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小儿先天性脊髓栓系综合征术后并发症的预防和护理 被引量:1
作者 沈雁 《中国实用神经疾病杂志》 2008年第4期150-150,共1页
目的 了解脊髓栓系综合征手术治疗的常见并发症,探讨该并发症的发生机制和处理措施。方法19930-03~2001-08手术治疗的90例脊髓栓系综合征(TCS)行脊髓探查松解术,回顾性调查分析手术并发症的预防和处理。结果 脊髓栓系综合征的手术... 目的 了解脊髓栓系综合征手术治疗的常见并发症,探讨该并发症的发生机制和处理措施。方法19930-03~2001-08手术治疗的90例脊髓栓系综合征(TCS)行脊髓探查松解术,回顾性调查分析手术并发症的预防和处理。结果 脊髓栓系综合征的手术并发症主要有头痛(46%)、术中出血(31%)、术后腹胀(30%)、尿潴留(30%)、术后腰痛(21%)、再栓系(18%)、腰椎不稳(12%)、神经损伤(8%)及脑脊液漏(8%)等,经采用补液、加压包扎及非甾体抗炎药物治疗,大部分病例并发症获得缓解。结论为减少手术并发症,术前应充分了解脊髓栓系综合征的病理状况。使用显微外科和电生理技术,通过积极治疗,部分并发症可预防或缓解,应重视术后康复训练。 展开更多
关键词 小儿 天性脊髓栓综合征 预防 护理
作者 陈刚 《吉林医学》 CAS 2012年第17期3728-3729,共2页
目的:分析小儿先天性脊髓栓系综合征(TCS)的病因、早期识别确诊及治疗方法。方法:对全部患儿行MRI确诊后,均行脊髓栓系松解术。结果:随访5年,遗尿治愈21例,明显减轻7例,腰部下肢疼痛消失33例,明显减轻10例。结论:加强对小儿先天性脊髓... 目的:分析小儿先天性脊髓栓系综合征(TCS)的病因、早期识别确诊及治疗方法。方法:对全部患儿行MRI确诊后,均行脊髓栓系松解术。结果:随访5年,遗尿治愈21例,明显减轻7例,腰部下肢疼痛消失33例,明显减轻10例。结论:加强对小儿先天性脊髓栓系综合征(TCS)的认识,争取对TCS早期识别及早期干预处理效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 小儿先天性脊髓栓综合征 早期识别
刺槐无性系人工林修枝的研究 被引量:3
作者 王华田 梁玉堂 《山东农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 1993年第S1期45-51,共7页
刺槐优良无性系具有生长快、易形成粗大侧枝和竞争梢头的特点。采用传统的粗放修枝方法难以培养良好干形,满足不了必要材种规格的要求。采用早期短截旺枝、中后期疏除下部无效侧枝的“短截——疏枝修枝法”,既能最大限度地促进主干生长... 刺槐优良无性系具有生长快、易形成粗大侧枝和竞争梢头的特点。采用传统的粗放修枝方法难以培养良好干形,满足不了必要材种规格的要求。采用早期短截旺枝、中后期疏除下部无效侧枝的“短截——疏枝修枝法”,既能最大限度地促进主干生长,又能有效地抑制粗大侧枝的形成,达到培养良好干形的目的。 展开更多
关键词 刺槐 天性系 14C—同化物 自然整枝 人工修枝
三种新型微胶囊防治桑天牛成虫的试验研究 被引量:4
作者 朱正昌 闵水法 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1990年第5期476-482,共7页
桑天牛是杨树黑杨派无性系树种的重要蛀干害虫之一,成虫必须在桑、构树上进行补充营养才能完成其生活史。研制溴氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯及杀螟松等三种微胶囊剂在成虫羽化期喷洒于桑、构树上毒杀成虫,雨季残效均在15天以上;无雨时溴氰菊酯、... 桑天牛是杨树黑杨派无性系树种的重要蛀干害虫之一,成虫必须在桑、构树上进行补充营养才能完成其生活史。研制溴氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯及杀螟松等三种微胶囊剂在成虫羽化期喷洒于桑、构树上毒杀成虫,雨季残效均在15天以上;无雨时溴氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯微胶囊长达30天以上,杀螟松微胶囊可达15天,均比相应的乳油要好。 展开更多
关键词 药效试验 色谱残留分析 桑天牛 微胶囊 杨树蛀干害虫 黑杨派天性系 成虫 补充营养
竹子试管苗开花的初步研究 被引量:25
作者 张光楚 王裕霞 《竹子研究汇刊》 2001年第1期1-4,共4页
麻竹试管苗经 3年在高浓度 BA的培养基中培养 ,保存下来的 16个无性系都出现开花现象 ,开花迟早跟无性系的繁芽能力有关 ,繁芽能力强的无性系较早开花 ,繁芽能力弱的无性系较迟开花。但这样诱导出来的花质量不好 ,不能用于授粉。当降低... 麻竹试管苗经 3年在高浓度 BA的培养基中培养 ,保存下来的 16个无性系都出现开花现象 ,开花迟早跟无性系的繁芽能力有关 ,繁芽能力强的无性系较早开花 ,繁芽能力弱的无性系较迟开花。但这样诱导出来的花质量不好 ,不能用于授粉。当降低培养基中 BA的用量 ,增加 KT、NAA、椰乳 ,使花芽在营养比较丰富的培养基上培养 ,花的质量得到明显改善 ,但也伴随着出现书柜生殖生长向营养生长逆转的现象 ,逆转的程度与 KT的用量有关 ,当 KT0 .5 mg/l时只表现花枝增长 ,当 KT1.2 5 mg/l时 ,花枝上长出许多新的营养枝。这一现象表明细胞分裂素 BA、KT在竹子组织培养过程中的作用不是完全相同的 ,BA有利于花芽分化 ,而 KT则有利于营养生长的改善。 展开更多
关键词 组织培养 试管苗 诱导开花 天性系 繁殖能力 培养基
作者 孔祥华 陈佳荣 +3 位作者 周玉明 韩兆东 吴伟 刘秀英 《中华血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第11期644-644,共1页
关键词 21染色体三体综合征 天性急性髓白血病 病例报告 先天愚型 遗传因素
云南大叶种茶推广成效显著 被引量:1
作者 杨发军 《云南农业》 2002年第6期33-33,共1页
关键词 天性系 良种繁育 综合效益 云南大叶种茶 推广
Enteric neuropathology of congenital intestinal obstruction:A case report 被引量:4
作者 Giovanni Di Nardo Vincenzo Stanghellini +12 位作者 Salvatore Cucchiara Giovanni Barbara Gianandrea Pasquinelli Donatella Santini Cristina Felicani Gianluca Grazi Antonio D Pinna Rosanna Cogliandro Cesare Cremon Alessandra Gori Roberto Corinaldesi Kenton M Sanders Roberto De Giorgio 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第32期5229-5233,共5页
Experimental evidence indicates that chronic mechanical sub-occlusion of the intestine may damage the enteric nervous system (ENS), although data in humans are lacking. We here describe the first case of enteric deg... Experimental evidence indicates that chronic mechanical sub-occlusion of the intestine may damage the enteric nervous system (ENS), although data in humans are lacking. We here describe the first case of enteric degenerative neuropathy related to a congenital obstruction of the gut. A 3-year and 9-mo old girl began to complain of vomiting, abdominal distension, constipation with air-fluid levels at plane abdominal radiology. Her subsequent medical history was characterized by 3 operations: the first showed dilated duodeno-jejunal loops in the absence of occlusive lesions; the second (2 years later) was performed to obtain full-thickness biopsies of the dilated intestinal loops and revealed hyperganglionosis at histopathology; the third (9 years after the hyperganglionosis was identified) disclosed a Ladd's band which was removed and the associated gut malrotation was corrected. Repeated intraoperative full-thickness biopsies showed enteric degenerative neuropathy along with reduced interstitial cells of Cajal network in dilated loops above the obstruction and a normal neuromuscular layer below the Ladd's band. One year after the latest surgery the patient tolerated oral feeding and did well, suggesting that congenital (partial) mechanical obstruction of the small bowel in humans can evoke progressive adaptive changes of the ENS which are similar to those found in animal models of intestinal mechanical occlusion. Such ENS changes mimic neuronal abnormalities observed in intestinal pseudoobstruction. 展开更多
关键词 Enteric neuropathy Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction Congenital intestinal obstruction Ladd's band Enteric nervous system
Holographic Gas as Dark Energy 被引量:4
作者 LI Miao LI Xiao-Dong +1 位作者 LIN Chun-Shan WANG Yi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期181-186,共6页
We investigate the statistical nature of holographic gas, which may represent the quasi-particle excitations of a strongly correlated gravitational system. We find that the holographic entropy can be obtained by modif... We investigate the statistical nature of holographic gas, which may represent the quasi-particle excitations of a strongly correlated gravitational system. We find that the holographic entropy can be obtained by modifying degeneracy. We calculate thermodynamical quantities and investigate stability of the holographic gas. When applying to cosmology, we find that the holographic gas behaves as holographic dark energy, and the parameter c in holographic dark energy can be calculated from our model. Our model of holographic gas generally predicts c 〈 1, implying that the fate of our universe is phantom-like. 展开更多
关键词 holographic principle dark energy
Complement and its role in innate and adaptive immune responses 被引量:66
作者 Jason R Dunkelberger Wen-Chao Song 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期34-50,共17页
The complement system plays a crucial role in the innate defense against common pathogens. Activation of complement leads to robust and efficient proteolytic cascades, which terminate in opsonization and lysis of the ... The complement system plays a crucial role in the innate defense against common pathogens. Activation of complement leads to robust and efficient proteolytic cascades, which terminate in opsonization and lysis of the pathogen as well as in the generation of the classical inflammatory response through the production of potent proinflammatory molecules. More recently, however, the role of complement in the immune response has been expanded due to observations that link complement activation to adaptive immune responses. It is now appreciated that complement is a functional bridge between innate and adaptive immune responses that allows an integrated host defense to pathogenic challenges. As such, a study of its functions allows insight into the molecular underpinnings of host-pathogen interactions as well as the organization and orchestration of the host immune response. This review attempts to summarize the roles that complement plays in both innate and adaptive immune responses and the consequences of these interactions on host defense. 展开更多
关键词 COMPLEMENT innate immunity adaptive immunity INFLAMMATION host defense
Investigation of hHB genes in a predigree of congenital monilethrix
作者 刘安 肖生祥 +4 位作者 谭升顺 徐彦春 焦婷 刘艳 潘敏 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2007年第2期125-128,共4页
Objective: To investigate the gene polymorphism in a pedigree of congenital monilethrix. Methods: Genomic DNA of affected members, the normal members of the pedigree and 50 unrelated normal members who came from dif... Objective: To investigate the gene polymorphism in a pedigree of congenital monilethrix. Methods: Genomic DNA of affected members, the normal members of the pedigree and 50 unrelated normal members who came from different regions were extracted with a whole blood genomic DNA extraction kit and used as a template for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-mediated amplification of hHB1 and hHB6 genes. Results: In the pedigree, DNA analysis of patients and normal persons revealed C(447th) in exonl of hHB1 gene and the 52th codon was CCA encoding arginine. But it was a heteropeak of O or C in 50 unrelated normal members, which encodes glycine or arginine. It showed that this change was a single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). Conclusion: A genetic heterogeneity of monilethrix exists in Chinese population. SNP which can result in the change of amino acid sequence is found in a pedigree of congenital monilethrix, and a genetic heterogeneity of monilethrix existed in Chinese population. 展开更多
关键词 MONILETHRIX single nucleotide polymorphism hHB1 hHB6
作者 冉令坤 Abdul REHIM AL RAMANATHAN 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2009年第2期121-129,共9页
A generalized wave-activity density, which is defined as an absolute value of production of three-dimensional vorticity vector perturbation and gradient of general potential temperature perturbation, is introduced and... A generalized wave-activity density, which is defined as an absolute value of production of three-dimensional vorticity vector perturbation and gradient of general potential temperature perturbation, is introduced and its wave-activity law is derived in Cartesian coordinates. Constructed in an agoestrophic and nonhydrostatie dynamical framework, the generalized wave-activity law may be applicable to diagnose mesoscale weather systems leading to heavy rainfall. The generalized wave-activity density and wave-activity flux divergence were calculated with the objective analysis data to investigate the character of wave activity over heavy-rainfall regions. The primary dynamical processes responsible for disturbance associated with heavy rainfall were also analyzed. It was shown that the generalized wave-activity density was closely correlated to the observed 6-h accumulative rainfall. This indicated that the wave activity or disturbance was evident over the frontal and landfall-typhoon heavy-rainfall regions in middle and lower troposphere. For the landfall-typhoon rainband, the portion of generalized wave-activity flux divergence, denoting the interaction between the basic-state cyclonic circulation of landfall typhoon and mesoscale waves, was the primary dynamic process responsible for the evolution of generalized wave-activity density. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic meteorology wave-activity density wave-activity flux divergence landfall typhoon heavy-rainfall event
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated antigen-4 gene exon 1A49→G polymorphisms confer susceptibility to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy 被引量:1
作者 WEI LIU WEI MIN LI +3 位作者 CHENG GAO ZHENG WANG RUI HONG ZHANG YI HUI KONG 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2005年第2期131-135,共5页
Autoimmune mechanisms, including cellular and humoral immune, are likely to participate in the pathogenesis of at least a subgroup of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC), in which cellular immune-mediation plays... Autoimmune mechanisms, including cellular and humoral immune, are likely to participate in the pathogenesis of at least a subgroup of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC), in which cellular immune-mediation plays a more important role. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) is the major negative regulatory factor of cellular immunity. This study was conducted to investigate the association of CTIA-4 gene exon 1 A49→G polymorphism with susceptibility to IDC in Han Chinese and its influences on serum soluble CTIA-4 (sCrLA-4) and Th1/Th2 cytokine bias. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) techniques were used to analyze the dimorphism of CTL4-4 exon 1 in the unrelated Han ethnic population in Heilongjiang Province ( including 48 IDC patients and 50 normal controls). Serum sCTLA-4, IFN-γ and IL-4 were evaluated by ELISA, with the ratio of IFN-γ/IL-4 as indicator for Th1/Th2 bias. Compared with controls, the frequencies of GG genotype (0.6042 and 0.3600, P = 0.012) and the G allele (0.7396 and 0.5600, P = 0.008) were significantly increased in IDC patients. Increased serum sCTIA-4 was found in the 1DC group compared with the controls [ ( 1.87 ± 1.06) μg/L vs. (0.54 ± 0.19) 〉g/L, P 〈 0.05 ~. 1FN-7 was much lower in IDC patients than that of the controls [ ( 16.38 ± 6.25) ng/L vs. (29.81 ± 10.66) ng/L (P 〈 0.05)~., whereas no statistical difference of IL-4 was found between the two groups I (12.85 ± 1.86) ng/L vs. (12.11 ± 2.76) ng/L], so the ratio of IFN-γ/IL-4 declined significantly ( 1.63 ± 0.50 vs. 3.01 ± 0.89, P 〈 0.05). Linear regression analysis manifested a significant interrelationship between the GG genotype, G allele frequencies and serum sCTLA-4, IFN-γ/IL-4 in the IDC group ( r = 0.57, P = 0. 021 and r = 0.32, P = 0. 036). CTLA-4 gene A49→G substitution was associated with an increased IDC risk, which implicated that the CTLA-4 gene exon 1 may have a considerable role in autoimmune cardiac damage, possibly via a Thr→Ala change in signal peptide, which influences the protein synthesis and modification processes, with a result of functional alteration of sCTLA-4. The bias of Th1/Th2 paradigm was associated with the increased sCTIA-4 under certain background of immunogenetics. 展开更多
关键词 Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy CTLA-4 Polymorphism Restriction fraonent lengthAutoimmune Th
Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformational polymorphism analysis of rearranged during transfection proto-oncogene in Chinese familial hirschsprung's disease 被引量:1
作者 TaoGuan Ji-ChengLi +1 位作者 Min-JuLi Jin-FaTou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期275-279,共5页
AIM: To investigate the relationship between mutations of rearranged during transfection (RET) proto-oncogene and Chinese patients with Hirschsprung's disease (HD), and to elucidate the genetic mechanism of famili... AIM: To investigate the relationship between mutations of rearranged during transfection (RET) proto-oncogene and Chinese patients with Hirschsprung's disease (HD), and to elucidate the genetic mechanism of familial HD patient at the molecular level.METHODS: Genomic DNA was extracted from venous blood of probands and their relatives in two genealogies.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products, which were amplified using specific primers (RET, exons 11, 13, 15and 17), were electrophoresed to analyze the single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) patterns. The positive amplified products were sequenced. Forty-eight sporadic HD patients and 30 normal children were screened for mutations of RET proto-oncogene simultaneously.RESULTS: Three cases with HD in one family were found to have a G heterozygous insertion at nucleotide 18 974 in exon 13 of RET cDNA (18 974insG), which resulted in a frameshift mutation. In another family, a heterozygosity for T to G transition at nucleotide 18 888 in the same exon which resulted in a synonymous mutation of Leu at codon 745 was detected in the proband and his father. Eight RET mutations were confirmed in 48 sporadic HD patients.CONCLUSION: Mutations of RET proto-oncogene may play an important role in the pathogenesis of Chinese patients with HD. Detection of mutated RET proto-oncogene carriers may be used for genetic counseling of potential risk for HD in the affected families. 展开更多
关键词 Hirschsprung's disease Proto-oncogene proteins RET TRANSFECTION PCR-SSCP
Natural Barriers to Eco-environmental Vulnerability in a Complex Ecosystem
作者 C.B. Hyandye I.B. Katega 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第9期32-39,共8页
Natural features such as mountain ranges, steep slopes and vegetation prevent human movement from one habitat to another. They prevent the ecological harm from natural phenomenon like erosion and landslide. Forests de... Natural features such as mountain ranges, steep slopes and vegetation prevent human movement from one habitat to another. They prevent the ecological harm from natural phenomenon like erosion and landslide. Forests destruction has brought about deterioration of ecological environment such as increasing soil and water losses. RS (Remote Sensing) and GIS (Geographic Information System) technology have enhanced the eco-environment assessment procedure using eco-environment quality index tool. This paper presents results of the research on the investigation of the potentials of different landscapes on the complex ecosystem of Makeng Village in Fuj Jan Province to act as natural barrier to eco-environmental vulnerability. Vulnerability factors analysed were soil erosion, vegetation cover, land use types, slope and elevation. To see how one factor acts as natural barrier eco-environment stressors, factor maps were overlaid in pairs using ArcGIS 9.2 software and the matrix statistics exported for analysis in Microsoft Excel. The results showed steep slopes naturally limit human activities, growth of big trees and increase soil erosion. Flat and gentle slopes are less vulnerable to erosion. Elevation is among natural barriers to human activities. Human activities decrease with increasing elevation, hence making the eco-environment naturally stable/undisturbed. In this study, eco-vulnerability to erosion decreases with increasing vegetation cover. 展开更多
关键词 Eco-environment vulnerability natural barriers ECOSYSTEM GIS.
Rock engineering property of the high-steep open-pit slope and its stability
作者 PENG Wen-bin YU Wei-jian 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第1期35-40,共6页
According to the rock engineering property and stability of high-steep open-pitslopes, various factors were collected on the basis of rock engineering system (RSE) theory,and the interaction matrix of stability evalua... According to the rock engineering property and stability of high-steep open-pitslopes, various factors were collected on the basis of rock engineering system (RSE) theory,and the interaction matrix of stability evaluation was established.Then, the stabilityevaluation index (S_p) of the slope was put forward.Ranges of the S_p value and the correspondingstable state were given on the basis of thirty-six samples.It is found that the followingrelationships exist: unstable (easy landslide): S_p<-0.20; mid-stable (may be landslide):-0.20<S_p<0.63; stable (no landslide): S_p>0.63.Finally, the stability evaluation indexwas applied on the high-steep open-pit slope of one mine.Analysis results and monitoringdata indicate that the index meets the necessity of the property of slope engineering, and ithas an important engineering purpose for landslide forecasting of high-steep slopes. 展开更多
关键词 high-steep slope rock engineering system property stability evaluation open-pit mine
作者 魏春启 白润才 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2000年第2期31-34,共4页
The artificial neural network model which forecasts Open Mining Slope stability is established by neural network theory and method. The nonlinear reflection relation between stability target of open mining slope and i... The artificial neural network model which forecasts Open Mining Slope stability is established by neural network theory and method. The nonlinear reflection relation between stability target of open mining slope and its influence factor is described. The method of forecasting Open Mining Slope stability is brought forward. 展开更多
关键词 neural network slope stability open mining
Promotion and Application Prospects of Disruptive Technology in Future Development of Space Industry
作者 SUN Zongtan LI Hui +1 位作者 JIA Ping YAO Baoyin 《Aerospace China》 2016年第1期52-58,共7页
Space is a high-tech field integrating materials, electronic information, manufacture, energy, medicine ana other disciplines. A number of disruptive technologies in various fields will have an important influence in ... Space is a high-tech field integrating materials, electronic information, manufacture, energy, medicine ana other disciplines. A number of disruptive technologies in various fields will have an important influence in areas such as space industry, scientific research on space and even military space. This article focuses on disruptive technologies exerting enormous influence in the space field based on the qualitative and quantitative research of disruptive technolo- gies. The research and application for disruptive space technology is expected to greatly improve the emciency of space system, significantly reducing research cost, and to promote a great improvement of space technology level, 展开更多
关键词 Disruptive technology Disruptive technology index system Index weight
《美术》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第5期71-71,共1页
关键词 天性系 油画
《美术观察》 1997年第9期63-63,共1页
关键词 天性系 山西大学 次参加 情人节 油画 美术 作品 1996年 1986年 1994年
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