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《大观周刊》 2006年第12期12-12,共1页
西河市的一个金矿发生矿难,金矿矿主冷小月正要赶赴现场。突然接到由艺廊女老板转达的一个幕后人物的指令。之后冷将此令转达给黄金公司经理金玉良,金又转达给“金把头”崔天宝……于是一场特大矿难成了一个只伤无亡的一般事故。然而... 西河市的一个金矿发生矿难,金矿矿主冷小月正要赶赴现场。突然接到由艺廊女老板转达的一个幕后人物的指令。之后冷将此令转达给黄金公司经理金玉良,金又转达给“金把头”崔天宝……于是一场特大矿难成了一个只伤无亡的一般事故。然而大量的农民失踪,还是引起了重视。当对案件展开调查时,一桩桩离奇的事情发生了。 展开更多
关键词 《绝胜天良 事故 电影 评论
爱心 筑就师生情——记绵阳市实验小学杨天良老师
作者 黄琳 《四川教育》 1999年第5期8-9,共2页
关键词 绵阳市 师生情 实验小学 慰问信 天良 急性肾炎 教育时机 小故事 班集体 说心里话
《当代蔬菜》 2005年第3期20-20,共1页
利用分子标记技术育成的杂交一代秋季早熟白菜花新品种.2000年开始进行实验,连续4年试种推广成功。适应全国各地种植,表现最大优点为生长特快、花球特自,结球期最适温度日平均23.5℃以下一产量稳定。在2003、2004年高温干旱和暴雨... 利用分子标记技术育成的杂交一代秋季早熟白菜花新品种.2000年开始进行实验,连续4年试种推广成功。适应全国各地种植,表现最大优点为生长特快、花球特自,结球期最适温度日平均23.5℃以下一产量稳定。在2003、2004年高温干旱和暴雨的生长逆境下.产品产量仍达到了单株1kg,实为早熟菜花之奇葩。邮购价5g/20。 展开更多
关键词 菜花 一代神65品种 早熟品种 分子标记技术 品种特性
作者 李天予 《天风》 北大核心 2000年第10期45-46,共2页
关键词 天良 桃子 上帝 公义 持守 意念 罪中 占有欲 自由意志 手拣
作者 李宗起 钱雄 +2 位作者 陆玉廷 陈锴 邢燕如 《中国乡村医药》 2023年第8期27-27,共1页
邢燕如主任系嘉兴张氏儿科第四代传人,行医三十余载,以中医辨证与现代医学联合诊治儿科常见病、多发病、疑难杂症。兹将其治疗小儿腹痛病验案举析如下:一、小建中汤案患儿,男,7岁。2021年5月18日初诊。因“反复腹痛两个月”就诊。刻诊:... 邢燕如主任系嘉兴张氏儿科第四代传人,行医三十余载,以中医辨证与现代医学联合诊治儿科常见病、多发病、疑难杂症。兹将其治疗小儿腹痛病验案举析如下:一、小建中汤案患儿,男,7岁。2021年5月18日初诊。因“反复腹痛两个月”就诊。刻诊:阵发性腹痛,隐隐作痛,喜温喜按,肢冷,纳差,便稀;舌淡,苔薄白,脉沉细。证属脾胃虚寒,予小建中汤加减温中补虚,缓急止痛。处方:桂枝6 g,白芍12 g,干姜、炙甘草各3 g,大枣、太子参、炒白术各10 g,饴糖40 g。 展开更多
关键词 腹痛 小建中汤 保和丸 附丸合正气香散 验案
卢梭的浪漫主义宗教观 被引量:2
作者 赵立坤 《浙江学刊》 CSSCI 2004年第5期76-80,共5页
卢梭的宗教思想在其思想体系中居于重要地位。终其一生 ,卢梭既是反基督教的斗士 ,也是宗教的复兴者。卢梭与一般的 1 8世纪启蒙时代的自然神论者不同 ,他由于强调倾听自然呼声依从情感福音、信奉心之殿堂、成就自由和美德之道 ,而独创... 卢梭的宗教思想在其思想体系中居于重要地位。终其一生 ,卢梭既是反基督教的斗士 ,也是宗教的复兴者。卢梭与一般的 1 8世纪启蒙时代的自然神论者不同 ,他由于强调倾听自然呼声依从情感福音、信奉心之殿堂、成就自由和美德之道 ,而独创一种新的信仰形式———天良神论。它为康德的道德神学开出了通道 ,成为从理性神学向浪漫主义神学过渡的重要契机。 展开更多
关键词 卢梭 浪漫主义 宗教观 自然宗教 天良神论 信仰形式 理性神学 道德神学
喻世警民的画卷——《开封日报》的“新闻漫画”的特点 被引量:1
作者 贾少强 《新闻爱好者》 1996年第2期46-46,共1页
关键词 新闻漫画 画卷 警民 生活现象 追根溯源 引导舆论 社会风气 生活中 天良 谈资
作者 房赋闲 《当代文坛》 1987年第2期34-38,共5页
在以描写农村生活见长的山东青年作家中,矫健无疑是令人瞩目的一个。让人感兴趣的是,这个半拉子山东人,既没有王润滋那样深厚的生活经验,似乎也不及张炜那样敏感的艺术才情,但却在短短的几年里,写出了《老霜的苦闷》、《老人仓》、《河... 在以描写农村生活见长的山东青年作家中,矫健无疑是令人瞩目的一个。让人感兴趣的是,这个半拉子山东人,既没有王润滋那样深厚的生活经验,似乎也不及张炜那样敏感的艺术才情,但却在短短的几年里,写出了《老霜的苦闷》、《老人仓》、《河魂》、《天良》等有影响的中长篇小说,两次获得全国优秀短、中篇小说奖。矫健成功的秘密何在?本文试做一个新的解释和探讨。 展开更多
关键词 天良 磕巴 两种文化 作家 边缘优势 山东文化 作品 江东 文化心理结构 生活经验
作者 银青莲 《五台山研究》 1997年第4期46-46,共1页
龙泉寺楹联牌匾银青莲前先老祖淳信明义后代子孙崇德博文——西院西殿塔影悬清污钟声度白云——中院普济塔天下名山僧占多世界善言佛说尽——中院献亭庭阶森瑞气龙岗发奇观——西院千古英灵垂赫奕四季蒸尝报宏恩是君子非君子到此便现有... 龙泉寺楹联牌匾银青莲前先老祖淳信明义后代子孙崇德博文——西院西殿塔影悬清污钟声度白云——中院普济塔天下名山僧占多世界善言佛说尽——中院献亭庭阶森瑞气龙岗发奇观——西院千古英灵垂赫奕四季蒸尝报宏恩是君子非君子到此便现有天良无天良临阶可知——一百零八台阶... 展开更多
关键词 楹联 龙泉 下名山 牌楼 弥勒 天良 清污 月轮 八表 青莲
作者 武跃平 张小平 《中国工商》 1993年第9期7-9,共3页
药与人类关系至为密切。人们一旦需要它时,便会不惜一切代价去得到它。而一些利欲薰心者正是看中了人们患病后求医购药的急切心理,挖空心思,不择手段,丧尽天良,为所欲为。一双双粗笨的黑手,利用原始的、野蛮的、卑鄙的方法,来炮制、经... 药与人类关系至为密切。人们一旦需要它时,便会不惜一切代价去得到它。而一些利欲薰心者正是看中了人们患病后求医购药的急切心理,挖空心思,不择手段,丧尽天良,为所欲为。一双双粗笨的黑手,利用原始的、野蛮的、卑鄙的方法,来炮制、经营假药。 展开更多
关键词 假药 注射器 伪劣药品 雀斑 镜头 药品市场 经营药品 药店 新开河 天良
Malrotation causing duodenal chronic obstruction in an adult 被引量:1
作者 Jun Gong Zhen-Jiang Zheng Gang Mai Xu-Bao Liu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第9期1144-1146,共3页
Congenital duodenal obstruction is rare in adulthood. An unusual presentation of this condition has led to difficult preoperative diagnosis.We present a case of proximal jejunal obstruction by a congenital band in an ... Congenital duodenal obstruction is rare in adulthood. An unusual presentation of this condition has led to difficult preoperative diagnosis.We present a case of proximal jejunal obstruction by a congenital band in an adult and review the literature. 展开更多
关键词 MALROTATION Duodenal obstruction Surgical procedures Congenital band ADULT
Gastrointestinal manifestations of systemic mastocytosis 被引量:2
作者 Jason K Lee Scott J Whittaker +1 位作者 Robert A Enns Peter Zetler 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第45期7005-7008,共4页
Systemic mastocytosis (SM) is a rare disease with abnormal proliferation and infiltration of mast cells in the skin, bone marrow, and viscera including the mucosal surfaces of the digestive tract. Gastrointestinal (GI... Systemic mastocytosis (SM) is a rare disease with abnormal proliferation and infiltration of mast cells in the skin, bone marrow, and viscera including the mucosal surfaces of the digestive tract. Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms occur in 14%-85% of patients with systemic mastocytosis. The GI symptoms may be as frequent as the better known pruritis, urticaria pigmentosa, and flushing. In fact most recent studies show that the GI symptoms are especially important clinically due to the severity and chronicity of the effects that they produce. GI symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and bloating. A case of predominantly GI systemic mastocytosis with unique endoscopic images and pathologic confirmation is herein presented, as well as a current review of the GI manifestations of this disease including endoscopic appearances. Issues such as treatment and prognosis will not be discussed for the purposes of this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Systemic mastocytosis Idiopathic diarrhea Gastrointestinal manifestations
Improved DOA Estimation Algorithm with Sensor Array Perturbations for CDMA System
作者 杨维 程时昕 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2003年第1期11-15,共5页
An improved direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm with sensor gain and phase uncertainties for synchronous code division multiple access(CDMA) system with decorrelator is presented. Through decorrelating pro... An improved direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm with sensor gain and phase uncertainties for synchronous code division multiple access(CDMA) system with decorrelator is presented. Through decorrelating processing DOAs of the desired users can be estimated independently and all other resolved signal interferences are eliminated. Emphasis is directed to applications in which sensor gain and phase are perturbed that often happen actually. It is shown that improved DOA estimation can be achieved for decoupled signals by gain and phase pre estimation procedures. 展开更多
关键词 antenna array CDMA DOA estimation PERTURBATIONS
作者 陈正光 王峻峰 +1 位作者 严洪珍 史轶繁 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1997年第2期121-125,共5页
In order to describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in hypothalamic-pituitary area and its clinical relevance in patients with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency (IGHD), the MR imagings of 26 patients... In order to describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in hypothalamic-pituitary area and its clinical relevance in patients with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency (IGHD), the MR imagings of 26 patients with IGHD were analyzed. On MRI, 24 out of 26 cases (92. 3%) showed apparent pituitary upper margin depression; 8 out of 26 cases (30. 8%) showed definite pituitary stalk transection; 22 out of 26 cases (84. 6%) showed absence of the normal posterior pituitary bright spot. The bright lipidlike signal on T1W1 images at the median eminence distal to the breaking point (so-called ectopic posterior lobe) was found in 4 out of 26 cases (15. 4%). According to the MRI findings of the pituitary stalks, the 26 cases were divided into three groups; group A of 8 cases (31%) characterized by the definite transaction of stalk; group B of 13 cases (50%) defined by the possible stalk transection; and group C of 5 cases (19%) with no definite stalk transection.MRI findings were consistent with the clinical and endocrine tests. The stalk transection was statistically significantly difference in insulin test, L-dopa/p test, and height standard deviation score (P< 0.05). The MRI of hypothalamic-pituitary area may differentiate partial IGHD form stalk-transected, doubtful transection and without transection. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) hypothalamic-pituitary anatomy idiopathic growth hormone deficiency
作者 张侃侃 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期104-112,共9页
1920年北洋政府为稳定北部边疆经济成立了边业银行。1924年奉系军阀张作霖接收该银行后,在张作霖和张学良父子经营下,经历了数年的繁荣,为稳定东北的金融和经济做出了重要贡献。其货币亦颇有自己的特点。1931年九一八事变后,日本接管并... 1920年北洋政府为稳定北部边疆经济成立了边业银行。1924年奉系军阀张作霖接收该银行后,在张作霖和张学良父子经营下,经历了数年的繁荣,为稳定东北的金融和经济做出了重要贡献。其货币亦颇有自己的特点。1931年九一八事变后,日本接管并没收边业银行。1932年6月,被日本劫收的边业银行并入伪满中央银行。 展开更多
关键词 边业银行 张作霖 张学天良”票
作者 宵啁 朱金明 《当代电视》 北大核心 1995年第10期21-21,共1页
近日,香港电视剧《义不容情》在国内许多省市电视台播出,反映颇为强烈。尤其剧中由香港温柔星——邵美琪主演的港大医科三年级女大学生赵加敏,给人留下深刻印象。剧中情节主要是描写赵加敏痴恋丁有康,并最后死于这个六亲不认、丧尽天良... 近日,香港电视剧《义不容情》在国内许多省市电视台播出,反映颇为强烈。尤其剧中由香港温柔星——邵美琪主演的港大医科三年级女大学生赵加敏,给人留下深刻印象。剧中情节主要是描写赵加敏痴恋丁有康,并最后死于这个六亲不认、丧尽天良、不择手段向上爬的家伙手中。邵美琪把温柔、貌美、痴情的赵加敏演得入木三分,观众无不为她的悲惨遭遇流下同情的眼泪。 展开更多
关键词 香港 电影圈 电视剧 演技 天良 悲惨遭遇 明星 当演员 观众学 无不为
作者 林春增 《中国工会财会》 1996年第9期47-47,共1页
关键词 卜算子 山东省莒南县 作者单位 天良
作者 周伟驰 《基督宗教研究》 2021年第2期168-185,共18页
梁发是基督新教的第一个本土传道人,与早期来华的各国传道士有密切接触,其思想直接秉承了当时西方基督教的基本观念。与初期其他中国信徒不同,梁发撰写和编纂了一系列著作。这些著作成为后人研究新教来华初期本土信徒所接受和所形成的... 梁发是基督新教的第一个本土传道人,与早期来华的各国传道士有密切接触,其思想直接秉承了当时西方基督教的基本观念。与初期其他中国信徒不同,梁发撰写和编纂了一系列著作。这些著作成为后人研究新教来华初期本土信徒所接受和所形成的基督教观念的最佳对象。当代,随着图书资料获得的便捷,梁发著作大部分已可得睹。本文考察了梁发著作的主要情况,部分著作之间的关系,个别著作的作者问题,梁发与马礼逊圣经中译本的关系问题,以及梁发所用的一个重要的译名“爷火华”的来龙去脉问题,对梁发研究和太平天国研究有一定的价值。 展开更多
关键词 梁发 《劝世言》 太平 爷火华(耶和华)
Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea secondary to congenital inner ear dysplasia: diagnosis and management of 18 cases 被引量:9
作者 Bing WANG Wen-jia DAI +5 位作者 Xiao-ting CHENG Wen-yi LIUYANG Ya-sheng YUAN Chun-fu DAI Yi-lai SHU Bing CHEN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第2期156-163,共8页
Objective:To describe the characteristics of the clinical presentation,diagnosis,surgical methods,and outcomes of patients with otogenic cerebrospinal fluid(CSF)leakage secondary to congenital inner ear dysplasia.Meth... Objective:To describe the characteristics of the clinical presentation,diagnosis,surgical methods,and outcomes of patients with otogenic cerebrospinal fluid(CSF)leakage secondary to congenital inner ear dysplasia.Methods:A retrospective review was performed of 18 patients with otogenic CSF leakage secondary to inner ear dysplasia who underwent surgery in our group from 2007 to 2017 and had a follow-up of at least 4 months.The average length of follow-up was three years.The characteristics of the clinical presentations of all patients,such as self-reported symptoms,radiographic findings,surgical approaches and methods of repair,position of the leakage during surgery,and postoperative course,including the success rate of surgery,are presented.Results:The patients presented mostly with typical symptoms of meningitis,severe hearing impairment,and CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea.All 18 patients had at least one previous episode of meningitis accompanied by a severe hearing impairment.The preoperative audiograms of 17 patients showed profound sensorineural hearing loss,and one patient had conductive hearing loss.Twelve patients presented with an initial onset of otorrhea,and two had accompanying rhinorrhea.Six patients complained of rhinorrhea,two of whom were misdiagnosed with CSF rhinorrhea and underwent transnasal endoscopy at another hospital.High-resolution computed tomography(HRCT)images can reveal developments in the inner ear,such as expansion of a vestibular cyst,unclear structure of the semicircular canal or cochlea,or signs of effusion in the middle ear or mastoid,which strongly suggest the possibility of CSF otorrhea.The children in the study suffered more severe dysplasia than adults.All 18 patients had CSF leakage identified during surgery.The most common defect sites were in the stapes footplates(55.6%),and 38.9%of patients had a leak around the oval window.One patient had a return of CSF otorrhea during the postoperative period,which did not re-occur following a second repair.Conclusions:CSF otorrhea due to congenital inner ear dysplasia is more severe in children than in adults.The most common symptoms were meningitis,hearing impairment,and CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea.HRCT has high diagnostic accuracy for this disease.The most common fistula site was around the oval window,including the stapes footplates and the annular ligament. 展开更多
关键词 Cerebrospinal fluid ABNORMALITY High-resolution computed tomography(HRCT) Congenital inner ear dysplasia OTORRHEA MENINGITIS
Clinical and molecular genetic analysis of a Chinese family with congenital X-linked adrenal hypoplasia caused by novel mutation 1268del A in the DAX-1 gene 被引量:1
作者 Zhe ZHANG Ye FENG +3 位作者 Dan YE Cheng-jiang LI Feng-qin DONG Ying TONG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第11期963-968,共6页
Congenital X-linked adrenal hypoplasia (AHC) is a rare disease characterized by primary adrenal insufficiency before adolescence and by hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HHG) during adolescence. In this paper, we pre... Congenital X-linked adrenal hypoplasia (AHC) is a rare disease characterized by primary adrenal insufficiency before adolescence and by hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HHG) during adolescence. In this paper, we present a Chinese family with AHC. Two brothers, misdiagnosed with adrenal insufficiency of unknown etiology at the age of 9, were correctly diagnosed with AHC when delayed puberty, HHG, and testicular defects were observed. We investigated the clinical features and identified the dosage-sensitive sex reversal AHC critical region of the X chromosome gene 1 (DAX-1) mutation in this kindred. Direct sequencing of the DAX-1 gene revealed that the two siblings have a novel mutation (1268delA) of which their mother is a heterozygous carrier. This mutation causes a frameshift and a premature stop codon at position 436, encoding a truncated protein. It is important to increase knowledge of the mutational spectrum in genes related to this disease, linking phenotype to genotype. 展开更多
关键词 Congenital X-linked adrenal hypoplasia Primary adrenal insufficiency Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
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