired to meet safety requirements, which is a great security risk. In this study, the characteristics of deformation and failure of typical roadway were analyzed, and the fundamental reason for the roadway deformation was that traditional support methods and materials cannot control the large deformation of deep soft rock. Deep soft rock support technology was developed based on constant resistance energy absorption using constant resistance large deformation bolts. The correlative deformation mechanisms of surrounding rock and bolt were analyzed to understand the principle of constant resistance energy absorption. The new technology works well on-site and provides a new method for the excavation of roadwavs in Tertiary deed soft rock. 展开更多
关键词 Tertiary deep soft rockFailure mechanism of large deformationConstant resistance and large deformationboltCountermeasures of constant resistancecontrol
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