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作者 杨丹 朱德飞 《中学政治教学参考》 2024年第17期53-55,共3页
“大思政课”视域下,用好时事资源,涵养学生的学科“大思维”,是思政教育工作者必须直面的问题。为了更好满足学生成长发展需求和期待,高中思政课应坚持以时事活动为锚点,巧用时事讲堂、精用时事故事、善用时事沙龙、活用时事评比,在培... “大思政课”视域下,用好时事资源,涵养学生的学科“大思维”,是思政教育工作者必须直面的问题。为了更好满足学生成长发展需求和期待,高中思政课应坚持以时事活动为锚点,巧用时事讲堂、精用时事故事、善用时事沙龙、活用时事评比,在培育大视野、大格局、大本领和大担当的过程中涵养学科“大思维”,全面提升学生的政治素养。 展开更多
关键词 时事资源 时事活动 思政学科 大思维
作者 祝刚 梁宏亮 《江苏教育》 2023年第16期24-27,共4页
党的二十大报告概括了中国式现代化的内涵与特征,并以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴。党的二十大报告将“实施科教兴国战略,强化现代化建设人才支撑”作为单独章节予以重点阐述,突出教育、科技、人才之间的协同发展。在“十四... 党的二十大报告概括了中国式现代化的内涵与特征,并以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴。党的二十大报告将“实施科教兴国战略,强化现代化建设人才支撑”作为单独章节予以重点阐述,突出教育、科技、人才之间的协同发展。在“十四五”时期,实现中国式教育现代化的重要使命是建设高质量教育体系。建设高质量教育体系是一项长期的、复杂的、综合的系统工程,需要我们具备不同的思维品质。而政治思维、战略思维、历史思维、全局思维、协同思维、发展思维、辩证思维、比较思维、调查思维和反思思维为新时代我国建设高质量教育体系提供了重要借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 二十大报告 中国式现代化 高质量教育体系 大思维
大思维训练与学生积极性的调动 被引量:1
作者 蒋琼瑛 《中等医学教育》 2000年第7期24-25,共2页
关键词 中专 语文教学 大思维训练 学生积极性
作者 张晓军 《管子学刊》 2003年第1期92-93,共2页
于汝波先生的新作<大思维--解读中国古典战略>,站在战略的高度,对中国传统思维方式和中国古典战略进行了宏观大气、长于思辩的解析与论述,在追寻古代战略家理性运行轨迹的同时,也抒发了一名军旅学者对于国家安全、民族统一、国运... 于汝波先生的新作<大思维--解读中国古典战略>,站在战略的高度,对中国传统思维方式和中国古典战略进行了宏观大气、长于思辩的解析与论述,在追寻古代战略家理性运行轨迹的同时,也抒发了一名军旅学者对于国家安全、民族统一、国运昌泰的关注,贡献了自己对于当代军国大计的探索与思考.因此,这不仅是一部高质量的学术著作,而且也是一部饱含报国热懈的沉思录与言志篇,是关于治国、理军、致胜大计的建言书,是一部从事战略理论与决策研究者不可不读的好书. 展开更多
关键词 大思维 于汝波 传统思维方式 军事思想
作者 周琳 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2024年第4期0125-0128,共4页
大单元整体教学是一种从单元整体视角出发来进行教学内容、教学方式设计的一种教学方式,在提升语文教学质量方面有积极作用。大单元整体教学模式的应用,可以引导教师从单元视角出发组织教学,引导学生对单元内相关文本、知识的关联、逻... 大单元整体教学是一种从单元整体视角出发来进行教学内容、教学方式设计的一种教学方式,在提升语文教学质量方面有积极作用。大单元整体教学模式的应用,可以引导教师从单元视角出发组织教学,引导学生对单元内相关文本、知识的关联、逻辑进行梳理,对于提高学生对语文课程内部体系的了解程度、提升学生的语文学习效率及学习能力有积极帮助。对小学语文教学来说,当前大单元教学在小学语文教学中具有较好的应用效果,能够大大提升小学语文教学的质量,通过大单元教学模式把握教学的重点以及教学的主题,围绕着单元的教学目标以及教学主题开展教学,帮助学生构建知识框架,使得教学开展更加地有效。因此,教师利用大单元教学理念进行教学设计,将大单元教学的效果发挥出来,提升小学生的思维能力,进而提升课堂教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 小学语文 大单元 大思维 教学对策
新时代核心素养导向的体育与健康教学话语体系构建与落实策略 被引量:8
作者 尹志华 章柳云 +1 位作者 降佳俊 徐丽萍 《首都体育学院学报》 北大核心 2023年第4期391-400,共10页
在新时代核心素养导向的课程改革背景下,结构主义理论、脑科学理论为基于大思维的体育与健康教学话语体系构建提供了学理依据,而学习目标割裂化、教学内容碎片化、教学实施浅层化、学习评价技能化等典型问题为构建体育与健康教学话语体... 在新时代核心素养导向的课程改革背景下,结构主义理论、脑科学理论为基于大思维的体育与健康教学话语体系构建提供了学理依据,而学习目标割裂化、教学内容碎片化、教学实施浅层化、学习评价技能化等典型问题为构建体育与健康教学话语体系提供了现实之需。基于大思维的体育与健康教学话语体系,其范畴体现在4个维度:教学时间跨越视角的长度、教学组织视角的宽度、学生学习深度视角的高度、帮助学生解决问题视角的力度;具体包含大概念、大单元、大任务、大问题、大情境、大评价6个基本要素,其相互之间呈现出从宏观到微观,从上到下的逻辑关系,展现了新时代体育与健康教学实施的完整图景。基于大思维的体育与健康教学话语体系落实策略:体育教育工作者在认知层面应全面理解话语体系的内涵,在实践层面应形成落实话语体系的教学设计思路。 展开更多
关键词 话语体系 体育与健康教学 核心素养 大思维 大概念 大单元
作者 贾亚琴 李选民 刘荣侠 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1998年第Z1期12-13,共2页
自然教学大纲在中年级段,提出了“着重培养概括、推理等逻辑思维能力”的要求。 在课堂教学中如何合理调控学生的思维活动,使儿童的各种认识互相作用,逐步升华,形成比较符合科学的结论,使儿童的各种能力真正在学习过程中得到锻炼和提高... 自然教学大纲在中年级段,提出了“着重培养概括、推理等逻辑思维能力”的要求。 在课堂教学中如何合理调控学生的思维活动,使儿童的各种认识互相作用,逐步升华,形成比较符合科学的结论,使儿童的各种能力真正在学习过程中得到锻炼和提高,是摆在广大教师面前的一个需要探讨的问题。 展开更多
关键词 小学自然 逻辑思维能力 实验课教学 几点思考 大思维训练 教师 应用训练 儿童 验证假设 水的浮力
作者 司马武 《军事历史研究》 2002年第1期180-181,共2页
关键词 大思维——解读中国古典战略》 于汝波 古典战略思维 思维方式 分析方法
作者 李垚 《石油石化物资采购》 2019年第3期48-48,共1页
新木油田进入高含水开发阶段,综合含水超过92%,原油集输能耗越来越大,严重影响了开发效益,对辖区内2028口生产油井,开展经济的集输方式是地面管理一项主要工作。在满足开发需求、保证安全生产的前提下,立足于节能因地制宜。常温集输工... 新木油田进入高含水开发阶段,综合含水超过92%,原油集输能耗越来越大,严重影响了开发效益,对辖区内2028口生产油井,开展经济的集输方式是地面管理一项主要工作。在满足开发需求、保证安全生产的前提下,立足于节能因地制宜。常温集输工作站在已有的技术成果的基础上,借助互联网思维,利用因果性代替相关性,通过实际生产摸索油井运行参数与室外温度变化关系,重新制定新木采油厂常温集输条件筛选表,指导集输系统降低单耗工作。 展开更多
关键词 大思维 大数据 常温集输
东西协同 立足新疆 直面中亚 走向世界——对构建“丝绸之路经济带”战略的认知 被引量:9
作者 何伦志 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第6期4-8,共5页
"丝绸之路经济带"的战略思维是在新形势下,面对全球风云变幻的态势而提出的国家层面上的战略思考。根据我们提出的"东西协同、立足新疆、直面中亚、走向世界"的开放方针,我们认为,"丝绸之路经济带"的战... "丝绸之路经济带"的战略思维是在新形势下,面对全球风云变幻的态势而提出的国家层面上的战略思考。根据我们提出的"东西协同、立足新疆、直面中亚、走向世界"的开放方针,我们认为,"丝绸之路经济带"的战略构想由三大部分构成:一是能源大通道建设,即中国能源安全与西北能源通道及基地建设。二是国际商贸中心建设,即把新疆乌鲁木齐市打造成国际商贸中心城市。三是自由贸易区建设,即选择霍尔果斯国际边境合作中心作为试验区,按国际上一般模式"试错"前行。 展开更多
关键词 丝绸之路 大思维 大背景 大构想 新疆
作者 丁慎毅 薛晶 《现代视听》 2016年第3期9-12,共4页
民生新闻在成长过程中,面对社会形势的变化,面对互联网的发展,面对受众的收视习惯的调整,遇到了发展中的瓶颈,而突破这个瓶颈的办法就是让民生新闻走向大而美。这就需要新闻工作者利用大思维(互联网思维)、大数据,以大格局、大理念,走... 民生新闻在成长过程中,面对社会形势的变化,面对互联网的发展,面对受众的收视习惯的调整,遇到了发展中的瓶颈,而突破这个瓶颈的办法就是让民生新闻走向大而美。这就需要新闻工作者利用大思维(互联网思维)、大数据,以大格局、大理念,走向大民生,形成大影响。 展开更多
关键词 民生新闻 大思维 大数据 大格局 大理念 大民生 大影响
作者 宋泮涛 王秀娟 《中国科教创新导刊》 2009年第26期58-58,共1页
关键词 一体化 框架式 大思维
Cultivation of Critical Thinking Skills in College English Classrooms
作者 Yueqiao Liang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第4期60-62,共3页
This paper is a qualitative study of the cultivation of critical thinking skill in college English classrooms in China. Critical thinking has long been recognized as an important part of the curricular framework in ed... This paper is a qualitative study of the cultivation of critical thinking skill in college English classrooms in China. Critical thinking has long been recognized as an important part of the curricular framework in education western countries. However, the instruction of critical thinking has not gained prominence in Chinese universities. The author does research on how to foster students' critical thinking skills in the college English classrooms, and proposes some methods and techniques to facilitate the skills: change teachers' concept of language teaching, create a flexible atmosphere in the classrooms, teach students how to raise questions, and teach them to express logically. 展开更多
关键词 critical thinking skills college English classrooms methods and techniques
Explore the development and practical application of English teaching
作者 Yaran Su Cunbo Xue 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期1-3,共3页
The purpose of college English teaching is to cultivate students ' English proficiency, one is listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation ability, on the other hand is the ability to think in English. Among t... The purpose of college English teaching is to cultivate students ' English proficiency, one is listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation ability, on the other hand is the ability to think in English. Among them, listening, reading is input, speaking, writing, translation is output. Chinese college students is learning foreign language in a non-native environment, which requires students to have a certain amount of input, output while there are plenty of opportunities; English thinking mainly refers to the critical thinking skills (Critical thinking), which is using fluent English to consider things speculatively and express their views on the basis of listening, speaking reading, writing, and the translation. 展开更多
关键词 English teaching theory Cooperative learning Interactive teaching.
Entrepreneurial Mind-Set Among Female University Students: A Study of University of Jos Students, Nigeria
作者 Katura James Israel Dakung Reuel Johnmark 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第5期320-332,共13页
In today's world, entrepreneurship is seen as the vital source for economic growth, and education in the creation and development of entrepreneurial attitudes. It is, therefore, natural to consider female students as... In today's world, entrepreneurship is seen as the vital source for economic growth, and education in the creation and development of entrepreneurial attitudes. It is, therefore, natural to consider female students as the primary resource of future entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship as a career option is becoming increasingly desirable. Responding to this need, many colleges and universities around the world have significantly increased their offerings of entrepreneurship courses over the past 25 years. Entrepreneurship courses are not only offered by Business Institutes, but other faculties like Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering, and Information Technology are also offering these courses in their syllabus. The problem under focus was to examine entrepreneurial mindset among female university students, a study of University of Jos. The study also ascertained the rate at which variables like: perception of entrepreneurship, role model and university's role to promote entrepreneurship are translated into entrepreneurial mindset of female students of University of Jos. A sample size of about 400 was adopted from the three Faculties of Management Science, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences which were selected at random. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using simple percentage and presented in tables and charts, the hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship between the teaching of entrepreneurship and university female students' entrepreneurial mindset which was tested using z-test analyses of population proportion earlier conducted. This implies a weak relationship between the teaching of entrepreneurship and university female students' entrepreneurial mindset. Based on the above inference, the research recommended that, as providers of entrepreneurship trainings, universities must create entrepreneurship supportive environment that could encourage entrepreneurial activity which would in turn help develop an enterprise culture among the female students. 展开更多
关键词 ENTREPRENEURSHIP female students mind-set entrepreneurial mind-set
Three-Dimensional Path of Cultivating Belief in Marxism of University Students in Ethnic Areas
作者 Xinrong Wen 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期27-29,共3页
The condition of Marxist college ethnic areas will directly affect how the beliefs of national unity and stability of the region, the survival and development by leaps and bounds and the Chinese nation. In order to in... The condition of Marxist college ethnic areas will directly affect how the beliefs of national unity and stability of the region, the survival and development by leaps and bounds and the Chinese nation. In order to internalize the Marxist belief in the heart and outside of the line, it needs to start from the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral levels. 展开更多
关键词 Minority Areas Marxism Belief FOSTER
作者 吴伟英 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2006年第6期42-49,126-127,共10页
This article attempts to find out if there are gender differences in using reading strategies and if any what they are. The questionnaire and think-aloud research methods are adopted. Result shows that although the di... This article attempts to find out if there are gender differences in using reading strategies and if any what they are. The questionnaire and think-aloud research methods are adopted. Result shows that although the difference between boys and girls in the overall use of reading comprehension strategies was not significant, a strong tendency was observed indicating the greater extent of strategy use among girls in both the results from the questionnaire and think-aloud technique. Girls used reading strategies more frequently than boys. Boys and girls used strategies differently, especially in the strategies for establishing coherence in the text. 展开更多
关键词 reading strategies gender difference THINK-ALOUD reading comprehension
作者 陈学军 《中国军事科学》 2003年第1期155-156,共2页
关键词 “中国古典战略丛书” 书评 大思维——解读中国古典战略》 《中国战略原理解析》 《中国战略文化解析》 创新 现实意识
Effects of Formal Instruction on the Development of Learners’ Critical Thinking Ability 被引量:3
作者 武立红 贾宁 林温霜 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2012年第2期229-242,257,共15页
Over the past decades, increasingly more critical thinking (CT) in Western countries. attention has been paid to cultivating learners' Chinese educators and teachers have also realized the necessity of developing C... Over the past decades, increasingly more critical thinking (CT) in Western countries. attention has been paid to cultivating learners' Chinese educators and teachers have also realized the necessity of developing Chinese students' ability for critical thinking and advocated pedagogical reform. However, the practice of formal instruction in developing learners' critical thinking and related empirical studies are rarely seen. This pilot research, selecting four major critical thinking skills, is aimed to study the effects of formal instruction on the development of Chinese college students' critical thinking ability. With the quantitative and qualitative research, the findings indicate that the intensive instruction is effective in improving the sample's critical thinking ability, NOT in terms of the observed behavioral change, BUT in terms of their unobservable mental awareness. 展开更多
关键词 critical thinking ability formal instruction college students
Metacognitive Knowledge of Tertiar yLevel EFL Reading: Case Studies in an Acquisition-Poor Context 被引量:1
作者 李洁 Cecilia Ka Wai CHUN 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2015年第2期166-187,246,共23页
This paper describes how a group of Chinese tertiary-level EFL readers utilized metacognitive knowledge in their academic reading process by contrasting the possible metacognitive differences between two less successf... This paper describes how a group of Chinese tertiary-level EFL readers utilized metacognitive knowledge in their academic reading process by contrasting the possible metacognitive differences between two less successful and two successful Chinese EFL readers. Data were collected through think-alouds, interviews and observations. It was found that although vocabulary posed difficulties for both successful and less successful readers, the deployment of strategic knowledge of tackling the unknown words made a difference between successful and less successful readers. The participants' person knowledge about motivation such as reader interest, goal of reading and reader role could exert influences on their reading. Implications of the findings for tertiary EFL reading pedagogy in China are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 metacognitive knowledge tertiary EFL reading think-alouds INTERVIEW case study
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