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深圳地区不同天气流型夏季短时强降水和闪电的时空特征 被引量:2
作者 孙京 蔡然 +1 位作者 柴健 周悦 《大气科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期461-472,共12页
利用高时间分辨率的分钟级雨量资料及LS8000闪电定位仪地闪数据,对比分析2014—2017年台风型、低压型、西南季风型和切变线型天气系统引发的深圳地区夏季短时强降水和闪电活动,并通过分析降水和闪电的日变化、降水频次、闪电峰值、持续... 利用高时间分辨率的分钟级雨量资料及LS8000闪电定位仪地闪数据,对比分析2014—2017年台风型、低压型、西南季风型和切变线型天气系统引发的深圳地区夏季短时强降水和闪电活动,并通过分析降水和闪电的日变化、降水频次、闪电峰值、持续时间、雷达回波顶高等,探讨不同天气流型引发的降水和闪电的时空分布特征。结果表明,四种天气流型引发的深圳地区短时强降水伴随闪电的对流活动主要集中发生在凌晨至08时和12-14时。台风型产生的短时强降水对应的闪电活动主要集中发生在降水强度为20~30 mm·h-1时,且该类型产生的闪电主要以负地闪为主。低压型、西南季风型和切变线型中有80%以上的闪电活动主要发生在降水强度超过50 mm·h-1。对于降水量小于40 mm·h-1的闪电活动,切变线型是产生该量级降水的主要天气系统,也是该地区产生年平均地闪频次最多的天气系统。其中,该系统引发的此类对流活动的雷达回波顶高以2~4 km为主,并有72%的对流过程对应的零度层高度小于5 km。 展开更多
关键词 强降水 闪电 时空分布 天气流型
西风槽影响下豫西北两类强对流天气流型和物理量特征分析 被引量:15
作者 司福意 赵海清 李社宗 《气象与环境科学》 2018年第3期57-63,共7页
西风槽是诱发豫西北雷雨大风和暴雨等强对流天气的一种重要的天气系统。利用常规高空、地面观测和探空资料,对2001-2015年6-9月受西风槽影响在豫西北发生的区域性强对流天气过程的分析发现,由于近地面暖湿空气势力和侵入冷空气的强弱不... 西风槽是诱发豫西北雷雨大风和暴雨等强对流天气的一种重要的天气系统。利用常规高空、地面观测和探空资料,对2001-2015年6-9月受西风槽影响在豫西北发生的区域性强对流天气过程的分析发现,由于近地面暖湿空气势力和侵入冷空气的强弱不同,致使天气系统配置差异显著。根据不同天气系统配置,将由西风槽入侵引起的强对流天气过程分为斜压锋生类和低层暖平流强迫抬升类两种。斜压锋生类的显著特征是配合高空槽的移近,影响系统在700 h Pa上有明显的冷槽,在近地面层有明显的锋生和锋面移近,锋面逼近使抬升运动增强是强对流天气启动的重要因素;低层暖平流强迫类的影响系统在700 h Pa上有位势高度槽而无冷槽,槽的南段紧贴或者落后于500 h Pa槽线,呈前倾结构,强的热力不稳定和深层垂直风切变所形成的动力不稳定是引发这类强对流天气的主要因素,地面辐合线、干线触发了强对流天气。二者在物理量场分布上也有着显著的异同:相同之处在于两类强对流天气均有较强的位势不稳定且积累了大量的不稳定能量,两类强对流过程的0℃层均接近或超过5km。不同之处主要有以下几点:1)斜压锋生类中低层湿度更大,湿层更厚。2)低层暖平流强迫类850-500 h Pa的温差均值为27. 7℃,大于斜压锋生类的温差。3)斜压锋生类K指数均值达39. 6℃,低层暖平流强迫类K指数均值为28. 7℃,二者差值高达10. 9℃,而其抬升凝结高度却明显偏低。4)斜压锋生类中低层的垂直风切变较大,而低层暖平流强迫类的对流层高层与近地面间的垂直风切变较大。 展开更多
关键词 强对流 西风槽 天气流型配置 物理量特征
新疆阿勒泰地区短时强降水流型及环境参数特征 被引量:29
作者 庄晓翠 赵江伟 +2 位作者 李健丽 李博渊 谢秀琴 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期675-685,共11页
利用新疆阿勒泰地区(简称阿勒泰地区)自动气象站逐时降水、常规及EC细等资料分析研究了2010-2016年5-9月45个短时强降水过程的环境流型、温度对数压力(T-logP)图形态和关键物理参数,并与中国中东部对比。结果表明,该地区短时强降水天气... 利用新疆阿勒泰地区(简称阿勒泰地区)自动气象站逐时降水、常规及EC细等资料分析研究了2010-2016年5-9月45个短时强降水过程的环境流型、温度对数压力(T-logP)图形态和关键物理参数,并与中国中东部对比。结果表明,该地区短时强降水天气主要由中亚槽前型、中亚低涡型、西西伯利亚低槽(涡)型造成,前2种型6月发生最多,后者7月最多,并给出各天气型的高低空流型配置。大多数过程T-logP图温湿廓线呈上干冷下暖湿的"漏斗"状,对流层中低层或低层水汽较好,对流有效位能CAPE呈"瘦弱"的梭形,抬升凝结高度较低。总结出该地区短时强降水发生前主要天气型的关键环境参数平均值和阈值;该地区大多数环境参数阈值小于中国中东部地区,说明该地区比中国中东部地区更有利于触发短时强降水的发生。 展开更多
关键词 阿勒泰地区 短时强降水 天气流型配置 关键环境参数
珠江三角洲地区重大短时强降水的基本流型与环境参量特征 被引量:83
作者 陈元昭 俞小鼎 陈训来 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期144-155,共12页
为了了解珠江三角洲(简称珠三角)地区重大短时强降水(小时雨强≥50 mm)发生的环境特征,利用珠三角地区稠密自动气象站资料、探空资料、卫星资料等分析研究了近7年(2007—2013年)68个重大短时强降水事件的环境流型、T-lnp图形态和关键物... 为了了解珠江三角洲(简称珠三角)地区重大短时强降水(小时雨强≥50 mm)发生的环境特征,利用珠三角地区稠密自动气象站资料、探空资料、卫星资料等分析研究了近7年(2007—2013年)68个重大短时强降水事件的环境流型、T-lnp图形态和关键物理参数,结果表明珠三角地区重大短时强降水天气流型主要有台风型、西南季风型、北部湾低压型、冷(式)切变线型和热带云团型等5种;不同类型、不同季节出现的频率不同。台风型、西南季风型和北部湾低压型的大多数过程T-lnp图温度廓线和湿绝热线很接近,整层水汽含量丰富,对流有效位能(CAPE)大致呈"瘦弱"的狭长形形态;冷(式)切变线型温湿廓线呈上干下湿分布,CAPE大致呈较"胖"的狭长形;热带云团型温度廓线和湿绝热线很接近,CAPE形态较"胖"。850~500 hPa间温差△T_(85)都较小,一般在21~23℃,大气层结接近于湿中性层结,呈现弱的条件不稳定层结,表明大多数过程中有利于重大短时强降水发生的环境条件的关键点不是强对流预报中常关注的"高空冷空气的侵入",而是低层暖湿气流的输送;地面露点一般在23~25℃,暖云厚度在4100 m以上;大多数重大短时强降水发生前大气可降水量都在57 mm以上,其中台风型最大,其次是西南季风型、北部湾低压型、热带云团型,冷(式)切变线型最小,台风型、西南季风型、北部湾低压型CAPE一般小于1500 J·kg^1,属于比较温和的CAPE值,冷(式)切变线型、热带云团型平均CAPE≥1700 J·kg^(-1);对于所有类型对流抑制能(CIN)≤50 J·kg^1;除热带云团型外,大多数过程出现了低空急流;五种流型配置下,台风型、西南季风型大多处在弱到中等的0~6 km深层垂直风切变环境中,北部湾低压型和热带云团型处在弱的0~6 km垂直风切变环境中;冷(式)切变线型大多数过程处在中等强度的0~6 km垂直风切变环境中。可以将流型配置方法(分型)、重大短时强降水对应的关键环境参数以及根据箱线图展示的参数范围设定适宜的阈值的方法相结合,为珠三角地区显著强降水预报的改进提供有价值的参考。 展开更多
关键词 重大短时强降水事件 天气流型配置 T-lnp图形态 关键环境参数 珠江三角洲
中国大范围雷暴大风事件(Derechos)研究:时空分布、环境背景和对流系统形态特征 被引量:27
作者 陈晓欣 俞小鼎 王秀明 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期67-81,共15页
基于2002—2019年高空、地面常规观测资料,卫星云图,部分新一代天气雷达单站资料以及2009年以后的中国雷达拼图资料,采用个例筛选与统计、动态合成分析、层次聚类和雷达图分析等方法,对发生在中国的大范围雷暴大风事件(Derechos)的时空... 基于2002—2019年高空、地面常规观测资料,卫星云图,部分新一代天气雷达单站资料以及2009年以后的中国雷达拼图资料,采用个例筛选与统计、动态合成分析、层次聚类和雷达图分析等方法,对发生在中国的大范围雷暴大风事件(Derechos)的时空分布、环境背景和对流系统形态特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)Derechos事件主要发生在华北、华东、江南和华南地区,高频区有明显的季节变化,春季到夏季先向北移动后向南移动;Derechos事件主要发生在3-8月,6月频率最高,8月最低;造成Derechos的对流风暴多在正午前后生成,而Derechos事件多开始于午后到前半夜。(2)中国Derechos事件环境参数主要特征为:对流有效位能(CAPE)分布50%分位(中位数)为1420 J/kg,代表深层风垂直切变的0-6 km风矢量差50%分位数为18.0 m/s,对流下沉有效位能(DCAPE)的50%分位值为1090 J/kg。(3)Derechos事件环流背景的天气流型配置分为副高边缘型、弱槽型、高空干冷平流强迫型和强槽型,强槽型出现的频次最高,高空干冷平流强迫型出现的频次最低。(4)Derechos事件中最强对流大风产生时段的对流系统形态统计显示,出现频率由高到低分别为飑线、多单体风暴簇、超级单体或超级单体复合体。 展开更多
关键词 Derechos 时空分布 环境参数 天气流型 对流系统形态
3D numerical simulation of boreholes for gas drainage based on the pore–fracture dual media 被引量:5
作者 Wei Jianping Li Bo +1 位作者 Wang Kai Sun Donghui 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第4期739-744,共6页
A gas migration controlling equation was formulated based on the characteristics of the dual pore–fracture media of coal mass and in consideration of the matrix exchange between pores and fractures.A model of permeab... A gas migration controlling equation was formulated based on the characteristics of the dual pore–fracture media of coal mass and in consideration of the matrix exchange between pores and fractures.A model of permeability dynamic evolution was established by analyzing the variation in effective stress during gas drainage and the action mechanism of the effect of coal matrix desorption on porosity and fracture in the coal body.A coupling model can then be obtained to characterize gas compressibility and coal deformability under the gas–solid coupling of loading coal.In addition,a 3D model of boreholes was established and solved for gas drainage based on the relevant physical parameters of real mines.The comparison and analysis results for the law of gas migration and the evolution of coal body permeability around the boreholes before and after gas extraction between the dual media and the single-seepage field models can provide a theoretical basis for further research on the action mechanism of gas drainage. 展开更多
关键词 Pore-fracture Matrix exchange Coupling model Numerical simulation Gas drainage
Flow characteristics by particle image velocimetry in liquefied natural gas vaporizer model with several baffles 被引量:1
作者 H.S.Chung S.M.Sayeed-Bin-Asad +2 位作者 Berkah Fajar Y.H.Shin H.M.Jeong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1719-1725,共7页
Shell-and-tube vaporizers are the most commonly used and dominated types of vaporizers in liquefied natural gas (LNG) realm. Due to efficient performance, shell-side flow in this type of vaporizers has received cons... Shell-and-tube vaporizers are the most commonly used and dominated types of vaporizers in liquefied natural gas (LNG) realm. Due to efficient performance, shell-side flow in this type of vaporizers has received considerable attention and has been investigated extensively. However, the detailed flow structure in the shell needs to be determined for reliable and effective design. Therefore, the objective of this study was to clarify the flow structure in shell by particle image velocimetry (PIV). Experiments were conducted using two types of model; 15% baffle cut having inlet and outlet positions !n the direction of 90° to the cut and 30% baffle cut having inlet and outlet positions in the direction of 180° to the cut. Each test section is 169 mm in inner diameter and 344.6 mm in length. The flow features were characterized in different baffle cuts with regards to the velocity vector field and velocity distribution. The results show that the flow characteristics of 15% baffle cut type vaporizer are comparable to those of 30% baffle cut type vaporizer. 展开更多
关键词 particle image velocimetry liquefied natural gas VAPORIZER VORTEX TURBULENCE
Gas-Fluid and Fluid-Solid Phase Instability for Restricted Primitive Model
作者 GUO Yuan-Yuan CHEN Xiao-Song 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第8期356-360,共5页
By considering the fluctuation of grand potential f~ around equilibrium with respect to small one-particle density fluctuations δpα(r→), the phase instability of restricted primitive model (RPM) of ionic system... By considering the fluctuation of grand potential f~ around equilibrium with respect to small one-particle density fluctuations δpα(r→), the phase instability of restricted primitive model (RPM) of ionic systems is investigated. We use the integral equation theory to calculate the direct correlation functions in the reference hypernetted chain approximation and obtain the spinodai line of RPM. Our anaiysis explicitly indicates that the gas-fluid phase instability is induced by k = 0 fluctuation mode, while the fluid-solid phase instability is related to k ≠ 0 fluctuation modes. The spinodai line is qualitatively consistent with the result of computer simulations by others. 展开更多
关键词 phase instability restricted primitive model the reference hypernetted chain approximation
Types,Concentration,Diffusion and Spatial Structure Evolution of Natural Gas Resource Flow in China
作者 王宜强 赵媛 许昕 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2016年第1期12-20,共9页
This paper analyzed the development of different types of natural gas flow zones in China, and then di- vided all provinces into four flow types: non-flow zones, output centers, input centers and exchanging centers. ... This paper analyzed the development of different types of natural gas flow zones in China, and then di- vided all provinces into four flow types: non-flow zones, output centers, input centers and exchanging centers. Next, we analyzed the concentration and diffusion characteristics, current spatial pattern and evolution of source and terminal regions of natural gas resource flows. The numbers of non-flow zones, output centers, input centers and exchanging centers all stabilized during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period. The number of output centers is small but the quantity of flow is large. The number of input centers is large and they are widely distributed. Generally speaking, it presents a significant characteristic of centralized output and dispersed input in geographic space. The current situation for China's natural gas output source has random distribution characteristics, but the terminal re- gions of natural gas flow have strong positive spatial correlation, presenting a significant spatial agglomeration pattern. Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai have a high-high agglomeration mode, but Yunnan, Sichuan, Tibet, Qinghai and Gansu have a low-low agglomeration output zones had three different stages: relatively stable mode. Spatial pattern changes in China' s natural gas from 2001-2003; moved northwestward, expanded in space, and widely dispersed during 2004-2006; and transferred to the east, spatially contracted and significantly concentrated during 2007-2011. Spatial pattern changes in China's natural gas input zones have two stages: ex- panded in east-west direction while contracted in north-south direction during 2001-2005; and relatively stable in spatial structure with intensification from 2006-2011. 展开更多
关键词 natural gas resources flow types concentration and diffusion China
Numerical simulation of icing effect and ice accretion on three-dimensional configurations 被引量:5
作者 SANG WeiMin SHI Yu XI Chao 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期2278-2288,共11页
It is common for an aircraft to encounter icing weather conditions, which would be dangerous to the flight. Thus, there is a need to study the detail of icing effect and the process of ice accretion on the aircraft. I... It is common for an aircraft to encounter icing weather conditions, which would be dangerous to the flight. Thus, there is a need to study the detail of icing effect and the process of ice accretion on the aircraft. In this paper, considering three different icing models according to weather conditions, i.e., sharp-angled ice, blunt-nosed ice and double horn ice, the Reynolds-averaged N-S equations and the S-A turbulence model are used to analyze the flow field for an iced wing/body configuration with a multi-block strategy and structured grid technique. The numerical result is compared with the experimental data. A flow solver is developed based on the Euler equations to investigate the ice accretion process. The droplets are tracked by using the Lagrangian method. In addition, a revised Messinger model is proposed to simulate the ice accretion. This numerical simulation is conducted for the ice accretion on an M6 wing and a wing/body/tail configuration. The presented results preliminarily show that the numerical methods are feasible and effective. 展开更多
关键词 aircraft icing N-S equations ice accretion icing effect Lagrangian method droplet equation
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