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中國典籍所載女人國傳説研究 被引量:1
作者 張緒山 《中华文史论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期345-372,392,共29页
女人國傳説見於記載甚早,其突出特點是女子羣體獨立存在,無性繁殖(入水懷孕、窺井懷孕、飲水懷孕、感風而孕),男嬰不存活。不同時代的女人國傳説總是指向華夏邊緣或"域外"的某一地區的族羣,地域方位的變動意味着華夏族人對域... 女人國傳説見於記載甚早,其突出特點是女子羣體獨立存在,無性繁殖(入水懷孕、窺井懷孕、飲水懷孕、感風而孕),男嬰不存活。不同時代的女人國傳説總是指向華夏邊緣或"域外"的某一地區的族羣,地域方位的變動意味着華夏族人對域外關注點的變化,而傳説相關内容的變化則反映了受關注的"域外"族羣的特殊性,同時緣於中介傳播者的差異。女人國傳説提供了與華夏族人迥然不同的異族形象,是華夏族羣自我認同所需要的"他者",是不可或缺的參照物。 展开更多
关键词 女人國傳説 《山海經》 華夏
作者 陈廷瓒 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 1985年第2期29-34,共6页
(一)一个流传于世界各地的古老故事女人国的故事是人类最古老的故事之一。在古代巴比伦神话、希腊神话和我国古代传说中,都有关于女人国的故事,流传的范围至为广泛,世界各地都有关于这个故事的各种不同传说。我国古籍中关于女人国的记... (一)一个流传于世界各地的古老故事女人国的故事是人类最古老的故事之一。在古代巴比伦神话、希腊神话和我国古代传说中,都有关于女人国的故事,流传的范围至为广泛,世界各地都有关于这个故事的各种不同传说。我国古籍中关于女人国的记载很多。这些女人国大体上分为两类:在我国西方的称为“西女国”,在我国东方的称为“东女国”。远在纪元前二世纪至纪元前四世纪间,即在西汉初年以前,在我国出现的《山海经》中就记载着关于女人国的故事:女子国里没有一个男子。成了年的少女到黄池去洗澡,就会怀孕。若是生下男孩子,最多活三岁便死掉,只有女孩子才能长大成人。西汉《淮南子》在《地形训》中也曾有“女子民” 展开更多
关键词 女人国 关于女人 《淮南子》 西女 东女 古代传说 《大唐西域记》 黄池 马可波罗 氏族公社
作者 潘文献 《今日民航》 2011年第11期58-63,共6页
在云贵高原的南缘,有一条迤逦的江水,叫做驮娘江。伴随着古代句町(音gou ding)国故地的争论,驮娘江沉浮出许多传说,曾经长期在驮娘江畔工作的民族学者李甫春为我们描绘了一个女人的国度—-驮娘江畔女人国。
关键词 驮娘江 女人国 西林县 工作队 母系继承 坝美村 明王朝
“女儿国”的传说与史实 被引量:5
作者 王子今 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期61-66,共6页
传说中的"女儿国"、"女子国"在正史中也有记录。"海东""女国"和"西方""女国",以及"剑南西山羌女国"、"东女国"、剑南"女国"、南海"... 传说中的"女儿国"、"女子国"在正史中也有记录。"海东""女国"和"西方""女国",以及"剑南西山羌女国"、"东女国"、剑南"女国"、南海"女人国",都被理解为保留明显母系氏族社会特征的文化存在。在"女国"之中,一种是"有女自王"的"女国",一种是"产男不举,致国中纯女无男"的"女国"。关于"女国"风习,《隋书》所谓"其俗贵妇人,轻丈夫",《旧唐书》所谓"俗重妇人而轻丈夫",以及《新唐书.西域列传上.东女》所谓"俗轻男子,女贵者咸有侍男","子从母姓","以女为君……官在外者,率男子为之;凡号令,女官自内传,男官受而行",均体现出女权的独尊。历史上的"女国"一切入浴怀孕、窥井生子以及"以蛇为夫"、"以猿为夫"、"以鬼为夫"等传说,其实源自于母系氏族时代形成的女子不交合而孕的神话,体现了世系只能从母亲方面来确定的群婚时代的社会现实。《山海经》中的"女子国"、"丈夫国"以及《淮南子》中的"女子民,丈夫民"的隔离,应当与原始时期"生产上的性禁忌"有关。 展开更多
关键词 女子 女人国 女权 母系氏族
“女国”释 被引量:2
作者 詹义康 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1993年第2期49-53,43,共6页
中外古籍中记载的有关“女国”的各种传闻,包含了一定的历史内涵。这些“女国”可分两类:一类是只有女子而无男子的“女人国”,一类是男女均有但妇女居领导地位的“女权国”。两类“女国”分别反映了母系氏族社会前期和后期所流行的族... 中外古籍中记载的有关“女国”的各种传闻,包含了一定的历史内涵。这些“女国”可分两类:一类是只有女子而无男子的“女人国”,一类是男女均有但妇女居领导地位的“女权国”。两类“女国”分别反映了母系氏族社会前期和后期所流行的族外群婚与对偶婚的情景。 展开更多
关键词 女人国 女权 族外群婚 对偶婚
作者 刘黎明 《文史杂志》 1993年第5期46-46,共1页
《山海经·海外东经》记载着一个神秘的黑齿国:“汤谷上有扶桑,十日所浴,在黑齿北,居水中,有大木,九日居下枝,一日居上枝。”《大荒东经》:“有黑齿之国。帝俊生黑齿,姜姓,黍食,使四鸟。”黑齿,郭璞注:“齿如漆也。” 黑齿国又见于... 《山海经·海外东经》记载着一个神秘的黑齿国:“汤谷上有扶桑,十日所浴,在黑齿北,居水中,有大木,九日居下枝,一日居上枝。”《大荒东经》:“有黑齿之国。帝俊生黑齿,姜姓,黍食,使四鸟。”黑齿,郭璞注:“齿如漆也。” 黑齿国又见于其他典籍。《吕氏春秋·求人》:“禹东至博木之地……黑齿之国。”《淮南子·地形》 展开更多
关键词 黑齿 四鸟 郭璞注 汤谷 吕氏春秋 染齿 东至 越裳 女人国 荣华物语
作者 得闲先生 《中国眼镜科技杂志》 2015年第10期118-128,共11页
随着国内年轻化潮流的快速发展,搭配网站前几年开始慢慢兴起。何为搭配网?形式就是一个展示平台的社区,每个用户可以在上面上传自己的日常搭配供其他大众欣赏投票。国内的社区自然有参照类型社区鼻祖lookbook.nu,在这基础上再去做属于... 随着国内年轻化潮流的快速发展,搭配网站前几年开始慢慢兴起。何为搭配网?形式就是一个展示平台的社区,每个用户可以在上面上传自己的日常搭配供其他大众欣赏投票。国内的社区自然有参照类型社区鼻祖lookbook.nu,在这基础上再去做属于自己的定位。搭配网慢慢成为了热衷时尚的年轻人的分享与交流平台,在上面可以展示自己的时尚同时还可以学习别人的时尚,于是搭配网上也出来了一批又一批的搭配红人,而且很多已经算得上是Fashion blogger。 展开更多
关键词 展示平台 个人博客 前几 淘宝 复古风 女人国 营销趋势 文艺青年 个人营销 小碎花
作者 彭兆荣 田原 《贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1990年第1期33-38,共6页
人类远古时代曾经有过一个以母权为标志的社会,这点似乎是没有什么争议的事了。民族学史的百年论争有许多论点都集中在母权社会上,但焦点并不是落在是否人类文化史曾经出现过一个母系制社会,而是在承认其存在的大前提下对母权的性质、... 人类远古时代曾经有过一个以母权为标志的社会,这点似乎是没有什么争议的事了。民族学史的百年论争有许多论点都集中在母权社会上,但焦点并不是落在是否人类文化史曾经出现过一个母系制社会,而是在承认其存在的大前提下对母权的性质、社会功能、历史成因、发展过程等问题进行旷日持久的论辩。但从家庭、性、婚姻的角度来加以认知的算得是一个大视角。早期“发现”“母权制” 展开更多
关键词 女人国 巴霍芬 社会功能 人类文化史 以母 学史 对母 密特拉 生殖功能 神话小说
作者 黄尤可 《电影评介》 北大核心 1989年第8期18-18,共1页
昨晚学校停电,我一头扎进影院,片名是《女人国的污染报告》,回来辗转反侧,心理极不痛快。我从小在农村长大,对影片反映的事件有所感。影片描述的是一个美满的家庭由于可怕的诽谤与中伤而家破人亡的可悲的社会现实,披露封建礼教的意识还... 昨晚学校停电,我一头扎进影院,片名是《女人国的污染报告》,回来辗转反侧,心理极不痛快。我从小在农村长大,对影片反映的事件有所感。影片描述的是一个美满的家庭由于可怕的诽谤与中伤而家破人亡的可悲的社会现实,披露封建礼教的意识还在挣扎、滋长,从而强调法制教育的紧迫性。 展开更多
关键词 女人国 法制教育 热爱生活 我将 自杀死 王文学 八十年代 令人 象数 术艺
作者 本刊编辑部 王馥 《茶(健康天地)》 2007年第9期83-84,共2页
关键词 男人帮 尽在不言中 樱桃梗 曾诚 女人国 身体器官 女性朋友 邵而 网站论坛 呼吸急促
作者 苏珊 《茶(健康天地)》 2010年第6期90-91,共2页
她的名字,20多年前便风靡全国,由她主演的电影《被爱情遗忘的角落》、《夜上海》、《女人国的污染报告》、《一盘没有下完的棋》等,至今令人回味无穷;关于她的爱情故事,在中国改革开放的大门刚刚开启一条小缝的年代,被传播得沸沸扬扬。... 她的名字,20多年前便风靡全国,由她主演的电影《被爱情遗忘的角落》、《夜上海》、《女人国的污染报告》、《一盘没有下完的棋》等,至今令人回味无穷;关于她的爱情故事,在中国改革开放的大门刚刚开启一条小缝的年代,被传播得沸沸扬扬。她嫁给了一个德国人, 展开更多
关键词 女人国 爱情故事 夜上海 改革 北京电影学院 婚姻 影视明星 乳花 风雨中
作者 吴幼平 《新疆人文地理》 2015年第10期22-27,共6页
在阿克苏库车的大漠戈壁深处,有一处荒凉的废墟,这里曾是龟兹古国最大的佛寺。1 000多年前,这里香烟缭绕、佛塔林立、僧房密集,每日晨钟暮鼓。《西游记》里它叫女儿国,那里只有女人,在这里你可以追问女人国消失的秘密。在高高厚厚的墙内... 在阿克苏库车的大漠戈壁深处,有一处荒凉的废墟,这里曾是龟兹古国最大的佛寺。1 000多年前,这里香烟缭绕、佛塔林立、僧房密集,每日晨钟暮鼓。《西游记》里它叫女儿国,那里只有女人,在这里你可以追问女人国消失的秘密。在高高厚厚的墙内,曾居住过一位国师——佛学专家鸠摩罗什,他译传佛典400卷,第一次把印度佛学的本来面目介绍给龟兹当地的5 000佛徒。 展开更多
关键词 苏巴什 女人国 僧房 罗什 西域佛教 大品般若 有一个青年 迦湿弥罗 大乘佛教 佛教艺术
A Study of the Gendered Identity of Female Migrants in Contemporary China 被引量:2
作者 王明宣 陆杰华 《China Population Today》 2009年第1期3-7,26-28,共8页
As a new group in the process of socio-economic transformation, female members of the Chinese floating population have negative self-identities rooted in the traditional gender discrimination in China society. This im... As a new group in the process of socio-economic transformation, female members of the Chinese floating population have negative self-identities rooted in the traditional gender discrimination in China society. This impacts negatively on female migrants1 both physiologically and psychologically, disadvantaging them in the pursuit of resources, opportunities and rights. It is therefore necessary to positively influence the self-image of female migrants so as to ensure their rights, further their interests and ultimately to achieve gender equality. 展开更多
关键词 female gender identity equality migration floating population
The Treasure: Women, Halakha1 and Jewelry in Medieval Northern France and Germany2
作者 MeravSchnitzer 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第12期717-729,共13页
The Colmar treasure display in Cluny Museum in Paris was missing with one of its most important items, a key, made of silver. This key was rediscovered in June 2014. This paper describes its rediscover and the reason ... The Colmar treasure display in Cluny Museum in Paris was missing with one of its most important items, a key, made of silver. This key was rediscovered in June 2014. This paper describes its rediscover and the reason of its importance. Based on medieval Jewish sources, it appears to be a unique key-jewel, a key that was exclusively designed and worn by Jewish women on Shabbat (Saturday). By that women changed the Jewish rule, to date. The Colmar key is the only tangible sample of a key converted into Shabbat jewelry piece; the story of the key also reveals the special relations between Jewish women and Jewish sages and between Jewish women and Christian women in medieval northern France and Germany. 展开更多
关键词 JEWELRY KEYS Jewish women Jewish sages Halakha (Jewish law) Christian women medieval era
Exploring Lives of China Ming-Qing Female Poets: Collaboration of the “Ming-Qing Women’s Writings Digital Archive and Database” and the “China Biographical Database”
作者 HUJia-jia 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第9期557-568,共12页
Based on the “Ming-Qing Women’s Writings (MQWW), a digital archive and database” project and the “China Biographical Database (CBDB)” project, which have been collaborating since 2008, this paper uses dif... Based on the “Ming-Qing Women’s Writings (MQWW), a digital archive and database” project and the “China Biographical Database (CBDB)” project, which have been collaborating since 2008, this paper uses different digital methods to analyse the Ming-Qing women poets’ lives, such as the themes of their poems, their geographical distribution, and their social networks. The aim of this paper is to show researchers various prospects for the integration of digital humanities projects. 展开更多
关键词 China Ming-Qing Female poets DATABASE MQWW CBDB GIS social network
The Making of Japanese Femininity: Women, Civilization, and War, from 1868 to 1945
作者 Masako Endo 《History Research》 2012年第4期284-303,共20页
This article traces the development of modem Japanese femininity from the Meiji Restoration (1868) to the end of the Asia Pacific War (1945). It explores how modem Japanese femininity was constructed in relation ... This article traces the development of modem Japanese femininity from the Meiji Restoration (1868) to the end of the Asia Pacific War (1945). It explores how modem Japanese femininity was constructed in relation to "civilization" (bunmei) and war. With the introduction of the Western notion of "civilization", the Meiji state tried to "civilize" its views on women to become on par with the West. As the status of women became a major national issue in the late 19th century, women began to regard themselves as important members of the nation through their involvement in patriotic activities. During the Second Sino-Japanese War and Asia Pacific War, women strengthened their ties to the nation by supporting the wars on the home front as mothers, wives, laborers, and members of women's association. This made patriotism, frugality, and selflessness essential to the definition of the Japanese woman. In addition to these qualities, chastity was central to the idealized image of the Japanese woman. Through the examination of the historical development of Japanese femininity, this article offers insight into the image of "good Japanese woman". 展开更多
On the existential freedom of The French Lieutenant's Woman
作者 柯建华 熊晶 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第2期130-135,共6页
There is no doubt that The French Lieutenant's Woman, written by John Fowles, should be among the list of the most controversial, outstanding and distinguished postmodern literary works in 1970s. As a writer greatly ... There is no doubt that The French Lieutenant's Woman, written by John Fowles, should be among the list of the most controversial, outstanding and distinguished postmodern literary works in 1970s. As a writer greatly influenced by Existentialism, Fowles endows the book tremendous vitality, that is, the vigor of philosophy, which differentiates the work from the other common postmodern ones. This quality is reflected on the theme of freedom to a great extent. In the following part, the author mainly discusses about certain principles of existentialism which yield such great impact on Fowles, and the theme of existentialistic freedom is to be analyzed through the approach of the artful characterization and postmodem writing techniques. 展开更多
关键词 The French Lieutenant's Woman FREEDOM EXISTENTIALISM the free will
Promoting the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the New Century
作者 佘靖 范玲玲 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期3-6,共4页
Reviewing the past, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the 20th century experienced vicissitude. Since the founding the People's Republic of China, especially for the past twenty years, traditional Chinese medi... Reviewing the past, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the 20th century experienced vicissitude. Since the founding the People's Republic of China, especially for the past twenty years, traditional Chinese medicine undertaking, full of vigor and vitality, has made an unprecedented development in China. The legal status and scientific status of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology have already been established. The medical system of traditional Chinese medicine, which is composed of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, ethnic minority medicine hospitals, integration of traditional and western medicine hospitals and comprehensive hospitals, is playing an important role in preventing, treating diseases and enhancing people's health level. The system of production and circulation for traditional Chinese medicine has basically guaranteed the people's demand for Chinese medicine, with the principles of producing medicinal materials as basis, taking Chinese medicine industry as pillar and Chinese medicine as link. Remarkable achievements have been scored in the research of TCM development as well as research of TCM basic theory and clinical treatment. A number of scientific and technological results have been transformed into productive forces. TCM education has formed a rational pattern based on inheriting traditional way of transmission from master to disciple as well as taking the university and college education as the main part. Minority medical science has been further explored and sorted out; the level of medical treatment, teaching and scientific research for ethnic minority medicines has been improved. As the contingent of integrated traditional and western medicine is growing steadily, medical treatment system, scientific research system and teaching system for integrated traditional and western medicine takes shape progressively. International exchange and cooperation on traditional Chinese medicine has been greatly promoted. Various forms of cooperative relations on the TCM medical treatment, teaching and scientific research have been established between China and many other countries and regions in the world. With the increasing influence of TCM in the world, the accomplishment of traditional Chinese medicine in the 20th century has attracted world attention. 展开更多
关键词 Medicine Chinese Traditional FEMALE Forecasting Health Services Humans International Cooperation MALE
Gender Mainstreaming and Human Rights
作者 Encarna Carmona Cuenca 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第10期917-929,共13页
Gender mainstreaming is a strategy for achieving gender equality that emerged in the United Nations in the 1970s and consists of integrating gender equality issues into all public policies. In the 1990s, the same stra... Gender mainstreaming is a strategy for achieving gender equality that emerged in the United Nations in the 1970s and consists of integrating gender equality issues into all public policies. In the 1990s, the same strategy began to be applied to human rights to draw attention to the fact that the enjoyment of human rights is different for men and women, and that some human rights violations specifically affect women. This is a reflection and a result of the patriarchal organization of society and men's position of dominance over women. The European and Inter-American Courts of Human Rights have begun to incorporate gender mainstreaming or a gender perspective in some judgments, especially in cases of violence against women. 展开更多
关键词 gender mainstreaming gender perspective gender equality human rights
Marriage Migration of Mongolian Women to South Korea
作者 Tsetsegjargal Tseden 《Sociology Study》 2014年第12期1050-1059,共10页
Underpinning most of the Korean-Mongolian relationship is the shared view that these two nations have racial, linguistic, historical, and religious connections. Both peoples cite the famous Mongolian blue spot, as wel... Underpinning most of the Korean-Mongolian relationship is the shared view that these two nations have racial, linguistic, historical, and religious connections. Both peoples cite the famous Mongolian blue spot, as well as the Mongolian Empire's close relations with the Koryo dynasty in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. However, it is undeniable that in recent years, Mongolia's relations with South Korea have grown much wider and deeper in scope. When it comes to multiculturalism a South Korea's overarching social phenomenon, tens of thousands of Mongolian expatriates are one of primary contributors to the first-ever trend throughout Korean history. Marriage migration of Mongolians to South Korea has increased since mid-1990s, in company with immigrant laborers, and became one of the primary contributors to the binational population movement, This paper deals with intertwining migration of Mongolian population to South Korea and describes characteristic of Korean-Mongolian binational marriage, using statistical data and other relevant researches. 展开更多
关键词 Bi-national relation marriage migration GENDER WOMEN
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