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中国志留纪陆生植物研究综述 被引量:6
作者 王怿 徐洪河 《古生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期453-464,共12页
简要论述中国志留纪陆生植物研究现状、主要特征、在早期陆生植物起源和演化上的意义及今后研究展望。贵州凤冈志留纪Llandovery世晚期Pinnatiramosus qianensis Geng(黔羽枝)具有陆生维管植物的某些重要特征;新疆志留纪Pridoli世晚期... 简要论述中国志留纪陆生植物研究现状、主要特征、在早期陆生植物起源和演化上的意义及今后研究展望。贵州凤冈志留纪Llandovery世晚期Pinnatiramosus qianensis Geng(黔羽枝)具有陆生维管植物的某些重要特征;新疆志留纪Pridoli世晚期植物群中出现了早期陆生维管植物主要类群,显示了陆生维管植物多样性的早期特征;云南志留纪Pridoli世晚期植物的发现有助于对全球植物古地理分区的研究;我国西南地区志留纪具有丰富的微体植物(隐孢子、三缝孢、管状体和表皮等),为早期陆生植物的演化提供了重要化石证据。我国是探寻陆生植物起源、分异和演化的关键地区之一。在志留纪地层中开展早期陆生植物化石的野外和室内工作,能够揭示各时段的陆生植物特征,提出新的观点和演化模式,将推进早期陆生植物起源和系统演化的研究。随着我国志留纪陆生植物化石研究程度的提高,基于有力地层时代证据基础上建立的早期陆生植物组合(主要是微体植物化石组合),将为我国志留系划分和对比提供证据,特别是碎屑岩地区和化石十分稀少的层段。 展开更多
关键词 陆生植物 大植物化石 微体植物 志留纪 中国
青岛发现特异埋藏的全新世植物化石群 被引量:2
作者 史恭乐 章伯乐 +2 位作者 冷琴 王力 蒋青 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期762-768,共7页
青岛市全新世陆相地层共分4层,从底到顶被前人分别命名为第⑨,⑦,⑤和③层,以粉土、粉质粘土和砂为主要沉积物。近来笔者在该市国际会议展览中心二期工程工地施工期间,从出露的全新世陆相地层的第⑤和③层的粉土及粘土中发现一个特异埋... 青岛市全新世陆相地层共分4层,从底到顶被前人分别命名为第⑨,⑦,⑤和③层,以粉土、粉质粘土和砂为主要沉积物。近来笔者在该市国际会议展览中心二期工程工地施工期间,从出露的全新世陆相地层的第⑤和③层的粉土及粘土中发现一个特异埋藏的大植物化石群。两层中均筛出大量保存三维立体结构的果实和种子标本。第⑤层顶部还产出枝叶、木材化石。产地附近的新钻孔材料同位素测年值显示,第⑦层底部、第⑤层顶部及第③层顶部14C测定年龄分别为6264±80aB.P.,4805±150aB.P.和3550±115aB.P.。对青岛市国际会议展览中心二期工程工地剖面植物群的初步研究结果表明,第⑤层顶部产出的枝叶、木材化石类群较单一,大多数属于壳斗科落叶类群,但从第⑤和③两层筛出的近万枚果实和种子标本却显示了丰富的类群多样性及良好的分层性,目前已鉴定的标本隶属于24科、38属、62种(包括未定种),全部为被子植物。该分层保存的特异埋藏的大植物化石群的发现,为探讨青岛地区全新世植被演替过程、气候变化及其与人类社会发展的关系提供了丰富的材料。 展开更多
关键词 青岛 全新世 大植物化石群 特异埋藏
大植物遗存反映的龙山时代山西高原的农业活动与区域差异 被引量:18
作者 蒋宇超 戴向明 +2 位作者 王力之 王晓毅 秦岭 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期123-131,共9页
山西高原是新石器时代末期龙山时代(公元前2900~1800年)具有重要历史地位的区域,研究该区域的史前农业发展状况对于理解其社会复杂化和文明化的经济基础有十分重要的作用。文章利用系统浮选的方法在山西高原的滹沱河上游、蔚汾河流域的... 山西高原是新石器时代末期龙山时代(公元前2900~1800年)具有重要历史地位的区域,研究该区域的史前农业发展状况对于理解其社会复杂化和文明化的经济基础有十分重要的作用。文章利用系统浮选的方法在山西高原的滹沱河上游、蔚汾河流域的考古调查和周家庄遗址的考古发掘过程中提取大植物遗存,获得龙山时期数量众多的以农作物为主的炭化植物种子。在山西高原两处流域的考古调查和周家庄遗址的考古发掘中,共采集、分析浮选样品218份,发现44500余粒炭化植物种子,包括19301粒粟(Setaria italica)、6697粒黍(Panicum miliaceum)、少量水稻遗存(Oryza sativa)以及18456粒杂草种子。出土的大植物遗存显示,山西高原龙山时期的农业经济是以种植粟和黍为主的旱作农业,粟居于主要地位;同时,在山西高原的不同区域农作物结构存在一定的区域差异,在滹沱河上游和蔚汾河流域黍的比例较晋南临汾-运城盆地更高;炭化水稻虽在各个区域均有出土,但在滹沱河上游和蔚汾河流域水稻的比例较晋南临汾-运城盆地要低很多。对山西高原各重要区域考古遗址出土大植物遗存的直接研究,填补了山西高原植物考古工作的空白,对理解山西高原史前社会的经济基础提供了重要的实物资料,为探寻史前人类的农业活动与自然环境、考古学文化之间的关系,深入研究人地关系提供了重要证据。 展开更多
关键词 山西高原 龙山时代 旱作农业 大植物遗存 水稻
作者 姜钦华 王宪曾 《考古与文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第4期94-98,共5页
考古学的一门新技术:植物硅石分析姜钦华,王宪曾一、前言植物硅石(Phytolith)是高等植物的根系在吸收地下水时,同时吸取了一定量的可溶性二氧化硅,经植物的输导组织输送到茎、叶、花、果实等处时在植物细胞间和细胞内沉... 考古学的一门新技术:植物硅石分析姜钦华,王宪曾一、前言植物硅石(Phytolith)是高等植物的根系在吸收地下水时,同时吸取了一定量的可溶性二氧化硅,经植物的输导组织输送到茎、叶、花、果实等处时在植物细胞间和细胞内沉淀下来的固体非晶质二氧化硅颗粒(又... 展开更多
关键词 大植物化石 新技术 植物硅酸体 考古遗址 王永吉 古生态环境 土壤样品 古学 第四纪沉积物 柱状样
作者 《出版参考》 2001年第24期22-22,共1页
关键词 蕨类 大植物 生态图 手绘图 台湾 博士论文 类图 书籍 教授 全图
《深圳特区科技》 2004年第10期271-271,共1页
本项目是根据检测对象的特有序列片段、优化的分子特异性检测技术,独创的生物活性物质稳定剂和新型固相化试剂盒生产工艺,研制可以常温贮运,操作简便、检测结果稳定、标准化的诊断试剂盒。试剂盒主要技术指标均达到国际先进水平,可... 本项目是根据检测对象的特有序列片段、优化的分子特异性检测技术,独创的生物活性物质稳定剂和新型固相化试剂盒生产工艺,研制可以常温贮运,操作简便、检测结果稳定、标准化的诊断试剂盒。试剂盒主要技术指标均达到国际先进水平,可以满足出入境农产品重大植物检疫性有害生物快速定性定量检测、重大疫情预警监测和入境后期监管的需要。 展开更多
关键词 重庆大学 国家科技园 大植物 疫病诊断 检测技术 分子检测 试剂盒
作者 徐嘉科 徐琼琳 《青海农林科技》 2012年第1期81-82,共2页
关键词 大植物 生物学特性 抗肿瘤 作用.
作者 唐仕华 《世界热带农业信息》 1996年第2期5-5,共1页
1995年全球植物油供大于求据报道,1995年世界植物油的供应量为2.58亿吨,比上年增加13%,需求量在上年6500万吨的基础上增加5%;因此,库存上升,从而使油价大大低于上年,并低于过去10年的平均数。1995年... 1995年全球植物油供大于求据报道,1995年世界植物油的供应量为2.58亿吨,比上年增加13%,需求量在上年6500万吨的基础上增加5%;因此,库存上升,从而使油价大大低于上年,并低于过去10年的平均数。1995年世界三大植物油的产量为棕油1340... 展开更多
关键词 植物 1995年 植物油产量 供大于求 油的供应 市场需求 大植物 净进口 亚洲国家 世界三
Difference between Responses of Potato Plant Height to Corrected FAO-56-recommended Crop Coefficient and Measured Crop Coefficient 被引量:4
作者 陈秋帆 代兴梅 +2 位作者 陈劲松 颜雄 彭尔瑞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期551-554,共4页
This study was conducted to establish a simple convenient method for calculating crop coefficient, and provide a certain basis for the research of the empirical formula for calculating crop coefficient with plant heig... This study was conducted to establish a simple convenient method for calculating crop coefficient, and provide a certain basis for the research of the empirical formula for calculating crop coefficient with plant height which could be measured conveniently with regional differences, especially for the establishment of accurate irrigation schedule of potato in Yunnan. By the field experiment on potato under the condition of drip irrigation, it was found that the models of plant height with corrected FAO-56-recommended K and measured K were a quartic polynomial and a cubic polynomial, respectively, and the polynomial of potato plant height with measured crop coefficient was simpler with higher degree of fitting; and the differences between the period with the highest change rate of potato plant height and the periods with the greatest FAO-56-recommended K and measured K exhibited a differences of 3 d. In conclusion: In the future study of simple or empirical formula calculation of crop coefficient, plant height should be considered as a main dependent variable in that the calculation result would be closer to the measured crop coefficient with the problem of regional difference existing in the FAO method solved and the formula might be simpler; and the irrigation time of potato should be 3 d earlier than the irrigation time determined according to the corrected FAO-56-recommended crop coefficient, especially in the key water requirement stages of potato. 展开更多
关键词 POTATO Plant height Crop coefficient Field planting
Characteristics of Fluoride Contents in Plants and Soils in Kaili City Under Air Pollution 被引量:1
作者 杨成 罗绪强 +2 位作者 王娅 贺华中 黄亮 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2129-2132,共4页
Fluoride contents in plants and soils in Kaili City were measured with fluorinion as per electrode method and the related characteristics were analyzed in order to explore effects of air fluoride pollution on plant an... Fluoride contents in plants and soils in Kaili City were measured with fluorinion as per electrode method and the related characteristics were analyzed in order to explore effects of air fluoride pollution on plant and soil.The results indicated that fluoride content in plants tended to be volatile in 135.62-1 420.97 μg/g and averaged 513.99 μg/g;fluoride content in soils changed from 240.50-340.36 μg/g and averaged 279.60 μg/g.The contents of plant and soil both exceeded background value,suggesting that plants and soils in the region have been polluted.In addition,fluoride contents differ significantly upon plants.In detail,the maximal content was in Camelliaolelfera Abel and the minimal in Camelliaolelfera Abel.The contents of fluoride in different plant species vary,as follows:shrub vine herbaceous plant arbor;evergreen plants deciduous plant;fluoride contents in plants and soils also differ in varying degrees upon research sites. 展开更多
关键词 Fluoride content Air pollution PLANT Soil Kaili
A Comparison of Macrofauna Communities in Different Mangrove Assemblages 被引量:9
作者 唐以杰 余世孝 吴延勇 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期255-264,共10页
The characteristics of macrofauna communities in three mangrove assemblages [Avicennia marina+Acgiceras corniculatum (MC)community, A.corniculatum (C) community and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza+A.corniculatum (GC) co... The characteristics of macrofauna communities in three mangrove assemblages [Avicennia marina+Acgiceras corniculatum (MC)community, A.corniculatum (C) community and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza+A.corniculatum (GC) community] were studied in Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserves during 2005 and 2006. Of the three mangrove assemblages, the macrofauna species number, density, biomass, Richness index and Shannon-Wiener index were the highest, and the Simpson dominance index was medial at MC community. However the Pielou Evenness index of MC community was slightly lower than that at C community. At C community, the number of macrofauna species obviously reduced, especially infaunal, caving and adhering life forms, and the biomass and density were the lowest. Because of the even distribution of individuals of different species, the Simpson dominance index was the lowest and the evenness index was the highest. Although the Richness index at C community was slightly lower than that at MC community, the Shannon-Wiener index was near to that at MC community. At GC community, the number of macrofauna species, especially infaunal and caving life forms, continued to decrease comparing C community, but the biomass and density increased slightly. As the distribution of individuals of different species was uneven, the Simpson dominance index was the highest and the Pielou Evenness index was the lowest. Furthermore, the Richness index dropped to the lowest. The Shannon-Wiener index also dropped accordingly to the lowest. The dominant life forms of MC were infaunal and caving, while those of C and GC community were both caving. The ratio of the GS/GSB of macrofauna communities in the three mangrove assemblages were 0.48, 0.63 and 0.80, respectively. The community structures at the same mangrove assemblages were all quite similar, with those at GC community being most similar. However, there were obvious differences among the community structures at the three different mangrove assemblages. These results implied that the different mangrove assemblages had different affects on the macrofauna communities and shed light on the macrofauna adaptation capability to specific habitats. 展开更多
关键词 Mangrove community MACROFAUNA Community structure
Comparative Study on the Structural and Moisture Characteristics of Leaf from the Plantlets of Three Types of Ornamental Lilium brownii 被引量:12
作者 唐蓉 龚维红 +1 位作者 史文秀 韦梅芹 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期93-96,共4页
[ Objective] The study was to compare the structural and moisture characteristics of leaf from the plantlets of three types of omamental lily( Lilium brownii). [ Method ] The paraffin sections of leaves of tested li... [ Objective] The study was to compare the structural and moisture characteristics of leaf from the plantlets of three types of omamental lily( Lilium brownii). [ Method ] The paraffin sections of leaves of tested lily varieties were prepared and then observed under microscope, and the stomatal characteristics and moisture characteristics of tested lily varieties were measured. I Resaltl All the three ornamental lily varieties show isobilateral leaf, single layer of epicuticula and lower epidermis, and no obvious differentiation of palisade tissue and spongy tissue; their stomata distribute in lower epidermis, and the guard cells are dumbbell-shaped; all of these matedais present high moisture. For the leaf sick- ness, midrib sickness and mesophyll tissue sickness, the order was determined to be oriental lily 〉 Lilium/ongiflorum 〉 Asian lily; of the three types of ornamental lily, Ulium Iongiflorum has the largest stomatai aperture and Asian lily has the smallest; focusing the water potential and moisture, the turn was Asian lily 〉 oriental lily 〉 Lilium Iong'fflorum. [ Condusion] The study may facilitate the artificial regulation of the growth conditions of the plantlets of ornamental lily. 展开更多
关键词 Ornamental lily Leaf blade Moisture characteristics Test tubeseedling
The Effects of Increasing Production of Endophytes Phomopsis B3 on Rice 被引量:18
作者 戴传超 袁志林 +2 位作者 杨启银 史青山 李霞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第1期39-42,48,共5页
After insufflating extended endophytes phomopsis B3 ferment diluent on seedling bed of rice, the effect of microbial inoculum on rice growth was studied. The investigation result of seedlings before transplanting seed... After insufflating extended endophytes phomopsis B3 ferment diluent on seedling bed of rice, the effect of microbial inoculum on rice growth was studied. The investigation result of seedlings before transplanting seedling showed that leaf age,the number of green leaves,the number of tiller of individual plant and the weight of per 100 fresh plants in microbial inoculum treatment group increased 0.11,0.12 ,0. 03 and 2.6 g respectively compared with those of control group. 20 days after transplanting, increased tiller number in microbial inoculum treatment group was 55 500 hm^2 more than that in control group. 30 days after transplanting, tiller number in microbial inoculum treatment group was 42 000 hm^2 more than that in control group. In harvest season, the yield ,weight of I 0130 grain and seed-setting rate increased 300 kg/hm2, 0. 7 g and 0. 23% respectively compared with these in control group. The result of preliminary study demonstrated that microbial inoculum confected by endophytes phomopsis B3 could increase the number of strong seedling and yield. 展开更多
关键词 ENDOPHYTES PHOMOPSIS RICE Yield increasing Strong seedling
Study on Species Diversity of Alpine Vegetation with Different Altitudes in Daban Mountain 被引量:1
作者 周芸芸 赵敏杰 +2 位作者 李熙萌 马帅 冯金朝 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第3期313-316,332,共5页
[Objective] The aim of this study is to investigate species diversity of alpine vegetation in different altitudes of Daban mountain. [Method] Plant communities were surveyed in three different altitudes (3 025 m,3 40... [Objective] The aim of this study is to investigate species diversity of alpine vegetation in different altitudes of Daban mountain. [Method] Plant communities were surveyed in three different altitudes (3 025 m,3 405 m,3 813 m) of Daban mountain,the eastern Qilian,and the richness or diversity index of vegetation in three different altitudes was comparatively analyzed. [Result] The species richness decreased with the gradual increase of altitude,and species diversity of plant communities was relatively lower in medium altitude. Furthermore,community similarity also decreased with the increase of altitude,and β diversity of communities had a significant change. [Conclusion] Environmental factor change caused by different altitudes and human disturbance are important reasons for the change of species distribution pattern in different altitudes. 展开更多
关键词 Daban Mountain Alpine vegetation Altitude gradient Species diversity
《国外科技资料目录(医药卫生)》 CAS 2002年第10期59-59,共1页
0236850 伴有巨大植物胃石的胃溃疡穿孔1例[日]/冈本大辅//日临外会志.-2002,63(1).-71~74 冀医情0236851 与幽门螺杆菌有关的胃炎中CXC趋化因子ENA-78和白介素-8表达的比较/Rieder G//Infect Immun.-2001,69(1).-81~88
关键词 幽门螺杆菌 胃溃疡穿孔 趋化因子 大植物 胃疾病 胃炎 白介素 医科 胃石 表达
Screening of High-quality Substrate for Soilless Culture of Begonia cucullata Willd.
作者 赵斌 付乃峰 +1 位作者 向言词 田代科 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第7期1295-1300,共6页
In order to investigate a better soilless culture medium and the possibility of grass clippings as alternative substrate for peat moss to grow Begonia cucullata Willd. in pots, the seedlings of widely cultivated B. cu... In order to investigate a better soilless culture medium and the possibility of grass clippings as alternative substrate for peat moss to grow Begonia cucullata Willd. in pots, the seedlings of widely cultivated B. cucullata were grown in pots with eight types of soilless substrates: T1(peat: perlite=1:1), T2(peat: perlite: pine bark=1:1:1), T3(corn stover: perlite: pine bark=1:1:1), T4(corn stover: perlite: pine bark=2:1:1), T5(grass clipping: perlite: pine bark=1:1:1), T6(grass clipping: perlite:pine bark=2:1:1), T7(vermiculite: perlite: pine bark=1:1:1) and T8(vermiculite: perlite: pine bark=2:1:1), respectively, in a shade house of Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden to evaluate plant growth performance. The results showed that the stem diameter of B. cucullata increased significantly from day 30 to day 60 after potting,and the plant height, leaf number and leaf area increased largest from day 60 to day 90 after potting in all treatments. The growth of plants performed best in T6,with the highest branch number, leaf thickness, flower number, aboveground fresh and dry weights and relative chlorophyll content. Therefore, the substrate with grass clipping: perlite: pine bark=2:1:1 was the best culture medium for growing B. cucullata in this study, and the grass clippings could replace peat moss as alternative substrate for growing B. cucullata in containers. 展开更多
关键词 Culture medium Begonia cucullata Shade house Pot plants Grassclippings
Study on Different Size-fractionated Phytoplankton Assemblage Change in the Mesocosm Ecosystem
作者 李涛 刘胜 +2 位作者 黄良民 简伟军 严岩 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2008年第2期58-67,共10页
A algal bloom process had been simulated via field mesocosm experiment, and the change of phytoplankton assemblage of different sizes in different growing phases had been studied. Nutrients addition could promote the ... A algal bloom process had been simulated via field mesocosm experiment, and the change of phytoplankton assemblage of different sizes in different growing phases had been studied. Nutrients addition could promote the growth of phytoplankton In the mesocosm of Prorocentrum donghaiense (M1) and the mesocosm of natural waters (M2), and the peaks of chlorophyll a were 112.79 mg/m and 235.60 mg/m, respectively. The restraining effect of nano-phytoplankton on pico-phytoplankton growth was stronger in M2 than in M1. When nutrients were abundant, the relative growth rate of diatom was higher than that of P. donghaiense, and they reached the peak quickly and then came to die out very fast. The decreasing of Si promoted diatom bloom to die out. 展开更多
关键词 Daya Bay MESOCOSM PHYTOPLANKTON Size fractionation Community change
Comparison and Analysis on Animal and Plant Quarantine of Entry Mails among China, Australia and New Zealand
作者 吴晶 李井干 殷连平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第9期2099-2102,共4页
With the significant increase of the number of entry mails in China, mail inspection has become more and more challenge. Australia and New Zealand are the two countries recognized as the ones with the most stringent i... With the significant increase of the number of entry mails in China, mail inspection has become more and more challenge. Australia and New Zealand are the two countries recognized as the ones with the most stringent inspection and quarantine measures in the world. The mail inspection work in China, Australia and New Zealand was compared on the aspects of mail quarantine system, inspection, quarantine treatment and punishment, based on which something worth learning and referring could be found and some suggestions were put forward, with the aim to provide theoretical basis for the animal and plant quarantine of entry mails. 展开更多
关键词 China AUSTRALIA New Zealand Animal and plant quarantine Entry mail
Construction of Plant Expression Vector for Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor (hEGF)
作者 武玉永 刘东东 +1 位作者 信凯 姚庆收 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第7期937-940,978,共5页
ObjectiveThis study aimed to construct plant expression vector for recombinant human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) and further to provide a basis for the expression of hEGF in peanut hairy root system. MethodAccord... ObjectiveThis study aimed to construct plant expression vector for recombinant human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) and further to provide a basis for the expression of hEGF in peanut hairy root system. MethodAccording to the hEGF sequence in GenBank, hEGF was synthesized artificially; subsequently, hEGF gene was ligated with green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene, and their ligation product was then amplified with primers flanked with corresponding endonuclease cleavage sites, followed by double digestion by Sal I and EcoR I of the amplified products; next, pRI 101 AN DNA was extracted and digested by both Sal I and EcoR I; susequently, the digestion products of hEGF and GFP ligation fragment by Sal I and EcoR I and the digestion products of pRI 101 AN plasmid DNA by Sal I and EcoR I were ligated, and their ligation product was transformed into Escherichia coli XL10-Gold, followed by extraction of DNA from the recombinants exhibiting green fluorescence, which was then identified by enzymatic digestion and PCR, and the verified recombinant plasmid DNA was named pBZG101. ResultHuman epidermal growth factor gene (hEGF) and green fluorescent protein gene (GFP) were successfully ligated, and their ligation fragment was successfully ligated to pRI 101 AN DNA, finally with the acquirement of the plant expression vector for recombinant human epidermal growth factor-(pBZG101). ConclusionThe plant expression vector for recombinant human epidermal growth factor-(pBZG101)- was successfully constructed in this study. 展开更多
关键词 HEGF Plant expression vector Escherichia coli CONSTRUCTION
农业部要求 全力防控水稻病虫害 确保全年粮食丰收
《科学种养》 2007年第9期1-1,共1页
关键词 水稻病虫害 稻纵卷叶螟 稻飞虱 防控 农业部门 大植物 大发生 迁入 数量 疫情
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