Acupuncture treatment for certain acute severe cases has better clinical effect. It is also simple and easy to operate. Several cases are thus mentioned as a recollection of the clinical applicatign of acupuncture on ...Acupuncture treatment for certain acute severe cases has better clinical effect. It is also simple and easy to operate. Several cases are thus mentioned as a recollection of the clinical applicatign of acupuncture on the treatment of acute severe cases. Acute Infantile Convulsion One day in July 1961, a child of one展开更多
文摘Acupuncture treatment for certain acute severe cases has better clinical effect. It is also simple and easy to operate. Several cases are thus mentioned as a recollection of the clinical applicatign of acupuncture on the treatment of acute severe cases. Acute Infantile Convulsion One day in July 1961, a child of one