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作者 阿伊先木古力·赛伊迪力 努尔先·马木提 《农家致富顾问》 2017年第24期75-75,共1页
高原香蒜因大蒜素含量高、特辣香味、耐储运、品质好等特点,受到广大消费者的欢迎,种植面积不断扩大.位于海拔1700米的库拉木勒克乡牧民利用有限的耕地,发展高原香蒜产业.从蒜的选种,培育到收获等各个环节都规范管理,使用农家肥,整个生... 高原香蒜因大蒜素含量高、特辣香味、耐储运、品质好等特点,受到广大消费者的欢迎,种植面积不断扩大.位于海拔1700米的库拉木勒克乡牧民利用有限的耕地,发展高原香蒜产业.从蒜的选种,培育到收获等各个环节都规范管理,使用农家肥,整个生长过程都按照绿色无公害的要求进行,提高播种质量等方面的要求.蒜平均亩产达到450-600公斤.主要品种是本地紫皮蒜、人工播种为主.一般生育期120天左右.春蒜一般4月上旬5厘米土壤温度达到12开始播、9月上中旬采收.近年来,随着种植业结构的调整,大蒜种植面积越来越大,由7月份天气的频繁发生原因或管理措施缺位,大蒜地发现叶枯病、大蒜紫斑病、大蒜锈病及蓟马、蒜蛆等病虫害不同程度的危害,从而影响了大蒜的品质和商品性能. 展开更多
关键词 且末县春蒜 大病虫害 防控措施
基于无人机遥感的大面积农作物叶片病虫害识别研究 被引量:5
作者 贺园园 《自动化与仪器仪表》 2023年第1期216-220,共5页
病虫害会影响农作物的产量,在农业生产过程中,需要及时发现并准确识别出病虫害,才能够保证农业的种植产量,研究基于无人机遥感的大面积农作物叶片病虫害识别方法。配置八旋翼无人机和多光谱相机,搭建无人机遥感识别平台;以棉花叶螨为病... 病虫害会影响农作物的产量,在农业生产过程中,需要及时发现并准确识别出病虫害,才能够保证农业的种植产量,研究基于无人机遥感的大面积农作物叶片病虫害识别方法。配置八旋翼无人机和多光谱相机,搭建无人机遥感识别平台;以棉花叶螨为病虫害识别对象,选择农作物生长数据,划分健康叶片和叶螨病害范围。通过无人机遥感技术设计识别方法,利用叶螨的自身反射曲线,对应病虫害光谱指数特征,分辨不同等级下叶螨的反射光谱情况;定义遥感影像中的像素阈值,建立遥感影像识别模型,对图像前后景熵值进行分割;利用几何校正原理,对应划分区域采样点的大地坐标系,多项式转换图像位置坐标,对叶螨进行识别。实验结果表明:在叶螨发生的高峰期进行识别,能够直接对健康棉田和螨害区域进行划分,并且可以在空间和时间序列上,分析叶螨生长特点,具有实际应用 效果。 展开更多
关键词 无人机遥感 大面积农作物 大病虫害 识别方法
A New Strain of Entomopathogenic Bacillus of the Tea Pest, Eterusia magnifica (Butl.) (Zyganiidae: Lepidoptera) from Darjeeling Foothill Region of India 被引量:4
作者 D. De A. Mukhopadhyay 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2011年第3期359-365,共7页
An entomopathogenic strain of Bacillus sp. was isolated from diseased red slug caterpillars of the leaf-feediug pest of tea, Eterusia magnifica, from the Darjeeling foothill region. Analysis of the bacterimn based on ... An entomopathogenic strain of Bacillus sp. was isolated from diseased red slug caterpillars of the leaf-feediug pest of tea, Eterusia magnifica, from the Darjeeling foothill region. Analysis of the bacterimn based on polyphasic approach such as growth phase, biochemical tests, whole body" protein, crystal protein profiles along with bioassay (i.e. LC50 and LT50 values) established it as a different strain but close to Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk), the commercial microbial pesticides of lepidopterans. Among biochemical parameters differences were noted between the new strain and Btk in ONPG, lysine decarboxylase, omithin decarboxylase, urease, nitrate reduction, V-P and glucose utilization tests. PAGE analysis of the whole body protein for the new strain recorded a 34 kDa band which was absent in Btk (used as reference). Crystal protein profile of the newly isolated bacterial strain showed 53 and 49 kDa bands whereas in Btk only 52 kDa band was evident. Although the LC50 values of the new strain and Btk were close, their LT50 values were much different, the new strain showing a lower value than Btk. In light of the above differences and in absence of any report of entomopathogenic bacterial strain of E. magnifica, the isolated strain of Bacillus appeared to be new to science and hence was designated as RS01. The new strain opens up the possibility of its futttre use as microbial pesticide after standardizing its formulation and checking its safety aspects. 展开更多
关键词 Etentsia magnifica Bacillus sp. RS01 Camellia sinensis tea Darjeeling.
A Sustainable Agriculture Production Model of Pampanga State Agricultural University in Central Luzon, Philippines
作者 Norman De Jesus Honorio Soriano Jr +8 位作者 Rafael Rafael Emmanuel Pangilinan Cesar Orpiada Estrella Zabala Regina Loria Ernesto Supan Filomena Reyes Celso Reyes Angelina De Jesus 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第8期671-677,共7页
Alternative Low-Input Agriculture Systems (ALIAS) center advocates organic and sustainable food production system through farm/field demonstration and piloting. The center undertakes activities, including research a... Alternative Low-Input Agriculture Systems (ALIAS) center advocates organic and sustainable food production system through farm/field demonstration and piloting. The center undertakes activities, including research and development, extension and training, technology dissemination, linkaging and promotional activities. The study established a campus-based demonstration technology showcasing ALIAS to facilitate easy technology diffusion. The objectives of this research were to promote: (1) bio-fertilizers and plant-based pesticides in managing insect pests and diseases of organic vegetables and fruit crops; (2) lotus-tilapia integration as a new modality of farming system in frequently flooded areas; (3) honeybee as pollinators to enhance productivity of organic vegetable and fruit crops; (4) Adlai as intercrop to organic vegetable and fruit crops in support to rice sufficiency; (5) native chicken-coffee integration. The results show that: (1) microbial inoculants and plant-based pesticides are effective in controlling diseases and insect pest, respectively; (2) lotus integration in tilapia production system have no negative effect on the tilapia yield; (3) honeybees as pollinators enhances fruit setting by 42%-68% in different crops; (4) Adlai is a viable intercrop for organic vegetable and fruit crops; (5) native chicken integration was found to be beneficial in terms of soil fertility, insect pest control, natural weeding practices and cultivation in the coffee plantation. 展开更多
关键词 Organic agriculture BIO-FERTILIZER plant-based pesticides honeybee integration techno-demonstration.
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