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区域性主流媒体源点的变迁与重构——基于“场域—惯习”的视角 被引量:8
作者 卜宇 《江海学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期203-208,共6页
办好区域性主流媒体,首先要搞清楚媒体的源点是什么?媒体的源点,也就是媒体运作的出发点。在不同历史时期,区域性主流媒体有不同的生态环境。媒体生态环境的变化,直接影响新闻场结构及其行动者惯习的形成和变迁,而新闻场结构和行动者惯... 办好区域性主流媒体,首先要搞清楚媒体的源点是什么?媒体的源点,也就是媒体运作的出发点。在不同历史时期,区域性主流媒体有不同的生态环境。媒体生态环境的变化,直接影响新闻场结构及其行动者惯习的形成和变迁,而新闻场结构和行动者惯习是影响媒体源点确立的重要因素。一段时期以来,由于受特定新闻场结构和行动者惯习的影响,我国区域性主流媒体在媒体运作出发点上发生偏差,这样的偏差造成一些区域性主流媒体的媒体特性大为弱化。因此,对我国区域性主流媒体来说,就有一个源点逐渐调整和重新确立的问题。区域性主流媒体要强化"受众意识",考虑如何让受众接受,满足受众需求,只有这样,才能提高传播的有效性,增强媒体的社会影响力,履行好传播主流意识形态和主流价值观的职责。 展开更多
关键词 媒体源 受众需求 传播有效性
多源媒体情绪传播影响了企业策略性专利行为吗? 被引量:1
作者 张静 赵晨晨 《南京审计大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期52-61,共10页
以我国2008—2020年A股上市公司为样本,考察多源媒体积极情绪传播对企业策略性专利行为的影响。研究发现,多源媒体积极情绪传播通过管理层迎合和管理层防御机制对企业策略性专利行为产生正向影响。进一步研究表明,控股股东两权分离强化... 以我国2008—2020年A股上市公司为样本,考察多源媒体积极情绪传播对企业策略性专利行为的影响。研究发现,多源媒体积极情绪传播通过管理层迎合和管理层防御机制对企业策略性专利行为产生正向影响。进一步研究表明,控股股东两权分离强化了管理层迎合效应的发挥,证监会减持新规的出台并未弱化管理层防御效应的发挥。多源媒体积极情绪传播引起的企业策略性专利行为使得企业产品竞争力和企业竞争地位下降。 展开更多
关键词 媒体 情绪传播 策略性专利行为 管理层迎合 管理层防御 企业高质量创新 股票流动性
作者 汪一鸣 吴红卫 左晓莹 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2000年第5期30-35,共6页
本文提出一种与信源模型弱相关的复接器监管方案———采用模糊漏桶控制方法改变令牌产生速率 ,对多媒体信源接入实施动态带宽分配。用MMBP模型及其合成讨论了该方案的可能性 ,给出了模糊控制方案和规则。计算机仿真表明 ,在多个不同速... 本文提出一种与信源模型弱相关的复接器监管方案———采用模糊漏桶控制方法改变令牌产生速率 ,对多媒体信源接入实施动态带宽分配。用MMBP模型及其合成讨论了该方案的可能性 ,给出了模糊控制方案和规则。计算机仿真表明 ,在多个不同速率不同特性的语音、图像、数据信源接入时 ,该方法能很好地满足低时延低丢失的要求 ,提高带宽利用率 ,使ATM技术的异步和统计复用特性被有效、充分地利用。 展开更多
关键词 复接器 模糊漏桶 媒体 ATM 弱相关
作者 赵尔敦 姚毅 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第23期98-99,共2页
关键词 媒体 合成方法 短相关 长相关 模型 通信
作者 余英 周永录 《微机发展》 2001年第2期21-23,共3页
本文对多媒体信源时隙式随机多址系统进行研究 ,提出一种新的接入机制 ,得出系统吞吐量的解析表达式 ,在此基础上研究有关系统性能 。
关键词 媒体 随机多址系统 吞吐率 计算机网络
支持HTML5的RTSP流媒体网络摄像头设计与实现 被引量:8
作者 廖银萍 《信息通信》 2020年第3期106-109,共4页
针对目前网络摄像头都不能直接支持HTML5播放实时视频的问题,本文设计实现了一个提供WebSocket+RTSP流媒体服务的网络摄像头和一个基于媒体源扩展(MSE)接口以及分片MP4(Fragment MP4)封装技术的RTSP流媒体网页播放器。通过这套方案,目... 针对目前网络摄像头都不能直接支持HTML5播放实时视频的问题,本文设计实现了一个提供WebSocket+RTSP流媒体服务的网络摄像头和一个基于媒体源扩展(MSE)接口以及分片MP4(Fragment MP4)封装技术的RTSP流媒体网页播放器。通过这套方案,目前支持HTML5的主流网页浏览器在不需要安装任何插件的情况下即可实现网络摄像头实时视频的低延迟播放。 展开更多
关键词 RTSP HTML5 Web Socket 媒体源扩展 分片MP4
从演播室的变迁,浅谈全媒体概念在广电的崛起 被引量:2
作者 朱军 《影视制作》 2017年第2期46-50,共5页
演播室大屏作为台内重要的播出终端,主要完成台内自办节目的图文及视音频的播放。随着全媒体概念在广电行业的不断深入,更多的素材源涌入,更多的播出终端崛起,更多的节目预热形式出现,均给演播室业务带来新的机遇和挑战。如何让台内自... 演播室大屏作为台内重要的播出终端,主要完成台内自办节目的图文及视音频的播放。随着全媒体概念在广电行业的不断深入,更多的素材源涌入,更多的播出终端崛起,更多的节目预热形式出现,均给演播室业务带来新的机遇和挑战。如何让台内自办节目更好地抓住大众的关注度,对提高节目的收视收听率至关重要。新的演播室系统不再局限于台内现有的架构,而是采用更加开放的设计,走近观众,提高观众的参与感。 展开更多
关键词 演播室图文 媒体素材 全网互动 多屏融合播出
作者 李怀强 《河北审计》 1997年第5期45-45,共1页
多媒体的关键技术李怀强多媒体技术本身将向五大方向发展,即:高分辨率化,提高显示质量(HDTV显示约为1000线,今后会出现超高分辩率电视UDTV,显示大于1000线甚至可达4000—5000线,质量会大幅度提高,当然... 多媒体的关键技术李怀强多媒体技术本身将向五大方向发展,即:高分辨率化,提高显示质量(HDTV显示约为1000线,今后会出现超高分辩率电视UDTV,显示大于1000线甚至可达4000—5000线,质量会大幅度提高,当然要求计算机处理速度与网络传输速度也... 展开更多
关键词 关键技术 媒体信息 媒体技术 广播接收机 网络传输 编码转换技术 高速网络接口 媒体 信息识别能力 全数字
动态区域化P2P VOD系统的设计与研究
作者 董元和 《湖北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第4期364-366,共3页
用一种动态区域化P2P VOD系统的设计模型,以改进传统P2P VOD系统的目录服务器结构,动态地将性能优异的客户端选举为区域目录服务器,实现系统的多区域化,各区域相对独立,同时接受中心目录服务器的集中管理,能有效克服传统P2P VOD系统目... 用一种动态区域化P2P VOD系统的设计模型,以改进传统P2P VOD系统的目录服务器结构,动态地将性能优异的客户端选举为区域目录服务器,实现系统的多区域化,各区域相对独立,同时接受中心目录服务器的集中管理,能有效克服传统P2P VOD系统目录服务器的瓶颈问题,适应大型P2P VOD系统的建设要求. 展开更多
关键词 动态区域化 P2P VOD 目录服务器 媒体源
基于Windows Media Foundation的播放器实现 被引量:1
作者 邹劲松 《电子科技》 2008年第12期61-63,共3页
Windows Media Foundation是最新推出的基于COM技术和Vista操作系统的多媒体应用程序开发工具包,它代表着未来多媒体应用程序开发的方向。文中详细地介绍了WMF的基本架构和工作原理。并讨论了在Visual Studio2008上应用WMF开发播放器。... Windows Media Foundation是最新推出的基于COM技术和Vista操作系统的多媒体应用程序开发工具包,它代表着未来多媒体应用程序开发的方向。文中详细地介绍了WMF的基本架构和工作原理。并讨论了在Visual Studio2008上应用WMF开发播放器。实验结果证明该播放器实现了更流畅的播放与更佳的播放效果。 展开更多
关键词 WMF 媒体基础变换 媒体接收器 媒体源 受保护的媒体路径
输入为多媒体信源的ATM业务流警管方案 被引量:3
作者 汪一鸣 吴红卫 《通信技术》 1999年第2期55-59,共5页
文章提出了一种输入为多媒体信源的利用模糊控制技术的ATM网络业务流警管方案。文章以ATM复用器为例,用MMBP模型讨论了该方案的可能性,给出了模糊控制规则及其调整过程和实现步骤。仿真表明,该方案能满足多个不同语音、图... 文章提出了一种输入为多媒体信源的利用模糊控制技术的ATM网络业务流警管方案。文章以ATM复用器为例,用MMBP模型讨论了该方案的可能性,给出了模糊控制规则及其调整过程和实现步骤。仿真表明,该方案能满足多个不同语音、图像、数据信源的分别或同时接入,其信元时延、丢失、抖动等服务质量指标均优于常规漏桶算法。 展开更多
关键词 复用器 敬管 模糊漏桶 媒体 ATM网络
作者 李光启 付耳 《西部广播电视》 2012年第7期25-31,共7页
上世纪八十年代,中国经济突飞猛进,不少人先富了起来,这些人就是最早的富一代。"富一代"的后代大多继承了父辈的财富或者家族企业,即便有些独立意识很强的子女,不愿意按照父辈规划好的人生规规矩矩地走下去,也同样有一点不可否认:他... 上世纪八十年代,中国经济突飞猛进,不少人先富了起来,这些人就是最早的富一代。"富一代"的后代大多继承了父辈的财富或者家族企业,即便有些独立意识很强的子女,不愿意按照父辈规划好的人生规规矩矩地走下去,也同样有一点不可否认:他们自一出生,就与其他普通人家的孩子不同。他们有着更优越的物质生活条件,享受着更好的教育,在父辈的财富光环里,他们也总是同龄人羡慕的对象,因而有了"富二代"的称谓。究竟这个词出现之初,是带着褒义还是贬义已不可考,但是更多的人通过媒体源源不断的曝光,看到了富二代们种种不良行为,再加上当前社会贫富差距越来越大,仇富心理也就更容易被激化放大,"富二代"于是渐渐沦为了贬义词。 展开更多
关键词 二代 中国经济 家族企业 物质生活 不良行为 贫富差距 媒体源 财富
Resource Allocation and User Association for HTTP Adaptive Streaming in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with Small Cells 被引量:3
作者 Jiang Liu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第9期1-11,共11页
Video streaming,especially hypertext transfer protocol based(HTTP) adaptive streaming(HAS) of video,has been expected to be a dominant application over mobile networks in the near future,which brings huge challenge fo... Video streaming,especially hypertext transfer protocol based(HTTP) adaptive streaming(HAS) of video,has been expected to be a dominant application over mobile networks in the near future,which brings huge challenge for the mobile networks.Although some works have been done for video streaming delivery in heterogeneous cellular networks,most of them focus on the video streaming scheduling or the caching strategy design.The problem of joint user association and rate allocation to maximize the system utility while satisfying the requirement of the quality of experience of users is largely ignored.In this paper,the problem of joint user association and rate allocation for HTTP adaptive streaming in heterogeneous cellular networks is studied,we model the optimization problem as a mixed integer programming problem.And to reduce the computational complexity,an optimal rate allocation using the Lagrangian dual method under the assumption of knowing user association for BSs is first solved.Then we use the many-to-one matching model to analyze the user association problem,and the joint user association and rate allocation based on the distributed greedy matching algorithm is proposed.Finally,extensive simulation results are illustrated to demonstrate the performance of the proposed scheme. 展开更多
关键词 heterogeneous cellular networks user association rate allocation http adaptive streaming matching algorithm
Maintaining Power by Guarding the Gates: Journalists' Perceptions of Audience Participation in Online Newspapers
作者 Ulrika Andersson 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第1期1-13,共13页
Focus on audience participation in online news media has increased rapidly in recent years. Online newspapers offer their audience several opportunities to participate, for example, by submitting comments on articles ... Focus on audience participation in online news media has increased rapidly in recent years. Online newspapers offer their audience several opportunities to participate, for example, by submitting comments on articles or uploading pictures/videos. Audience participation has also emerged as a fast growing research field: The motives for focusing on audience participation have been analyzed and the kind of participatory opportunities that news media offer the audience have been mapped. Also, questions on whether audience participation should be regarded as an advantage or disadvantage to professional journalism have been discussed. This study relates to the latter perspective as it examines media practitioners' perceptions of audience participation. By focusing on the case of Swedish newspaper journalists, this study analyzes how audience participation is perceived to affect journalistic work and to what extent such participation is believed to benefit journalism. Based on a representative survey of Swedish journalists, conducted in 2011-2012, and a survey of journalists working at three local morning papers in Sweden, conducted in 2009, the analyses reveal a rather ambivalence attitude to audience participation among the journalistic corps. 展开更多
关键词 audience participation online newspapers professional journalists editorial managers
Analogue Angels and Digital Diamonds: Tracing the Origins of New Media Art
作者 John Charles Ryan 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第6期430-448,共19页
This paper explores the key vocabularies, themes, ideas, artistic movements, and technological innovations contributing to the development of the digital arts over time. As new media theorists have argued, one of the ... This paper explores the key vocabularies, themes, ideas, artistic movements, and technological innovations contributing to the development of the digital arts over time. As new media theorists have argued, one of the defining features of the digital arts is the break-down of divisions between art forms, and between art and society (for example, Manovich 2001, 2005). This paper outlines how digital processes intersect with aesthetic and conceptual forms. Relevant frameworks, such as materiality, embodiment, hybridity, interactivity, and narrativity, form the origins of the genre. Digital artworks, like digital media, are interactive, participatory, dynamic, and customizable, incorporating shifting data flows and real-time user inputs (Paul 2003, 67). The customization of content and technology, as well as the recontextualization of information, characterize projects of digital art. 展开更多
Effective Learner-Lecturer Interaction Working With a Virtual Learning Environment
作者 Maria Luisa Renau Renau 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第7期1300-1305,共6页
Using the Internet to learn a language creates wide opportunities to enhance learning (Association of teachers of English in Catalonia (APAC), 2010). The Internet activities promote learners' self-monitoring abil... Using the Internet to learn a language creates wide opportunities to enhance learning (Association of teachers of English in Catalonia (APAC), 2010). The Internet activities promote learners' self-monitoring ability, encourage the use of multimedia and network technology, and develop students' cooperation and participation. During the latest years, there have been many changes in education as these new technologies, including VLEs (Virtual Learning Environments), which have become an important part in the teaching/learning process. According to Tech Terms Computer Dictionary (2012), VLE is a virtual classroom where teachers and students communicate. VLEs have evolved as at an early stage, they were only ways of transmitting information: Teachers uploaded the multimedia resources and students read this information. At a higher stage, VLEs have become interactive. This means that students become active. We have designed a virtual environment where students, weekly, must contribute their opinions and comments in response to a required activity uploaded by the teacher. In this paper, we describe this weekly task and analyze students' opinion about this planned activity. The students become an active subject in this field. In this paper, we show how VLEs are no longer a means of transmitting information but a means of interaction as well as a way of motivating our students to be involved in their learning process 展开更多
关键词 VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) computer science degree multimedia resources learner-lecturer interaction
Visualization of Understanding of Media Characteristics Using Analytic Hierarchy Process
作者 Yasushi Gotoh 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第10期563-567,共5页
The purpose of this study is to design a tool, adapted to students' individual contexts and to enable students to reflect on their understanding of media characteristics. AHP (analytic hierarchy process) is a struc... The purpose of this study is to design a tool, adapted to students' individual contexts and to enable students to reflect on their understanding of media characteristics. AHP (analytic hierarchy process) is a structured technique for organizing and analyzing complex decisions. Using AHP, students have to define appropriate criteria and priorities for using media. It is expected that students" understanding of the characteristics of different types of media will emerge through reflection. Seventy two university students took part in this research. They were asked to prioritize their ways.of obtaining information about current affairs using sets of media such as TV, books, newspapers and web pages, Twitter and Facebook. AHP enables us to visualize a "real" understanding of media characteristics and students can reflect on that basis. As far as "information sources and media" is concerned, a few students indicated that it was the information source itself that was important rather than the type of media. Our tool fulfils the role of encouraging this type of reflection. 展开更多
关键词 Media literacy VISUALIZATION understanding of media characteristics.
The Drawbacks and Related Strategies in Using of Multimedia in Practical Teaching
作者 Jie Xiong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第9期4-6,共3页
With the development of modem scientific technology, multimedia teaching as a new teaching method has got involved in the practical teaching. Making full use of this method will bring great benefits for English teachi... With the development of modem scientific technology, multimedia teaching as a new teaching method has got involved in the practical teaching. Making full use of this method will bring great benefits for English teaching. Besides the unique advantages and the present situations of multimedia applied in English teaching, it is more important for us to find out its drawbacks in practical teaching process, such as the ineffective application of multimedia by teachers. Then, the related strategies mast be put forward improving the teaching facilities of multimedia. This paper mainly discusses the related strategies in order to create a better teaching environment and facilitate the training of teachers. After studying this paper, we will have a good knowledge of the multimedia teaching. Consequently, we can apply the multimedia into the traditional teaching. Multimedia resources are also very useful for teachers to meet the requirements in our modem society. Meanwhile, it will promote the teaching reform and improve the level of education in our country. 展开更多
关键词 multimedia resources: English teaching drawbacks and strategies
SMR—24和SMR—25 DVB卫星源媒体路由器
《世界宽带网络》 2003年第7期74-74,共1页
关键词 SkyStream公司 SMR-24 SMR-25 DVB 卫星媒体路由器
中国国际重要滨海湿地生态系统文化服务空间分异归因研究 被引量:2
作者 钟敬秋 高梦凡 +2 位作者 赵玉青 彭帅 王梦婷 《地理学报》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期76-96,共21页
滨海湿地作为海陆交互作用关键区域,具有高度生态敏感性,日益加剧的气候变化与频繁的人类活动对其资源可持续利用带来了巨大挑战。生态系统文化服务(CESs)作为桥接自然环境与人类社会的无形纽带,在海洋与海岸带综合管理中发挥重要作用... 滨海湿地作为海陆交互作用关键区域,具有高度生态敏感性,日益加剧的气候变化与频繁的人类活动对其资源可持续利用带来了巨大挑战。生态系统文化服务(CESs)作为桥接自然环境与人类社会的无形纽带,在海洋与海岸带综合管理中发挥重要作用。为此,本文在建立CESs参与滨海湿地资源可持续管理理论框架基础上,将多源社交媒体照片与MaxEnt模型相结合,以9处中国国际重要滨海湿地为例开展实证研究。研究结果表明:①从各CESs均值水平来看,生物多样性服务能力最强的滨海湿地为广西山口红树林湿地(0.222),其高水平面积为61.218 km^(2),占比27%;历史服务能力最强的是福建漳江口红树林湿地(0.336),其高水平面积为9.037 km^(2),占比17%;科教服务能力最强的是天津北大港湿地(0.092),其高水平面积为70.981 km^(2),占比11%;游憩服务能力最强的是福建漳江口红树林湿地(0.350),高水平区面积为9.037 km^(2),占比17%。②从各CESs空间分异格局来看,生物多样性服务高水平较显著区位于广西山口红树林湿地东部和中部地区;历史服务高水平较显著区位于福建漳江口红树林湿地西部和东部地区;科教服务高水平较显著区位于天津北大港湿地西部地区;游憩服务高水平较显著区位于福建漳江口红树林湿地河口地区。③从环境变量对CESs贡献率来看,距自然保护区距离、土地利用类型和距鸟类栖息地距离是影响生物多样性服务格局分异的主要因素;而距基础设施距离、距道路距离和距鸟类栖息地距离均对9处滨海湿地历史服务、科教服务和游憩服务产生显著影响。④根据区域和国家战略、CESs均值高低及CESs类型权衡,本文将9处滨海湿地划分为生态修复导向型、生态文化振兴型和生态产业融合型3类发展模式,以期为海洋与海岸带综合治理研究及实践提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统文化服务 滨海湿地 社交媒体数据 MaxEnt模型 海岸带可持续管理
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