When we design electric circuit with the hardware describe language VHDL,if the control of the electriccircuit is more than to calculate,we can design electric circuit as a controller which is based on multiplexer and...When we design electric circuit with the hardware describe language VHDL,if the control of the electriccircuit is more than to calculate,we can design electric circuit as a controller which is based on multiplexer and is di-vided into the space part and the time part. Electric circuit is synthesized and form CPLD or FPGA circuit by adjustingthe P- T arithmetic model. We explain this method by designing the controller of CPU as a example.展开更多
文摘When we design electric circuit with the hardware describe language VHDL,if the control of the electriccircuit is more than to calculate,we can design electric circuit as a controller which is based on multiplexer and is di-vided into the space part and the time part. Electric circuit is synthesized and form CPLD or FPGA circuit by adjustingthe P- T arithmetic model. We explain this method by designing the controller of CPU as a example.