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石灰石的孔隙结构特性及对固氟反应的影响 被引量:11
作者 张淑新 齐庆杰 +3 位作者 刘建忠 周俊虎 曹欣玉 岑可法 《燃料化学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期311-315,共5页
用三种石灰石为研究对象 ,应用高温管式炉、扫描电子显微镜和压汞仪对样品进行了一系列宏观与微观的对比实验 ,探讨了石灰石的孔隙结构特性及对固氟反应的影响。结果表明 ,通过扩大比表面积、增加孔隙率和减小粒径等途径可以改善石灰石... 用三种石灰石为研究对象 ,应用高温管式炉、扫描电子显微镜和压汞仪对样品进行了一系列宏观与微观的对比实验 ,探讨了石灰石的孔隙结构特性及对固氟反应的影响。结果表明 ,通过扩大比表面积、增加孔隙率和减小粒径等途径可以改善石灰石的孔隙结构特性 ,提高钙基固氟剂高温下的利用率。 展开更多
关键词 石灰石 孔隙结构特性 固氟反应 固氟剂 燃烧 环境保护
钻孔CF新型密封材料的孔隙结构特性研究 被引量:9
作者 张超 李树刚 +2 位作者 张天军 林海飞 杨会军 《西安科技大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第1期70-74,共5页
为了改善瓦斯抽采钻孔的封孔效果,研究了瓦斯抽采钻孔普通水泥密封材料、CF新型密封材料的孔隙结构特性。实验模拟了煤矿井下钻孔封孔过程,综合采用压汞法和二氧化碳气体吸附法对普通水泥注浆后的煤样和CF新型密封材料注浆后的煤样孔隙... 为了改善瓦斯抽采钻孔的封孔效果,研究了瓦斯抽采钻孔普通水泥密封材料、CF新型密封材料的孔隙结构特性。实验模拟了煤矿井下钻孔封孔过程,综合采用压汞法和二氧化碳气体吸附法对普通水泥注浆后的煤样和CF新型密封材料注浆后的煤样孔隙结构进行对比分析。结果表明:CF新型密封材料相比普通水泥材料有着较好的渗透力,可以有效的消除钻孔封孔段周围微观裂隙和孔洞,提高封孔段的稳定性;经过注浆之后,普通水泥材料注浆的煤样和CF新型密封材料注浆的煤样平均孔径分别为9,8.6 nm,孔隙率分别为4.428 1%,3.775 6%. 展开更多
关键词 孔隙结构特性 密封性能 普通水泥密封材料 新型密封材料
路用泡沫混凝土微观孔隙结构特性影响研究 被引量:4
作者 蔡军 匡渝阳 《中外公路》 2021年第5期222-226,共5页
泡沫混凝土的物理特性受其微观孔隙结构的影响。该文利用扫描电镜和Image软件对4组冻融循环下泡沫微观孔隙结构进行分析,并使用丢球算法对不同空隙率和孔径泡沫混凝土的微观孔隙进行模拟,研究微观孔隙结构对弹性模量的影响规律。得出以... 泡沫混凝土的物理特性受其微观孔隙结构的影响。该文利用扫描电镜和Image软件对4组冻融循环下泡沫微观孔隙结构进行分析,并使用丢球算法对不同空隙率和孔径泡沫混凝土的微观孔隙进行模拟,研究微观孔隙结构对弹性模量的影响规律。得出以下结论:泡沫混凝土内部微观孔隙结构及内部的连接破坏程度随着冻融温度和循环次数的增加而加剧;慢速冻融时,其内部破坏多为孔壁破坏,循环冻融时,在破坏力积累作用下使其内部连接发生破坏,并形成贯通裂缝;泡沫混凝土中气泡占比约为60%,多为依附于骨架的细小气泡,既能减轻泡沫混凝土的重度,又能保证其强度;泡沫混凝土的弹性模量会伴随空隙率和孔隙直径的增大而减小。 展开更多
关键词 泡沫混凝土 微观孔隙 孔隙结构特性 电镜扫描 弹性模量
钙基吸收剂结构特性对脱除SO_2的影响 被引量:6
作者 贾力 刘立平 《热科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2004年第1期91-94,共4页
介绍了钙基吸收剂结构特性对脱除 SO2 的影响。认为在适宜的孔径范围内 ,具有高比表面积、高孔隙率且孔形类似盘状的小粒径吸收剂有较好的脱硫效果 ;同时 ,颗粒内孔隙之间的连接方式对脱硫效率也有一定影响 ;添加一定的辅助剂以及烧结... 介绍了钙基吸收剂结构特性对脱除 SO2 的影响。认为在适宜的孔径范围内 ,具有高比表面积、高孔隙率且孔形类似盘状的小粒径吸收剂有较好的脱硫效果 ;同时 ,颗粒内孔隙之间的连接方式对脱硫效率也有一定影响 ;添加一定的辅助剂以及烧结对吸收剂的结构特性有很大影响 。 展开更多
关键词 孔隙结构特性 脱硫 比表面积 孔隙 SO2 钙基吸收剂 二氧化硫
氧化钙水合煅烧后孔隙特性的分析 被引量:5
作者 张涛 贾力 曾艳艳 《工业加热》 CAS 2007年第2期9-12,共4页
介绍了CaO经水合煅烧后的特性,分析了煅烧终温和水钙比对样品孔隙特性的影响。认为水合煅烧有利于提高样品的比表面积和比孔容积和优化孔径分布,不同水钙比水合样品具有不同的脱硫能力,且呈一定的规律性变化。随着煅烧温度的增加,小孔... 介绍了CaO经水合煅烧后的特性,分析了煅烧终温和水钙比对样品孔隙特性的影响。认为水合煅烧有利于提高样品的比表面积和比孔容积和优化孔径分布,不同水钙比水合样品具有不同的脱硫能力,且呈一定的规律性变化。随着煅烧温度的增加,小孔的数量减少,大孔的数量增加,随着水钙比的增加,样品的比表面积和比孔容积都有逐渐减少的趋势,且小孔的数量减少,大孔的数量增加。 展开更多
关键词 孔隙结构特性 水合煅烧 比表面积 孔隙分布
作者 宋顺喜 《造纸化学品》 CAS 2014年第6期42-43,共2页
纸张和涂布纸涂层的孔隙结构特性对纸张和涂层性能有重要影响.涂布纸的表面结构、平滑度、透气度以及液体的吸收性主要受孔隙大小、形状和分布的影响.在涂布领域,微孔的结构对涂层的均匀性、油墨的渗透性以及气体、液体和油脂的阻隔性... 纸张和涂布纸涂层的孔隙结构特性对纸张和涂层性能有重要影响.涂布纸的表面结构、平滑度、透气度以及液体的吸收性主要受孔隙大小、形状和分布的影响.在涂布领域,微孔的结构对涂层的均匀性、油墨的渗透性以及气体、液体和油脂的阻隔性影响较大;而其他领域,如滤纸过滤性能的好坏、无纺布的成形性能以及装饰纸对树脂吸收性能的优劣,这些产品的质量在很大程度上也都取决于产品的孔隙结构特征. 展开更多
关键词 孔隙结构特性 涂层性能 结构分析 刻蚀技术 离子束 应用 孔隙结构特征 吸收性能
多孔不锈钢材料的制备及孔隙控制 被引量:4
作者 吴树海 王霏 +1 位作者 张际亮 江开勇 《材料科学与工艺》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期55-61,共7页
利用凝胶注模工艺结合微波烧结的方法制备孔隙可控的多孔不锈钢,实验研究了凝胶注模参数、微波烧结参数、粉末形状和粉末粒径等因素对孔隙结构的影响.研究表明:体积固相含量达56%,明胶和海藻酸钠含量分别为1%和0.8%,混合液p H值为7时,... 利用凝胶注模工艺结合微波烧结的方法制备孔隙可控的多孔不锈钢,实验研究了凝胶注模参数、微波烧结参数、粉末形状和粉末粒径等因素对孔隙结构的影响.研究表明:体积固相含量达56%,明胶和海藻酸钠含量分别为1%和0.8%,混合液p H值为7时,浆料流动性好,干燥后的坯体强度较高;烧结温度达1 200℃,保温时间为30 min,孔隙形貌较好;原料的粉末形状因子越大,粒径越小,则多孔不锈钢的孔径和孔隙率越小,分布越均匀;采用粒径35~60μm,形状因子0.85~1.0的粉末,制备出的多孔不锈钢孔隙率为20%~35%、孔径为10~30μm,接近现有透气模具钢水平.通过选取不同粉末形状因子和粒径的粉末,以及合理的凝胶注模和微波烧结工艺参数,可以准确控制多孔不锈钢材料的孔隙率与平均孔径. 展开更多
关键词 多孔不锈钢 凝胶注模 微波烧结 孔隙结构:粉末特性
Microscopic damage and dynamic mechanical properties of rock under freeze-thaw environment 被引量:25
作者 周科平 李斌 +2 位作者 李杰林 邓红卫 宾峰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1254-1261,共8页
For understanding the rock microscopic damage and dynamic mechanical properties subjected to recurrent freeze-thaw cycles, experiments for five groups of homogeneous sandstone under different freeze-thaw cycles were c... For understanding the rock microscopic damage and dynamic mechanical properties subjected to recurrent freeze-thaw cycles, experiments for five groups of homogeneous sandstone under different freeze-thaw cycles were conducted. After freezethaw, nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) tests and impact loading tests were carried out, from which microscopic damage characteristics of sandstone and dynamic mechanical parameters were obtained. The results indicate that the porosity increases with the increase of cycle number, the rate of porosity growth descends at the beginning of freeze-thaw, yet accelerates after a certain number of cycles. The proportion of pores with different sizes changes dynamically and the multi-scale distribution of pores tends to develop on pore structure with the continuing impact of freeze-thaw and thawing. Dynamic compressive stress-strain curve of sandstone undergoing freeze-thaw can be divided into four phases, and the phase of compaction is inconspicuous compared with the static curve. Elastic modulus and dynamic peak intensity of sandstone gradually decrease with freeze-thaw cycles, while peak strain increases. The higher the porosity is, the more serious the degradation of dynamic intensity is. The porosity is of a polynomial relationship with the dynamic peak intensity. 展开更多
关键词 ROCK freeze-thaw cycle nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) pore structure dynamic mechanical property dynamic compression stress-strain curve
Surface and Hydrogen Sorption Characteristics of Various Activated Carbons Developed from Rat Coal Mine (Zonguldak) and Anthracite 被引量:4
作者 Atakan Top rak Turkan Kopac 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期931-937,共7页
Activated carbon samples were developed from coal samples obtained from a coal mine, rat (Zonguldak, Turkey) and anthracite (Siberia, Russia), applying pyrolysis in a temperature range of 600-900 ℃ under N2 flow,... Activated carbon samples were developed from coal samples obtained from a coal mine, rat (Zonguldak, Turkey) and anthracite (Siberia, Russia), applying pyrolysis in a temperature range of 600-900 ℃ under N2 flow, and activation using chemical agents such as KOH, NH4Cl, ZnCl2 at 650 ℃. Nitrogen adsorption at low temperature (77 K) was used to characterize the activated carbon samples, and their pore structure properties including pore volume, pore diameter and pore size distribution were determined by means of the t-plots and DFT methods. The surface area values were higher for rat coal samples than for anthracite one, and for the rat coal samples treated with KOH + NH4Cl + ZnCl2 at 650 °C [Rat650(2)] there are highest surface area and total pore volume, 315.6 m2·g^-1 and 0.156 ml·g^-1, respectively. The highest value of the hydrogen sorption capacity was found as 0.71% (by mass) for the rat coal sample obtained by KOH + ZnCl2 treatment at 650 °C [Rat650(1)]. 展开更多
关键词 coal ANTHRACITE activated-carbon adsorption PYROLYSIS chemical activation nitrogen sorption hy-drogen sorption
Nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) microscopic simulation based on random-walk: Theory and parameters analysis 被引量:1
作者 谭茂金 徐晶晶 +1 位作者 邹友龙 徐赤诚 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第3期1091-1097,共7页
The microscopic response characteristics of nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) are widely used for characterizing complex pore structures of rocks. Due to the prohibitive NMR experiment cost, numerical simulation was emp... The microscopic response characteristics of nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) are widely used for characterizing complex pore structures of rocks. Due to the prohibitive NMR experiment cost, numerical simulation was employed as an alternative approach to verify some theoretical aspects of NMR responses. Firstly, the basic principles of pore-scale NMR simulation based on random-walk method(RWM) were introduced. The RWM-simulated results were benchmarked with the analytical results for an ideal spherical pore model. Then, the effects of two numerical parameters, namely diffusion radius and walk numbers, were studied on the simulation accuracy. The simulation method is then applied to various pore models with different pore sizes and pore shapes filled with different fluids to study the microscopic NMR response characteristics. The numerical experiments are useful for understanding and interpreting NMR measurements and the simulation code provides a numerical tool to perform pixel-based digital rock analysis. 展开更多
关键词 microscopic nuclear magnetic resonance random-walk method pore structure parameters analysis
Preparation of a novel activated carbon microsphere and its in vitro adsorption characteristics for biological molecules 被引量:2
作者 谢毅妮 高峰 +2 位作者 袁慧慧 梁晓怿 凌立成 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2011年第3期302-308,共7页
We prepared a novel pitch-based activated carbon microsphere(ACM)and studied its in vitro adsorption characteristics for biological molecules.The original spherical asphalt particles were prepared through bitumen em... We prepared a novel pitch-based activated carbon microsphere(ACM)and studied its in vitro adsorption characteristics for biological molecules.The original spherical asphalt particles were prepared through bitumen emulsification.After oxidation and burning,ACMs with a range of parameters were prepared.In vitro adsorption experiments of ACMs for biological molecules were carried out.The prepared ACMs possessed a BET specific surface of 1566 m^2/g with a voidage of 0.653 cm^3/g and a volume of micropores of 0.478 cm^3/g.They showed high adsorption for glucose and creatintine.Compared with the medically used carbon powder,the prepared ACMs exhibited significantly lower adsorption for digestion enzymes.In conclusion,the prepared ACMs,as an oral adsorbent candidate,possessed higher BET specific surface area and larger volume of micropores;they also exhibited favorable selective adsorption features for biological molecules. 展开更多
关键词 Activated carbon microsphere Porous structure Adsorption characteristics Biological molecules Digestion enzymes
Curative effect of novel oral carbon microspheres on streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus in rats
作者 沈晴 高姗姗 +2 位作者 谢毅妮 凌立成 高峰 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2012年第3期234-241,共8页
A kind of novel pitch-based activated carbon microsphere(ACM) characterized by its controlled porous structure was developed in this study,the curative effect of this ACM on diabetes mellitus in rats was investigate... A kind of novel pitch-based activated carbon microsphere(ACM) characterized by its controlled porous structure was developed in this study,the curative effect of this ACM on diabetes mellitus in rats was investigated.ACM 0.2-0.3 mm in diameter was prepared by modified method.The optimal ACM was screened by its adsorption ability for glucose.Diabetes mellitus model was established by streptozotocin injection in male Sprague-Dawley rats.Two groups of rats were orally administrated with ACM twice a day for 30 d.Intestinal glucose transport was determined in vitro using everted rat intestinal sacs technique.Compared with the diabetic mellitus group,the ACM treated group showed significant lower blood glucose level and improved glucose tolerance after two-week treatment.If ACM was applied in the mucosal side,glucose permeation clearance in the ACM treated group was significantly higher than that of the control group,especially at high glucose concentration(10 mg/mL) on the serosal side.The selected ACM possessed a BET specific surface of 1566 m^2/g and high volume of micropores(0.478 cm^3/g) with fine spherical morphology,and showed more significant adsorption capacity for glucose.As oral microsphere preparations,ACM presented the curative effect on streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus in rats. 展开更多
关键词 Activated carbon microsphere Porous structure Adsorption behavior Protective effect Diabetes mellitus rats
Soil Microbial Responses to Biochars Varying in Particle Size,Surface and Pore Properties 被引量:12
作者 Noraini M.JAAFAR Peta L.CLODE Lynette K.ABBOTT 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期770-780,共11页
Biochars are known for their heterogeneity, especially in pore and surface structure associated with pyrolysis processes and sources of feedstocks. The surface area of biochar is likely to be an important determinant ... Biochars are known for their heterogeneity, especially in pore and surface structure associated with pyrolysis processes and sources of feedstocks. The surface area of biochar is likely to be an important determinant of the extent of soil microbial attachment, whereas the porous structure of biochar is expected to provide protection for soil microorganisms. Potential interactions between biochars from different sources and with different particle sizes were investigated in relation to soil microbial properties in a short-term incubation study. Three particle size (sieved) fractions (0.5-1.0, 1.0-2.0 and 2.0-4.0 mm) from three woody biochars produced from jarrah wood, jarrah and wandoo wood and Australian wattle branches, respectively, were incubated in soil at 25 ℃ for 56 d. Observation by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and characterisation of pore and surface area showed that all three woody biochars provided potential habitats for soil microorganisms due to their high porosity and surface areas. The biochars were structurally heterogeneous, varying in porosity and surface structure both within and between the biochar sources. After the 56-d incubation, hyphal colonisation was observed on biochar surfaces and in larger biochar pores. Soil clumping occurred on biochar particles, cementing and covering exposed biochar pores. This may have altered surface area and pore availability for microbial colonisation. Transient changes in soil microbial biomass, without a consistent trend, were observed among biochars during the 56-d incubation. 展开更多
关键词 microbial biomass microbial colonisation microbial habitats porosity scanning electron microscopy surface structure
Influence of Organic Matter Content on Hydro-Structural Properties of Constructed Technosols 被引量:1
作者 Maha DEEB Michel GRIMALDI +3 位作者 Thomas Z.LERCH Anne PANDO Pascal PODWOJEWSKI Manuel BLOUIN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期486-498,共13页
Constructed Technosols may be an alternative for creating urban green spaces. However, the hydro-structural properties emer- ging from the assembly of artefacts have never been documented. The soil shrinkage curve (... Constructed Technosols may be an alternative for creating urban green spaces. However, the hydro-structural properties emer- ging from the assembly of artefacts have never been documented. The soil shrinkage curve (SSC) could provide relevant structural information about constructed Technosols, such as the water holding capacity of each pore system (macropores and micropores). The objectives of this study were (i) to evaluate the SSC and water retention curve (WRC) to describe the structure of constructed Tech- nosols and (ii) to understand the influence of organic matter content on soil hydro-structural properties. In this study, Technosols were obtained by mixing green waste compost (GWC) with the material excavated from deep horizons of soil (EDH). The CWC was mixed with EDH in six different volumetric percentages from 0% to 50% (GWC/total). The GWC and EDH exhibited highly divergent hydro-structural properties: the SSC was hyperbolic for GWC and sigmoid for EDH. All six mixture treatments (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% GWC) exhibited the classical sigmoid shape, revealing two embedded levels of pore systems. The 20% GWC treatment was hydro-structurally similar to the 30% and 40% GWC treatments; so, a large quantity of expansive GWC is unnecessary. The relation with the GWC percentage was a second-degree equation for volumetric available water in micropores, but was linear for volumetric available water in macropores and total volumetric available water. Total volumetric available water in the 50% GWC treatment was twice as high as that in the 0% GWC treatment. By combining SSCs and WRCs, increasing the GWC percentage increased water holding capacity by decreasing the maximum equivalent size of water-saturated micropores at the shrinkage limit and increasing the maximum equivalent size of water-saturated macropores, resulting in an increased range of pore diameter able to retain available water. 展开更多
关键词 available water soil shrinkage curve soil water content water holding capacity water retention curve
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