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作者 徐荣森 《黑河科技》 1998年第2期12-12,共1页
关键词 柴油发电机组 小型发电机组 内燃机 减少噪声 燃油系统 柴油机 大汽污染 管道 发电机室 排烟管
室外排汽系统在酿酒生产中的应用 被引量:2
作者 郑步军 林洋 +2 位作者 王铁 赵建峰 董训江 《酿酒》 CAS 2017年第4期85-88,共4页
当前酿酒生产在蒸馏结束后,通常采用大汽冲酸来降低酒醅中的酸类等发酵阻抑物,以促进酒醅发酵。但大汽冲酸存在蒸汽需求量大、对厂房腐蚀性高、车间能见度低等弊端。因此设计并应用室外排汽系统于酿酒生产,以消除大汽冲酸带来的以上问... 当前酿酒生产在蒸馏结束后,通常采用大汽冲酸来降低酒醅中的酸类等发酵阻抑物,以促进酒醅发酵。但大汽冲酸存在蒸汽需求量大、对厂房腐蚀性高、车间能见度低等弊端。因此设计并应用室外排汽系统于酿酒生产,以消除大汽冲酸带来的以上问题。结果表明:采用室外排汽系统不仅能够有效解决大汽冲酸的以上三个弊端,且具有节省蒸煮时间的优点。同时,酒醅出入池酸度都在合理范围内,酒醅发酵正常,原酒品质稳定,符合升级酒质量要求,产量没受影响。 展开更多
关键词 室外排 酿酒生产 大汽冲酸 应用
作者 熊燕舞 薛娇 杨玲 《运输经理世界》 2006年第11期72-73,共2页
  "蓝灯的士"撩起蓝色旋风   在大连这座著名海滨城市的街头驻足,可以看出其出租车顶灯很有特点,计有蓝、绿、白、黄、橙红色,每种颜色代表一个品牌.   "提起出租车,大连人都会对大连市出租汽车总公司(简称"...   "蓝灯的士"撩起蓝色旋风   在大连这座著名海滨城市的街头驻足,可以看出其出租车顶灯很有特点,计有蓝、绿、白、黄、橙红色,每种颜色代表一个品牌.   "提起出租车,大连人都会对大连市出租汽车总公司(简称"大汽")的"蓝灯的士"情有独钟.‘蓝灯的士'已经成了老百姓喜爱和认可的品牌,并申报了专利商标.‘蓝灯的士'在大连可谓家喻户晓."一见面,许建红就直截了当地向记者夸起"蓝灯的士".…… 展开更多
关键词 大汽 蓝灯 企业 大连 出租 企业管理 辽宁 出租车 轿车 出租车行业 实力 力量
不同助排方式改善蒸汽吞吐效果实验及数值模拟 被引量:11
作者 佟琳 张国军 康爱红 《油气地质与采收率》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期93-97,共5页
由于稠油油藏的蒸汽吞吐开发属于降压式衰竭开采,导致吞吐后期油藏能量不足,蒸汽超覆严重,垂向扫油系数低,开采效果变差。注蒸汽的同时伴注一定量的气体及化学剂辅助蒸汽吞吐可改善流度比,有效改善稠油油藏的开发效果。利用室内单管实... 由于稠油油藏的蒸汽吞吐开发属于降压式衰竭开采,导致吞吐后期油藏能量不足,蒸汽超覆严重,垂向扫油系数低,开采效果变差。注蒸汽的同时伴注一定量的气体及化学剂辅助蒸汽吞吐可改善流度比,有效改善稠油油藏的开发效果。利用室内单管实验研究了不同助排方式对蒸汽吞吐效果的影响,实验结果表明,与无助排相比,烟道气泡沫助排驱油效率可提高19%。在此基础上,利用数值模拟方法对比多种助排方式对蒸汽吞吐效果的影响,其结果与物理模拟实验结果吻合。综合多方面因素,烟道气泡沫助排效果最佳,其次为氮气泡沫助排,尤其是当地层的非均质性差以及原油粘度较高时,烟道气泡沫辅助蒸汽吞吐的开发效果更为明显。 展开更多
关键词 吞吐 稠油油藏添加剂 助排方式 烟道气
含阻系统分析方法及其在先导式截止阀阀芯小孔设计中的应用 被引量:1
作者 钱锦远 金志江 《工程设计学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期496-502,517,共8页
随着社会和时代的进步,复杂物理系统日益常见,传统的工程分析与设计方法面临着巨大挑战,因此,针对复杂物理系统的诸多参数,研究新的分析方法、提炼海量数据、指导工程分析与设计,显得尤为迫切。从系统分析方法角度,对弹簧滑块系统、直... 随着社会和时代的进步,复杂物理系统日益常见,传统的工程分析与设计方法面临着巨大挑战,因此,针对复杂物理系统的诸多参数,研究新的分析方法、提炼海量数据、指导工程分析与设计,显得尤为迫切。从系统分析方法角度,对弹簧滑块系统、直流电路系统、流场压降系统和平板传热热阻系统进行了阐述;对4种物理系统中的重要物理量进行了分析与归纳,提出了含阻系统的设想,其由阻元、过体和势头三个部分组成;在已经具有海量数据的基础上,含阻系统分析方法可通过确立物理系统中的阻元、过体和势头,建立阻元对势头的直接联系,简化物理问题,得到相对准确的结果。同时,采用含阻系统分析方法对先导式截止阀的阀芯设计进行了研究,结果表明,数值模拟和含阻系统分析方法得出的阀芯小孔处的压差和最大汽含率均在2%的误差范围内,这说明含阻系统分析方法可用于指导先导式截止阀阀芯小孔的设计。在海量数据积累的大数据时代,含阻系统分析方法可针对各种类型的复杂物理模型进行工程分析与设计,具有广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 含阻系统 系统设计方法 先导式截止阀 压差 大汽含率
作者 俞庆华 《汽车零部件》 2019年第12期36-36,共1页
2019年12月3日,第十五届法兰克福上海国际汽车零配件、维修检测诊断设备及汽车用品展览会在上海国家会展中心盛大开幕,此次展会吸引了来自18个国家和地区的超过6000家参展企业,汇聚了大量汽配龙头企业和品牌。作为唯一参展的跨境出口电... 2019年12月3日,第十五届法兰克福上海国际汽车零配件、维修检测诊断设备及汽车用品展览会在上海国家会展中心盛大开幕,此次展会吸引了来自18个国家和地区的超过6000家参展企业,汇聚了大量汽配龙头企业和品牌。作为唯一参展的跨境出口电商平台,eBay召集优质卖家开启“灯塔计划”观展采购活动,不仅有来自中国的卖家,更有来自泰国、马来西亚的国外卖家加入eBay“灯塔计划”国际采购团。 展开更多
关键词 车用品 采购团 车零配件 采购活动 跨境出口电商 EBAY 法兰克福 龙头企业
作者 黄雄豪 李新 +2 位作者 刘恩超 郑小兵 翟文超 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期52-60,共9页
宽波段太阳辐照度仪采用fèry棱镜分光,利用线阵CCD反馈控制光谱扫描,波长覆盖范围为400~2 500nm.为实现该仪器的高准确度光谱定标,在实验室内利用单波长激光器和OPO激光器分别作为光源.通过光谱扫描,得出定标波长与CCD像元的对应关... 宽波段太阳辐照度仪采用fèry棱镜分光,利用线阵CCD反馈控制光谱扫描,波长覆盖范围为400~2 500nm.为实现该仪器的高准确度光谱定标,在实验室内利用单波长激光器和OPO激光器分别作为光源.通过光谱扫描,得出定标波长与CCD像元的对应关系.根据棱镜参量和光路设计参量推导出全波段内光谱定标方程,实现全波段光谱定标.通过与其他特征波长比较,分析得出光谱定标合成不确定度优于0.5nm.用定标好的仪器进行室外测量,将测量结果与大气辐射传输软件modtran4模拟结果相比对,可得实际测量的大气吸收峰与模拟结果一致.将该方法在红外波长区域定标结果与传统的多项式拟合光谱定标方法对比,显示该定标结果优于传统多项式拟合方法.证明该定标方法的正确性和仪器设计的合理性. 展开更多
关键词 太阳辐照度仪 Fèry棱镜 光谱扫描 光谱定标 大汽吸收峰
上海地质灾害的初步探讨 被引量:1
作者 甘德福 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第1期26-27,共2页
关键词 上海 地质灾害 地震 大汽 污染
两个相似南海台风的特征分析 被引量:2
作者 凌汉强 张劲梅 《广东气象》 2002年第3期26-27,33,共3页
9713号和 0 10 3号台风是近年来在南海中北部海面生成 ,并迅猛发展 ,在较短时间内登陆粤西 ,并给该地区造成较严重影响的近海台风。这两个台风在发生发展及其环境流场演变过程中有许多相似之处 ,现分别对它们进行分析及对比综合 ,为日... 9713号和 0 10 3号台风是近年来在南海中北部海面生成 ,并迅猛发展 ,在较短时间内登陆粤西 ,并给该地区造成较严重影响的近海台风。这两个台风在发生发展及其环境流场演变过程中有许多相似之处 ,现分别对它们进行分析及对比综合 ,为日后预报提供一些启示。 展开更多
关键词 台风 环境流场 对流层 大汽层结 大气环流
森林对大气污染的净化功能介绍 被引量:4
作者 刘宪明 王志君 《林业勘查设计》 2003年第2期32-32,共1页
关键词 森林 大汽污染 净化 功能
Retrospect and Prospect of Excitation Systems of Large Size Turbogenerators
作者 都兴有 《Electricity》 2002年第4期21-26,共6页
This paper briefs the developmental course, manufacturing and applications, as well as future prospect of excitation systems of large size turbogenerators in China, emphatically expounds the advantages of seif-excitat... This paper briefs the developmental course, manufacturing and applications, as well as future prospect of excitation systems of large size turbogenerators in China, emphatically expounds the advantages of seif-excitation systems with potential source reetifiers and matters needing to be noted during dissemination and application of them. 展开更多
关键词 thermal power plant large size turbogenerator excitation system self-shuntexcitation
作者 李川 《大自然探索》 2000年第5期49-50,共2页
关键词 臭氧 臭氧层 臭氧洞 环境保护 大汽污染
作者 孙永生 夏杰 《吉林电力技术》 1998年第6期23-25,共3页
关键词 燃煤锅炉 大汽污染 燃烧过程 污染物排放 控制
Stable Isotopes in Precipitation and Atmospheric Moisture of Pailugou Catchment in Northwestern China′s Qilian Mountains 被引量:4
作者 FENG Fang FENG Qi +2 位作者 LIU Xiande WU Jinkui LIU Wei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期97-109,共13页
Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation have been widely used as effective traces to investigate hydrological processes such as evaporation and atmospheric moisture source. This study analyzed δD and δ^(18)O o... Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation have been widely used as effective traces to investigate hydrological processes such as evaporation and atmospheric moisture source. This study analyzed δD and δ^(18)O of precipitation in continuous event-based samples at three stations of Pailugou Catchment from November 2012 to December 2013. The δ^(18)O and δD values ranged from-32.32‰ to +3.23‰ and from-254.46‰ to +12.11‰, respectively. Results show that the δ^(18)O displayed a distinct seasonal variation, with enriched values occurring in summer and relatively depleted values in winter, respectively. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the δ^(18)O and δD values and local surface air temperature at all the three stations. The nearest Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation(GNIP) station(Zhangye), compared to the Meteoric Water Lines for this study, showed the obvious local evaporation effects with lower intercept and slope. Additionally, d-excess(δD- 8δ^(18)O) parameter in precipitation exhibited an anti-phase seasonal variability with the δ^(18)O. The 96-h back trajectories for each precipitation event using Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory(HYSPLIT) model indicated a dominant effect of westerly air masses in summer and the integrated influence of westerly and polar air masses in winter. 展开更多
关键词 meteoric precipitation δ^18O and δD d-excess moisture source Pailugou Catchment
Effect of Water Vapor Absorption on Measurements of Atmospheric Nitrate Radical by LP-DOAS 被引量:3
作者 Su-wen Li Wen-qing Liu +3 位作者 Pin-hua Xie Yi-jun Yang De-bao Chen Zheng Li 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期433-437,共5页
During the measurement of atmospheric nitrate radical by long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy, water vapor strong absorption could affect the measurement of nitrate radical and detection limits of sy... During the measurement of atmospheric nitrate radical by long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy, water vapor strong absorption could affect the measurement of nitrate radical and detection limits of system. Under the tropospheric condition, the optical density of water vapor absorption is non-linearly dependent on column density. An effective method was developed to eliminate the effect of water vapor absorption. Reference spectra of water vapor based on the daytime atmospheric absorption spectra, when fitted together with change of cross section with water vapor column densities, gave a more accurate fitting of water vapor absorptions, thus its effect on the measurements of nitrate radical could be restricted to a minimum and detection limits of system reached 3.6 ppt. The modified method was applied during an intensive field campaign in the Pearl River Delta, China. The NO3 concentration in polluted air masses varied from 3.6 ppt to 82.5 ppt with an average level of 23.6±1.8 ppt. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrate radical Water vapor absorption Long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy Detection limit
Chaos Particle Swarm Optimization Combined with Circular Median Filtering for Geophysical Parameters Retrieval from WindSat 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Lei WANG Zhenzhan +2 位作者 SHI Hanqing LONG Zhiyong DU Huadong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第4期593-605,共13页
This paper established a geophysical retrieval algorithm for sea surface wind vector, sea surface temperature, columnar atmospheric water vapor, and columnar cloud liquid water from WindSat, using the measured brightn... This paper established a geophysical retrieval algorithm for sea surface wind vector, sea surface temperature, columnar atmospheric water vapor, and columnar cloud liquid water from WindSat, using the measured brightness temperatures and a matchup database. To retrieve the wind vector, a chaotic particle swarm approach was used to determine a set of possible wind vector solutions which minimize the difference between the forward model and the WindSat observations. An adjusted circular median filtering function was adopted to remove wind direction ambiguity. The validation of the wind speed, wind direction, sea surface temperature, columnar atmospheric water vapor, and columnar liquid cloud water indicates that this algorithm is feasible and reasonable and can be used to retrieve these atmospheric and oceanic parameters. Compared with moored buoy data, the RMS errors for wind speed and sea surface temperature were 0.92 m s^(-1) and 0.88℃, respectively. The RMS errors for columnar atmospheric water vapor and columnar liquid cloud water were 0.62 mm and 0.01 mm, respectively, compared with F17 SSMIS results. In addition, monthly average results indicated that these parameters are in good agreement with AMSR-E results. Wind direction retrieval was studied under various wind speed conditions and validated by comparing to the Quik SCAT measurements, and the RMS error was 13.3?. This paper offers a new approach to the study of ocean wind vector retrieval using a polarimetric microwave radiometer. 展开更多
关键词 Retrieval retrieval cloud Chaos columnar geophysical brightness retrieve validated swarm
A hybrid algorithm based on tabu search and large neighbourhood search for car sequencing problem 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG Xiang-yang GAO Liang +1 位作者 WEN Long HUANG Zhao-dong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期315-330,共16页
The car sequencing problem(CSP)concerns a production sequence of different types of cars in the mixed-model assembly line.A hybrid algorithm is proposed to find an assembly sequence of CSP with minimum violations.Firs... The car sequencing problem(CSP)concerns a production sequence of different types of cars in the mixed-model assembly line.A hybrid algorithm is proposed to find an assembly sequence of CSP with minimum violations.Firstly,the hybrid algorithm is based on the tabu search and large neighborhood search(TLNS),servicing as the framework.Moreover,two components are incorporated into the hybrid algorithm.One is the parallel constructive heuristic(PCH)that is used to construct a set of initial solutions and find some high quality solutions,and the other is the small neighborhood search(SNS)which is designed to improve the new constructed solutions.The computational results show that the proposed hybrid algorithm(PCH+TLNS+SNS)obtains100best known values out of109public instances,among these89instances get their best known values with100%success rate.By comparing with the well-known related algorithms,computational results demonstrate the effectiveness,efficiency and robustness of the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 car sequencing problem large neighborhood search tabu search ratio constraint
Numerical Study on Flow-induced Noise for a Steam Stop-valve Using Large Eddy Simulation 被引量:9
作者 Jiming Liu Tao Zhang Yong'ou Zhang 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第3期351-360,共10页
The noise induced by the fluctuant saturated steam flow under 250 °C in a stop-valve was numerically studied.The simulation was carried out using computational fluid dynamics(CFD) and ACTRAN.The acoustic field ... The noise induced by the fluctuant saturated steam flow under 250 °C in a stop-valve was numerically studied.The simulation was carried out using computational fluid dynamics(CFD) and ACTRAN.The acoustic field was investigated with Lighthill's acoustic analogy based on the properties of the flow field obtained using a large-eddy simulation that employs the LES-WALE dynamic model as the sub-grid-scale model.Firstly,the validation of mesh was well conducted,illustrating that two million elements were sufficient in this situation.Secondly,the treatment of the steam was deliberated,and conclusions indicate that when predicting the flow-induced noise of the stop-valve,the steam can be treated as incompressible gas at a low inlet velocity.Thirdly,the flow-induced noises under different inlet velocities were compared.The findings reveal it has remarkable influence on the flow-induced noises.Lastly,whether or not the heat preservation of the wall has influence on the noise was taken into account.The results show that heat preservation of the wall had little influence. 展开更多
关键词 flow-induced noise steam stop-valve flow field sound field large eddy simulation(LES) computational fluid dynamics(CFD) ACTRAN
Electromagnetic design and dynamic analysis of large turbo-generator 被引量:2
作者 WANG Yi-xuan WANG Ying +1 位作者 LIU Xin QIU Hai-fei 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2009年第12期19-28,共10页
Through a great deal calculation, the design and simulation analysis of stator parametric and rotor electromagnetic system of 1000MW turbo-generator are performed by using Ansoft Maxwell Rmxprt12.1 software. Besides. ... Through a great deal calculation, the design and simulation analysis of stator parametric and rotor electromagnetic system of 1000MW turbo-generator are performed by using Ansoft Maxwell Rmxprt12.1 software. Besides. the basic parameters of the generator, the geometry dimensions of the stator and rotor, type and sizes of the slots, coils and windings parameters and the way of windings connection are determined. The finite element model of electromagnetic systems of generator stator and rotor was constructed by Ansoft Maxwe112D3D 12.1, and the transient electromagnetic characteristics of generator was analyzed and simulated. The 3D geometric models of turbo-generator were established respectively by using PROE software, and the dynamic finite element model of generator structure was built by ANSYS workbench 11.0. In addition, the dynamic characteristics of stator iron core, stator frame were calculated respectively. The simulation calculation has shown that the structural parameters, material parameters, and the electromagnetic characteristics parameters for large turbogenerator that are put forward by this paper should be optimal. and the design plan and method suggested by this paper should be feasible. The paper provides an effective solution for the development of larger turbo-generator than 1000 MW. 展开更多
关键词 large turbo-generator electromagnetic design finite element method: dynamic simulation: optimization design
Application of novel magnified single balloon enteroscopy for a patient with Cronkhite-Canada syndrome 被引量:3
作者 Masaki Murata Shigeki Bamba +7 位作者 Kenichiro Takahashi Hirotsugu Imaeda Atsushi Nishida Osamu Inatomi Tomoyuki Tsujikawa Ryoji Kushima Mitsushige Sugimoto Akira Andoh 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第22期4121-4126,共6页
We present a case of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome(CCS) in which the entire intestine was observed using a prototype of magnifying single-balloon enteroscope(SIF Y-0007, Olympus). CCS is a rare, non-familial gastrointesti... We present a case of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome(CCS) in which the entire intestine was observed using a prototype of magnifying single-balloon enteroscope(SIF Y-0007, Olympus). CCS is a rare, non-familial gastrointestinal polyposis with ectodermal abnormalities. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing magnified intestinal lesions of CCS. A 73-year-old female visited our hospital with complaints of diarrhea and dysgeusia. The blood test showed mild anemia and hypoalbuminemia. The esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy revealed diffuse and reddened sessile to semi-pedunculated polyps, resulting in the diagnosis of CCS. In addition to the findings of conventional balloon-assisted enteroscopy or capsule endoscopy, magnifying observation revealed tiny granular structures, non-uniformity of the villus, irregular caliber of the loop-like capillaries, scattered white spots in the villous tip, and patchy redness of the villus. Histologically, the scattered white spots and patchy redness of the villus reflect lymphangiectasia and bleeding to interstitium, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Balloon-assisted enteroscopy Magnified endoscopy Narrow band imaging Small intestine
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