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作者 张洪斌 《交通世界》 2016年第4期150-151,共2页
关键词 孔径型桥梁 钻孔灌注桩 施工质量 控制要点
孔径型超分辨近场结构光盘的掩膜热效应分析 被引量:4
作者 沈全洪 徐端颐 +2 位作者 齐国生 胡恒 刘嵘 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期4718-4722,共5页
基于高斯聚焦激光束热效应的超分辨近场结构光盘存储(孔径型Super_RENS)中,应用光学特性导纳矩阵建立的盘片光传导模型,采用有限元分析软件FEMLAB对不同激光功率和脉宽下的Sb掩膜层的孔径形成情况进行数值仿真.结果表明,当一定脉宽的激... 基于高斯聚焦激光束热效应的超分辨近场结构光盘存储(孔径型Super_RENS)中,应用光学特性导纳矩阵建立的盘片光传导模型,采用有限元分析软件FEMLAB对不同激光功率和脉宽下的Sb掩膜层的孔径形成情况进行数值仿真.结果表明,当一定脉宽的激光功率超过介质的阈值时,掩膜层将有超分辨孔径形成,且孔径大小随功率的增大而增大.理论分析与孔径型Super_RENS光盘样片在不同激光功率下进行写入的实验结果相符,说明光热效应可以较好地描述孔径型Super_RENS光盘掩膜层孔径形成的过程. 展开更多
关键词 光存储 孔径型 超分辨近场结构 光热效应 孔径大小 热效应分析 光盘存储 SUPER-RENS 有限元分析软件 激光功率
孔径型超分辨近场结构光盘的电磁场分析 被引量:3
作者 沈全洪 徐端颐 +2 位作者 马建设 刘嵘 齐国生 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期1182-1186,共5页
采用三维时域有限差分(3D-FDTD)方法建立了孔径(TA)型超分辨近场结构(super-RENS)光盘的电磁场计算模型。计算中,用矢量基模高斯光束模型作为聚焦光束的近似,用Lorentz模型描述掩膜介质Sb和反射层介质A1在光频段的色散特性。对写入和读... 采用三维时域有限差分(3D-FDTD)方法建立了孔径(TA)型超分辨近场结构(super-RENS)光盘的电磁场计算模型。计算中,用矢量基模高斯光束模型作为聚焦光束的近似,用Lorentz模型描述掩膜介质Sb和反射层介质A1在光频段的色散特性。对写入和读出过程中的电场分布进行了理论分析,并与普通CD-R/W光盘进行了比较。理论计算结果很好地说明了TA型super-RENS光盘写入和读出时的电场分布特性,从本质上解释了超分辨率读写的机制,得到了和实验一致的结果。 展开更多
关键词 光存储 超分辨近场结构(super-RENS) 孔径(TA) 时域有限差分(FDTD)法 电磁场
撞针型高压小孔径离心式喷嘴的加湿性能 被引量:2
作者 王丽慧 周亚素 《暖通空调》 北大核心 2005年第8期75-78,共4页
关键词 撞针高压小孔径离心式喷嘴 加湿性能 喷水压力 喷水初温 喷嘴孔径 空气处理
国产光学型大孔径闪烁仪的技术性能分析 被引量:4
作者 李怀香 刘绍民 +2 位作者 施生锦 徐自为 朱忠礼 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期575-585,共11页
利用2009—2012年在北京密云、青海阿柔、河南济源、甘肃张掖、河北馆陶和沽源的野外对比试验数据,分析了国产光学型大孔径闪烁仪的观测精度、稳定性和一致性,为国产光学型大孔径闪烁仪的后续生产和改进提供科学依据。分析结果表明:(1)... 利用2009—2012年在北京密云、青海阿柔、河南济源、甘肃张掖、河北馆陶和沽源的野外对比试验数据,分析了国产光学型大孔径闪烁仪的观测精度、稳定性和一致性,为国产光学型大孔径闪烁仪的后续生产和改进提供科学依据。分析结果表明:(1)以德国BLS900闪烁仪观测值作为参考值,张掖巴吉滩3套和沽源站5套国产大孔径闪烁仪样机感热通量观测值的平均均方根误差分别为19.91 W·m^(-2)和9.81 W·m^(-2);样机感热通量观测值均值与涡动相关仪观测值比较,均方根误差分别为21.08 W·m^(-2)和12.87 W·m^(-2),表明国产大孔径闪烁仪具有较好的观测精度;(2)国产大孔径闪烁仪在高温、低温、高湿或低湿的恶劣天气条件下以及长时间序列的观测均具有较好的稳定性;(3)样机观测感热通量之间的回归斜率差异较大,为6%,相关系数大于0.98,表明国产大孔径闪烁仪的一致性较好。综上所述,国产光学型大孔径闪烁仪基本达到了国外同类仪器的性能水平。 展开更多
关键词 国产光学孔径闪烁仪 观测精度 稳定性 一致性
JJC-1E型孔径检测系统成孔质量检测 被引量:2
作者 王建坤 《江西建材》 2015年第3期196-196,共1页
伞形钻孔灌注桩孔径检测系统在施工检测中是一种较新的检测手段,重点介绍了JJC-1E型钻孔灌注桩孔径质量检测系统的工作原理,对不同类型灌注桩的成孔检测、数据采集及分析,实现了灌注桩成孔检测的数字化,提高了工程检测的效率和质量,具... 伞形钻孔灌注桩孔径检测系统在施工检测中是一种较新的检测手段,重点介绍了JJC-1E型钻孔灌注桩孔径质量检测系统的工作原理,对不同类型灌注桩的成孔检测、数据采集及分析,实现了灌注桩成孔检测的数字化,提高了工程检测的效率和质量,具有一定的推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 钻孔灌注桩 JJC-1E孔径质量检测系统 应用
作者 杨衿记 徐崇锐 +5 位作者 方良毅 黄玉娟 廖日强 黄逸生 周清 吴一龙 《中国医刊》 CAS 2008年第7期45-46,共2页
目的探讨多层大孔径CT模拟定位机引导下经胸粗针穿刺活检术在胸部疾病诊断与建设肿瘤组织标本库中的意义与安全性。方法接受多层大孔径CT模拟定位机引导下经胸粗针穿刺活检术的101例患者组织病理学诊断结果、留取肿瘤组织建设标本库及... 目的探讨多层大孔径CT模拟定位机引导下经胸粗针穿刺活检术在胸部疾病诊断与建设肿瘤组织标本库中的意义与安全性。方法接受多层大孔径CT模拟定位机引导下经胸粗针穿刺活检术的101例患者组织病理学诊断结果、留取肿瘤组织建设标本库及穿刺并发症进行回顾性分析。结果101例患者确诊肺癌89例(88.1%),恶性纵隔肿瘤3例(3.0%),肺良性疾病9例(8.9%)。首次穿刺确诊率达97.0%,敏感性、特异性、准确性、阳性预测值和阴性预测值分别是98%、100%、98%、100%和33%。发生气胸6例(5.9%),少量咯血47例(46.5%),血气胸1例(1.0%),没有针道种植转移病例。结论多层大孔径CT模拟定位机引导下经胸粗针穿刺活检术是一种安全、可靠的检查方法,对胸部疾病的诊断及建设标本库具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 胸内病灶 经胸粗针穿刺活检术 多层大孔径发射计算机 体层摄影
基于子孔径包络误差校正的SAR高精度运动补偿方法 被引量:3
作者 田雪 梁兴东 +1 位作者 李焱磊 董勇伟 《雷达学报(中英文)》 CSCD 2014年第5期583-590,共8页
目前,SAR正在向体积小、重量轻、功耗低的方向发展,由于受气流的影响,微小型SAR平台极易偏离理想航迹,大幅运动误差造成SAR图像质量严重下降,因此在微小型SAR成像处理过程中对运动误差的精确补偿十分重要。运动误差会造成包络误差和相... 目前,SAR正在向体积小、重量轻、功耗低的方向发展,由于受气流的影响,微小型SAR平台极易偏离理想航迹,大幅运动误差造成SAR图像质量严重下降,因此在微小型SAR成像处理过程中对运动误差的精确补偿十分重要。运动误差会造成包络误差和相位误差,传统运动补偿算法往往忽略包络误差的空变性,但是当运动误差幅度过大时空变的包络误差会对成像质量造成严重影响。该文提出与频分子孔径运动补偿算法相结合的包络误差校正方法,该方法消除了空变包络误差的影响,从而改善了成像质量。仿真和实测数据处理结果验证了该算法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 微小合成孔径雷达 距离多普勒算法 两步运动补偿 孔径方法 包络误差校正
Dual‑domain Joint Dense Multiple Small Ship Target Detection Algorithm for Spaceborne SAR Images
作者 JIA Peng DONG Tiancheng +3 位作者 WANG Taoyang ZHANG Guo SHENG Qinghong LI Jun 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 CSCD 2024年第6期725-738,共14页
Ship detection via spaceborne synthetic aperture radar(SAR)has become a research hotspot.However,existing small ship detection methods based on the radar signal domain and SAR image features cannot obtain highly accur... Ship detection via spaceborne synthetic aperture radar(SAR)has become a research hotspot.However,existing small ship detection methods based on the radar signal domain and SAR image features cannot obtain highly accurate results because of the obvious coherent speckle noise at sea and strong reflection interference from near‑shore objects.To resolve the above problems,this study proposes a dual‑domain joint dense multiple small ship target detection method for spaceborne SAR image that simultaneously detects objects in the image and frequency domains.This method uses an attention mechanism module and algorithm structure adjustments to improve the small ship target feature mining ability.In the frequency‑based image generation,extreme signal strength values are detected in the azimuth and range directions,with the results of the two complementing each other to realize dual‑domain joint small ship target detection.The comprehensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation results show that the proposed method can attain a final precision rate of 92.25%and achieve accurate results for SAR ship detection in open‑sea,coastal,and port area ships.The test results for the self‑built SAR small‑ship dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and universality of the method. 展开更多
关键词 synthetic aperture radar(SAR) small ship detection deep learning attention module YOLO dual‑domain joint
基于蚁群算法的二元光学优化设计 被引量:3
作者 李社蕾 李海涛 杨喜娟 《应用光学》 CAS CSCD 2008年第5期758-762,共5页
为了提高二元光学优化的速度,进一步提高衍射效率,提出一种采用蚁群算法直接设计二元衍射光学元件(BOE)的方法,构造出了用蚁群算法对具体的二元光学元件——矩形孔径多阶相位调制型光栅优化设计的有向图,用Matlab对其结果进行仿真,缩短... 为了提高二元光学优化的速度,进一步提高衍射效率,提出一种采用蚁群算法直接设计二元衍射光学元件(BOE)的方法,构造出了用蚁群算法对具体的二元光学元件——矩形孔径多阶相位调制型光栅优化设计的有向图,用Matlab对其结果进行仿真,缩短了运行时间,并使元件的衍射效率得到进一步提高。 展开更多
关键词 二元光学 矩形孔径多阶相位调制光栅 蚁群算法 优化设计
Comparison on Winter Wheat Yield Estimating Models Based on Radarsat-2 and HJ Satellite in Huaihe River Region 被引量:1
作者 范伟 陈磊 +2 位作者 陈娟 闫洪凯 刘韬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期1019-1023,共5页
The establishment of crop yield estimating model based on microwave and optical satellite images can conduct the mutual verification of the accuracy of the reported crop yield and the precision of the estimating model... The establishment of crop yield estimating model based on microwave and optical satellite images can conduct the mutual verification of the accuracy of the reported crop yield and the precision of the estimating model. With Shou County and Huaiyuan County of Anhui Province as the experimental fields of winter wheat producing areas, the linear winter wheat yield estimating models were established by adopting backscattering coefficient and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) based on images from the synthetic aperture radar(SAR)—RDARSAT-2 and HJ satellite photographed in mid-April and early May, 2014, and then comparisons were conducted on the accuracy of the yield estimating models. The accuracies of the yield estimating models established using co-polarized(HH) and cross-polarized(HV) modes of SAR in Jiangou Town, Shou County were 68.37% and 74.01%, respectively, while the accuracies in Longkang Town, Huaiyuan County were 63.10%and 69.10%, respectively. Accuracies of yield estimating models established by HJ satellite data were 69.52% and 66.43% in Shou County and Huaiyuan County, respectively. Accuracies of winter yield estimating model based on HJ satellite data and that based on SAR were closed, and the yield difference of winter wheat in the lodging region was analyzed in detail. The model results laid the foundation and accumulated experience for the verification, parameters correction and promotion of the winter wheat yield estimating model. 展开更多
关键词 Winter wheat yield estimating model Synthetic aperture radar RADARSAT-2 HJ satellite Model comparison
阶梯型纳米孔径的近场光学局域增强特性研究 被引量:1
作者 许吉英 王佳 田芊 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第10期1381-1387,共7页
提出一种高分辨力与高通光效率兼备的阶梯型纳米孔径设计方法 ,孔径的尺寸从膜层的入射表面向出射表面呈阶梯型逐渐减小 ,直到在膜层的出射表面形成一个亚波长的小孔。采用三维时域有限差分 (FDTD)方法对方形阶梯型纳米孔径及三角形阶... 提出一种高分辨力与高通光效率兼备的阶梯型纳米孔径设计方法 ,孔径的尺寸从膜层的入射表面向出射表面呈阶梯型逐渐减小 ,直到在膜层的出射表面形成一个亚波长的小孔。采用三维时域有限差分 (FDTD)方法对方形阶梯型纳米孔径及三角形阶梯型纳米孔径进行了数值模拟计算。结果表明 ,由于近场光学很强的局域场增强效应 ,其通光效率与输出光强极大值在具有相同近场光斑尺寸情况下 ,较普通的非阶梯型纳米孔径提高了两个数量级 ,甚至更高 ,有效地提高了输出光功率。采用四台阶三角形阶梯型纳米孔径 ,当光斑半峰全宽为 97nm× 74nm时 ,出射光强极大值达到 10 4 9.76 ,较入射光增强了 10 0 0倍 ,而通光效率大于 1,达到 1.6 7。这种阶梯型纳米孔径可以直接作为纳米孔径激光器的出射孔径提高其输出光功率 ,也可以作为独立的光学屏对入射光进行整形得到具有高输出功率的亚波长尺度光源 ,在纳米尺度光学成像、光谱探测、数据存储、光刻、光学操作等近场光学应用领域具有潜在的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 光学器件 阶梯纳米孔径 时域有限差分方法 近场光学 纳米孔径激光器
Successful application of optimized aperture based CRS stack in the Shengli exploration area 被引量:1
作者 隋风贵 隋淑玲 +3 位作者 李振春 孙小东 李芳 李栋 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第4期377-383,395,共8页
The common reflection surface (CRS) stack is based on the local dip of the reflector and the reflection response within the first Fresnel zone. During the CRS stack all the information given by a multi-coverage refl... The common reflection surface (CRS) stack is based on the local dip of the reflector and the reflection response within the first Fresnel zone. During the CRS stack all the information given by a multi-coverage reflection dataset can be successfully utilized. By now, it is known as the best zero-offset (ZO) imaging method. In this paper high quality CRS kinematic parameter sections are obtained by a modified CRS optimization strategy. Then stack apertures are calculated using the parameter sections which finally results in the realization of the CRS stack based on optimized aperture. Thus the advantages of CRS parameters are fully developed. Application to model and real seismic data reveals that, compared with the image section by a conventional CRS stack, the image section by CRS stack based on an optimized aperture improves both the signal-to-noise ratio and the continuity of reflection events. 展开更多
关键词 Common reflection surface zero-offset section kinematic parameters optimized aperturea
Trend analysis and comparison of basic parameters for tunnel blast design models 被引量:8
作者 Khalili Soroush Yavary Mehdi Ebrahimabadi Arash 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期595-599,共5页
One of the most important factors influencing on a tunnel blast efficiency is the proper design of blasting pattern. Among blasting parameters, blasthole diameter and tunnel face area are more significant so that any ... One of the most important factors influencing on a tunnel blast efficiency is the proper design of blasting pattern. Among blasting parameters, blasthole diameter and tunnel face area are more significant so that any change in these parameters could finally affect on specific charge and specific drilling. There are mainly two groups of methods for tunnel blast design categorized based on the parallel cuts and angular cuts. In this research, a software for tunnel blast design was developed to analyze the effect and sensitiveness of blasthole diameter and the tunnel face area on blasting results in different blast design models. Using the software, it is quickly possible to determine specific charge, specific drilling and number of blastholes for each blast design model. The relations between both of blasthole diameters and the tunnel face area with the above parameters in different blast design models were then investigated to yield a set of equations with the highest correlations to compare the methods. The results showed that angular method requires more blasthole numbers than parallel method in similar condition(blasthole diameter and tunnel face area). Moreover, the specific charge values yielded by the two methods are approximately the same and very close together. 展开更多
关键词 Blasting pattern Tunnel blast design models Specific drilling Specific charge
Synthetic aperture radar imaging based on attributed scatter model using sparse recovery techniques
作者 苏伍各 王宏强 阳召成 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期223-231,共9页
The sparse recovery algorithms formulate synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging problem in terms of sparse representation (SR) of a small number of strong scatters' positions among a much large number of potentia... The sparse recovery algorithms formulate synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging problem in terms of sparse representation (SR) of a small number of strong scatters' positions among a much large number of potential scatters' positions, and provide an effective approach to improve the SAR image resolution. Based on the attributed scatter center model, several experiments were performed with different practical considerations to evaluate the performance of five representative SR techniques, namely, sparse Bayesian learning (SBL), fast Bayesian matching pursuit (FBMP), smoothed 10 norm method (SL0), sparse reconstruction by separable approximation (SpaRSA), fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA), and the parameter settings in five SR algorithms were discussed. In different situations, the performances of these algorithms were also discussed. Through the comparison of MSE and failure rate in each algorithm simulation, FBMP and SpaRSA are found suitable for dealing with problems in the SAR imaging based on attributed scattering center model. Although the SBL is time-consuming, it always get better performance when related to failure rate and high SNR. 展开更多
关键词 attributed scatter center model sparse representation sparse Bayesian learning fast Bayesian matching pursuit smoothed l0 norm sparse reconstruction by separable approximation fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm
Two-sided Long Baseline Radargrammetry from Ascending Descending Orbits with Application to Mapping Post-seismic Topography in the West Sichuan Foreland Basin 被引量:3
作者 CHENG Hai-qin CHEN Qiang +2 位作者 LIU Guo-xiang YANG Ying-hui LIU Li-yao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期1298-1307,共10页
One-sided ascending or descending Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) stereoradargrammetry has limited accuracy of topographic mapping due to the short spatial baseline(-100 km) and small intersection angle. In order to... One-sided ascending or descending Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) stereoradargrammetry has limited accuracy of topographic mapping due to the short spatial baseline(-100 km) and small intersection angle. In order to improve the performance and reliability of generating digital elevation model(DEM) from spaceborne SAR radargrammetry, an exploration of two-sided stereoradargrammetry from the combination of ascending and descending orbits with geometric configuration of long spatial baseline(-1000 km) was conducted in this study. The slant-range geometry between SAR sensors to the earth surface and the Doppler positioning equations were employed to establish the stereoscopic intersection model. The measurement uncertainty of two-sided radargrammetric elevation was estimated on the basis of radar parallax of homogeneous points between input SAR images. Two stereo-pairs of ALOS/PALSAR(Advanced Land Observing Satellite/Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) acquisitions with the orbital separation almost 1080 km over the west Sichuan foreland basin with rolling topography in southwestern China were employed in the study to obtain the up-to-date terrain data after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake that hit this area. Thequantitative accuracy assessment of two-sided radargrammetric DEM was performed with reference to field GPS observations. The experimental results show that the elevation accuracy reaches 5.5 m without ground control points(GCPs) used, and the accuracy is further improved to 1.5 m with only one GPS GCP used as the least constraint. The theoretical analysis and testing results demonstrate that the twosided long baseline SAR radargrammetry from the ascending and descending orbits can be a very promising technical alternative for large-area and high accuracy topographic mapping. 展开更多
关键词 Ascending and descending orbits Twosided SAR radargrammetry Long baseline Image parallax Accuracy assessment
Quantitative Assessment of Remotely Sensed Global Surface Models Using Various Land Classes Produced from Landsat Data in Istanbul
作者 Naci YASTIKLI Umut G SEFERCIK Fatih ESIRTGEN 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期307-316,共10页
Digital elevation model (DEM) is the most popular product for three-dimensional (3D) digital representation of bare Earth surface and can be produced by many techniques with different characteristics and ground sa... Digital elevation model (DEM) is the most popular product for three-dimensional (3D) digital representation of bare Earth surface and can be produced by many techniques with different characteristics and ground sampling distances (GSD). Space-borne opti- cal and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging are two of the most preferred and modern techniques for DEM generation. Using them, global DEMs that cover almost entire Earth are produced with low cost and time saving processing. In this study, we aimed to assess the Satellite pour robservation de la Terre-5 (SPOT-5), High Resolution Stereoscopic (HRS), the Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) C-band global DEMs, produced with space-borne optical and SAR imaging. For the assessment, a reference DEM derived from 1 : 1000 scaled digital photogrammetric maps was used. The study is performed in 100 km2 study area in Istanbul including various land classes such as open land, forest, built-up land, scrub and rough terrain obtained from Landsat data. The analyses were realized considering three vertical accuracy types as fundamental, supplemental, and consolidated, defined by national digital elevation program (NDEP) of USA. The results showed that, vertical accuracy of SRTM C-band DEM is better than optical models in all three accuracy types despite having the largest grid spacing. The result of SPOT-5 HRS DEM is very close by SRTM and superior in comparison with ASTER models. 展开更多
关键词 digital elevation model (DEM) quantitative assessment Satellite pour l'observation de la Terre (SPOT) AdvancedSpace-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
Assessment Model of Atmosphere Transmitting Influence on High-resolution Airborne SAR Stereo Positioning
作者 ZHENG Zhaoqing PANG Lei CHEN Xuexing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第4期369-373,共5页
The influence derived from atmosphere transmitting of radar wave, in the application of high-resolution airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) stereo positioning, may produce some phase errors, and eventually be intr... The influence derived from atmosphere transmitting of radar wave, in the application of high-resolution airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) stereo positioning, may produce some phase errors, and eventually be introduced into positioning model. This paper described the principle of airborne SAR stereo positioning and the error sources of stereo positioning accuracy that arose from atmosphere transmitting, established a corresponding assess- ment model of atmosphere transmitting influence, and testified the model and the assessment principle taking the 1-m resolution airborne SAR images of Zigong City, Sichuan Province in China, as the test dataset. The test result has proved that the assessment model is reliable and reasonable. And, it has shown that the phase error arisen from time delay is the main error source during the atmosphere transmitting, which has much more influences on cross-track di- rection and introduces a stereo positioning error of about eight meters, but less on the along-track direction. 展开更多
关键词 airborne SAR atmosphere transmitting assessment model radar wave stereo positioning
Simulation Study on SAR Images of the Oceanic Internal Waves
作者 种劲松 李飞 欧阳越 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第1期37-40,共4页
Based on the research of Lynett and Liu, the horizontal fully two-dimensional, depth-integrated model for the internal wave propagation is re-deduced. By combining this model with the M4S model, the propagation proces... Based on the research of Lynett and Liu, the horizontal fully two-dimensional, depth-integrated model for the internal wave propagation is re-deduced. By combining this model with the M4S model, the propagation process of the internal waves is simulated in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. The simulation results clearly show the bottom effects during the propagation such as fission and isobaths-parallelized propagation direction. This simulation procedure can lay the foundation for the quantitative interpretation of internal waves from fully two-dimensional SAR images. 展开更多
关键词 SAR image simulation internal waves
Soil Pore Characterization Using Free Software and a Portable Optical Microscope 被引量:1
作者 L. F. PIRES F. S. BORGES +1 位作者 S. PASSONI A. B. PEREIRA 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期503-510,共8页
Total porosity (TP), determined by image analysis, pore type and pore size distribution were evaluated on impregnated soil blocks from an undisturbed Brazilian sandy loam soil using a digital portable optical micros... Total porosity (TP), determined by image analysis, pore type and pore size distribution were evaluated on impregnated soil blocks from an undisturbed Brazilian sandy loam soil using a digital portable optical microscope. The free software Image J (version 1.40g) was used for image analysis. Procedures for soil image collection and analysis were presented. The image analysis allowed the evaluation of pore sizes with diameters ranging from 20 to 〉 1 000 μm. The following types of pores were also obtained: rounded, elongated and intermediate. The results M[owed the characterization of the soil as moderately porous (TP = 21.6%). Rounded, intermediate and elongated pores were responsible for 11.6%, 31.7% and 56.7% of TP. In relation to pore size 51.1% of TP was in the 100-500μm size class and a third of TP came from the pores larger than 500μm. 展开更多
关键词 image analysis soil porosity soil structure pore size distribution
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