Background: Commercial sex workers and clientsare important core populations in the transmission ofsexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and human im-munodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Research on thefrequency and d...Background: Commercial sex workers and clientsare important core populations in the transmission ofsexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and human im-munodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Research on thefrequency and determinants of condom use in com-mercial sex workers and their clients is important inincreasing condom use and reduction of the STD/HIV.Burden. Objectives: To establish the frequency of and fac-tors related to intention to use condoms and actualcondom use in commercial sex contacts and to deter-mine the differences in condom use between sex work-ers and clients.Methods: Incarcerated commercial sex workers(ICSW) and male STD clinic attendees were recruitedinto a cross-sectional study to obtain data on the fre-quency and factors associated with intention to usecondoms and condom use in commercial sexual con-tacts with an interviewer-administered questionnaire.Consistent condom use in ICSWs and never usingcondoms in male STD clinic attendees were analyzedusing univariate and multivariate logistic regressionmodels. Results: The frequency of reported consistent in-tention to use condoms and reported actual condomuse was 62% and 50.6%, respectively among 158ICSWs. For male STD clinic attendees, the propor-tion of reported consistent intention to use condomsand reported actual condom use was 10% and 20.7%,respectively. The factors positively influencing theconsistent intention to use condoms were pregnancypreventing measures and the belief of condom efficacyin the prevention of STD/HIV, whereas the factor as-sociated with actually consistent condom use was preg-nancy-preventing measure in ICSWs. Factors associ-ated with no intention to use condoms were low income,low STD/HIV knowledge level and the frequency ofvisiting CSW. The latter factor was also associatedwith never using condoms in male STD clinicattendees. Conclusions: Consistent condom use during com-mercial sex contacts was low, especially in clients.Greater effort is needed in condom promotion programin order to raise the level of condom use in commer-cial sex contacts.展开更多
People pay much more attention on females who start their own business in the past two decades. One reason is that the notion of gender equality is brought into practice, therefore, starting a business is no longer fo...People pay much more attention on females who start their own business in the past two decades. One reason is that the notion of gender equality is brought into practice, therefore, starting a business is no longer for male only. Another reason is that female entrepreneurs can also improve their social status and drive the economy by starting their own enterprises. The purpose of microfinanee programs is to encourage women to start an enterprise. Moreover, women can get financial sustainability, poverty alleviation, and more female empowerment through their business. The research applies the conception of microfinance programs to discuss if 10 Hakka female entrepreneurs can achieve the effect of empowerment through the promotion of economic ability. Furthermore, the research focuses on Hakka female entrepreneurs in Miaoli area, and probes into entrepreneurial situations and difficulties in order to find out what can be empowered for expanding their business.展开更多
This paper compares 18th and 19th century travelogues written by women and men travelling the cultural contact zones of the empire, as well as fictional recreations of such first encounters. A juxtaposition of the wri...This paper compares 18th and 19th century travelogues written by women and men travelling the cultural contact zones of the empire, as well as fictional recreations of such first encounters. A juxtaposition of the writers' reaction to the dynamics of gazing and the ethics of touch yields surprising results. Many women travellers have no problem to acknowledge the reciprocity of the gaze, accepting, as a matter of course, that the objects of their ethnological interest will gaze at them in return. In comparison, male travellers often exhibit unease at becoming an object of appraisal and observation. Even more interestingly, male travellers often shy away from haptic contact with members of the indigenous population, whereas many (though not all) women are more tolerant of touch and proximity. Regarded as "unwomanly" by their contemporaries, they carved out for themselves roles which allowed for a more intimate interaction with foreign ethnicities; also, they wrote in different genres--private memoirs instead of official reports. But even in their (semi) fictional writings male authors seem to imagine inter-cultural encounters in different terms from women and tend not let their protagonists enter into close bodily contact with the indigenous population.展开更多
To coincide with the Shenzhen (a city in South China's Guangdong Province) International Makers' Week (from October 12-18), Shenzhen Women's Federation on October 9 hosted a meeting to mark the establishment of...To coincide with the Shenzhen (a city in South China's Guangdong Province) International Makers' Week (from October 12-18), Shenzhen Women's Federation on October 9 hosted a meeting to mark the establishment of Shenzhen Women Makers' Association. The association is the first of its kind in China.展开更多
Non-acceptance of natural African American hair is evident in mainstream media, and within the African American community. As a result, many Afi'ican American women lack knowledge about how to care for their naturall...Non-acceptance of natural African American hair is evident in mainstream media, and within the African American community. As a result, many Afi'ican American women lack knowledge about how to care for their naturally kinky hair because straightened hair has been the standard and norm. Therefore, women wearing natural hair had to seek support and education outside of their immediate community via social networking sites. Through a participatory culture framework via an Afrocentric lens, the results revealed that producers of these sites became the needed support and comfort that the natural hair community was missing. Through communication with these producers and their sites, a space was created where women began to appreciate and love their natural hair.展开更多
文摘Background: Commercial sex workers and clientsare important core populations in the transmission ofsexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and human im-munodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Research on thefrequency and determinants of condom use in com-mercial sex workers and their clients is important inincreasing condom use and reduction of the STD/HIV.Burden. Objectives: To establish the frequency of and fac-tors related to intention to use condoms and actualcondom use in commercial sex contacts and to deter-mine the differences in condom use between sex work-ers and clients.Methods: Incarcerated commercial sex workers(ICSW) and male STD clinic attendees were recruitedinto a cross-sectional study to obtain data on the fre-quency and factors associated with intention to usecondoms and condom use in commercial sexual con-tacts with an interviewer-administered questionnaire.Consistent condom use in ICSWs and never usingcondoms in male STD clinic attendees were analyzedusing univariate and multivariate logistic regressionmodels. Results: The frequency of reported consistent in-tention to use condoms and reported actual condomuse was 62% and 50.6%, respectively among 158ICSWs. For male STD clinic attendees, the propor-tion of reported consistent intention to use condomsand reported actual condom use was 10% and 20.7%,respectively. The factors positively influencing theconsistent intention to use condoms were pregnancypreventing measures and the belief of condom efficacyin the prevention of STD/HIV, whereas the factor as-sociated with actually consistent condom use was preg-nancy-preventing measure in ICSWs. Factors associ-ated with no intention to use condoms were low income,low STD/HIV knowledge level and the frequency ofvisiting CSW. The latter factor was also associatedwith never using condoms in male STD clinicattendees. Conclusions: Consistent condom use during com-mercial sex contacts was low, especially in clients.Greater effort is needed in condom promotion programin order to raise the level of condom use in commer-cial sex contacts.
文摘People pay much more attention on females who start their own business in the past two decades. One reason is that the notion of gender equality is brought into practice, therefore, starting a business is no longer for male only. Another reason is that female entrepreneurs can also improve their social status and drive the economy by starting their own enterprises. The purpose of microfinanee programs is to encourage women to start an enterprise. Moreover, women can get financial sustainability, poverty alleviation, and more female empowerment through their business. The research applies the conception of microfinance programs to discuss if 10 Hakka female entrepreneurs can achieve the effect of empowerment through the promotion of economic ability. Furthermore, the research focuses on Hakka female entrepreneurs in Miaoli area, and probes into entrepreneurial situations and difficulties in order to find out what can be empowered for expanding their business.
文摘This paper compares 18th and 19th century travelogues written by women and men travelling the cultural contact zones of the empire, as well as fictional recreations of such first encounters. A juxtaposition of the writers' reaction to the dynamics of gazing and the ethics of touch yields surprising results. Many women travellers have no problem to acknowledge the reciprocity of the gaze, accepting, as a matter of course, that the objects of their ethnological interest will gaze at them in return. In comparison, male travellers often exhibit unease at becoming an object of appraisal and observation. Even more interestingly, male travellers often shy away from haptic contact with members of the indigenous population, whereas many (though not all) women are more tolerant of touch and proximity. Regarded as "unwomanly" by their contemporaries, they carved out for themselves roles which allowed for a more intimate interaction with foreign ethnicities; also, they wrote in different genres--private memoirs instead of official reports. But even in their (semi) fictional writings male authors seem to imagine inter-cultural encounters in different terms from women and tend not let their protagonists enter into close bodily contact with the indigenous population.
文摘To coincide with the Shenzhen (a city in South China's Guangdong Province) International Makers' Week (from October 12-18), Shenzhen Women's Federation on October 9 hosted a meeting to mark the establishment of Shenzhen Women Makers' Association. The association is the first of its kind in China.
文摘Non-acceptance of natural African American hair is evident in mainstream media, and within the African American community. As a result, many Afi'ican American women lack knowledge about how to care for their naturally kinky hair because straightened hair has been the standard and norm. Therefore, women wearing natural hair had to seek support and education outside of their immediate community via social networking sites. Through a participatory culture framework via an Afrocentric lens, the results revealed that producers of these sites became the needed support and comfort that the natural hair community was missing. Through communication with these producers and their sites, a space was created where women began to appreciate and love their natural hair.