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作者 卿菁 《歌剧》 2014年第3期60-61,共2页
莉莲·拉塞尔是美国19世纪末20世纪初最著名的演员、歌唱家,仰慕者们因其金发碧眼、身材匀称而亲切地称她为"仙女艾丽·莉莲"。莉莲原名海伦·路易丝·罗纳尔德,1861年12月4日出生在艾奥瓦州克林顿。父亲查尔... 莉莲·拉塞尔是美国19世纪末20世纪初最著名的演员、歌唱家,仰慕者们因其金发碧眼、身材匀称而亲切地称她为"仙女艾丽·莉莲"。莉莲原名海伦·路易丝·罗纳尔德,1861年12月4日出生在艾奥瓦州克林顿。父亲查尔斯·罗纳尔德是报纸出版商,母亲辛西娅·罗纳尔德是位活跃的女权主义者,也是美国第一位竞选纽约市市长的女性。1865年,罗纳尔德一家搬到了芝加哥。海伦从了岁到15岁就读于圣心修道院和帕克学院,她在学校戏剧表演中十分积极活跃,从小显示出的艺术天赋使母亲决定让她接受最好的音乐训练。187了年12月,海伦在芝加哥齐克林音乐厅出演非专业剧目《时间考验一切》。18岁的海伦随离异的母亲搬到纽约市,从此开始了她的演艺事业。 展开更多
关键词 拉塞尔 女艾 戏剧表演 奥瓦州 权主义者 艺术天赋 齐克 帕克 波洛克 霍珀
西施形象源自《左传》考 被引量:3
作者 王向辉 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期55-60,共6页
西施以“沉鱼”美貌、只身犯险,为“越甲吞吴”执行潜伏计划而著称。在仔细研读先秦相关文献的基础上,笔者认为,西施虽是实有其人,但她并非无所依凭的传说人物,而应是《左传》中的传奇女性——夏姬的异名;西施为间谍的故事原型出... 西施以“沉鱼”美貌、只身犯险,为“越甲吞吴”执行潜伏计划而著称。在仔细研读先秦相关文献的基础上,笔者认为,西施虽是实有其人,但她并非无所依凭的传说人物,而应是《左传》中的传奇女性——夏姬的异名;西施为间谍的故事原型出自《左传·哀公元年》所谈论少康中兴的史料,是对女艾形象的加工;西施之说还存在对《左传》中“诸稽郢”的新创作。也就是说,后世所传勾践灭吴有功的西施其实是混合《左传》中这三个人物而最终形成的。 展开更多
关键词 西施 左传 夏姬 女艾 诸稽郢
作者 德华 《丽水学院学报》 1979年第1期68-,共1页
女娲及其补天之说不尽相一,现将各家之说摘录如下: “女娲古天子,风姓”,(见《列子》注)。 “女娲氏,古之女主也。”(陈淑方:《颖川语小》) “女娲氏继伏羲氏之王天下,后世以女娲为古圣女,乃伏羲之妹,颛顼之母。岂其然乎?且夫氏之名女娲... 女娲及其补天之说不尽相一,现将各家之说摘录如下: “女娲古天子,风姓”,(见《列子》注)。 “女娲氏,古之女主也。”(陈淑方:《颖川语小》) “女娲氏继伏羲氏之王天下,后世以女娲为古圣女,乃伏羲之妹,颛顼之母。岂其然乎?且夫氏之名女娲,犹国名女直。又如《左传》所谓女艾;《庄子》所谓偊女高。《孟子》所谓冯妇,果皆妇人哉!”(《席上腐谈》) 女娲氏,“上古女帝,亦日女希氏,又称娲皇,伏羲氏女弟,始作笙簧,又制嫁娶之礼,同姓氏者不相婚配,于是乎民始不渎”。(《辞海》) 展开更多
关键词 冯妇 说不尽 席上腐谈 王天下 娲皇 笙簧 女艾 祝融
作者 孟海霞 《电影评介》 北大核心 2015年第7期59-60,共2页
灰姑娘的剧情模式是好莱坞爱情电影中常见的剧情模式,在对灰姑娘母题的一遍遍重述中,好莱坞爱情电影除了展现灰姑娘与王子两人之间的曲折爱恋与追求过程以外,还结合着时代的变化和人们新的精神诉求,拓展了更多的内容,使得这一传统文学... 灰姑娘的剧情模式是好莱坞爱情电影中常见的剧情模式,在对灰姑娘母题的一遍遍重述中,好莱坞爱情电影除了展现灰姑娘与王子两人之间的曲折爱恋与追求过程以外,还结合着时代的变化和人们新的精神诉求,拓展了更多的内容,使得这一传统文学母题被不断地传承和突破。一、性别的置换1935年,《一夜风流》开创了欢喜冤家式的两性喜剧。富家女艾丽私奔途中因涉世不深而陷入身无分文的窘境,偶遇事业不顺。 展开更多
关键词 文学母题 欢喜冤家 一遍遍 涉世不深 女艾 卡萨布兰卡 安妮 情感麻木 述中 彼得
Survey of AIDS Related KAB Among Immigrant Female Factory Workers in Dongguan City 被引量:1
作者 何群 凌莉 +2 位作者 刘树芳 杨放 王晔 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2004年第2期63-66,i001,共5页
Objective: To understand the HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors (KAB) among immigrant female factory workers(IFFW). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among IFFWs sampled from several join... Objective: To understand the HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors (KAB) among immigrant female factory workers(IFFW). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among IFFWs sampled from several joint- venture and private factories in Dongguan city. Results: Out of 175 sampled workers, 165 qualified for inclusion and the median age was 22. The results showed that the IFFWs had low levels of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, and held many misconceptions. Thirty three of 76 (43.4%) unmarried IFFWs had premarital sexual contact, and more than half of these contacts were one-night stands (54.5%) . More than one quarter of the women(25.9%) never used condoms, 49.4% sometimes used condoms and 24.7% used condoms every time. Twenty-eight women (31.8%) had an induced abortion because of an unexpected pregnancy. Fourteen (14.9%) had been infected with STDs, and four IFFWs(2.8%)had tried drugs before the interview. Conclusion: In order to empower the IFFWs in the city to protect themselves from HIV, and to contain the rapid spread of HIV in our province, targeted HIV/ AIDS health promotion programs should be urgently implemented among IFFWs in Dongguan city. The programs should be designed to improve the knowledge of HIV, to promote condom use, and to reduce risky behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 Female factory workers AIDS HIV Risk behavior
Condom Use in Commercial Sex Workers and Clients Among Incarcerated Sexworkers and STD Clinic Attendees in Jinan, Shandong Province
作者 陈树民 李冰 +2 位作者 刘殿昌 李长玲 裴振环 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2003年第2期1-8,66,共9页
Background: Commercial sex workers and clientsare important core populations in the transmission ofsexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and human im-munodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Research on thefrequency and d... Background: Commercial sex workers and clientsare important core populations in the transmission ofsexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and human im-munodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Research on thefrequency and determinants of condom use in com-mercial sex workers and their clients is important inincreasing condom use and reduction of the STD/HIV.Burden. Objectives: To establish the frequency of and fac-tors related to intention to use condoms and actualcondom use in commercial sex contacts and to deter-mine the differences in condom use between sex work-ers and clients.Methods: Incarcerated commercial sex workers(ICSW) and male STD clinic attendees were recruitedinto a cross-sectional study to obtain data on the fre-quency and factors associated with intention to usecondoms and condom use in commercial sexual con-tacts with an interviewer-administered questionnaire.Consistent condom use in ICSWs and never usingcondoms in male STD clinic attendees were analyzedusing univariate and multivariate logistic regressionmodels. Results: The frequency of reported consistent in-tention to use condoms and reported actual condomuse was 62% and 50.6%, respectively among 158ICSWs. For male STD clinic attendees, the propor-tion of reported consistent intention to use condomsand reported actual condom use was 10% and 20.7%,respectively. The factors positively influencing theconsistent intention to use condoms were pregnancypreventing measures and the belief of condom efficacyin the prevention of STD/HIV, whereas the factor as-sociated with actually consistent condom use was preg-nancy-preventing measure in ICSWs. Factors associ-ated with no intention to use condoms were low income,low STD/HIV knowledge level and the frequency ofvisiting CSW. The latter factor was also associatedwith never using condoms in male STD clinicattendees. Conclusions: Consistent condom use during com-mercial sex contacts was low, especially in clients.Greater effort is needed in condom promotion programin order to raise the level of condom use in commer-cial sex contacts. 展开更多
关键词 condom use commercial sex worker CLIENT STD/HIV
新时代的英雄传说、始动 英雄传说Ⅵ:天空之轨迹
《软件导刊》 2004年第3期26-29,共4页
在导力革命带来的福音与混乱中年轻游击士们延伸的命运轨迹刻下了崭新的历史篇章超正统RPG终于登场新的传说从这里开始……导力革命后,人们进入了物质生活极大丰富的时代。游戏以在各个列强势力之间仍然保持着独立自主的小国利贝尔为舞... 在导力革命带来的福音与混乱中年轻游击士们延伸的命运轨迹刻下了崭新的历史篇章超正统RPG终于登场新的传说从这里开始……导力革命后,人们进入了物质生活极大丰富的时代。游戏以在各个列强势力之间仍然保持着独立自主的小国利贝尔为舞台,性格开朗。 展开更多
关键词 英雄传说 历史篇章 从这里开始 女艾 斯蒂 FANS 新闻杂志 填密 妙龄少
最好的暴力是为了爱情 《惊天动地抢人头》
作者 萨姆·派金帕 阿莱克斯·菲利普斯 《电影世界》 2013年第1期78-78,共1页
对于争议来说,萨姆·派金帕无疑是它最爱的回头客——派金帕的整个电影生涯一直是在争议声中度过。然而当《惊天动地抢人头》在1974年上映时,这部散发着贪婪和复仇的刺鼻气息的电影,让舆论对派金帕的争议激化成了彻底的厌恶。影片... 对于争议来说,萨姆·派金帕无疑是它最爱的回头客——派金帕的整个电影生涯一直是在争议声中度过。然而当《惊天动地抢人头》在1974年上映时,这部散发着贪婪和复仇的刺鼻气息的电影,让舆论对派金帕的争议激化成了彻底的厌恶。影片中弥漫着莫名的愤怒。 展开更多
关键词 加西亚 阿尔弗雷多 反英雄 女艾 改变自己 事中 敬道
《南腔北调》 2007年第7期8-9,共3页
关键词 获奖感言 最佳改编剧本 理智与情感 汤普森 最佳主角奖 最佳导演奖 女艾 《泰坦尼克号》 兰道
作者 胡金生 王新中 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第4期313-316,共4页
Case HistoryPatient Wang, a female universitystudent aged 21 years, paid her first visit onAug. 16, 1990, with the chief complaint ofdysmenorrhea for one year. The patientcomplained that in the summer of 1989, oneday ... Case HistoryPatient Wang, a female universitystudent aged 21 years, paid her first visit onAug. 16, 1990, with the chief complaint ofdysmenorrhea for one year. The patientcomplained that in the summer of 1989, oneday during her menstrual period when 展开更多
Effects of Moxa-Cone Moxibustion at Guanyuan on Erythrocytic Immunity and Its Regulative Function in Tumor-Bearing Mice 被引量:5
作者 武平 曹勇 +1 位作者 吴俊梅 王友京 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期68-71,共4页
In the sarcoma S180 ascitic mice, the effects of moxa-cone moxibustion at Guanyuan (CV 4) on erythrocytic immunity and its regulative function were investigated. The results indicated that moxibustion at Guanyuan (CV ... In the sarcoma S180 ascitic mice, the effects of moxa-cone moxibustion at Guanyuan (CV 4) on erythrocytic immunity and its regulative function were investigated. The results indicated that moxibustion at Guanyuan (CV 4) could significantly increase the decreased erythrocytic C3b receptor rosette forming rate (RBC-C3bRR), lower the raised erythrocytic immunocomplex rosette forming rate (RBC-ICR, P 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Points MOXIBUSTION ANIMALS Erythrocytes Female Male Mice Receptors Complement 3b Rosette Formation Sarcoma 180
Clinical Observation on 46 Cases of Infantile Repeated Respiratory Tract Infection Treated by Mild-Moxibustion over Acupoints on Back
作者 龙训 常奇 +1 位作者 寿琼 周永生 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期23-26,共4页
Repeated respiratory tract infection is a frequently-occurring disease during childhood. At present, western medicine doctors generally adopt anti-infectives and immunomodulators to treat the disease, while traditiona... Repeated respiratory tract infection is a frequently-occurring disease during childhood. At present, western medicine doctors generally adopt anti-infectives and immunomodulators to treat the disease, while traditional Chinese medicine doctors mainly administer decoction of Chinese herbs. The authors treated 46 cases of repeated respiratory tract infection from March 1990 to April 1996 by applying mild-moxibustion over points on the back with satisfactory therapeutic results. A report follows.Clinical Data All the 86 cases were outpatients in our hospital with duration of common cold for over 10 days and characterized by relapse of respiratory tract infection. There were over 7-time relapse of respiratory tract infection on each case within a year. Eighty-six cases were randomly divided into treatment group (46 cases) and control group (40 cases). Of the 46 cases in the treatment group, 22 were boys and 24 girls. 17 cases (36.9%) were 6 months to 4 years old, 18 (39.1%) 4 to 6 years, and 11 (23.9%) 6 to 12 years. Among the 40 cases in the control group, 19 cases were boys and 21 girls. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Points BACK CHILD Child Preschool Female Humans Infant Male MOXIBUSTION Recurrence Respiratory Tract Infections
Fifty Cases of Gastroptosis Treated by Moxibustion Therapy 被引量:1
作者 吴春光 王志理 +2 位作者 叶秀华 叶运华 余敏 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第1期42-43,共1页
In recent five years,the authors have treated 50cases of gastroptosis with moxibustion,and achievedgood therapeutic effect as reported in the following.
关键词 MOXIBUSTION ADULT FEMALE Humans MALE Middle Aged PROLAPSE Stomach Diseases
作者 扬骏 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第4期263-264,共2页
The syndrome of femoral adductors is a common disorder of the sport injury. It is manifested by pain in the pubic and medial femoral regions, which is exacerbated by walking and squatting down. The author had treated ... The syndrome of femoral adductors is a common disorder of the sport injury. It is manifested by pain in the pubic and medial femoral regions, which is exacerbated by walking and squatting down. The author had treated 32 cases of the syndrome by electroacupuncture and moxibustion with satisfactory therapeutic results as reported in the following. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION THIGH Adult Aged Female Humans Male Middle Aged Muscular Diseases Pain Syndrome
《国际服装动态》 2006年第4期152-153,共2页
关键词 艺人 铃木 波曼 第三次世界大战 选秀节目 莎朗 傲慢与偏见 足球运动员 女艾 佩特拉
《十几岁》 2019年第13期7-8,共2页
在奥林匹斯山上,地位仅次于宙斯的,就是他的妻子——天后赫拉。赫拉端庄美丽,肌肤光洁,手指纤细,卷发如海浪般美丽,神态中透出庄重与高贵。宙斯战胜父亲之后,第一次见到赫拉,就深深地被她的美貌所吸引。赫拉也爱上了英俊、威武的宙斯。... 在奥林匹斯山上,地位仅次于宙斯的,就是他的妻子——天后赫拉。赫拉端庄美丽,肌肤光洁,手指纤细,卷发如海浪般美丽,神态中透出庄重与高贵。宙斯战胜父亲之后,第一次见到赫拉,就深深地被她的美貌所吸引。赫拉也爱上了英俊、威武的宙斯。两个人举行了一场盛大的婚礼。 展开更多
关键词 宙斯 女艾 纳西
作者 艾梦萌 李雅波 《流行歌曲》 2006年第12期79-79,共1页
《单亲房子》有很强的画面感,聆听歌声,脑海中似乎浮现出一个女孩家庭破碎的画面,甚至可以感受到女孩失去父亲后彷徨无助的心情,听到她对于拥有美满家庭的强烈渴望,那种感觉真的感同身受。这首歌由来自单亲家庭的超女艾梦萌创作,词曲比... 《单亲房子》有很强的画面感,聆听歌声,脑海中似乎浮现出一个女孩家庭破碎的画面,甚至可以感受到女孩失去父亲后彷徨无助的心情,听到她对于拥有美满家庭的强烈渴望,那种感觉真的感同身受。这首歌由来自单亲家庭的超女艾梦萌创作,词曲比较简单,创作上还非常稚嫩。 展开更多
关键词 画面感 女艾 天房
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