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原典精神与近代化运动 被引量:1
作者 冯天瑜 《中国文化》 1992年第1期117-132,共16页
关键词 原典 基督教文化 代化 尊王攘夷 圃人 卿士 先王 中曹 左傅 威定
从李渊父子的活动辨《大唐创业起居注》和新旧《唐书》 被引量:3
作者 屈小强 《贵州文史丛刊》 1990年第4期15-23,共9页
1 有唐一代,曾以她那无与伦比的辉煌文明称誉世界,贞观至开元百年间达到顶峰。“谶归龙凤质,威定虎狼都。天属尊尧典,神功协禹谟。风云随绝足,日月继高衢。”①伴随着盛唐的沸沸扬扬,晋阳起兵时刚满18岁的唐太宗也便顺理成章地跻身于历... 1 有唐一代,曾以她那无与伦比的辉煌文明称誉世界,贞观至开元百年间达到顶峰。“谶归龙凤质,威定虎狼都。天属尊尧典,神功协禹谟。风云随绝足,日月继高衢。”①伴随着盛唐的沸沸扬扬,晋阳起兵时刚满18岁的唐太宗也便顺理成章地跻身于历代开国英主之列,为后来的墨客骚人称颂不已。与此同时。 展开更多
关键词 创业起居注 李渊 《唐书》 唐王朝 李世民 唐实录 威定 晋阳 庆历新政 旧唐书
试析春秋宋国主持的两次弭兵 被引量:1
作者 朱凤样 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 1991年第1期110-113,共4页
弭,息也;弭兵,就是息兵,停止作战的意。思春秋时期,先后举行过两次“弭兵”会议;第一次是在公元前579年,由宋国执政政华元为中间人,约合晋、楚两国在宋会盟;第二次是在公元前546年,由宋大夫向戎发起,约合晋楚包括齐、秦在内的十四个国... 弭,息也;弭兵,就是息兵,停止作战的意。思春秋时期,先后举行过两次“弭兵”会议;第一次是在公元前579年,由宋国执政政华元为中间人,约合晋、楚两国在宋会盟;第二次是在公元前546年,由宋大夫向戎发起,约合晋楚包括齐、秦在内的十四个国家于宋盟会。本文就“弭兵”产生的历史背景及意义作一浅析。 展开更多
关键词 宋国 春秋时期 兵盟 诸侯国 赵文子 令尹 三桓 好恶同之 威定 三家分晋
关于“滇”的新解 被引量:1
作者 李乔 《楚雄师范学院学报》 1993年第1期55-56,共2页
关键词 西南夷列传 滇国 威定 军庄 王时 袁嘉谷 黔中 水经注 贮贝器 南中志
附录《蜀丞相诸葛武侯祠堂碑》 被引量:1
作者 裴度 《文史杂志》 1992年第S1期10-12,共3页
节度掌书记侍御史内供奉赐绯鱼袋裴度撰 营田副使检校尚书吏部郎中兼成都少尹侍御史赐紫金鱼袋柳公绰书。 度尝读旧史,详求往哲,或秉事君之节,无开国之才,得立身之道,无治人之术。四者备矣,兼而行之,则蜀丞相诸葛公其人也。公本系在简策... 节度掌书记侍御史内供奉赐绯鱼袋裴度撰 营田副使检校尚书吏部郎中兼成都少尹侍御史赐紫金鱼袋柳公绰书。 度尝读旧史,详求往哲,或秉事君之节,无开国之才,得立身之道,无治人之术。四者备矣,兼而行之,则蜀丞相诸葛公其人也。公本系在简策,大名盖天地,不复以云。当汉祚衰陵,人心竞逐,取威定霸者,求贤如不及。 展开更多
关键词 营田副使 少尹 侍御 威定 碑面 内供奉 简策 赐绯 尚书吏部郎 陬落
Life prediction for vacuum fluorescent display using maximum likelihood estimation 被引量:3
作者 张建平 王睿韬 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期189-192,共4页
In order to obtain the life information of the vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) in a short time, a model of constant stress accelerated life tests (CSALT) is established with its filament temperature increased, an... In order to obtain the life information of the vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) in a short time, a model of constant stress accelerated life tests (CSALT) is established with its filament temperature increased, and four constant stress tests are conducted. The Weibull function is applied to describe the life distribution of the VFD, and the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and its iterative flow chart are used to calculate the shape parameters and the scale parameters. Furthermore, the accelerated life equation is determined by the least square method, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is performed to verify whether the VFD life meets the Weibull distribution or not, and selfdeveloped software is employed to predict the average life and the reliable life. Statistical data analysis results demonstrate that the test plans are feasible and versatile, that the VFD life follows the Weibull distribution, and that the VFD accelerated model satisfies the linear Arrhenius equation. The proposed method and the estimated life information of the VFD can provide some significant guideline to its manufacturers and customers. 展开更多
关键词 vacuum fluorescent display accelerated life test constant stress Weibull distribution maximum likelihood estimation
作者 余同元 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1987年第1期79-82,共4页
公元前632年晋楚城濮之战是我国古代著名战役之一。秦汉以来,学者大都认为此战是以少胜多或以弱胜强的战例。笔者不敢苟同,兹作如下辨析,以求正于方家。 一,所谓“以少胜多”辨 《春秋·僖公二十八年》:“夏四月己巳,晋侯、齐师、... 公元前632年晋楚城濮之战是我国古代著名战役之一。秦汉以来,学者大都认为此战是以少胜多或以弱胜强的战例。笔者不敢苟同,兹作如下辨析,以求正于方家。 一,所谓“以少胜多”辨 《春秋·僖公二十八年》:“夏四月己巳,晋侯、齐师、宋师、秦师及楚人战于城濮,楚师败绩。” 《左传》:“晋侯、宋公、齐国归父崔沃、秦小子慭次于城濮,楚师背酅而舍……。晋师陈于莘北,胥臣以下军之佐当陈、蔡。子玉以若敖之六卒将中军……,子西将左。 展开更多
关键词 楚人 若敖 作州兵 宋公 王孙启 献公 威定 二万 狐毛 楚军
作者 王建平 《文化艺术研究》 2002年第5期94-96,共3页
关键词 欧阳伦 大明 李树 小吏 刘伯温 驸马爷 小哥 威定 音乐声 镇守使
作者 贺游 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 1986年第3期7-10,共4页
汉末天下大乱,取威定霸者无数,藏器在身之文武干才纷纷各择其主。一时间君臣遇合,人才辈出。经过数年厮杀兼并,在剩下的割据称雄者中,首数曹操的势力最大,谋略最高。其次是江东孙权。荆州刘表、益州刘璋、西凉韩遂、马超也拥地自保。然... 汉末天下大乱,取威定霸者无数,藏器在身之文武干才纷纷各择其主。一时间君臣遇合,人才辈出。经过数年厮杀兼并,在剩下的割据称雄者中,首数曹操的势力最大,谋略最高。其次是江东孙权。荆州刘表、益州刘璋、西凉韩遂、马超也拥地自保。然而,具有“逸群之才,英霸之器”的诸葛亮,在士人争相择主而动时,并没有去投奔雄才大略的曹操,或者虎踞江南的孙权,而是接受刘备的“三顾”之请,毅然出山,为之出谋划策,运筹帷幄,从而促成了三足鼎立局面的形成。诸葛亮为什么要帮助既无立锥之地,又没有政治实力的落荒者刘备去争天下呢?这是一个值得探讨的问题。以我之管见,大概有以下方面的原因。 展开更多
关键词 威定 政治实力 韩遂 无立锥之地 杨仪 张子布 庞德公 向宠 徐庶 睚眦之怨
作者 王贵钧 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1987年第2期83-84,共2页
僖公二十五年:秦晋战于韩、晋惠公战败被俘。史载: “晋侯使邰乞告瑕吕饴生,且召之。子金教之言日:‘朝国人而以君命赏’。且告之曰:‘孤虽归,辱社稷矣,其卜贰圉也’。众皆哭。晋于是乎作爰田。吕甥曰:‘君亡之不恤,而群臣是忧、惠之至... 僖公二十五年:秦晋战于韩、晋惠公战败被俘。史载: “晋侯使邰乞告瑕吕饴生,且召之。子金教之言日:‘朝国人而以君命赏’。且告之曰:‘孤虽归,辱社稷矣,其卜贰圉也’。众皆哭。晋于是乎作爰田。吕甥曰:‘君亡之不恤,而群臣是忧、惠之至也、将若君何?’众曰:‘何为而可?’对曰:‘征缮以辅孺子。诸侯闻之,丧君有君。 展开更多
关键词 晋惠公 群臣 作州兵 若君 威定 先轸 韩原之战 太子申生 毕万 百亩
作者 姚德彬 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1992年第1期13-19,共7页
《左传》是我国第一部编年史,虽是历史著作而担负“劝善惩恶”、“使乱臣贼子惧”为天下立宗仪的功能,历来为儒家奉为圭臬,成为儒家经典之一,其文学上的成就也是有目共睹的;《史记》倡扬“欲究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”,这“发... 《左传》是我国第一部编年史,虽是历史著作而担负“劝善惩恶”、“使乱臣贼子惧”为天下立宗仪的功能,历来为儒家奉为圭臬,成为儒家经典之一,其文学上的成就也是有目共睹的;《史记》倡扬“欲究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”,这“发愤”之作,一改编年体例,另辟蹊径为纪传体,它“不虚美,不隐恶,其文质,其事核”奉为史家范本。 展开更多
关键词 劝善惩恶 传记文学 文质 究天人之际 成一家之言 历史著作 倡扬 儒家思想 威定 义帝
作者 李爱清 欧金刚 《中学生数理化(高二数学、高考数学)》 2006年第10X期31-32,共2页
关键词 是非标准 代数的 篇数 距离公式 几何意义 轴长 伊川 威定 距离比 程中
作者 王涛 《声屏世界》 2014年第4期71-71,共1页
目前,关于转基因食品的质量安全问题尚无权威定论及科学依据,可以预见此争议在未来还将继续。与此同时,分析近年来国人在价值取向、网络阵地、语言文字等领域出现的种种异常倾向,当前日益凸显的思想文化"转基因"现象值得引起我们的高... 目前,关于转基因食品的质量安全问题尚无权威定论及科学依据,可以预见此争议在未来还将继续。与此同时,分析近年来国人在价值取向、网络阵地、语言文字等领域出现的种种异常倾向,当前日益凸显的思想文化"转基因"现象值得引起我们的高度重视和警惕。警惕价值基因的麻木低俗。"礼义廉耻""尊老爱幼"等价值观念一直是中华民族的传统美德,但反观近年~些车展上,衣着暴露的模特俨然成为主角,且有愈演愈烈之势。有的媒体刻意炒作社会话题,将一些个例影响放大化,以至于对老人跌倒到底应不应该扶都提出了疑问。 展开更多
关键词 网络阵地 威定 价值取向 语言文字 礼义 网络谣言 网络暴力 “一切向钱看” 华夏文明 主流价值观
《中国.城乡桥》 2004年第11期30-30,共1页
一、市场动态 全国秋粮收获超过60%。今年东北地区玉米大丰收年景已威定局。预计东北地区今年玉米产量约为4585万吨,增长506万吨.增幅12.4%。河北玉米单产有望与上年持平或稍高。 国内玉米经营人士认为,目前增加玉米出口时机日趋成熟... 一、市场动态 全国秋粮收获超过60%。今年东北地区玉米大丰收年景已威定局。预计东北地区今年玉米产量约为4585万吨,增长506万吨.增幅12.4%。河北玉米单产有望与上年持平或稍高。 国内玉米经营人士认为,目前增加玉米出口时机日趋成熟,我国将有可能进一步敞开玉米出口大门。 展开更多
关键词 市场走势分析 威定 市场批发价 东北产区 市场动态 南方销区 饲料厂家 继续走 饲料加工企业 公路运输
作者 赵橹 《大理大学学报》 CAS 1980年第1期5-9,共5页
庄硚开滇、王滇的记载,最早见于《史记·西南夷传》。司马迁说:“始楚威王时,使将军庄(足乔)将兵循江(长江)上,略巴(崇庆地区)、黔中(贵州东北,四川涪陵以南,湘西一带,)以西。庄(足乔)者,故楚庄王苗裔也。(足乔)至滇池,地方三百里,... 庄硚开滇、王滇的记载,最早见于《史记·西南夷传》。司马迁说:“始楚威王时,使将军庄(足乔)将兵循江(长江)上,略巴(崇庆地区)、黔中(贵州东北,四川涪陵以南,湘西一带,)以西。庄(足乔)者,故楚庄王苗裔也。(足乔)至滇池,地方三百里,旁平地肥饶数千里,以兵威定属楚。欲归报,会秦击夺楚巴、黔中郡,道塞不通,因还。以其众王滇,变服,从其俗以长之。”这段记载,文字似无错衍,因此历来史家,多引以为据。然而细省庄(足乔)发兵之日,及至归报之期,,历时太久,於情於理,都难以使人折服之处。现略将考索,推算於次: 展开更多
关键词 黔中郡 西南夷传 威定 滇考 崇庆 变服 王时 军庄 考索 《吕氏春秋》
Analysis of the plight of Chinese NGO development and countermeasures in crisis management
作者 Qiong Wu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期53-55,共3页
Although the crisis always exist in the development of humanity, but the special theory of crisis developed very late. The climax of the crisis theory appeared in the West in the late 20th century, Japan Masao Takizaw... Although the crisis always exist in the development of humanity, but the special theory of crisis developed very late. The climax of the crisis theory appeared in the West in the late 20th century, Japan Masao Takizawa, a crisis management expert, believe that the definition of a crisis is " the possibility of accidents," and the management of crisis is the management of preventing loss, and therefore it is important to note how to save costs, and to achieve maximum effect. Crisis is a situation state, the fundamental objective of its decision-making theme is threatened, and there is very limited time available between decisions changing, which occurs as a surprise to the main body. Some scholars have tended to define it as a process of crisis, he said: the crisis is intense period of upheaval and collective period. During this time, the core values of everyday life and social system is threatened, and the threat is beyond our expectation, even unimaginable. This is the general definition used about the current crisis. 展开更多
关键词 plight of Chinese NGO crisis management.
Views on Piracy: Threats to International Peace
作者 Alimen A. Rolando Jeson C. Fernandez Cesar I. Mongan 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第2期110-116,共7页
The study was conducted to ascertain the views on piracy among marine engineering students and marine officers who had encountered piracy on international waters thereby suggesting threats to international peace. The ... The study was conducted to ascertain the views on piracy among marine engineering students and marine officers who had encountered piracy on international waters thereby suggesting threats to international peace. The respondents of the study were 50, specifically distributed to thirty (30) onboard marine engineering students enrolled for the current school year 2014-2015 and twenty (20) marine officers who had experienced piracy at Somalia and other places. The researchers employed quantitative-qualitative research method design. The questionnaire on "Piracy at Sea" was validated by experts in research, statistics, qualitative research, and maritime international conventions. To test the reliability, this same instrument was pilot-tested among marine officers and students who had been on board international ships. Qualitative data were captured through interviews by using open-ended questions. Frequency count, percentage, and rank were used in this study for descriptive-quantitative statistics. The data were analyzed using appropriate statistics through computer-processed software (SPSS). Qualitative analysis was employed to determine the views of the respondents on piracy so that mitigation measures were elicited for protection of life at sea leading towards international peace among identified HRAs (high-risk areas). Results revealed that seafarers were familiar of piracy. They were aware that piracy usually happens in areas like Somalia water sand other threatening territories. To combat piracy, the participants have pointed out the role of the international community in their concerted effort to help seafarers safeguard their lives specifically during these hard times. Somalia also needs to effectively check their organization by whether or not strict implementation of the Anti Piracy Law was being observed. Full knowledge of piracy, techniques for avoiding it, and surviving pirate attacks are necessary among seafarers. Satellite system called shiplock allows shipping companies to monitor location of ships particularly useful during pirate attacks, hijacks, or ship theft. They also install non-lethal electrical fences around a ship's perimeter to protect them during these times. IMO regulations require ships to send distress signals and warnings covertly in case of pirate attacks. 展开更多
关键词 PIRACY threats international peace maritime university marine engineering students marine officers high-risk areas(HRAs) satellite system international community.
Heavy Metal Determination in the Bottom Solid Waste Ash Produced from Sabah and Shuaiba Hospital Incinerators in Kuwait
作者 Saleh A1-Muzaini 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第5期215-223,共9页
In Kuwait, there is growing concern over the disposal of wastes produced by hospitals since hospital wastes contain hazardous and infected wastes. All hospitals in Kuwait have adopted incineration as an alternative me... In Kuwait, there is growing concern over the disposal of wastes produced by hospitals since hospital wastes contain hazardous and infected wastes. All hospitals in Kuwait have adopted incineration as an alternative method to dispose of their wastes. Due to inefficient combustion of hospital incinerators, the Kuwaiti government decided to shut down all hospital incinerators, while the Sabah Incinerator (SAHI) and Shuaiba Incinerator (SUHI) were kept running. This study was initiated to focus on the determination of heavy metals in the bottom ashes produced by the SAHI and SUHI incinerators. Bottom ash was collected over a period of one year and heavy metals were determined. They were shown variation in their concentrations due to the initial waste composition and the operational procedures of the hospital incinerators. 展开更多
关键词 Hazard hospital waste INCINERATION toxic metals.
Extended Conservation Laws of Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
作者 宋朝晖 梅建琴 张鸿庆 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期693-697,共5页
Self-adjoint theorem is introduced to match the corresponding functional of the given differential equations,and then Noether's theorem is used to determine the extended conservation laws of the original equations. F... Self-adjoint theorem is introduced to match the corresponding functional of the given differential equations,and then Noether's theorem is used to determine the extended conservation laws of the original equations. Finally, as the application of the method, the conservation laws of Drinfel'd-Sokolov-Wilson equation and Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation are constructed. 展开更多
关键词 extended conservation laws Lagrangian function NSether's theorem
《历史文献研究》 CSSCI 2016年第1期378-,共1页
关键词 近代詩鈔 詩人 威定 桐江 民國
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