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基于最大测点正常率的线路参数增广状态估计方法 被引量:8
作者 薛安成 张兆阳 +2 位作者 张建民 常乃超 毕天姝 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期61-65,共5页
线路参数误差会导致状态估计不准确,进而影响能量管理系统的高级应用。基于加权最小二乘的增广状态估计法是一种有代表性的线路参数估计方法,但该方法存在易受量测误差影响等问题。基于测量不确定度理论,提出了一种以最大测点正常率(MN... 线路参数误差会导致状态估计不准确,进而影响能量管理系统的高级应用。基于加权最小二乘的增广状态估计法是一种有代表性的线路参数估计方法,但该方法存在易受量测误差影响等问题。基于测量不确定度理论,提出了一种以最大测点正常率(MNMR)为目标函数的线路参数增广状态估计新方法。与传统增广状态估计方法不同,该方法基于测量不确定度信息,目标是使测点的正常率最大,同时考虑电力系统实际的潮流和物理约束信息。此外,采用高斯核密度估计和点估计方法来提取参数估计结果的统计特征。仿真实验表明,所述方法继承了MNMR抗差状态估计的"抗差"特性,辨识结果不易受量测误差影响,能得到更加合理的线路参数。 展开更多
关键词 线路参数 参数估计 增广状态估计 大测点正常率 抗差状态估计 误差
《大测》中的三角公式辨析 被引量:5
作者 董杰 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 2007年第6期677-682,共6页
《大测》是第一部传入我国的西方三角学著作,其"三要法"、"二简法"和"四根法"中的所表示的三角公式,备受数学史家关注,但是各家对要法三、根法二表述不一.《大测》中"要法三"并非半角公式sin2... 《大测》是第一部传入我国的西方三角学著作,其"三要法"、"二简法"和"四根法"中的所表示的三角公式,备受数学史家关注,但是各家对要法三、根法二表述不一.《大测》中"要法三"并非半角公式sin2α=1-cosα2,"根法二"也非余弦定理c2=a2+b2-2abcosC,而"根法三",即正切定理,以ssiinnAA-+ssiinnBB=tan((A+B)/2)tan((A-B)/2)形式给出,与玉山若干(Regiomontanus)在《论各种三角形》中所给出的正切定理形式相同,并非韦达(F.Vi埁te)化简后的等价公式tanA2-B=aa-+bbtanA+2B.由于邓玉函没有给出"简法二"sin(A±B)=sinAcosB±cosAsinB的证明,有人推测其不会证明方法,对此给出了不同意见. 展开更多
关键词 大测 半角公式 余弦定理 正切定理
作者 秦涛 董杰 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2013年第2期85-87,共3页
以《大测》中"三要法"和"二简法"为计算公式,利用"六宗率"作为初始计算条件,利用计算机程序语言对《大测》中的造表步骤进行程序化,并从算法角度对其进行复杂度分析,得到复杂度分别为:8 570次和6 570次... 以《大测》中"三要法"和"二简法"为计算公式,利用"六宗率"作为初始计算条件,利用计算机程序语言对《大测》中的造表步骤进行程序化,并从算法角度对其进行复杂度分析,得到复杂度分别为:8 570次和6 570次。构造程序所得函数值与《割圆八线表》中数值多处不符,从而验证后者数值并非来源于《大测》造表法。 展开更多
关键词 大测 三角函数造表法 程序化 复杂度
作者 张大测 《美术大观》 2012年第4期97-97,共1页
关键词 大测
作者 杨建海 《中国地名》 2023年第11期0067-0069,共3页
本文以大测调系统为基础,以文体健身广场项目为实例,对城市土地管理与规划的优化进行研究。本文通过对大测调系统的整合应用,结合实际项目案例,深入分析了其在城市土地管理与规划中的作用,在提高土地利用效率和推动可持续发展方面做出... 本文以大测调系统为基础,以文体健身广场项目为实例,对城市土地管理与规划的优化进行研究。本文通过对大测调系统的整合应用,结合实际项目案例,深入分析了其在城市土地管理与规划中的作用,在提高土地利用效率和推动可持续发展方面做出的贡献。在具体案例研究中,以文体健身广场项目为例,本文详细阐述了大测调系统在项目中的应用过程和效果。在城市土地管理与规划的优化策略方面,本文提出了基于文体健身广场项目的具体策略,其中包括进一步整合大测调系统、提高城市土地利用效率和引入智能决策支持系统等。在结论部分,本文总结了研究的主要发现,强调了大测调系统在城市土地管理与规划中的潜在价值,并对未来的发展方向进行了展望,提出了进一步完善和拓展研究的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 大测调系统 城市土地管理与规划 文体健身
以硬质量回应真需求 推配方肥迎来新增长——司尔特测土配方施肥(河南遂平)现场观摩会侧记
作者 徐骞 《中国农资》 2016年第19期21-21,共1页
又见麦浪翻滚,又到丰收时节。为了加速推广测土配方施肥技术,扩大测土配方施肥的地区影响力,5月15日上午,安徽省司尔特肥业股份有限公司在河南遂平县组织多位行业专家、农资经销商及近百名当地种粮大户参加小麦现场观摩会。参观之前记... 又见麦浪翻滚,又到丰收时节。为了加速推广测土配方施肥技术,扩大测土配方施肥的地区影响力,5月15日上午,安徽省司尔特肥业股份有限公司在河南遂平县组织多位行业专家、农资经销商及近百名当地种粮大户参加小麦现场观摩会。参观之前记者了解到,今年驻马店地区雨水偏多、小麦赤霉病频发,很多农民为此伤透脑筋,而在这样的不利条件下,司尔特测土配方肥又将向农民朋友交出怎样的答卷? 展开更多
关键词 配方施肥 应真 配方肥料 小麦赤霉病 遂平县 农资经销商 大测 植物营养 作物需肥规律 文继
《吉林农业》 2015年第4期8-9,共2页
眼下,吉林省各地备春耕正进行得如火如荼,"科技"已经成为备春耕必不可少的一部分,土壤中缺啥少啥,该补啥肥,咋补肥,全由测土配方施肥手机信息化技术的科学数据说了算,农民对这项技术相当认可。为了提高农民科学施肥水平,促进粮食增产... 眼下,吉林省各地备春耕正进行得如火如荼,"科技"已经成为备春耕必不可少的一部分,土壤中缺啥少啥,该补啥肥,咋补肥,全由测土配方施肥手机信息化技术的科学数据说了算,农民对这项技术相当认可。为了提高农民科学施肥水平,促进粮食增产、农民增收,实现科技信息化助推农业现代化,据了解,今年国家将继续加大测土配方施肥技术的推广力度,扩大测土配方施肥补贴项目的实施范围, 展开更多
关键词 配方施肥 科技信息化 农业现代化 施肥指导 施肥模型 补肥 大测 配肥 剑峰 配方肥
作者 谢晓锋 邓来富 《广东土木与建筑》 2008年第5期58-59,共2页
关键词 外凸弧形外墙 水平裂缝 结构检鉴定
作者 毕平均 朱小军 +2 位作者 魏祥 胡廖琪 孙乐 《低温建筑技术》 2024年第2期83-86,共4页
为研究钢-混凝土组合体系的可靠性,文中以昆山阳澄湖科技园项目为例,对大跨度鱼腹梁钢支撑与混凝土支撑组合方案和全混凝土支撑方案进行比选。通过整体建模和监测数据分析,论证了鱼腹梁钢支撑与混凝土支撑组合形式对控制基坑变形的效果... 为研究钢-混凝土组合体系的可靠性,文中以昆山阳澄湖科技园项目为例,对大跨度鱼腹梁钢支撑与混凝土支撑组合方案和全混凝土支撑方案进行比选。通过整体建模和监测数据分析,论证了鱼腹梁钢支撑与混凝土支撑组合形式对控制基坑变形的效果更优。说明在工程实践中,鱼腹梁钢支撑与混凝土支撑组合形式性能可靠。 展开更多
关键词 鱼腹梁钢支撑 混凝土支撑 深基坑工程 大测斜值
作者 赵文源 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第5期604-607,共4页
对于《周易》语词的训释,历来仁者见仁,智者见智,这给语文辞书的释义工作带来诸多困难。或囿于一家之言,或疏于借鉴当代研究成果,有些《周易》语词的词典释义往往有失精当,未臻本义;词条中书证的列举也存在着不少滞后的现象。《汉语大... 对于《周易》语词的训释,历来仁者见仁,智者见智,这给语文辞书的释义工作带来诸多困难。或囿于一家之言,或疏于借鉴当代研究成果,有些《周易》语词的词典释义往往有失精当,未臻本义;词条中书证的列举也存在着不少滞后的现象。《汉语大词典》是我国权威的语文辞书,文章以该词典为考察对象,对其6条《周易》语词的释义进行考辨,并列举引例滞后的词条17例,以及《汉语大词典》未收的常用《周易》语词1例。 展开更多
关键词 《汉语大测典》 《剧易》 语词 指误
Determination of Plasma Concentration of Cinnamic Acid by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Its Pharmacokinetics in Rats after Oral Administration of Zi-Shen Pill 被引量:5
作者 戴荣华 宋宗华 +1 位作者 鞠涛 毕开顺 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第2期130-133,共4页
Aim To develop a simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographicmethod for determination of plasma concentration of cinnamic acid and pharmacokinetic study in ratsafter a single oral dose of traditional C... Aim To develop a simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographicmethod for determination of plasma concentration of cinnamic acid and pharmacokinetic study in ratsafter a single oral dose of traditional Chinese medicinal preparation Zi-Shen pill. Method Plasmasamples were acidified with hydrochloric acid and extracted with ethyl acetate . Cinnamic acid wasdetermined by HPLC using a G_(18) column. A mobile phase ofmethanbl-acetonitrile-water-triethyl-amine (7:22:73 = 0.2, V/V), with the pH adjusted to 4.0 withphosphoric acid, and with a UV detector set at 340 nm. Results The standard curve was linear overthe range of 1.92- 192.0 μg·mL^(-1). The LLOQ was 1.92 μg·mL^(-1) . The RSDs of within-day andbetween-day precision were < 8%. The mean recovery was 82.0% . Conclusion After validation, themethpd has been used to investigate the pharmacokinetic profiles of the traditional Chinesemedicinal preparation Zi-Shen pill. 展开更多
关键词 cinnamic acid Zi-shen pill PHARMACOKINETICS HPLC
Determination of Emodin and Chrysophanol Contents in Callus of Cassia tora L. Leaf 被引量:1
作者 周嘉裕 廖海 +3 位作者 李利平 刘乐 贺葵邦 马丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第2期60-62,共3页
[ Objective] Through inductive culture, emodin and chrysophanol contents in cassia seed were increased. [ Method ] MS culture medium was used to bourgeon seedlings of cassia seed and to induce cotyledon callus of cass... [ Objective] Through inductive culture, emodin and chrysophanol contents in cassia seed were increased. [ Method ] MS culture medium was used to bourgeon seedlings of cassia seed and to induce cotyledon callus of cassia seed while HPLC method was adopted to determine emodin and ehrysophanol eontents.[ Result] Emedin and chrysophanol contents in cotyledon callus were 0. 099% and 0. 312%, respectively, while they were 0.029% and 0. 190% respectively in cassia seed. [ Conclusion] The method of inducing cotyledon callus was helpful for increasing emodin coment in cassia seed. 展开更多
In-situ measurement and distribution of flue gas mercury for a utility PC boiler system 被引量:3
作者 段钰锋 Cao Yan +3 位作者 Shawn Kellie Kunlei Liu John Riley Weiping Pan 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期53-57,共5页
The in-situ instrumentation technique for measuring mercury and itsspeciation downstream a utility 100 MW pulverized coal (PC) fired boiler system was developed andconducted by the use of the Ontario hydro method (OHM... The in-situ instrumentation technique for measuring mercury and itsspeciation downstream a utility 100 MW pulverized coal (PC) fired boiler system was developed andconducted by the use of the Ontario hydro method (OHM) consistent with American standard test methodtogether with the semi-continuous emissions monitoring (SCEM) system as well as a mobile laboratoryfor mercury monitoring. The mercury and its speciation concentrations including participate mercuryat three locations of before air preheater, before electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and after ESPwere measured using the OHM and SCEM methods under normal operation conditions of the boiler systemas a result of firing a bituminous coal. The vapor-phase total mercury Hg(VT) concentration declinedwith the decrease of flue gas temperature because of mercury species transformation from oxidizedmercury to particulate mercury as the flue gas moved downstream from the air preheater to the ESPand after the ESP. A good agreement for Hg°, Hg^(2+) and Hg( VT) was obtained between the twomethods in the ash-free area. But in the dense particle-laden flue gas area, there appeared to be abig bias for mercury speciation owing to dust cake formed in the filter of OHM sampling probe. Theparticulateaffinity to the flue gas mercury and the impacts of sampling condition to accuracy ofmeasure were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 coal fired flue gas mercury speciation in-situ measurement Ontario hydromethod (OHM) semi-continuous emissions monitoring (SCEM)
Determination of Isoflavone from Soybean Lines Cultivated in Jilin Province and Correlation Analysis between Isoflavone Content and Soybean Quality 被引量:29
作者 宋向东 张之鑫 +1 位作者 王巍巍 富健 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第1期48-50,共3页
[Objective]The aim of this study was to set up a high performance liquid chromatography for rapid determination of isoflavones from soybean and analyze the correlation between isofalvone content and protein or fat con... [Objective]The aim of this study was to set up a high performance liquid chromatography for rapid determination of isoflavones from soybean and analyze the correlation between isofalvone content and protein or fat content. [Method]The isoflavones were firstly extracted by 80% methanol and then hydrolyzed at 100 ℃. The chromatographic separation adopted a reversed-phase C18 analytical column with binary high-pressure gradient elution,while its analysis time was 25 min and column temperature was 40 ℃. The diode array detector was used for monitoring with wavelength of 260 nm. The correlation between isofalvone content and protein or fat content was analyzed by data processing system Origin 6.0. [Result]The high performance liquid chromatograph for determination of isoflavones from soybean was verified to be accurate and reliable by methodology. The isoflavones of 85 soybean lines cultivated in Jilin Province were determined,and the results primarily showed the characters and ranges of isoflavones from soybean lines cultivated in Jilin Province,while the isoflavone content of soybeans ranged from 2.29 to 4.89 mg/g,and the average content was 3.36 mg/g. The isoflavone content of 5 soybean lines exceeded 4 mg/g,while there was a remarkably negative correlation between isoflavone content and protein content,and there was no significant positive correlation between isoflavone content and fat content. [Conclusion]The isoflavone content of soybean lines cultivated in Jilin Province is higher,so it is feasible for breeding the soybean lines with high isoflavone content and fat contetnt. 展开更多
关键词 Cultivated soybean Isoflavone content DETERMINATION Protein content Fat content
作者 鲍涛 《北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1988年第4期112-,共1页
在数学史科研方面,我校原有一定的基础,近年来通过潜心研究,先后出版了两部学术专著:《<九章算术>注释》(1983年)、《<测圆海镜>今译》(1995),并在国内、外学术书刊上发表了50余篇论文,有的论文已被美国Mathematical Reviev... 在数学史科研方面,我校原有一定的基础,近年来通过潜心研究,先后出版了两部学术专著:《<九章算术>注释》(1983年)、《<测圆海镜>今译》(1995),并在国内、外学术书刊上发表了50余篇论文,有的论文已被美国Mathematical Revievs摘要发表,有的论文论证了古籍的校勘意义和工作,并对一些古算书进行了校勘;有的论文是通过查阅大量拉丁文书籍文献,考证出《大测》、《测量全义》的底本,从而解决了300年来的悬案;有的论文通过对出土文物,故宫库藏文物的考证,对“刘歆圆率”提出质疑,从而否定了30年代的论点;有的对测望问题的造术提出异于前人的看法,对刘徽、秦九韶的工作得出新的评价。自1977年开始,通过我校有关人员的组织和联系,与中科院系统所、西北大学、内蒙古师大。 展开更多
关键词 数学史 秦九韶 圆海镜 数书九章 出入相补 数学九章 开方术 祖原理 大测 全义
Measurement of Concentration of Sorbent Particles and Water Droplets in Hydration Desulfurization Reactor with PIV
作者 赵长遂 吴树志 +3 位作者 刘现卓 肖军 陆勇 王式民 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第1期88-91,共4页
Vortexing limestone injection into furnace combined with calcium lime hydration in the downstream is the most promising technology for controlling SO 2 emission. Particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) is used to measure ... Vortexing limestone injection into furnace combined with calcium lime hydration in the downstream is the most promising technology for controlling SO 2 emission. Particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) is used to measure the gas liquid solid three phase flow field in a reactor. By image processing based on newly developed software, the number concentrations of sorbent particles and water droplets are presented. The measuring results are very helpful for better understanding the desulfurization mechanism and optimizing configurational and operational parameters in the hydration reactor. 展开更多
关键词 particle image velocimetry DESULFURIZATION particle water droplet CONCENTRATION
《现代农业科学》 2005年第7期11-11,共1页
关键词 水果价格 水果批发市场 上市品种 水果市场 水果店 黑美人 大测
EM-based detection scheme for differential unitary space-time modulation
作者 杜正锋 陈杰 +1 位作者 潘文 高西奇 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第4期484-488,共5页
The performance loss of an approximately 3 dB signal-to-noise ratio is always paid with conventional differential detection compared to the related coherent detection. A new detection scheme consisting of two steps is... The performance loss of an approximately 3 dB signal-to-noise ratio is always paid with conventional differential detection compared to the related coherent detection. A new detection scheme consisting of two steps is proposed for the differential unitary space-time modulation (DUSTM) system. In the first step, the data sequence is estimated by conventional unitary space-time demodulation (DUSTD) and differentially encoded again to produce an initial estimate of the transmitted symbol stream. In the second step, the initial estimate of the symbol stream is utilized to initialize an expectation maximization (EM)-based iterative detector. In each iteration, the most recent detected symbol stream is employed to estimate the channel, which is then used to implement coherent sequence detection to refine the symbol stream. Simulation results show that the proposed detection scheme performs much better than the conventional DUSTD after several iterations. 展开更多
关键词 unitary space-time modulation differential detection expectation maximization (EM) algorithm
作者 唐光华 程卫红 +1 位作者 廖春虎 李遵义 《汽车科技》 2020年第2期42-47,共6页
转向盘力矩转角传感器是一款专门用于转向盘参数测量的设备,由于传感器结构的设计缺陷会导致非同轴安装时产生角度测量误差。本文针对非同轴安装后的机构对转向盘转矩以及对转向盘转角测量的影响进行了详细地分析。对最大角度误差出现... 转向盘力矩转角传感器是一款专门用于转向盘参数测量的设备,由于传感器结构的设计缺陷会导致非同轴安装时产生角度测量误差。本文针对非同轴安装后的机构对转向盘转矩以及对转向盘转角测量的影响进行了详细地分析。对最大角度误差出现的位置,最大角度误差和偏心量之间的关系,角度基准杆长度变化和转向盘转角的对应关系以及基准杆长度变化量的最值进行了求解。 展开更多
关键词 转向盘力矩转角传感器 非同轴安装 机构分析 误差分析 大测角误差
A new fuzzy edge detection algorithm 被引量:1
作者 孙伟 夏良正 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第2期132-135,共4页
Based upon the maximum entropy theorem of information theory, a novel fuzzy approach for edge detection is presented. Firstly, a definition of fuzzy partition entropy is proposed after introducing the concepts of fu... Based upon the maximum entropy theorem of information theory, a novel fuzzy approach for edge detection is presented. Firstly, a definition of fuzzy partition entropy is proposed after introducing the concepts of fuzzy probability and fuzzy partition. The relation of the probability partition and the fuzzy c-partition of the image gradient are used in the algorithm. Secondly, based on the conditional probabilities and the fuzzy partition, the optimal thresholding is searched adaptively through the maximum fuzzy entropy principle, and then the edge image is obtained. Lastly, an edge-enhancing procedure is executed on the edge image. The experimental results show that the proposed approach performs well. 展开更多
关键词 edge detection fuzzy entropy image segmentation fuzzy partition
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