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作者 刘青 《新材料·新装饰》 2024年第21期151-154,共4页
引孔压桩法作为一种特殊地质条件下应用的沉桩法,以其施工快速、适应性强、环境影响小等优势,在特殊地质工程建设中得到越来越广泛的应用。文章对引孔压桩法在高层工业建筑地基施工中的实际应用进行了深入分析,介绍了引孔压桩法的工作... 引孔压桩法作为一种特殊地质条件下应用的沉桩法,以其施工快速、适应性强、环境影响小等优势,在特殊地质工程建设中得到越来越广泛的应用。文章对引孔压桩法在高层工业建筑地基施工中的实际应用进行了深入分析,介绍了引孔压桩法的工作原理和应用优势,然后通过结合某厂房建设项目实例,对其中应用引孔压桩法与其他桩型的施工效率、成本及质量控制情况进行对比,评估了引孔压桩法在实际工程中的经济和技术效益,并对其推广及未来发展趋势进行了展望。研究结果表明,应用引孔压桩法能有效减少施工噪声和振动,提高施工速度,同时保证工程质量,具有显著的社会和经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 建筑地基 挤土效应
注浆封孔测压法测定煤层瓦斯压力的实践 被引量:2
作者 杨夺 王创业 陈世江 《煤炭技术》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第7期267-268,共2页
对于煤层瓦斯涌出量、煤层瓦斯含量,起决定性作用的是瓦斯压力,也是煤层的瓦斯涌出与赋存的基本参数之一。针对五虎山煤矿9#煤层瓦斯压力利用注浆封控测压法进行现场测定,并对测试结果研究分析,同时对于测定瓦斯抽放和瓦斯涌出量的合理... 对于煤层瓦斯涌出量、煤层瓦斯含量,起决定性作用的是瓦斯压力,也是煤层的瓦斯涌出与赋存的基本参数之一。针对五虎山煤矿9#煤层瓦斯压力利用注浆封控测压法进行现场测定,并对测试结果研究分析,同时对于测定瓦斯抽放和瓦斯涌出量的合理设计提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 注浆封 瓦斯涌出量 瓦斯抽放
“短孔卸压降振法”对周边孔爆破减振效果的研究 被引量:2
作者 李梓源 王海亮 《隧道建设》 北大核心 2017年第3期315-320,共6页
为了解"短孔卸压降振法"对周边孔最大振速的影响程度,利用多自由面削减能量的原理,首先采用ANSYS-DYNA数值模拟软件对设置"卸压短孔"前后的断面模型进行计算分析,其次结合现场对设置"卸压短孔"前后的隧... 为了解"短孔卸压降振法"对周边孔最大振速的影响程度,利用多自由面削减能量的原理,首先采用ANSYS-DYNA数值模拟软件对设置"卸压短孔"前后的断面模型进行计算分析,其次结合现场对设置"卸压短孔"前后的隧道断面爆破试验,提取爆破后的振速图进行对比论证,从而得出设置"卸压短孔"前的断面爆破振速大于设置后的断面爆破振速的结论。结果表明:1)使用"短孔卸压降振法"后,断面周边孔振动速度有所降低;2)采用"短孔卸压降振法"进行控制爆破后,隧道开挖轮廓线成型平整,超欠挖现象显著减少。 展开更多
关键词 地铁隧道 周边爆破 降振 数值模拟 试验 振动速度
浅析深厚砂层地质情况下引孔压桩法施工技术 被引量:2
作者 廖文锋 《福建建材》 2018年第7期44-45,共2页
静压PHC管桩具有施工速度快、噪音小和无污染等优点,被广泛地运用于高层建筑的基础工程。但是由于静压桩机对施工场地要求较高,深厚砂层地质情况较难穿透,需要采用预先引孔的方法辅助静压管桩穿透深厚砂层。结合工程实例,对深厚砂层地... 静压PHC管桩具有施工速度快、噪音小和无污染等优点,被广泛地运用于高层建筑的基础工程。但是由于静压桩机对施工场地要求较高,深厚砂层地质情况较难穿透,需要采用预先引孔的方法辅助静压管桩穿透深厚砂层。结合工程实例,对深厚砂层地质情况下引孔压桩法施工技术进行详细地分析。实践表明,引孔压桩法能够有效地解决深厚砂层静压管桩无法穿透的技术难题,确保管桩施工质量。 展开更多
关键词 深厚砂层 施工技术 挤土效应
低透气性煤层顺层钻孔有效抽放半径的测定 被引量:4
作者 王星 王飞 +1 位作者 刘祥 郝亚兵 《工矿自动化》 北大核心 2014年第8期88-91,共4页
针对长平煤矿3号煤层低透气性的特征,通过改进封孔工艺,采用聚氨酯-膨胀水泥二次封孔方式,利用孔压法对该矿顺层钻孔瓦斯有效抽放半径进行了测定分析,准确测出了该矿顺层钻孔的有效抽放半径为2.5m,避免了瓦斯抽放过程中可能出现的空白... 针对长平煤矿3号煤层低透气性的特征,通过改进封孔工艺,采用聚氨酯-膨胀水泥二次封孔方式,利用孔压法对该矿顺层钻孔瓦斯有效抽放半径进行了测定分析,准确测出了该矿顺层钻孔的有效抽放半径为2.5m,避免了瓦斯抽放过程中可能出现的空白区和串孔、塌孔现象,为该矿瓦斯抽放钻孔的施工布置提供重要依据。 展开更多
关键词 低透气性煤层 顺层钻 工艺 有效抽放半径 孔压法
土质堤坝地震反应的简化有效应力计算方法 被引量:3
作者 岑威钧 眭峰 顾淦臣 《水力发电》 北大核心 2007年第12期35-37,共3页
详细介绍了一种简便计算土质堤坝地震过程中动孔隙水压力增长的方法--动孔压试验曲线法的基本原理和计算过程。利用该法对一土坝进行了考虑动孔压影响的非线性有效应力动力分析,预测了抗震加固前后大坝可能液化范围和坝坡稳定安全系数,... 详细介绍了一种简便计算土质堤坝地震过程中动孔隙水压力增长的方法--动孔压试验曲线法的基本原理和计算过程。利用该法对一土坝进行了考虑动孔压影响的非线性有效应力动力分析,预测了抗震加固前后大坝可能液化范围和坝坡稳定安全系数,并作比较分析。分析表明,动孔压试验曲线法应用简便,计算结果合理可靠。采用堆石压坡抗震措施能有效地减小大坝的液化度和可能液化范围,同时又能明显提高坝坡抗震的动力稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 土质堤坝 液化 坝坡稳定 隙水 试验曲线 抗震加固
真空联合堆载预压沉降与固结度的计算研究 被引量:3
作者 张世民 王秀婷 +1 位作者 崔耀 谭照芳 《科技通报》 2018年第3期69-74,共6页
软土地基监测对于信息化施工具有重要的指导意义。结合某真空联合堆载预压工程进行软基加固的监测数据,采用常用的方法推算最终沉降量和固结度,深入分析各种计算方法存在误差的原因,并对不同计算方法的适用性和局限性作出说明;通过对监... 软土地基监测对于信息化施工具有重要的指导意义。结合某真空联合堆载预压工程进行软基加固的监测数据,采用常用的方法推算最终沉降量和固结度,深入分析各种计算方法存在误差的原因,并对不同计算方法的适用性和局限性作出说明;通过对监测数据的分析,提出计算固结度时可将真空联合堆载预压法分为真空预压与堆载预压叠加的思路,从而建立由实测孔压—时间曲线推测固结度的孔压计算法。以期为今后的施工与监测工作提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 软土地基 真空联合堆载预 最终沉降量 固结度 计算
高层建筑静压预应力管桩施工初探 被引量:3
作者 马爱国 陈捷 霍丽芳 《浙江科技学院学报》 CAS 2013年第1期42-46,共5页
对高层桩基采用静力压桩法,依据地质状况、场地条件、最大压桩力、单桩极限承载力、入土深度、桩身强度、打桩顺序、用电量平衡、引孔压桩法等,并结合当地经验综合施工。静载效果分析极限承载力比最终压桩力提高了44%~79%。与钻孔灌注... 对高层桩基采用静力压桩法,依据地质状况、场地条件、最大压桩力、单桩极限承载力、入土深度、桩身强度、打桩顺序、用电量平衡、引孔压桩法等,并结合当地经验综合施工。静载效果分析极限承载力比最终压桩力提高了44%~79%。与钻孔灌注桩经济对比,大吨位管桩节省造价14%。 展开更多
关键词 静力 高层建筑 场地条件 最大桩力
不同地质条件下管桩引孔施工技术 被引量:2
作者 陈超鹏 林鸿致 《建筑安全》 2017年第8期46-48,共3页
关键词 桩基设计 施工
作者 王耀红 《燃料与化工》 1998年第1期37-38,共2页
关键词 粗苯 洗油 流量测量 板差 洗涤
作者 戴磊 段李宏 《工矿自动化》 北大核心 2022年第5期128-132,共5页
针对“双孔”法现场压渗测试技术采用单一方向的压渗测试,未考虑岩层裂隙的方向和各向异性特点,导致结果与复杂岩层多向受压的实际情况有较大差异的问题,采用“三孔”法现场压渗试验方法,分别对城郊煤矿二水平煤层F_(N-6)正断层进行了... 针对“双孔”法现场压渗测试技术采用单一方向的压渗测试,未考虑岩层裂隙的方向和各向异性特点,导致结果与复杂岩层多向受压的实际情况有较大差异的问题,采用“三孔”法现场压渗试验方法,分别对城郊煤矿二水平煤层F_(N-6)正断层进行了正向、反向压水试验。在典型巷道布置3个钻孔分别用于注水和监测水压,第1次压水试验为正向压水试验,第2次压水试验为反向压水试验。将水压监测孔水压和压渗流量明显随注水水压同步变化的点作为起始渗透特征点,对应的注水水压确定为起始导渗水压力,若注水水压按照设计值持续增大,测渗水压较注水水压小且保持稳定,注水流量相对稳定,则表明在原始状态下,现场岩层的抗渗能力极强,为隔水层,反之为导水裂隙。正向压水试验表明:在初始状态下F_(N-6)正断层上段的导水能力极其微弱,属于隔水层;随着注水水压升高,压水孔和水压监测孔间的岩体密集发生劈裂产生了裂隙,但规模较小,导水能力较弱,仅以微小裂隙的渗流为主。在反向压水试验过程中,导水通道数量较正向压水试验时有所增加,导致压水孔和水压监测孔间的压差降低,在水压监测孔和压水孔间形成了优势导水通道,只有超过临界导渗水压(F_(N-6)正断层的临界导渗水压为11 MPa)时才能形成实际的渗流状态。 展开更多
关键词 煤层底板突水 围岩隔水能力 原位测试 抗渗性能 双向渗测试 “三现场渗测试技术 正向 反向
作者 吕云龙 《煤炭与化工》 CAS 2023年第4期18-21,共4页
针对单侯煤矿首采区一煤西翼工作面底板破坏情况,基于矿井地质条件,分析工作面底板支承压力作用下底板破坏规律,并建立底板最大深度表达式,确定底板最大破坏深度30.68 m,通过井下俯孔压水试验法进行现场验证,确定工作面底板实际破坏最... 针对单侯煤矿首采区一煤西翼工作面底板破坏情况,基于矿井地质条件,分析工作面底板支承压力作用下底板破坏规律,并建立底板最大深度表达式,确定底板最大破坏深度30.68 m,通过井下俯孔压水试验法进行现场验证,确定工作面底板实际破坏最大深度31.7 m,相关结论可为工作面底板围岩控制提供指导。 展开更多
关键词 支承 底板破坏最大深度 井下俯水试验
Geostress measurements near fault areas using borehole stress-relief method 被引量:5
作者 黄明清 吴爱祥 +1 位作者 王贻明 韩斌 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第11期3660-3665,共6页
To minimize negative effects of geostress distribution on mining safety near the fault areas, the UPM40 triaxial geostress testing system was introduced to conduct in-situ geostress measurements at three sites and nin... To minimize negative effects of geostress distribution on mining safety near the fault areas, the UPM40 triaxial geostress testing system was introduced to conduct in-situ geostress measurements at three sites and nine points by the borehole stress-relief method. The results of strain?confining pressure curves show that rock masses at the three measuring sites exhibit comprehensive linear elasticity in spite of various fissures or cracks within rocks. Horizontal and vertical stress components distribute discrepantly near the fault areas, and the maximum lateral pressure coefficient is as high as 6.15. The maximum principle stress ranges from 8.01 to 14.93 MPa, and stress directions are in the range of N78.07°W?N17.55°W. Geostresses near fault areas are dominated by the horizontal tectonic stresses, while the lower values, compared to those under similar geological conditions are due to stress release by the fault. Additionally, the fault and shear stress nearby are partially responsible for asymmetric elongation and southwesterly migration of orebodies. 展开更多
关键词 fault areas geostress distribution borehole stress-relief method lateral pressure coefficient horizontal tectonic stress
Iatrogenic colorectal perforation induced by anorectal manometry:Report of two cases after restorative proctectomy for distal rectal cancer 被引量:4
作者 Jun-Seok Park Sung-Bum Kang +3 位作者 Duck-Woo Kim Na-Young Kim Kyoung-Ho Lee Young-Hoon Kim 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第45期6112-6114,共3页
There are no reports regarding perforation of the colorectum induced by anorectal manometry. We report two cases of colorectal perforation that occurred during manometry in the patients undergoing restorative proctect... There are no reports regarding perforation of the colorectum induced by anorectal manometry. We report two cases of colorectal perforation that occurred during manometry in the patients undergoing restorative proctectomy for distal rectal cancer. In the first patient, computed tomography showed an extraperitoneal perforation in the pelvic cavity and a rupture of the rectal wall. A localized perforation into the retroperitoneum was managed conservatively. In the second patient, a 3 cm linear colon rupture was detected above the anastomotic site. A primary closure of the perforated colon and proximal ileostomy were conducted, but the patient died 2 wk later. We hypothesize that the perforation induced by anorectal manometry may be associated with the relative weakening of the proximal bowel wall due to anastomosis, decreased compliance, and abnormal rectal sensation. We suggest that measurement of the maximum tolerable volume should not be routinely performed alter restorative proctectomy for distal rectal cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Iatrogenic perforation Anorectal manometry Rectal cancer Low anterior resection
流量测量仪表的防腐实践 被引量:2
作者 郭恭厚 《石油化工自动化》 CAS 2003年第3期98-99,共2页
关键词 流量测量 测量仪表 防腐 氯碱企业 玻璃转子流量计 板差 电磁流量计
Three-dimensional consolidation deformation analysis of porous layered soft soils considering asymmetric effects 被引量:1
作者 张治国 黄茂松 王卫东 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期3639-3647,共9页
Long-term settlements for underground structures, such as tunnels and pipelines, are generally observed after the completion of construction in soft clay. The soil consolidation characteristic has great influences on ... Long-term settlements for underground structures, such as tunnels and pipelines, are generally observed after the completion of construction in soft clay. The soil consolidation characteristic has great influences on the long-term deformation for underground structures. A three-dimensional consolidation analysis method under the asymmetric loads is developed for porous layered soil based on Biot's classical theory. Time-displacement effects can be fully considered in this work and the analytical solutions are obtained by the state space approach in the Cartesian coordinate. The Laplace and double Fourier integral transform are applied to the state variables in order to reduce the partial differential equations into algebraic differential equations and easily obtain the state space solution. Starting from the governing equations of saturated porous soil, the basic relationship of state space variables is established between the ground surface and the arbitrary depth in the integral transform domain. Based on the continuity conditions and boundary conditions of the multi-layered pore soil model, the multi-layered pore half-space solutions are obtained by means of the transfer matrix method and the inverse integral transforms. The accuracy of proposed method is demonstrated with existing classical solutions. The results indicate that the porous homogenous soils as well as the porous non-homogenous layered soils can be considered in this proposed method. When the consolidation time factor is 0.01, the value of immediate consolidation settlement coefficient calculated by the weighted homogenous solution is 27.4% bigger than the one calculated by the non-homogeneity solution. When the consolidation time factor is 0.05, the value of excess pore water pressure for the weighted homogenous solution is 27.2% bigger than the one for the non-homogeneity solution. It is shown that the material non-homogeneity has a great influence on the long-term settlements and the dissipation process of excess pore water pressure. 展开更多
关键词 three-dimensional consolidation deformation porous layered soils asymmetric loads long-term deformation prediction transfer matrix method
Computation of one—dimensional consolidation of double layered ground using differential quadrature method 被引量:6
作者 王宏志 陈云敏 黄博 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第2期195-201,共7页
The authors give the solution to the problem of one-dimensional conso l idation of double-layered ground with the use of the differential quadrature me t hod. Case studies showed that the computational results for por... The authors give the solution to the problem of one-dimensional conso l idation of double-layered ground with the use of the differential quadrature me t hod. Case studies showed that the computational results for pore-water pressure in soil layer agreed with those of analytical solution; and that in the computat ional results for the interface of soil layer also agreed with those of the anal ytical solution except for the small discrepancies during shortly after the star t of computation. The advantages of the solution presented in this paper are tha t compared with the analytical solution, it avoids the cumbersome work in solvin g the transcendental equation for eigenvalues, and in the case of the Laplace transform s olution, it can resolve the precision problem in the numerical solution of long time inverse Laplace transform. Because of the matrix form of the solution in th is paper, it is convenient for formulating computational program for engineering practice. The formulas for calculating double-layered ground consolidation may be easily extended to the case of multi-layered soils. 展开更多
关键词 Double-layered ground One-dimensional consolidat ion Differential quadrature method
Synthesis and structural characterization of macroporous bioactive glass 被引量:1
作者 周智华 阮建明 +2 位作者 邹俭鹏 周忠诚 申雄军 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第3期301-304,共4页
Porous sol-gel glass of CaO-SiO2-P2O5 system with macropores larger than 100 μm was prepared by adding stearic acid as pore former when the sintering was carried out at 700 ℃ for 3h.The sol-gel porous glass shows an... Porous sol-gel glass of CaO-SiO2-P2O5 system with macropores larger than 100 μm was prepared by adding stearic acid as pore former when the sintering was carried out at 700 ℃ for 3h.The sol-gel porous glass shows an amorphous structure. The diameter of the pore created by pore former varies from 100 to 300 μm, and macroporous glass has a narrow and small pore size distribution in mesoporous scale. The porosity and pore size of macroporous bioactive glass can be controlled. 展开更多
关键词 macroporous glass sol-gel method SYNTHESIS structural characterization
Technology and application of pressure relief and permeability increase by jointly drilling and slotting coal 被引量:8
作者 Lin Baiquan Zhang Jianguo +2 位作者 Shen Chunming Zhang Qizhi Sun Chen 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第4期545-551,共7页
Difficulties with soft coal seams having a high gas content and high stress levels can be addressed by a technology of pressure relief and permeability increase.Slotting the seam by auxiliary drilling with a water jet... Difficulties with soft coal seams having a high gas content and high stress levels can be addressed by a technology of pressure relief and permeability increase.Slotting the seam by auxiliary drilling with a water jet that breaks the coal and slots the coal seam during the process of retreat drilling achieves pressure relief and permeability increase.Improved efficiency of gas extraction from a field test,high gas coal seam was observed.Investigating the theory of pressure relief and permeability increase required analyzing the characteristics of the double power slotting process and the effects of coal pressure relief and permeability increase.The influence of confining pressure on coal physical properties was examined by using FLAC3D software code to simulate changes of coal stress within the tool destruction area.The double power joint drilling method was modeled.Field experiments were performed and the effects are analyzed.This research shows that there is an ''islanding effect'' in front of the joint double power drill and slotting equipment.The failure strength of the coal seam is substantially reduced within the tool destruction area.Drilling depths are increased by 72% and the diameter of the borehole is increased by 30%.The amount of powdered coal extracted from the drill head increases by 17 times when using the new method.A 30 day total flow measurement from the double power drilled and slotted bores showed that gas extraction increased by 1.3 times compared to the standard drilled bores.Gas concentrations increased from 30% to 60% and were more stable so the overall extraction efficiency increased by a factor of two times. 展开更多
关键词 Collaborative drillingDouble powerSlottingPressure relief and permeability increase
Numerical and theoretical verification of modified cam-clay model and discussion on its problems 被引量:1
作者 戴自航 秦志忠 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期3305-3313,共9页
Isotropic consolidation test and consolidated-undrained triaxial test were first undertaken to obtain the parameters of the modified cam-clay(MCC)model and the behavior of natural clayey soil.Then,for the first time,n... Isotropic consolidation test and consolidated-undrained triaxial test were first undertaken to obtain the parameters of the modified cam-clay(MCC)model and the behavior of natural clayey soil.Then,for the first time,numerical simulation of the two tests was performed by three-dimensional finite element method(FEM)using ABAQUS program.The consolidated-drained triaxial test was also simulated by FEM and compared with theoretical results of MCC model.Especially,the behaviors of MCC model during unloading and reloading were analyzed in detail by FEM.The analysis and comparison indicate that the MCC model is able to accurately describe many features of the mechanical behavior of the soil in isotropic consolidation test and consolidated-drained triaxial test.And the MCC model can well describe the variation of excess pore water pressure with the development of axial strain in consolidated-undrained triaxial test,but its ability to predict the relationship between axial strain and shear stress is relatively poor.The comparison also shows that FEM solutions of the MCC model are basically identical to the theoretical ones.In addition,Mandel-Cryer effect unable to be discovered by the conventional triaxial test in laboratories was disclosed by FEM.The analysis of unloading-reloading by FEM demonstrates that the MCC model disobeys the law of energy conservation under the cyclic loading condition if the elastic shear modulus is linearly pressure-dependent. 展开更多
关键词 modified cam-clay (MCC) model isotropic consolidation test consolidated-undrained triaxial test consolidated-drained triaxial test Mandel-Cryer effect energy conversation
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