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复古与革新的错位:对北宋天地分祭与合祭之争的再探讨 被引量:3
作者 丁建军 江云 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期65-74,共10页
祭祀天地是中国古代帝王的特权与神圣义务。北宋时期,宋神宗熙丰变法时期对礼制的改革,引发了关于郊祀礼的激烈争论,争论的焦点是天地应该分祭还是合祭。伴随着北宋中后期最高当权者的更迭和新旧党争的形势变化,这场争论也不断反复。在... 祭祀天地是中国古代帝王的特权与神圣义务。北宋时期,宋神宗熙丰变法时期对礼制的改革,引发了关于郊祀礼的激烈争论,争论的焦点是天地应该分祭还是合祭。伴随着北宋中后期最高当权者的更迭和新旧党争的形势变化,这场争论也不断反复。在这个过程中,以恢复古礼相标榜而主张天地分祭的许多新党,表现为食古不化的保守,而以适应宋朝现实为依据,主张实行天地合祭的许多旧党,却表现出与时俱进的革新精神。由于时代变迁、财力的局限和皇帝事务的繁忙,按照古礼恢复天地分祭的主张已难于实行,天地合祭,皇帝每三年亲祀一次,遂成为宋朝郊祀礼的主流。宋人对天地分祭与合祭的争论既是礼制、学术之争,更牵涉北宋中后期的党争,从一个侧面彰显了宋朝士大夫政治的时代特色。 展开更多
关键词 北宋 郊祀 天地分 天地合祭 北宋党争
藏族《世界形成歌》(部分)的原型结构解析 被引量:1
作者 夏敏 《西藏民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1992年第1期91-92,共2页
本文就藏族《世界形成歌》选择部分进行尝试性的原型批评。问:“最初斯巴形成时, 天地混合在一起, 请问谁把天地分? 最初斯巴形成时, 阴阳混合在一起, 请问谁把阴阳分?答兼问:“最初斯巴形成时,天地混合在一起,分开天地是大鹏,大鹏头上... 本文就藏族《世界形成歌》选择部分进行尝试性的原型批评。问:“最初斯巴形成时, 天地混合在一起, 请问谁把天地分? 最初斯巴形成时, 阴阳混合在一起, 请问谁把阴阳分?答兼问:“最初斯巴形成时,天地混合在一起,分开天地是大鹏,大鹏头上有什么?最初天地形成时,阴阳混合在一起, 展开更多
关键词 天地分 斯巴 原型批评 结构解析 具体性思维 整体式 陈述对象 蒙昧时代 认知方式 下半部
中阿史话 被引量:1
作者 金景坤 《阿拉伯世界研究》 1989年第3期29-30,共2页
长安的大食遣唐使中阿人民之间的友好关系,历史悠久,源远流长。唐代是这两个当时世界上最大帝国间,经济、文化相互交流的鼎盛时期。在唐王朝统治的二百多年里,阿拉伯帝国遣使入华见于正式记载者就达37次之多,而且,在安史之乱时,还曾有... 长安的大食遣唐使中阿人民之间的友好关系,历史悠久,源远流长。唐代是这两个当时世界上最大帝国间,经济、文化相互交流的鼎盛时期。在唐王朝统治的二百多年里,阿拉伯帝国遣使入华见于正式记载者就达37次之多,而且,在安史之乱时,还曾有一支阿拉伯帝国的军队入华,协助唐军平定叛乱。到了晚唐,仅留居长安的阿拉伯人就达4千之多,并留下了许多佳话。 展开更多
关键词 唐王朝 遣唐使 唐军 中阿 天地分 陕西布政使司 赛典赤 国史学界 伯颜 凤凰亭
浙江平湖太保书记略 被引量:1
作者 张玉观 《民间文学论坛》 1994年第4期50-60,共11页
“混沌初开天地分,盘古王制立乾坤”,这是流传在吴越地区(今浙江平湖、嘉兴及上海市郊松江、金山)一带农村一种较为古老的请神、祭神仪式与民间宗教仪式紧密结合的说唱活动“太保书”的开场白。主持“太保书”活动的宗教职业者被称为“... “混沌初开天地分,盘古王制立乾坤”,这是流传在吴越地区(今浙江平湖、嘉兴及上海市郊松江、金山)一带农村一种较为古老的请神、祭神仪式与民间宗教仪式紧密结合的说唱活动“太保书”的开场白。主持“太保书”活动的宗教职业者被称为“太保先生”。“太保”过去曾有一种说法。 展开更多
关键词 浙江平湖 曲艺形式 天地分 民间宗教 混沌初开 上海市郊 民间曲艺 祭神 民间音乐 何文秀
显广西之特色 卷改革之风云《广西党校学报》向您致意!
《桂海论丛》 1988年第6期74-,共1页
《广西党校学报》是反映各级党政干部、理论工作者和党校师生教学和科研成果的学术理论刊物(双月刊)。其宗旨是:以党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线为指南,按照实践是检验真理的唯一标准的要求,坚持理论联系实际, '百花齐放,百家争鸣... 《广西党校学报》是反映各级党政干部、理论工作者和党校师生教学和科研成果的学术理论刊物(双月刊)。其宗旨是:以党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线为指南,按照实践是检验真理的唯一标准的要求,坚持理论联系实际, '百花齐放,百家争鸣'的方针,积极宣传马克思主义基本理论和党的力针、政策。 展开更多
关键词 党校学报 改革之风 理论联系实际 科学研究人员 科研成果 文笔流畅 双月 领导科学 天地分 《哲学研究》
作者 黄静 姚磊 《神州》 2011年第B10期108-110,共3页
周口,古名周家口。是明、清两朝时期的商业城镇,因水陆交通方便,商业繁荣昌盛,被誉为河南"四大名镇"之一,素有"小武汉"之称。据清乾隆十二年版《商水县志》记,当时的周家口"三面夹河,舟车辐辏,烟火万家,樯桅树... 周口,古名周家口。是明、清两朝时期的商业城镇,因水陆交通方便,商业繁荣昌盛,被誉为河南"四大名镇"之一,素有"小武汉"之称。据清乾隆十二年版《商水县志》记,当时的周家口"三面夹河,舟车辐辏,烟火万家,樯桅树密,水陆交汇之乡,财货堆积之薮,南接楚越,北通燕赵,西连秦晋, 展开更多
关键词 商水县志 周家 西连 北通 大名镇 奠雁 庙见 共牢 六礼 天地分
Supplementary description of a female and two newly-recorded species in the subfamily Oedemerinae(Coleoptera:Oedemeridae) from China
作者 田颖 任国栋 李强 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2015年第2期123-128,共6页
The female ofDiplectrus bistigmaeus Zhang, Ren et Ba, 2012 from Xizang was newly reported and supplementarily described. Two species of Oedemerinae were reported for the first time from China: Nacerdes (Xanthochroa... The female ofDiplectrus bistigmaeus Zhang, Ren et Ba, 2012 from Xizang was newly reported and supplementarily described. Two species of Oedemerinae were reported for the first time from China: Nacerdes (Xanthochroa) brendelli Svihla, 1987 and N. (Asiochroa) mimoncomeroides Svihla, 1998. The potential geographical distribution of these two species based on the known distribution was predicted by DIVA-GIS software. 展开更多
关键词 false blister beetles new record geographical distribution
Relocation of the M_S≥2.0 Earthquakes in the Northern Tianshan Region, Xinjiang, Using the Double-Difference Earthquake Relocation Algorithm
作者 Wang Haitao Li Zhihai +1 位作者 Zhao Cuiping Qu Yanjun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2007年第4期388-396,共9页
We applied the double-difference earthquake rdocation algorithm to 1348 earthquakes with Ms ≥2.0 that occurred in the northern Tianshan region, Xinjiang, from April 1988 to June 2003, using a total of 28701 P- and S-... We applied the double-difference earthquake rdocation algorithm to 1348 earthquakes with Ms ≥2.0 that occurred in the northern Tianshan region, Xinjiang, from April 1988 to June 2003, using a total of 28701 P- and S-wave arrival times recorded by 32 seismic stations in Xinjiang. Aiming to obtain most of these Ms ≥ 2.0 earthquakes relocations, and considering the requirements of the DD method and the condition of data, we added the travel time data of another 437 earthquakes with 1.5 ≤ Ms 〈 2.0. Finally, we obtained the relocation results for 1253 earthquakes with Ms ≥2.0, which account for 93 % of all the 1348 earthquakes with Ms ≥ 2.0 and includes all the Ms ≥ 3.0 earthquakes. The reason for not relocating the 95 earthquakes with 2.0 ≤ Ms 〈 3.0 is analyzed in the paper. After relocation, the RMS residual decreased from 0.83s to 0.14s, the average error is 0.993 km in E-W direction, 1.10 km in N- S direction, and 1.33 km in vertical direction. The hypocenter depths are more convergent than before and distributed from 5 km to 35 kin, with 94% being from 5km to 35 kin, 68.2% from 10 km to 25 kin. The average hypocenter depth is 19 kin. 展开更多
关键词 Double difference earthquake relocation algorithm Hypocenter parameter Northern Tianshan region
作者 于波 《国际经贸》 2002年第3期29-31,共3页
关键词 中外运-天地快件辽宁公司 WTO 国际货运代理业务 服务质量 企业管理 市场营销
Notes on the genera Anaesthetobrium Pic and Microestola Gressitt(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae:Lamiinae)
作者 Meiying LIN Siqin GE 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2020年第4期298-310,共13页
This paper deals with the genera Anaesthetobrium Pic,1923 and Microestola Gressitt,1940 belonging to the tribe Desmiphorini.Microestola Gressitt,1940 is reinstated from synonyms of Cylindilla Bates,1884.Two new synony... This paper deals with the genera Anaesthetobrium Pic,1923 and Microestola Gressitt,1940 belonging to the tribe Desmiphorini.Microestola Gressitt,1940 is reinstated from synonyms of Cylindilla Bates,1884.Two new synonyms are proposed:Eunidiopsis Breuning,1939 syn.nov.=Anaesthetobrium Pic,1923 and Mimopothyne Breuning,1956 syn.nov.=Microestola Gressitt,1940.Two new combinations are made:Anaesthetobrium bicolor(Breuning,1939)comb.nov.previously in genus Eunidiopsis Breuning,1939,and Microestola flavolineata(Breuning,1956)comb.nov.previously in genus Mimopothyne Breuning,1956. 展开更多
关键词 longhorn beetle REINSTATEMENT new synonym new combination TAXONOMY
作者 严华生 鲁亚斌 +2 位作者 程建刚 段鹤 杨素雨 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2005年第2期121-130,共10页
Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and scale range of two significant areas were obtained by analyzing the relationship among summer rainfall in Yunnan province, height field and SST field (40°S –... Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and scale range of two significant areas were obtained by analyzing the relationship among summer rainfall in Yunnan province, height field and SST field (40°S – 40°N, 30 °E – 70°W) across the North Hemisphere at 200 hPa, 500 hPa and 850 hPa for Jan. to May and correlation, and field wave structure. Remote key regions among summer rainfall in Yunnan province, height field and SST field (40°S – 40°N, 30°E – 70°W) across the North Hemisphere at 200 hPa, 500 hPa and 850 hPa were studied through further analyzing of the circulation system and its climate / weather significance. The result shows that the forecast has dependable physical basis when height and SST fields were viewed as predictors and physical models of impacts on rainy season precipitation in Yunnan are preliminarily concluded. 展开更多
关键词 general circulation SST rainfall during the rainy season inYunnan correlation coefficients
Change in Fresh Snow Density in Tianshan Mountains,China 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Xia WEI Wenshou LIU Mingzhe 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期36-47,共12页
The fresh snow density was observed with snow analyzer (Snow Fork) at Tianshan Station for Snowcover and Avalanche Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences from February 21 to March 5, 2009. Results show that fresh snow ... The fresh snow density was observed with snow analyzer (Snow Fork) at Tianshan Station for Snowcover and Avalanche Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences from February 21 to March 5, 2009. Results show that fresh snow density increases from the 5th h to the 291st h after the snowfall, with an average rate of increase of 4.0×10-4 g/(cm3·h) (R2 = 0.943). Analysis shows that fresh snow density is negatively correlated with the compac-tion rate of fresh snow (R2 = -0.960). Inversely, it is positively correlated with fresh snow viscosity (R2 = 0.896). In relation to meteorological factors, ground temperature rising at a depth of 40 cm is the major driving factor of snow density increase. The temperature increase in fresh snow layer and the decrease in depth hoar layer have the most prominent impacts on the snow density increase in the afternoon. Principal component analysis shows that the de-terminant factors of fresh snow density change can be grouped into 3 types as follows: 1) dynamic factor contributes about 69.71% to fresh snow density change, with a significant effect from the 5th h to the 106th h after the snowfall; 2) exogenous energy factor contributes about 20.91% to it, with a significant effect at the 130th h; and c) endoge-nous energy factor contributes about 9.38% to it, with a significant effect at the 130th h and the 195th h. 展开更多
关键词 fresh snow density compaction rate energy conversion principal component analysis Tianshan Mountains China
Characteristics of breccia lava reservoirs and analysis of their dominant factors: case study of the Xushen gas field located in the Songliao Basin
作者 WANG Zhiqiang LIU Chengzhi +3 位作者 WANG Wenguang TIAN Zhao LI Minghui SUN Wei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第1期109-114,共6页
Breccia lava is a type of rock in transition between volcanic clastic rock and lava. Its physical properties are compara-tively special, while the nature of its genesis and the formation of reservoirs, deposits and co... Breccia lava is a type of rock in transition between volcanic clastic rock and lava. Its physical properties are compara-tively special, while the nature of its genesis and the formation of reservoirs, deposits and concentrations vary considerably. In order to discover the different genesis for breccia lava reservoirs, our study has been carried out on breccia lava for its rock constituents, structures, diagenesis and reconstruction from tectonic movements to mineral depositions. From our analysis, we conclude that the main type of reservoir is a secondary emposieu, where rock compositions, structures, diagenesis and tectonic action are the major contributing factors to the deposition of breccia lava and its properties. Diagenesis constrained the extent of conservation of the primary pore of breccia lava and produced secondary porosity. The roles of tectonics were played out through the formation controlling tectonic fissures inside breccia lava and affected the impermeability of breccia lava fluids. The constituents of lava rock determine directly the type of diagenesis and its response to tectonic action. At the time of appropriate rock composition and structures, constructive formation occurred to breccia lava. Breccia lava also responded proactively to tectonic movements, forming the best quality collective reservoir agglomerations of vast spaces and strong permeability. 展开更多
关键词 breccia lava DIAGENESIS volcanic rock RESERVOIR
Study on Self-Affine Fractal and Multi-Fractal Features of Geomorphic System in the Tianshan Area of Xinjiang Region, China
作者 Li Meng, Zhu Lingren and Long HaiyingSeismological Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830011, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 2003年第3期256-264,共9页
In this paper, we use the standard deviation method and the fixed mass method to study the self affine fractal and multi fractal features along two topographic profiles across different tectonic geomorphic elements in... In this paper, we use the standard deviation method and the fixed mass method to study the self affine fractal and multi fractal features along two topographic profiles across different tectonic geomorphic elements in the Tianshan area of Xinjiang region, China. The results show that in the studied scaling range, the two profiles display different scaling fractal features, and the form and value range of multi fractal spectra D q also show different characteristics. The study suggests that the landforms are not completely random, but are deterministically random. The fractal dimension values in different scaling ranges express the mode, intensity and spatial dimension of the endogenic and exogenic processes. Meanwhile, a boundary point between the macroscopic and microscopic scales of geomorphic process is suggested to be about 5 km. These results are of significance in quantitative study of geomorphic dynamics. 展开更多
关键词 TIANSHAN GEOMORPHOLOGY Self affine fractal Multiple fractal Dynamics
Urban Expansion and Its Influencing Factors in Natural Wetland Distribution Area in Fuzhou City,China 被引量:8
作者 CAI Yuanbin ZHANG Hao +2 位作者 PAN Wenbin CHEN Yanhong WANG Xiangrong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期568-577,共10页
This paper principally focuses on land use dynamics,urban expansion and underlying driving forces in the Natural Wetland Distribution Area(NWDA)of Fuzhou City in the southeastern China.Based on time series Landsat TM/... This paper principally focuses on land use dynamics,urban expansion and underlying driving forces in the Natural Wetland Distribution Area(NWDA)of Fuzhou City in the southeastern China.Based on time series Landsat TM/ETM+imageries and historical data,relationships between urban land expansion and its influencing factors from 1989 to 2009 were analyzed by using an integrated approach of remote sensing(RS)and geographic information system(GIS)techniques.The results showed that built-up land increased from 151.16 km2in 1989 to 383.76 km 2in 2009. Approximately 64.25%of the newly emerging built-up land was converted from cropland(29.47%),forest and shrub (25.78%),water(3.73%),wetland(4.61%),and bare land(0.66%)during 1989 and 2009.With a remarkable decrease in cropland,the proportion of non-agricultural population increased by 23.6%.Moreover,rapid development of infrastructures,facilities,industrial parks,and urban and rural settlements along the Minjiang River resulted in the eastward and southward expansion of built-up land.Additionally,the growth pattern of built-up land in the NWDA is highly correlated with socio-economic factors,including the gross domestic product(GDP),GDP per capita,and structure of industry.As a result,the observed environmental degradation such as loss of cropland and wetland due to heavy pressure of rapid urbanization have greatly impaired the carrying capacity of city.Thus,in addition to scientific and rational policies towards minimizing the adverse effects of urbanization,coordination between the administrative agencies should be urgently strengthened to balance the conflicts between urban development and ecological conservation to make sure the sustainable land use. 展开更多
关键词 land use urban expansion natural wetland socio-economic factors remote sensing (RS) geographic in-formation system (GIS)
Determination and stability analysis of ultimate open-pit slope under geomechanical uncertainty 被引量:10
作者 Ali Moradi Afrapoli Morteza Osanloo 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第1期105-110,共6页
In open-pit mines,pit slope as one of the important parameters affects the mine economy and total minable reserve,and it is also affected by different uncertainties which arising from many sources.One of the most crit... In open-pit mines,pit slope as one of the important parameters affects the mine economy and total minable reserve,and it is also affected by different uncertainties which arising from many sources.One of the most critical sources of uncertainty effects on the pit slope design is rock mass geomechanical properties.By comparing the probability of failure resulted from deterministic procedure and probabilistic one,this paper investigated the effects of aforesaid uncertainties on open-pit slope stability in metal mines.In this way,to reduce the effect of variance,it implemented Latin Hypercube Sampling(LHS)technique.Furthermore,a hypothesis test was exerted to compare the effects on two cases in Middle East.Subsequently,the investigation approved high influence of geomechanical uncertainties on overall pit steepness and stability in both iron and copper mines,though on the first case the effects were just over. 展开更多
关键词 Safety factor Probability of failure Geomechanical property uncertainty Overall pit slope Stability analysis
南北N6 ERP签约辽宁兴业外贸总公司
《中国会计电算化》 2003年第6期3-3,共1页
关键词 北京南北天地科技有限公司大连公司 辽宁兴业外贸总公司 信息化管理 业务合作 ERP
Analysis of the formation ofNi Zan's landscape painting style --Taking "Map of a fishing village in an autumn sunny day after the rain" as an example
作者 KONG Xiaofeng 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期26-29,共4页
The paintings in the Yuan Dynasty, because oft.heir unique characteristics of the times, have made a deep and superexcellent track in the history of the Chinese painting, among which the literati landscape paintings r... The paintings in the Yuan Dynasty, because oft.heir unique characteristics of the times, have made a deep and superexcellent track in the history of the Chinese painting, among which the literati landscape paintings represented the subject of the paintings in the Yuan Dynasty. And in the literati paintings, Ni Zan's paintings are the most representative. The application of the pen and ink in his works is concise and thinly scattered, and the artistic conception is cold and desolate. In this paper, with "Map of a fishing village in an autumn sunny day after the rain" as an example, the author analyzes Ni Zan's painting style and the causes of its formation. 展开更多
关键词 Ni Zan landscape painting painting style causes of the painting style
Provenance of the lower Es2 in the Shanghe area of the Huimin sag
作者 GAO Lihua HAN Zuozhen +3 位作者 DANG Guangyao FAN Aiping YANG Renchao XU Xuebei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第3期453-459,477,共8页
The provenance of the lower Es2 in the Shanghe area was determined from an approach incorporating analysis, elemental ratios,paleocurrent direction,the typomorphic characteristics of detritus and the distribution of c... The provenance of the lower Es2 in the Shanghe area was determined from an approach incorporating analysis, elemental ratios,paleocurrent direction,the typomorphic characteristics of detritus and the distribution of conglomerate and gritstone in the peripheral basin.Typical elemental ratios characteristic of the sedimentary area were compared with those from the source areas as abstracted from sediments of the Huimin sag using cluster analysis.The results show that the distribution pattern focuses on Mg/Mn,Fe/K,Al/Na,Ba/Mn and Al/Mg.Mg/Mn is the highest ratio,from 25 to 45.This is similar to the pattern from the Precambrian.Furthermore,paleocurrent direction was used to determine provenance by examining the distribution of gritstone and the seismic progradational reflections.The research results indicate that the provenance is to the northwest in the Precambrian strata where the sand grain size is rough.To the east there is siltstone,fine sandstone and mudstone.This is significant for the exploration of oil and gas within the study area. 展开更多
关键词 provenance analysis typical element ratio Shanghe area palaeocurrent distribution of gritstone
A Statistical Analysis on Recent Tidal Triggering of the Earthquake in the Tianshan Seismic Zone
作者 Li Jin Jiang Haikun +2 位作者 Qu Junhao Huang Yu Gao Chaojun 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第2期203-213,共11页
A statistical analysis is done to study the spatio-temporai features of earthquake activity in the Tianshan seismic belt triggered by tide, based on Schuster's test. The data we choose is the ML ≥2. 0 earthquakes fr... A statistical analysis is done to study the spatio-temporai features of earthquake activity in the Tianshan seismic belt triggered by tide, based on Schuster's test. The data we choose is the ML ≥2. 0 earthquakes from January 1, 2010 to August 31, 2012 in eastern Tianshan, and the calculation is on tidal body stress. The results show that the p-value based on the time window smoothing of Schuster's test corresponds better with the strong earthquakes in the Tianshan seismic belt, especially for a long time before the November 1, 2011 Nilka Ms6. 0 earthquake, when the p-value of the Schuster's test was always lower than the threshold of 0. 05 for tidal trigger of earthquake, but after the Niika Ms6. 0 earthquake, that value was quickly restored to a high level, which reflects a close relationship between the Nilka Ms6. 0 earthquake and the Earth tide. According to the p-value based on the spatial window smoothing of Schuster's test, the Nilka Ms6. 0 earthquake was at or near the tidal triggering area. Thus we can see from the spatio-temporal results that the Nilka Ms6. 0 earthquake was obviously triggered by Earth fide. 展开更多
关键词 Tianshan seismic zone Nilka earthquake Tidal triggering Schuster's test
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