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辽代契丹族女性文人创作的政治意识 被引量:3
作者 尹晓琳 沈玲 《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期141-144,共4页
辽代契丹族文坛最具特色的便是以萧观音、萧瑟瑟、耶律常哥为代表的女性文人创作,她们的作品超越了一般女性狭窄封闭的见识,表现了北方游牧民族勇猛尚武的民族文化品格,以一种开阔的视野抒发了内心真实情感,她们诗文中所表达出来的强烈... 辽代契丹族文坛最具特色的便是以萧观音、萧瑟瑟、耶律常哥为代表的女性文人创作,她们的作品超越了一般女性狭窄封闭的见识,表现了北方游牧民族勇猛尚武的民族文化品格,以一种开阔的视野抒发了内心真实情感,她们诗文中所表达出来的强烈的参政、议政意识,充分体现了"巾帼不让须眉"的豪迈气质。 展开更多
关键词 契丹族 女性文人 政治意识
作者 郭海文 《人民论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第30期142-144,共3页
在唐代,女子虽然不能参加科举取士,但与其他时代相较,唐代的最大特点就是尤为注重对女性才华的培养,由此出现了诸多富有代表性的女性文人群体。她们不仅从小就受到良好的教育,还纷纷拿起笔抒发自己的政治理想和幽古之情,在整体上展现出... 在唐代,女子虽然不能参加科举取士,但与其他时代相较,唐代的最大特点就是尤为注重对女性才华的培养,由此出现了诸多富有代表性的女性文人群体。她们不仅从小就受到良好的教育,还纷纷拿起笔抒发自己的政治理想和幽古之情,在整体上展现出唐代女性文人群体的昂扬风貌。 展开更多
关键词 女性教育 女性文人群体 唐代
作者 许妍 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第6期73-76,共4页
关键词 社会性别 明清思潮 女性文人
绮阁文才留芳名 胸怀冰雪洒兰襟——清代泰州女性文人考述
作者 沈辉 《宜春学院学报》 2010年第6期122-125,共4页
清代泰州的女性文学可谓蓬勃兴盛,蔚为大观,尤其是家族文学成为了泰州地方文学史中最显著的文化现象之一。据粗略统计清代泰州女性文人主要分布在海陵、兴化、泰兴、姜堰、如皋等地,大致经历了三个阶段的发展变化,她们凭借淡泊、朴实、... 清代泰州的女性文学可谓蓬勃兴盛,蔚为大观,尤其是家族文学成为了泰州地方文学史中最显著的文化现象之一。据粗略统计清代泰州女性文人主要分布在海陵、兴化、泰兴、姜堰、如皋等地,大致经历了三个阶段的发展变化,她们凭借淡泊、朴实、高雅的文风,坚韧、刚毅、执着的精神,在泰州文坛上占有重要的一席之地。 展开更多
关键词 清代 泰州 女性文人 地域分布 发展轨迹
从《名媛诗话》看清代女性文人的贞节观 被引量:2
作者 李静 刘蔓 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期79-82,共4页
《名媛诗话》收录了许多反映"妇德"内容的清代女性文人的诗文、事迹,本文通过对此记载进行分类梳理,并在此基础上,对其诗歌、事迹以及她们对于"贞节"的评判进行论述,来管窥整个清代女性整体对于"贞节"观... 《名媛诗话》收录了许多反映"妇德"内容的清代女性文人的诗文、事迹,本文通过对此记载进行分类梳理,并在此基础上,对其诗歌、事迹以及她们对于"贞节"的评判进行论述,来管窥整个清代女性整体对于"贞节"观念的认识、理解与实践态度。 展开更多
关键词 清代 名媛诗话 女性文人 节孝观
《随园湖楼请业图》——清代女性文人的才艺群像 被引量:2
作者 孙雨晨 《中国美术》 2020年第4期144-149,共6页
《随园湖楼请业图》是展现清代江南诗人袁枚提携女弟子的群体肖像画。它的生成背景为晚年袁枚在杭州的两次湖楼集会。这样的以女性诗人为中坚力量、规模浩大的文化造势在清代尚属首例,起到了开拓闺阁文人诗学风气的作用。本文从绘画图... 《随园湖楼请业图》是展现清代江南诗人袁枚提携女弟子的群体肖像画。它的生成背景为晚年袁枚在杭州的两次湖楼集会。这样的以女性诗人为中坚力量、规模浩大的文化造势在清代尚属首例,起到了开拓闺阁文人诗学风气的作用。本文从绘画图像角度一一剖析其中人物的形象和关系,并对卷后题诗进行考证。 展开更多
关键词 袁枚 《随园湖楼请业图》 女性文人
作者 彭文萍 《宁波教育学院学报》 2018年第3期56-58,70,共4页
在理学思想十分盛行的宋代社会,男性的社会地位尤为显著,女性则作为男性社会体系中的依属形式存在。女性文学是宋代文学自由风气的一大表现,同时生活中的女性文人的身体行为却受到宋代社会的男权体系规训着。但是在宋代女性文人中也存... 在理学思想十分盛行的宋代社会,男性的社会地位尤为显著,女性则作为男性社会体系中的依属形式存在。女性文学是宋代文学自由风气的一大表现,同时生活中的女性文人的身体行为却受到宋代社会的男权体系规训着。但是在宋代女性文人中也存在着不甘于受制于礼教制度,大胆追求爱情、婚姻、自由的身体行为。她们独树一帜的身体行为是女性女权意识的萌发。她们作为宋代历史上女性意识自我觉醒意识者,影响着后世对女性问题的思考。 展开更多
关键词 宋代社会 女性文人 身体行为 规训与反叛
作者 朱路遥 雷环捷 《理论界》 2020年第1期76-82,共7页
中国古代女性文人对室名堂号的使用有别于以男性审美为主流的文坛风尚,呈现出显著的群体性别基本特征。女性室名堂号以与“香草美人”体系相关的自然意象为主,主动或被动地趋近婉约清丽的风格。家庭生活与亲缘关系亦是女性文人室名堂号... 中国古代女性文人对室名堂号的使用有别于以男性审美为主流的文坛风尚,呈现出显著的群体性别基本特征。女性室名堂号以与“香草美人”体系相关的自然意象为主,主动或被动地趋近婉约清丽的风格。家庭生活与亲缘关系亦是女性文人室名堂号的主题之一,她们以此表达与同辈、配偶、父母长辈等亲属间的情感关联,体现女性自身及其文学创作活动的家庭属性。女性文人室名堂号既展现社会主流观念对女性的认知与期望,也反映女性为争取文学创作自由的努力,更承载女性在受限制的生活空间中对自我的探求和落定。女性作者试图藉此达成对自我的认知、彰显和再命名,是她们对自身话语权的强调,是女性精神文化层面存在方式的一个侧面。 展开更多
关键词 女性文人 室名堂号 “香草美人” 精神空间 反叛
清代扬州女性文学社团“曲江亭诗社”考论 被引量:3
作者 赵阳 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2020年第2期52-60,共9页
曲江亭诗社是乾嘉时期在扬州地区出现的女性文学社团,该诗社有《曲江亭唱和集》传世,且文学活动超越了家族文学群体的界限,具有一定的独立性。通过挖掘诗社的形成因素,考察内部成员的情况,分析诗歌创作特色及探索其文学渊源,可以看到清... 曲江亭诗社是乾嘉时期在扬州地区出现的女性文学社团,该诗社有《曲江亭唱和集》传世,且文学活动超越了家族文学群体的界限,具有一定的独立性。通过挖掘诗社的形成因素,考察内部成员的情况,分析诗歌创作特色及探索其文学渊源,可以看到清代扬州一带女性创作已经进入了社会性和公共性层面。曲江亭诗社是我们考察扬州地区女性文学整体风貌及价值的一个典型。 展开更多
关键词 乾嘉时期 曲江亭诗社 女性文人 创作 文学渊源
作者 刘璇 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期178-184,共7页
女性通俗小说批评以序跋创作为主体,于清嘉庆年间开始出现,至咸丰年间发展成熟。围绕《红楼梦》及受其影响产生的相关续书、仿作,出现了多篇序跋。女性小说序跋作者关注描写才女生活的通俗小说,多以诗、词、骈文形式撰写序跋,目的是为... 女性通俗小说批评以序跋创作为主体,于清嘉庆年间开始出现,至咸丰年间发展成熟。围绕《红楼梦》及受其影响产生的相关续书、仿作,出现了多篇序跋。女性小说序跋作者关注描写才女生活的通俗小说,多以诗、词、骈文形式撰写序跋,目的是为展现才学、塑造自我形象。不过在此过程中,她们也逐渐生成了严肃的批评态度,并且不自觉地开始对女性从事文学批评的正当性、小说批评理论等问题展开思考。此外,女性通俗小说序跋中性别意识的隐与显,体现出她们在较为狭窄的表达空间下,试图融入文学创作传统的努力,因此有着不可忽视的价值和意义。 展开更多
关键词 《红楼梦》 通俗小说 序跋 女性文人 女性意识
作者 刘筱悦 张维昭(指导老师) 《商情》 2013年第2期289-289,共1页
中国古典文学作品中多女鬼形象,中国女鬼具有美丽、贤惠、正直、善良等性格特点,还有敢怒敢言,爱憎分明,不达到目的誓不罢休的决心和勇气,这在女鬼性格中占据很大地位,与男鬼截然不同。本文对女鬼形象进行探究,有助于我们了解古... 中国古典文学作品中多女鬼形象,中国女鬼具有美丽、贤惠、正直、善良等性格特点,还有敢怒敢言,爱憎分明,不达到目的誓不罢休的决心和勇气,这在女鬼性格中占据很大地位,与男鬼截然不同。本文对女鬼形象进行探究,有助于我们了解古代女性的社会地位,体会她们不屈不挠的抗争精神,从她们身上学习到古代妇女重感情、善恶分明的品质。同时,也有助于我们理解古代文人的女性观和创作心态。 展开更多
关键词 女鬼 女性地位 古代文人女性
A Woman Alone: Engendering the "Island of Consciousness" in Coetzee's Foe and Bowles' The Sheltering Sky
作者 Robert William Switzer 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2011年第1期23-30,共8页
The theme of the cast-away has inspired numerous literary works. This paper develops a philosophical reading of two important examples, Coetzee's Foe (1987) and Bowles' The Sheltering Sky (1951), in terms of the... The theme of the cast-away has inspired numerous literary works. This paper develops a philosophical reading of two important examples, Coetzee's Foe (1987) and Bowles' The Sheltering Sky (1951), in terms of themes such as isolation, silence and truth. But who authors, or authorizes "truth"? As Merleau-Ponty (1970) saw, the ego cogito of phenomenology symbolizes the quest for "global truth" where "what is evident for him" is or could be for all, for he "speaks for everyone". These two works, however, challenge the standard that "he speaks", and she does not: that women "as such", as it would seem, have always already been spoken for. Instead, the focus here is on "the self' not as neutral ground but as always engendered, in every sense of that word--always emergent as well as creative always acculturated, situated, embodied, sexed or de-sexed--always speaking, or remaining stubbornly silent, and always refusing, like truth itself, to be "pinned down" 展开更多
Jean-Paul Sartre, Europeans, the "Feminine" and the Negritude Poems in the Black Orpheus
作者 Nathalie Nya 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第9期669-680,共12页
The paper examines the development of "Negro poetry" from the Negritude movement through the analysis of Sartre as featured in Black Orpheus (1976). Following the analysis of Sartre, the author looks at the Black/... The paper examines the development of "Negro poetry" from the Negritude movement through the analysis of Sartre as featured in Black Orpheus (1976). Following the analysis of Sartre, the author looks at the Black/White binary and its cultural and political context, which is based on the dominance of Europeans over Blacks. Then the author examines how Blacks have attempted to subvert this binary through alternative political stands, such as the practice of anti-racism, and innovative cultural art and literary forms, such as the Negritude movement. Like Sartre, the author focuses on "Negro poetry" and examines its limits and the challenges it put forth against the White supremacist elements in White dominant culture. The author concludes that while "Negro poetry" reflects a step forward in the anti-racist development of Black political and cultural identities, it is a limiting method of approach that does not subvert enough White dominant culture. This position enables the author to argue that, for example, the essentialist, racist, and gender--and sex--biases within the representations and images of the "feminine" and Black women are not sufficiently critically re-represented in "Negro poetry" of the Negritude movement. The method of this approach is (1) to look at Sartre's writing in Black Orpheus, (2) to include the secondary literature of this text within my analysis, (3) to examine sections of "Negro poetry" as featured in Black Orpheus, and (4) to critically access the racial, sex, and gender dimensions of "Negro poetry" as they relate to the achievements of the men or artists of the Negritude movement. 展开更多
关键词 Europeans/Whites BLACKS COLONIALISM race ANTI-RACISM gender negritude "feminine"
Feminism in Theistic Humanism: The Question of Gender Discourse in African Philosophy
作者 Maduabuchi Dukor 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第11期997-1003,共7页
An inquiry into the ontology of critical gender consciousness in Africa Philosophy is long overdue. Hitherto discourses on gender problems lost focus because of the tendency to leave out the gaps in culture created by... An inquiry into the ontology of critical gender consciousness in Africa Philosophy is long overdue. Hitherto discourses on gender problems lost focus because of the tendency to leave out the gaps in culture created by colonial experience, modernity's assaults and unAfricaness in ontology and essence. It is argued here that the fulcrum for a legitimate feminist doctrine is Theistic Humanism, the philosophy of African philosophy that exposes the epistemological and metaphysical basis of the rightful and ethical place of women in the society without injury, injustice and abuse on womanhood. Theistic Humanism as an ontology and cosmology abhors class struggle among husbands, wives, sons, daughters, etc.. Class struggle between men and women degenerated from the oneness of being ontology and Gender community where husbands and wives were happily married with different complementary social roles for the preservation of society. 展开更多
关键词 theism HUMANISM Africanity PHILOSOPHY ontology gender and class-struggle
"My Name Is Sorrow": The Literary-Fantastic Manifestations of Grief and Grieving in Toni Morrison's Fiction
作者 Grzegorz Kotecki 《Sociology Study》 2013年第4期300-308,共9页
It may be argued that one of the recurring themes in the fiction of Toni Morrison is the problem of emotional suffering. Indeed, a line of her characters endure a series of traumatic past experiences, the consequences... It may be argued that one of the recurring themes in the fiction of Toni Morrison is the problem of emotional suffering. Indeed, a line of her characters endure a series of traumatic past experiences, the consequences of which are strongly echoed in their present lives and often foreshadow their future. Thus, this article discusses some of the characteristic literary-fantastic manifestations of grief and grieving in Morrison's novels, seen as internal and external expressions of the protagonists' mental pain. First, the text outlines the major grief-generating conditions for Morrison's heroes in general, and then it focuses on the various modes in which their feelings of grief and grieving are communicated. Second, the study exposes the characters' psychological strife and the influence it exerts both on themselves and their surroundings. Third and last, the paper concludes with an attempt to establish some typical patterns of grief and grieving common to Morrison's fictional figures. In order to reflect a variety of grief-stricken individuals populating Morrison's world, the analysis examines a group of three female characters. Taken all together, the selected examples serve to exhibit the complexity of the problem in question, as well as to illustrate the different shades of human sorrow. 展开更多
关键词 GRIEF grieving loss MORRISON SORROW
Tanure Ojaide's God's Medicine-Men and Other Stories: A Feminist Perspective
作者 Sola E. Owonibi 《History Research》 2012年第4期277-283,共7页
Feminist criticism, an off-shoot of the Women Liberation Movement of the 1960s, is a gender-based discourse that considers, in some details, the significance of images of women constructed by literature as derogatory ... Feminist criticism, an off-shoot of the Women Liberation Movement of the 1960s, is a gender-based discourse that considers, in some details, the significance of images of women constructed by literature as derogatory and biased; hence, the need to reconstruct womanhood in literary works. From time immemorial and according to historical facts, the Nigerian woman is seen as the bolt of a repressive patriarchal structure that persistently reduced her dignity and human essence and compelled her submission to the whims and caprices of the man. Woman, therefore over the years, has been so long conditioned in the environment of masculine dominance. With the advent of modernization however the world-view of woman and man starts to experience a radical change that calls for a reconstruction of the place of woman round the globe. The enlightenment leads to the feminist criticism among others. Tanure Ojaide represents this world-view in his collection: God's Medicine-Men and Other Stories. The fiction is a collection of 10 short stories out of which, however, this paper studies only the first story, "Come Back When You Are Ready to Die" with a view to exposing how well Tanure Ojaide responded to feminist's aspiration for a non-sexiest literary representation of the woman. 展开更多
What Preteen Girls Learn About Gender Roles From Celebrities
作者 Kara Chan 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第2期79-87,共9页
A face-to-face qualitative interview study was conducted to examine the perceived gender roles and gender identities among 10 to 12 years old girls in Hong Kong. Sixteen girls aged 10 to 12 were asked to take pictures... A face-to-face qualitative interview study was conducted to examine the perceived gender roles and gender identities among 10 to 12 years old girls in Hong Kong. Sixteen girls aged 10 to 12 were asked to take pictures from the media they consumed that illustrated "What girls or women should or should not be; and what girls or women should or should not do". Analysis of interviews and images captured found that celebrities and characters in popular media play a significant role in socializing preadolescent girls on gender roles and gender identity formation. Celebrities and media characters that caught the interviewees' attention were mainly female adult entertainers and media characters. Girls showed admiration of specific talents and personalities of the celebrities and media characters. They paid much attention to the private lives of the celebrities. They learned from celebrities and media characters that certain behaviors were not acceptable in the social arena. 展开更多
关键词 media images socializing agents PREADOLESCENT qualitative method
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