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山西省发展大麻生产的现状及构想 被引量:3
作者 赵铭森 康红梅 《安徽农学通报》 2007年第13期140-140,共1页
关键词 山西 大麻生产
作者 姜树坤 杨贤莉 +2 位作者 王立志 张喜娟 迟力勇 《黑龙江农业科学》 2022年第5期22-28,共7页
大麻是黑龙江省重要的经济作物之一,年播种面积占全国一半左右。探明黑龙江省大麻种植面积、总产及单产变化趋势,解析气象环境因素对大麻产量的影响,对于黑龙江省大麻的科学区划布局和健康发展具有重要意义。本研究分析了黑龙江省2011-2... 大麻是黑龙江省重要的经济作物之一,年播种面积占全国一半左右。探明黑龙江省大麻种植面积、总产及单产变化趋势,解析气象环境因素对大麻产量的影响,对于黑龙江省大麻的科学区划布局和健康发展具有重要意义。本研究分析了黑龙江省2011-2019年大麻的播种面积、总产和单产的时空变化趋势,并探讨了大麻单产与主要气象因子间的关系。结果表明:黑龙江省大麻播种面积年均增长2096.5 hm^(2),总产年均增长12696.6 t,大麻种植区域主要分布在黑河市、绥化市、齐齐哈尔市、大庆市等区域,新增区域主要分布在齐齐哈尔市、哈尔滨市和牡丹江市。各地单产的变化幅度较大,变幅为58.2~10178.6 kg·hm^(-2)。黑河市、绥化市、大庆市等大麻传统主产区的单产高且稳定,一般为5000~10000 kg·hm^(-2)。而新增区域的单产较低,哈尔滨市和齐齐哈尔地区的平均单产低于3500 kg·hm^(-2),具有较大的提升空间。大麻单产与5-9月的≥10℃活动积温和5-9月的累计降水量呈正相关,与5-9月的太阳总辐射呈负相关,但未达到显著水平。现阶段不同区域的单位面积产量高低主要取决于栽培技术水平。 展开更多
关键词 黑龙江省 大麻生产 时空变化 气象因子
清水县大麻生产现状及发展建议 被引量:3
作者 吴明真 《甘肃农业科技》 1998年第9期3-5,共3页
大麻是清水县的传统经济作物,栽培历史悠久,所产大麻以纤维长、拉力强、质量好而远销省内外,麻子粒大饱满,是西北人民喜食的干果类食品,也是营养价值很高的油料。近年来,由于麻皮深加工、麻脱胶新技术的开发利用,麻纤维成为一种... 大麻是清水县的传统经济作物,栽培历史悠久,所产大麻以纤维长、拉力强、质量好而远销省内外,麻子粒大饱满,是西北人民喜食的干果类食品,也是营养价值很高的油料。近年来,由于麻皮深加工、麻脱胶新技术的开发利用,麻纤维成为一种重要的新兴纺织原料,麻皮销路看好,... 展开更多
关键词 清水县 大麻生产 发展对策 栽培技术
作者 王红元 谢洪昌 +2 位作者 王晨平 石素海 王海礁 《农机使用与维修》 2024年第6期89-91,共3页
随着大麻产业的发展和合法化,对于高效、可持续的大麻生产技术的需求日益增长。该文综述了近年来小型工业大麻收获机的研究进展,基于大麻收获机的意义和发展背景,着重分析了传统大麻手工收获存在的问题,如劳动密集、效率低下等,概述了... 随着大麻产业的发展和合法化,对于高效、可持续的大麻生产技术的需求日益增长。该文综述了近年来小型工业大麻收获机的研究进展,基于大麻收获机的意义和发展背景,着重分析了传统大麻手工收获存在的问题,如劳动密集、效率低下等,概述了小型工业大麻收获机的设计原理和技术特点,随后对目前小型工业大麻收获机应用特点即存在的问题进行分析,包括其优缺点和适用场景。最后展望小型工业大麻收获机的未来发展趋势,提出了需要进一步解决的技术难题和发展方向,以期为大麻生产技术的进步提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 小型工业大麻收获机 大麻生产技术 自动化 效率 机械结构 技术创新
国外工业大麻研究与产品开发的新动向 被引量:20
作者 张运雄 《世界农业》 北大核心 2003年第9期37-40,共4页
关键词 工业大麻生产 研究 产品开发 生态适应性 生态保护作用 世界 育种 收获
作者 董波 《西部皮革》 2019年第14期74-74,共1页
所采用的初加工工艺的不同,所生产出来的大麻包装形态就会初夏差别。但是在国内大麻收获最后环节的包装作业一向是人工完成,存在诸多缺点。并且要经历多个程序才能进入剥麻作业,效率不高。面对这种情况,需要加速对大麻翻麻机、打捆机、... 所采用的初加工工艺的不同,所生产出来的大麻包装形态就会初夏差别。但是在国内大麻收获最后环节的包装作业一向是人工完成,存在诸多缺点。并且要经历多个程序才能进入剥麻作业,效率不高。面对这种情况,需要加速对大麻翻麻机、打捆机、打卷机、脱粒机和退卷机的研制。为此,在文中分析了国外相关机械的应用,并提出了研发大麻翻麻机、打捆机、打卷机、脱粒机和退卷机的建议。 展开更多
关键词 大麻生产 国外应用 农机制造
Techno-economic Appraisal of Biodiesel from Jatropha curcas: An Egyptian Case Study
作者 Shadia R. Tewfik Salwa I. Hawash +2 位作者 Nahed K. Atteya Guzine I. El Diwani Ihab H. Farag 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第3期287-297,共11页
Biodiesel (fatty acid methyl ester) has been identified as a non-toxic biodegradable alternative fuel that is obtained from renewable sources. Over the last decade, there has been increasing interest in producing bi... Biodiesel (fatty acid methyl ester) has been identified as a non-toxic biodegradable alternative fuel that is obtained from renewable sources. Over the last decade, there has been increasing interest in producing biodiesel from conventional sources such as soybean, canola, sunflower, and coconut oils. Current efforts are directed towards the development of new non-edible resources. Among these Jatropha Curcas comes at the forefront. In Egypt, Jatropha Curcas has grown successfully using primary treated wastewater. Also, extensive R&D efforts identified the optimum conditions for the various processing stages namely crushing, extraction, transesterification and purification. Based on the research findings, the techno-economic appraisal of biodiesel production from Jatropha Curcas is conducted. Two nominal capacities namely 8,000 and 50,000 metric tons/yr have been proposed. Several scenarios have been formulated to take into consideration varying productivity (3.4 to 5.8 ton fruits per 4,000 m^2 (acre)) and varying recovery rates of oil from seeds. Economic indicators including capital and production costs for the various processing stages and revenues according to current prices of oil and cake have been obtained. The price of biodiesel that provides a simple rate of return (SRR) on investments of 10% was in the range of $0.3-0.7/liter for the different assumed scenarios which is lower than the prevailing price of biodiesel (about $1/liter) in the US. Thus, in view of experimental results and economic assumptions, there are positive prospects for the production of biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas under Egyptian conditions. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIESEL Jatropha curcas experimental simulation economic indicators.
Influences of Different Habitats on Asexual Propagation of Wild Gastrodia elata f. glauca being Domesticated in Ganzi
作者 Xueqiang XIE 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第10期2111-2114,共4页
[Objective] The influences of different habitats on asexual propagation of wild Geg(abbreviation for Gastrodia elata Bl. f. glauca S. Chow) being domesticated in Ganzi prefecture was studied. [Method] The research tri... [Objective] The influences of different habitats on asexual propagation of wild Geg(abbreviation for Gastrodia elata Bl. f. glauca S. Chow) being domesticated in Ganzi prefecture was studied. [Method] The research trial was carried out in the following three kinds of habitats at the same time: the plastic greenhouses, the birch forest of shady slope and the shrubbery of sunny slope, and the results were analyzed with group data average hypothesis test method. [Result] The overall tuber(the juvenile tuber, the immature tuber and the mature tuber) yield and the mature tuber yield were both very significantly higher in the plastic greenhouses than in the other two types of habitats, and respectively reached 9.52 and 6.70 kg/m2; the mature tuber drying rate was dramatically or very dramatically lower in the plastic greenhouses than in the other two types of habitats, and was 23.84%; the stabilities of the overall tuber yield, the mature tuber yield and the drying rate were all reduced in the order of greenhouses, birch forest and shrubbery; and the dry mature tuber yield of the plastic greenhouses was the highest in the three kinds of habitats, and was 1.60 kg/m2. [Conclusion] A good habitat had to be created or chosen in the domesticating cultivation of the wild Geg in Ganzi prefecture. The preferred choice was the plastic greenhouse, the alternative one was the deciduous broadleaved forest of shady slope. The imitating wild planting of the wild Geg should be done in the warm moist deciduous broad-leaved forest of shady slope. 展开更多
关键词 HABITAT Gastrodia elata BI. f. glauca S. Chow Asexual propagation Domesticating cultivation Imitating wild planting Overall tuber yield sum Mature tu- ber yield Drying rate
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