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FY-4 A/GIIRS反演夏冬季有云时大气温湿度廓线的精度评估
作者 姚姝含 官莉 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期130-142,共13页
FY-4A/GIIRS(Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder)首次实现了地球静止轨道红外高光谱探测,可以连续获得高垂直分辨率的大气温度和湿度廓线信息。当GIIRS视场内有云存在时,目前Level 2业务大气温湿度垂直廓线产品只提供观... FY-4A/GIIRS(Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder)首次实现了地球静止轨道红外高光谱探测,可以连续获得高垂直分辨率的大气温度和湿度廓线信息。当GIIRS视场内有云存在时,目前Level 2业务大气温湿度垂直廓线产品只提供观测视场内云顶以上高度的温度廓线,且不反演整个视场的湿度廓线。基于GIIRS辐射观测值用U-Net卷积神经网络算法实现了全天空大气温湿度廓线反演,包括晴空和全云覆盖视场,同时利用常规无线电探空观测资料对反演精度进行了检验。结果表明:U-Net算法有云视场的温湿度廓线反演能力与晴空相当,且夏季温度反演精度优于冬季,有利于灾害性天气多发季节的监测。在云系较活跃的夏季,随着视场内云量的增加温度廓线反演精度逐渐变高,表明该算法适用于有云时大气温度廓线反演,而湿度随着云量的增加反演均方根误差RMSE增大。视场内不同云光学厚度时温度反演误差相差不大,RMSE均在2.5 K左右,平均偏差ME在1 K以内,对流层高层薄云时反演误差相对而言较小。湿度反演随着云光学厚度的增大反演误差也增大,说明对于一定程度的薄云,GIIRS能够获得不错的反演精度。虽然U-Net算法物理意义不明确,但是能够快速实现全天空大气温湿度廓线反演,尤其在有云时能够获得更高的反演精度。 展开更多
关键词 FY-4 A/GIIRS U-Net卷积神经网络 大气温湿度廓线 反演算法评估
一种用来测量低层大气温湿度结构的高精度探空仪 被引量:5
作者 吴晓庆 曾宗泳 马成胜 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 1999年第4期380-384,共5页
关键词 高精度探空仪 大气温湿度结构 测量
大气温湿度与春茧解舒率的相关性分析 被引量:2
作者 董瑞华 《蚕桑通报》 2004年第3期16-18,共3页
关键词 春茧 解舒率 大气温湿度 相关性
FY-4A GIIRS高时间分辨率温湿度廓线反演及其在台风中的应用
作者 官莉 韩静 薛秋蒙 《气象科学》 北大核心 2023年第4期561-568,共8页
针对2020年第9号台风“美莎克”期间FY-4A高光谱红外干涉式大气垂直探测仪GIIRS每15 min一次的目标区跟踪加密观测资料,用三维卷积神经网络算法反演的全天空大气温度、湿度廓线分析了台风处于生命史不同阶段时暖心结构和湿度场结构的演... 针对2020年第9号台风“美莎克”期间FY-4A高光谱红外干涉式大气垂直探测仪GIIRS每15 min一次的目标区跟踪加密观测资料,用三维卷积神经网络算法反演的全天空大气温度、湿度廓线分析了台风处于生命史不同阶段时暖心结构和湿度场结构的演变特征。结果表明:卷积神经网络的深度机器学习算法可以用来反演全天空的三维大气温度和湿度垂直廓线,不光适用范围广(晴空和有云视场)、反演精度高,而且反演速度快。利用静止卫星平台高时间分辨率的特性,反演得到的温度、湿度廓线可以细致追踪台风处于发展、成熟和登陆等阶段时暖心结构和湿度场的时空演变特征。台风从发展阶段(热带风暴和强热带风暴)到成熟阶段至登陆消亡时,暖心首先出现在对流层中高层较薄的区域,随着台风强度的加强,深厚的暖心结构明显、强度增加,水平面积增大且垂直往下延伸。由于对流云中强上升气流的输送水汽正距平区逐渐上传至300 hPa,台风最强时密闭云区与四周下沉气流区比湿差高到8 K·kg^(-1)。暖心结构和高湿度中心随着台风登陆而逐渐消失。 展开更多
关键词 静止卫星 GIIRS 大气温湿度廓线反演 台风
基于星载红外高光谱观测用机器学习算法反演大气温湿廓线 被引量:5
作者 姚姝含 官莉 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期451-462,共12页
星载红外高光谱垂直探测仪GIIRS(Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder)能够实现大气温度和湿度参数高垂直分辨率的观测,为数值天气预报提供精度更高的初始场。基于GIIRS观测辐射值采用BP神经网络(Back Propagation Neural N... 星载红外高光谱垂直探测仪GIIRS(Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder)能够实现大气温度和湿度参数高垂直分辨率的观测,为数值天气预报提供精度更高的初始场。基于GIIRS观测辐射值采用BP神经网络(Back Propagation Neural Network)法和深度学习的卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN)法反演大气温度、湿度垂直廓线,重点在于CNN法模型的构建与参数的优化,得到反演精度最高的网络模型配置。将训练样本根据不同地表类型和是否有云的影响分为三种方案(方案一:不分类、方案二:陆地/洋面分类、方案三:晴空/有云分类),分别进行建模、反演和检验。结果表明两种反演算法都有较好的反演精度,相对而言CNN法在所有高度层上反演偏差、均方根误差和平均相对误差均较小,反演精度更高。CNN法温度反演在高层10~200 hPa改进较大,三种分类方案改进的最大值分别为1.15 K、1.06 K和1.02 K;湿度反演在对流层低层500~1000 hPa改进较大,三种分类方案分别平均改进了0.43 g/kg、0.41 g/kg和0.34 g/kg。BP神经网络法方案三时(即分晴空和云时)温度和水汽混合比廓线反演精度最好;CNN算法方案一时(即不对样本数据进行任何分类)反演精度最高。 展开更多
关键词 GIIRS 大气温湿度廓线 BP神经网络 卷积神经网络 反演
定量遥感地表净辐射通量所需大气下行长波辐射估算模型改进 被引量:18
作者 黄妙芬 邢旭峰 +1 位作者 朱启疆 刘素红 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期757-766,共10页
利用半湿润季风气候类型夏季近地层气象观测资料,对得到广泛应用的十种晴天大气下行辐射估算模型和两种昙天大气下行辐射估算模型进行检验。指出其中Iziomon(2003)晴天大气下行辐射估算模型是半湿润季风气候类型夏季较适用的估算模型。... 利用半湿润季风气候类型夏季近地层气象观测资料,对得到广泛应用的十种晴天大气下行辐射估算模型和两种昙天大气下行辐射估算模型进行检验。指出其中Iziomon(2003)晴天大气下行辐射估算模型是半湿润季风气候类型夏季较适用的估算模型。然而,在有云天空,Iziomon(2003)昙天估算模型误差比较大。本文依据实测资料,对Iziomon(2003)昙天大气下行辐射估算模型进行修正,修正后的模型估算值与实测值非常接近。由于应用常规气象站的大气温湿度来估算大气下行辐射仅代表近地层大气对其的贡献,不能反映整层大气的贡献,尤其在近地层与高空大气的水汽状况不一致时,上述模型将有较大的误差。为此本文结合Iziomon(2003)晴天模型中大气比辐射率的表达式,提出了运用红外辐射计以37°高度角对天空的观测值,来推算大气下行辐射的新方法。小汤山的试验数据表明,新模型的反演精度优于上述传统模型。 展开更多
关键词 近地层大气温湿度 红外辐射计 37°高度角 大气下行长波辐射 估算模型 近地层大气 辐射估算 模型改进 净辐射通量 定量遥感
基于GNSS掩星资料的风云卫星微波载荷产品质量验证与分析 被引量:1
作者 高超 何杰颖 +1 位作者 胡艳冰 柳聪亮 《上海航天(中英文)》 CSCD 2021年第5期104-113,共10页
聚焦新一代国产极轨气象卫星微波载荷和全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)掩星临边观测的探测机理,及其各自仪器的性能指标和在轨运行的特点,利用2019年1月1日到12月31日的全球数据,开展基于GNSS掩星资料的风云气象卫星微波观测亮温对比和反演廓... 聚焦新一代国产极轨气象卫星微波载荷和全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)掩星临边观测的探测机理,及其各自仪器的性能指标和在轨运行的特点,利用2019年1月1日到12月31日的全球数据,开展基于GNSS掩星资料的风云气象卫星微波观测亮温对比和反演廓线产品质量检验研究。在匹配数据时间分辨率为30 min和经纬度分辨率为0.5°的情况下,亮温偏差小于5 K,大气温湿度探测精度分别为1.92 K和22.8%,同时分析了2019年青藏高原地区大气温湿度的时空分布规律。结果表明:风云气象卫星微波辐射计具有全球全天候探测大气温湿度的功能,在近地面具有丰富的反演数据,而对于GNSS掩星探测资料,3 km以上探测精度优于微波湿度计,近地面数据较少,两者联合,既可以互相补充和验证,又能以青藏高原为例,分析长时间序列气象和气候数据,为后续的气候研究提供基础数据集。 展开更多
关键词 气象卫星 微波载荷 掩星 大气温湿度 青藏高原
《中国光学》 EI CAS 2000年第6期87-88,共2页
P415.34 2000064288一种用来测量低层大气温湿度结构的高精度探空仪=A high precise radiosonde for measuring structureof low height atmospheric temperature andhumidity[刊,中]/吴晓庆,曾宗泳,马成胜(中科院安徽光机所国家大气光... P415.34 2000064288一种用来测量低层大气温湿度结构的高精度探空仪=A high precise radiosonde for measuring structureof low height atmospheric temperature andhumidity[刊,中]/吴晓庆,曾宗泳,马成胜(中科院安徽光机所国家大气光学重点实验室.安徽,合肥(230031))//量子电子学报.—1999,16(4).—380-384报道了作者研制的高精度温湿度探空仪,用薄陶瓷片型铂电阻测量气温、用干湿球法测量湿度。 展开更多
关键词 大气光学 云南天文台 高精度探空仪 大气温湿度结构 重点实验室 中科院 量子电子学 精确测量 铂电阻 干湿球法
Meteorological Features at 6523 m of Mt.Qomolangma(Everest)between 1 May and 22 July 2005 被引量:4
作者 XIE Aihong REN Jiawen QIN Xiang JIANG Youyan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期181-190,共10页
Mt. Qomolangma (Everest), the highest mountain peak in the world, has little been studied extensively from a meteorological perspective, mostly because of the remoteness of the region and the resultant lack of meteo... Mt. Qomolangma (Everest), the highest mountain peak in the world, has little been studied extensively from a meteorological perspective, mostly because of the remoteness of the region and the resultant lack of meteorological data. An automatic weather station (AWS), the highest in the world, was set up on 27 April 2005 at the Ruopula Pass (6523 m asl) on the northern slope of Mt. Qomolangma by the team of integrated scientific expedition to Mt. Qomolangma. Here its meteorological characteristics were analyzed according to the lo-minute-averaged and 24-hour records of air temperature, relative humidity, air pressure and wind from 1 May to 22 July 2005. It is shown that at 6523 m of Mt. Qomolangma, these meteorological elements display very obvious diurnal variations, and the character of averaged diurnal variation is one-peak-and-one-vale for air temperature, one-vale for relative humidity, two-peak-and-two-vale for air pressure, and one-peak with day-night asymmetry for wind speed. In the 83 days, all the air temperature, relative humidity and air pressure increased with some different fluctuations, while wind speed decreased gradually and wind direction turned from north to south. The variations of relative humidity had great fluctuations and obvious local differences. Then the paper discusses the reason for the characters of diurnal and daily variations. Compared with the corresponding records in May 1960, 5-day-averaged maximums, minimums and diurnal variations of air temperature in May 2005 were apparently lower. 展开更多
关键词 Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) RADIATION air temperature relative humidity pressure
作者 张一平 李佑荣 +2 位作者 王进欣 刘玉洪 马友鑫 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2002年第1期85-92,共8页
Analyzing observations of wintertime air temperature in both indoor and outdoor surroundings in Kunming, a city lying in low latitudes, characteristics of temperature and humidity have been studied for the interior of... Analyzing observations of wintertime air temperature in both indoor and outdoor surroundings in Kunming, a city lying in low latitudes, characteristics of temperature and humidity have been studied for the interior of rooms facing north-south under different weather conditions. Significant warming effect has been identified in terms of lowest and daily-mean indoor temperature in the area of Kunming. The heating amplitude ranges from 7.7C to 10.0C and from 4.6C to 5.8C for the interior part of rooms facing the south and from 4.6C to 7.0C and from 1.3C to 4.4C for the interior part of rooms facing the north, respectively for the two elements. The highest air temperature is higher indoor than outdoor for rooms facing the south, but otherwise is usually true for rooms facing the north. Additional findings point out that buildings not only help maintain relatively warm indoor temperature but delay its variation. The diurnal cycle of temperature indoor is smaller and ranges by 40% ~ 48% for south-facing rooms, and by 20% ~ 30% for north-facing rooms, than outdoor, and the highest temperature is about 2 hours late inside the room than outside. It shows how inertly indoor temperature varies. The work also finds that relative humidity is less indoor in southward rooms than in northward ones and difference is the largest on fine days but the smallest when it is overcast. For the diurnal variation, the indoor relative humidity is large at nighttime with small amplitude but small during daytime with large amplitude. The above-presented results can be served as scientific foundation for more research on climate in low-latitude cities and rational design of urban architectures. 展开更多
关键词 orientation of room air temperature and humidity different weather condition WINTER low-latitude plateau city
Verification of the stomatal conductance of Nebbiolo grapevine
作者 Stefania PRINO Federico SPANNA Claudio CASSARDO 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第1期17-24,共8页
Wine is one of the most important Italian export products,and Nebbiolo is one of the most respected Italian grapes. In the summer of 2007,a measurement campaign was carried out in a Nebbiolo vineyard located in Vezza ... Wine is one of the most important Italian export products,and Nebbiolo is one of the most respected Italian grapes. In the summer of 2007,a measurement campaign was carried out in a Nebbiolo vineyard located in Vezza d’Alba,near Cuneo,Italy. Using a gauge of trade gases and some other instruments,we recorded the stomatal conductance and also some physiological parameters useful for estimating the dependence of stomatal conductance on environmental variables. The goal of this experiment was improving the parameterization of grapevine evapotranspiration through the assessment of the stomatal conductance and,in particular,of the functional dependence of the stomatal conductance on the following variables:the photosynthetically active radiation,the atmospheric temperature,the atmospheric moisture deficit,and the carbon dioxide concentration. The observations allowed us to check and,in some cases,to adapt the existing general parameterizations found in literature. The results showed some significant differences with the existing parameterizations concerning the atmospheric temperature,the atmospheric moisture deficit,and the carbon dioxide concentration. The parameterizations obtained in this experiment,although referring to a specific plant and site(namely the Nebbiolo at Vezza d’Alba),could allow assessment of the best environmental conditions under which the Nebbiolo grapevine production is the best,and in future could be tested for other grapevines or climates. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPEVINE EVAPOTRANSPIRATION stomatal conductance photosynthetically active radiation
基于逐时温湿度的小麦白粉病指标与模型 被引量:8
作者 姚树然 霍治国 +2 位作者 董占强 李敏 陈晓静 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1364-1370,共7页
为了探索小麦白粉病发生流行与气象条件的动态关系,选择小麦感病品种,在河北省典型麦田安装冠层温湿度监测仪进行观测试验,同时进行大气温湿度的对比观测,得到田间冠层和大气逐时温湿度与白粉病系统调查病情资料,通过分析小麦白粉病流... 为了探索小麦白粉病发生流行与气象条件的动态关系,选择小麦感病品种,在河北省典型麦田安装冠层温湿度监测仪进行观测试验,同时进行大气温湿度的对比观测,得到田间冠层和大气逐时温湿度与白粉病系统调查病情资料,通过分析小麦白粉病流行速度与冠层、大气温湿度及其日变化的关系,提出了"日界限温度累计时"概念,建立了冠层与大气两种尺度白粉病流行速度的温湿度气象等级指标,并建立了基于冠层与大气两种尺度短临温湿度及其日变化的白粉病流行速度预测模型。利用所建指标进行2009年、2010年回代检验,符合率分别为67%、84%,2012年实际测报,符合率为87%;所建立的预测模型综合预报准确率达88%。本文所建立的指标与模型可用于小麦白粉病发生流行的动态监测预警和评估,同时为小麦白粉病气象深入研究提供线索和开拓思路。 展开更多
关键词 冠层温湿度 大气温湿度 气象等级指标 日界限温度累计时
Analysis of long-term variations of fog and haze in China in recent 50 years and their relations with atmospheric humidity 被引量:81
作者 DING YiHui LIU YanJu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期36-46,共11页
Our analysis of fog and haze observations from the surface weather stations in China in recent 50 years (from 196l to 2011) shows that the number of fog days has experienced two-stage variations, with an increasing ... Our analysis of fog and haze observations from the surface weather stations in China in recent 50 years (from 196l to 2011) shows that the number of fog days has experienced two-stage variations, with an increasing trend before 1980 and a decreasing trend after 1990. Especially, an obvious decreasing trend after 1990 can be clearly seen, which is consistent with the decreas- ing trend of the surface relative humidity. However, the number of haze days has demonstrated an increasing trend. As such, the role of reduction of atmospheric relative humidity in the transition process from fog into haze has been further investigated. It is estimated that the mean relative humidity of haze days is about 69%, lower than previously estimated, which implies that it is more difficult for the haze particles to transform into fog drops. This is possibly one of the major environmental factors leading to the reduction of number of fog days. The threshold of the relative humidity for transition from fog into haze is about 82%, also lower than previously estimated. Thus, the reduction of the surface relative humidity in China mainly due to the in- crease of the surface temperature and the saturation specific humidity may exert an obvious impact on the environmental con- ditions for the formations of fog and haze. In addition, our investigation of the relationship between haze and visibility reveals that with the increase of haze days, the visibility has declined markedly. Since 1961, the mean visibility has dropped from 4-10 to 2-4 kin, about a half of the previous horizontal distance of visibility. 展开更多
关键词 fog and haze VISIBILITY relative humidity transition from fog into haze
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