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东日本大震灾后灾民居住重建的金融援助制度 被引量:2
作者 周建高 郑蔚 《东北亚学刊》 2015年第1期56-62,共7页
东日本大震灾造成大量人员和财产损失,住宅等建筑物的损失额占总损失额的多半。住宅金融支援机构通过修改灾害复兴住宅融资制度,简化手续、降低利率、延长宽限期和还款期,新设了宅地融资制度、公积金灾害复兴住宅融资制度、债务整理制度... 东日本大震灾造成大量人员和财产损失,住宅等建筑物的损失额占总损失额的多半。住宅金融支援机构通过修改灾害复兴住宅融资制度,简化手续、降低利率、延长宽限期和还款期,新设了宅地融资制度、公积金灾害复兴住宅融资制度、债务整理制度,还允许以奖金还贷、大幅扩大破产后的自由财产额,加上地方政府的援助,使住宅受损的灾民重建居住生活之际,可以获得至多超过千万日元的无偿援助,融资者可得相当于一年平均收入的利息优惠。与无偿援助不同,金融制度的约束性鼓励国民的自助努力,且有利于促进房地产业乃至经济发展。 展开更多
关键词 东日本大震灾 住宅 损坏 建设 融资 制度 利率
灾害流言、谣言传播心理因素分析——以3·11东日本大震灾中的流言、谣言传播为例 被引量:1
作者 杨光辉 高昊 《文化与传播》 2013年第3期8-13,共6页
流言、谣言作为一种古老的传播形态,一直存在于人们的生活中。尤其是在战争、灾害等非常态社会环境中,流言、谣言更加容易产生。本文首先梳理中外学者对流言、谣言定义研究的文献,辨析流言和谣言的概念。其次,以心理学、社会心理学相关... 流言、谣言作为一种古老的传播形态,一直存在于人们的生活中。尤其是在战争、灾害等非常态社会环境中,流言、谣言更加容易产生。本文首先梳理中外学者对流言、谣言定义研究的文献,辨析流言和谣言的概念。其次,以心理学、社会心理学相关理论为研究灾害流言、谣言的理论基础,结合"3·11东日本大震灾"中具体的流言、谣言案例,分析其传播的心理因素。最后,结合相关文献和案例,提出控制流言、谣言传播的主要策略。 展开更多
关键词 流言 谣言 压力 集群行为 东日本大震灾
东日本大震灾灾后重建规划进展缓慢原因分析 被引量:2
作者 郗皎如 加藤優一 +2 位作者 佃悠 小野田泰明 薛松涛 《结构工程师》 北大核心 2015年第2期57-66,共10页
日本作为自然灾害频发的国家,在历次大规模自然灾害应对经验的基础上形成了较为完善的防灾减灾法律及对策体制。但迄今为止,距2011年东日本大震灾发生已三年半有余,其灾后重建规划工作,以灾后重建规划的制定为主,进展仍旧缓慢。分析归... 日本作为自然灾害频发的国家,在历次大规模自然灾害应对经验的基础上形成了较为完善的防灾减灾法律及对策体制。但迄今为止,距2011年东日本大震灾发生已三年半有余,其灾后重建规划工作,以灾后重建规划的制定为主,进展仍旧缓慢。分析归纳了其原因,总结得出重建规划进展缓慢的四个因素如下:受灾地的地域特性;城镇尺度的大规模重建事业,包括以海啸模拟计算为基础的避难计划及四种灾后重建模式两个方面;复杂的灾后重建规划制定流程,包括防灾集团移转促进事业及土地区画整理事业两个主要环节;人力及重建资源不足。 展开更多
关键词 东日本大震灾 灾后重建规划 地域特性 城镇尺度的规模 规划制定流程 重建资源
“3·11”东日本大震灾应急语言服务 被引量:18
作者 包联群 《语言战略研究》 2020年第3期62-74,共13页
本研究以“3·11”东日本大震灾为个案分析日本针对突发灾害的多语言服务情况。在阐述日本应急语言服务相关法规、制度及运行机制的基础上,详细介绍了“3·11”东日本大震灾应急多语言服务具体措施,包括服务方式:窗口咨询,电话... 本研究以“3·11”东日本大震灾为个案分析日本针对突发灾害的多语言服务情况。在阐述日本应急语言服务相关法规、制度及运行机制的基础上,详细介绍了“3·11”东日本大震灾应急多语言服务具体措施,包括服务方式:窗口咨询,电话咨询,电视、收音机广播,网络/网络“收音机”广播服务等;服务语言:10多个外语语种、“简明日语”和方言服务;服务内容:提供便于携带的《日常生活多语种指南》和《防灾多语种指南》手册,提供重灾区避难所、地震/余震、撤离联系电话/集合地点、防核辐射知识、水电、银行、道路交通、饮用水和蔬菜污染等相关应急、日常信息等。震灾突发时日本实施多语言服务的成果,大多得益于平时充分的准备工作和以往丰富实践经验与教训的总结。日本通过成立多语言服务团队挖掘市民力量,实施人才培训,储备用于应急的社会资源,实现了纵向(政府)与横向(民间团体)有机联合的机制,但同时也存在一些不足之处,如对应急语言服务宣传不足、未建立常驻外国人之间完善有效的“社会联络网机制”等。基于震灾应急语言的经验和不足以及此后日本应急语言服务的完善与提升,提出对中国构筑应急多语言服务体系的启示。 展开更多
关键词 “3·11”东日本大震灾 应急语言服务 多语言 简明日语 方言 应急多语言服务体系
从阪神大震灾看地震保险 被引量:5
作者 吉村昌宏 《国际地震动态》 1999年第7期29-33,共5页
前言1995年1月17日发生的兵库县南部地震(阪神、淡路大震灾),神户等地记录的烈度为7度,死亡、下落不明者6427人,受伤者43772人,住宅全毁约11万栋,半毁约15万栋(截止1996年12月26日自治省消防厅的... 前言1995年1月17日发生的兵库县南部地震(阪神、淡路大震灾),神户等地记录的烈度为7度,死亡、下落不明者6427人,受伤者43772人,住宅全毁约11万栋,半毁约15万栋(截止1996年12月26日自治省消防厅的统计),是战后日本最大的地震灾害。... 展开更多
关键词 震灾 大震灾 地震保险 阪神地震
作者 白斌 《新闻世界》 2013年第10期291-292,共2页
关键词 东日本大震灾 中日关系 社会心理 内容分析
作者 叶翀 《国际商业技术》 2011年第3期66-68,共3页
关键词 东日本大震灾 影响 消费方式 应急商品 社会责任
《中国卫生》 2009年第2期36-37,共2页
“5·12”汶川特大地震发生后,在党中央、国务院和四川省委、省政府的坚强领导下,在卫生部的靠前指挥和全国卫生系统大力支持下,经过全体医疗卫生人员的共同努力,四川抗震救灾医疗卫生救援工作有力、有序、有效开展,为打赢抗... “5·12”汶川特大地震发生后,在党中央、国务院和四川省委、省政府的坚强领导下,在卫生部的靠前指挥和全国卫生系统大力支持下,经过全体医疗卫生人员的共同努力,四川抗震救灾医疗卫生救援工作有力、有序、有效开展,为打赢抗震救灾这场艰苦卓绝的战斗奠定了坚实基础。 展开更多
关键词 卫生系统 应急能力 大震灾 医疗卫生人员 抗震救灾 救援工作 四川省 大地震
亳州 金银花产新价高 红花走快价上扬
作者 谢伟伟 《中国现代中药》 CAS 2008年第6期51-52,共2页
关键词 红花 金银花 地产药材 大震灾 板蓝根 肉苁蓉 胖大海 猫爪草
核心住宅 日本,石卷市,宫城
作者 《世界建筑导报》 2022年第3期31-31,共1页
核心住宅是在建助会半岛支援研究会(ArchiAid)的组织下为东日本大震灾受害地区牡鹿半岛的居民所建的最小面积住宅。考虑到灾民的经济负担和人口外流等社会现象,塚本研究室和贝岛研究室组参照很多关于最小限度住宅的研究,并充分结合当地... 核心住宅是在建助会半岛支援研究会(ArchiAid)的组织下为东日本大震灾受害地区牡鹿半岛的居民所建的最小面积住宅。考虑到灾民的经济负担和人口外流等社会现象,塚本研究室和贝岛研究室组参照很多关于最小限度住宅的研究,并充分结合当地渔民的生活习惯,浴室、更衣室设置在厨房的外侧,建筑的长边设置屋檐,短边设置外廊。采用分栋型的建筑设计手法,并考虑到未来扩建的可能性。我们在板仓建造了这座核心住宅,希望将渔业与林业、城市与渔村、过去与未来连为一体。最小限的核心住宅孕育着无限的希望。 展开更多
关键词 建筑设计手法 宫城 小面积住宅 东日本大震灾 人口外流 当地渔民 最小限度 浴室
Impacts of the Wenchuan Earthquake on the Giant Panda Nature Reserves in China 被引量:11
作者 DENG Xiangzheng JIANG Qunou +1 位作者 GE Quansheng YANG LinSheng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第2期197-206,共10页
The Wenchuan Earthquake that occurred in May of 2008 caused damages to large areas of Sichuan,Gansu,and Shaanxi provinces in China.Reports from local governments and related management agencies show that the giant pan... The Wenchuan Earthquake that occurred in May of 2008 caused damages to large areas of Sichuan,Gansu,and Shaanxi provinces in China.Reports from local governments and related management agencies show that the giant panda nature reserves in the earthquake-hit areas were heavily damaged.Our estimates in this paper of the impacts of the earthquake on the giant panda in the earthquake-hit areas were made based on the interpretation of remote sensing images and information collected by field survey.A rapid assessment method was designed to estimate the damages of the earthquake on giant panda habitats.By using visual interpretation methods,we decoded the remote sensing images of the disaster area in the 49 giant panda nature reserves.Research results showed that the Wenchuan Earthquake and the succeeding secondary geological disasters caused great damages to the giant panda nature reserves and disturbed the normal life of the giant pandas there (e.g.,landscape fragmentation increased significantly).Undoubtedly,the life of the giant pandas there was affected.However,although the earthquake caused certain impacts on the giant pandas,it did not really threat their survival.Even so,we still strongly advocate for protection of the giant pandas,and have prioritized a couple of measures to be taken to restore the giant panda nature reserves in the earthquake-hit areas. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan earthquake Remote sensing Giant panda Giant panda nature reserve Rapid assessment method
Susceptibility Assessment of Landslides Caused by the Wenchuan Earthquake Using a Logistic Regression Model 被引量:14
作者 SU Fenghuan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期234-245,共12页
The Wenchuan earthquake on May 12,2008 caused numerous collapses,landslides,barrier lakes,and debris flows.Landslide susceptibility mapping is important for evaluation of environmental capacity and also as a guide for... The Wenchuan earthquake on May 12,2008 caused numerous collapses,landslides,barrier lakes,and debris flows.Landslide susceptibility mapping is important for evaluation of environmental capacity and also as a guide for post-earthquake reconstruction.In this paper,a logistic regression model was developed within the framework of GIS to map landslide susceptibility.Qingchuan County,a heavily affected area,was selected for the study.Distribution of landslides was prepared by interpretation of multi-temporal and multi-resolution remote sensing images(ADS40 aerial imagery,SPOT5 imagery and TM imagery,etc.) and field surveys.The Certainly Factor method was used to find the influencial factors,indicating that lithologic groups,distance from major faults,slope angle,profile curvature,and altitude are the dominant factors influencing landslides.The weight of each factor was determined using a binomial logistic regression model.Landslide susceptibility mapping was based on spatial overlay analysis and divided into five classes.Major faults have the most significant impact,and landslides will occur most likely in areas near the faults.Onethird of the area has a high or very high susceptibility,located in the northeast,south and southwest,including 65.3% of all landslides coincident with the earthquake.The susceptibility map can reveal the likelihood of future failures,and it will be useful for planners during the rebuilding process and for future zoning issues. 展开更多
关键词 Landslide susceptibility WenchuanEarthquake GIS logistic regression certainty factor
Redevelopment of Daqing Oil Field distributed earthquake disaster reduction system skeleton 被引量:1
作者 金波 陶夏新 +1 位作者 谢礼立 毛建猛 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第6期884-888,共5页
Through investigation on the international development trend of earthquake disaster reduction system(EDRS)researches,a well finished Daqing Oilfield EDRS is introduced.Based on the PC System,redevelopment of the EDRS ... Through investigation on the international development trend of earthquake disaster reduction system(EDRS)researches,a well finished Daqing Oilfield EDRS is introduced.Based on the PC System,redevelopment of the EDRS skeleton is well discussed,including the technical skeleton,function composition,structures of software and hardware,redevelopment languages,database,and remote linking and calling of analysis modules.Meanwhile,it is pointed out that extending and utilizing the function of remote sensing information on the basis of the current distributed EDRS skeleton will become another study direction of EDRS. 展开更多
关键词 Daqing Oil Field distributed earthquake disaster reduction REDEVELOPMENT remote sensing
Catastrophic Debris Flows on July 10^(th) 2013 along the Min River in Areas Seriously-hit by the Wenchuan Earthquake 被引量:9
作者 GE Yong-gang CUI Peng +2 位作者 ZHANG Jian-qiang ZENG Chao SU Feng-huan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期186-206,共21页
Over 240 debris flows occurred in hill-slopes, gullies ( indicated those with single-channel) and watersheds (indicated those with tributaries and channels) on July 10th 2013 in the Wenchuan county, and caused 29 ... Over 240 debris flows occurred in hill-slopes, gullies ( indicated those with single-channel) and watersheds (indicated those with tributaries and channels) on July 10th 2013 in the Wenchuan county, and caused 29 casualties and about 633×10^6 USD losses. This work aimed to analyze characteristics, hazards and causes of these events and explore mitigating measures based on field investigation and remote sensing images interpretation. The debris flows contained clay content of 0.1%~3.56%, having densities of 1.72-2.14 t/m^3, velocities of 5.0-m.7 m/s, discharges of 335-2353 m^3/s and sediment yields of 0.10-1.26×10^6 m^3, and also numerously occurred in large watersheds with the area over lo km^2. Large debris flows formed 3 hazard-chains in slopes, gullies, watersheds and rivers, which all evolved in dammed lakes and outburst flood, and 26 dammed lakes and lO newly ones were generated along the rivers of Min and Yuzi. The remarkable spatial difference of loose solid materials accumulation and intense rainfall, with the cumulative of about or more than 150 mm and the hourly of over 16mm, caused debris flows in the sections from Yingxiu to Miansi and Gengda. The damages on buildings, reconstructions, highways,factories and hydro power station originated from the impacting, scouring, burying of debris flows, the submerging of dammed lake and the scouring of outburst flood, and the huge losses came from the ruinous destructions of control engineering works of debris flows as well as the irrational location and low- resistant capabilities of reconstructions. For hazards mitigating of debris flows in long term, the feasible measures for short term, including risk-reassessing of foregone and potential hazard sites, regional alarming system establishing and integrated control in disastrous sites, and middle-long term, including improving reconstruction standard, rationally disposing river channel bed rise and selecting appropriate reconstruction time and plans, were strongly suggested. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flows Wenchuan Earthquake Characteristics DAMAGES Causes Preventions
Seismic Damage Characteristics of the Wenchuan Great Earthquake on May 12,2008 and Suggestions for Disaster Prevention 被引量:1
作者 Gao Mengtan Zhou Bengang Pan Hua 《Earthquake Research in China》 2009年第4期480-487,共8页
The paper introduces the tectonic background, focal mechanism and distribution of aftershock of the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12,2008. The earthquake is considered to be the result of long-term interaction between th... The paper introduces the tectonic background, focal mechanism and distribution of aftershock of the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12,2008. The earthquake is considered to be the result of long-term interaction between the eastward movement of the Bayan Har Block and the Sichuan Basin. Most of the earthquake energy was released in an area (the seismic source body) 330kin long,52km wide and 20km deep over 100s. Energy release in the source body was extremely uneven, and strong ground motion in the epicenter area shows obvious asymmetrical character in the time and space scale. The high-intensity area is distributed along the source body, and the intensity distribution bears an obvious anomalous characteristic. The investigation results indicate that more than 90 percent of casualties caused by this earthquake were in the areas of intensity IX or above. Houses, schools and hospitals etc. suffered serious damage. Lifelines such as transportation, water conservation etc. also suffered significant damage. Besides, earthquake-triggered avalanches, landslides, mud-rock flows and so on were extremely serious. The tremendous earthquake disaster highlighted the deficiencies in disaster prevention and mitigation management, scientific earthquake research, technology and application of earthquake disaster prevention, and publicity of earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan earthquake Disaster characteristics Disaster prevention
Comparison of Reconstruction System of the Queensland Flood and of the East Japan Great Earthquake
作者 Hajime Inamura 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第4期452-460,共9页
The natural disasters struck northeast Australia between November 2010 and February 2011. The QLD (Queensland) State Government has established the Queensland Reconstruction Authority within one month. Recovery work... The natural disasters struck northeast Australia between November 2010 and February 2011. The QLD (Queensland) State Government has established the Queensland Reconstruction Authority within one month. Recovery works in QLD seem to be very smooth, and transfer phase to the normal civil works is going to start. Eastern Japan also attacked by the great earthquake and following Tsunami on March 11, 2011. Japanese Government, however, established the Reconstruction Agency almost one year after the event. The reconstruction of the disaster area is still on the halfway. This paper aims to find out the differences between two countries from the viewpoints of organization, planning process and financial conditions. 展开更多
关键词 DISASTER EARTHQUAKE reconstruction works international comparison Japan and Australia.
GIS as an Information Infrastructure for Recovery and Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake 被引量:1
作者 Kayoko Yamamoto 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第8期461-471,共11页
This study considers the regional characteristics of the Tohoku region and the extent of the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and makes proposals for recovery and reconstruction of the areas affected b... This study considers the regional characteristics of the Tohoku region and the extent of the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and makes proposals for recovery and reconstruction of the areas affected by this disaster as well as for a reduction of the impact of natural disasters that may occur in the future with GIS (geographic information systems) as a social infrastructure positioned at the heart of the information infrastructure. Due to the fact that social media that used ICT (information and communication technology) was useful in the days directly after the disaster, it can be said that it is necessary to investigate the provision of an information infrastructure that uses ICT to reduce the impact of disasters. Therefore, this study proposes the construction of a geographical information database using GIS and the provision and sharing of information using social media GIS after discussion of the relationship between the development of the computerization of Japan and GIS as a valid example of using information systems for recovery and reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 GIS (Geographic Information Systems) information infrastructure ICT (information and communication technology) recovery and reconstruction Great East Japan Earthquake.
Analysis of Some Building Damage Phenomena in the Wenchuan Earthquake
作者 Li Min Li Xiaojun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第2期243-251,共9页
The MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake caused a great deal of damage and collapse to engineering structures. Survey of disaster and engineering damage was made in detail by the authors and other researchers in the extreme eart... The MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake caused a great deal of damage and collapse to engineering structures. Survey of disaster and engineering damage was made in detail by the authors and other researchers in the extreme earthquake disaster area. The paper makes an overview of the earthquake disaster status and damage phenomena which include brick-concrete buildings, frame structures, brick-wood structures, and timber frame residential buildings. Furthermore, the causes of the disaster and building damage phenomena are briefly discussed. In addition, some typical damage phenomena are specialized. According to the phenomena mentioned above, some feasible seismic measures are suggested for the development of buildings in future. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan earthquake Earthquake damage survey Damage phenomena Rural houses
Conclusions on the Implementation of Regulation of the National Significant Seismic Monitoring and Protection Regions from 1996 to 2012 in the Chinese Mainland
作者 Chao Hongtai Gao Mengtan +7 位作者 Li Bo Chen Shijun Liang Kaili Ma Yuxiang Wang Feng Wu Guochun Lang Cong Wu Xinyan 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第1期8-20,共13页
The regulation of the National Significant Seismic Monitoring and Protection Regions(NSSMPR for short) is defined by the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters.T... The regulation of the National Significant Seismic Monitoring and Protection Regions(NSSMPR for short) is defined by the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters.The first stage of implementation of the regulation of NSSMPR in the Chinese mainland was finished from 1996 to 2005.The second stage is being carried on from 2006 to 2020.With the support of the National Social Science Foundation,this paper follows up and evaluates the implementation of the regulation of NSSMPR from 1996 to 2012 in the Chinese mainland.Based on analysis of earthquake examples and investigation data,we find that the effect of disaster mitigation is good,and on this basis,some suggestions are proposed to improve the regulation of NSSMPR. 展开更多
关键词 The National Significant Seismic Monitoring and Protection Regions Legalregulation Effect and progress Measures on protecting against andmitigating earthquake disasters
Policy Analysis on Building Regulations and the Recovery of Earthquake and Tsunami Affected Areas
作者 Shoichi Ando 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第8期992-1005,共14页
The paper examines the situation and causes of recent big earthquake and tsunami disasters especially in the case of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, and analyzes the damage to extract lessons on safety of bui... The paper examines the situation and causes of recent big earthquake and tsunami disasters especially in the case of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, and analyzes the damage to extract lessons on safety of buildings and recovery of cities from the view point of building regulations such as the Article 39 of the Building Standard Law. In addition, the Article 8 of the Ordinance of City Planning Law resulted in not so effective against tsunami in March 2011. Control mechanisms of building construction should be integrated into socio-economic, institutional, technical and other policy tools. In order to mitigate earthquake risk, all stages of building construction, from location, planning and construction to maintenance are important. Awareness creation is instrumental for building culture of safety and demands for intervention in disaster mitigation. The demands ultimately help in creating conducive environment for policy intervention, in realizing institutional mechanism of building code enforcement and land use control for the municipal authorities and in creating demand for competent professionals. 展开更多
关键词 Great East Japan Earthquake Building Standard Law City Planning Law.
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