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经外眦部手术行睑裂开大术 被引量:2
作者 高俊明 邓文慧 +1 位作者 席承进 施存跳 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2013年第24期2348-2350,共3页
目的:探讨睑裂短小经外眦部手术行睑裂开大术的方法。方法:经外眦隐裂横行切开皮肤长约5mm达外眦角,但不切开结膜囊,然后将切口延长到上下睑颞侧1/4处的上下睑缘的前后唇之间的灰线上,切开上下睑,使眼睑分为前后两部分。前部是... 目的:探讨睑裂短小经外眦部手术行睑裂开大术的方法。方法:经外眦隐裂横行切开皮肤长约5mm达外眦角,但不切开结膜囊,然后将切口延长到上下睑颞侧1/4处的上下睑缘的前后唇之间的灰线上,切开上下睑,使眼睑分为前后两部分。前部是皮肤和眼轮匝肌,后部是睑板和结膜,切口各长约5mm,完成了横向的“Y”形切口。电刀切断外眦隐裂皮肤切口下面的眼轮匝肌,使外眦处结膜囊游离。将外眦处游离的结膜囊缝合固定于外侧眶缘的骨膜上达到外眦韧带缩短的目的。术中根据睑裂开大的需求及可能,确定游离结膜的缝合点。可以开大睑裂3~5mm,仍然呈“Y”形缝合皮肤切口。结果:32例睑裂开大效果明显,睑裂延长,随诊3个月,没有出现组织回缩导致睑裂变短现象及结膜囊变浅,外眦无粘连,瘢痕不明显。结论:此方法为一种实用而有效的经外眦部手术行睑裂开大的手术方式。 展开更多
关键词 外眦手 睑裂开大术 睑裂短小
作者 程小红 《首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第2期18-22,共5页
通过详细分析卡尔达诺的《大术》 ,指出《大术》的思想主要源于阿拉伯和古希腊数学 ,并探讨了《大术》
关键词 卡尔达诺 大术 阿拉伯 古希腊
作者 秦泗河 《中华骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期190-190,共1页
关键词 外科手 治疗 方法 左下肢半侧肥大 双足等大术
作者 何玉琼 董文杰 +2 位作者 唐磊 孙荣 张家明 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第6期686-692,共7页
为分析高速远程滑坡运动与堆积特征,在室内设置物理试验模型,设计级配、坡角、碎屑流质量、滑面材质4种因素,分析各因素对碎屑流堆积特征的影响。研究结果表明:坡角减小、滑面更粗糙使部分颗粒堆积或滞留于坡面,颗粒堆积特征与颗粒完全... 为分析高速远程滑坡运动与堆积特征,在室内设置物理试验模型,设计级配、坡角、碎屑流质量、滑面材质4种因素,分析各因素对碎屑流堆积特征的影响。研究结果表明:坡角减小、滑面更粗糙使部分颗粒堆积或滞留于坡面,颗粒堆积特征与颗粒完全堆积于坡底时相比存在差异;滑面材质与冲程等堆积特征基本呈负相关,坡角与堆积特征基本呈正相关,二者对堆积特征影响最大;碎屑流质量与堆积特征基本呈负相关,对颗粒堆积特征分布影响较小;级配与颗粒堆积特征无明显相关性。 展开更多
关键词 高速远程滑坡 碎屑流 模型试验 滑面材质 堆积形态
犀角地黄汤+参苓白术散+大补元煎鼻饲联合西药临床治愈呼吸机相关腹胀1例报告 被引量:2
作者 常燕敏 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第8期57-59,共3页
报告1例犀角地黄汤+参苓白术散+大补元煎鼻饲联合西药临床治愈长期使用呼吸机导致相关性腹胀,出院后腹胀症状消失,大便1-2日一行。男,68岁。肢体活动不利,意识欠清1天。腹部膨隆、皮肤绷急,大便2-3日一行,脉沉细;白细胞15.06×10^... 报告1例犀角地黄汤+参苓白术散+大补元煎鼻饲联合西药临床治愈长期使用呼吸机导致相关性腹胀,出院后腹胀症状消失,大便1-2日一行。男,68岁。肢体活动不利,意识欠清1天。腹部膨隆、皮肤绷急,大便2-3日一行,脉沉细;白细胞15.06×10^9/L,中性粒细胞百分比88%,血红蛋白84g/L;C反应蛋白58.5mg/L,降钙素原0.43ng/m L,D二聚体2ug/m L;生化、凝血、肿瘤系列、心肌酶等未见明显异常;CT:双下肺炎症;颅脑左侧丘脑可见新发梗塞灶,放射冠可见陈旧性梗塞灶。西医诊断:1.脑梗塞,2.肺炎;中医诊断:1.中风(肝肾亏虚),2.喘嗽。抗感染、营养支持等治疗,犀角地黄汤加减,水牛角、生地各30g,赤芍、丹皮、丹参、玄参各15g,麦冬20g,茯苓30g,白术15g,1剂/d,水煎200m L,早晚鼻饲,5d为1疗程。二诊以参苓白术散合大补元煎加减以健脾补肾,党参30g,茯苓20g,白术、山药各15g,薏苡仁30g,砂仁、桔梗各12g,生地、熟地各30g,杜仲、枸杞各15g,鹿角胶烊化10g,丹参15g,地龙12g,桃仁、红花各9g,甘草炙6g,1剂/d,水煎200m L,早晚鼻饲。此后每7d在此方基础上加减,服药2月,腹胀明显减轻,大便1-2日一行,服药4月,腹胀症状消失,大便1-2日一行,临床治愈。 展开更多
关键词 呼吸机相关性腹胀 痰热腑实 健脾补肾 犀角地黄汤 参苓白 大补元煎 鼻饲 人机对抗 限制性通气障碍 脑梗塞 肺炎 中西医结合治疗
卡尔达诺的“黄金法则” 被引量:10
作者 赵继伟 杨宝山 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期370-372,共3页
目的解释并分析卡尔达诺的“黄金法则”。方法使用数学分析与几何论证的方法。结果用数学公式对“黄金法则”做出了解释;分析了其背后的数学依据,指出这条法则依赖于对某类特殊函数的连续性、单调性及凸凹性的正确认识;用几何分析的方... 目的解释并分析卡尔达诺的“黄金法则”。方法使用数学分析与几何论证的方法。结果用数学公式对“黄金法则”做出了解释;分析了其背后的数学依据,指出这条法则依赖于对某类特殊函数的连续性、单调性及凸凹性的正确认识;用几何分析的方法解释了这条法则的可能来源。结论“黄金法则”在《大术》中具有基础性地位。 展开更多
关键词 “黄金法则” 大术 卡尔达诺(1501—1576) 数学史
卡尔达诺关于方程变换的一条错误法则 被引量:4
作者 赵继伟 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期165-168,共4页
目的复原卡尔达诺关于方程变换的一条错误法则,即《大术》第7章的法则7.13的构造过程。方法依据古证复原的原则,利用数理分析的方法。结果指出卡尔达诺的错误在于忽略了一个隐含条件,其原因在于他并没有把该法则的构造进行到底,并且没... 目的复原卡尔达诺关于方程变换的一条错误法则,即《大术》第7章的法则7.13的构造过程。方法依据古证复原的原则,利用数理分析的方法。结果指出卡尔达诺的错误在于忽略了一个隐含条件,其原因在于他并没有把该法则的构造进行到底,并且没有对例子进行验证。结论揭示了卡尔达诺构造法则7.13的数学思想在于,先从法则的结论出发,通过分析得到法则的假设条件,然后再以综合的方式表述法则。最后,给出了该法则的正确形式及其例子。 展开更多
关键词 卡尔达诺 大术 方程的变换 错误法则
卡尔达诺关于四次方程特殊法则的构造原理——兼论数学史的研究范式 被引量:9
作者 赵继伟 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期325-336,共12页
复原了卡尔达诺关于四次方程的4条特殊法则的构造过程,指出这4条形式差异很大的法则所采用的相同的构造方法,由此揭示了这些法则的真正涵义和它们通过命题的形式所表达出的数学内容并不相同,同时也解释了卡尔达诺为什么能得到这些法则... 复原了卡尔达诺关于四次方程的4条特殊法则的构造过程,指出这4条形式差异很大的法则所采用的相同的构造方法,由此揭示了这些法则的真正涵义和它们通过命题的形式所表达出的数学内容并不相同,同时也解释了卡尔达诺为什么能得到这些法则。对这一构造过程的复原体现了曲安京所概括的三种数学史研究范式之间的联系。 展开更多
关键词 四次方程卡尔达诺《大术》数学史研究范式
卡尔达诺的5个成连比量的法则 被引量:1
作者 赵继伟 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期14-19,共6页
复原了《大术》第34章的问题34.2和34.3中关于四次方程正根的计算过程,揭示出卡尔达诺的5个成连比的量的法则是一个算法,它把特殊四次方程的求解问题转化为求5个成连比的量的连比问题.利用这种算法,卡尔达诺可以求解同时含有一次项和三... 复原了《大术》第34章的问题34.2和34.3中关于四次方程正根的计算过程,揭示出卡尔达诺的5个成连比的量的法则是一个算法,它把特殊四次方程的求解问题转化为求5个成连比的量的连比问题.利用这种算法,卡尔达诺可以求解同时含有一次项和三次项,并且满足特定条件的四次方程,即方程的一次项系数的平方等于三次项系数的平方乘以常数.此外,澄清了卡尔达诺的模糊陈述的真正含义:首先,他所指的5个成连比的量中并不包含问题所求的两个数;其次,为了求出这个连比,他设定了一个正数,其目的是为了减少计算过程中的未知量个数,从而简化运算;第三,这个数是任意设定的,四次方程的正根和它无关. 展开更多
关键词 卡尔达诺 大术 四次方程 5个成连比量的法则 算法
卡尔达诺关于三次方程的特殊法则 被引量:1
作者 赵继伟 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期197-215,共19页
基于对卡尔达诺关于三次方程的一般法则和《大术》第6章的命题的分析,复原了卡尔达诺关于三次方程的17条特殊法则的构造过程,由此揭示出隐藏在这些法则背后的数学思想和方法,阐明了卡尔达诺对这些法则所作的模糊暗示的意义,并指出其综... 基于对卡尔达诺关于三次方程的一般法则和《大术》第6章的命题的分析,复原了卡尔达诺关于三次方程的17条特殊法则的构造过程,由此揭示出隐藏在这些法则背后的数学思想和方法,阐明了卡尔达诺对这些法则所作的模糊暗示的意义,并指出其综合叙述方式与这些法则的构造过程并不完全一致。另外,根据对这些特殊法则的适用范围的分类讨论,认为卡尔达诺构造这些特殊法则的目的并非专为解决三次方程的不可约情形。 展开更多
关键词 卡尔达诺 大术 三次方程 特殊法则 不可约情形
作者 赵继伟 李刚 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 2019年第6期567-571,共5页
基于对《大术》第33章的7个问题的系统总结和对问题4.1的详细分析,给出按比例设未知量法则的现代数学表述;利用《大术》第9章关于二元一次方程组的消元法,对卡尔达诺关于这条法则的推理过程给出了复原.这条法则反映了卡尔达诺对于求解... 基于对《大术》第33章的7个问题的系统总结和对问题4.1的详细分析,给出按比例设未知量法则的现代数学表述;利用《大术》第9章关于二元一次方程组的消元法,对卡尔达诺关于这条法则的推理过程给出了复原.这条法则反映了卡尔达诺对于求解某类特殊的五项四次方程所付出的努力.通过问题转化的思想,他把这类五项四次方程变换成双二次方程来解.同时这条法则也从侧面支持了卡尔达诺并没有掌握一般五项四次方程解法的学术观点. 展开更多
关键词 卡尔达诺 大术 四次方程 按比例设未知量的法则
作者 赵继伟 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期560-564,共5页
目的研究费拉里和塔塔利亚1547—1548年的数学论战。方法对《大术》问题38.14进行分析。结果卡尔达诺确实没有给出该问题的一般解法。问题38.14应该有两个解,但卡尔达诺只是通过将问题38.14与问题38.13比较而观察得出了一个解。问题38.1... 目的研究费拉里和塔塔利亚1547—1548年的数学论战。方法对《大术》问题38.14进行分析。结果卡尔达诺确实没有给出该问题的一般解法。问题38.14应该有两个解,但卡尔达诺只是通过将问题38.14与问题38.13比较而观察得出了一个解。问题38.14最终导致一个五项四次方程,其预解三次方程的判别式为负,在当时没有复数系的情况下,很难相信塔塔利亚给出了该问题的代数解法。结论塔塔利亚关于卡尔达诺师徒没有解决问题38.14的断言是正确的,但他自己也不可能解决该问题。 展开更多
关键词 费拉里(Lodouicum Ferrarium 1522—1565) 塔塔利亚(Nicolaus Tartalea 1499—1557) 卡尔达诺(Girolamo Cardano 1501—1576) 大术
Three Anthraquinones Isolated from Aster tataricus L.f 被引量:5
作者 卢艳花 王峥涛 +1 位作者 徐珞珊 吴子斌 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2003年第2期112-113,共2页
The roots and rhizomes of Aster tataricus L. f (Zi-wan) is a traditionalChinese medicine, which has been used for relieving cough and resolving phlegm. Previousinvestigation of the species resulted in the isolation an... The roots and rhizomes of Aster tataricus L. f (Zi-wan) is a traditionalChinese medicine, which has been used for relieving cough and resolving phlegm. Previousinvestigation of the species resulted in the isolation and identification of triterpenes,triterpenoid saponins, cyclic pentapeptides, and oligopeptides. We have also reported thepolyphenols and a dipeptide isolated from the species. In this paper, the isolation and structureelucidation of three anthraquinones, chrysophanol (1), physciori (2), and emodin (3), are described.Chrysophanol and physcion were isolated from family Composi-tae for the first time. 展开更多
关键词 Aster tataricus ANTHRAQUINONES
A 59mW 10b 40Msample/s Pipelined ADC 被引量:1
作者 李建 严杰锋 +4 位作者 陈俊 张剑云 郭亚炜 沈泊 汤庭鳌 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期1301-1308,共8页
This paper describes a 3.0V, 10b,40Msample/s analog-to-digital converter (ADC) fabricated in a 0.25μm CMOS technology. Through the sharing an amplifier between two successive pipeline stages, the converter is reali... This paper describes a 3.0V, 10b,40Msample/s analog-to-digital converter (ADC) fabricated in a 0.25μm CMOS technology. Through the sharing an amplifier between two successive pipeline stages, the converter is realized using just four amplifiers with a separate sample-and-hold block. It employs two key techniques: a high bandwidth low-power gain-boosting telescopic amplifiers technique and a low power low offset dynamic comparators technique.The ADC achieves a 8.1 effective number of bits,a maximum differential nonlinearity of a 0.85 least significant bit(LSB), and maximum integral nonlinearity of 2.2LSB for a 0.5MHz input at full sampling rate. It occupies 1.24mm^2 ,which also includes a bandgap and a voltage reference circuit and dissipates only 59mW. 展开更多
关键词 analog-to-digital converter low power OPAMP sharing technique gain-boosting technique
Optimization for Purification and Characterization of Recombinant Hirudin Ⅲ from E. coli 被引量:2
作者 韦利军 刘军 +4 位作者 吴斌 李雪峰 叶双宁 章良 吴梧桐 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第2期79-85,共7页
Aim To optimize purification conditions of recombinant hirudin 3 in thefermentation broth and characterize the product. Methods Reambinant hirudin 3 was isolated andpurified from the fermentation broth by three column... Aim To optimize purification conditions of recombinant hirudin 3 in thefermentation broth and characterize the product. Methods Reambinant hirudin 3 was isolated andpurified from the fermentation broth by three column chromatography steps with macroporous resin,DEAE cellulose DES2 and preparative RP-HPLC, respectively, and the optimal conditions were obtained.Purity of the product was determined by SDS-PAGE and analytical RP-HPLC. The molecular weight wasdetermined by mass spec-trometry. The structure of the product was analyzed by peptide map.ResultsThe product with purity of 95.4786% was obtained after three purification steps in the optimumconditions with a total yield of 39%. The molecular weight of the product was 6 913.32 ± 6.55 Da,coincident to the theoretical molecular weight of r-hirudin 3. The structure of the product wascoincident to r-hirudin 3 either. Conclusion The optimized purification steps can be successfullyemployed for purification of r-hirudin 3 from E. coli using batch-type approaches. The productobtained with high purity was confirmed to be r-hirudin 3. 展开更多
关键词 recombinant hirudin 3 PURIFICATION macroporous resin RP-HPLC massspeetrome- try peptide map
Discussion on Green Development of Fenlong for Yield Increase, Quality Enhancing, Water Retaining and Multiple Use of Natural Resources 被引量:7
作者 韦本辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第9期1631-1637,共7页
Fenlong green ecological agriculture technology (Fenlong technology), a new smash ridging farming method developed by Guangxi Academy of Agdcultural Sciences, has been elected as the recommended cultivation techniqu... Fenlong green ecological agriculture technology (Fenlong technology), a new smash ridging farming method developed by Guangxi Academy of Agdcultural Sciences, has been elected as the recommended cultivation technique by the Ministry of Agriculture of China. It replaces the traditional plowshare with spiral drill, and its tilth depth is twice deeper than that by tractor tilthing. It also extends soil nutrient, moisture, oxygen and microorganism, the so-called "Four pools". Soil nutrient, oxygen, microorganism, light and rainfall use ratio is increased by 10%-100%, creating a platform for natural increase of more than 10% of crop yield. Its application to over 20 kinds of crops in 21 provinces has proved that the yield increases 10-30% with quality enhancing 5% and double water retaining capacity but no more input. When the application area of Fenlong could reach 67 million hm2, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced by 40-50 billion kg, saving 120-150 billion Yuan. In this paper, we put forward the strategy of "4+1" (arable, saline-alkali soil, grasslands, Sponge City + rivers) green development in China, and deepened the Fenlong cultivated tilled layer from 16.5 cm to 35 cm for 67 million hm2 arable land, ridged 13.3 million hm2 of saline-alkali soil for 35 cm, and also 35 cm for 67 million hm2 degraded steppe, which could have the following 3 effects: first, the 147 million hm2 of land with Fenlong cultivation could increase loosing soil to 315.491 billion m3, in* creasing by 159.26% for 120 million hm2 of arable land with the average tilled layer of 16.5 cm, which has loosing soil of only 198.1 billion m3, that is, the space of the land increases 1.6 times. Second, every hectare of plowland could store up to 450 m3/hm2 of natural rainfall, and the unused 60 m3 of saline-alkali soil and grasslands could store water of 102 billion m3, showing an increase of over 88.89% for the current plowland storage of 54 billion m3 at now, that is, double the natural rainfall storage capacity. Third, the two multiple increase of natural resources application can bring trillions of resource activation, environmental cleaning, food security, citizens, health, economic, ecological and social benefits, and makes the Chinese nation move forward in green development. Its application in "big scientific research" and "One Belt And One Road" will contribute Chinese strength to the world. 展开更多
关键词 Fenlong green development Multiple use of natural resource Increase three-dimensional land space Recommended cultivation technique by the Ministry of Agriculture of China Big scientific research
In-situ investigation of atmospheric corrosion behavior of bronze under thin electrolyte layers using electrochemical technique 被引量:6
作者 廖晓宁 曹发和 +3 位作者 陈安娜 刘文娟 张鉴清 曹楚南 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第5期1239-1249,共11页
The atmospheric corrosion behavior of bronze under thin electrolyte layer (TEL) with different thicknesses was monitored using cathodic polarization curves, open circuit potential (OCP) and electrochemical impedan... The atmospheric corrosion behavior of bronze under thin electrolyte layer (TEL) with different thicknesses was monitored using cathodic polarization curves, open circuit potential (OCP) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Cathodic polarization result indicates that the cathodic limiting current density increases with decreasing the TEL thickness. EIS result shows that the corrosion rate increases with decreasing the TEL thickness at the initial stage because the corrosion is dominated by the cathodic process, whereas after long immersion time, the corrosion degree with the TEL thickness is in the sequence of 150 μm 〉 310 μm〉 10μm ≈ bulk solution 〉 57 μm. The measurements of OCP and EIS present in-situ electrochemical corrosion information and their results are in good agreement with that of physical characterizations. 展开更多
关键词 BRONZE thin electrolyte layer in-situ investigation atmospheric corrosion electrochemical technique
Research and Application Progress of Agricultural Big Data Technology and Resources
作者 林坡 马友华 +1 位作者 王强 王静 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第5期907-913,共7页
With the development of Internet of things, cloud computing, mobile Inter- net, the scale of the data shows an alarming growth trend. Agricultural information is an important part of modern agricultural construction, ... With the development of Internet of things, cloud computing, mobile Inter- net, the scale of the data shows an alarming growth trend. Agricultural information is an important part of modern agricultural construction, and the development of a- gricultural industry is becoming more and more deeply with the application of infor- mation technology. This paper reviewed the concept and characteristic of big data, development history of big data at home and abroad, and emphatically expounded the connotation of agricultural big data, development status of agricultural big data at home and abroad, as well as the applications of agricultural big data technology, agriculture big data resources and agricultural big data in various fields. 展开更多
Configuration knowledge modeling of customizable products based on semantic web technologies 被引量:1
作者 叶艳 杨东 江志斌 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期418-422,共5页
In order to solve the problem of modeling product configuration knowledge at the semantic level to successfully implement the mass customization strategy, an approach of ontology-based configuration knowledge modeling... In order to solve the problem of modeling product configuration knowledge at the semantic level to successfully implement the mass customization strategy, an approach of ontology-based configuration knowledge modeling, combining semantic web technologies, was proposed. A general configuration ontology was developed to provide a common concept structure for modeling configuration knowledge and rules of specific product domains. The OWL web ontology language and semantic web rule language (SWRL) were used to formally represent the configuration ontology, domain configuration knowledge and rules to enhance the consistency, maintainability and reusability of all the configuration knowledge. The configuration knowledge modeling of a customizable personal computer family shows that the approach can provide explicit, computerunderstandable knowledge semantics for specific product configuration domains and can efficiently support automatic configuration tasks of complex products. 展开更多
关键词 knowledge modeling semantic web technology product configuration mass customization
作者 王露云 《重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第8期4-7,共4页
关键词 卡尔达诺 大术 几何证明 构造性
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