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中新生代大陆运动学模式与大陆动力学机制的新认识 被引量:2
作者 王作勋 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 1994年第Z2期113-129,共16页
本文首次提出中新生代大陆聚散与洋壳更新过程,在运动学上属于球面二维螺旋运动;它是地幔环流三维螺旋运动的球面反映。地幔三维螺旋运动的成因机制是地幔径向环流与其绕地轴的旋转运动相耦合的结果;在运动学上,它与地球大气及海洋... 本文首次提出中新生代大陆聚散与洋壳更新过程,在运动学上属于球面二维螺旋运动;它是地幔环流三维螺旋运动的球面反映。地幔三维螺旋运动的成因机制是地幔径向环流与其绕地轴的旋转运动相耦合的结果;在运动学上,它与地球大气及海洋环流的三维螺旋运动性质相同,都与地球旋转运动有成因联系;它们的差别在于大气及海洋热对流源于太阳热辐射与地球重力作用,而地幔热对流之热能则源于地球内部。本文提出了地球各层圈物质运动的热力学过程与地球天体运动存在有机联系的证据,阐明了建立地球系统科学的方向。 展开更多
关键词 大陆运动学模式 大陆动力学机制 大陆全球螺旋运动
用GPS技术监测南极大陆运动 被引量:1
作者 刘志赵 《测绘信息与工程》 1997年第3期19-21,37,共4页
通过与其他高精度测量技术比较,认为GPS技术是用于南极大陆运动监测的最有力手段。在经过实际数据处理之后,得出了一些旨在提高数据处理精度的建议。最后通过分析在南极这种特殊环境下影响GPS精度的几个因素,得到了一些有利于提高GP... 通过与其他高精度测量技术比较,认为GPS技术是用于南极大陆运动监测的最有力手段。在经过实际数据处理之后,得出了一些旨在提高数据处理精度的建议。最后通过分析在南极这种特殊环境下影响GPS精度的几个因素,得到了一些有利于提高GPS野外观测精度及数据处理精度的结论。 展开更多
关键词 GPS 南极 大陆运动 对流层折射
大陆褶皱造山运动的星地碰撞成因 被引量:2
作者 刘广润 张宏泰 《地球科学(中国地质大学学报)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期63-70,共8页
大陆褶皱造山运动具有突发性、全球同步性,以水平运动为主,主要表现在地壳上部且具有上强下弱等特征,除水平运动一项外,与基于地幔对流的板块构造理论缺少共同之处.想用板块构造理论解释遍布大陆地块内部的褶皱构造,在形位特征与动力机... 大陆褶皱造山运动具有突发性、全球同步性,以水平运动为主,主要表现在地壳上部且具有上强下弱等特征,除水平运动一项外,与基于地幔对流的板块构造理论缺少共同之处.想用板块构造理论解释遍布大陆地块内部的褶皱构造,在形位特征与动力机制上都有难以解决的矛盾.基于地球自转速度变化的地质力学理论,对之所做的定性解释颇为合理,但因其只靠地球收缩及潮汐引力等缓变力作为引起地球自转速度变化的动力来源,力量强度太小,不足以引发强大的褶皱造山运动,且有被海水运动取代的难题.揭示了星地碰撞可以为大陆造山运动提供足够强大的突发性动力来源,并简要阐明了其作用机制,可以解决地质力学所遇到的力源不足和被海水运动取代的两大难题,从而为大陆构造研究开辟了一个新境界. 展开更多
关键词 大陆褶皱造山运动 成因 星地碰撞
探测大陆岩石圈的属性、相态与物质运动:固体地球物理学的新使命 被引量:11
作者 杨文采 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1181-1198,共18页
20世纪大地构造物理学取得引人瞩目的进展。本文详细评述了探测地球大陆圈层的属性、相态与物质运动取得的进展和技术路线。并且指出,大陆地壳和海洋地壳结构上的最基本区别是后者是相对均匀和整体刚性的,内部不存在明显的物质运动。前... 20世纪大地构造物理学取得引人瞩目的进展。本文详细评述了探测地球大陆圈层的属性、相态与物质运动取得的进展和技术路线。并且指出,大陆地壳和海洋地壳结构上的最基本区别是后者是相对均匀和整体刚性的,内部不存在明显的物质运动。前者的下地壳部分区域是不均匀和流变的,其中的物质运动使大陆板内的地壳产生比较强烈的变形和岩浆活动。因此,当前发展板块构造学说的最焦点就是对地壳不均匀性和流变岩石进行三维成像,从下到上找出大陆地壳物质运动规律。同时,一定要坚持深层油气和地震预测方面的应用基础研究,为人类社会可持续发展作出更大的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 大地构造物理学 岩石圈探测 大陆地壳属性 大陆地壳物质运动 大陆地质作用过程 三维成像
两种理想的困境——析台湾话文论争兼及大陆国语运动 被引量:2
作者 计璧瑞 《中国现代文学论丛》 2007年第2期112-123,共12页
本文以20世纪30年代台湾乡土文学暨台湾话文论争为主要论述对象,并引入大陆国语运动作为参照,观察分析论争者对殖民地环境下语言问题的深刻思考,特别是他们身处的无法摆脱的困境。论争的根本点在于提倡台湾话文或推广中国白话文的差异... 本文以20世纪30年代台湾乡土文学暨台湾话文论争为主要论述对象,并引入大陆国语运动作为参照,观察分析论争者对殖民地环境下语言问题的深刻思考,特别是他们身处的无法摆脱的困境。论争的根本点在于提倡台湾话文或推广中国白话文的差异。这种差异往往表现为对同一问题或事物不同侧面的强调;双方对语言问题的认识受到了大陆国语运动和文学革命的影响。论争虽然提出了不同的设想,但它们都因社会境遇、地域文化等限制,存在某种局限,缺乏足够的现实可行性。绝对的言文一致在白话文发展进程中成为一个难以企及的目标;语言文字运动的成功依赖倡导者的努力、政府的支持和新文学的成就。 展开更多
关键词 台湾话文论争 大陆国语运动 理想的困境
作者 宋正海 《自然辩证法通讯》 1982年第6期53-60,共8页
地质力学是我国杰出地质学家李四光(1889-1971年)创立的。地质力学的创立和李四光的天赋、勤奋分不开,但也和他善于继承十九世纪末、二十世纪初地质学特别是大陆漂移理论的成就分不开。本文主要讨论地质力学与早期大陆漂移理论的历史渊... 地质力学是我国杰出地质学家李四光(1889-1971年)创立的。地质力学的创立和李四光的天赋、勤奋分不开,但也和他善于继承十九世纪末、二十世纪初地质学特别是大陆漂移理论的成就分不开。本文主要讨论地质力学与早期大陆漂移理论的历史渊源。一、在地质学革命风暴中开始地质力学研究 1926年李四光发表了第一篇地质力学论文《地球表面形象变迁之主因》 展开更多
关键词 地质力学 李四光 大陆漂移说 地质学家 漂移理论 历史渊源 魏格纳 十九世纪 大陆运动 地球自转
作者 孙春燕 《福建轻纺》 2010年第12期16-16,共1页
关键词 台湾地区 企业 福建 股市 大陆运动
《四川统一战线》 1995年第12期42-42,共1页
党外知识分子工作范围 党外知识分子工作是统一战线的基础性工作。统一战线聚集了大量的知识分子,统战工作对象主要是各方面的党外知识分子,因此,党外知识分子工作着重于做有代表性、有影响的高中级知识分子,包括民主党派知识分子和无... 党外知识分子工作范围 党外知识分子工作是统一战线的基础性工作。统一战线聚集了大量的知识分子,统战工作对象主要是各方面的党外知识分子,因此,党外知识分子工作着重于做有代表性、有影响的高中级知识分子,包括民主党派知识分子和无党派知识分子的工作。通过工作,密切党与知识分子的关系,加强党与非党的政治联盟,调动广大知识分子的积极性,为社会主义现代化建设服务。党外知识分子工作的主要任务是:了解。 展开更多
关键词 党外知识分子工作 中国城 民主党派 无党派知识分子 大陆运动 海峡两岸 统一战线 统战工作对象 台湾 政治联盟
作者 方留民 《现代科技译丛(哈尔滨)》 2002年第1期45-45,共1页
关键词 板块构造学说 生命起源 大陆板块运动
Mapping Mythical and Imaginary Places in d'Anville's Carte de I'Amrrique Meridionale
作者 Junia Ferreira Furtado 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第10期714-721,共8页
This article aims to discuss the blank spaces in the cartography of the Enlightenment, examining one map by French mapmaker Jean Baptist Bourguignon d'Anville, the Carte de l'Amdrique m&idionale, first printed in 1... This article aims to discuss the blank spaces in the cartography of the Enlightenment, examining one map by French mapmaker Jean Baptist Bourguignon d'Anville, the Carte de l'Amdrique m&idionale, first printed in 1748. Here, emptiness reflects the limits of the geographical knowledge of that continent. Moreover, it also indicates that a mythological geography still present on the maps of the time. This was also evident in the case of Lake Parima, which is represented within the Amazon region. In the first manuscript or print version of the Carte de ['Amdrique mdridionale in 1748, on sheet l--depicting the Amazonian region--one can see that Lake Parima is not presente. Following the information of the French La Condamine had gathered on his expedition traveling down the Amazon and scorning tradition, d'Anville did not include Lake Parima but Lake Amucu, placing it not in Guiana, in the Portuguese portion of the territory, below the Orinoco River and to the north of the Amazon. This was due to a manuscript map drawn up by a Prussian whom La Condamine had met during his trip down the Amazon, Nicholas Horstman. In the 1760 version--we see to our surprise that the geographer has included Lake Parima. This article aims to discuss the disappearance of the lake in the first version of the map and why does he then add it in 1760. 展开更多
关键词 History of cartography South America d'Anville Amazon.
Identifying Fake and Potential Corporate Members in Telecommunications Operators
作者 石文华 张晓航 +1 位作者 龚雪 吕廷杰 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第8期150-157,共8页
Nowadays,mobile operators in China mainland are facing fierce competition from one to another,and their focus of customer competition has,in general,shifted from public to corporate customers.One big challenge in corp... Nowadays,mobile operators in China mainland are facing fierce competition from one to another,and their focus of customer competition has,in general,shifted from public to corporate customers.One big challenge in corporate customer management is how to identify fake corporate members and potential corporate members from corporate customers.In this study,we have proposed an identification method that combines the rule-based and probabilistic methods.Through this method,fake corporate members can be eliminated and external potential members can be mined.The experimental results based on the data obtained from a local mobile operator revealed that the proposed method can effectively and efficiently identify fake and potential corporate members.The proposed method can be used to improve the management of corporate customers. 展开更多
关键词 fake-member identification corporate customer rule-based method kernel density estimation
A Discussion on Correlations of Plate Motion with Seismic Anisotropy and Stress Field in Plate Boundary Zones
作者 Han Peng Liu Qianqian +1 位作者 Sun Zhentian Wei Dongping 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第3期319-330,共12页
In many parts of the global plates,including subduction zones,mid-ocean ridges and even the interior of the continental plates,seismic anisotropy has a certain correlation with image of absolute plate motion( APM),or ... In many parts of the global plates,including subduction zones,mid-ocean ridges and even the interior of the continental plates,seismic anisotropy has a certain correlation with image of absolute plate motion( APM),or is in accord with the predominant direction of the intraplate stress field. In our study,a statistical analysis is done on the correlations of plate motion with seismic anisotropy as well as a stress field within nine plate boundaries which contain major subduction zones in the globe. Results indicate that absolute or relative plate motion( RPM) controls the seismic anisotropy and stress field of the plate boundary,which is especially obvious for the RPM. It can also be inferred that the correlation of RPM is better than that of APM. Because of the complexity of subduction mechanism and diversity of controlling factors at plate boundaries containing subduction zones,the correlation becomes much complex. Sources of anisotropy at various depths show different characteristics,and stress state is controlled by many factors,thus further discussions on the correlations are required. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic anisotropy Plate motion Stress field Correlation
作者 易杳 《瞭望》 北大核心 1998年第32期37-38,共2页
台湾画界第一个在祖国大陆获得硕士学位的画家吴和珍:在民间艺术的丰厚土壤里汲取养分易杳采访整理到祖国大陆学画我在台湾上的是“国立艺术学院”,专攻油画。我的母校是台湾最好的学校之一,在那里可以看到很多大师的作品。因为那些... 台湾画界第一个在祖国大陆获得硕士学位的画家吴和珍:在民间艺术的丰厚土壤里汲取养分易杳采访整理到祖国大陆学画我在台湾上的是“国立艺术学院”,专攻油画。我的母校是台湾最好的学校之一,在那里可以看到很多大师的作品。因为那些作品太优秀了,以致于我们相形见绌,... 展开更多
关键词 民间艺术 祖国大陆 硕士学位 台湾 画家 艺术家 大陆运动 中国绘画艺术 文化认同 现代绘画艺术
SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of granulites at Rimana(Southern Tibet)in the central segment of Himalayan Orogen 被引量:12
作者 LIDewei LIAOQunan +6 位作者 YUANYanming WANYusheng LIUDemin ZHANGXionghua YIShunhua CAOShuzhao XlEDefan 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2003年第23期2647-2650,共4页
High-pressure mafic granulites, occurring as lenses within gneisses and quartzite in the central segment of the Himalayan orogen, were dated using SHRIMP U-Pb technique. 13 analyses out of a total of 15 are plotted al... High-pressure mafic granulites, occurring as lenses within gneisses and quartzite in the central segment of the Himalayan orogen, were dated using SHRIMP U-Pb technique. 13 analyses out of a total of 15 are plotted along a concordia line and yield a mean 206Pb/238U age of 17.6 0.3 Ma. This age indicates adiabatic decompression and a metamorphic event associated with rapid uplift of granulites in a tectonic environment resulted from the collision between India and Eurasia, synchronous with large-scale thrusting, extension, detachment as well as emplacement of leu-cogranite. One analysis gives a 206Pb/238U age of 29.5 0.4 Ma that is interpreted to represent the timing of the final closure of the Neo-Tethys. Another age is 1991 26 Ma that represents the age of the protolith of the granulites. In sum-mary, dating results show that granulites in this area under-went multiphase metamorphism and complex geological evolution. 展开更多
关键词 锆石 地球年代学 麻粒岩 西藏 喜玛拉雅山脉 大陆运动
《中国钓鱼》 1996年第11期7-8,共2页
“谜”解开了 办钓赛,搞活动往往是主办单位寻求厂、商家赞助,然而这次大赛却出现了厂家主动上门提供赞助的新鲜事。 这还得从钓赛筹备阶段说起:在海上办钓鱼比赛,最为重要的是安全第一,是绝不能出差错的。这是筹备工作首先要考虑的大事... “谜”解开了 办钓赛,搞活动往往是主办单位寻求厂、商家赞助,然而这次大赛却出现了厂家主动上门提供赞助的新鲜事。 这还得从钓赛筹备阶段说起:在海上办钓鱼比赛,最为重要的是安全第一,是绝不能出差错的。这是筹备工作首先要考虑的大事,但也是工作人员最犯难的难题。正当大家一愁莫展时,从上海传来了一个令人喜悦的信息:上海海狮救生用品公司赵军总经理表示愿意提供比赛中所需救生衣。这下乐坏了筹委会工作人员。可是海狮为什么上门赞助呢?人们心里总觉得是个“谜”。 展开更多
关键词 钓鱼会 大陆运动 运动 救生衣 筹备工作 阶段说 大赛 老同志 秦皇岛港务局 总经理
Horizontal crustal movement in China fitted by adaptive collocation with embedded Euler vector 被引量:10
作者 YANG YuanXi ZENG AnMin WU FuMei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第12期1822-1829,共8页
The crustal movements of the Chinese mainland include an average regional movement trend of the mainland and complex local deformations. Thus, both trends in the crustal movement of the mainland and local distortions ... The crustal movements of the Chinese mainland include an average regional movement trend of the mainland and complex local deformations. Thus, both trends in the crustal movement of the mainland and local distortions should be simultaneously taken into consideration in crustal movement estimations. A combined collocation model based on Euler vector (taken as trend parameters) and local distortions (taken as signals) is proposed in this paper. We assume that prior covariance matrices between signals and observations should be consistent with their uncertainties. Otherwise, the station movement estimates provided by the collocation will be distorted. Thus, an adaptive collocation estimator based on simplified Helmert variance components is applied. This means that the contributions of signals and observations to estimates of crustal movements are balanced and reasonable, and consistent covariance matrices of the signals and observations are achieved through the adjustment of the adaptive factor. The calculation of actual horizontal movements of the Chinese crust shows that the estimates of horizontal crustal movement velocities are made more accurate by the adaptive collocation model. 展开更多
关键词 adaptive collocation variance component estimation velocity field crustal deformation Euler vector
Tropical storm-forced near-inertial energy dissipation in the southeast continental shelf region of Hainan Island 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG ShuWen XIE LingLing +1 位作者 ZHAO Hui HOU YiJun 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期1879-1884,共6页
Near-inertial motion is an important dynamic process in the upper ocean and plays a significant role in mass, heat, and energy transport across the thermocline. In this study, the dissipation of wind-induced near-iner... Near-inertial motion is an important dynamic process in the upper ocean and plays a significant role in mass, heat, and energy transport across the thermocline. In this study, the dissipation of wind-induced near-inertial energy in the thermocline is investigated by using observation data collected in July and August 2005 during the tropical storm Washi by a moored system at(19°35′N, 112°E) in the continental shelf region off Hainan Island. In the observation period, the near-inertial part dominated the observed ocean kinetic energy and about 80% of the near-inertial energy dissipated in the upper layer. Extremely strong turbulent mixing induced by near-inertial wave was observed in the thermocline, where the turbulent energy dissipation rate increased by two orders of magnitude above the background level. It is found that the energy loss of near-inertial waves in the thermocline is mainly in the large-scales. This is different from the previous hypothesis based on "Kolmogorov cascade" turbulence theory that the kinetic energy is dissipated mainly by small-scale motions. 展开更多
关键词 tropical storm Washi continental shelf region of Hainan Island near-inertial energy dissipation in thermocline
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