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作者 邓志民 杨贵军 朱同林 《南开大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期21-24,共4页
关键词 代数几何 GROBNER基 可识别 扇设计 大扇设计
作者 刘霞 李运河 《中国皮革》 CAS 北大核心 1999年第13期20-22,共3页
关键词 大扇 堵头 拉锁包 设计 提包
基于第1小扇区的三电平SVPWM算法 被引量:6
作者 董兴发 董长双 张忠国 《煤矿机械》 北大核心 2014年第2期59-61,共3页
为了解决传统三电平SVPWM算法涉及较多的三角函数,运算量过大的问题,在原有的三电平SVPWM矢量分解算法基础上,介绍了一种基于第1大扇区内第1小扇区的三电平SVPWM算法。该算法将参考矢量旋转到第1大扇区,随后将其转化到两电平第1小扇区,... 为了解决传统三电平SVPWM算法涉及较多的三角函数,运算量过大的问题,在原有的三电平SVPWM矢量分解算法基础上,介绍了一种基于第1大扇区内第1小扇区的三电平SVPWM算法。该算法将参考矢量旋转到第1大扇区,随后将其转化到两电平第1小扇区,通过计算第1小扇区的相关矢量作用时间即可求出三电平任意区域内相关矢量的作用时间,简化了计算量。最后在Simulink中建立了该算法的异步电机开环仿真模型,仿真结果表明该算法是正确的,电机在该算法控制下运行稳定。 展开更多
关键词 第1大扇 第1小扇区 异步电机 开环
深度调峰下核电汽轮机的小容积流量工况浅析 被引量:2
作者 高清林 高嘉锜 +2 位作者 黄朵 黄庆专 陈敦炳 《电力安全技术》 2021年第12期19-22,共4页
阐述了核电汽轮机级在小容积流量工况下的流动特性,分析了小容积流量工况可能导致级效率下降、叶片疲劳损坏、低压缸排汽温度偏高、末级动叶根部出口边遭受水蚀、叶片颤振损坏等,提出了推迟级内涡流发生以扩大其透平工况的流量范围,改... 阐述了核电汽轮机级在小容积流量工况下的流动特性,分析了小容积流量工况可能导致级效率下降、叶片疲劳损坏、低压缸排汽温度偏高、末级动叶根部出口边遭受水蚀、叶片颤振损坏等,提出了推迟级内涡流发生以扩大其透平工况的流量范围,改进叶型设计以避免发生叶片颤振,采用整体阻尼围带和凸台拉筋的叶片结构以减小其振动应力等应对小容积流量工况的措施,确保核电汽轮机安全、经济地参与电网深度调峰。 展开更多
关键词 深度调峰 核电汽轮机 大扇度级 小容积流量工况 涡流 叶片颤振
作者 高清林 高嘉锜 +2 位作者 黄朵 黄庆专 陈敦炳 《电站辅机》 2020年第4期13-17,31,共6页
在新的能源形势下,核电机组需要长期低负荷运行参与电网调峰,核电汽轮机的低压末几级可能落入小容积流量工况。阐述了级在小容积流量工况下的流动特性,分析了小容积流量工况可能导致级效率下降、叶片疲劳损坏、低压缸排汽温度偏高、末... 在新的能源形势下,核电机组需要长期低负荷运行参与电网调峰,核电汽轮机的低压末几级可能落入小容积流量工况。阐述了级在小容积流量工况下的流动特性,分析了小容积流量工况可能导致级效率下降、叶片疲劳损坏、低压缸排汽温度偏高、末级动叶根部出口边遭受水蚀、叶片颤振损坏等,提出了推迟级内涡流发生以扩大其透平工况的流量范围、在低压缸设置喷水减温装置以降低其排汽温度、改进叶型设计以避免发生叶片颤振、采用整体阻尼围带和凸台拉筋的叶片结构以减小其振动应力等应对小容积流量工况的措施,确保核电汽轮机安全、经济地参与电网深度调峰。 展开更多
关键词 深度调峰 核电汽轮机 大扇度级 小容积流量工况 涡流 叶片颤振
作者 高清林 高嘉锜 +2 位作者 黄朵 黄庆专 陈敦炳 《江西电力》 2021年第2期41-45,共5页
在新的能源形势下,核电机组需要长期低负荷运行参与电网调峰,核电汽轮机的低压末几级可能落入小容积流量工况。阐述了级在小容积流量工况下的流动特性,分析了小容积流量工况可能导致级效率下降、叶片疲劳损坏、低压缸排汽温度偏高、末... 在新的能源形势下,核电机组需要长期低负荷运行参与电网调峰,核电汽轮机的低压末几级可能落入小容积流量工况。阐述了级在小容积流量工况下的流动特性,分析了小容积流量工况可能导致级效率下降、叶片疲劳损坏、低压缸排汽温度偏高、末级动叶根部出口边遭受水蚀、叶片颤振损坏等,提出了推迟级内涡流发生以扩大其透平工况的流量范围、在低压缸设置喷水减温装置以降低其排汽温度,改进叶型设计以避免发生叶片颤振,采用整体阻尼围带和凸台拉筋的叶片结构以减小其振动应力等应对小容积流量工况的措施,确保核电汽轮机安全、经济地参与电网深度调峰。 展开更多
关键词 深度调峰 核电汽轮机 大扇度级 小容积流量工况 涡流 叶片颤振
作者 王京睿 李翔宇 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期72-75,共4页
研究了剔除大扇入逻辑门对于高电源电压下的电路指标的影响,证实这一方法对电路在高电压下的性能和功耗没有明显的负面影响,主要影响是在一定程度上增大电路的面积.分别对32nm标准单元库中的异步置位复位D触发器单元和电平移位器单元进... 研究了剔除大扇入逻辑门对于高电源电压下的电路指标的影响,证实这一方法对电路在高电压下的性能和功耗没有明显的负面影响,主要影响是在一定程度上增大电路的面积.分别对32nm标准单元库中的异步置位复位D触发器单元和电平移位器单元进行了电路优化,使得它们在低电压下的延时分别减少了14.6%和19.9%,解决了电源电压降至近阈值时性能恶化过于严重的问题. 展开更多
关键词 能量效率 近阈值 宽电压工作 大扇入逻辑门 D触发器 电平移位器
作者 陈科羽 赵丽萍 《新作文(小学低年级版)》 2005年第Z1期31-80,共2页
我想有条尾巴,一条非常漂亮的尾巴。 有条松鼠的尾巴真好!毛茸(rong)茸的,可爱极了。我可以和松鼠们一起爬树,摘(zhai)松果。 有条孔雀的尾巴真好!这把五彩洒(sa)
关键词 松鼠 松果 大扇 爬树 城南小学 嵊州市 小动物 浙江省 狮子 树木
作者 骆之恬 《出版参考》 1997年第7期9-9,共1页
出版社精神文明的窗口在哪里?有人说是门前设置的琳琅满目的书窗,有人说书店里摆放的色彩斑斓的专营书框。我却认为,出版社精神文明的窗口是那一进出版社大门就得打交道的,不起眼的、小小的传达室。守传达的人接待态度如何,办事效率如何... 出版社精神文明的窗口在哪里?有人说是门前设置的琳琅满目的书窗,有人说书店里摆放的色彩斑斓的专营书框。我却认为,出版社精神文明的窗口是那一进出版社大门就得打交道的,不起眼的、小小的传达室。守传达的人接待态度如何,办事效率如何,直接影响出版社的形象。 1994年6月我到南京江苏少儿出版社访友,天气闷热,向传达室同志说明来意后,他笑着把我让进室内。接着就是让坐、倒茶、递过一把大大扇子。传达室的同志说,离下午上班的时间还有40分钟,您先休息一下。说着,还递过一张报纸让我消遣。这件事使我深受感动,有温暖如家的感觉。这是一个精神文明的窗口。 展开更多
关键词 传达室 精神文明 少儿出版社 周立波 书框 大扇 乡里人 说书 交道
作者 李少白 《早期教育(幼教·教育教学)》 1995年第12期19-19,共1页
小熊笨笨和狐狸灵灵在山上玩,忽然,笨笨看见草丛里有个红红的圆东西:“瞧,那是什么?” 灵灵跑过去,捡起来一看:唷,好大一个石榴! “给我,我先看见的!” “不给,我先捡到的!” 为了抢一个石榴,两个小家伙抱在一起。
关键词 石榴 小家伙 狐狸 跑过 会说 小姐 簌簌 大扇 裁判 叶子
作者 温长路 《家庭中医药》 2018年第4期6-8,共3页
平头奴子摇大扇,五月不热疑清秋。玉盘杨梅为君设,吴盐如花皎如雪。——唐·李白【诗词赏析】此诗是李白的著名诗作《梁园吟》中的四句。这首诗是李白的怀古之作,说的是古人与梁园的故事。诗中提到的杨梅是南方的水果,在交通不发达... 平头奴子摇大扇,五月不热疑清秋。玉盘杨梅为君设,吴盐如花皎如雪。——唐·李白【诗词赏析】此诗是李白的著名诗作《梁园吟》中的四句。这首诗是李白的怀古之作,说的是古人与梁园的故事。诗中提到的杨梅是南方的水果,在交通不发达的唐代,在它刚刚上市的五月,就能在地处中原的开封吃到它,确属不易之事。加之,桌上还摆放着那时只有上等人才能吃得上的如花如雪的南方白盐,还有奴仆摇着扇子伺候,这种享受在当时来说就确实显得不一般了。 展开更多
关键词 杨梅果 吴盐 奴子 白盐 大扇 乌梅丸 开封 不发达 诗词 吃到
Ingestion of Domoic Acid and Its Impact on King Scallop (Pecten maximus, Linnaeus 1758)
作者 LIU Hui Maeve S. Kelly +3 位作者 Dirk A. Campbell DONG Shuanglin ZHU Jianxin WANG Sufeng 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2007年第2期175-181,共7页
A simple method for spiking formulated feed with domoic acid (DA) was developed in this study. DA feed was prepared by mixing 0.15 mL 100 μg mL-1 DA with 0.1 g formulated feed, and drying the mixture at room temperat... A simple method for spiking formulated feed with domoic acid (DA) was developed in this study. DA feed was prepared by mixing 0.15 mL 100 μg mL-1 DA with 0.1 g formulated feed, and drying the mixture at room temperature for 2 h. The prepared DA feed contained 0.19 pg DA per particle. Of the added DA, 46.72% was retained in the feed. Relatively high DA retention (about 50%) was recorded after DA feed was soaked in water for 2 h. Exposure to DA feed for 7 d did not cause the increase of tissue DA level of adult king scallop (Pecten maximus) significantly in 60 d. The increase of their gonad index after DA exposure was not significantly different from the control. No significant change in DA level was found in spermary, ovary or fertilized eggs after DA exposure. These results indicated that DA excretion may be more efficient than DA accumulation under the current experimental conditions, and the mechanism of domoic acid incorporation in P. maximus may involve intracellular biotransformation. 展开更多
关键词 king scallop Pecten maximus domoic acid DA feed gonad index
Test Rig Effect on Performance Measurement for Low Loaded Large-Diameter Fan for Automotive Application 被引量:1
作者 Manuel Henner Bruno Demory Franqois Franquelin Youssef Beddadi Zebin Zhang 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第12期924-936,共13页
Large diameter fans with low solidity are widely used in automotive application for engine cooling. Their designs with small chord length help reducing the torque on the electrical motor and providing a good aerodynam... Large diameter fans with low solidity are widely used in automotive application for engine cooling. Their designs with small chord length help reducing the torque on the electrical motor and providing a good aerodynamic compromise between several operating conditions, some of these being at high flow rate. Their global performances are measured according to the ISO standard DP 5801, which allows comparison of results from different facilities. However, some variations in global performances are observed when considering results from two different test rigs. On a fan selected for the purpose of this study, up to 6 % of efficiency is lost on the worst case. As efficiency is more than ever a key factor to select a component, some experimental and numerical investigations were conducted to analyze the fan behavior on each facility. Two sets of measurement and simulation are performed and compared. Geometries considered for the domain of computation include the test rig plenum, the torquemeter, the ground and a large domain for the atmospheric conditions. The exact fan geometry with tip clearance and under-hub ribs is also considered. Numerical results show a good agreement with experiment in both cases when convergence is reached and for low flow rate when computations are switched to unsteady mode. Comparisons show that simulations are able to capture the different fan behaviors depending on the confguration and those efficiency losses previously observed are correctly predicted. These results are further analyzed to perform some post-processing. Blade loading remains identical for both cases but disparities appear in the wake and its interaction with the surrounding. Tiny details that are often neglected during experiment and/or simulation appear to be the cause of slight variations. Position of the torquemeter and shape of the plenum are among the parameters that various and that have cumulative effects. Efficiency being a ration of pressure and torque, variations are rather important. Finally, these results are discussed in terms of rules for conception and a new geometry less sensible to loss of efficiency is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 FAN performance measurements test rig VALIDATION TORQUE uncertainty.
Effect of E. coli coli on Anti-disease Activities of Scailops: Argopecten irradians
作者 胡晓珂 JiangXiaolu +1 位作者 LiuShiliang MaiKangsen 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2003年第1期11-16,共6页
The effect of acute E. coli challenge on the anti-disease activity of scallops Argopecten irra-dians is examined. The treatments of scallop from which hemolymph samples were taken for study included (1) control scallo... The effect of acute E. coli challenge on the anti-disease activity of scallops Argopecten irra-dians is examined. The treatments of scallop from which hemolymph samples were taken for study included (1) control scallops, (2) sham-injected scallops, (3) PSW-injected scallops and (4) E. coli-injected scallops. From the beginning, the anti-disease activities of scallops are deter -mined at 12 hr and 24 hr.The concentrations of circulating hemocytes, the total serum protein concentrations and the activities of alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase and superoxide dismutase in the scallops Argopecten irradians are determined.Injection with E. coli results in a significant elevation in the concentration of circulating hemocytes and in the alkaline phosphatase activity and a significant decline in the total serum protein concentration and in the superoxide dismutase activity at 24 hr postchallenge. It shows that metabolism of bay scallop is expedited to adopt the challenge. 展开更多
关键词 Argopecten irradians E. coli HEMOCYTES HEMOLYMPH alkaline phosphatase acid phosphatase superoxide diamutase MOLLUSK
The Chemical Quality of Some Legumes, Peas, Fava Beans, Blue and White Lupins and Soybeans Cultivated in Finland
作者 Marketta Saastamoinen Merja Eurola Veli Hietaniemi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第2期92-100,共9页
The cultivation and management of different legume species and their varieties were tested in South-Western Finland at farmers' fields in two years, 2010 and 2011. The studied legumes were peas and lava beans, and in... The cultivation and management of different legume species and their varieties were tested in South-Western Finland at farmers' fields in two years, 2010 and 2011. The studied legumes were peas and lava beans, and included also such species which are seldom or not normally cultivated in Finland, namely soybeans and blue and white lupins. Seed samples were collected from legume farms. The quality of different legume species was analysed and compared to each others. The chemical qualities were analysed for crude protein, fat, fibre, ash, nitrogen-free extract and phytic acid contents, and amino acid composition. The quality of the varieties of lupins and soybeans were compared to the quality of pea and fava bean varieties, which are generally cultivated nowadays in Finland. The highest protein contents were in soybean (369 and 379 g kg^-1) and white lupin (382 g kg^-1) and the lowest in pea varieties. Amino acid composition of legumes is good, but lupins have lower lysine content (g 100 g^-1 protein) than other legumes. High fat contents were in soybeans (91 and 100 g kg^-1) and white lupin (101 g kgl), and moderate in blue lupin (30-49 g kg^-1). Fuego fava bean variety had lower protein content than Kontu. The highest phytic acid contents were in soybeans (18.9 and 22.6 mg kg^-1) and the lowest in white lupin (6.2 mg kg^-1). Lupins are interesting protein crops, especially white lupin with high protein and fat and low phytic acid contents. Lupins are not day length sensitive, like soybean, and therefore valuable for long-day cultivation conditions The present research strengthens the good chemical quality of legumes for food and feed purposes. 展开更多
关键词 Protein fat amino acids phytic acid PEAS fava beans SOYBEANS blue and white lupins
作者 张振初 《当代矿工》 1997年第8期35-35,共1页
随着科学技术和经济的发展,夏令时节所用的电风扇和空调器,已进入普通家庭。在旧中国为招风取凉,人们只能依靠手中的扇子,它有着非常古老的历史,应用上又曾有其等级。 扇子的应用,据说不晚于新石器时代陶器出现之后,古籍中提到过“舜作... 随着科学技术和经济的发展,夏令时节所用的电风扇和空调器,已进入普通家庭。在旧中国为招风取凉,人们只能依靠手中的扇子,它有着非常古老的历史,应用上又曾有其等级。 扇子的应用,据说不晚于新石器时代陶器出现之后,古籍中提到过“舜作五明扇”。东周、战国铜器上刻画的长柄大扇,从使用角度上看,由仆从执掌,为主人降风蔽日,象征权威的成分多于实际应用,也许后来的扇子由此演变而成。 展开更多
关键词 小史 蒲葵扇 团扇 战国铜器 夏令时 通家 大扇 矿工 折扇 陶器
作者 本刊编辑部 《当代教育家》 2017年第9期4-9,共6页
关键词 小学图书馆 歌德 色调搭配 三线城市 室内光 光线充足 大扇 纯白 落地窗 鲁滨逊
作者 史钱华 《小作家选刊(小学生版)》 2005年第6期7-7,共1页
我对奶奶的印象就是她手中的那把大蒲扇,用香蒲编成的圆形大扇子。扇子四周是奶奶用白布滚成的边儿,大蒲扇轻轻摇动着,我的童年就在蒲帛温馨的扇动中不知不觉地溜走了。夏天是闷热的,那时我们还住在低矮的砖瓦房里。房间里仅有的一扇窗... 我对奶奶的印象就是她手中的那把大蒲扇,用香蒲编成的圆形大扇子。扇子四周是奶奶用白布滚成的边儿,大蒲扇轻轻摇动着,我的童年就在蒲帛温馨的扇动中不知不觉地溜走了。夏天是闷热的,那时我们还住在低矮的砖瓦房里。房间里仅有的一扇窗根本就无法邀请路过的风,在36。 展开更多
关键词 蒲扇 砖瓦房 香蒲 大扇 轻摇 江苏省海门市 嫦娥奔月 指导教师 扇风 及时雨
作者 程雯 《海内与海外》 1998年第11期25-25,共1页
关键词 仆人 大扇
Numerical Study of Hydrogen Peroxide Thermal Decomposition in a Shock Tube
作者 Muhammad Rizwan Bhatti Nadeem Ahmed Sheikh +2 位作者 Shehryar Manzoor Muhammad Mahabat Khan Muzaffar Ali 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期235-244,共10页
Hydrogen peroxide(H_2O_2) has its significance during the combustion of heavy hydrocarbons in the internal combustion(IC) engines. Owing to its importance the measurements of H_2O_2 dissociation rate have been reporte... Hydrogen peroxide(H_2O_2) has its significance during the combustion of heavy hydrocarbons in the internal combustion(IC) engines. Owing to its importance the measurements of H_2O_2 dissociation rate have been reported mostly using the shock tube apparatus. These types of experimental measurements are although quite reliable but require high cost. On the other hand, numerical simulations provide low cost and reliable solutions especially using computation fluid dynamics(CFD) software. In the current study an experimental shock tube flow is modeled using open access platform OpenFOAM to investigate the thermal decomposition of H_2O_2. Using two different convective schemes, limited Linear and upwind, the propagation of shock wave and resultant dissociation reaction are simulated. The results of the simulations are compared with the experimental data. It is observed that the rate constant measured using the simulation data deviates from the experimental results in the low temperature range and approaches the experimental values as the temperature is raised. 展开更多
关键词 Reaction kinetics Rate constant Numerical simulation Shock wave Reflected shock wave Contact discontinuity Expansion fan Internal flow Compressible flow Gas dynamics
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