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作者 尹帅 金子一 +5 位作者 刘程正 杨俊 茹晓飞 崔彩彩 寇冬琴 Sharifullah 《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期18-30,43,共14页
裂缝性致密砂岩储层开发调整方案的制定需系统开展天然缝、人工缝耦合关系评价。以南襄盆地东南部裂缝性致密油砂岩储层为例,开展了致密砂岩储层岩石力学、地应力、动静态天然裂缝及人工缝压裂扩展模拟等研究,并对水窜诱因及井网调整措... 裂缝性致密砂岩储层开发调整方案的制定需系统开展天然缝、人工缝耦合关系评价。以南襄盆地东南部裂缝性致密油砂岩储层为例,开展了致密砂岩储层岩石力学、地应力、动静态天然裂缝及人工缝压裂扩展模拟等研究,并对水窜诱因及井网调整措施进行了讨论。研究结果表明,根据差应变及压裂测试结果,工区目的层现今地应力为张性应力状态,水平最大及最小主应力差(σ_(H)-σ_(h))值主要分布在4~11 MPa之间;此外,动、静态裂缝分析均显示,发育近WE向及近NE向2组天然缝。压裂模拟结果显示,水力裂缝明显受天然裂缝发育特征的控制。当储层中发育WE向及近NE向2组共轭天然缝时,随着天然缝密度的增加,人工缝长度近乎线性降低;当天然缝发育程度较低时可形成长水力缝,而当天然缝发育程度较高时,水力缝主要为短缝。当储层中仅发育WE向1组天然缝时,随着天然缝密度的增加,水力缝长度与改造面积先快速增加,后趋于稳定;且当天然缝发育程度较低时主要形成短缝,而当天然缝发育程度较高时,水力缝主要为长缝。天然缝的组系、方向及发育程度影响水力缝扩展规模及方向。另外,引起核桃园组三段水窜的原因包括天然缝带的连通性、构造因素、天然缝与人工缝的连通。早期压裂人工缝在后期压驱中会起到类似于天然缝的作用。综合考虑已有井网形式、原油分布、构造、天然缝及人工缝耦合关系,提出针对不同区域天然缝特征差异使用不同井网调整措施的技术方案。 展开更多
关键词 性储层 天然缝 人工 水力压裂 地应力 工程应用
作者 杨庆军 董玉森 +2 位作者 高玉甫 潘怀孝 狄伟 《江汉石油学院学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期122-123,共2页
低渗油藏存在压裂缝、天然开启缝、注水诱导缝、开启的天然闭合缝等多种裂缝。给出了生产井周围压裂缝、注水井周围压裂缝及天然闭合缝开启的模拟方法 ,对特低孔低渗储层进行了无效化处理。以鄂尔多斯盆地张天渠油田为例 ,在分析各类裂... 低渗油藏存在压裂缝、天然开启缝、注水诱导缝、开启的天然闭合缝等多种裂缝。给出了生产井周围压裂缝、注水井周围压裂缝及天然闭合缝开启的模拟方法 ,对特低孔低渗储层进行了无效化处理。以鄂尔多斯盆地张天渠油田为例 ,在分析各类裂缝特征的基础上 ,提出了分阶段变模型精细模拟油藏裂缝的方法 。 展开更多
关键词 低渗油藏 压裂 天然闭合开启 数值模拟
作者 向国安 王汉宁 +2 位作者 郑克让 张智勇 孙水平 《中华临床医药杂志(北京)》 CAS 2003年第12期19-20,共2页
目的:观察邦达牌医用天然可吸收外科缝线在腹部外科的应用效果。方法:采用对照研究方法,96例患者随机分为2组,对照组42例,腹部手术切口用合成聚乙醇酸(PGA)外科缝合线行皮内缝合;实验组54例,腹部手术切口采用邦达牌医用天然可吸... 目的:观察邦达牌医用天然可吸收外科缝线在腹部外科的应用效果。方法:采用对照研究方法,96例患者随机分为2组,对照组42例,腹部手术切口用合成聚乙醇酸(PGA)外科缝合线行皮内缝合;实验组54例,腹部手术切口采用邦达牌医用天然可吸收缝合线行皮内缝合,观察2组患者的伤口的愈合、炎症发生、感染的发生、不良反应的发生及瘢痕形成情况。结果:PGA缝合组伤口缝线反应较重,有5例出现伤口感染,该组患者愈合后伤口形成一线形瘢痕,且随着时间的延长瘢痕增大;而邦达牌缝线缝合后伤口缝线反应较轻,无感染的发生,伤口愈合后平整,成一线形,伤口愈合美观。结论:邦达牌医用缝线在腹部外科应用后缝线反应轻,伤口愈合平整,无不良反应发生,符合患者对美观的要求。 展开更多
关键词 医用天然可吸收外科线 腹部外科 应用报告 瘢痕
作者 王荣 刘伟 +5 位作者 朱炬辉 张然 陈明忠 钱思蓓 李建忠 刘爱 《钻采工艺》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期74-80,共7页
渝西深层页岩具有高闭合压力、高水平应力差的地质特征,导致页岩气开采过程中裂缝扩展难度大,裂缝扩展规律不清。本文以渝西深层页岩储层岩心力学参数、矿物质含量为基准,优选具有类似参数的川南龙马溪组页岩露头开展实验。通过模拟较... 渝西深层页岩具有高闭合压力、高水平应力差的地质特征,导致页岩气开采过程中裂缝扩展难度大,裂缝扩展规律不清。本文以渝西深层页岩储层岩心力学参数、矿物质含量为基准,优选具有类似参数的川南龙马溪组页岩露头开展实验。通过模拟较高垂向应力和正断层应力状态,结合声发射监测数据与泵注压力数据,对不同天然裂缝发育条件下的岩页水力裂缝起裂和扩展规律进行研究分析。研究发现:正断层应力、天然裂缝不发育的条件下,压裂形成的裂缝形态单一;天然裂缝发育方位显著影响缝网形态,高角度天然裂缝引导人工裂缝转向,形成台阶状缝;水平天然裂缝引导人工裂缝水平扩展,形成“T”字或“工”字缝;声发射显示,在实验条件下水力裂缝破坏机理主要为拉张破坏,而水平天然裂缝破坏机理为剪切破坏;多期次压裂可有效改善缝间局部应力,进一步增加裂缝复杂程度;综上所述,天然裂缝是龙马溪深层页岩储层形成复杂缝网的基础条件。本文实验结果可为深层页岩气压裂中裂缝复杂度的提升措施提供实验规律认识和参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 水力压裂 复杂 深层页岩 天然层理 声发射
低渗透裂缝性油藏水力缝延伸特征分析——以克拉玛依油田百31井区佳木河组油藏为例 被引量:5
作者 李民河 李震 平锐 《油气地质与采收率》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期70-72,i0007,i0008,共4页
在分析百31井区佳木河组油藏天然缝发育特征、现今应力特征、水力缝延伸特征的基础上,重点分析了天然缝和现今地应力对水力缝的影响,归纳了低渗透裂缝性油藏水力缝的分布规律。天然缝发育特征、现今应力场特征不但决定了水力缝分布特征... 在分析百31井区佳木河组油藏天然缝发育特征、现今应力特征、水力缝延伸特征的基础上,重点分析了天然缝和现今地应力对水力缝的影响,归纳了低渗透裂缝性油藏水力缝的分布规律。天然缝发育特征、现今应力场特征不但决定了水力缝分布特征,而且直接影响着压裂施工;百31井区佳木河组油藏油井压裂时水力缝基本上都是沿天然缝延伸或对天然缝进一步改造和沟通;油井射孔段天然缝产状、发育程度、水平应力大小直接影响着压裂施工压力。 展开更多
关键词 低渗透裂性油尊 天然缝 水力 现今地应力 施工压力 克拉玛依油田
低渗透复杂裂缝系统油藏见水原因及调整方法 被引量:7
作者 张昌艳 《石油化工高等学校学报》 CAS 2021年第5期30-35,共6页
大庆外围低渗透裂缝性油藏储层发育天然缝、人工缝及注水诱发动态缝,受复杂裂缝体系影响,采油井见水类型多样,见水规律及原因复杂,加剧了措施调整难度。为了改善低渗透裂缝性油藏水驱效果,以CYG油田C45Z区块为研究对象,基于区块储层裂... 大庆外围低渗透裂缝性油藏储层发育天然缝、人工缝及注水诱发动态缝,受复杂裂缝体系影响,采油井见水类型多样,见水规律及原因复杂,加剧了措施调整难度。为了改善低渗透裂缝性油藏水驱效果,以CYG油田C45Z区块为研究对象,基于区块储层裂缝发育特征,划分单井见水类型,结合动静态数据,系统剖析见水规律及原因,为措施调整指明方向。通过措施调整,截至2021年3月,措施井组日增油1.0 t,含水率下降12.0%,阶段累计增油2051.6 t,初步形成分类治理措施调整模式。 展开更多
关键词 天然缝 动态 见水类型 见水原因 分类调整
作者 刘晓东 高建央 《有色矿山》 2002年第4期14-15,18,共3页
施工中应用巷道围岩切缝法的岩石力学理论分析 ,采用锚杆支护法解决底板臌起现象 ,收到良好效果。
关键词 锚杆 底应力 臌起 天然 巷道 围岩 底板 岩石力学
四川盆地长宁地区页岩气井压裂效果影响因素分析及对策研究 被引量:7
作者 郑杰 《重庆科技学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第3期1-6,共6页
在长宁页岩气开发实践中,通过精细化评层选区、提高优质储层钻遇率和工厂化压裂作业等实现了效益开发。但现有的开发模式造成强非均质性的页岩气藏单井产量差异大,说明现有认识和技术存在针对性不强的缺陷。在总结目前长宁地区201井区... 在长宁页岩气开发实践中,通过精细化评层选区、提高优质储层钻遇率和工厂化压裂作业等实现了效益开发。但现有的开发模式造成强非均质性的页岩气藏单井产量差异大,说明现有认识和技术存在针对性不强的缺陷。在总结目前长宁地区201井区龙马溪组页岩气井开发效果的基础上,对天然裂缝、施工规模、加砂强度等影响压裂效果的因素开展定量化分析,评价其对压后裂缝尺寸、导流能力、压后产量的影响,为下一步的参数优化和开发方案调整提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 页岩气 压裂效果 非均质性 天然缝 加砂强度
True triaxial hydraulic fracturing test and numerical simulation of limestone 被引量:9
作者 YANG Wei-min GENG Yang +4 位作者 ZHOU Zong-qing LI Lian-chong DING Ruo-song WU Zhong-hu ZHAI Ming-yang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第10期3025-3039,共15页
Hydraulic fracturing,as a key technology of deep energy exploitation,accelerates the rapid development of the modern petroleum industry.To study the mechanisms of hydraulic fracture propagation and rock failure mode o... Hydraulic fracturing,as a key technology of deep energy exploitation,accelerates the rapid development of the modern petroleum industry.To study the mechanisms of hydraulic fracture propagation and rock failure mode of the vertical well hydraulic fracturing,the true triaxial hydraulic fracturing test and numerical simulation are carried out,and the influence of the principal stress difference,water injection displacement,perforation angle and natural fracture on fracture propagation is analyzed.The results show that the fracture propagation mode of limestone is mainly divided into two types:the single vertical fracture and the transverse-longitudinal crossed complex fracture.Under high displacement,the fracturing pressure is larger,and the secondary fracture is more likely to occur,while variable displacement loading is more likely to induce fracture network.Meanwhile,the amplitude of acoustic emission(AE)waveform of limestone during fracturing is between 0.01 and 0.02 mV,and the main frequency is maintained in the range of 230−300 kHz.When perforation angleθ=45°,it is easy to produce the T-type fracture that connects with the natural fracture,while X-type cracks are generated whenθ=30°.The results can be used as a reference for further study on the mechanism of limestone hydraulic fracturing. 展开更多
关键词 true triaxial hydraulic fracturing acoustic emission particle flow code(PFC) perforation angle natural fracture
Impact Factors on Fracturing Results of Coal Seams and Appropriate Countermeasures
作者 X. Wang Y.H. Ding Y. Xu Y.Y. Duan 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第6期16-26,共11页
Hydraulic fracturing is one of the efficient means for the abundant low-permeability CBM (coal-bed methane) reserves in China, however, due to the unique features of coal seams (i.e., low temperature, strong adsorp... Hydraulic fracturing is one of the efficient means for the abundant low-permeability CBM (coal-bed methane) reserves in China, however, due to the unique features of coal seams (i.e., low temperature, strong adsorption and abnormal development of natural fracture systems) as compared with the conventional reservoirs, the fractures propagate is difficult and the risk of damage to coal seam itself and the hydraulic fractures would be extremely high in the course of fracturing. As a result, losses would be suffered on the post-frac production of CBM wells.With the mean of numerical simulation, in this paper, the main factors have impact on the post-frac results as well as the extent to which the impact is brought were researched, and the technical solutions for the improvement of the fracturing performance was put forwards. 展开更多
关键词 Coal-seam fracturing hazard factors yield loss rate technical solutions.
Pulsating hydraulic fracturing technology in low permeability coal seams 被引量:12
作者 Wang Wenchao Li Xianzhong +1 位作者 Lin Baiquan Zhai Cheng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期681-685,共5页
Based on the difficult situation of gas drainage in a single coal bed of high gas content and low perme- ability, we investigate the technology of pulsating hydraulic pressure relief, the process of crank plunger move... Based on the difficult situation of gas drainage in a single coal bed of high gas content and low perme- ability, we investigate the technology of pulsating hydraulic pressure relief, the process of crank plunger movement and the mechanism of pulsating pressure formation using theoretical research, mathematical modeling and field testing. We analyze the effect of pulsating pressure on the formation and growth of fractures in coal by using the pulsating hydraulic theory in hydraulics. The research results show that the amplitude of fluctuating pressure tends to increase in the case where the exit is blocked, caused by pulsating pressure reflection and frictional resistance superposition, and it contributes to the growth of fractures in coal. The crack initiation pressure of pulsating hydraulic fracturing is 8 MPa, which is half than that of normal hydraulic fracturing; the pulsating hydraulic fracturing influence radius reaches 8 m. The total amount of gas extraction is increased by 3.6 times, and reaches 50 LJmin at the highest point. The extraction flow increases greatly, and is 4 times larger than that of drilling without fracturing and 1.2 times larger than that of normal hydraulic fracturing. The technology provides a technical measure for gas drainage of high gas content and low permeability in the single coal bed. 展开更多
关键词 Gas drainage Pulsating hydraulic fracturing Fatigue damage Permeability improvement
XFEM modeling of hydraulic fracture in porous rocks with natural fractures 被引量:3
作者 Tao Wang ZhanLi Liu +2 位作者 QingLei Zeng Yue Gao Zhuo Zhuang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期45-59,共15页
Hydraulic fracture (HF) in porous rocks is a complex multi-physics coupling process which involves fluid flow, diffusion and solid deformation. In this paper, the extended finite element method (XFEM) coupling wit... Hydraulic fracture (HF) in porous rocks is a complex multi-physics coupling process which involves fluid flow, diffusion and solid deformation. In this paper, the extended finite element method (XFEM) coupling with Biot theory is developed to study the HF in permeable rocks with natural fractures (NFs). In the recent XFEM based computational HF models, the fluid flow in fractures and interstitials of the porous media are mostly solved separately, which brings difficulties in dealing with complex fracture morphology. In our new model the fluid flow is solved in a unified framework by considering the fractures as a kind of special porous media and introducing Poiseuille-type flow inside them instead of Darcy-type flow. The most advantage is that it is very convenient to deal with fluid flow inside the complex frac^xre network, which is important in shale gas extraction. The weak formulation for the new coupled model is derived based on virtual work principle, which includes the XFEM formulation for multiple fractures and fractures intersection in porous media and finite element formulation for the unified fluid flow. Then the plane strain Kristianovic-Geertsma-de Klerk (KGD) model and the fluid flow inside the fracture network are simulated to validate the accuracy and applicability of this method. The numerical results show that large injection rate, low rock permeability and isotropic in-situ stresses tend to lead to a more uniform and productive fracture network. 展开更多
关键词 hydraulic fracture XFEM porous media fluid flow multi-physics coupling
Numerical evaluation of the shear stimulation effect in naturally fractured formations 被引量:1
作者 WANG Yu LI Xiao +1 位作者 ZHOU RunQing TANG ChunAn 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期371-383,共13页
In shale gas fracking, the stimulated natural fracture system is often critical to the gas production. In this paper, we present the results of state-of-the-art modeling of a detailed parametric evolution of the shear... In shale gas fracking, the stimulated natural fracture system is often critical to the gas production. In this paper, we present the results of state-of-the-art modeling of a detailed parametric evolution of the shear stimulation effect in discrete fracture network(DFN) formations. Two-dimensional computational modeling studies have been used in an attempt towards understanding how naturally fractured reservoirs response in hydraulic fracturing. Simulations were conducted as a function of:(1) the in-situ stress ratio;(2) internal friction angle of DFN;(3) DFN orientation with the stress field; and(4) operational vari- ables such as injection rate. A sensitivity study reveals a number of interesting observations resulting from these parameters on the shear stimulation in natural fracture system. This work strongly links the production technology, geomechanical evaluation and aids in the understanding and optimization of hydraulic fracturing simulations in naturally fractured reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 Hydraulic fracturing DFN Numerical simulation Shear stimulation effect
Study on interaction between induced and natural fractures by extended finite element method
作者 DanDan Xu ZhanLi Liu +2 位作者 Zhuo Zhuang QingLei Zeng Tao Wang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期24-37,共14页
Fracking is one of the kernel technologies in the remarkable shale gas revolution. The extended finite element method is used in this paper to numerically investigate the interaction between hydraulic and natural frac... Fracking is one of the kernel technologies in the remarkable shale gas revolution. The extended finite element method is used in this paper to numerically investigate the interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures, which is an important issue of the enigmatic fracture network formation in fracking. The criteria which control the opening of natural fracture and crossing of hydraulic fracture are tentatively presented. Influence factors on the interaction process are systematically analyzed, which include the approach angle, anisotropy of in-situ stress and fluid pressure profile. 展开更多
关键词 hydraulic fracturing natural fracture interaction criterion fluid pressure extended finite element method
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