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贵州少数民族传统文化现状的研究分析——以黔东南苗族传统女装服饰为例 被引量:1
作者 潘俊忠 陈园园 李坤芩 《文化产业》 2023年第4期116-118,共3页
贵州少数民族文化在相对封闭的地理环境中形成了多样性和差异性的特征,而贵州黔东南作为全国苗族、侗族人口最集中的地区,是“多彩贵州”一颗璀璨的文化明珠。黔东南苗族的传统服饰对全面研究贵州少数民族文化具有重要的参考价值。作为... 贵州少数民族文化在相对封闭的地理环境中形成了多样性和差异性的特征,而贵州黔东南作为全国苗族、侗族人口最集中的地区,是“多彩贵州”一颗璀璨的文化明珠。黔东南苗族的传统服饰对全面研究贵州少数民族文化具有重要的参考价值。作为少数民族传统文化的物质载体,各类少数民族传统服饰是多彩贵州最耀目的名片和最美丽的传奇。现从现代化民族大融合的角度剖析贵州少数民族传统文化的现存状况及研究意义,对黔东南苗族传统女装服饰进行深入的研究分析,浅论现代环境下少数民族传统文化的保护和宣传措施。 展开更多
关键词 黔东南苗族 传统服饰 少数民族传统文化 深入的研究 现存状况 民族大融合 女装服饰 贵州少数民族文化
作者 童峰 《商业观察》 2023年第23期80-83,共4页
服装行业竞争激烈,企业需要不断调整营销策略才能立足市场。文章以武汉地区女装服饰为例,结合这些公司发展现状,为了更好地取得市场份额,在确定公司营销目标后,根据4P理论,为本地区女装服饰公司制订了营销策略,如丰富产品样式、从事高... 服装行业竞争激烈,企业需要不断调整营销策略才能立足市场。文章以武汉地区女装服饰为例,结合这些公司发展现状,为了更好地取得市场份额,在确定公司营销目标后,根据4P理论,为本地区女装服饰公司制订了营销策略,如丰富产品样式、从事高端私人定制、合理定价、多元销售渠道、展会促销和体验促销等。 展开更多
关键词 武汉女装服饰 营销策略 4P理论
茶染在女装服饰上的呈现 被引量:4
作者 张玉升 《福建茶叶》 北大核心 2017年第2期28-29,共2页
目前,伴随着环境问题的日趋严重,各行各业都开始对"可持续性设计理念"给予了较高的重视。基于此,本文针对茶染技术在女装服饰领域中的应用展开了较为深入的研究,同时结合笔者的自身经验总结出了几点可行性较高的创新方法,即... 目前,伴随着环境问题的日趋严重,各行各业都开始对"可持续性设计理念"给予了较高的重视。基于此,本文针对茶染技术在女装服饰领域中的应用展开了较为深入的研究,同时结合笔者的自身经验总结出了几点可行性较高的创新方法,即茶染套色艺术效果的设计、茶染图案艺术效果的设计以及茶染质感艺术效果的设计等,以期能够对我国传统服饰文化的顺利传承带来一些具有参考性的意见。 展开更多
关键词 茶染 女装服饰 服装设计
基于3D虚拟技术的明代女装服饰数字化复原研究 被引量:1
作者 郭宇微 孔文文 《轻纺工业与技术》 2022年第6期97-99,共3页
随着虚拟技术的发展,虚拟形象设计、数字服装、虚拟试衣等服装新型业态也应运而生。数字信息技术和虚拟技术的迅猛发展,为服饰文物保护、服饰文化研究及传承带来了新机遇和新思路。运用成熟的三维仿真和渲染技术,对明代女子服饰进行现... 随着虚拟技术的发展,虚拟形象设计、数字服装、虚拟试衣等服装新型业态也应运而生。数字信息技术和虚拟技术的迅猛发展,为服饰文物保护、服饰文化研究及传承带来了新机遇和新思路。运用成熟的三维仿真和渲染技术,对明代女子服饰进行现存文物的数字模拟和立体展示,可以突破地域和时间的限制,实现全人类的文化共享,也是服装专业人士对中国传统文化保护与传承的积极努力和有益探索。 展开更多
关键词 3D虚拟技术 明代女装服饰 数字化复原 虚拟试衣
作者 银连桐 郭妍岑 《西部皮革》 2024年第1期117-119,共3页
文章从艺术社会学理论视角出发,围绕文人群体的社会生活与身份认同,探赜促使宋画女性服饰色彩程式形成的社会文化、观念意识、创作心理种种因素。文人主导制作的女性图像服色以“素雅简净”“柔和含蓄”为主要表征;既是文人自身高蹈出... 文章从艺术社会学理论视角出发,围绕文人群体的社会生活与身份认同,探赜促使宋画女性服饰色彩程式形成的社会文化、观念意识、创作心理种种因素。文人主导制作的女性图像服色以“素雅简净”“柔和含蓄”为主要表征;既是文人自身高蹈出尘形象的化身,又来自道德仪轨的要求和政治结构影响下的自主选择,而画中女子服尚好素也可能是文人在释道合流、隐逸文化的影响下对自我理想形象“代言体”式的主观投射。 展开更多
关键词 女装服饰 艺术社会学 社会文化
作者 李家华 李诗谣 《中国市场》 2017年第13期109-110,共2页
21世纪以来,互联网的发达、应用服务的改善,为用户通过互联网进行商品交易提供了良好的条件。传统服装电商企业开始布局网络电商平台,服装电商受到市场普遍看好,客户对服装品牌的需求越来越高,追求时尚品牌也成了消费者的潮流。所谓&qu... 21世纪以来,互联网的发达、应用服务的改善,为用户通过互联网进行商品交易提供了良好的条件。传统服装电商企业开始布局网络电商平台,服装电商受到市场普遍看好,客户对服装品牌的需求越来越高,追求时尚品牌也成了消费者的潮流。所谓"明星同款"女装,包括连衣裙、羽绒服、衬衫、外套、半身裙、裤子等女装服饰,具有明星穿搭的符号表意,功能明显、时尚度高、效应明显等特质的女装。娱乐圈里,明星们最忌讳的就是"撞衫",而圈外的粉丝们最爱的是与偶像穿得一样。明星们这边刚走完红毯,那边同款的礼服便在网上新鲜"出炉"。热播偶像剧还未播完,一大批与剧中人物同款的服装、首饰、鞋、包等就已纷纷抢占网购阵营。有部分喜欢明星同款的人是爱屋及乌,想通过和喜欢的偶像穿一样的衣服来缩短自己与偶像的距离,大部分人受款式所吸引。广大粉丝对"明星同款"的追求,让广大电商看准商机,满足消费者的同时还提升了销售平台的业绩。 展开更多
关键词 电商平台 明星同款 女装服饰 网络营销
作者 李田甜 《山东工艺美术学院学报》 2009年第5期75-76,共2页
分布在滇东南的彝族白倮支系,其蜡染服饰作为白倮文化的重要组成部分,为我们的研究提供了鲜活的民族素材。白倮人年龄服划分之精确,更蕴含了丰富而深厚的民俗文化寓意。从白倮服饰中极具代表性的女装服饰可以看出倮人鲜为人知的历史进... 分布在滇东南的彝族白倮支系,其蜡染服饰作为白倮文化的重要组成部分,为我们的研究提供了鲜活的民族素材。白倮人年龄服划分之精确,更蕴含了丰富而深厚的民俗文化寓意。从白倮服饰中极具代表性的女装服饰可以看出倮人鲜为人知的历史进程、古朴的审美观以及天人合一的世界观,是深入了解该民族历史的无字史书。 展开更多
关键词 白倮 女装服饰 年龄服 民俗
作者 袁菁红 张星 《西安工程科技学院学报》 2004年第1期28-31,共4页
关键词 亚洲民族服饰 传统女装民族服饰 民族文化
Development of 3D Female Breast Model Library for Bra Design 被引量:2
作者 王建萍 张渭源 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第5期150-153,共4页
As the maturity of female costume concept as well as the social consuming activities, a new and higher requirement is imposed on female underwear design. Human body model is the basic of many applications on 3D garmen... As the maturity of female costume concept as well as the social consuming activities, a new and higher requirement is imposed on female underwear design. Human body model is the basic of many applications on 3D garment CAD. This paper delivered a novel approach for modeling a human body which could be driven by related body dimensions to form a female breast model library based on the free form deformatioll technologies. The 3D female breast shape reserve has a strong potential of being used for bra design, bra flttins, virtual try-on and exhibition to meet "made-tomeasure" demand of the booming bra market in the world. 展开更多
关键词 bra design 3D female breast model free form deformation.
Origin of Qipao Fashion in Early Republic Period
作者 卞向阳 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期21-26,共6页
The goal of this research is to analyze and discuss the origin of Qipao as women's fashionable wear in the early Republic Period (1911-1949).The origin of Qipao fashion will be discussed in three aspects:1) discus... The goal of this research is to analyze and discuss the origin of Qipao as women's fashionable wear in the early Republic Period (1911-1949).The origin of Qipao fashion will be discussed in three aspects:1) discussion of the original time,place and consumer group of Qipao fashion;2) analysis of initial style and wear combination of Qipao,3) deduction of the origin of the name Qipao.Besides,the analysis will also be given about Qipao's aesthetic characters,its production,consumption guarantee as well as its social backgrounds.The research will be made on the basis of the principles and methods of history,social psychology of clothing and design,and will use many materials especially historical writings and publications to give a more detailed discussion.Here are some tentative conclusions. Firstly, Qipao as a kind of one-piece dress was not inherited directly from the robe of Banner Style. It was a new fashion in the 1920s, which combined the elements of long vest called Qipao Majia, Wenming Xin Zhuang and the Western dress. Secondly, the Shanghai female students were the pioneering group wearing Qipao in 1925. Thirdly, the gradual acceptance of Qipao was mainly due to its aesthetic characters, production, consumption as well as social backgrounds at that time. And it was the kind of daily wear of many Chinese women after 1927. Fourthly, since Qipao represents the special clothing which integrated Chinese traditional style and the Western fashion in the early Republic Period, Qipao is advised to be taken as a special term to take the place of the previous ones like Mandarin Dress, Chipau and Cheongsam and so on. 展开更多
关键词 FASHION Qipao dress mode Banner Style history of costume Early Republic Period
The Research of Value of Female Costume in Ethnic Group Construction Based on the Social Gender
作者 TAO Hui CHEN Dong-sheng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第1期20-24,共5页
The social gender theory is a historical analysis method which is benificial to explore the system of human organization activities around "male"or "female" activities. Historically, the process of human socializa... The social gender theory is a historical analysis method which is benificial to explore the system of human organization activities around "male"or "female" activities. Historically, the process of human socialization is also a process of social gender institutionalization. Therefore, the paper tried to analyze the connotation of ethnic women's costume from the social gender perspective to help people realize further the women's state in sexism society and value in ethnic group constructing and developing. Firstly, the paper sets forth the characteristic of "group" of ethnic people female costumes. The next, the paper explored the costume how to set up a system of ethic standard in inner group so as to maintain the social order. Subsequently, the paper points out, with the rapid evolution of society, more and more ethnic people men participate cities construction and outer social activities Consequently, most of minority men wear modem clothing instead of their traditional clothing, only women still insist in wearing the traditional clothing. Finally, according to research above, the authors consider that ethnic people female costumes emerge strong gender content which reflects more constraints rather than equality between men and women. Besides, it is certain that women have irreplaceable value in ethinc group construction and development. 展开更多
关键词 ethnic group female clothing social gender development
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