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天朝女试:李汝珍的理想科举 被引量:2
作者 何求斌 《湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第4期41-44,共4页
关键词 《镜花缘》 天朝女试 理想科举 博学鸿词科
睡觉也可以赚钱! 一名美女试睡员的生活
《城色》 2012年第5期80-81,共2页
有些人去酒店"睡觉"主要是为了休息,而有一小部分人,去酒店"睡觉"是为了"工作"或者说是兴趣爱好,这就是新兴职业"试睡员"。和美食评论家类似,酒店试睡员就是酒店服务的体验者,他们通过发表对... 有些人去酒店"睡觉"主要是为了休息,而有一小部分人,去酒店"睡觉"是为了"工作"或者说是兴趣爱好,这就是新兴职业"试睡员"。和美食评论家类似,酒店试睡员就是酒店服务的体验者,他们通过发表对酒店的体验感受来获得媒体或酒店的酬谢,对年龄、学历、工作经验等指标要求不多,是众多"爱睡者"理想的职业。也许提起试睡员,很多人的印象会是衣着华丽、拿着报销单狂睡各星级豪华酒店,月薪还轻松过万。但你所不知道的是,这份看似轻松的高薪职业其实并不轻松,不仅会陷入重复性劳动,还会遇到职业瓶颈。 展开更多
关键词 酒店服务 体验者 重复性劳动 新兴职业 女试 报销单 开心网 去哪儿 朝九晚五 旅游网站
作者 张明夷 《大飞机》 2013年第5期82-85,共4页
乐娅菲中国商飞公司民用飞机试飞中心试飞工程部试飞工程师2009年毕业于复旦大学飞行器设计与工程专业,2012年毕业于美国国家试飞员学院飞行试验工程专业,SFTE试飞工程师协会会员。作为长期驻扎ARJ21新支线飞机试飞一线的女工程师,先后... 乐娅菲中国商飞公司民用飞机试飞中心试飞工程部试飞工程师2009年毕业于复旦大学飞行器设计与工程专业,2012年毕业于美国国家试飞员学院飞行试验工程专业,SFTE试飞工程师协会会员。作为长期驻扎ARJ21新支线飞机试飞一线的女工程师,先后参加了ARJ21-700飞机导航、通信、指示记录、环控、自动飞行等系统的试飞工作;同时参与了多次外场试飞,对试验点进行优化和组合,尽可能地减少试飞架次,缩短试飞时间。截至2012年10月,累计飞行48架次/171小时。 展开更多
关键词 新支线飞机 民用飞机 飞行 女试 飞行器设计 空管局 阎良 航空基地 适航 验点
李汝珍与卞銮——读《镜花缘》杂记一则 被引量:1
作者 曹晋杰 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 1987年第1期120-121,共2页
《镜花缘》第四十二回,写了武则天颁思诏开女试,点的主考大人是礼部尚书卞滨。这卞滨是何许人?李汝珍介绍说:“这卞滨表字渭仙,乃淮南道广陵人氏,自幼饱读诗书,由进士历官至礼部尚书,世代书香,家资巨富,本地人称他‘卞万顷’。盖卞滨自... 《镜花缘》第四十二回,写了武则天颁思诏开女试,点的主考大人是礼部尚书卞滨。这卞滨是何许人?李汝珍介绍说:“这卞滨表字渭仙,乃淮南道广陵人氏,自幼饱读诗书,由进士历官至礼部尚书,世代书香,家资巨富,本地人称他‘卞万顷’。盖卞滨自他祖父遗下家业,到他手里,单以各处田地而论,已有一万余顷,其余可想而知,真是富可敌国。”“卞滨出仕后,适值麟德(唐高宗李治年号)初年,西北大荒,兼之刀兵不靖,国家帑项颇费经营;因将田地变卖五千顷,作为军需赈济之用。 展开更多
关键词 李汝珍 《镜花缘》 饱读诗书 女试 礼部尚书 唐高宗李治 道广 元末明初 千顷
作者 陈才政 《中学教研(数学版)》 1990年第10期34-35,共2页
关键词 函数方程 单调递增 代丁 女试 求值 万五 普飞 子是
作者 云帆 《农村天地》 2005年第10期30-31,共2页
关键词 王嫣 时尚风潮 女试 广东南海 盐步 美兰 薄纱 廖廖无几 你喜欢 相信你
作者 傅培龙 《摩托车信息》 2016年第7期98-99,共2页
“哇,好可爱!”“这个车是电动的?”“我可以骑上去试试吗?”……在6月7日揭幕的2016(第十八届)重庆国际车展上,塞夫科技携旗下新能源时尚电动滑板Citycoco实力参展,类似以上的赞叹声和问询声在塞夫展区里几乎就没有停歇过,Citycoc... “哇,好可爱!”“这个车是电动的?”“我可以骑上去试试吗?”……在6月7日揭幕的2016(第十八届)重庆国际车展上,塞夫科技携旗下新能源时尚电动滑板Citycoco实力参展,类似以上的赞叹声和问询声在塞夫展区里几乎就没有停歇过,Citycoco真可谓是赚足了眼球。从发布至今,经历了一年多的发展,塞夫Citycoco魅力更胜当初。不信,就请跟着记者一道,深入塞夫展区一探究竟吧!Citycoco怎么样?现场女生有话说!塞夫Citycoco的魅力究竟在哪儿,竟然引得众多的大叔、青年、阿姨等驻足赏玩?对此,记者同样心存疑问, 展开更多
关键词 塞夫 Citycoco 赞叹声 难以言喻 女试 个性化定制 后挡
享受高品质音乐——KOSS SB49耳机
作者 木月 《大众数码》 2007年第8期106-106,共1页
关键词 耳麦 动圈 KOSS SB49 音频系统 呼啸而过 家庭影院 弹性材料 定位效果 震撼效果 女试
作者 刘志坚 《课堂内外(创新作文)(高中版)》 2016年第5期87-87,共1页
穷人并不是那些身无分文的人,而是那些没有梦想的人。她是个不折不扣的美女,精雕细琢般的脸上总是挂着迷人的微笑,身上总是散发着无穷的魅力。可她却没有靠脸吃饭,去做模特或者演员,而是痴迷上了赛车这项危险的运动,成为了由清一色男性... 穷人并不是那些身无分文的人,而是那些没有梦想的人。她是个不折不扣的美女,精雕细琢般的脸上总是挂着迷人的微笑,身上总是散发着无穷的魅力。可她却没有靠脸吃饭,去做模特或者演员,而是痴迷上了赛车这项危险的运动,成为了由清一色男性统治的世界一级方程式赛车界绝对的亮点。 展开更多
关键词 一级方程式赛车 男性统治 沃尔夫 威廉姆斯 雷诺方程式 她说 女试 套件 维特尔 牛刀
Effects of Electroacupuncture at Weiwanxiashu and Zusanli Points on Blood Glucose and Plasma Pancreatic Glucagon Contents in Diabetic Rabbits 被引量:2
作者 曾志勇 李永义 王友京 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期134-136,共3页
The Effects of electroacupuncture (EA) at Weiwanxiashu (EX-B3) and Zusanli (ST 36) points on blood glucose (BG) and plasma pancreatic glucagon (PG) contents were dynamically observed in diabetic rabbits induced by All... The Effects of electroacupuncture (EA) at Weiwanxiashu (EX-B3) and Zusanli (ST 36) points on blood glucose (BG) and plasma pancreatic glucagon (PG) contents were dynamically observed in diabetic rabbits induced by Alloxan. It is found that acupuncture at Weiwanxiashu point can significantly lower the BG content and inhibit release of PG; no significant changes in BG and PG are found when acupuncture is given at Zusanli (ST 36) point alone, however BG and PG contents decrease more obviously when acupuncture employed at both Zusanli and Weiwanxiashu, suggesting that Zusanli has a marked synergetic action with Weiwanxiashu. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture Points Animals Blood Glucose Diabetes Mellitus Experimental Female GLUCAGON Male RABBITS
Metabolic response to 6-week aerobic exercise training and dieting in previously sedentary overweight and obese pre-menopausal women:A randomized trial 被引量:3
作者 Petri Wiklund Markku Alen +4 位作者 Eveliina Munukk Shu Mei Cheng Bo Yu Satu Pekkala Sulin Cheng 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2014年第3期217-224,共8页
Background: The aim of this study was to compare 6 weeks short-term moderate intensity aerobic exercise and dieting on serum metabolomics and cardio-metabolic risk factors in pre-menopausal women. Methods: Ninety pr... Background: The aim of this study was to compare 6 weeks short-term moderate intensity aerobic exercise and dieting on serum metabolomics and cardio-metabolic risk factors in pre-menopausal women. Methods: Ninety previously inactive overweight and obese (BMI 25-35 kg/m2) women (age 41.5 ± 7.6 years) were randomized to either a 6-week Nordic walking exercise program (EX, n = 45) or dietary counseling group (DI, n = 45). Body composition, serum glucose, insulin and lipids were measured. Serum low-molecular-weight metabolites and lipid constituents were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Measurements were done at baseline and 7 days after the last training session. Results: Six weeks aerobic exercise program yielded reductions in serum free fatty acids (-34.7%, 95% confidence interval (CI), -50 to -18, p 〈 0.001), glucose (-9.6%, 95%CI, -15 to -4, p 〈 0.001) and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (-28.7%, 95%CI, -48 to -10, p = 0.005) without changes in body weight or fat mass. Diet counseling resulted in loss of body weight (1.5%, 95%CI, -2.3 to -0.7, p = 0.001) but no changes in free fatty acids, fasting glucose, or HOMA-IR were found. Conclusion: Our results indicate that small weight loss does not produce measurable health benefits, whereas short-term regular aerobic exercise can improve glucose and lipid metabolism even in the absence of weight loss in previously sedentary overweight and obese women. 展开更多
关键词 DIETING Exercise Metabolism Metabolomics WOMEN
Effect of 17α-Ethinylestradiol on the Time Needed for Males and Females of Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939 to Re-couple
作者 Monika Wisniewska Anna Szaniawska 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第8期419-425,共7页
The aim of presented study was to determine the behavioural response of precopulatory pairs of Gammarus tigrinus exposed to the 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2). It was hypothesized that 17α-ethinylestradiol would incre... The aim of presented study was to determine the behavioural response of precopulatory pairs of Gammarus tigrinus exposed to the 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2). It was hypothesized that 17α-ethinylestradiol would increase the time needed for a male to re-capture a female. Hypothesis was tested in a laboratory with 20 precopula pairs exposed to different treatment conditions. Paired animals were exposed to two different compound concentrations of 50 ng·L-1 and 500 ng·L-1. The control and solvent control was artificial sea water and artificial sea water with ethanol (the diluent for EE2). The couples were tested several times under different experimental treatments. The obtained results indicate that EE2 affects the precopulatory mate guarding behaviour of Gammarus tigrinus. EE2 in concentration of 50 ng·L-1 and 500 ng·L-1 prolonged the time needed for re-pairing. However, relative to the controls only EE2 in concentration of 500 ng·L-1 significantly prolonged the time needed for male-female re-coupling. In summary, EE2 affects the reproductive behaviour of Gammarus tigrinus. 展开更多
关键词 Gammarus tigrinus 17α-ethinylestradiol reproductive behavior re-pairing.
作者 倪斯霆 《文史知识》 北大核心 1993年第1期77-81,共5页
中国武侠小说的源头何在?或云源自太史公的《游侠列传》;或云肇端《吴越春秋》之'越女试剑';或云东汉《燕丹子》为其嚆矢;或云《搜神记》中'干将莫邪'为其渊源。虽然各执一辞,众说不一,但有一个共同点却是群守不易,那... 中国武侠小说的源头何在?或云源自太史公的《游侠列传》;或云肇端《吴越春秋》之'越女试剑';或云东汉《燕丹子》为其嚆矢;或云《搜神记》中'干将莫邪'为其渊源。虽然各执一辞,众说不一,但有一个共同点却是群守不易,那便都是将先秦时期'侠'的出现视为滥觞。其实只要稍加梳理便会发现,'侠'与'武侠小说'是两个概念。前者是一种客观存在的社会现象;而后者则是稗官文人有意而为的纸上春秋。尽管两者之间密不可分。'侠'出现在我国文史典籍中,始自《韩非子·五蠹》篇。虽然韩子站在法家立场。 展开更多
关键词 燕丹子 游侠列传 《吴越春秋》 《搜神记》 太史公 韩子 女试 云源 意而 聂隐娘
作者 藏马 《江南(诗)》 2014年第3期11-12,共2页
多多说,他的诗歌没有一句是朦胧的,虚假的。前几日,重新浏览友人杨邪的博文时我也感觉到了这样的一个观点,说有些散文比一些描写单一真实事件的散文更有力更真切。因此,他也把此类散文开辟了一种栏目叫"虚构散文"。这也使我... 多多说,他的诗歌没有一句是朦胧的,虚假的。前几日,重新浏览友人杨邪的博文时我也感觉到了这样的一个观点,说有些散文比一些描写单一真实事件的散文更有力更真切。因此,他也把此类散文开辟了一种栏目叫"虚构散文"。这也使我想到在阅读《吴越春秋》时的一种惊讶,譬如越女试剑—— 展开更多
关键词 《吴越春秋》 杨邪 女试 一翁 子胥 前几 丁夫人 于王 遣归 咎犯
作者 陈焱 《新华航空》 2011年第10期82-89,共8页
毫无疑问,20世纪中国的最大主题是"革命"。从20世纪初开始,在大半个世纪里,中国人被一次又一次的"革命"激情鼓荡,"辛亥革命","二次革命","三次革命"(即讨袁战争),第一、二、三次国... 毫无疑问,20世纪中国的最大主题是"革命"。从20世纪初开始,在大半个世纪里,中国人被一次又一次的"革命"激情鼓荡,"辛亥革命","二次革命","三次革命"(即讨袁战争),第一、二、三次国内革命战争,以致最后走向一个极端,把革命从手段变成目的,把在一定历史时期必要的革命夸大成永不停顿的、无间断的革命,终于酿成史无前例的灾难。百年弹指,今天我们可以比较清晰地看到,孙中山和革命党人在辛亥革命时期的目标,是要模仿美国的政治架构,但采取的手段,却是承继法国大革命,用暴力手段打碎一个旧世界。 展开更多
关键词 辛亥革命时期 讨袁战争 政治架构 历史时期 暴力手段 子万 法国贵族 红色恐怖 下寿 女试
Acupuncture for premature ovarian insufficiency:a systematic review and meta-analysis 被引量:3
作者 Yin Ya-qian Xu Huan-fang +5 位作者 Fang Yi-gong Yang Hui-sheng Li Xiao-tong Shang Jie Zheng Chen-si Hao Ming-zhao 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2020年第1期24-32,共9页
Objective:To analyze the effect of acupuncture versus hormone replacement therapy(HRT)for premature ovarian insufficiency(POI).Methods:China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),Wanfang Academic Journal Full-text D... Objective:To analyze the effect of acupuncture versus hormone replacement therapy(HRT)for premature ovarian insufficiency(POI).Methods:China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),Wanfang Academic Journal Full-text Database(Wanfang),Chongqing VIP Database(CQVIP),China Biology Medicine Disc(CBM),Web of Science,Cochrane Library,PubMed,and Excerpta Medica Database(EMBASE)were searched up to January 31st,2019 to identify randomized controlled trials(RCTs)evaluating the effect of acupuncture for POI.The primary outcome was the level of basal serum follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH).Secondary outcomes included serum levels of luteinizing hormone(LH),estradiol(E2)and anti-Müllerian hormone(AMH).Two authors extracted data independently and assessed the risk of bias and the methodological quality using the Cochrane's tool.Meta-analysis was conducted by RevMan version 5.3.Results:Eight eligible RCTs with a total of 496 POI patients were included in the meta-analysis.The pooled results showed that there was a significant reduction in the basal serum FSH level(MD=-5.82,95%CI:-9.76 to-1.87,I2=82%,P=0.004)and a remarkable elevation in the basal E2 level(SMD=0.93,95%CI:0.34 to 1.52,I2=88%,P=0.002)in the acupuncture group when compared with the control.Subgroup analysis showed that compared with HRT,a significant decrease in the FSH level was observed in both acupuncture alone(MD=-4.53,95%CI:-8.96 to-0.10,I2=73%,P=0.04)and acupuncture plus HRT(MD=-9.60,95%CI:-17.60 to-1.61,I2=50%,P=0.02),while a remarkable elevation of E2 was only found in acupuncture plus HRT(SMD=1.43,95%CI:1.03 to 1.82,I2=0%,P<0.00001).There was no significant difference in the LH level between acupuncture and HRT(MD=-3.16,95%CI:-9.41 to 3.10,I2=0%,P=0.32),only one trial reported AMH,and no significant difference was found between acupuncture and HRT.Conclusion:The present study indicated that acupuncture had an advantage over HRT in reducing serum FSH level and increasing serum E2 level in women with POI.However,evidence supporting the finding is limited due to the small sample size,potential methodological flaws and significant heterogeneity.Hence,this conclusion still needs to be verified by high-quality RCTs. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Premature Ovarian Insufficiency META-ANALYSIS Systematic Review Randomized Controlled Trials WOMEN
A test of genetic association among male nuptial coloration, female mating preference, and male aggression bias within a polymorphic population of cichlid fish 被引量:2
作者 Inke van der SLUIJS Peter D. DIJKSTRA +5 位作者 Charlotte M. LINDEYER BertanneVISSER Alan M. SMITH Ton G. G. GROOTHUIS Jacques J. M. van ALPHEN Ole SEEHAUSEN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期221-229,共9页
Both inter- and intrasexual selection have been implicated in the origin and maintenance of species-rich taxa with di- verse sexual traits. Simultaneous disruptive selection by female mate choice and male-male competi... Both inter- and intrasexual selection have been implicated in the origin and maintenance of species-rich taxa with di- verse sexual traits. Simultaneous disruptive selection by female mate choice and male-male competition can, in theory, lead to ~,;peciation without geographical isolation if both act on the same male trait. Female mate choice can generate discontinuities in gene flow, while male-male competition can generate negative frequency-dependent selection stabilizing the male trait polymor- phism. Speciation may be facilitated when mating preference and/or aggression bias are physically linked to the trait they operate on. We tested for genetic associations among female mating preference, male aggression bias and male coloration in the Lake Victoria cichlid Pundamilia. We crossed females from a phenotypically variable population with males from both extreme ends of the phenotype distribution in the same population (blue or red). Male offspring of a red sire were significantly redder than males of a blue sire, indicating that intra-population variation in male coloration is heritable. We tested mating preferences of female offspring and aggression biases of male offspring using binary choice tests. There was no evidence for associations at the family level between female mating preferences and coloration of sires, but dam identity had a significant effect on female mate prefe- rence. Sons of the red sire directed significantly more aggression to red than blue males, whereas sons of the blue sire did not show any bias. There was a positive correlation among individuals between male aggression bias and body coloration, possibly due to pleiotropy or physical linkage, which could facilitate the maintenance of color polymorphism [Current Zoology 59 (2): 221-229, 2013]. 展开更多
关键词 Disruptive selection Sexual selection SPECIATION Pundamilia Linkage disequilibrium
No evidence for female discrimination against male house mice carrying a selfish genetic element 被引量:1
作者 Andreas SUTTER Anna K. LINDHOLM 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第6期675-685,共11页
Meiotic drivers distort transmission to the next generation in their favor, with detrimental effects on the fitness of their homologues and the rest of the genome. Male carriers of meiotic drivers commonly inflict cos... Meiotic drivers distort transmission to the next generation in their favor, with detrimental effects on the fitness of their homologues and the rest of the genome. Male carriers of meiotic drivers commonly inflict costs on their mates through genetic incompatibility, reduced fecundity, or biased brood sex ratios. Given these costs, evidence for female discrimination against male carriers is surprisingly rare. One of few examples is the t haplotype in house mice, a meiotic driver that shows strong transmission distortion in males and is typically homozygote lethal. As a consequence, mating between 2 t heterozygous (+/t) mice leads to high embryo mortality. Previous experiments showing that+/t females avoid this incompatibility cost by preferring +/+ versus +/t males have inferred preference based on olfactory cues or brief social interactions. Evidence from mating contexts in laboratory settings and semi-natural populations has been inconclusive. Here, we investigated female choice from a large number of no-choice mating trials. We found no evidence for discrimination against+/t males based on mating, remating, and copulatory behavior. Further, we found no evidence for avoidance of incompatibility through selective interactions between game- tes. The likelihood of mating showed significant effects of female weight and genotype, suggesting that our test paradigm enabled females to exhibit mate choice. We discuss the strengths and limitations of our approach. By explicitly considering selection at both the individual and gene level, we argue why precopulatory female discrimination by+/t females may be less evolutionarily stable than discrimination by all females based on postcopulatory mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 cryptic female choice female preference indirect benefits mate choice segregation distortion t haplotype
Sexual selection and hermaphroditic organisms: Testing theory 被引量:1
作者 Janet L. LEONARD 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期579-588,共10页
Sexual selection is widespread if not ubiquitous in hermaphroditic organisms. Although many phenomena that have been described as sexual selection in gonochores, (e.g. harem polygamy, multiple mating, elaborate court... Sexual selection is widespread if not ubiquitous in hermaphroditic organisms. Although many phenomena that have been described as sexual selection in gonochores, (e.g. harem polygamy, multiple mating, elaborate courtship, even secondary sexual characters) can be found in some hermaphrodites, what is more interesting is the ways in which sexual selection in her- maphrodites may differ from dioecious taxa. In hermaphrodites, an individual's mating success includes its success from both sexual roles. Secondly, in many simultaneously hermaphroditic taxa there is strong evidence of sexual selection and yet the ope- rational sex ratio is 1:1, by definition. Many simultaneous hermaphrodites have elaborate courtship and genital anatomy, suggest- ing sexual selection plays an important role in reproductive success. Sperm competition and cryptic female choice mean that the number of mates acquired is not necessarily a predictor of reproductive success. Even in simultaneous hermaphrodites with re- ciprocal mating, variance in reproductive success through the male role and through the female role may differ in a population. Moreover hermaphrodites may choose to emphasize one sexual role over the other. Data suggest that the preferred role varies in hermaphrodites, which creates an opportunity to test fundamental predictions and assumptions of sexual selection theory. Hermaphrodites may vary their emphasis on one sexual role over the other either developmentally or behaviorally in response to environmental or social parameters. How they use this capability in acquiring more or higher quality mates still requires study 展开更多
关键词 Sexual selection HERMAPHRODITES Mate choice Reproductive success
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