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子晕源流考 被引量:1
作者 姜德友 高山 +1 位作者 童丹蕾 周雪明 《辽宁中医杂志》 2023年第12期48-50,共3页
子晕为妊娠期出现以头晕目眩,状若眩冒,甚至眩晕欲厥为主要临床表现的疾病。作者通过系统梳理历代重要医籍,分析历代医家对子晕病名、病因病机、辨证论治的论述,对子晕的源流进行考证,治法进行总结,以期方便查阅及指导临床。关于子晕的... 子晕为妊娠期出现以头晕目眩,状若眩冒,甚至眩晕欲厥为主要临床表现的疾病。作者通过系统梳理历代重要医籍,分析历代医家对子晕病名、病因病机、辨证论治的论述,对子晕的源流进行考证,治法进行总结,以期方便查阅及指导临床。关于子晕的认识,首见于汉代张仲景《金匮要略·妊娠病脉证并治》;后至明代,王肯堂《女科证治准绳·胎前门》首次将子晕列为独立病名。归纳子晕的历史脉络,其病因病机概括为痰阻气逆、热毒生风、阴虚火旺、气血两虚;治法以虚者健脾化痰、实者理气化痰、伴热毒上攻者清热涤痰祛风、虚火上扰者滋阴降火、气血不足者补益气血为主。 展开更多
关键词 子晕 病名 病因病机 治疗 源流
作者 邓铁如 徐元英 崔莉莉 《宁夏大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2002年第3期246-247,251,共3页
关键词 观测效应 中微振荡 简并费米气体 自引力体系 中微子晕 广义相对论 天体物理
自拟平肝滋肾方治疗肝肾阴虚型子晕验案举隅 被引量:2
作者 苏昭 王哲 《内蒙古中医药》 2017年第5期44-45,共2页
妊娠期高血压属于中医妇科学子晕的范畴,妊娠期高血压疾病是最常见的妊娠期特有疾病,具有发病率高、进展迅速、死亡率高的特点,是一种严重危害母婴健康的疾病。现介绍自拟平肝滋肾方治疗肝肾阴虚型子晕的经验,临床取得较好疗效,延缓疾... 妊娠期高血压属于中医妇科学子晕的范畴,妊娠期高血压疾病是最常见的妊娠期特有疾病,具有发病率高、进展迅速、死亡率高的特点,是一种严重危害母婴健康的疾病。现介绍自拟平肝滋肾方治疗肝肾阴虚型子晕的经验,临床取得较好疗效,延缓疾病的进展。 展开更多
关键词 子晕 妊娠期高血压疾病 平肝滋肾方 肝肾阴虚
天麻钩藤饮加减治疗肝阳上亢型子晕40例 被引量:2
作者 叶晓云 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2010年第12期223-224,共2页
目的 观察天麻钩滕饮加减治疗肝阳上亢型子晕患者的疗效.方法 对肝阳上亢型子晕患者通过辨证论治,进行回顾分析.结果 40例患者痊愈36例,显效3例,无效1例.结论 肝阳上亢型子晕患者,属于产科重症之一,采用天麻钩滕饮加减治疗,效果显著.
关键词 天麻钩藤饮 盰阳上亢 子晕 中医妇产科学
作者 向守平 高建功 《新疆工学院科研论文选编》 1989年第1期127-131,共5页
关键词 星系 中微子晕 恒星 谱线移动 分布
作者 高建功 Ruffi.,R 《新疆工学院科研论文选编》 1989年第2期1-3,共3页
关键词 宇宙学 大质量 子晕
中药防治妊娠期高血压病的疗效观察 被引量:6
作者 赵伟 秦小佩 景琦 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2012年第9期142-143,共2页
目的评定中医药在防治妊娠期高血压疾病中的疗效。方法对在我院进行正规孕检的620例孕妇进行妊娠期高血压疾病预测。结果阳性者108例,随机分为实验组与对照组。实验组给予中医药治疗,对照组常规服用钙剂。结果实验组经中医药干预,最终... 目的评定中医药在防治妊娠期高血压疾病中的疗效。方法对在我院进行正规孕检的620例孕妇进行妊娠期高血压疾病预测。结果阳性者108例,随机分为实验组与对照组。实验组给予中医药治疗,对照组常规服用钙剂。结果实验组经中医药干预,最终发展为妊娠期高血压疾病例数为15例,对照组妊娠期高血压疾病发病人数为27例,2组比较P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义。2组平均动脉压、尿酸、尿钙、抗心磷脂抗体多项检测指标比较,差异亦有显著意义(P<0.05)。结论中医药在防治妊娠期高血压疾病中疗效显著。 展开更多
关键词 妊娠期高血压 子晕 中药疗法
作者 卢雪莲 王琼 李平平 《光明中医》 2013年第1期31-32,共2页
目的了解妊娠期高血压疾病的中医证型分布,为进一步分析该病临床多证型之间的联系作初步探讨。方法对符合妊娠期高血压疾病西医诊断标准的患者进行中医症状分级量化评分,然后进行中医辨证分型,分析中医证候分型的分布情况,并探讨其规律... 目的了解妊娠期高血压疾病的中医证型分布,为进一步分析该病临床多证型之间的联系作初步探讨。方法对符合妊娠期高血压疾病西医诊断标准的患者进行中医症状分级量化评分,然后进行中医辨证分型,分析中医证候分型的分布情况,并探讨其规律。结论 120例妊娠期高血压疾病患者中,肝旺证有55例,占总病例数的45.8%;脾虚证有51例,占总病例数的42.5%;肾虚证有14例,占总病例数的11.7%。 展开更多
关键词 子晕 妊娠期高血压疾病 中医证型分布
平肝熄风汤辅助治疗妊娠期高血压临床观察 被引量:1
作者 魏春云 《光明中医》 2021年第14期2292-2294,共3页
目的观察平肝熄风汤联合硫酸镁治疗妊娠期高血压的疗效并探讨其作用机制。方法选取2019年1月—2019年12月收治的120例妊娠期高血压患者为研究对象,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组60例。对照组予以硫酸镁治疗,观察组在对照组基础上加用平... 目的观察平肝熄风汤联合硫酸镁治疗妊娠期高血压的疗效并探讨其作用机制。方法选取2019年1月—2019年12月收治的120例妊娠期高血压患者为研究对象,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组60例。对照组予以硫酸镁治疗,观察组在对照组基础上加用平肝熄风汤,2组均持续治疗7 d;比较2组临床疗效、血压改善情况及胎盘组织转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)表达水平,并统计妊娠结局。结果治疗后,观察组总有效率(95.00%)高于对照组(81.67%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后,观察组舒张压、收缩压均明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后,观察组胎盘组织TGF-β1、VEGF表达水平明显低于对照组(P<0.05),MMP-9表达水平明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。妊娠结局对比,观察组胎儿窘迫、胎儿生长受限、新生儿窒息发生率均明显低于对照组(P<0.05);2组低体质量儿发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论平肝熄风汤联合硫酸镁治疗妊娠期高血压疗效显著,可更好地控制血压,下调TGF-β1、VEGF表达及上调MMP-9表达,降低新生儿不良妊娠结局发生率。 展开更多
关键词 子晕 妊娠期高血压 平肝熄风汤 硫酸镁 中医药疗法
作者 钟锐 《创新作文(小学3-4年级)》 2016年第3期22-25,共4页
“抄作业大王”这个外号是左小旗的同桌龙雯雯给他取的。嘿,这件事还是从一个星期前说起吧。那天早上,像往常一样,左小旗刚进教室,便朝牛奔大叫:“喂,胖牛,快把你的作业拿过来。”“别急呀,我还没有做完呢!”牛奔埋头赶着写作业,一副... “抄作业大王”这个外号是左小旗的同桌龙雯雯给他取的。嘿,这件事还是从一个星期前说起吧。那天早上,像往常一样,左小旗刚进教室,便朝牛奔大叫:“喂,胖牛,快把你的作业拿过来。”“别急呀,我还没有做完呢!”牛奔埋头赶着写作业,一副火烧火燎的样子。“啊?”左小旗慌了。 展开更多
关键词 想不起 学习委员 人的眼睛 吃黄连 让左 可真 魔法师 神功 子晕 结界
作者 甲蕤 赵鸣 《市场研究》 2000年第11期40-42,共3页
在三门峡市电业局家属院,有这样一个特殊家庭:一个男人与他离异的前妻和现妻共同生活在一起,男的叫王铁锚,今年56岁,是电业局的职工;他的前妻叫王秀梅,今年55岁,因车祸高位截瘫已卧床8年;他的现妻叫狄漂霞,今年44岁,日常“工作”是照顾... 在三门峡市电业局家属院,有这样一个特殊家庭:一个男人与他离异的前妻和现妻共同生活在一起,男的叫王铁锚,今年56岁,是电业局的职工;他的前妻叫王秀梅,今年55岁,因车祸高位截瘫已卧床8年;他的现妻叫狄漂霞,今年44岁,日常“工作”是照顾王秀梅。请看—— 展开更多
关键词 特殊家庭 悲喜 铁锚 电业局 家属院 居委会 三门峡市 子晕 粗称 体锥
作者 凌子 《安全与健康》 2002年第7X期18-18,共1页
关键词 事务管理局 张先 安全行车 下龙湾 子晕 在职期间 股份企业 车辆安全 福州市委 跟车
Nonlinear Control of Beam Halo-Chaos in Accelerator-Driven Clean Nuclear Power System 被引量:2
作者 FANGJin-Qing CHENGuan-Rong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第6期675-681,共7页
Beam halo-chaos in high-current accelerators has become a key concerned issue because it can cause excessive radioactivity from the accelerators therefore significantly limits their applications in industry,medicine,a... Beam halo-chaos in high-current accelerators has become a key concerned issue because it can cause excessive radioactivity from the accelerators therefore significantly limits their applications in industry,medicine,and national defense.Some general engineering methods for chaos control have been developed in recent years,but they generally are unsuccessful for beam halo-chaos suppression due to many technical constraints.Beam halo-chaos is essentially a spatiotemporal chaotic motion within a high power proton accelerator.In this paper,some efficient nonlinear control methods,including wavelet function feedback control as a special nonlinear control method,are proposed for controlling beam halo-chaos under five kinds of the initial proton beam distributions (i.e.,Kapchinsky-Vladimirsky,full Gauss,3-sigma Gauss,water-bag,and parabola distributions) respectively.Particles-in-cell simulations show that after control of beam halo-chaos,the beam halo strength factor is reduced to zero,and other statistical physical quantities of beam halo-chaos are doubly reduced.The methods we developed is very effective for suppression of proton beam halo-chaos in a periodic focusing channel of accelerator.Some potential application of the beam halo-chaos control in experiments is finally pointed out. 展开更多
关键词 proton beam HALO-CHAOS nonlinear control wavelet-based feadback controller
作者 王岚 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期57-66,共10页
伴随N体数值模拟精度的不断提高,不仅暗物质晕的成长历史可以被追踪,位于暗物质晕势场中的子暗晕的成长历史也能够被追踪.与暗物质晕相比,子暗晕和星系的关联更为紧密.由此发展出一系列以子暗晕为基础的研究星系与子暗晕统计联系的研究... 伴随N体数值模拟精度的不断提高,不仅暗物质晕的成长历史可以被追踪,位于暗物质晕势场中的子暗晕的成长历史也能够被追踪.与暗物质晕相比,子暗晕和星系的关联更为紧密.由此发展出一系列以子暗晕为基础的研究星系与子暗晕统计联系的研究工作.这类方法介于传统的暗晕占据分布模型和星系形成半解析模型之间.星系的位置和速度通过追踪数值模拟中的子暗晕的轨道和并合历史来预言.星系的物理性质如恒星成分质量、光度、颜色等由统计的参数化模型和其所在暗晕/子暗晕的性质直接联系起来,而并不通过模拟具体的恒星形成以及反馈等过程确定.本文总结并介绍这类星系与子暗晕的统计联系的方法,举例说明典型模型的建立过程,并指出星系-子暗晕关联模型的优势和应用时需要注意的问题. 展开更多
关键词 星系 暗物质
Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry of Ten Alcohols 被引量:3
作者 Hai-yan Han Hong-meiWang +4 位作者 Hai-he Jiang Michal Stano Martin Sabo Stefan Matejcik Yan-nan Chu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期605-610,J0001,J0002,共8页
Ion mobility spectra for ten alcohols have been studied in an ion mobility spectrometry apparatus equipped with a corona discharge ionization source. Using protonated water cluster ions as the reactant ions and clean ... Ion mobility spectra for ten alcohols have been studied in an ion mobility spectrometry apparatus equipped with a corona discharge ionization source. Using protonated water cluster ions as the reactant ions and clean air as the drift gas, the alcohols exhibit different product ion characteristic peaks in their ion mobility spectra. The detection limit for these alcohols is at low concentration pmol/L level according to the concentration calibration by exponential dilution method. Based on the measured ion mobilities, several chemical physics parameters of the ion-molecular interaction at atmosphere were obtained, including the ionic collision cross sections, diffusion coefficients, collision rate constants, and the ionic radii under the hard-sphere model approximation. 展开更多
关键词 Reduced mobility Hard-sphere model Ion molecular collision parameters
Properties of A=7-9 Drip-Line Nuclei in RMF Theory
作者 WANG Cheng-Bin DONG Tie-Kuang +1 位作者 REN Zhong-Zhou ZHU Zhi-Yuan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期895-898,共4页
The relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory is used to calculate the properties of A =7-9 drip-line nuclei ^7Li, ^7;9Be, ^8;9B, and ^9C. Systematic deviations between experimental and theoretical binding energies are f... The relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory is used to calculate the properties of A =7-9 drip-line nuclei ^7Li, ^7;9Be, ^8;9B, and ^9C. Systematic deviations between experimental and theoretical binding energies are found. Possible reasons of these systematic deviations are discussed in terms of pairing energy. The root-mean-square (rms) radii of matter distributions for these nuclei agree with the experimental data quite well. The one-proton halo structure in ^8B is reproduced well, and the two-proton halo in ^9C is predicted. The calculations show that the RMF theory is valid in studying the properties of light drip-line nuclei. 展开更多
关键词 RMF method drip-line nuclei nuclear structure
Exotic Structures of Odd-A Carbon Isotopes in the Deformed Relativistic Mean-FieldTheory
作者 JIANGWei-Zhou RENZhong-Zhou +2 位作者 ZHUZhi-Yuan WANGTing-Tai HEZe-Jun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期79-88,共10页
We study contributions of the pion meson and spatial component of the omega meson in the odd-A carbon isotopes. The pion and spatial omega provide small attractions in odd-A nuclei, giving rise to considerable influen... We study contributions of the pion meson and spatial component of the omega meson in the odd-A carbon isotopes. The pion and spatial omega provide small attractions in odd-A nuclei, giving rise to considerable influences on the single-particle energies rather than the bulk properties such as total binding energies, and root-mean-square (rms) radii. The ±? (spin) splittings, arising from the spatial omega, are large in <SUP>11</SUP>C and <SUP>13</SUP>C and drop as the isospin rises in odd-A carbon isotopes. As an isovector, the pion can shift slightly the relative potential depth of neutron and proton, contrary to the role of the rho meson. There is a general trend that both the pion and spatial omega fields reduce with the rise of isospin in the isotopic chain. From the normal nucleus to halo nucleus, an abnormal drop of the pion or spatial omega field may occur, as can be seen in <SUP>19</SUP>C, <SUP>15</SUP>C, and <SUP>21</SUP>C. 展开更多
关键词 halo nuclei relativistic mean-field theory
Multi-goal Control of Chaotic Connected Complex Networks 被引量:1
作者 FANG Jin-Qing LIU Qiang +2 位作者 LU Xin-Biao WANG Xiao-Fan LI Yong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第12期1461-1468,共8页
Beam transport network(BTN)with small world(SW)(so-called BTN-SW)and Lorenz chaotic connectednetwork with scale-free(SF)are taken as two typical examples,we proposed a global linear coupling and combined withlocal err... Beam transport network(BTN)with small world(SW)(so-called BTN-SW)and Lorenz chaotic connectednetwork with scale-free(SF)are taken as two typical examples,we proposed a global linear coupling and combined withlocal error feedback methods in sub-networks to realize multi-goal control method of halo and chaos in two networksabove.The simulation results show that the methods above is effective for any chaotic connected networks and has apotential of applications in based-halo-chaos secure communication. 展开更多
关键词 beam halo-chaos beam transport network multi-goal synchronization control method small-world effect scale-free property global linear coupling special linear feedback
Research of the Purifying of Welding Fume on the Spot with Corona Plasma
作者 Yansheng Du ChunduWu Jinyu Chu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第1期61-64,共4页
The welding fume has significant effects on the weld workers' health. In order to overwhelm the shortcomings of the control measures of the welding fume, the research of the purifying of welding fume on the spot was ... The welding fume has significant effects on the weld workers' health. In order to overwhelm the shortcomings of the control measures of the welding fume, the research of the purifying of welding fume on the spot was carried out. The purifying device was designed. The relationship between the corona discharge voltage and the purifying efficiency was investigated through experiments with different needle electrode numbers, different ring electrode numbers and different needle-plate distances. The results show that 5-needle double-ring electrode has the best efficiency; the purifying efficiency is increase with the lessening of the needle-plate distance and the increase of the discharge voltage. Using 5-needle double-ring electrode, the purifying efficiency reaches its maximum value 97.9% while the needle-plate distance is 6 cm, the discharge voltage is -35 kV. The purifying device has an excellent purifying effect on the welding fume. 展开更多
关键词 Corona plasma welding fume purifying on the spot.
Proton Elastic Scattering from ^14Be and Halo Effects
作者 GU Bai-Ping 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4X期711-716,共6页
The elastic scattering of p-^14Be system at Elab = 200 MeV is evaluated within the relativistic impulse approximation. We discuss the effects of the halo neutrons on the three observables of the elastic scattering sys... The elastic scattering of p-^14Be system at Elab = 200 MeV is evaluated within the relativistic impulse approximation. We discuss the effects of the halo neutrons on the three observables of the elastic scattering system, such as differential cross section dσ/ dΩ, analyzing power Ay and spin rotation Q. The results of the three observables of the elastic scattering of p-^14Be system are compared with those of p-^12C and p-^16O systems at the same energy as E1ab = 200 MeV. We have found that in the small angular region the Ay and Q, as well as dσ/dΩ, are quite sensitive to the nucleon density distributions on the surface of the target nucleus and offer some unique behaviors of halo nuclei. 展开更多
关键词 halo nuclei proton elastic scattering RIA differential cross section analyzing power spin rotation function
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