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建设大开发区 再造一个新株洲——关于建设株洲河西大开发区的基本构想 被引量:1
作者 彭雪开 《株洲师范高等专科学校学报》 2000年第3期82-84,共3页
在知识经济时代,现代城市的空间、结构、要素与功能,将会发生重大转变。现代城市的规划建设,必须充分考虑以上时代特征。河西大开发区应由现在的35平方公里,扩张到100平方公里,并规划成“三园两区”:大学科技园、科技创业园... 在知识经济时代,现代城市的空间、结构、要素与功能,将会发生重大转变。现代城市的规划建设,必须充分考虑以上时代特征。河西大开发区应由现在的35平方公里,扩张到100平方公里,并规划成“三园两区”:大学科技园、科技创业园、生态“数字”信息园,科技产品开发区、出口贸易加工区。 展开更多
关键词 知识经济 株洲市 大开发区 大学科技园 规划建设
作者 郑士贵 《管理观察》 1998年第11期50-50,共1页
关键词 投资环境 网络GIS 大开发区 南京市 网络信息系统 地理信息 服务器 客户机 系统技术 双向流
作者 海洋 东石 《学习与实践》 北大核心 1995年第9期42-45,共4页
1984年党中央、国务院批准武汉市为全国综合改革试点城市后,我市积极探索内陆中心城市兴办开发区的途径,开始创办东湖高新技术密集小区,1992年、1993年国家相继正式批准东湖新技术开发区和武汉经济技术开发区;1992年中央批准武汉为开放... 1984年党中央、国务院批准武汉市为全国综合改革试点城市后,我市积极探索内陆中心城市兴办开发区的途径,开始创办东湖高新技术密集小区,1992年、1993年国家相继正式批准东湖新技术开发区和武汉经济技术开发区;1992年中央批准武汉为开放城市后,我市抓住机遇兴办了阳逻开发区、吴家山台商投资区,并批准各区县兴办一个经济发展区。 展开更多
关键词 大开发区 建设与发展 武汉经济技术开发区 东湖新技术开发区 优惠政策 武汉市 台商投资区 经济发展区 开发区建设 综合改革
作者 皮黔生 《环渤海经济瞭望》 1998年第2期7-9,共3页
关键词 天津开发区 利用外资 大开发区 内外资企业 投资者 天津市 技术开发区 高科技企业 产业群 招商引资工作
作者 郑士贵 《管理观察》 1998年第9期4-4,共1页
关键词 股份制企业 技术开发区 经济开发区 股份制改革 产业结构 科技工业园 新的经济增长 大开发区 优化结合 资产存量
作者 《广西农村金融研究》 1991年第4期12-12,共1页
我国决定在今后五年的开发中,逐步推行“三沿”战略,即:沿海开发战略、沿江(沿长江)开发战略、沿边(沿边疆)开发战略。 有关方面已在长江流域选定36个地区作为重点开发地区。目前正在进行建设的上海浦东开发区就是“沿江开发战略... 我国决定在今后五年的开发中,逐步推行“三沿”战略,即:沿海开发战略、沿江(沿长江)开发战略、沿边(沿边疆)开发战略。 有关方面已在长江流域选定36个地区作为重点开发地区。目前正在进行建设的上海浦东开发区就是“沿江开发战略”的序曲。“沿边”开发主要有东北边境、西部边境。 展开更多
关键词 开发战略 沿海开发 重点开发地区 东北边境 西部边境 大战略 序曲 长江流域 东西部差异 大开发区
海口市土地利用的卫星遥感动态监测 被引量:2
作者 刘贤波 占尊严 苗卫东 《陕西气象》 1996年第1期23-24,共2页
海口市土地利用的卫星遥感动态监测刘贤波,占尊严,苗卫东(海南省气象局农气中心海口·570203)海口市位于海南岛北端,南渡江下游出海口,海南建省办特区后,海口市建设规模不断扩大,周围耕地不断减少,生态环境也在不断... 海口市土地利用的卫星遥感动态监测刘贤波,占尊严,苗卫东(海南省气象局农气中心海口·570203)海口市位于海南岛北端,南渡江下游出海口,海南建省办特区后,海口市建设规模不断扩大,周围耕地不断减少,生态环境也在不断变化。通过对1989年与1994年的卫... 展开更多
关键词 卫星遥感 土地利用 动态监测 海口市 大开发区 工业开发区 影像图 对比分析 水稻田 交通用地
《宁夏教育》 北大核心 1996年第12期24-24,共1页
我国将建立十大经济林开发区林业部决定,"九五"期间将在全国建立10个大的经济林开发区。这10大经济林开发区是:京、津、冀、辽等,以发展板粟、小枣、梨、仁用杏为主;晋、鲁、豫,以发展苹果、核桃、大枣、板栗为主;陕、甘、... 我国将建立十大经济林开发区林业部决定,"九五"期间将在全国建立10个大的经济林开发区。这10大经济林开发区是:京、津、冀、辽等,以发展板粟、小枣、梨、仁用杏为主;晋、鲁、豫,以发展苹果、核桃、大枣、板栗为主;陕、甘、宁,以发展苹果、巴旦杏、板栗、枸杞... 展开更多
关键词 经济林开发 木本食用油料 板栗 仁用杏 食用菌 巴旦杏 木本药材 大开发区 龙眼 内蒙古
作者 张德江 《中国人才》 北大核心 1995年第11期13-14,共2页
作为一个县委书记,决策自然是重要工作。经过近些年来的实践,特别是象建设开发区这样的重要实践,我对科学决策有了一些体会,说出来和大家讨论。 当今社会已经由“小智治事”进人到“睿智决策”的时代。要想作到以睿智决策,一定要有马克... 作为一个县委书记,决策自然是重要工作。经过近些年来的实践,特别是象建设开发区这样的重要实践,我对科学决策有了一些体会,说出来和大家讨论。 当今社会已经由“小智治事”进人到“睿智决策”的时代。要想作到以睿智决策,一定要有马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想为指导、小平同志的智慧为启发自不必说,单从方法论角度看,决策也大有学问可治。按我的想法: 展开更多
关键词 科学决策 开发区 决策的科学化和民主化 经济开发区 毛泽东思想 大开发区 建设开发 领导干部素质 马克思列宁主义 战略性决策
作者 韩俊峰 《中国房地产业》 1994年第2期9-9,共1页
据统计,1992年上海市出让土地201幅,计2010公顷;广东省1992年出让土地2503幅,计7374公顷;到1993年初为止,地处内陆的重庆市,在9.3平方公里的土地上,有7大开发区,180多个工地,正在施工的建筑面积达100余万平方米。按比较保守的估计,全国... 据统计,1992年上海市出让土地201幅,计2010公顷;广东省1992年出让土地2503幅,计7374公顷;到1993年初为止,地处内陆的重庆市,在9.3平方公里的土地上,有7大开发区,180多个工地,正在施工的建筑面积达100余万平方米。按比较保守的估计,全国有1990多个各种类型的开发区。 展开更多
关键词 土地出让 大开发区 平方 总规划 价格偏低 土地开发 1992年 地价 工地 盘计
作者 赵抒娴 《中国房地产业》 1994年第1期11-11,共1页
海南省房地产研究会专家委员会主任艾定增教授,在谈到海南今后三年房地产业的走向时认为,未来三年海南房地产业将经历1994和1996两个波峰和1995年一个波谷,其表现特点如下: 1.1994年新一轮牛市将不同于前一轮。由于炒作被多种因素调控,... 海南省房地产研究会专家委员会主任艾定增教授,在谈到海南今后三年房地产业的走向时认为,未来三年海南房地产业将经历1994和1996两个波峰和1995年一个波谷,其表现特点如下: 1.1994年新一轮牛市将不同于前一轮。由于炒作被多种因素调控,不可能有前一轮的广度,深度和力度。暴利率将下降。 展开更多
关键词 海南 房地产业 海口 大开发区 表现特点 牛市 三亚 南丽湖 专家委员会 波峰
作者 张世孝 《畜牧市场》 1997年第11期6-8,共3页
哈密同贫困决战新疆张世孝告别贫困,实现共同富裕,这是新疆哈密各族人民多少年来梦寐以求的夙愿。横跨天山,风情粗犷。在这粗犷之中深深印刻着贫困特有的印迹。哈密地区有37个乡场,其中有22个乡场地处高寒山区,内有20个乡是... 哈密同贫困决战新疆张世孝告别贫困,实现共同富裕,这是新疆哈密各族人民多少年来梦寐以求的夙愿。横跨天山,风情粗犷。在这粗犷之中深深印刻着贫困特有的印迹。哈密地区有37个乡场,其中有22个乡场地处高寒山区,内有20个乡是贫困乡。因此98%的贫困人口都分布... 展开更多
关键词 哈密市 异地搬迁 贫困人口 大开发区 哈密地区 巴里坤县 扶贫开发 脱贫致富 伊吾县 高寒山区
China's Regional Policy Scenarios for 2011-2015 Period
作者 魏后凯 邬晓霞 《China Economist》 2012年第1期90-96,共7页
In pursuit of more balanced regional development, China should base its regional policy during the period of the 12th Five-Year Plan on the principle of fairness, and tailor it to the specific characteristics of needy... In pursuit of more balanced regional development, China should base its regional policy during the period of the 12th Five-Year Plan on the principle of fairness, and tailor it to the specific characteristics of needy areas and development priority zones. The country "s master plan of developing the western region, revitalizing the northeast, supporting the rise of central China, and upgrading the east should continue. 展开更多
关键词 regional policy balanced regional development development priorityzones needy areas
Study on Development of the West of Shandong Province Based on Overall Regional Development Planning Pattern
作者 Pang Jiewu 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第4期82-87,共6页
The overall regional development planning pattern has been considered to be a new and effective pattern as for development of provincial economy.The article analyzed the current conditions of the west of Shandong Prov... The overall regional development planning pattern has been considered to be a new and effective pattern as for development of provincial economy.The article analyzed the current conditions of the west of Shandong Province and tried to find the generation mechanisms of current non-balanced economic development of Shandong Province.And then approaches to regional development were put forward according to the theory of regional development pattern as a whole. 展开更多
关键词 overall regional development planning pattern west of Shandong Province regional economy
The Drive to Develop China's West: An Inclusive Perspective
作者 魏后凯 谢先树 《China Economist》 2011年第4期16-25,共10页
Since the launching of the western regional development program in 1999, the Chinese government has implemented a series of policy measures related to finance, taxation, investment, banking, and other related fields. ... Since the launching of the western regional development program in 1999, the Chinese government has implemented a series of policy measures related to finance, taxation, investment, banking, and other related fields. This combination of policies has stimulated socioeconomic growth and ecological improvement in China's western regions and has effectively curbed the runaway gap between the east and west, even causing the gap to begin shrinking gradually. However, it should be noted that the development gap between China's eastern and western regions remains significant, as demonstrated by the west's low level of industrial^commercial development, local governments' limited capacity to provide public services, and endemic rural poverty. Thus, achieving the targets outlined in the western regional development program remains a challenging task. In the future, China's western development program should emphasize a higher standard of living and coordinated, inclusive growth across regions. 展开更多
关键词 China western regional development program regional coordinateddevelopment inclusive growth
Sustainable Waterfront Development-A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt 被引量:1
《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第4期380-394,共15页
Sustainable waterfront development is about creating a vision for an area and then deploying the skills and resources to realize it after involving a dialogue with the customer within an area. Also, it draws together ... Sustainable waterfront development is about creating a vision for an area and then deploying the skills and resources to realize it after involving a dialogue with the customer within an area. Also, it draws together many strands of place making such as environmental responsibility, social equity and economic viability, planning and transportation policy, architectural design into the creation of places of beauty and distinct identity. The development of waterfronts shapes communities around the water bodies and reflects the ability of cities to adapt to altered economic and social circumstances. The aim of this paper is to identify some approaches for applying sustainable waterfront development. By respecting the quality of life and defining sustainability in a broader context, a case will he made for enhancing the waterfront development, through the place making criteria, analyzing the Bahary waterfront in Alexandria, Egypt. The paper concludes some recommendations to develop Bahary waterfront based on the principles that are collected from the theoretical study in order to well design a waterfront responded to the wishes of the community. 展开更多
关键词 Place making quality of life Bahary sustainable waterfront development.
Discussion on Cultivating the Idea of the Western Rural Market Economy
作者 Qijie WU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第3期56-58,共3页
Along with the deepening of the economic system reform, the quickening of our country's steps joining WTO, and the enlarging of the discrepancies among different regions, how to promptly change the sense of the weste... Along with the deepening of the economic system reform, the quickening of our country's steps joining WTO, and the enlarging of the discrepancies among different regions, how to promptly change the sense of the western rural areas to resolve the "the three problems connected with agriculture, peasants, and countryside" and utilize the market economy regulation and taking market as the direction has become the initial problem of the economic development in western countryside in order to push the smooth implement of the western development. This thesis starts with the essence, function, and other influential factors of this idea, systematically elaborates the current idea characteristics of each stratum in western countryside, discovers the reason that the sense of western rural areas falls behind the times, and definitely puts forward with new idea characteristics which is suitable for the economic development of the western rural areas, and also offer some policy suggestions on how to realize this change of the sense in western rural areas. 展开更多
关键词 Western Rural Areas Market Economy Idea Conversion Suggestion
Strategic Partnership Between Private Organizations and Universities: The Search for Regional Development Through Solutions for Hospital Management
作者 Jamerson Viegas Queiroz Abner Vicente Braga Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz Jessica Monyk Tiburcio de Souza Renata de Oliveira Mota 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第8期583-592,共10页
The public power and the private enterprise, the main agents of national economic and social development, when cooperating strategically, promote increased functional efficiency of their activities. In order to highli... The public power and the private enterprise, the main agents of national economic and social development, when cooperating strategically, promote increased functional efficiency of their activities. In order to highlight the relevance of such partnership, this article aims to analyze the potential of actions jointly developed by private organizations and Brazilian universities. The research problem is lined in the field of health, which hosted actions developed between the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and the Hospital Maternity Guiomar Fernandes (HMGF), located in the city of Alexandria, in Rio Grande do Norte. The study emphasizes the shortcomings of this organization, the resolving power of the university in this scenario, and performs the analysis of the effects of this cooperation. The methodology used in this research was the case study in HMGF. With emphasis on fundraising and improving the informational management system, funding sources for projects of restructuring and expansion of the hospital were sought, as well as initiatives for developing hospital management softwares for small- and medium-sized organizations. As a result, the articulation between the university and the hospital provided the elaboration of a project for software development and the production of a project for physical restructuring and technological investment, aiming to expand the supply and quality of the hospital's services. The implementation of information systems, associated with investments in hospital infrastructure, providing increased efficiency in public assistance to the population, bringing both local and regional benefits, besides, providing the authorities with relevant data on the development of public policies. 展开更多
关键词 FUNDRAISING hospital management information system strategic cooperation
作者 张学兵 《浦东开发》 2008年第3期8-15,共8页
精深化开发是城市发展观念现代化、功能布局合理化、产业结构高端化、土地利用集约化、发展过程人本化等一系列目标、要求和实践的总和。浦东新区是一个由四大国家级开发区为主干构成的大开发区和以城郊结合为特点的城市新区,如何追求... 精深化开发是城市发展观念现代化、功能布局合理化、产业结构高端化、土地利用集约化、发展过程人本化等一系列目标、要求和实践的总和。浦东新区是一个由四大国家级开发区为主干构成的大开发区和以城郊结合为特点的城市新区,如何追求全面综合发展、可持续发展,推进开发区的成熟社区、成熟城区过渡,促进地区经济社会在更高起点上实现又好又快发展,实践证明,精深化开发是解决这些问题的一把钥匙。 展开更多
关键词 精深化 浦东新区 功能区域 自主创新 科学发展观 大开发区 产业结构 土地利用 产业发展 四个中心
作者 黄嫣 陈石麟 《浦东开发》 2004年第9期2-2,1,共2页
浦东开发,再涌新潮。为了加快浦东新一轮的开发建设,上海市委常委、浦东新区区委书记杜家毫,区委副书记、区长张学兵等一行先后到浦东各大开发区、街镇、各委办局调研并到本市的闵行区、松江区以及苏州、深圳等地进行考察、学习和交流,... 浦东开发,再涌新潮。为了加快浦东新一轮的开发建设,上海市委常委、浦东新区区委书记杜家毫,区委副书记、区长张学兵等一行先后到浦东各大开发区、街镇、各委办局调研并到本市的闵行区、松江区以及苏州、深圳等地进行考察、学习和交流,力求多学习、多创新,取长补短,争创一流的外向型多功能现代化城区。在纪念邓小平诞辰100周年之际,杜家毫一行专程考察了深圳,共同交流了改革开放和制度创新的经验。杜家毫说:"深圳特区一直是我国改革开放的排头兵和示范区,20多年来,始终保持了经济社会持续健康快速的发展势头,为全国的改革开放和现代化建设创造了许多宝贵经验。 展开更多
关键词 改革开放 开发建设 制度创新 始终保持 浦东新区 学习 浦东开发 深圳特区 调研 大开发区
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