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作者 张文芳 《实用中医药杂志》 1990年第2期12-13,共2页
笔者从1987年以来用四川雅安制药厂生产的参麦注射液治疗鼻咽癌放射治疗后所引起的一系列不良反应,效果较好。现将治疗的83例患者结果总结如下。一、临床资料: 83例中。
关键词 参麦注射液 鼻咽癌治疗 四川雅安 放射治疗 后所 干燥综合症 全身乏力 大麦冬 强心固脱 脉细
尿崩症1例治验 被引量:1
作者 郜香圃 郜树义 《中医杂志》 1984年第6期41-41,共1页
王××,女,31岁,工人。初诊日期1983年7月25日,病历号8326971。几个月来自觉渴甚,每日饮水达十几暖壶而渴不止,夜间仍需饮水。若限水则烦渴不已,疲倦头昏。尿多而频,尿色如水,夜尿达十几次之多。兼有肌肉痛、皮肤干、粗糙似鱼鳞... 王××,女,31岁,工人。初诊日期1983年7月25日,病历号8326971。几个月来自觉渴甚,每日饮水达十几暖壶而渴不止,夜间仍需饮水。若限水则烦渴不已,疲倦头昏。尿多而频,尿色如水,夜尿达十几次之多。兼有肌肉痛、皮肤干、粗糙似鱼鳞,食欲不振,午后身热。 展开更多
关键词 尿崩症 代谢病 肥知母 粉葛根 大麦冬 细生地 黑玄参 燥热
作者 陈龙跃 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 1989年第4期21-21,共1页
肖××,男,40岁。初诊1986年7月18日。患有胃脘部隐隐疼痛,时作胀满,嗳气口苦,曾经×医院胃镜检查为“萎缩性胃炎”,病理活检看到间变细胞,已历5年。近2个月来每于劳累时,倦怠无力,口干舌燥,大便呈羊粪状,形体消瘦,脉弦数,... 肖××,男,40岁。初诊1986年7月18日。患有胃脘部隐隐疼痛,时作胀满,嗳气口苦,曾经×医院胃镜检查为“萎缩性胃炎”,病理活检看到间变细胞,已历5年。近2个月来每于劳累时,倦怠无力,口干舌燥,大便呈羊粪状,形体消瘦,脉弦数,舌红苔薄。证属胃津亏损,气机失畅,治以清养胃阴,疏通气机。用沙参麦门冬汤(《温病条辨》)加味。药用北沙参12克,大麦冬9克,玉竹9克,白芍9克,天花粉9克,炒川楝子9克,炒元胡9克,生麦芽12克,生甘草2克,厚朴花3克,鲜荷叶边6克引。水煎,日服2次。 展开更多
关键词 萎缩性胃炎 治验 厚朴花 炒川楝子 《温病条辨》 胀满 生麦芽 形体消瘦 胃脘部 大麦冬
作者 李仁众 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 1981年第6期11-12,共2页
病者仲姓,于暑天患肠伤寒,先在其他医生处诊治。病十二天请章师诊治,连诊九次,始转危为安,兹历记于下:(其中药量从旧制改为公制) 仲君,初诊:6月24日。体温39.5℃,脉搏108/分。病伤寒十二日,其热在弛张不定中。盖热之退不足喜,热之高不足... 病者仲姓,于暑天患肠伤寒,先在其他医生处诊治。病十二天请章师诊治,连诊九次,始转危为安,兹历记于下:(其中药量从旧制改为公制) 仲君,初诊:6月24日。体温39.5℃,脉搏108/分。病伤寒十二日,其热在弛张不定中。盖热之退不足喜,热之高不足虑,所虑者,病久热之后,深防正气虚赢。故扶其正气实为当务之急,其重要甚于清热;是以医者当权衡其轻重,不当墨守成规。黄芪9克,干地黄18克,麦冬9克,潞党参12克,川石斛9克,净连翘12克,远志肉4.5克,鲜石菖蒲12克,陈胆星2.4克,粉甘草2.4克。(原注:用胆星菖蒲以其尚有神识模糊) 展开更多
关键词 川石解 连翘 连召 清热解毒药 肠伤寒 伤寒症 细生地 米仁 大麦冬 潞党参 党参 象贝母 浙贝母
Breeding of New Winter Wheat Variety Nongda No.399
作者 李和平 李积铭 +3 位作者 杨宗利 张玉兰 翟兰菊 张晓庆 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期561-562,565,共2页
The winter wheat variety Nongda No. 399 was developed by Agriculture and Biotechnology College of China Agricultural University and Hebei Jincheng Seed Corporation Ltd. with the characteristics of high yield, high-res... The winter wheat variety Nongda No. 399 was developed by Agriculture and Biotechnology College of China Agricultural University and Hebei Jincheng Seed Corporation Ltd. with the characteristics of high yield, high-resistance and wide adaptation. The variety is suitable for direct seeding in the winter wheat planting area of the central and southern Hebei Province. 展开更多
Decomposition and Products of Wheat and Rice Straw from a FACE Experiment Under Flooded Conditions 被引量:3
作者 LIU Juan HAN Yong CAI Zu-Cong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期389-397,共9页
Winter wheat and rice straw produced under ambient and elevated CO2 in a China rice-wheat rotation free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment was mixed with a paddy soil at a rate of 10 g kg^-1 (air-dried), and the... Winter wheat and rice straw produced under ambient and elevated CO2 in a China rice-wheat rotation free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment was mixed with a paddy soil at a rate of 10 g kg^-1 (air-dried), and the mixture was incubated under flooded conditions at 25℃ to examine the differences in decomposition as well as the products of crop residues produced under elevated CO2. Results showed that the C/N ratio and the amount of soluble fraction in the amended rice straw grown under elevated CO2 (FR) were 9.8% and 73.1% greater, and the cellulose and lignin were 16.0% and 9.9% lesser than those of the amended rice straw grown under ambient CO2 (AR), respectively. Compared with those of the AR treatment, the CO2-C and CH4-C emissions in the FR treatment for 25 d were increased by 7.9% and 25.0%, respectively; a higher ratio of CH4 to CO2 emissions induced by straw in the FR treatment was also observed. In contrast, in the treatments with winter wheat straw, the CO2-C and CH4-C emissions, the ratio of straw-induced CH4 to CO2 emissions, and the straw composition were not significantly affected by elevated CO2, except for an 8.0% decrease in total N and a 9.7% increase in C/N ratio in the wheat straw grown under elevated CO2. Correlation analysis showed that the net CO2-C and CH4-C emission from straw and the ratio of straw-induced CH4 to CO2 emissions were all exponentially related to the amount of soluble fraction in the amended straw (P 〈0.05). These indicated that under flooded conditions, the turnover and CH4 emission from crop straw incorporated into soil were dependent on the effect of elevated CO2 on straw composition, and varied with crop species. Incorporation of rice straw grown under elevated CO2 would stimulate CH4 emission from flooded rice fields, whereas winter wheat straw grown under elevated CO2 had no effect on CH4 emission. 展开更多
关键词 carbon cycle CH4 CO2 emissions soluble fraction
Double-Cropping Pinto Bean after Winter Barley in Western Colorado USA
作者 C. H. Pearson R. L. Sharp 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第1期1-7,共7页
A double-cropping field study was conducted at the Colorado State University, Fruita. Colorado USA to evaluate an irrigated, double-cropping system of winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) followed by pinto bean (Phas... A double-cropping field study was conducted at the Colorado State University, Fruita. Colorado USA to evaluate an irrigated, double-cropping system of winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) followed by pinto bean (Phaseolus vutgaris L.) for the valley areas of western Colorado USA and other similar environments. Double-cropping pinto bean after winter barley was successful, but to use our double-cropping technology in commercial agriculture in adapted locations will likely require identifying or developing a winter barley cultivar that matures earlier than current cultivars but does not head and flower so early that it is susceptible to freeze damage. Double-cropping was more profitable in all three years than growing either pinto bean or winter barley as a sole crop. 展开更多
关键词 Double-cropping dry bean winter barley alternative cropping system.
作者 王本泉 《森林与人类》 1994年第2期15-15,共1页
关键词 森林蔬菜 黑旋风 前几 山芹菜 食用部位 森林植物 土当归 大麦冬 指山 根菜类
作者 强歌 《乡镇论坛》 1992年第7期42-42,共1页
我国野生植物资源十分丰富,大力开发加工利用这些资源,既可增加市场供应,又可出口创汇。野生资源的加工利用大致有五个方面:一是加工食品。如毛竹笋、山芹菜、土茯苓、大麦冬、桂花、金银花、兰花、香菇、蘑菇、冬菇、银耳、竹荪等。还... 我国野生植物资源十分丰富,大力开发加工利用这些资源,既可增加市场供应,又可出口创汇。野生资源的加工利用大致有五个方面:一是加工食品。如毛竹笋、山芹菜、土茯苓、大麦冬、桂花、金银花、兰花、香菇、蘑菇、冬菇、银耳、竹荪等。还有一些野生植物可提取果汁和制作饮料。 展开更多
关键词 野生植物资源 山芹菜 制作饮料 大麦冬 出口创汇 有毒植物 野生藤 布荆 奔马 雷公藤
作者 张丰强 郑英 《保健与生活》 2021年第13期66-66,共1页
滋胃饮组成乌梅肉6克,炒白芍、北沙参、大麦冬、金钗石斛、丹参、生麦芽各10克,炙鸡内金5克,炙甘草、玫瑰花各3克。功效滋养胃阴,疏肝柔肝。主治慢性萎缩性胃炎或溃疡并发慢性胃炎久而不愈、胃酸缺乏者。临床以胃脘隐隐作痛,烦渴思饮,... 滋胃饮组成乌梅肉6克,炒白芍、北沙参、大麦冬、金钗石斛、丹参、生麦芽各10克,炙鸡内金5克,炙甘草、玫瑰花各3克。功效滋养胃阴,疏肝柔肝。主治慢性萎缩性胃炎或溃疡并发慢性胃炎久而不愈、胃酸缺乏者。临床以胃脘隐隐作痛,烦渴思饮,口燥咽干,食少,便秘,舌红少苔,脉细数为主症。 展开更多
关键词 慢性萎缩性胃炎 舌红少苔 胃酸缺乏 口燥咽干 脉细数 周仲瑛 大麦冬 生麦芽
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