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作者 黄轶 《长江学术》 2023年第4期5-12,共8页
20世纪八九十年代以来,“价值重建和文学史重构”是文学研究的大命题,孔范今教授是这一领域卓有建树的重要学者。他认为,20世纪中国文学呈现出多次回旋式发展,文学研究要回到包含多重文本的“对象”本身,放在“历史的悖论性结构”中考量... 20世纪八九十年代以来,“价值重建和文学史重构”是文学研究的大命题,孔范今教授是这一领域卓有建树的重要学者。他认为,20世纪中国文学呈现出多次回旋式发展,文学研究要回到包含多重文本的“对象”本身,放在“历史的悖论性结构”中考量,《中国现代文学补遗书系》是其初步尝试,“大文学史”观呼之欲出。这一文学史重构思路在他1997年出版的《二十世纪中国文学史》中表现得更为清晰和缜密,他提出的“中国文学现代转型”是对20世纪中国文学“历时性”结构的“再发现”。进入21世纪以后,孔范今进一步提出了“现代新人文主义”观念,其主编的《中国现代新人文书系》和《中国现代文学史》完全打破了文学史依靠租赁社会政治史的时空而安身立命的建构思路,在多元现代转型中重彰“新人文主义”命题。他所谓的新人文主义“特指在中国历史、文化现代转型即现代过程中与理性主义、科学主义以及现代科技工商对生命与人性产生的异化力量抗衡的人文性文化倾向”,这是贯穿新文学始终的“共时性”结构。孔范今从“历时性”和“共时性”两个维度重塑了新文学发展和研究的坐标系,体现出一个卓越的人文学者宏阔深在的史家气魄。 展开更多
关键词 孔范 大文学史观 文学史重构 悖论性结构 多元现代转型 新人文主义
作者 吴子璇 《中国当代文学研究》 2023年第6期216-219,共4页
孔范今先生是中国现当代文学史研究的代表性学者,在将近半个世纪的学术生涯中,他著作等身,硕果累累,他关于现代文学史的起点和分期、历史结构的悖论性以及人文主义、人文文化的独特见解更是刷新了学界的传统认知,体现出他治史的学术雄... 孔范今先生是中国现当代文学史研究的代表性学者,在将近半个世纪的学术生涯中,他著作等身,硕果累累,他关于现代文学史的起点和分期、历史结构的悖论性以及人文主义、人文文化的独特见解更是刷新了学界的传统认知,体现出他治史的学术雄心和重构文学史的气魄。1997年孔范今主编的《二十世纪中国文学史》出版,该书提出了以人文主义作为文学史观建构的基础。2012年出版的《中国现代文学史》在人文主义的基础上,进一步完善了文学史观念的建构问题。 展开更多
关键词 中国现当代文学史 文学史观 《二十世纪中国文学史》 人文主义 人文文化 孔范 悖论性 学术生涯
作者 叶诚生 《百家评论》 2023年第4期64-68,共5页
孔范今先生的文学史研究始于20世纪80年代,其代表性成果一方面积极回应时代论题,同时也开始搜寻文学史对象世界中被遮蔽的缺席者。从《中国现代文学补遗书系》到《20世纪中国文学史》,再从《中国现代新人文文学书系》到新编《中国现代... 孔范今先生的文学史研究始于20世纪80年代,其代表性成果一方面积极回应时代论题,同时也开始搜寻文学史对象世界中被遮蔽的缺席者。从《中国现代文学补遗书系》到《20世纪中国文学史》,再从《中国现代新人文文学书系》到新编《中国现代文学史》,孔范今先生以“历史结构论”“文学的补偿式发展说”“现代新人文主义”等创辟性史观,在一个被不断延展的文学时空中完成了对象世界的重建与百年文学史的重构。 展开更多
关键词 孔范 文学史 历史结构 新人文主义
作者 张吉兵 《江汉论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期98-101,共4页
孔范今主张20世纪中国文学史的治史者应持学理价值的取向,而不是历史价值的取向。孔范今从文学与历史的关联中考察20世纪中国文学史,描绘了20世纪中国文学结构呈现的开放性大空间特征,多维性特征,以及疏离性特征,等等,并揭示了20世纪中... 孔范今主张20世纪中国文学史的治史者应持学理价值的取向,而不是历史价值的取向。孔范今从文学与历史的关联中考察20世纪中国文学史,描绘了20世纪中国文学结构呈现的开放性大空间特征,多维性特征,以及疏离性特征,等等,并揭示了20世纪中国文学发展历程经历了三次大的回旋的走向。孔范今20世纪文学史论的史学观基础是有别于政治家,或历史家的历史观的文学视野中的历史观。 展开更多
关键词 孔范 20世纪中国文学史 史论
作者 田刚 《百家评论》 2022年第2期36-41,共6页
孔范今先生从上世纪80年代中期开始关注中国现代的“文学史”现象,并进行了深刻的反思:一是如何才能算是回复到或者说把握住了对象及其意义存在的本真性;二是为什么近百年内在文化、文学乃至学术观念的历史发展中会数次发生自我否定性... 孔范今先生从上世纪80年代中期开始关注中国现代的“文学史”现象,并进行了深刻的反思:一是如何才能算是回复到或者说把握住了对象及其意义存在的本真性;二是为什么近百年内在文化、文学乃至学术观念的历史发展中会数次发生自我否定性的反复回旋的现象。正是以“落后”于同辈的学术建构姿态,孔范今开始了在思想和学术上的“文化苦旅”,以独异的声音和卓越的学术成果引领着上世纪90年代以来关于“20世纪中国文学”研究的学术潮流。 展开更多
关键词 孔范 五四 现代文学史 20世纪中国文学
作者 蔡世连 《百家评论》 2022年第2期48-51,共4页
现代新人文主义与中国文化血脉相通,儒家的仁爱精神乃是它的精神核心,《舍下论学》也把这一问题作为谈论的重点,目的则在于探本溯源,寻找大道之源。读过《舍下论学》及《人文言说》中的有关论述,能看出孔先生虽非专门的国学家,但对孔子... 现代新人文主义与中国文化血脉相通,儒家的仁爱精神乃是它的精神核心,《舍下论学》也把这一问题作为谈论的重点,目的则在于探本溯源,寻找大道之源。读过《舍下论学》及《人文言说》中的有关论述,能看出孔先生虽非专门的国学家,但对孔子思想的论述却极具超越性。孔先生谈论的是仁、礼、中庸几个关键词,仁体中用可作为孔子思想的核心,孔先生强调的也正是这样一个核心。 展开更多
关键词 孔范 《舍下论学》 《人文言说》
作者 董燕 李永东 《山东社会科学》 2004年第10期27-30,共4页
九十年代,孔范今把20世纪中国文学放在“历史的悖论性结构”中来把握,探求“文学的补偿性调整与发展”。在此基础上,近年他进一步提出了以“现代转型”为观照视角的文学史观。他的文学史观秉持学理性的学术立场,力求达到历史与逻辑的统... 九十年代,孔范今把20世纪中国文学放在“历史的悖论性结构”中来把握,探求“文学的补偿性调整与发展”。在此基础上,近年他进一步提出了以“现代转型”为观照视角的文学史观。他的文学史观秉持学理性的学术立场,力求达到历史与逻辑的统一,体现出动态性、超越性、包容性的理论姿态,真正使“二十世纪中国文学”在“复式结构”中得以多方位的整体性还原。 展开更多
关键词 孔范 文学史观 20世纪中国文学史
作者 马知遥 《百家评论》 2023年第4期69-73,共5页
孔范今先生是中国现当代文学史研究的大家,他的学术贡献主要表现在四个方面,那就是对大量被过去学界忽视作品的补遗和抢救性挖掘,对中国20世纪中国文学的整体研究和关照,对20世纪中国文学时间上限的研究,对现代新人文主义的提出和对重... 孔范今先生是中国现当代文学史研究的大家,他的学术贡献主要表现在四个方面,那就是对大量被过去学界忽视作品的补遗和抢救性挖掘,对中国20世纪中国文学的整体研究和关照,对20世纪中国文学时间上限的研究,对现代新人文主义的提出和对重写文学史的理论阐释,以及退休后对文学宏大命题的反思和再认识。他的宏阔眼界和治史视角都对学界有重要启示,对后人的治学理念和方法有重要推动作用。 展开更多
关键词 孔范 现当代文学 宏阔视角 人文情怀
作者 黄轶 《百家评论》 2022年第2期42-44,共3页
“晚清”议题其最早推动者之一为孔范今先生主编的《中国现代文学补遗书系》,早期的代表性成果则是其《二十世纪中国文学史》。十四万字的“导论”清晰而缜密地论证了“晚清”何以作为现代文学的开端。《二十世纪中国文学史》以“现代... “晚清”议题其最早推动者之一为孔范今先生主编的《中国现代文学补遗书系》,早期的代表性成果则是其《二十世纪中国文学史》。十四万字的“导论”清晰而缜密地论证了“晚清”何以作为现代文学的开端。《二十世纪中国文学史》以“现代性的发现”为鹄的,划定“戊戌变法”的失败、“三界革命”的兴起为现代文学的前界,而且贯彻了“历史结构的悖论性选择”和“多元互补”的学术观念,着重强调了“历史发展的复杂性和多重性”,具有重要的学术开拓意义。 展开更多
关键词 孔范 晚清 二十世纪中国文学史
曾有过的一个文学世界——评《中国现代文学补遗书系》 被引量:1
作者 宋益乔 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第3期266-272,共7页
孔范今强调说他主持编辑这套“中国现代文学补遗书系”,目的是要还原一个“完整的世界。”我为之耸然动容。我治现代文学有年,对一些问题虽曾似有觉察,但从未提到理性的高度,自觉认真地加以审夺。听了“完整的世界”云云,不由回过头来... 孔范今强调说他主持编辑这套“中国现代文学补遗书系”,目的是要还原一个“完整的世界。”我为之耸然动容。我治现代文学有年,对一些问题虽曾似有觉察,但从未提到理性的高度,自觉认真地加以审夺。听了“完整的世界”云云,不由回过头来重新打量自己的研究对象,原先朦朦意识到的问题顿然变得清明、条理起来。 展开更多
关键词 现代文学 文学世界 孔范 书系 回过头 耸然动容 主持编辑 左翼作家 中国新文学 解放区文学
作者 靳文 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第1期310-311,共2页
由孔范今主编的大型套书《中国现代文学补遗书系》正由明天出版社陆续出版。全书含小说卷八册、诗歌卷两册、散文卷两册、戏剧卷两册,共四卷十四册,约八百余万字。全书成整体系列,每册又单独成书。该书系所收,多为建国后从未再版过的某... 由孔范今主编的大型套书《中国现代文学补遗书系》正由明天出版社陆续出版。全书含小说卷八册、诗歌卷两册、散文卷两册、戏剧卷两册,共四卷十四册,约八百余万字。全书成整体系列,每册又单独成书。该书系所收,多为建国后从未再版过的某些有代表性的现代作家的代表性作品。这些作品长期以来为学习和研究现代文学者翘首渴盼,但很难搜求。它的出版为全面了解和研究中国现代文学提供了很大方便。 展开更多
关键词 现代文学 明天出版社 现代作家 孔范 书系 九十九度中 整体面貌 未央歌 王秋萤 无名书
作者 舒朋 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第3期124-124,共1页
关键词 庄元始 黄恪 《南史·孔范传》 隋朝
多少国破家亡恨 尽在一曲《后庭》中
作者 邱建农 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 2016年第4期135-136,共2页
陈后主陈叔宝,小字"黄奴",他即帝位的时候,大建宫室,当时在光照殿前,建了"临春""结绮""望仙"三座楼阁,几座楼阁高耸入云,其窗牖栏槛,都以沉香檀木做成,至于其他方面当然是极尽奢华之能事。陈后主自居临春阁,宠妃张丽华住结绮阁... 陈后主陈叔宝,小字"黄奴",他即帝位的时候,大建宫室,当时在光照殿前,建了"临春""结绮""望仙"三座楼阁,几座楼阁高耸入云,其窗牖栏槛,都以沉香檀木做成,至于其他方面当然是极尽奢华之能事。陈后主自居临春阁,宠妃张丽华住结绮阁,龚孔二贵嫔同住望仙阁。 展开更多
关键词 结绮 临春阁 陈叔宝 后庭 玉树后庭花 黄奴 复道 张丽华 玉树后庭曲 孔范
A model study of residual oil distribution jointly using crosswell and borehole-surface electric potential methods 被引量:5
作者 苏本玉 藤光康宏 +1 位作者 徐敬领 宋建勇 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期19-26,114,共9页
Although high resolution can be provided by electrical logging, the measured electrical log range is narrow and is limited to near the well. Borehole-surface electric potential measurements are able to detect a wide e... Although high resolution can be provided by electrical logging, the measured electrical log range is narrow and is limited to near the well. Borehole-surface electric potential measurements are able to detect a wide enough range but its resolution is limited, particularly for reservoirs with complex oil and water distribution or complicated structure. In this study, we attempt to accurately locate the 3-D reservoir water and oil distribution by combining borehole-surface and crosswell electric potentials. First, the distributions of oil and water in both vertical and horizontal directions are detected by the borehole-surface and erosswell electric potential methods, respectively, and then the measured crosswell potential result is used to calibrate the measured borehole-surface electric potential data to improve vertical resolution so that the residual oil distribution is determined in a lower half-space with three dimensions. The evaluation of residual oil distribution is obtained by investigation of differences between the simulation results of the reservoir with and without water flooding. The finite difference numerical simulation results prove that the spatial residual oil distribution can be effectively determined by combining the crosswell and borehole-surface electric potentials. 展开更多
关键词 electric potential residual oil distribution crosswell electric potential borehole-surface electric potential
Distribution of Borehole Temperature at Four High-altitude Alpine Glaciers in Central Asia 被引量:3
作者 LIU Yaping HOU Shugui +1 位作者 WANG Yetang SONG Linlin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期221-227,共7页
The distribution of borehole temperature at four high-altitude alpine glaciers was investigated. The result shows that the temperature ranges from -13.4℃ to -1.84℃, indicating the glaciers are cold throughout the bo... The distribution of borehole temperature at four high-altitude alpine glaciers was investigated. The result shows that the temperature ranges from -13.4℃ to -1.84℃, indicating the glaciers are cold throughout the boreholes. The negative gradient (i.e., the temperature decreasing with the increasing of depth) due to the advection of ice and climate warming, and the negative gradient moving downwards relates to climate warming, are probably responsible for the observed minimum temperature moving to lower depth in boreholes of the Gyabrag glacier and Miaoergou glacier compared to the previously investigated continental ice core borehole temperature in West China. The borehole temperature at 10m depth ranges from -8.0℃ in the Gyabrag glacier in the central Himalayas to -12.9℃ in the Tsabagarav glacier in the Altai range. The borehole temperature at 10 m depth is 3-4 degrees higher than the calculated mean annual air temperature on the surface of the glaciers and the higher 10 m depth temperature is mainly caused by the production of latent heat due to melt-water percolation and refreezing. The basal temperature is far below the melting point, indicating that the glaciers are frozen to bedrock. The very low temperature gradients near the bedrock suggest that the influence of geothermal flux and ice flow on basal temperature is very weak. The low temperature and small velocity of ice flow of glaciers are beneficial for preservation of the chemical and isotopic information in ice cores. 展开更多
关键词 Borehole temperature GLACIER CentralAsia Climate warming
Effect of heat treatment on structure and gasification reactivity of petroleum coke 被引量:9
作者 Chao Li Xin Liu +3 位作者 Zhijie Zhou Zhenghua Dai Ji Yan Fuchen Wang 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第1期53-61,共9页
Petroleum coke was thermally treated on a fixed bed reactor in a temperature range of 1173-1673 K. The changes of the elemental composition and crystalline structure of petroleum coke, with heat treatments as well as ... Petroleum coke was thermally treated on a fixed bed reactor in a temperature range of 1173-1673 K. The changes of the elemental composition and crystalline structure of petroleum coke, with heat treatments as well as the gasification reactivity of the heat-treated petroleum cokes were investigated. The results showed that the petroleum coke was carbonized and grapbitized to a higher degree with increasing heating temperature, while the gasification reactivity decreased. The treatment at temperatures of 1173 and 1473 K significantly enlarged the specific surface area and the pore volume of petroleum coke. Both the specific surface area and the pore volume decreased at 1673 K. An empirical normal distribution function model (NDFM) was found to fit the gasification rates of petroleum coke well. The correlation coefficient of petroleum coke by normal distribution function model at different heat treatment temperatures is between 0.93 and 0.95. 展开更多
关键词 Petroleum coke Heat treatment Gasification reactivity GRAPHITIZATION
Model building for Chang-8 low permeability sandstone reservoir in the Yanchang formation of the Xifeng oil field 被引量:3
作者 SONG Fan HOU Jia-gen SU Ni-na 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第2期245-251,共7页
In order to build a model for the Chang-8 low permeability sandstone reservoir in the Yanchang formation of the Xifeng oil field,we studied sedimentation and diagenesis of sandstone and analyzed major factors controll... In order to build a model for the Chang-8 low permeability sandstone reservoir in the Yanchang formation of the Xifeng oil field,we studied sedimentation and diagenesis of sandstone and analyzed major factors controlling this low permeability reservoir.By doing so,we have made clear that the spatial distribution of reservoir attribute parameters is controlled by the spatial distribution of various kinds of sandstone bodies.By taking advantage of many coring wells and high quality logging data,we used regression analysis for a single well with geological conditions as constraints,to build the interpretation model for logging data and to calculate attribute parameters for a single well,which ensured accuracy of the 1-D vertical model.On this basis,we built a litho-facies model to replace the sedimentary facies model.In addition,we also built a porosity model by using a sequential Gaussian simulation with the lithofacies model as the constraint.In the end,we built a permeability model by using Markov-Bayes simula-tion,with the porosity attribute as the covariate.The results show that the permeability model reflects very well the relative differences between low permeability values,which is of great importance for locating high permeability zones and forecasting zones favorable for exploration and exploitation. 展开更多
关键词 Xifeng oil field low permeability reservoir attribute parameter Markov-Bayes model permeability model
作者 TangZhi ZhouYinqing LiJingwen 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2004年第2期152-158,共7页
Large range cell migration is a severe challenge to imaging algorithm for spaceborne SAR. Based on design of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter and Range Doppler (RD) algorithm, a realization of quick-look imaging f... Large range cell migration is a severe challenge to imaging algorithm for spaceborne SAR. Based on design of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter and Range Doppler (RD) algorithm, a realization of quick-look imaging for large range cell migration is proposed. It realized quick-look imaging of 8 times reduced resolution with parallel processing on memory shared 8 CPU SGI server. According to simulation experiment, this quick-look imaging algorithm with parallel processing can image 16384x16384 SAR raw data within 6 seconds. It reaches the requirement of real-time imaging. 展开更多
关键词 Space borne SAR Quick-look imaging Range cell migration Parallel processing
作者 BaoHoubing LiuZhao 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2004年第1期83-88,共6页
Through analyzing the influence on echo signal by factors of kinematical parameters of airborne SAR platform and radar antenna direction, this letter, on the basis of classical SAR echo signal analogue algorithm, puts... Through analyzing the influence on echo signal by factors of kinematical parameters of airborne SAR platform and radar antenna direction, this letter, on the basis of classical SAR echo signal analogue algorithm, puts forward certain airborne SAR echo signal analogue algorithm of distance directional frequency domain pulse coherent accumulation, and goes through simulation. The simulation results have proved the effectiveness of this algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Airborne SAR Echo signal Range frequency domain Coherent accumulation
Deformation of ductile cuttings from sandstone in compaction process and experimental study of influence on porosity
作者 GAO Bo MA Rui +2 位作者 LIU Li LIU Na WANG Yang 《Global Geology》 2015年第1期10-15,共6页
Deformation of ductile cuttings from sandstone in the mechanical compaction process was designed through the "experimental system of triaxial rock deformation",and the influence on porosity was studied by lo... Deformation of ductile cuttings from sandstone in the mechanical compaction process was designed through the "experimental system of triaxial rock deformation",and the influence on porosity was studied by looking into the deformation characteristics of ductile cuttings. The design indexes are as follows: simulated depth 0- 4 000 m,interval depth 500 m,and pressure range 0- 120 MPa at interval of 1. 5 MPa. The experimental results show that the porosity decreases as buried depth increases,indicating a negative relationship between them. The amount of compression was mainly obtained by porosity reduction and cutting deformation. Deformation of ductile cuttings is mainly ductile deformation; and deformation of crystal fragments is mainly expressed as brittle fracture,resulting in decrease of particle size. The research is of certain value for the exploration and development of oil and gas. 展开更多
关键词 ductile cuttings SANDSTONE compaction process POROSITY deformation characteristics
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