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汽车自动变速器的失速试验及分析 被引量:1
作者 宋艳雪 《汽车实用技术》 2019年第13期83-84,109,共3页
关键词 自动变 失速转速 试验
丰田凯美瑞自动变速器故障诊断与排除 被引量:1
作者 张宏 《汽车维修》 2016年第4期30-31,共2页
广汽丰田凯美瑞是1款常见的中档轿车,其配置了电子控制自动变速器,防抱死制动系统等现代技术。其采用的是U241E自动变速器。该变速器行星齿轮传动部分由2组三排行星齿轮机构组成,有4个前进挡和1个倒挡,换挡执行元件包括3个离合器、3个... 广汽丰田凯美瑞是1款常见的中档轿车,其配置了电子控制自动变速器,防抱死制动系统等现代技术。其采用的是U241E自动变速器。该变速器行星齿轮传动部分由2组三排行星齿轮机构组成,有4个前进挡和1个倒挡,换挡执行元件包括3个离合器、3个制动器和2个单向离合器。一、故障现象有1辆广汽丰田凯美瑞2.0轿车进店维修,车主反映该车起步时有打滑现象,发动机转速升高很快但车速升高很慢。 展开更多
关键词 自动变 美瑞 广汽丰田 换挡执行元件 行星齿轮机构 单向离合器 失速转速 前进挡 打滑现象 防抱死制动系统
作者 康永禄 冯永忠 《汽车维修与保养》 2015年第6期32-33,共2页
一、技术规范 英菲尼迪QX60的技术规范如表1所示。表1英菲尼迪QX60的技术规范二、检查CVT油液应该在CVT油液加热到50~80℃的情况下检查液位,步骤如下。1.检查油液是否泄漏。2.在发动机暖机后,在城区驾驶汽车。当环境温度为20℃时,C V ... 一、技术规范 英菲尼迪QX60的技术规范如表1所示。表1英菲尼迪QX60的技术规范二、检查CVT油液应该在CVT油液加热到50~80℃的情况下检查液位,步骤如下。1.检查油液是否泄漏。2.在发动机暖机后,在城区驾驶汽车。当环境温度为20℃时,C V T油液升温到50~80℃大约需要10分钟。 展开更多
关键词 英菲尼迪 QX60 失速转速 油尺 注入管 暖机 换挡杆 踏板 驻车制动器 发动机型号
作者 陈杰 《汽车维修技师》 2016年第1期51-53,共3页
故障现象:一辆雷克萨斯GS300轿车,原车搭载的3GR-FE发动机,经过改装换装了日本进口的3GRFSE缸内直喷发动机,且由原来的3.0L镗缸到了3.5L的排量,在安装之后出现发动机怠速抖动且加速无力的症状。故障诊断:在车辆启动等待水温正常后,挡... 故障现象:一辆雷克萨斯GS300轿车,原车搭载的3GR-FE发动机,经过改装换装了日本进口的3GRFSE缸内直喷发动机,且由原来的3.0L镗缸到了3.5L的排量,在安装之后出现发动机怠速抖动且加速无力的症状。故障诊断:在车辆启动等待水温正常后,挡位在P挡,用手触摸在转向盘上能感觉到明显的抖动,而且坐在座椅上都能感觉到抖动。 展开更多
关键词 抖动 GS300 雷克萨斯 缸内直喷 转向盘 三元催化器 日本进口 故障诊断 踏板 失速转速
作者 王宪文 张宏彬 韩晓明 《汽车维修技师》 2013年第1期59-62,共4页
VIN:LFPH4ACCXA1B×××××. 行驶里程:98550km. 故障现象:一辆2009年10月生产的CA7204AT2豪华型奔腾B70轿车,发动机型号LF型,发动机排量2.0L,变速器型号FS5A-EL手自一体5速自动变速器.该车用户反映1挡升2挡有轻... VIN:LFPH4ACCXA1B×××××. 行驶里程:98550km. 故障现象:一辆2009年10月生产的CA7204AT2豪华型奔腾B70轿车,发动机型号LF型,发动机排量2.0L,变速器型号FS5A-EL手自一体5速自动变速器.该车用户反映1挡升2挡有轻微的发冲,急加速时2挡升3挡闯车严重,缓慢加速2挡升3挡闯车现象减轻,3挡升4挡、5挡正常.AT故障报警灯不亮,高速行驶正常. 故障诊断:维修技师与客户一起路试确认故障现象,挂D挡起步正常,1挡升2挡闯车,2挡升3挡时缓加速没有闯车现象,3挡升4挡、4挡升5挡时都没有闯车现象,高速行驶正常.经反复试验确认,2挡升3挡转速高于规定值,2挡升3挡时急加速有闯车现象. 展开更多
关键词 管路压力 离合器 发动机 行星轮 顺时针 换挡 电磁阀 电磁操作阀 前进挡 B70 失速转速 自动变 奔腾
作者 陆华忠 赵云峰 《汽车运用》 1996年第5期17-18,共2页
自动变速器的故障与发动机、液压控制系统、电子控制系统以及变速器内部的机械部分都有关,产生故障的可能原因和部位很多。因此,故障诊断的首要任务是弄清那一方面产生故障和故障的大致部位。不要轻易拆变速器,因一旦拆下变速器,各种测... 自动变速器的故障与发动机、液压控制系统、电子控制系统以及变速器内部的机械部分都有关,产生故障的可能原因和部位很多。因此,故障诊断的首要任务是弄清那一方面产生故障和故障的大致部位。不要轻易拆变速器,因一旦拆下变速器,各种测试和试验都无法进行,不能判断故障的具体部位。 展开更多
关键词 自动变 故障诊断 液压控制系统 单向离合器 起动发动机 电磁阀 制动器 电脑控制系统 故障代码 失速转速
作者 于长明 《汽车与驾驶维修》 2017年第6期62-63,共2页
在日常的维修工作中,维修笔记对故障的分类、工作原理的清晰和车型的把握都有着不可低估的作用。此外,对于维修人员技术水平的提高也大有益处。在这里我们对范道刚先生所做的丰田车系故障维修笔记进行刊登,内容涉及发动机、变速器、底... 在日常的维修工作中,维修笔记对故障的分类、工作原理的清晰和车型的把握都有着不可低估的作用。此外,对于维修人员技术水平的提高也大有益处。在这里我们对范道刚先生所做的丰田车系故障维修笔记进行刊登,内容涉及发动机、变速器、底盘、电器和空调,车型涉及该品牌中的大部分系列。希望对广大维修人员能有所启发和参考作用,同时我们也鼓励更多品牌车型的维修人员刊登自己的故障维修笔记,以丰富技术交流的平台。 展开更多
关键词 器油 技术交流 工作原理 技术水平 插接器 用户反映 碰撞传感器 多功能车 换挡执行元件 失速转速
作者 詹森 《汽车与驾驶维修》 2017年第2期81-82,共2页
故障1关键词:正时故障现象:一辆2010年产长安福特蒙迪欧2.0自动挡轿车,车型为CD132,行驶里程15万km。用户反映该车动力不足。检查分析:维修人员试车发现,该车在遇到上坡时车速会直线下降,同时变速器迅速降挡。此时即使是将加速踏板... 故障1关键词:正时故障现象:一辆2010年产长安福特蒙迪欧2.0自动挡轿车,车型为CD132,行驶里程15万km。用户反映该车动力不足。检查分析:维修人员试车发现,该车在遇到上坡时车速会直线下降,同时变速器迅速降挡。此时即使是将加速踏板踩到底,车速也不会上升。 展开更多
关键词 长安福特 用户反映 踏板 蒙迪欧 控制单元 失速转速 福特福克斯 运转 曲轴位置传感器 三元催化器
作者 范道刚 《汽车与驾驶维修》 2017年第2期62-63,共2页
在日常的维修工作中,维修笔记对故障的分类、工作原理的清晰和车型的把握都有着不可低估的作用。此外,对于维修人员技术水平的提高也大有益处。在这里我们对范道刚先生所做的丰田车系故障维修笔记进行刊登,内容涉及发动机、变速器、底... 在日常的维修工作中,维修笔记对故障的分类、工作原理的清晰和车型的把握都有着不可低估的作用。此外,对于维修人员技术水平的提高也大有益处。在这里我们对范道刚先生所做的丰田车系故障维修笔记进行刊登,内容涉及发动机、变速器、底盘、电器和空调,车型涉及该品牌中的大部分系列。希望对广大维修人员能有所启发和参考作用,同时我们也鼓励更多品牌车型的维修人员刊登自己的故障维修笔记,以丰富技术交流的平台。 展开更多
关键词 器油 技术交流 传感器 氧传感器 工作原理 技术水平 用户反映 空气流量计 失速转速 多功能车
Wet Compression Performance of a Transonic Compressor Rotor at its Near Stall Point 被引量:3
作者 杨怀丰 郑群 +2 位作者 罗铭聪 孙兰昕 Rakesh Bhargava 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第1期49-62,共14页
In order to study the effects of wet compression on a transonic compressor,a full 3-D steady numerical simulation was carried out under varying conditions.Different injected water flow rates and droplet diameters were... In order to study the effects of wet compression on a transonic compressor,a full 3-D steady numerical simulation was carried out under varying conditions.Different injected water flow rates and droplet diameters were considered.The effect of wet compression on the shock,separated flow,pressure ratio,and efficiency was investigated.Additionally,the effect of wet compression on the tip clearance when the compressor runs in the near-stall and stall situations was emphasized.Analysis of the results shows that the range of stable operation is extended,and that the pressure ratio and inlet air flow rate are also increased at the near-stall point.In addition,it seems that there is an optimum size of the droplet diameter. 展开更多
关键词 wet compression two-phase flow stall boundary transonic compressor
Rotating Stall and Stall-Controlled Performance of a Single Stage Subsonic Axial Compressor 被引量:3
作者 Eisuke OUTA 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第1期1-13,共13页
Activities by various authors on aerodynamics and control dynamics of rotating stall in axial compressor are first traced. Then, a process of stall cell evolution in a subsonic stage is discussed based on a 2-D CFD. A... Activities by various authors on aerodynamics and control dynamics of rotating stall in axial compressor are first traced. Then, a process of stall cell evolution in a subsonic stage is discussed based on a 2-D CFD. A few numbers of vortices grow ahead of the rotor accumulating vorticity ejected from lightly stalled blades, and eventually organize a cell of circumferentially aligned huge vortices, which merge and recess repeatedly during the rotation. Such stall disturbance is intensified on trailing side of a circumferential inlet distortion and decays on the leading side. Considering these features, a new algorithm for stall warning is developed based on a correlation between pressure waveforms at each passing of a fixed blade. A remarkable change in the correlation level at near-stall provides a warning signal prior to the stall onset with sufficiently large time margin. This scheme is applied to achieve rotating stall prevention by actuating flaps installed on the hub. The last issue is on characteristics of forward swept blade which has much increased throttle margin with decreased tip loss. A 3-D computation shows that a secondary vortex generated in suction surface mid span interacts to reduce the tip leakage vortex that initiates the stall. 展开更多
关键词 rotating stall stall warning sensing stall control forward swept blade two- and three-dimensional unsteady CFD stall cell structure tip leakage flow.
Numerical Investigation of the Unsteady Tip Leakage Flow and Rotating Stall Inception in a Transonic Compressor 被引量:6
作者 Yanfeng Zhang Xingen Lu +1 位作者 Wuli Chu Junqiang Zhu 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第4期310-317,共8页
It is well known that tip leakage flow has a strong effect on the compressor performance and stability. This paper reports on a numerical investigation of detailed flow structures in an isolated transonic compressor r... It is well known that tip leakage flow has a strong effect on the compressor performance and stability. This paper reports on a numerical investigation of detailed flow structures in an isolated transonic compressor rotor-NASA Rotor 37 at near stall and stalled conditions aimed at improving understanding of changes in 3D tip leakage flow structures with rotating stall inception.Steady and unsteady 3D Navier-Stokes analyses were conducted to investigate flow structures in the same rotor.For steady analysis,the predicted results agree well with the experimental data for the estimation of compressor rotor global performance.For unsteady flow analysis, the unsteady flow nature caused by the breakdown of the tip leakage vortex in blade tip region in the transonic compressor rotor at near stall condition has been captured with a single blade passage.On the other hand, the time-accurate unsteady computations of multi-blade passage at near stall condition indicate that the unsteady breakdown of the tip leakage vortex triggered the short length-scale-spike type rotating stall inception at blade tip region.It was the forward spillage of the tip leakage flow at blade leading edge resulting in the spike stall inception. As the mass flow ratio is decreased,the rotating stall cell was further developed in the blade passage. 展开更多
关键词 transonic axial-flow compressor tip clearance flow stall inception UNSTEADINESS
Experimental Investigations of Micro Air Injection to Control Rotating Stall 被引量:6
作者 Chaoqun Nie Zhiting Tong +2 位作者 Shaojuan Geng Junqiang Zhu Weiguang Huang 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期1-6,共6页
Steady discrete micro air injection at the tip region in front of the first compressor rotor has been proved to be an effective method to delay the inception of rotating stall in a low speed axial compressor. Consider... Steady discrete micro air injection at the tip region in front of the first compressor rotor has been proved to be an effective method to delay the inception of rotating stall in a low speed axial compressor. Considering the practical application a new type of micro injector was designed and described in this paper, which was imbedded in the casing and could be moved along the chord. In order to verify its feasibility to other cases, such as high subsonic axial compressor or centrifugal compressor, some other cases have been studied. Experimental results of the same low speed axial compressor showed that the new injector could possess many other advantages besides successfully stabilizing the compressor. Experiments performed on a high subsonic axial compressor confirmed the effectiveness of micro air injection when the relative velocity at the blade tip is high subsonic. Meanwhile in order to explore its feasibility in centrifugal compressor, a similar micro injector was designed and tested on a low speed centrifugal compressor with vaned diffuser. The injected mass flow was a bit larger than that used in axial compressors and the results showed micro injection could also delay the onset of rotating stall in the centrifugal compressor. 展开更多
关键词 COMPRESSOR rotating stall air injection
Effects of Probe Support on the Stall Characteristics of a Low-Speed Axial Compressor 被引量:6
作者 Hongwei Ma Shaohui Li Wei Wei 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期43-49,共7页
In order to investigate the effects of probe support on the stall characteristics of micro compressors, an experiment was carried out on a large-scale low-speed research compressor according to the principle of geomet... In order to investigate the effects of probe support on the stall characteristics of micro compressors, an experiment was carried out on a large-scale low-speed research compressor according to the principle of geometric similarity. A cylindrical probe support intruding to 50% blade span was mounted at 50% chord upstream from the rotor blade leading edge. The static pressure rise characteristic of the compressor is measured, with and without the probe support respectively. The dynamic compressor behavior from pre-stall to full stall was also measured. The results indicate that the stability margin of the compressor is lowered after installing the probe support. The stall inception is aroused by modal wave disturbances. The disturbances developed into two stall cells smoothly before installing the probe support, while the disturbances first developed into a single stall cell then splitting into two stall cells after installing the probe support. The presence of probe support lowers the initial intensity of the rotating stall of the compressor, while it doesn't alter the intensity of the rotation stall after the compressor enters into full stall. 展开更多
关键词 Probe support Compressor Stability Margin Stall inception Intensity/frequency of rotating stall
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