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大满灌区农田灌溉水有效利用系数测算方法探讨 被引量:1
作者 谢丽娟 《地下水》 2024年第1期128-129,共2页
灌溉水有效利用系数测算对掌握灌区农业灌溉水利用现状、灌溉用水效率动态变化,科学制定灌区节水灌溉措施提供重要依据。以甘肃甘州区大满灌区为研究对象,基于2022年灌区开展的灌区农业灌溉水有效利用率测算工作成果,综合收集整理的灌... 灌溉水有效利用系数测算对掌握灌区农业灌溉水利用现状、灌溉用水效率动态变化,科学制定灌区节水灌溉措施提供重要依据。以甘肃甘州区大满灌区为研究对象,基于2022年灌区开展的灌区农业灌溉水有效利用率测算工作成果,综合收集整理的灌溉供需用水、作物种类、土壤类型及气象等基础资料,运用直接量测法测算出灌区2022年农业灌溉水有效利用系数。测算结果可知:2022年田间净水量12 778.151 7万m^(3),干渠渠首毛水量为11 719.653 6万m^(3),机井提水量8 467.0万m^(3),灌溉水有效利用系数为0.633,灌溉水利用系数测算数据比较合理、可靠性较高,符合灌区实际。测算结果对制定灌区配水计划及水资源合理配置提供可靠依据。 展开更多
关键词 农田灌溉水 有效利用系数 用水效率 大满灌区
作者 谢丽娟 《地下水》 2024年第2期77-78,112,共3页
以甘肃甘州区大满灌区为例,综合《甘州区2021-2025年水资源控制指标配置方案》相关成果,对大满灌区地下水资源控制指标配置进行研究,参照地下水资源控制指标配置原则,结合甘州区水资源总量指标总体配置内容,确定了农业用水、生态林草用... 以甘肃甘州区大满灌区为例,综合《甘州区2021-2025年水资源控制指标配置方案》相关成果,对大满灌区地下水资源控制指标配置进行研究,参照地下水资源控制指标配置原则,结合甘州区水资源总量指标总体配置内容,确定了农业用水、生态林草用水、生活用水和工业用水方面的地下水资源控制指标配置。对构建大满灌区合理的生活、农业、生态、工业用水结构,促进农业用水高效利用、增强生活用水保障能力、实现生态用水指标内供水具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 地下水 控制指标 配置方案 大满灌区
黑河流域大满灌区节水型种植业现状调查分析与对策 被引量:3
作者 王娟 吴普特 +1 位作者 王玉宝 赵西宁 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期154-160,180,共8页
采用问卷调查、半结构访谈、现场勘察等参与式调查方法,对黑河流域大满灌区种植业结构及相关问题进行了调查;利用问题矩阵、问题树及SWOT等参与式分析工具,对调查结果进行了分析;藉此发现目前灌区种植业中存在的问题,为未来种植业调整... 采用问卷调查、半结构访谈、现场勘察等参与式调查方法,对黑河流域大满灌区种植业结构及相关问题进行了调查;利用问题矩阵、问题树及SWOT等参与式分析工具,对调查结果进行了分析;藉此发现目前灌区种植业中存在的问题,为未来种植业调整寻找决策依据。调查发现,灌区种植业主要存在土地结构不合理、经济作物销路差、资金投入供需差距大、新品种新技术难以推广应用、政府引导支持力度小、农户节水意识与生态意识淡薄等6个关键问题。针对以上问题,提出了加快土地流转、以销定产、保证资金信贷政策、加大科技投入、加强农业总体调控、改善农业灌溉设施等6项对策。 展开更多
关键词 大满灌区 问题矩阵 问题树 SWOT分析 节水型种植结构调整
张掖市大满灌区灌溉水利用系数测算及分析 被引量:4
作者 肖让 张永玲 +3 位作者 吴克倩 俞海英 张彬 万玉荣 《中国水运(下半月)》 2020年第6期168-169,共2页
针对张掖市甘州区大满灌区灌溉渠道输水运行现状,通过灌区调研和资料查阅,选择大满灌区典型渠道开展各级渠道输水损失、渠道断面参数等相关因素的现场测定,并结合首尾测算法对灌区的灌溉水利用系数进行了测算及分析,初步研究得出大满灌... 针对张掖市甘州区大满灌区灌溉渠道输水运行现状,通过灌区调研和资料查阅,选择大满灌区典型渠道开展各级渠道输水损失、渠道断面参数等相关因素的现场测定,并结合首尾测算法对灌区的灌溉水利用系数进行了测算及分析,初步研究得出大满灌区的灌溉水利用系数为0.595。 展开更多
关键词 张掖市大满灌区 灌溉水利用系数 输水损失
大满灌区地下水资源管理保护存在的问题及对策 被引量:3
作者 赵才 《农业科技与信息》 2022年第5期31-33,共3页
随着社会经济的快速发展,张掖市甘州区大满灌区在农业灌溉、生活、工业等方面对地下水资源的依赖性越来越大,但是由于实际开采管理工作中缺乏科学有效的管理机制和措施,导致灌区地下水污染、水资源浪费等现象较为严重,区域出现了超采区... 随着社会经济的快速发展,张掖市甘州区大满灌区在农业灌溉、生活、工业等方面对地下水资源的依赖性越来越大,但是由于实际开采管理工作中缺乏科学有效的管理机制和措施,导致灌区地下水污染、水资源浪费等现象较为严重,区域出现了超采区,非常不利于地下水资源的持续性开发利用,也对灌区农业发展、民众生活用水带来极大困扰。本文主要对张掖市甘州区大满灌区地下水开发利用过程中存在的问题进行分析,并提出针对性的对策,旨在强化对地下水资源的综合保护力度,促进社会发展与环境保护的协调发展。 展开更多
关键词 大满灌区 地下水管理 问题 对策
大满灌区水利灌溉工程运行管理对策 被引量:1
作者 李静 《农业科技与信息》 2022年第5期72-74,共3页
本文在分析张掖市甘州区大满灌区水利灌溉工程运行管理存在问题的基础上,提出了做好监测系统更新与维护工作、编制水库运行年度报告及运行维护与监测手册、制定水库突发事件应急预案、加强水库管理队伍建设、改革现有管理体制、构建节... 本文在分析张掖市甘州区大满灌区水利灌溉工程运行管理存在问题的基础上,提出了做好监测系统更新与维护工作、编制水库运行年度报告及运行维护与监测手册、制定水库突发事件应急预案、加强水库管理队伍建设、改革现有管理体制、构建节水激励机制、引导用水户参与管理、推行科学的水价管理体系等提高水利灌溉工程运行管理水平的对策。 展开更多
关键词 水利灌溉工程 运行管理 大满灌区
浅谈甘州区大满灌区大满干渠上段改建工程的必要性 被引量:1
作者 拓永红 《陕西水利》 2020年第6期104-105,108,共3页
大满灌区是农业和农村经济发展的重要基础设施,担负着辖区内的农田灌溉任务,同时还承担着向生态林和环境供水的灌溉任务。灌区的水利骨干工程承担着灌区30.2万亩农田灌溉的引水、输水任务,骨干工程的运行状况,直接影响着灌区效益的发挥... 大满灌区是农业和农村经济发展的重要基础设施,担负着辖区内的农田灌溉任务,同时还承担着向生态林和环境供水的灌溉任务。灌区的水利骨干工程承担着灌区30.2万亩农田灌溉的引水、输水任务,骨干工程的运行状况,直接影响着灌区效益的发挥,在灌区中承担着举足轻重的地位,是灌区的主动脉。改建大满灌区上段工程,使得农田灌溉需水量得到保证,从而大幅度提高各类农作物的单位面积产量,保障了粮食及其它农作物的增产丰收,促进了农村经济的持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 大满干渠上段 改建必要性 效益
作者 李海珊 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2023年第7期164-164,共1页
紫砂壶文化自北宋诞生至今,一直是雅俗共赏、实用与艺术性兼备的文化形式。随着时代的更迭与进步,紫砂壶也在与时俱进,不断发展。一把好的紫砂壶,不仅要拥有精致的外观,更需要神形兼备,这样才能体现出紫砂壶的精神气韵。传统与创新的结... 紫砂壶文化自北宋诞生至今,一直是雅俗共赏、实用与艺术性兼备的文化形式。随着时代的更迭与进步,紫砂壶也在与时俱进,不断发展。一把好的紫砂壶,不仅要拥有精致的外观,更需要神形兼备,这样才能体现出紫砂壶的精神气韵。传统与创新的结合,才让紫砂壶传承至今。紫砂壶低调、淡雅的特点让紫砂壶在中国传统文化之中有着一席之地,成为茶友们追捧的茶具。笔者所创作的《大满瓢》正是基于紫砂壶古朴、淡雅的特点,在壶身的装饰融入中国传统书法,增添文化意境与情趣。笔者将从这件作品的造型特点、泥料选择、艺术审美、文化意境等手法入手,全面地对这件作品展开阐述。 展开更多
关键词 紫砂壶 大满 底槽青 陶刻 文化意境 艺术审美
作者 吴佳 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2020年第2期80-80,共1页
宜兴紫砂壶雅俗共赏,从北宋发展至今,体现出与时俱进的生命力。一把成功的紫砂作品必定是造型美与意境美兼备,唯有形神兼备的造型才能引人注目,让人从中收获美的感受,因此,身为一名紫砂艺人,不仅是简单地传承技艺,更要注重造型之美和意... 宜兴紫砂壶雅俗共赏,从北宋发展至今,体现出与时俱进的生命力。一把成功的紫砂作品必定是造型美与意境美兼备,唯有形神兼备的造型才能引人注目,让人从中收获美的感受,因此,身为一名紫砂艺人,不仅是简单地传承技艺,更要注重造型之美和意境之美的相互呼应,升华作品的艺术格调。 展开更多
关键词 紫砂壶 大满 传承创新 文化意境
作者 赵才 《农业科技与信息》 2022年第6期33-35,共3页
水行政执法工作的开展在提高我国水利工程建设质量、满足人们日常生产生活用水需求方面发挥着积极的作用。但在水行政执法过程中还存在一些问题,降低了水行政的执法效力。本文以张掖市甘州区大满灌区为例,分析了水行政执法工作中存在的... 水行政执法工作的开展在提高我国水利工程建设质量、满足人们日常生产生活用水需求方面发挥着积极的作用。但在水行政执法过程中还存在一些问题,降低了水行政的执法效力。本文以张掖市甘州区大满灌区为例,分析了水行政执法工作中存在的问题,提出了加强水行政执法工作的对策。 展开更多
关键词 大满灌区 水行政执法 问题 对策
不同断面类型混凝土垫层渠道抗冻胀设计优化研究 被引量:8
作者 肖让 陈海龙 +2 位作者 张永玲 何文博 尚璐 《水利规划与设计》 2020年第7期124-128,共5页
文章以张掖市大满灌区不同断面类型渠道破坏段为研究对象,通过分析渠道冻胀相关参数,得出最佳衬砌方案。结果表明,选择大柏支渠横断面为典型断面,采用弧形底梯形断面,全断面现浇C20砼衬砌,砂砾石垫层。该衬砌方案具有较好的防渗、抗冻... 文章以张掖市大满灌区不同断面类型渠道破坏段为研究对象,通过分析渠道冻胀相关参数,得出最佳衬砌方案。结果表明,选择大柏支渠横断面为典型断面,采用弧形底梯形断面,全断面现浇C20砼衬砌,砂砾石垫层。该衬砌方案具有较好的防渗、抗冻胀、抗冲刷效果,结构整体性强、施工工序少、耗用劳动力少、造价低、使用寿命长、单位投资小等优点,可作为张掖市不同断面类型混凝土垫层渠道最优抗冻胀设计方案。 展开更多
关键词 张掖市大满灌区 冻胀破坏 不同断面类型渠道 抗冻胀优化设计
Hospital ethical climate associated with the professional quality of life among nurses during the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic inWuhan,China:A cross-sectional study 被引量:1
作者 Wenjing Jiang Xing'e Zhao +6 位作者 Jia Jiang Qidi Zhou Jiahui Yang Yuqing Chen Lloyd Goldsamt Ann Bartley Williams Xianhong Li 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第3期310-317,I0006,共9页
Objectives:To describe the professional quality of life and explore its associated factors among nurses coming from other areas of China to assist with the anti-epidemic fight inWuhan and especially examine whether th... Objectives:To describe the professional quality of life and explore its associated factors among nurses coming from other areas of China to assist with the anti-epidemic fight inWuhan and especially examine whether the hospital ethical climate was independently associated with nurses’professional quality of life.Methods:A cross-sectional online survey was conducted from March 2020 to April 2020.The nurses working in Wuhan from the other parts of China were the target population.The Professional Quality of Life Scale version 5,the Hospital Ethical Climate Survey,and a basic information sheet were used to collect data.Descriptive statistics,t-test,ANOVA,Pearson correlation,and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data.Results:In total,236 nurses participated in this study,and 219 valid questionnaires were analyzed.The average age of the participants was 31.2±5.0 years.Most nurses were female(176/219;80.4%)and married(145/219;66.2%).In term of professional quality of life,nurses reported moderate(129/219;58.9%)to high(90/219;41.1%)levels of compassion satisfaction,low(119/219;54.3%)to moderate(100/219;45.7%)levels of burnout,and low(67/219;36.0%)to high(10/219;4.6%)levels of secondary traumatic stress.Regarding hospital ethical climate,nurses reported moderately high hospital ethical climates with an average score of 4.46.After controlling for socio-demographic characteristics,the multiple linear regression models showed that the hospital ethical climate subscale of“relationship with physicians”was independently associated with the compassion satisfaction(b=0.533,P<0.01)and burnout(b=0.237,P<0.05);the hospital ethical climate subscale of“relationship with peers”(b=0.191,P<0.01)was independently associated with the secondary traumatic stress.Conclusions:During the early stage of the pandemic,nurses demonstrated moderate to high level of compassion satisfaction,low to moderate level of burnout,and all nurses experienced secondary traumatic stress.Nurses perceived a high level of hospital ethical climate,and the perceived hospital ethical climate played an important role in promoting nurses’professional quality of life during a lifethreatening infectious disease pandemic. 展开更多
关键词 China Compassion fatigue COVID-19 Nurses Personal satisfaction Professional burnout Professional quality of life Surveys and questionnaires
Some Surjectivity Theorems for Maximal Monotone Operators and Its Application
作者 WU Yue-xiang WANG La-di 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期615-620,共6页
The main purpose of this paper is to study the surjectivity theorems for maximal monotone mapping in reflexive Banach spaces by using fixed point theory. We prove some new surjectivity theorems under some conditions a... The main purpose of this paper is to study the surjectivity theorems for maximal monotone mapping in reflexive Banach spaces by using fixed point theory. We prove some new surjectivity theorems under some conditions and give its application in differential equation. 展开更多
关键词 maximal monotone mapping surjectivity theorems nonlinear equation
Best Practice Grievance Handling: Exploring Its Importance to the Internal/External Customer Satisfaction Equation at a Caribbean University
作者 Zuwena Paul 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第2期101-124,共24页
In 2012, 92 Administrative, Technical and Service Staff (ATS S) grievances (unresolved departmental conflicts) were referred to the Industrial Relations arm of the HR division of the UWI St Augustine Campus. Of th... In 2012, 92 Administrative, Technical and Service Staff (ATS S) grievances (unresolved departmental conflicts) were referred to the Industrial Relations arm of the HR division of the UWI St Augustine Campus. Of these trade disputes, 52 cases were "resolved" and 10 unresolved cases were referred to the Ministry of Labor. In 2009, 692 disputes from various organizations nationally were lodged at the Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago--781 in 2010, 778 in 2011 and at September 25th, 2012, 566 were filed (Swamber, 2012). Vincent Cabera, president of the Banking, Insurance and General Workers Union, expressing his grave concern about these statistics cited inter alia, noted that "work stoppages that currently persist in society owed to the malfunctioning of the industrial relations system of the twin island". Legitimate members of the Recognized Majority Union (RMU), who have within the past year at the Campus experienced unresolved conflicts at the departmental level that progressed to trade disputes will be eligible to participate and electronically administered a semi-structured questionnaire developed to determine the frequency and causes of unresolved conflict, their perceptions of its handling, as well as Form A of the Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory II (ROCI-II) (Rahim, 1983) to classify the conflict management style of their Heads of departments. 展开更多
Research on the Contextual and Functional Differences Between New and Old Journalism
作者 Cem S. Sutcu Murat Oztermiyeci 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第1期48-56,共9页
Mass Communication media were widespread in 19th and 20th centuries. Those technologies created by humans have had a big impact on both daily and business lives. Newspapers, Radio, TV and Cinema are obvious examples o... Mass Communication media were widespread in 19th and 20th centuries. Those technologies created by humans have had a big impact on both daily and business lives. Newspapers, Radio, TV and Cinema are obvious examples of this impact. Dinting the last two decades of 20th century, spread of personal computers transformed the way people live0 work and think. Some people evaluated the situation as revolution and others as threat to humans. Intemet, in this respect, is considered as mass media. People connect the Internet without time and space limitations. However, communication on the Internet is not mass commtmication because it requires every individual or organization to have a unique Intemet Protocol address (IP) to commtmicate. Because of its peer to peer communication nature just as in the telephone communication, this feature distinguishes Intemet from other commtmication media. On the other hand, it resembles mass communication media because of its mobility, spread and functionality both for sender and receiver. In many sectors, including communication and information technology sectors, mobility, spread and functionality features lead the way to increase interactivity between parties in communication. Businesses benefited the "interactivity tool" for many purposes: to increase market share for a product or service, to increase customer satisfaction, or to increase amount of information about their customers, competitors or suppliers in order to make strategic decisions. For journalism and generally, for mass media, interactivity is an important aspect of the business. Media corporations must know the needs of their audience before they express and take precautionary steps to satisfy them. This forces the mass media sector to increase interactivity in customer communication. In this paper, we researched the intemctivity effect in journalism that we see especially in internet journalism applications. The research aims to cover opinions of newspapers, advertisers and audience on interactivity and future of mass media communication. For this purpose, fmdings of a survey have been evaluated. 展开更多
关键词 new media mteractivity intemet journalism
A Development of Augmented Reality Application: AR Band
作者 Suriyong Lertkulvanich Charoenchai Wongwatkit Suwanna Sombunsukho Kanate Sirimayurachat ThanadeSawasdee and Weerapong Sae-Er 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第8期519-524,共6页
This study promotes application of Augmented Reality (AR), whose properties can handle multiple sensory that heightens its quality of performances, affections in first time users, and introduces the possibility and ... This study promotes application of Augmented Reality (AR), whose properties can handle multiple sensory that heightens its quality of performances, affections in first time users, and introduces the possibility and guideline in mass production through the development of"Augmented Reality Band", a gadget based on AR system that allows users to interact with virtual music instruments to make music through the system that analyze printed marker on the shirt. The system is developed by using FLAR Toolkit and made accessible via AR band website. The user can run the system online from anywhere by wearing the shirt printed with embedded musical instruments AR code. In order to promote AR Band performances, the authors assessed the quality of the system from technical professionals. It has been found out that the quality level is very high (4.64/5.00) and the user satisfaction evaluated by sample group has been found in a satisfied level (4.22/5.00). In summary, AR Band has proven its performances to enhance user satisfaction and its further development and adaptation is under discussion and suggestion section provided at the end. 展开更多
关键词 AR (augmented reality) BAND AR code music.
作者 大满 《女性天地》 2005年第5期38-38,共1页
关键词 《黑暗中的爱情》 中国 当代 散文 大满
作者 大满 《女性天地》 2005年第4期38-38,共1页
清代才子张潮说,花不可见其落,月不可见其沉,美人不可见其夭。我是凡夫俗子一个,守着一份柴米油盐,波澜不惊的日子,自己满足,内心底亦存有童话,且不可见美丽童话的瞬间的破灭。贝克汉姆和维多利亚情海生波澜的日子,每天打开电... 清代才子张潮说,花不可见其落,月不可见其沉,美人不可见其夭。我是凡夫俗子一个,守着一份柴米油盐,波澜不惊的日子,自己满足,内心底亦存有童话,且不可见美丽童话的瞬间的破灭。贝克汉姆和维多利亚情海生波澜的日子,每天打开电脑的第一件事便是浏览网络新闻,偶尔有疼痛从皮肤上划过,比身边的朋友婚姻出了问题更揪心。贝克汉姆和维多利亚大婚的照片,我恨得牙痒痒, 展开更多
关键词 《距离这个杀手啊》 中国 当代 杂文 大满
作者 大满 《女性天地》 2005年第2期41-41,共1页
关键词 《缘来了 快者得手》 中国 当代 散文 大满
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